Lists of enrolled applicants in Tulgu. Military Department - in Tulgu

Lists of enrolled applicants in Tulgu. Military Department - in Tulgu
Lists of enrolled applicants in Tulgu. Military Department - in Tulgu

"GETGOODRANK Blog Chief, Web Analyst, Blogger.
What ranking factors have a direct impact on the ranking of sites in 2017: site traffic, references, relevance of content. It is also important to monitor the main behavioral indicators: time on the site, level of failures, the depth of viewing. "

Semrush conducted a large-scale study of ranking factors and determined the degree of their impact on the site position in the extradition. We offer to familiarize yourself with the basic conclusions of the research and recommendations on the optimization of the site. Ranking factors 2017 are significantly different from the usual list of parameters, which, according to webmasters, affect the site's position in the search. We also note that this study concerns overseas search engines, in particular more oriented on Google.

Brief findings of research

Attendance of the site It becomes the main ranking factor. More authoritative sites attract more users, and so, occupy higher positions in extradition.

Behavioral factors As, also indicate the authority of the resource and have a direct impact on the position of the site in the extradition.

Number of referring domains Also indicates the authority of the site and determines its position in the search.

Site Security (Protocol) does not have such a strong influence on ranking. Practical observation prove that the transition to will not have a significant impact on the position of the site in the extradition.

The difference in the amount of content on sites in Top 3 and Top 20 is 45%.

The difference in the number of referring domains The reference profile of sites from Top-1 and Top-10 is 10,000.

49% - the average failure rate On sites in Top-3.

The average depth of viewing the site - 3 - 3.5 pages for the visit.

65% of domainsRank by high-frequency requests work on HTTPS.

18% of domains, ranked on high-frequency requests, do not use keywords in the main content of the page.

Ranking factors 2017.


In highly competitive niches, the number of sites applying for top working on HTTPS is significantly higher. HTTPS is important for healthy competition, but will not provide advantage in ranking.

In low-competitive niches, the influence of HTTPS on ranking is traced stronger. The number of sites on HTTPS is substantially smaller, and so, the transition to a safe protocol will give a weighty advantage.

Referring domains

Google indicates that high-quality reference profile has great value For high ranking. The study proves that in highly competitive niches on HF requests in the top, sites are ranked with huge profiles of quality references.

The average number of unique referring domains for high ranking on HF requests is 10,000. In less competitive niches, this figure is much lower.

If your goal - Exit to the top on requests with frequency less than 10,000, the high-quality reference profile will become a significant advantage in ranking.

Content volume

Pages ranked above are standardly offering a greater content volume.

Than more quantity Used on page key queries, the greater the amount of content.

Play a primary role in the ranking of the site. Create content of a certain length will not help if it is not relevant to request. The study proves that provided the same relevance and, more voluminous text gives an advantage in ranking.

The amount of content for long key queries on average by 20% more, than for short requests. So, the average turnkey article "Design of the site" in the top 100 will be less than the volume of the turnkey article "Design of the site in 2017".

Keywords in headlines, meta-descriptions and page text

If the goal - Exit to the top of the HF requests, it is important to use the key in the title and text page. 75% of the top 20 pages use keys in texts, 60% in headlines.

For ranking on LF requests, the key is not so important. Only a little more than 25% of the Top 20 pages across the LF requests use keys in texts, about 15% in meta-descriptions, about 20% in headlines.

One of the proven search promotion methods remains the use of long keywordsSince they lead to the site more relevant traffic. The exact entry of a long key is not as important as the relevance of the text. It is more important to diversify semantics (use more synonyms) than to enter a search query everywhere.

Availability of video on the page does not have a significant impact on the ranking of the site. However, increases, increases the time on the site, and in some niches it becomes the most anticipated type of content for the user.


The higher the page is ranked, the more unique visits on the month she gets. To rank above, it is important to attract traffic. It does not matter if this is a search, advertising, social networks, direct signs.

Main behavioral ranking factors: time on the site, depth viewing, level of failures

The higher the page is ranked, the lower the level of failures. High Time On the site indicates the relevance and credibility of the page for the user. And although the representatives of Google in one voice prove that behavioral factors are too noisy for accurate accounting in the ranking formula, however, the high level of failures almost always indicates a low quality or low relevance of the page request of the user, and pages with high levels Failures are not included in the top.

Users spend more time on the pages that hit the search top.

The full version of the report is available on request by mail.

Straight line with Tulgu


Hello, I would like to know if we have a lawyer at the university, which can give accurate information, the conditions for restoration?

The question is answered by the responsible secretary of the certification commission for the restoration and translation of V.A. Mogilnikov / 09/22/2017

Hello. The recovery conditions in Tulgu are determined by the rules approved by the University Socked Council. You can see.



Hello, my daughter arrived at the faculty of architecture. Employment learning. District on Friday to 22h. On Saturday from 7h 45m. On Friday, at this time there is no possibility to go home. Maybe we count on the hostel.


Olga Mikhailovna:

Hello! Is there a number at the order of enrollment on 1 full-time learning course from 08/03/2017? In the document on the site, these data are not spelled out. It is necessary to school. Thanks!

The head of the department for receiving and pre-university preparation of V.V. is responsible for the question Cats / 09/19/2017

Dear Olga Mikhailovna!

All the necessary details, including rooms, are displayed in fax copies of orders placed there on the site in TIFF format. In particular, the order you are interested in on August 3 is located at. His number - 2460Te from 03.08.2017


Good afternoon, I'm outstanding from Tulgu in 2013, can I start the recovery procedure now, or did I find it?

The question is answered by the responsible secretary of the certification commission for the restoration and translation of V.A. Mogilnikov / 09/18/2017

Hello, Alexey. Opandal)). Restoration to even semesters (from February) will begin from the end of December. Do not be late ...

Alexandr Sherbakov:

Good afternoon, applied for recovery after the deduction after the service in the army, I want to transfer to the correspondence department immediately after the restoration, I was told for commerce, but there is no order until I pay for training. If I pay and immediately translate into correspondence department, the money will disappear or can be translated into correspondence training? Today 15.09.2017 Do I have time to translate to correspondence department?

Hello, Alexander. From the paid will hold the amount for the actual finding on the full-time (before the date of the order of translation on correspondence), the residue will be transferred to another contract. To manage to pay in time.


Good afternoon, I filed documents for the restoration of the budget form of study, the budget did not pass, they said that I didn't give anything to commerce, they did not advise anything ... What should I do in such a situation?

The question is answered by the responsible secretary of the certification commission for the restoration and translation of V.A. Mogilnikov / 09/17/2017

Hello, Alexander. Perhaps you did not ask, but in any case, you accept the decision. You can recover and translate to correspondence (less cost), and later from the correspondence to the budget when vacancies appear. You can postpone the restoration to the next semester (year) ...

Tulgu Appuitant

Think where to do? Already submitted documents? Passed entry exams Tulgu in highly special directions? Or search reception Commission Tulgu? You found what you were looking for. After reading this article you will receive all important information about Tulgu in 5 minutes

Admission to Tulgu is an important and the right decision, as for young manAnd for the girl. In Tula Tulgu - the largest university in which more than 20,000 students study.

If you are going to come next year, or in a few months - we recommend Tulgu courses. For the minimum fee, sometimes even free educational institutions of the university will prepare you for the exam.

First of all, you need to follow Tulgu's admission committee. On the official website of Tulgu, you can find information on the passing points of the previous year, a list of documents for admission to Tulgu. With positive points, it almost always has the opportunity to enter the budget. However, the cost of teaching Tulgu relative to other universities is quite accessible and in commercial training. At the same time, the diversity of specialties to Tulgu will allow you to choose the desired direction. The correspondence department of Tulga allows you to spend only 4 weeks to spend in study, which practically does not prevent the main work.

After submitting documents, a list of applicants is published or a list of Tulgu applicants. Ranks are updated daily, which allows you to track the likelihood of admission to the desired specialty

On the appointed day published lists with data on enrollment in Tulgu

In Tula state University This year will open, where soldiers and sergeants will prepare. The need to move to a new system of military training in the highest educational institutionswhich enables all students to go through military training during study and get a military specialty initiated the President of the Russian Federation.

Rector Mikhail Mud and General Designer NPO "Alloy", Head of the Rocket Armment Department of the University of Nikolai Makarovs, turned to Governor Alexei Dumin, asking for the reconstruction of the military department. The head of the region provided comprehensive support, and most importantly, sent a letter to the Minister of Defense for this issue. And in March, the College of Military Office, under the leadership of the Army General of Sergei Shoigu, would be good for the discovery of the military department in the Tula World University. By the way, note, has more than 70 years of experience of training military personnel: this department worked here since 1930 and ceased to exist only in 2008 due to the order of the government. More than 50 teachers worked at the department, and he studied until one and a half thousand people per year.

The selection of students on the military department will begin in October 2017. The candidate will need to undergo a military medical commission for military registration and enlistment offices, as well as a vocational and psychological selection. In essence, students are called on military serviceAnd only the guys will be enrolled at the department, and on a competitive basis.

Enroll students are planned from the third course. By special Program For two years, one day will be fully engaged in the military department. As a result, the guys will receive both the main specialty and an additional military.

After studying students, monthly military fees are to be held on the basis of the 106th-duty-landing division located in Tula. Then students pass a comprehensive exam on theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Upon successful completion of training at the department, they are credited to the stock and receive a military ID, they are no longer called for the army service.

At present time runs Preparation of documents, schedules, teachers and premises. The university survived training buildings, places, buildings and structures, which were used until 2008. All of them will be fully involved and when working a revived military department, which will begin to function in autumn.