How many times do I type in Yandex. Keyword statistics (Google, Yandex, Rambler search query statistics

How many times do I type in Yandex. Keyword statistics (Google, Yandex, Rambler search query statistics
How many times do I type in Yandex. Keyword statistics (Google, Yandex, Rambler search query statistics

To date, the relevance of a group of goods, as well as the values \u200b\u200bof certain services, can be judged by relying on the Runetovsky service "Wordstat". Popular Yandex requests in the form of statistical data are of interest not only for a professional user group. An objective analysis of the word or phrase allows each stakeholder to determine the "current weight" of information and outline the most accurate direction for the search process as a whole, as well as to develop (for yourself) a specific action scenario, depending on their needs. What is the value of this term and how is this service useful? Answers you will find here and now!

Multician Yandex

Everyone needs something, and people are constantly looking for something, relying on a certain "algorithm" of actions. We do not go to a vegetable store to buy shampoo, and do not ask why music sounds so loudly, being on the rock concert. Everything in our lives is more or less ordered and systematized, filled with meaning and reasonable by definition. Popular Yandex requests reflect the purposefulness and interest of users. This is a kind of aggregator of our life, able to notice the focus of our thoughts and put before the fact - what we go, what are interested and what is the main thing for us. In other words, it may summarize statistical data reflecting the quantity, quality and objectivity of the most frequently used to search for words or not related to the syntax of phrases and phrases. Ladies and gentlemen, we think, and we make a decision, as we react ...

Effective search

To find the most valuable information, you need to "score" a specific request. For example, if you enter: "I want to buy a car," - before you will open a list of Internet resources engaged in selling or surveys and the publication of a variety of materials related to the general issues on motor vehicles or considering specific auto traffic. However, not always such information meets your expectations, because many users forget to specify the specifying request data: car brand, properties (used or new), color and price parameters. Even in this case, the popular "Yandex" requests may be useless for you, as a situation is quite possible when the desired machine is sold in a place that is not quite convenient for you (remote city, edge or region), that is, you should always consider the multifaceted search process. Only in this case you can quickly find the desired object without unnecessary reasons for disorder.

What could help me help the statistics of popular Yandex requests?

Of course, this is a question that requires an accurate definition. First of all, it should be understood that the search engines are designed to significantly simplify the process of finding the information required by the user. The most relevant sites and other sources of useful content are progressing up the hierarchical staircase of global demands. In other words, in each search system, the mechanism of careful selection (ranking) of the most informative sources of unique information is involved. At the same time, search engines carry out peculiar control of the practical activity of a particular Internet resource. It should be noted that Yandex succeeded in this well. Statistics "Yandex" allows you to literally to each registered user to analyze and objectively assess the focus of its actions that may be associated with any life activity: work, life, family, etc.

Millions are striving: people, events, interests and much more

So, it is time to move to the main part of this article, so to speak, to the climax of the narration. After all, you probably want to know that or who exactly is an indicator of an intriguing phrase: "The most popular requests in Yandex." However, the most comprehensive response can be formulated, only relying on the results of an invaluance indicator, with the results of which you can find in the inflating heading of the Yandex search engine - "Research / newsletters".

What was interested in users most in 2013?

The word "minecraft" took a leading position. It was the game designer who became a kind of champion in search queries of the past year. Mobile social network "Instagram" won second place for user interest. Next, the list of popularity continued requests: "Online postcards", "Mobile Internet Messengers" and "WEB-editors of photographs". By the way, the word "Multicooker" is also quite common in the search string.

However, women, as always, were most interested in the topic "How to lose weight", and men dedicated the pastime on the Internet of the IT industry and invariably showed interest in sporting events, while remaining the faithful to the "fans" group.

Women's emancipation for nothing, or predictability of events

Culture as such is not in fashion today, but Ksenia Sobchak - figure number one. People are more interested in the events that have happened in "House-2" than any adopted law in the state legislative framework. For example, Andrei Panin is a popular male 2013. And this is our "achievement", which is formed and is based on our opinion with you, to everything else represents only the reflection of the completed wording - "Popular requests" Yandex ". Considers literally every element of attention. Women do not change their natural start: family, wedding and cottage. Men most inclined science and sports. Of course, the strong floor is still captive by the technical innovations and the results of advanced technologies ... everything is as usual, not counting the "predestination" of unpredictable political events! The world develops, and the system sees some regularities ...

How it works?

So, having an account, you can always use the free service "Yandex. Wordstat. " Statistical data can be displayed in several search criteria:

  1. According to - the very first check box (activated by default). Allows you to get a result at the most frequently used requests or user entered phrases.
  2. By regions - most often used by web masters and marketers to determine the supply of the population (local interests).
  3. Query history is a detailed analysis of months and weeks.

In the first case, information is displayed in two independent windows. The list of words on the right is associative.

Careless effect ...

The most popular search queries "Yandex" will always be part of us surrounding society. The forecast of the weather and review of critics, as well as the "breathtaking news" - the result of information impact. All of us are affected by the outside ... However, you are the expensive reader, you can influence the total outcome of the end of the opinion and regulate the meaningful value of the information; "Vector truth" depends on you and only you have the right "units" ...

Information for reflection: Popular search queries "Yandex"

If you notice a certain predetermination of some Yandex aggregator services, do not be surprised. Not only are looking for unique content, but also are the first collectors of the "identifying" information - we are calculated, predicted and reduced to the overall interaction system. Alas, we are all components of a single Internet network! And the point is not that we want this or not, it's about non-stop technical progress.


It is worth noting that the most popular requests in Yandex are also a highly competitive "product". Therefore, in order to enter the top positions in search engines, site developers have to roll the sleeves and purposefully work on the project far from one month. The result of their efforts is to get our recognition. And only from us, ordinary users depends, whether one or another Internet resource in the top will be. After all, the situation can be fundamentally opposite, so be always in trend, dear ladies and gentlemen.

We will analyze Yandex Wordstat the selection of keywords to start your first advertising campaign in the Yandex Direct system. It's no secret that contextual advertising is one of the most effective ways of advertising on the Internet.

This is especially important for all online stores. Now we will find literally a few words with you so that with their help you can start advertised in Yandex Direct.

So now you need to go to the keyword tip tool from Yandex ( With this service, we will learn to select suitable words. So, you can understand and how to get the first customers for your online stores.

We specify the region in Yandex Wordstat

The first thing we do is clarify the region in Yandex Wordstat (1) .

For example, if the online store works for the whole of Russia, we refine the region and put a tick " Only Russia«.

If the store is aimed at some narrower market (for example, only Moscow and the Moscow region)You can easily choose the desired region to work. Next, click " Choose«.

We select high frequency request in Yandex Wordstat

Now select a high-frequency request in Yandex Wordstat. Suppose we have an online store that sells children's goods (in particular, baby carriages).

We introduce the phrase " baby carriage". Since our online store works for the whole of Russia, then the region is Russia. Press the button " Pick up"And what do we see?

We see keywords and statistics in this system for each request. So, look.

Baby strollers - a huge number of impressions (more than 192,000 shots per month). This is a high-frequency request. Now I need this request to copy and write to a separate file to search for keywords in Yandex. By the way, it is. So, I brought the first request.

Now I want to explain to you one mistake that most newcomers in contextual advertising. They leave this query so.

In fact, the request " Baby strollers»Shows the frequency of shots per month, taking into account all the lower Yandex prompts of keywords in which the word includes" children's"And" strollers". In order to see how many people I was looking for a phrase only " Baby strollers", Then this request must be taken in quotes (" ").

As a result, it turns out, as in the figure below.

Now only this phrase will be displayed, which 10,042 shows were per month. That is exactly the high-frequency phrase in quotes, we will need to add to the list of keywords for the contextual advertising campaign. Add exactly in quotes.

What are transactional requests in Yandex?

There is such a thing as. These are those phrases in which there is some kind of verb that calls for action. For example, " Buy baby carriage"Is a transactional search query.

In general, such words, how to buy, show, order and so on - these are requests that imply that the user already wants to make a specific action. Such requests are very effective.

In order for at the very beginning of working with contextual advertising, you have some results, then definitely add these words into your separate list. So, we copy " Buy baby carriage"And add to your list.

I also found a request " Children's wheelchair shop", Which will also be effective. For such a request, users are looking for a specific store. But among the many stores of baby strollers, these people will choose and accordingly compare prices, conditions and so on.

Therefore, it is very important that your store possesses a unitary trading offer. This is such a proposal that the visitor will be very difficult to refuse.

  1. "Baby strollers"
  2. buy baby carriage
  3. children's wheelchair shop
  4. baby strollers online store

In principle, while all. These 4 requests we left. They first, have greater frequency. Such queries are searched often and, accordingly, you can find a large number of visitors and potential buyers to your online store.

Secondly, selected queries are the most targeted. That is, a person already knows what he wants. And he wants to buy a specific product. You just give him in my announcement information that you sell this product. Therefore, the effectiveness of such advertising will be very large.

Yandex Wordstat selection of keywords with an example

Yandex Wordstat selection of keywords is carried out for us in the simplest form. Let's try to choose the keywords again. This time we will look for online on request " Child car seats«.

We see the top request " children's car seat"With 45 135 shows per month. We take this phrase and insert into the list with quotes.

I will have the next " Children's car seat buy". Also an excellent request. Copy it, but without quotes.

This article is designed for newcomers in SEO, as well as on site owners who have chosen requests to promote, but do not know whether these requests are quoted.

So, let's begin.

Request frequency - This is the number of requests or phrases scored by the user in the search engine at a certain period of time. Methods for determining the frequency of the request in search engines are different. In this article, we will consider the frequency of requests in the most popular search engines - in Google and Yandex.

From this article we learn the following:

1. How to determine the frequency of requests in Yandex

1.1. Word selection service in Yandex

To determine the frequency of requests in Yandex, there is a simple and convenient "Word selection service in Yandex" or, as it is also called, Yandex Wordstat.

Driving a request to the selection string, we get the following picture:

It is noteworthy that now we see the overall picture by showing a month, but you can see the frequency of the request separately by type of devices (tablets, mobile phones, computers), from which users were looking for a request.

So, we see that 269,733 shows from the total number fell on the phones.

1.2. Types of frequency in Yandex

So, we learned that the query [plastic windows] was 1,006,660 shows per month - it will be the basic frequency of the request.

In total, three types of frequency are distinguished in Yandex Wordstat:

  1. Basic frequency - indicates the number of hits on all requests with the desired key query. In our case, this request [plastic windows]. When collecting the basic frequency, all possible word forms were taken into account on this request, as well as query options [Buy plastic windows], [Prices for plastic windows] and so on.
  2. Phrase frequency - To determine it, you need to get a request in quotes. This will allow us to find out the frequency of the query for the phrase you are interested in.

As can be seen in the screenshot, the phrase frequency is significantly lower than the base, as word formations, cases, different endings can be taken into account in the phrase frequency, but additional words are ignored (for example, the request [Buy plastic windows] is not taken into account when collecting phrase frequency).

  1. Accurate frequency - To determine it, you need to get a request in quotes and before each word in the request put an exclamation mark.

In this form, we learn the number of impressions in a month specifically on this request.

1.3. Geo-dependence

In addition to different frequencies, we can find out the frequency on requests in different regions. To do this, instead of the item "According to" note the item "By Regions".

The screenshot shows the total number of requests, as well as their number specifically by region. For example, in the region "Moscow" 13,847 shows, regional popularity is 206%.

What is regional popularity? Yandex response:

"Regional popularity" is the proportion that the region covers in shows on this word, divided by all the shows of the search results that came to this region. The popularity of the word / phrase, equal to 100%, means that this word in this region is not allocated. If more than 100% are popular, this means that there is an increased interest in this word in this region, if less than 100% low. For lovers of statistics, we can see that regional popularity is Affinity Index.

You can also set the region when collecting frequency. The default is the collection in all regions.

Choose the region.

Thus, when searching for an accurate frequency of a request for a specific region, you can find out how many people are looking for the request you are interested in in the specified region.

1.4. How to determine the seasonality of the request

In Yandex Wordstat there is another feature that interests us. To use it, you need to mark the item "Query History".

Thus, we see what was the frequency of the request by months in different periods. With this information, you can approximately predict drops / lifting traffic on the site.

1.5. Plugins for the convenience of using the service

The Wordstat service is useful, but not very convenient, so in order to facilitate my life, when working with him, I use the Yandex Wordstat Assistant plugin.

That's how it looks in the window of the Vordstat:

The first thing that rushes into the eyes is the pros near requests. Pressing on them, we add requests to the column on the left:

It is very convenient, as you usually select each request and its frequency to copy it. Moreover, you can safely switch to other queries, and the list of requests added to the column will continue.

Also, this plugin allows you to sort queries directly in the frequency column or alphabet, and after - copy these requests with the frequency in the document you need. I recommend using a chrome browser plugin, as there is a more recent version that is constantly updated. For Firefox, there is also a plugin, but it has not been updated since April 2015, so not all functions work correctly.

2. How to determine the frequency of requests in Google?

If everything is relatively simple with Yandex, then you will find out the frequency of the request in Google. Google has no service like Yandex Wordstat, so you have to use the Google AdWords contextual advertising service. You will need to register in it. After registration, the panel will appear before you.

Open the "Tools" menu tab and in the drop-down menu find the keyword scheduler.

After that, the scheduler page opens. On this page you need to choose "Receiving requests and trend statistics". There we are interested in the request you are interested in and specify the region.

Click on the "Find out the number of requests" button. You will receive such a result:

Due to the restrictions of AdWords at the request, the average number of queries per month ranges from 1000 to 10,000. To get more detailed information, you need to create and run the campaign.

When you run a paid campaign, the query frequency will look like this:

3. Software collection frequency of requests

The above describes how to manually collect frequency of requests. With a large number of requests to collect their frequency manually very uncomfortable, so I use special programs.

3.1. The program "Swording"

After setting up the program, it is necessary to start it and the same as in the case of "word", add requests, indicate the "region" and click on "Collecting Statistics Yandex. Direct. "

Key Collector, unlike "Swording", Parsit data using Yandex. Direct, which significantly speeds up the parsing process. Click "Get data" and get the result:

The program allows you to collect frequency and for Google using Google AdWords. To do this, you need to configure it. Settings can be viewed on the official website of Key Collector. Then you will need to click on the button "Collect Google Statistics. AdWords, "which is located next to the" Yandex.Direct Statistics Collection "button.

4. Online collection of frequency of requests

Sometimes there are situations where your favorite tool is at hand, and you need to collect the frequency. In this case, you can use online services for collecting frequency. I will consider 2 services that I use myself. One will be under Yandex, the other - under Google.

4.1. Online tool for collecting frequency from SEOLIB for Yandex

All you need to do is to open the "Analysis of key phrases" tab and copy to requests to requests or attach a list of requests of interest to requests. After that, you need to select the desired frequency and region, if necessary, specify additional parameters. After clicking on "Start Analysis".


Tool is paid, but prices are democratic. For example, a list of these 7 requests for all types of frequency cost me 5.3 rubles.

4.2. Online tool for collecting frequency from Ahrefs for Google

The service has a "keyword analysis" tool.

The form you need to add keywords through the comma and specify the region near the "belt" button.


Go to the "Metrics" tab:


Work with the Yandex:

  1. If there are several requests, you can watch them manually through Yandex Wordstat. In this case, I strongly recommend putting the Yandex Wordstat Assistant plugin - it makes it clearly facilitates the process;
  2. If you have a list of requests and you need a quick one-time check, use the online tool for selecting keywords from SEOLIB;
  3. If you are constantly working with requests, I recommend buying Key Collector. "Wordel", though free, but Parsit is too slow, and the time you will save on requests in Key Collector, with more than the costs. "Word" can be used if you work with a small list of requests and use it infrequently. I used it when I started working in SEO, but when I purchased Key Collector, I regretted that I did not buy it before.

Work with the Google:

  1. If multiple requests, use Google AdWords;
  2. If you have a list of requests, it will be more convenient to use the Ahrefs online service or configure Key Collector.

I listed the services that I myself use to collect frequency of requests. Perhaps you use other services? Then indicate them in the comments, I will be glad to familiarize yourself with them!

So far, everything, I wish you good positions on frequency requests!

In addition, Yandex and Google, different algorithms Formation of search results, tips, and accordingly, popular requests are also different. This means that in order to get the most possible traffic from Google, we need to collect semantics on it. In this article we will analyze how to do it completely free by spending no more than half an hour.

If you have previously launched an advertising company, then additional information on request statistics on Google AdWords, you can see the promonatory for what kinds of requests your advertisement was shown. To do this, go to the section "Reports" And create a new table.

Then, in the "Targeting" section, find the search query and drag to the table field. Next, the data obtained in this way, in any convenient format, including the Exele file, can be saved on your computer, and then clusterize Or make an interesting sample. Figure below shows the real data on one to our client where it is collected 1894 unique request! Cool?

Among these queries, you can select all requests that indicate the names of the companies, phone numbers or address of competitors' sites, and add these keywords to your companies in KMS and / or on the search.

The second use option is to improve SEO-optimization sites or a separate page :.

Also, this statistics will help identify the real needs of users:

  • going to buy, but not soon;
  • evaluates the proposals of various companies;
  • ready to buy right now;
  • will not buy, looking for general information.

Another example of collecting statistics on requests

For example, our company is engaged in repairing computers and "iron" in the city of Moscow. At the same time, we have a fairly limited budget for advertising, so we want to find keywords for which the lowest competition (few advertisers) so that in advertising to be a priority choice for users and thus with minimal coverage to get the maximum number of conversions.

  1. The request for which words will be collected: "Repair of laptops."
  2. Region: Moscow.
  3. Competition Level: Low.

Here are several key of 300, which showed us the system, among which the request looks very promising "Repair of tablets". At the recommended level of the bet here, it is possible not to navigate, since it can differ significantly from the real, both with the sign "+" and with the sign "-".

Checking the request "Repair of tablets in Moscow" We did not find a single advertisement.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the Google AdWords query statistics are a storehouse of useful information, with proper use, which has enormous potential. But whether you will use it or not, entirely depends on you.

Analysis of search queries uses each competent optimizer. Statistics show that most often people are looking for people on the Internet using search engines.

Its main purpose is to compile. If you do not have any (most often we are talking about blogs), the statistics of search queries are treated when writing articles, "dragging" it under a certain keyword.

The main tool for selecting keywords most webmasters consider statistics of Yandex requests. (Vordstat) - Yandex Query Statistics

Yandex Wordstat ( Unites all sorts of wordworks, while most often not given the prepositions and questionnaires. If you just write to Yandex Words of interest to Yandex, then the service will show you the total number of impressions of this word, word forms and phrases in which it was found.
For example, write:

query statistics
(Views: 31535. Words include: yandex Query Statistics, Search Query Statistics etc.).

In order to achieve concretization on a specific word form form in Yandex Wordstat, you need to use special operators.

The most common is the conclusion of the desired search query in quotes (""). In this case, a specific keyword will be taken into account in any word form.

"Query Statistics"
(Shows already 4764. Included: query statistics, query statistics etc.).

Operator exclamation mark! Allows you to consider only accurate values \u200b\u200bof keywords.

"! statistics! Requests"
(Shows already 4707. Now we have learned the exact number of requests of interest to us. Please note the operator! It is before each word).

With the help of the operator - (minus) there is an opportunity to exclude specific words from the show.

Using the plus + operator, you can force Yandex statistics to take into account alliances and prepositions. You will receive data on wordforms with these parts of speech.

Bracket operators () - grouping and | - or. These operators are used to compile under one request as a group of keys.

It is worth noting that operators can be combined with various ways to significantly reduce the time collection time of statistical analysis.

Statistics of Yandex search queries leads not only derivatives from the words entered, but also associative requests that users used with your requests. Such an opportunity contributes to the essential expansion of the semantic nucleus (the tab on the right - "what else was looking for people looking for ...").

The first tab "According to" contains the total number of options for specific search queries. Using the Region tab, you will be able to determine the particular keyword in one or another search region.

The "On Map" tab reflects the frequency of use of requests on the world map. To track the frequency of this query for a certain period, you can use the "For months" tabs, "on weeks". This is especially true for seasonal requests.

  • First, Yandex statistics do not provide data on the number of people who made the search for specific requests, it only issues the number of deposit results of the search results containing this request.
  • Secondly, Yandex Wordstat default shows data for the last month. It should be borne in mind that some requests can wear a seasonal nature, as well as there are requests, the so-called "takeoffs of interests".
  • Thirdly, the figure that stands on top of the request includes all the keywords containing the request itself and its word form. Special operators should be used.

When taking into account all the features that provides, and the competent use of all tools, this service becomes the most important component that most webmasters use when promoting modern resources.

Google request statistics

Google has as many two services that can be applied as key request statistics. Google statistics for selection of keywords is often used as an additional tool for expanding the semantic kernel. This service usually determines the language and region to search, the task of the optimizer - the preparation of the starting set of words. As a result, the system will offer you similar requests, indicating the frequency of their impressions and competitiveness.

Google search statistics are more designed to compare the popularity of several search queries. In addition, a visual representation of changes in the dynamics of the popularity of the query in the form of graphs is proposed.

Rambler request statistics

Rambler request statistics is not as popular as the search engine Rambler is not so active "uses" Internet users. The main difference from Yandex statistics is that there is no combination of results for different words. In other words, you can get accurate statistics in the query frequency in the desired number and the case without the use of additional operators.

Rambler search query statistics would be a convenient addition to Yandex if this search engine was more authoritative in RuNet. It is worth noting that the rambler statistics allows you to determine the number of views, both the first and any other pages relative to a specific set of words.

Search queries - frequency and competitiveness

What else should the beginner optimizer about target queries know? It is usually accepted to divide all search queries for high-frequency (RF), mid-frequency (s) and low-frequency (LF). As well as highly competitive (VC), mid-ritberry (SC) and low-competitive (NK).

Of course, the best option will be high-frequency and at the same time low or the midconditioner request. But such rarely meet. It happens that low-frequency request is highly competitive. Usually high-frequency - these are highly competitive requests, mid-frequency - these are mid anconditional, etc.

It should be borne in mind that these terms do not bear any specific quantitative values \u200b\u200bunder them, since for each topic, these figures will be varied. It is worth understanding that the promotion of a particular site will determine not only its subjects, but also a specific situation in the market.

It must be borne in mind that the competent use of statistics of search engine requests is one of the components of the optimization process. Visitors who will follow certain search queries should receive the information on which they calculated only in this case they will want to return to your resource.