The book of Marquez "Colonel Nobody writes" about the blatant ungratefulness and the ability to wait. "Nobody writes a colonel" (El Coronel No Tiene Quien Le Escriba) (1957)

The book of Marquez
The book of Marquez "Colonel Nobody writes" about the blatant ungratefulness and the ability to wait. "Nobody writes a colonel" (El Coronel No Tiene Quien Le Escriba) (1957)

The story first published in 1961. The work is written in the genre of magical realism. It tells about the life and experiences of a person who is waiting for the accrual of a veteran pension.

The plot seemingly banal, but Marquez, due to the problem topic, as well as the excellent disclosure of the character of heroes turned this work into a masterpiece.

The book is written long before receiving Nobel PrizeBut it is considered one of the most cash off its works. What is the story like readers? Let's try to figure it out.

The action takes place in Colombia in a small town. Going 1956. The main character - Veteran of a civil war called thousandfare. Colonel 75 years. After the death of the only Son, he, together with his wife, keeps a miserable existence.

For many years, he is waiting for a letter from the Ministry to pay the promised lifetime pension for military merit, but the government is not in a hurry. Bureaucracy. Nevertheless, the old man believes that sooner or later it will be remembered.

There is almost nothing to eat their small family. Colonel places hopes on a combat rooster, which has all the characteristics of winning the cocks and win for the owner at least some money.

They with his wife are undernourished, giving crumbs pet. In the evenings, he recalls combatfulness and former good days. Every day he is waiting for the letter and disappointed every Friday. In the end, the day came when the rooster did not become than feeding, and the wife fell ill.

Cocking battles will start only in 45 days. Colonel tries to keep, do not fall in spirit. But where too? What ended this story you can find out by reading the work completely . You can read Marquez "Colonel Nobody" in our electronic library.

Readers reviews

  • Work read easy Even despite the realistic description of the prison life of the colonel and his difficult and at the same time touching relationship with his wife.
  • The book is full of drama Each line felt faith in justice and hope What you have not forgotten about you.
  • The main character - the colonel causes sympathy, because he, despite difficulties not broken. On the example of such characters you can learn excerpts, imbibery Before circumstances.
  • The work is relevant and nowadays . It allows you to think and sympathize with old men living with us in the neighborhood, because since then almost nothing has changed. Veterans do not read, they forget about them. Marquez's book "Colonel Nobody writes" illuminates the problem of their "unnecessaryness".
  • Strong finals makes this work unforgettable.
  • In general, a book most readers are recommended to read .

The work definitely deserves your attention. There is a lot of meaning and instructive moments. Read free online book

Outwardly, its plot canvas of unpaired - just replaced in a Latin American country once again power, the next metropolitan corrupt officials are once again made to the state - and the hero has long flown civil War, elderly colonel in retirement, pursuing in a small provincial town Semichenish existence ...

But his story, history little man, alone defending its dignity, becomes the history of overcoming loneliness, arbitrariness and absurdity, reigning in the world.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Nobody writes to the colonel

Colonel opened a tin can and discovered that there were no more tea spoons. He took off the bowler from the fire, splashhed half of the water on the earthen floor and began to roll up the jar, shaking in the bowler the last gravins of coffee, mixed with rust flakes.

While coffee was cooked, the colonel with a view of a gullible expectation was sitting near the stove and listened to himself. It seemed to him that his insides would gem poisonous mushrooms and algae. Standing the October morning. One of those that it is difficult to survive even such a person as a colonel, but how much he survived them! That is already fifty-six years old - so much after the civil war - the colonel just did that he was waiting. And October was among the few, which he waited.

Colonel's wife, seeing that he enters the bedroom with coffee, raised the mosquito net. To this night, she was tormented by an asthma attack, and now she was in a sleepy talk. And yet raised to take a cup.

"I already drank," Colonel flew. - There was still a whole tablespoon.

At that moment, the bells rang out. Colonel remembered the funeral. While his wife drank coffee, he hung up a hammock in which he slept, rut him and hid behind the door.

"He was born at the twenty-second year," said a woman, thinking about the dead man. - Exactly one month after our son. Sixth of April.

She breathed hard, intermittently, unscrewing coffee with small sips in pauses between deep sighs. Her body with thin, fragile bones long lost flexibility. Difficult breathing did not allow her to raise a voice, and therefore all the questions sounded as a statement. Doping coffee, she still thought about the dead.

- terrible when you buried in October, right? - she said.

But the husband did not pay attention to her words. He opened the window. In the courtyard already hosted October. Looking at a juicy thick greens, traces of rainworms on wet earth, Colonel again, all the origins felt his wet trouble.

"I even had a dice," he said.

"Winter," Wife replied. - Since the rains started, I will strive for you so that you sleep in socks.

- I sleep in socks for a whole week.

She walked small, corporal rain. Colonel would not mind wooing in a woolen blanket and stick to the hammock again. But the bronze of the bells persistently resembled the funeral.

"Yes, October," he whispered, leaving the window. And only here I remembered the rooster tied to the leg of the bed. It was a battle cock.

Colonel took a cup into the kitchen and started in the hall a wall clock in a case of carved wood. Unlike a bedroom, too close for astmatics, the hall was wide, with four wicker rockings around the tabletry covered table, on which a gypsum cat was blocked. On the wall, opposite the watches, hung a picture - a woman in a white tulle was sitting in a boat surrounded by amours and roses.

When he finished to start the clock, there were twenty minutes of the seventh. He took the rooster to the kitchen, tied him at the hearth, replaced the water in a bowl, poured a hassle of Mais. Through the hole in the hedge, several children climbed - they sat down around the rooster and began to look at it silently.

"Enough to watch," said Colonel. - Roosters deteriorate if they are long to look at.

Children did not move. One of them played a fashionable song on a lifting harmonic.

"Today it is impossible to play," said Colonel. - In the city of the dead man.

The boy hid the harmonic in his pocket, and the colonel went to the room to change the funeral.

Due to the attack of Asthma, the wife did not like him a white suit, and the colonel did not have anything else, how to wear a black cloth, which after marriage he wore only in exceptional cases. He hardly find a suit at the trunk day, where he lay, wrapped in a newspaper and peckped with naphthalene. Wife, stretching on the bed, continued to think about the dead.

"Now he probably already met with Agustin," she said. - just not told the Agustin, as we had after His death.

"It must be argued there about roosters," the colonel suggested.

He found a huge old umbrella in the chest. Wife won him into the lottery, held in favor of the party to which the Colonel belonged. That evening they were on the performance; The spectacle was under open skyAnd he was not interrupted even because of the rain. Colonel, his wife and Agustin - then it was eight years old - shelled under the umbrella and dismissed to the very end. Now the Agustine is not alive, and the white satin lining of the umbrella ate mole.

Good day, Tatiana!

Now we will talk about famous work Gabriel Garcia Marquez "Colonel Nobody writes", seeing the light in 1961.

The main character of the story is a seventieth-year-old colonel, who after the war lost his son who died for the spread of revolutionary ideas, completely immoved, absolutely lost his health. The only thing that he left is a rooster, which throughout the story he feeds and prepares for battles, hoping for him to get enough money for living.

In order to live, the colonel with his wife is not hoping for a pension, although every Friday hero comes out to meet in the port ship with mail in the hope of seeing a letter that sulmines him a military retirement.

Elderly selling his belongings over time: a sewing machine, a clock. They are not trying to show a luxurious life and just be content with small, they bring ends with the ends: "Now it has come his turn to the economy - to reduce the ends with the ends. Often it was necessary to squeeze their teeth and braking a loan in neighboring bears." The activities of the economy turns from the "economy" in its direct value in "savings", and at the level of the country. From time to time, the wife insists on the sale of a rooster, although he does not want to do it, because the rooster is the only thing that remains from their son and the only breadwinner in the family. The wife constantly blames the colonel in his clumsiness and inability to prove and receive his own: her permanent attacks of asthma do not interfere with her to follow the household and try to provide a family at a minimum of lunch, which often consists of Maisa (which they feed the rooster).

The image of poverty is not only an image of a separate family, tolerant deprivation, it is also the image of the entire Colombia, tortured coup, instability in politics and economics. Absolute compression from the ruling elite in relation to the social issue immerses the whole country in hunger and persecution, and "heroes" remains hope. By analogy with other countries Latin America, Colombia did not bypass the dictatorial regime, and the dictator became Gustavly Rojas Pinilla (1953 - 1957): in the situation of La Viivansiya - armed conflict in Colombia - he carried out a military coup and became president. Put politics under the impression of the acting actions at the same time in Brazil and Argentina. He began to pursue the liberal and conservative parties, banned the Communist Party, carried out punitive operations against the prommunistically oriented peasant districts, introduced the hard censorship of the media.

The story not only reflects the hungry and bench life of Colombia, there is another side: powerful, powerful and rich. For example, such as Kum Colonel, who during plight I wanted to buy that rooster himself at the colonel and his wife for nine hundred pesos, but the memory of the son is so strong that even for such great amount They refuse to spread with a rooster. Kum, though she tries to help the Colonel, but does it with reluctance, constantly avoiding him, although it cares about him, for example, when they both come to the funeral of a friend of Augustine. This cohesion is also peculiar to the people of Latin America: in nature, people tend to defend themselves from external influences, whether it is a threat from another country or dictatorial power.

The lifestyle of the ruling top separated from the poor people is coming down in the same scene: when the funeral of a friend of Augustine is held, his body carry over the police station, that according to the laws it was absolutely prohibited: "Alcald stood. He was in shorts and flannel shirt, unshaven, with swollen face. The musicians interrupted the funeral march - says, it is impossible to carry the dead man past the police barracks - but this is not a riot. - We just Honor a poor musician. " People who mean something in this system took such as colonel, the role of the society's garbage, which can not even carry the corpse of the "poor musician" by the police barracks. And Alcald, unshaven, in shorts and flannel shirt, which in itself is already expressed by his contemptive attitude towards the poor, came out not to look at the procession, and show his indignation due to "entertainment for the poor." The "grade" of people was determined by the provision in the power structure, which just provides for dictatorship. And this assertion cannot be attributed to a specific city or street - it is common for both the country and the world as a whole.

Impossibility to change the situation and fatigue from all unsuccessful attempts to change something leads to the fact that in the final the colonel is no longer trying to be so optimistic how throughout the story: he has suffered all the truth about reality that surrounds him: the Son died, the wife is serious Sick, he does not need his country. This is not a story about the personality. This is a story about a country that boils and roars in the boiler, which has brewed in itself.

FROM best wishes, Yulia.

Year of 1999. Alexey Balabanov worked on the sequel of the sensational "brother." Special attention directed focused musical accompaniment. Almost all the stars of the Russian rock gathered in one film: Nautilus Pompilius, "Crematorium", "Agatha Christie", "Auktsyon", "Spleen" ... However, Balabanov seemed to have something lacking. In search of new names, he contacted the producer of a famous radio station by Mikhail Kozyrev, and he brought a complete suitcase with albums of non-represented performers to a film studio.

Mikhail Kozyrev, journalist:

I come to Lenfilm, he meets me with wide eyes and says: "Let's make the whole movie from the songs of this group!" The group was called "Bi-2".

Song "Colonel Nobody writes" perfectly lay on the Chicago story. By the way, the DDT group should be filmed initially in this scene: it is no coincidence that it is its posters everywhere in the frame. But Yuri Shevchuk in last moment refused. Shura and Lev from "Bi-2" still thank him for it.

We were delighted with the first part of the "brother". We saw him on cable in Australia. Invitation to shooting was just a cultural shock!

"Colonel" became the main theme Russian blockbuster. After the premiere of the film about the group "Bi-2", the whole country knew. IN bookstores They began to ask Roman Gabriel Garcia Marquez with the already familiar name "Colonel Nobody writes." Fans hoped that the book would answer the question of what Lev and Shura sing about.

The lyrics wrote Egor Bortnik, better known as Lev Bi-2. The author assures: only the name is taken from the book. The song itself is dedicated to the Australian city of Melburn, where the musicians lived at that time.

Shura and Lev, founders of the group "Bi-2":

- "Big cities, empty trains"" This is a terrestrial metro in Melbourne. We drove in an empty car, looked at the city, and then wrote the first lines and picked up rhythm.

With the clip, everything decided by itself. During the shooting of the film "Brother-2" agreed: Balabanov and Bodrov mock the video from the episodes of the picture.

Shura and Lev, founders of the group "Bi-2":

We saw the first version of the clip, remounted, and then met on the festival Sergei Bodrov and told him: "Balabans did such garbage! Horrible installation!" And Sergei modestly answered: "You know guys, I did the installation."

Heavy guitar today complements symphony Orchestra - And this is just one of the versions. Musicians always come up with something new to surprise their listeners again and again, collecting full stadiums.

All that is described in the work occurs in very difficult times. The place where the events unfold are Colombia. At that moment, chaos and devastation reigned there as a result of the struggle of groupings.

At the beginning of the work describes the day of the funeral young musician, spend it in last way Colonel is going along with his wife. First, the colonel comes to the house to the mother of a young musician to say the words of grief and sympathize, then all guests go to the cemetery. At that time, when relatives and close to the deceased, went to the place of burial, the head of the Kum party demands to stop and move to another street, because in no case cannot approach the barracks.

After the colonel returned home, he recalls the son of Agustin. About nine months ago, they were brutally dealt with him, but after he left the rooster, which in the future could come in handy and solve some financial issues (in a short time, the cocks should be held, for the victory in which you could get an impressive amount).

On Friday, the Colonel with Trepps is waiting for correspondence or letters. Every Friday, in the hope of getting at least some kind of news, the colonel comes to the mail. The fact is that nineteen years ago a law on pension veteran was adopted. For many years, Colonel tried to ensure that he was included in the list of veterans. But even after it happened - there was no more news about it anymore.

In November, make themselves to know the disease. Wife and husband are seriously ill. Perhaps the reason for this was constant malnutrition.

On the next Friday, the old man goes again to meet a boat with postal shipments. During the rain, he hid in the office of Don Sabas. Kum persists a colonel to sell the rooster, but he, considering that this act will betray the son's memory, flatly refuses.

In one of the days, the colonel faces the killer of his son, but despite the anger that covered him, he copes and immediately leaves.

Colonel often remembers youth, he is still waiting for a letter ...

This work tells the reader about those layers of society, which remained deceived due to the imperfection of the political system.

You can use this text for reader's diary

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Nobody writes to the colonel. Picture to the story

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