How to draw a drawing on the theme of mushrooms. How to draw mushrooms

How to draw a drawing on the theme of mushrooms. How to draw mushrooms

All mushrooms are divided into two categories: edible and inedible. How to draw mushroom? The form largely depends on its variety. The mushroom is not always a familiar foot with a hat attached from above, because they are in the form of a fan, hoofs, stars, balls, bowls and even coral. Among edibles most often found: freight, chanterelles, raw materials, brewer and white. And a bright representative of poisonous to the Municipal and Pale Mustache.

White mushroom


Children's example




White mushroom

Let's try to consider the technology how to draw mushrooms in stages. Take a pencil and a slight movement of your hand we will make the boundaries of the Earth using for this curves and lines. In the middle of the sheet, start to draw a leg. It consists of two parts: the bottom is wide, which is slightly expanding to the root, and the top with a skirt is narrowed up. The leg should take one third of the sheet. Go to the hat: the upper part resembles the outlines of the umbrella, but with uneven edges, and closer to the foreground you need to make two jar.

Now you need to take a pencil with a tougher blade and bring all the lines by adding separate strokes. Thus, it will have to arrange several grains on Earth, and draw three small and two big mug on the hat. Zanbins do in the form of a cracked piece of mushroom, shading it in the middle.

To give the volume of the image it is necessary to add lights in the right places. So, in front of the fungus, on the left and a little behind, we make a small shadow zone, as the main part will be located on the right of the mushroom. The leg darke horizontal strokes (they are parallel, but a little bevelled at an angle) on the left and in front of the border of the skirt and the hats. In the top of the light, you need to left and on the edges of the hat of the hat.

Inedible mushrooms

Restrained on a simple and familiar mushroom, you can go to the group song and consider how to draw a mushroom with a pencil in a complex and step-by-step technology. The working sheet is conventionally divided into three parts, and start painting with the average. We draw two vertical lines that are located a bit at an angle so that the straight line will diverge. Under these skeletons of future mushrooms, we draw small horizontal dashes. All movements must be smooth, so that the drawing is barely distinguish.

We set the borders of the caps: For a larger line, we make a wide surface, and for a smaller - rounded.

We make all the elements in more detail. For this movement must be smooth and zigzag.

We turn to the design of the earth's surface. Turning the strands near the legs, and in front of the big mushiba, they lower the leaf.

Now we change the pencil to the more rigid and bring the borders, increasing the number of blades.

Go to the Hats: Everyone needs to do a lot of circles (correct and irregular shape) so that they cover the entire surface.

After that, it is necessary to place the feet of mushrooms: add two or three vertical strokes to the left and right borders, not forgetting to draw a few in the center. Take a leaf lodge.

We work with grass. It is necessary to make it volumetric and increase the number of small elements.

The next step is the volume of the hat. To do this, each circle is necessary to circulate along the contour again, adding light in different places.

The last stage is staining. Using the technique of small hatching, go through all the elements of the composition and shade. It should be remembered that the darkest zone should be a hat, a little brighter grass and the brightest - the bottom and the sheet.

Children's version of the mushroom

Not everyone will be able to repeat the complex technology immediately, so parents need to tell how to draw a mushroom to a child. We start with a hat. It should be wide and high.

From the middle part of the nose hats, we derive two borders of the thick leg.

In the background, add the border of the hat skirt.

To the left of the mushroom draw the bottom of a small mushroom, directing the curves to the left.

I do the same on the other side of the fungus, drawing lines a little longer.

Get on the left of the same hat as the big mushroom.

For the right element, we draw only half the surface, as it hides behind the big mushroom.

In the foreground, we draw up the border of the chubmed grass.

It remains to open the drawing. Green grass, pale yellow legs, hats - red, but with white circles. The family of amansorov came out.

Trio of poisonous flyers

Now you can carefully examine how to draw an amicer. Works start with two mushrooms of different sizes, tilting them in opposite sides so that there is an empty space between them. Thin legs with skirts and hats in the form of triangles.

In the background between them draw a long leg, withdrawing it high above them. Almost near the hats itself, we draw a skirt. The top of the mushroom looks like a flat plate.

For a large aunt you need to make a high hat, pulling it up in the form of a triangle.

Decrade the composition. It is better to make colored pencils: the edges of the mushroom make a brown color, a middle of the legs and the bottom of the skirt of a big hat - light brown, hats - red with white circles. Below is typing a long and narrow grass.

Yellow chantech

It's time to consider the technology of creating a completely different mushroom, the hat of which has a different form. So how to draw a chanterelle? Light pencil movement draw the outlines of the future mushroom. First, the horizontal line, in the middle of which runs the skeleton legs in the form of a curve. Now it needs to be limited from two sides by two more oblique lines that will show the size of the lower element. Further, from the last element, we assign two curves to the parties that create the shape of the bowl. Testing the top rim of the hats in the form of a compressed circle.

Near the root draw a bull of grass with sharp teeth. From the end of the legs, we remove several curves at the bottom of the hat to its border.

We supply the mushroom with a dark brown pencil, painting it with a brown tint, leaving in some places zone for a light shade. Grass Pain in green, framing a dark tint and in the blades, let the separate glare of a glowing color.

White mushroom (complex version)

About how to draw a white mushroom with a pencil most realistic tells the next master class. We start from the skeleton: horizontal line - the surface of the earth, the vertical - the middle of the legs, half of the circle - the hat.

We draw a leg, holding a vertical strictly in the center. At the bottom it should be wider, narrowing up. Top hats make with hubbles, lengthening the bottom.

On a hat, we draw a different circumference of the circumference. The lower part of the skirt is decorated in the form of a jar, duplicating a little lower than another layer. Make a few strokes on the leg, and near the root draw the boundaries of the edge.

We carry the line, leaving intact small strokes.

Along the mushroom, we add a group of strokes, we draw only vertical single vertical on the leg. More detailed dragging blasting.

To create a realistic hats throughout its surface, we draw horizontal semicircles, interrupting them in the central part.

Do the same with the leg, but the lines should be directed not horizontally, but vertically.

With the help of technology of shallow hatching at different angles, we make the drawing zone of grass and leaves.

Now you need to add small points over the entire surface.

The last stage is the hatching in the opposite direction. On the hat we draw it vertically, and on the leg horizontally.

Mushrooms are not plants and not animals. These are representatives of the individual kingdom of living organisms on Earth. They combine just signs and plants, and animals. We will draw a gradually pencil with edible mushrooms - champignons that consist of a hat and legs. Usually mushrooms grow in forests, where it is dark, the roots of different trees. Often hiding under the leaves and grass. To find mushrooms, you need to show tie and patience. It is also necessary to learn to divide edible and poisonous mushrooms. Mushrooms are very tasty. They are fry, stew, bake. There are many types of dishes, which include proteins. They are comparable to meat in their nutritional value.

Stage 1. Draw a circle and three oval - large, medium and small. We supply great oval and circle. These are hats of fungi.

Stage 2. Now from the circle and oval draw the legs of the fungi. They look like rectangles. The last two ovals are also requested by contours of cutting on halves of fungi with legs.

Stage 3. Now supplemental features give the volume of mushrooms. We make lines on the legs of mushrooms, on the hats. Different dashes show irregularities on the surface of the fungi.

Stage 4. Making strokes on the legs, showing lamination. On the hats show holes on the cut.

Stage 5. Collect our drawing in pink color. Curl all the contours and show the shadows again. Well, how did you get mushrooms?

Related lessons

If a person does not know how he does, often involuntarily he begins to draw. Knowing this fact, it can be used for yourself. After all, drawing classes not only develop the skill of possession of the pencil, but also allow you to develop fantasy. True, it is worth paying attention to what exactly you depict. Non-trivial things should be drawing, they will help a person to go out for the standard thinking framework. And what to portray? For example, you can make a sketch, read below.

We study mushrooms

Before wondering how to draw myself, you should carefully examine the mushrooms. This knowledge will be able to come in handy by a person if he wants to go to the forest and replenish its product reserves there. It is advisable to study my own pictures, namely, according to real mushrooms. If there is no such possibility, then, of course, images are also quite suitable. Hold the time to explore where mushrooms grow, what groups they will "settle", and what form of their caps. This will help further avoid many errors in the image. It is necessary to study well the shape of all parts of them, as well as to pay attention to their color. This data collection can be not limited. Do not be lazy to spend half an hour of time to study the root system. This will help to understand why mushrooms grow in what direction.

Pencil drawing

The first experience in the image of any object should be a sketch. How to draw a person stepdown? First, you should depict stump. Let's start drawing it with a simple geometric shape. We draw a square, and then spin it up top corners. Now from the bottom side of the geometric shape you need to make roots. The wave-like lines of different lengths are planned extended curved ovals. Somewhere they should be thicker, somewhere thinner. And how to draw my own way? After the pedestal for mushrooms is ready, you can move to their image. First of all, you need to draw legs. They have the shape of rounded thick rectangles. Now you should draw the hats. We depict them with ovals.

After the big mushrooms are ready, you can move to a small one. It must be hats without legs that are stripped to the punchy. When the composition is built, you can move to its detail. First, they will schedule the drawing lines on the hat, and then we work with wave-like strokes. At this stage, the sketch should be considered complete. Optionally, you can add lights and shadows, and then you will not have an outline, but an artistic work.

Stylized drawing

The easiest way to portray something is to make the image unrealistic. How to draw a pencil? The shape of mushrooms should be made quite real, but the insides can be filled with a non-volume, but pattern. It turns out a plane stylized image. How to draw in such a style? To begin with, you should depict mushrooms. We will draw them in the number of four pieces. Curved wavy lines depict the leg, and with an oval with a hat. Now you should additionally add the image with the membranes on the leg and roots. Then you need to divide each mushroom on the part so that they are more convenient to fill the ornament or pattern. On the legs you can apply ordinary strokes, and give a flight of fantasy on the hats. They should be divided into 3-4 parts and in each of them draw different patterns. It may be waves, triangles or circles. Now you should shake these drawings. So that work looks more interesting, it can be revived, putting on one of the mushrooms of the snail. Her, by the way, is also worth stylizing.

Mushroom people

If you like to fantasize, and the image of the usual will seem to you boring, then the plants should be revived. Walked in the form of people? First of all, you still have to portray the contour of the ordinary Opener, and only then give it a human appearance. It is necessary so that the artist in the process does not go beyond the limited circuit of the mushroom frame. Figures can be any. For example, you can depict a girl who is trying on a big hat, and next to her a friend who does the same. You can draw a mushroom to the profile, and supplement such a sketch of a cigarette or tube. Do not be afraid of nontrivial combinations. The drawing does not lose this, but only enriches. So that people resemble mushrooms, their silhouettes should be made smooth and wave, and the hats are big and round.

Draw colored pencils

Colorful sketch always attracts more attention than a graphic image. Yes, and paint in color is always more interesting. How to portray my way? Start follows from pencil sketch. First, you need to draw the general form of the entire group of fungi, and then - each room separately. Do not go into the details, you should correctly depict the form. Then, you can immediately come to the image of the volume with colored pencils. It follows the whole mushroom, except for the bottom of the Hat, give a yellowish color. Then the leg and shadow on the hat shack the brown pencil. Now you need to introduce several shades of yellow and orange. The final stage - dark color should draw the opposite side of the hat.

This is the average lesson. To repeat this lesson can be difficult and adults, so I do not recommend drawing a mushroom on this lesson to small children, but if there is a big desire - then you can try. I also want to note the lesson "" - be sure to try to repeat it if you have time and desire to draw today.

What do you need

In order to draw a mushroom, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take a mediated special paper: novice artists will be much more pleasant to draw on such.
  • Compared pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each you need to use for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Shelf for rubbing hatching. You can use conventional paper twisted in the cone. She Lego will rub the hatching, turning it into monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Phased lesson

Food or still life will draw much easier if you see it alive. No photo will not give that light that real objects give. Draw a mushroom will be much easier if you can see and penetrate the essence itself ... If there is no possibility to draw from nature - try to search for pictures in Google or Yandex.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to draw your attention to the lesson "". It will help to increase your workshop or just deliver a little pleasure.

Please note that every object, every living being, each phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric items: circles, squares and tracks. They create a form, it is them that the artist needs to see them in the surrounding items. No at home, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. So build complex items are much easier.

Tip: Create an outline as few thick strokes as possible. The thicker the outline will be - the more difficult it will be erased later.

The first step is more precisely zero, you always need to place a sheet of paper. This will give you to understand where it will be the drawing specifically. If you place the drawing on the half of the sheet - the second half you can use for another picture. Here is an example of the markup of the sheet in the center:

If you not only like to collect mushrooms, but also love to draw, let's try to draw mushrooms together, more precisely will draw a white mushroom. Figure mushroom will perform in stages, first a simple pencil. In the last step, you can paint the mushroom pattern with paints or colored pencils, and if you draw near and grass, the picture of the mushroom will be very beautiful and attractive.

1. Let's mark the feet of the mushroom

First draw only two circles for the legs of the fungus. Circles will help you further withstand the correct proportions of the fungus pattern.

2. Add a mushroom with a leg

Draw next to the leg of the mushroom here two "ear", like Cheburashka. They will help you draw the mushroom hat. At the base of the leg, add "the reversed" oval. After all, the mushrooms are not perfectly even, their legs are curved, the hats are cast, so to draw realistic fungus, you need to take these "little things."

3. How to draw a common mushroom outline

Here you see how it is easy to draw the shape of the fungus when there are guidelines. It is enough for you to break the pencil, almost an arbitrary line, these "circles" and will get the most real white mushroom.

4. Figure mushroom in detail

Before drawing a mushroom in more detail, delete unnecessary contours from the picture. Fully complement the mushroom hat and the "edge" of the caps do two lines. All beauty of a white mushroom in his contrasting hat. Inside it is white, and on top of Korooner. Luxury on the edge of the mushroom cap will emphasize this effect.

5. How to draw a mushroom. Finishing stage

You see how it is easy and simply draw mushrooms, if you draw in stages. Just as far as simple steps and you are already preparing to paint the mushroom with paints or pencils. Figure mushroom looks very effectively in a simple pencil technique. If you think so too, you can simply sharpen a mushroom with a soft simple pencil, like on my drawing.

6. Figure mushroom. Surrounding

Drawn around the mushroom small growing mushrooms. Yellowed leaves, grass, branches will give a drawing of greater attractiveness and realism. If you were able to draw a mushroom beautifully and right, try to continue the drawing and draw the surrounding landscape. You can even draw, next to the mushrooms. These animals love to collect mushrooms, harvesting them on.

Now you know how to draw a mushroom. If you make efforts, I believe that you will achieve everything I wanted. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is as interesting and fascinating. Well, the buttons of social networks here is not just so \u003d)

How to draw a mushroom - draw a subboler.

Well, well, it seems that I just painted the willow and mother-and-stepmother, did not have time to look back, and already the summer in full swing - on the market already kind people sell mushrooms, and what big! When did they grow up?

To go to the mushroom hunt for an underestimation, so I bought the "Laman Gifts" and now I will draw and write a lesson for the phased drawing of mushrooms.

I went home and wondered - and what mushrooms? Podbotzoviki or boosts? The form they have the same, the difference in the color of the hats: orange or brown. And who has?

Looked on the Internet - yeah! With brown hats - Podbotzoviki. So remember.

Draw mushrooms Podbotzoviki styardly from nature

I choose a couple of mushrooms paint, first to draw a pencil.

We repeat the topic "Mushrooms" for a year - and the coloring of the mushrooms was painted and the protein was fed and the umbrella with a mushroom compared. It seemed to me that I had a clear idea how mushrooms look - a hat and leg. Daaa, but now I finally see real, and not schematic mushrooms. It is necessary - what legs in the subberezovikov are massive. And so interestingly the book-talked down. And I thought - the mushrooms have legs like a flat column, but it turns out, not everyone.

I designate the average line - I will not call the "axis of symmetry", because the equality of half of my mushrooms is very approximate. I conduct a hat with a line - here it is necessary to correctly determine the angle of inclination: the big mushroom has the little hat, and in a small lap. The shape of the hats is domed, but also not perfect. From the bottom side of the hat there is a sponge "Gimentofor" - that, for which the whole mushroom and grew up - the place of aging mushroom dispute. In the subberezovka, the hymenoform looks like ... Foam, porous and a little bit.

The contours of mushrooms are drawn. Let us give the hatching.

By the way, the hat has a small mushroom with almost black, and the one that is more-delicate and draw. The legs are also different. I was thinking before - the legs of the mushrooms are white, and look - they are gray with a lot of black specks. So here, my theoretical performances were very different from how mushrooms do not really look. Well, it is important not to rest in your errors, but to admit, and follow the truth.

Well, the drawing of mushrooms is ready.

Draw mushrooms - lesson 2

I will now do what I have long wanted, but everything was not solved and postponed. Drawn watercolor paints.

The fact is that I did not like to work with paints from childhood. In an art school, painting rightly hated. He left and pretended to be the sick to paint the day not to go to art. The teachers adhered to an impressionism approach, and it was absolutely not close to me. I liked it thoughtfully to look for the correspondence of halftone and contrasts in the black and white pencil drawing, and it was even exciting. But work with a brush, color transitions, my soul's reflexes did not take. I studied painting through the power and gritting my teeth.

After graduating from school, I joyfully stuck on the mezzanine and forgot about her. Subsequently, as an artist-designer, I worked a lot of gouache, but this is a completely different technique. But now, when I took to write the training lessons, somehow it happened that it became interesting to paint in color. Always favorite black and white drawings is already somehow little, lacks. The soul asks for more. That's just now I have grown to color!

At first, I painted the drawings with markers, then I bought watercolor pencils. But recently, herself is surprised at himself, found a box with watercolor on mezzani. God, how long have she lying there ... And you know how difficult it is to overcome the hostility received to some subject in school.

But, nothing, bolder.

Watercolor technology is either in the imposition of several transparent layers - lesing, or in work on raw leaf. But I will do it easier: for the first time I will simply try to choose the color as you as closely and paint into one or two layers.

I choose two other fungi - for a variety. How to draw - we have already discussed with you. Now it's about paints.

When painting the hats, the hats were easily drawn, and the most difficult turned out to be legs.

They are not only black specks - there is even something like small chips.