Track mail from China. Tracking postal and courier shipments from China

Track mail from China. Tracking postal and courier shipments from China
  • registered (with the ability to track the parcel);
  • unregistered (without tracking).

At the same time, absolutely all parcels, and sending through EMS China Post are registered departures. As for small packages, they are allowed not to register (at the request and opportunities of the seller).

If your product is shipped using a registered service, then after crossing the border, it can be found on the Russian Post site. You will need a track code and an official website:

After the correct entry, a sign will be created with information about the passage of goods in sorting centers and the data on the current location.

Track parcel or small package easily. It is enough to know the track number, to have an Internet and desire to find goods.

If it does not work, the site is temporarily unavailable. Either the data is not received, it costs to wait a couple of days. This is due to the need to update data on mailing. In addition, malfunctions are possible and due to a large load on post offices. If after a while the situation has not changed, then it is worth:

  • notify the seller and ask for reliable sending data;
  • open the dispute for the return of money.


Do not be afraid of virtual purchases. They are comfortable, pleasant and allow you to save. And you can track them with the help of special services and the site of Russian Post. By the way, before the final confirmation of the order, be sure to check your address to prevent the occurrence of errors in departure.

And let your purchases always find an accurate addressee, never lose.

You know, what is the question most often hear the staff of Alitrust from users of our service? They ask us what to do if the numbers for tracking the parcel from China issued by the seller does not exist. That is, the room, it seems, on Aliexpress in the order card there are, and for some reason it does not work on it.

And in general, many are interested in what the trekking numbers are presented, how to decipher them and what to do if the goods from Aliexpress are not monitored.

Let's deal with together. Start over.

Classification of international mailing

International postal departments (MPO) are divided into two types:

  • small packages or parcels weighing up to 2 kg;
  • packages weighing more than 2 kg.

And there is also a classification:

  • registered MPOs (with track number);
  • unregistered MPOs (without track number).

The parcels always register, but for small packages (and sellers of Ali are sent much more often) the execution of this rule is optional.

If the postal is registered, then it is assigned a tracking number starting to Latin letterR.which is easy to control the movement of the goods to the recipient. Unregistered departure also receives a number starting to letterL.But to track the movement of the package is impossible.

About the room for tracking goods from China

Aliexpress Rules say that the order is considered executed fully, if the tracking number is entered by the seller in the purchase card.

Find a room on Ali is very simple. On the page opposite the names of the goods, look for the "Check Tracking" button. In the second block on the page you will see the room and you can track the departure.

Aliexpress information about where your package is located, leaves much to be desired. On Ali is seen only the movement of the parcel in China, and you can see data about shipping in Russia or another country on the pages of carriers. We recommend that you avoid these difficulties using . We will help you track any parcels from the moment of sending to China before receiving them in the mail near your home.

Types of trekking numbers

MPO tracking numbers are usually standardized for all postal services, regardless of the country.

According to the International Standard, the number must consist of 4 letters and 9 digits and have such a structure:


XX - The first two letters are responsible for the type of departure and, as mentioned, they show whether it was registered.

  • Ra-RZ. - Tracking small package;
  • La-LZ. - unqualified small package;
  • Ca-CZ. - Tracking parcel;
  • EA-EZ. - Tracking express departure (EMS).

If you see in your account, the tracking number starting on the letter L means you can only hope that a miracle will happen and the package with your order is not lost from the carriers. In the Russian Post Office, such parcels are brought by "mound", nobody registers them, and their issuance lies entirely to the conscience of employees. Upon receipt, you do not even have the need to sign anything, not something to fill your passport details.

The numbers specified in the tracking number are a unique code assigned to the shipment.

Last two letters (in our example they are marked faceless Yy) responsible for the code countries of the sender. As we expect the parcel from China, the letters will be at the end CN.This number will "work" and on the Mail site of Russia, and on independent tracking services, an excellent example of which is our site.

Alternatively, there are rooms that end out on CN, but on the code symbols of another country. For example,

  • RA ********* FI

The seller tells us that the parcel goes through Finland and on the site we can really track the goods. Then, when the order leaves the Finnish territory, we are provided with a trekking number, which is tracked by Russian Post.

As an option, the parcels are sent through Singapore, then buyers get numbers of the form: RF ********* SG..

Learn from the number to what country Sending a parcel it is impossible.

Non-standard MPO tracking numbers

Small transport companies issue numbers other than those using official mail. To track them most often is unrealistic, but there is a chance that the shipment information will be posted on the delivery service website. One of the options:

  • U ********** YP.

If the number begins with the letters UA, then you can track the parcel only in China. At the Post of Russia, the number will issue a mistake.

If the number begins with the letters UR, then its IGO can be traced in Russia, and you will get a notice from the post office.

  • RH ********* HK

The incomprehensible number is probably issued by the shallow transport company China, but the goods, as practice shows, reach recipients.

There is a delivery option using Aliexpress Standard Shipping.. Sellers send parcels to the overall Warehouse Ali, and already warehouse employees choose a transport company. Aliexpress collaborates with the mails of Singapore, Estonia (in the picture below), Finland, as well as with private companies and minor courier services. Standard parcel usually "travel" 15-45 days. If delivery is indicated Aliexpress Premium Shipping.The guaranteed shipping time decreases to 5-10 business days.

There are other options. For example, when the number consists at all of the numbers.

Transport company SF-Express.delivers sending to buyers, although it gives track numbers in a non-standard tsifer format.

Similarly and carrier China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus:

It is not necessary to scare right away. Even if the goods are not tracked, you still have "Buyer's defense" Aliexpress The main thing is in the absence of a parcel over the seller specified by the seller of the approximate time required for delivery, on time.

Why the seller writes a non-existent tracking number

If the seller does not have a tracking number, and it does not give off state post and very cheap carriers, then he has to write in the order of the Abrakadabra's order card, so that Ali translated the order status from "Sending" to "Order Posted".

Remember that if you order a very cheap product Yes, then C, then count on the fact that the parcel will be sent by some expensive carrier, like, not worth it. And the lack of a tracking number is far from always saying that you were deceived. Below you see a picture with a number that was not tracked, but the goods were successfully received a month after it is sent:

Another very often option when the code is clearly incorrect (first goes three letters) is shown below. The goods were successfully obtained.

Read more about how to behave if the parcel is not tracked, you will learn.

Successful shopping for you. If some questions remained, ask us them in the comments.

This article is devoted to the work of the National Postal Operator of China - China Post. The main orientation of the article is the description of the work of China Post from the buyer's point of view in China's online stores. Only issues relating to sending and tracking international postal shipments are considered. The factors affecting the rate of delivery of international postal shipments from China are also described.

The first mention of postal services in China is dated even times of the Shan dynasty in the second millennium to our era. In its modern form, China has existed since 1949. The composition of the World Postal Union (UPU) China's post office in 1914

China Post is a state enterprise and the National Postal Operator of the People's Republic of China, both in terms of providing services for receiving, delivery and issuing internal mailing and in the delivery of international mail.

Currently, China's Post Infrastructure has more than 82 thousand post offices and more than 230 mailing centers and sorting throughout the country. Post staff is about 860 thousand employees.

The largest sorting centers of international mail in China are located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenchen and Guangzhou. The first two are the largest and more modern. As a rule, sorting in these centers occurs relatively quickly. Reverse situation with sorting in Shenchen and Guangzhou. Here, international mail processing processes occur more slowly. In addition, the main flow of export mail goes through international airports of Beijing and Shanghai. This should be considered when making purchases. Usually sellers and online stores are not hidden in which provinces are their warehouses and from where they produce sending.

Separately, it is worth saying about the process of designing and sending mail. Like many postal services of the world, China Post allows you to make the release of sending remotely. Those. The seller can place the departure and get a tracking number for it without leaving home. In this case, the buyer can get a track-number literally an hour after payment.

Some sellers are shipping offline - in post offices. Naturally, in this case, from the moment of payment of the order until the date of dispatch can pass for several days.

The mansion in this matter is large firms selling on various trading platforms in China or online stores. Due to the huge amount of orders, they use the services of various logistics services, which are essentially an intermediary between the store and mail and perform only one function - the delivery of the parcels prepared for sending to the post office and the design of these shipments.

After receiving the parcel directly by China Post, it passes the standard sorting procedures, customs clearance and preparation for exports. The export itself is performed, i.e. Physical sending parcel from China towards the recipient country. It can be both straight delivery and delivery of transit (read more in detail in the section "Features of shipments from China")

Since China is part of the World Postal Union, the work of the China Post National Postal Operator is also regulated by the UPU standards, according to which it can be sent to 20 kg to send by ordinary mail., And with EMS - up to 31 kg.

All international postal departments (MPO) from China, according to the UPU principles, are divided into two main categories:

  • Parcel (Over 2 kg)
  • Small packages (up to 2 kg)

Also, MGOs are divided into:

  • Registered (with the ability to track)
  • Unregistered (without tracking)

Parcels, as well as any departure through EMS China Post - is always a registered departure, but small packages can be both recorded and unregistered.

The MPA registered in China is assigned a unique 13-digit tracking number, which you can monitor the movement of MPOs from the sender to the recipient using the Chinese mail tracking services, the tracking service services for destination mail operators, or independent tracking services.

The number to track the recorded small packages always begins on the letter R. (REGISTERED).

Room to track parcel starts with Latin letters C..

Tracking number EMS departure starts with a Latin letter E..

The last 2 letters in the tracking number indicate the country in which the shipment is taken to ship. For China, in case of sending through China Post, all the tracking numbers will end to the Latin letters. CN..

Examples of tracking numbers:

RA123456785CN. - Small package

CD123456785CN. - parcel

EE123456785CN.- Departure of EMS.

You can get acquainted in more detail with the structure of international numbers for tracking in a separate article dedicated to tracking issues.

Often, making purchases in China's online stores, we see the offer of free shipping worldwide. But here you should not think about the fact that China Post works for free and does not take money for shipping from the sender. The whole "secret" lies in the fact that the seller simply takes into account the cost of the postal tariff in the cost of goods. But tariffs for sending international mail in China are not high. The basic tariff for sending a small package until 100 g in European countries is only 18 yuan. And another 15 yuan is taken for every additional 100 g.

For reference: 1 US dollar ≈ 6.1 yuan

After exporting departure from China, tracking is already advisable on the sites of the national postal operators of the country of destination.

According to the rules of the World Postal Union, international postal departments can be delivered from the country to submit to the country to receive transit through third countries. Naturally, the departure country is trying to minimize the cost of transporting mail and, if possible, uses translucent postage containers in the forward direction. But with an increase in the overall flow of postal exports, the question arises in a sufficient number of direct transport messages between countries. If we are talking about air-shipments (and most of them), the possibility of direct delivery will depend on the load of aircraft on direct flights and on the number of such flights.

If sending mail from China to Russia is still possible direct dispatch, then to send to Ukraine and Belarus, recently, such opportunities are almost exhausted and a very large number of shipments is delivered to transit.

Briefly consider how it happens. For example, there is a parcel from China to Ukraine (or Belarus). The parcel passes customs in China and is executed for export. But on the nearest direct flight it cannot be loaded due to the lack of free space in the luggage compartment of the aircraft. In this case, there may be two options for the development of events. The first - the parcel will wait for a few days to wait for direct dispatch. The second one will be sent by transit, say through Europe. In this case, the parcel can get to the Supplement, to the airport of Frankfurt. There it will be sorted and will also continue to wait for a free place to fly to Ukraine. And if it is not, it can be sent again to transit, say to Hungary, Austria or in any other European country, where it will happen to it all the same sorting procedure with a search for a free place to fly to Ukraine. Naturally, such a transit only increases the delivery time of the parcel, although with properly organized logistics and availability of translucent tanks on flights, the postal departure can be in all major European airports within a total of 2-3 days.

About how the transit is displayed in the status of track numbers, consider a little later.

CHINA POST statuses when tracking international mail.


  • Collection, 收寄局 (Acceptance / Reception) - receiving postal shipment by China's mail.
  • Opening. - entered the transit point. These statuses may be several.
  • Dispatching., 出口 总 包 封 封 封 封 - processing of departure, preparation for export.
  • Departure From Outward Office Of Exchange, 出口 总包 直 封 封 封 发 (Total Export Package / Export) - the parcel passed customs clearance and sent for export.

Additional and transit statuses:

NULL - About this status is worth mentioning separately, because It is he who causes the most questions from users. In fact, it is even at all and not the status of departure, but the designation of the fact that the status of China's population is simply no translation into English in this tracking system. The fact is that the procedure for processing export mailing in China is somewhat different from the generally accepted presence of additional stages and actions. In order, the mail was not accused of a long shipment, China Post and introduced several additional status, but they are brought into Chinese into the internal accounting system. And the translation into English is simply absent. Therefore, when mapping statuses, we first see the word NULL (as the designation of the lack of translation) and only then the send status itself marked with hieroglyphs. They can be different and denote various actions. Google Translate usually helps read without problems, which denote these hieroglyphs. For example:

  • 已, PVG (Have Been Received / Received) - Page was received by Pudun Airport (Shanghai Airport) for sending.
  • 启运, PVG. - Beginning of shipment at Pudong Airport.

And the status record itself will look like this: NULL, 已 收到, PVG, RU

Three Latin letters standing after hieroglyphs denoting status - this is the international designation of the airport in which this operation occurred . The three-letter coding of international airports can be viewed on the IATA website. To do this, select the Location Code in the upper drop-down menu, in the lower field, enter the airport three-letter designation and click the Search button. In the field that appears below you will see the name of the city and the name of the airport.

The last two Latin letters in status is the designation of the recipient of the departure. In our example, RU is the Russian Federation. For Ukraine, the letters of the UA will stand accordingly, for Belarus - by.

When transit delivery through third countries, the statuses will be displayed in the same way, but will change the code of the airport in which this status was affixed. For example: NULL, 启运, FRA, RU

Please note that the NULL value statuses are displayed only when tracking in Chinese tracking systems, or when using specialized programs. Only the main statuses will be displayed on the Russian Post website - receiving and exporting.

There are often cases when export status appears in tracking systems, but at the same time departure is physically still located in China. And again it can get on some sorting center. There will be disbanded by the shipment container prepared for shipment, the new sorting and will re-form the formation of a postal container and prepare it to export. In this case, the second export status may appear in tracking systems (see the example in the figure).

Each postal service of the world has peak periods when the post office works at the limit of its capabilities. As a rule, these are national holidays. It also exists common for all world services globally difficult period is the New Year holidays. Moreover, the delays in the delivery start from the end of November - the beginning of December and more or less the work of postal departments comes back to normal by the end of January. During this period, very large delays in the delivery that can reach 2-3 months. Separately, it is worth noting the celebration of the New Year in China on the lunar calendar - in these periods, China Post is working extremely not stable, and it is often not working at all. In China, during this period, New Year's holidays are coming and 2-3 weeks in February almost no one works. Approximately the same thing happens to other National Holidays of China.

It is especially worth noting such a period of time as the Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. At this time, maximum security measures are being taken in the country, all incoming and outgoing departures are monitored with special care, restrictions on the international shipment of individual groups of goods are introduced (for example, devices containing lithium batteries). Such actions on the part of the authorities are also practically paralyzed by China Post.

It is also worth noting such a factor that also affects the deadlines for sending mail from China, as the ever-increasing activity of China's online stores and the ever-growing demand for Chinese goods on the part of Internet buyers. According to the statements by China Post, the postal exports associated with the development of online trading are rising annually by 20-25%. In addition, as a rule, most Chinese-online stores declare free international delivery. In 99% of cases, these are unregistered shipments without numbers to track. And this, in turn, further increases the load on the postal service both in China itself and on the postal services of recipient countries.

China's post is now experiencing absolutely the most difficulties as, for example, Russian Post. The infrastructure of the post office is simply not ready for such a volume of postal exports. There are not enough space at sorting centers and transportation containers at international flights. Often, the departure with the status of exports, in reality it can simply be located in the sealed mail container at the airport of departure and wait for its turn on the load for a few more days ...

All of the above naturally imposes a mark on the delivery time of mail from China. If literally year -tooltor back the parcels and minor packages from China to Russia were delivered to the maximum for a month, and in Ukraine for 2-3 weeks, then this year the delivery time increased greatly. According to statistics, the average delivery time of the usual departure from China to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus is now about 55-60 days, and often it may exceed this temporary norm.

The reasons for this are mainly in the increased load both at the email itself of China and the postal services of host countries.

More or less acceptable delivery time shows only China's EMS. Here the delivery time can be varied, and on average, about 10-25 days.

Track parcels from China and other countries

4.4 (87.91%) 1651 ratings.

Do not know where your package? We offer you a list of the best tools for tracking parcels from any stores, including Aliexpress Standard Shipping and Ebay.
Modern postal services provide tracking number postal assignment so that the recipient can alone tracked Where is the parcel. Let's look at how this can be done, on the example of tracking mail to identifier from China.

How to find out where the parcel online:

Enter the track code, click "Track" and find where your package is located.

Where is my parcel? Hand-made parcel tracking

If you want to check track numbers With maximum convenience, and find out where your parcel is now located, you will be helped by universal online trackers to search for mailing:

Advanced parcel tracking option

In principle, there is no particular sense to update the status of the parcels more often than once a day. But if you want to track the parcel as accurately as possible, you can do as follows:
1. If sent by the airmail (SHINA POST REGISTERED AIRMAIL) That first track the parcel to import:
Chinapost (China Post) -
HongkongPost (Hong Kong Post) -
Singaporepost (Singapore Mail) -
And after imports, continue to track (up to receipt) here:
Post office -
2.If sent via EMS (EMS CHINA POST Express Mail Service), then the procedure is also divided into two stages.
Track before import (verification, sent from China or not):

After import:

In addition, if the parcel is delivered by the EMS service, you can always call their operators and clarify the current sending data by phone 8-800-200-50-55 (around the clock, the call from anywhere in Russia is free)

Statistics of the timing of departure

Information on the passage periods can be viewed on the statistical server

Bonus! Parcel Tracking Programs

Want to know where your parcel is not going on sites? You can install a program to track the parcels to your computer, which will automatically check the status of an unlimited number of track codes!

This option (it seems to me a little ineffective, well, oh well) offers to install on your computer (connected to the Internet) a special program.
I will not paint this option in detail, I will simply bring links and screenshots:


Track mail via mobile devices:

Track parcel using mobile devices.
The official enterprise of Russian Post is available for devices and.

Frequently asked Questions

What does NULL status (user response with nickname Ctrl-F)
As China's post explains to its customers - the introduction of new statuses in tracking international shipments is designed to relieve the accusation of China's post office in an unreasonable increase in the periods of passing parcels to Russia, etc. NULL status is the lack of parcels in China (already passed customs and is interpreted as flight of the aircraft flight). The following records after NULL - information on transit movement at airports along the path of the parcel (encoding airports in IATA). An example of PEK - Peking, PVG - Shanghai, FRA - Frankfurt. And the last entry is the country code of the destination. This info sent me my permanent supplier from China.
And with this tool (), you can check the track number correctly, as well as calculate the verification code on the well-known track number of your parcel.

Online stores selling goods from China, a lot. More services with which you can track postal departures.

In China, many recently make orders over the Internet. First, there are goods there are cheaper. Secondly, there is something that is not in Russia. Thirdly, there is very good quality of goods.

So, tracking parcels from China C, can take place for a long time. Most of the goods from this store with free shipping are sent to the most ordinary mail. It's just a huge online store, there is almost everything.

Tracking parcels from China perhaps not only through Russian Post and the online store. To do this, you need a track number for which you can track the parcel. The tracking number of the parcel from China usually begins on the letter R.

You can attribute to the services that are most useful.

Consider each tracking service of Chinese parcels.

1) Russian Post. The easiest way to track the parcel is the easiest way. But it will be possible to track only when the product arrives in Russia. This is a lack of service.

2) E.DOST.Ru is the service tracking service for international shipments. You need to choose the delivery service, the invoice number and click "track".

3) My parcel is one of the most operational postal tracking services. And registration on the site will give the opportunity to receive electronic notifications and the ability to track immediately several parcels from China.

4) Where the parcel is one of the largest postage tracking services from China. The site contains a complete list of Russian postal codes, which is very convenient. This service has a special mobile application. Those. The parcel can be traced through a mobile phone.

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