Classification of pronouns on the value of the table. Classification of value and signs

Classification of pronouns on the value of the table. Classification of value and signs
Classification of pronouns on the value of the table. Classification of value and signs

The use of pronoun is another complexity in the way of mastering the Russian language for foreigners. Outside the context of "His" and "His" means the same thing - belonging to the object of some person. While we do not know, the value of the pronouns is absolutely the same. But it is worth putting a pronoun in the context of the proposal, it will determine the meaning of all this proposal. In this and consists of complexity: from the grammatical point, both sentences will be correct, and the meaning in one of them will be changed radically.

For example, we want to say that by arriving a man named Vasily takes a suitcase who passed to the baggage. We know and want to convey that the suitcase belongs to Vasily. Here are two options in one of which a sense error that foreigners often make.

At Vasily Airport received its own suitcase.
At Vasily Airport received his suitcase.

For native speakers, it is obvious that it is in the first case that there is a suitcase of Vasily. For a foreigner, this is not completely obvious, because the pronoun "of his" - the male race, and except for Vasily in the proposal there is no one. A foreigner concludes that the pronoun "it" can only apply to Vasily, respectively, it can be said that "Vasily received his suitcase." But this is an incorrect version.

In fact, the system of pronouns in Russian is arranged in such a difficult way that even if the proposal does not refer to another subject (except for Vasily), he may be present there, invisibly - on it, just indicates the pronoun "it".

In order to avoid mistakes, you need to practice two things before automatism.

1. Each time the need arises to use a possessive pronoun, you need to ask questions: "Who is the subject?" (Who are we talking about) and "whose object?" (Who belongs to / the one, about which we are talking about).

Using the above example of baggage, we see that the subject is Vasily, and the object is a suitcase of Vasily. If the subject and owner of the object coincide, then you need to use the pronoun "your". Only, we confirm that the suitcase belongs to Vasily. If we say "Vasily received his suitcase," hence the suitcase is someone else's. Although we do not have the concept, whose he is.

Here are more examples:
Vasily loves his wife.
Subject - Vasily, the object is Vasily's wife.
Vasily loves his wife.
Subject - Vasily, the object - whose wife.

Maria walks his PSA.
Subject - Maria, Object - Mary's dog.
Maria walks her PSA.
Subject - Maria, the object - someone's dog.

2. In bundles with pronouns 1 and 2 persons of the only and plural, as well as with the verb in the form of an imperative, you can use both pronouns: for example, "mine" and "its".

For example:
I gave my car to repair \u003d I gave my car to repair.
Give me your phone \u003d give me your phone.
We educate our children \u003d we bring up our children.
You perfectly demonstrate your knowledge \u003d you perfectly demonstrate your knowledge.

Attention! In complex proposals, in the case when the pronoun is used as a definition, it is impossible to use "your own".

For example:
He is happy that his book likes to readers.

It will be true:
He is happy that his book likes to readers.

Pronoun - Part of speech, which indicates a person, subject or sign, but does not call them. The pronouns are divided into:

    Personal: i, we, you, you, he, she, it, they.

    Return: himself.

    Pictures: my, our, yours, yours, your own.

    Questionally relative: who, what, what, what, who, whose, how much.

    Indexing: this one, that, such, so much.

    Determinatory: myself, the most, all (all, everything, everything), any, anyone, anyone else.

    Negative: nobody, nothing, no, anything, noctors, no one.

    Uncertain: some, something, some, some, a few, someone, something, any, anything, something and etc.

1. Personal pronouns - pronouns pointing to persons who participate in speech: these are nouns pronouns. A permanent morphological feature for all personal pronouns is a person (I, we are the first person; You, you are the 2nd face; he (she, it, they) - 3rd face). The constant morphological feature of personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person is the number (I, you are the only number; we, you are a plural). All personal pronouns are changed by cases, while not only the ending, but the whole word (I - me, you are, he is him); The pronounter of the 3rd person varies in numbers and childbirth (in the singular) - he, she, it, they.

2. Return pronoun - The pronoun, which indicates that the action committed by someone is aimed at the actual person. This is a pronoun-noun. Returnable pronouction has no kind, faces, numbers and forms of the nominative case; Returnable pronomation varies on cases (herself, herself, by himself).

3. Holding pronouns- indicate a sign of an object according to his belonging: these are pronouncing-adjectives.

Holding pronouns are changed by numbers, childbirth (in the singular), pades (my, mine, mine, mine, mine, etc.). When referring to belonging to a third party, the frozen forms of the genitive case of personal pronouns are used - His, His, of them.

4. Questionful pronouns - Used in question deals. Who! what? - Nouns pronouns. They do not have a kind, face, numbers; Changes on cases (who, who, that, that, etc.). What? whose? which the? - pronouns-adjectives, change in numbers, childbirth (in the singular), cases (which, what, what, what, etc.). How many? - pronoun-numerical; varies on cases (how many, how many, how many, etc.). Where? when? where to? where? what for? And others - locomotive adverbs; Unchanging words.

5. Ready pronouns coincide with questionnaires - who, what, whose whose, which, where, when, where, where, from where, and others, but are not used in the role of question words, but in the role of allone words in the subordinate suggestions (I know how much effort he spent on performing this task; I know who is to blame in our failure; I know where money is hidden. ). The morphological and syntactic characteristics of relative pronouns are the same as questioning pronouns.

6. Indicative pronouns - These are means of instructions on certain items, features, quantity (with distinction of one from the other). The one, this, this, such - pronoun-adjectives and varies in numbers, childbirth (in the singular), cases (the one, that, those; such, such, such, etc.). So much - pronoun - numeral; varies on cases (so many so many, so many, etc.). There, here, here, there, here, from there, from here, then, therefore, then the others are placed adverbs; Unchanging words.

7. Determined pronouns - serve as a means of clarifying the subject, a sign that is discussed. Himself, the most, all, any, every other, other, any - pronouns-adjectives and vary in numbers, childbirth (in the singular), cases (any, any, any, all sorts, of any, etc.). Everywhere, everywhere, always - placed adverbs; Unchanging words.

8. negative pronouns- indicate the absence of objects, signs, quantities. Negative pronouns are formed from questioning pronouns with the help of prefixes of non-: who → no one, how much → at all, where → no means, when → never. The morphological and syntactic characteristics of negative pronouns are the same as questioning pronouns, from which negative proncesses are formed.

9. Uncertainty pronouns - indicate indefinite, unknown objects, signs, quantity. Undefidant pronouns are formed from questioning pronouns with the help of prefixes of non- and postfix -to, -libe, something: who → someone, someone, someone, someone, someone; how much → somewhat, how much, anyhow; Where → in some way, somewhere, anywhere, somewhere. The morphological and syntactic characteristics of uncertain pronouns are the same as questioning pronouns, from which indefinite pronouns are formed.

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Pronoun - part of speech, deprived of its own lexical value and consumed instead one or another name Nouns or adjective, without calling the subject (phenomenon, etc.) or its characteristic, but only indicating them or related to other objects (phenomena, etc.).

There are also classes with a lexeme that possess the properties of pronouns and formed from the pronouns - first of all, these are primegable adverbs, and some scientists allocate prime verbs - but usually they are not combined with "registered" pronsections.

In Russian, pronouns are divided into personal, returns, pictures, questionative, relative, indexing, determinatory, negative and uncertain.

Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns point to a person talking about. The pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person denote the participants of the speech ( i, you, we, you). The pronouns of the 3rd face point to a person or persons who do not participate in speech ( is he, she is, it, they are).

Change on persons, numbers and (in the third face of the only number) clauses, and also inclined by cases.

Return pronoun

Transmits the value of the action to the act of action ( I see myself in the mirror).

Inclined by pades:

  • yourself ( rD., VN. Pade), yourself ( dt, pr.), by themselves ( tV.).

The form of the nominal case is absent. On persons, numbers and childbirth does not change.

Possessive pronouns

Pressing pronouns indicate the belonging of this or that object (object, properties, etc.) of one way or another.

Changes on persons, numbers and births, and also inclined by cases, consistent with the well-defined nouns. Pronouns 3 persons ( his, her, their) Not inclined.

Questionful pronouns

Questionful pronouns are used in question deals. In this group (as in the group associated with her relative, negative and uncertain pronouns) enter the most heterogeneous words from a grammatical point of view. The ability to change in numbers and childbirth, and also to be inclined by cases fully complies with the properties of the words they replace:

Relative pronouns

The same as question. Used to join put supply offer To the main one. At the same time, they become allied words and fulfill the role of the Union, while being a member of the sentence. For example: Ask, what is his assessment. Scheme: NGN (complex proposal); [\u003d], (What -) (the word "which" will be emphasized by the wavy line, because will be determined)

Indicative pronouns

Determined pronoun

Negative pronoun

Comment. In negative pronouns n. is always unstable, and not It is under the emphasis.

Undefined pronouns

  • someone
  • something
  • some
  • some
  • questionful pronouns with the prefix co- or suffixes -to, -or, -Theless: Someone, somewhere, anyone, something ...

Comment. Uncertain pronouns contain a shock particle not.

Layouts of pronoun in Russian

1. pronouns correlated with nouns (generalized subject): I, we, you, you, he (she, it), they, he, who, that, nobody, nothing, someone, something, someone, something else; In academic grammar, part of the pronoun sometimes allocate in a special part of speech - winning nounwhich includes the pronouns of the various above classes on the basis of commonly named nouns of syntactic and morphological characteristics (for example: all personal, return, part of the questionative - who whatnegative - nobody, nothing, indefinable personal - something, something and etc.)

2. pronouns correlated with adit (generalized quality): My, yours, your own, our, is yours, what, whose, that, this, the most, any, everyone and others;

3. pronouns correlated with numerical (generalized quantitative): as much as.

4. pronouns correlated with adverbs: Shots came to the right: there Fight broke out.

In Russian, pronouns play special importance, without them it is incredibly difficult to do in speech and more effort is necessary to build any offer without their participation. They allow you to avoid tautology and can replace the word, indicate the relationship between objects and phenomena and characterize the set of speech parts: noun, adjective, numerical and even adverb!

By the meaning of the pronoun are divided into the following discharges: personal, Return, Press, Relative, Questionative, Indexing, Determined, Undefined and Negative. According to grammatical features, this part of the Russian language speech is divided into three groups: generalized and generalized, generalized and high-quality quantitative.

All personal pronouns

Their function is an indication of the subject or face. This group includes the following words: i, you, we, you, he, she, it, they.

The first four personal pronouns characterize persons involved in the dialogue.

  • But ianother is given; Ii will be the century to him true. (A. Pushkin)
  • You remember youeverything, of course, remember ... (S. Yesenin)
  • The bigger wespeak each other, the less we understand each other. (E.Marc)
  • At dawn youshe is not awake ... (A. Fet)

It is interesting to note that in Russian there are obsolete personal forms of pronouns, which came out of our everybody. For example, one used to designate a group of persons who are exclusively from objects related to the female family.

The last four words from the group characterize persons who are not involved in the dialogue.

  • At dawn she is Sweet so sleeps ... (A. Fet)
  • Itsilent the nefple and did not sign in tact, is he Always spoke about another ... (V. Vysotsky)

They fulfill the role supplements or subject to Strong pronoun on cases, numbers and persons. The pronouns relating to the third party may also change by childbirth.


Returnable is just one pronoun - himself (And the rest of his forms).

  1. PEITIVE PADEEZ - at home;
  2. Dative - to yourself;
  3. Accusative - in yourself;
  4. Current case - in front of them (sobody);
  5. Prepositional - with me.

It indicates an object, a phenomenon or face that is valid in the dialogue.

  • I often think about to myselfas an important and intelligent person.
  • Despite her modest behavior, she often admired by himself, turning the clock in front of the mirror.

Return pronouns play a role Supplements.


Pretty variable pronouns our, yours, yours, your own, my. Their function is to indicate an object belonging to a person.

  • The teacher said that mythe writing was the best!
  • Everyone in the family needs to be performed their Duties around the house so that everywhere there is order.
  • I'm scared because yours The dog grows on me.
  • Yours New dress really goes to your face.
  • It was oursfirst award gained for excellent performance.

Changing attracted pronouns is similar to how adjectives change. That is, by childbirth, numbers and cases. In the sentence, they act as definitions that are always agreed.

Unchanged attracted pronouns her, his, their . These are a changed personal pronouns used in the form of a genitive case and a third party.

  • Her Platinum hair caught the enthusiastic views of passersby.
  • His The voice was hard and strict.
  • Them The work was performed great!


They answer questions what? whose? Who? what? which the? how much? what?Often used to associate a few simple proposals in the complex.

  • It was noisy, so it turned out to understand for me Who Pronounced these words.
  • Look how much Cows are grazing in the meadow!
  • Lost, I did not know the way home, but return to the Dark Forest, from whichjust came out, was not going.
  • Mom was discharged from the hospital, and I was able to see my little brother. He was not at all whati imagined him myself.
  • I did not want to eave, but curiosity took the top, and I began to listen, about what They say these two.


They are most often used in the questions of the Russian language. In prime exchange who what There is neither kind, nor number, nor face. Proponion what whose whose what is what change according to childbirth and numbers. They are all except what, changes by case.

  • Who Did you come to us this morning? I heard noise.
  • what Does it lie on the table?
  • What color Do you like more: orange or red?
  • Whose Did Lyal tongue today and did not give everyone to sleep?
  • Which the hour?
  • What Is he on his face?


Proponion this, that is, that, then so , are indicable. They are designed to allocate the subject from the group to it. For example:

  • This Puppy like me more than others.
  • itthe dress looks amazing!
  • TOTa person seems suspicious to me.
  • Such The glance can be crazy any.
  • Then We were very happy and calm.

It is important not to confuse the pronoun this is With a particle. "Is this your job won in the competition?" In this sentence, the word "it" is not pronouncing.


Myself, the most, all, everyone, every, any other, the other are examples of pronoun definitions.

This pretty big partition is still divided into several. The first includes pronoun Self itself. They possess the role-emitting role and give the individuality to the object that we are talking about.

  • Self The director of the company began to solve this problem.
  • Most A great gift of life is a strong and loving family.

Word all covers the entire breadth of the person characteristic. For example:

  • All The garden was Estivat Kozami.
  • The sun illuminated allroom.
  • Everything The meeting was in place.

Other, the other have the opposite meaning of what was discussed earlier.

  • We found other Exit from the current situation.
  • It turned out that it leads to his house other road.

Anyone, everyone, anyshow the ability to choose from most.

  • Everything can say that he is a good and sincere person.
  • Everyone knows what rainy weather happens here.
  • Anyone may try to succeed in this attraction.


They are formed from questioning and relative. For example, from pronouns what Educated indefinitely pronoun something; from pronoun which the It is formed indefinitely some.

  • They say that someone broke into the house of our neighbor and stole everything valuable, which was in it.
  • Something terrible and frightening happened last night.
  • Some things are so secrete that they are not subject to discussion in plain sight.
  • From standing in the room stuffing, a certain lady fainted.
  • Several dogs with Lake rushed to catch up with an unfortunate cat.
  • Someone says that everything spoken by Oleg this evening was a lie.
  • A piece of paper hanging on the building of an unfinished church, said that the entire meeting asks to sacrifice the parishioners at least any money to complete the repair.


They either describe the negative characteristics of objects or individuals, or indicate their complete absence.

  • No one Of us I did not expect a similar turn of events.
  • Nothing It could not convince him.
  • Nicforces, we could not dissuade him from this reckless act.
  • He repented, realizing that there was no one to blame in this act except him.
  • Lenochka decisive there is nothingit was hiding from boredom, she was idle from one end of the apartment to another.

All names can be divided into significant and locomotive words.

Conventional - these are words with a certain constant lexical meaning, calling various phenomena of cognitive experience, for example: a house, collective, fifteen, early, etc. The overwhelming majority of words refers to this group - they are calculated by thousands.

Playmen are words that do not have a permanent lexical meaning, and receiving it depending on what the phenomenon of reality or what word in Speech OII indicates, for example: I have long been looking for you. In short, I am indicated that I say, the word you are a source. Bring an umbrella, he hangs in the corridor. The word he points to the word umbrella, named in the previous text, as if replacing it. Playless words are a bit - they are calculated dozens. But their value in the language is huge, because they are very often used.

Placement words are combined not only by the overall value of the indication of the phenomenon of reality (situation) of the NLO for the word (context), but also a number of private values \u200b\u200bthat are not found in significant words.

So, there are pronouns of personal (I, you, we, you, mine, our. Etc.), return (yourself, each other, your own, etc.), personally-index (he, she, they, it, etc. ), index (that, this one, here, so much, there, etc.), questional (who, what, how much, where, etc.), indefinite (someone, some, something, somewhere else, etc. ), Negative (no means, have nowhere, etc.), amps-negative (no one, no, anything, never, etc.), identifying (the other, all, every, everywhere, etc.).

The main semantic discharges are pronouns personal, questionative and index. The remaining semantic discharges in form or by the value are derived from these three digits. Thus, negative, ampful-negative and indefinite pronouns are a compound of questioning pronouns with word-forming particles - that, -libo, something, non-, NE-: Something, someone, anyone, where, nothing, never, etc.

Consider in more detail the pronouns in Russian: it is, then; This, that, such, such, this, this, is it; so much; There, here, here, there, here, from there, from here, so, so, because, therefore, because, then, now, now.

In a certain situation, these pronouns may indicate directly on the subject or phenomenon of reality (deitive meaning) and in this case are usually accompanied by a gesture: the movement of the hand, finger, head, chin, eye. For example, in the store the buyer asks: - Did this tie silk? - And points with his hand or move the eye to the tie like him. The exact value of the index pronouns of the intended oral conversational speech.

In a specific context, the same pronouns may indicate the word or group of the words of the previous one, less often - the subsequent text (anaphoric value), for example: after the rain went into the forest. There were a lot of mushrooms. There means "in the forest".

The anaphoric value of the index pronuches is not accompanied by a gesture and equally peculiar and oral and written speech.

Some index pronouns distinguish an indication of the proximity or remoteness in space or in time: this is, this one is, here - there, now - then, here - there, etc.

And lived I summed up

life dividing on this and that

and half-life the experience summed up:

that life was careless and easy,

easy, careless, young, bitter,

and I have not lived this life yet.

(O. Chukhontev)

General grammatical signs (forms) that would be characteristic of all pronouns, no. According to morphological (and syntactic), the signs of some of them are adjacent to the noun (I, you, no one, anything and under.), Others - to adjective [whose, what, his, whose one, no, so under.) Third - to numeral (how much, so much both under.), Fourth - to adverbs (where, there, nowhere, someday, somehow under.) (See Parts of Speech).

And since the pronouns have no unity of grammatical forms, they are not part of the river. Many scientists of the XIX and XX centuries paid attention to this. (P. Pavsky, I. I. Davydov, A. A. Futunatov, A. M. Peshkovsky, etc.).

So, the pronouns are peculiar to the double, crossed classification: according to grammatical discharges (parts of speech) and in semantic, locomotive discharges. You can group them in different ways depending on the study goal.

In school grammar, pronouns are studied in semantic discharges - it is more convenient to understand the overall characteristics of pronouns, and the private features of individual plans. Only it would not be necessary to call them part of speech. And of course, do not forget that there are placed adverbs.

The pronouns are very ancient and relatively closed circle of words. But they can still be replenished with neoplasms. For example, not so long ago, uncertain plain adjectives Ennica appeared: Annna amount of money, at the Ensky factory and under.

Approach to uncertain pronsections of different grammatical discharges and compounds of questioning pronouns with particles and fell apart (written separately), for example: do not throw your notebooks where it fell. Think about anything, but do not forget about the case.