How to teach a child to eat a spoon. We teach the child yourself there is a spoon: the main rules and tricks for parents

How to teach a child to eat a spoon. We teach the child yourself there is a spoon: the main rules and tricks for parents
How to teach a child to eat a spoon. We teach the child yourself there is a spoon: the main rules and tricks for parents

Teach the baby is a spoon. When a child begins to eat himself, he makes a jump in his development. Getting learning. How to teach a child to eat a spoon yourself - the topic of our conversation. All parents, probably, most likely, worries such a question: "From what age to give a toddler a spoon"? And the answers on this question diverge.

Our pediatricians advise to teach kids on their own with nine-ten months, but the Western recommend later training, after the child is fulfilled.

If the child still does not at all show interest in this table to the device, then you do not need to insist.

It is better to wait for the time when the child wants to take a spoon, and then to start learning.

The first attempts of a child to eat independently, of course, will be awkward, and all the food will be either on the child or on the floor and table. If you develop your own right tactics, Many mistakes will come to no.

So that the child could not drop the plates and cups from the table, it is better to purchase dishes for crumbs on suction cups. During food, the kid will easier to get food from such a plate, as it will not slide. And also the baby will not be able to push it.

To kid himself replete to a plate, prepare him his favorite dish, better so that it was walking. And at this point, give the child a spoon and show what it is needed for.

Better show on your own example, eat yourself with a spoon, and say: "What a mummy is well done, eats a spoon and all food gets into her mouth"! Then offer Cross: "Let's try together?" Take the baby's hand with your hand, then put in her spoon and gently bring a spoon with food to the baby's mouth. Repeat it several times.

How to teach a child to eat a spoon on your own - do not reproach and do not scold the baby if the food will fall from the spoon, better show how to do it right. It is better to put a plate of plates on the table, from one there will be a kid to eat myself, and from another feed it yourself. Or first feed the child themselves, but what will remain in a plate, let the child delight independently. Lunch should not last more than half an hour.

When the kid assigns independent feedback skills, it takes several stages.

First stage: inept attempts to take a spoon. The child knocks on a plate, playing with her. He is not yet ready to eat himself.

Second Stage: The baby is trying to portray the movements of the consumer, but it is extremely approximately, but he is rarely able to get into her mouth.

The third stage: the child can already bring a spoon to the mouth, but because of the awkward movements, he drops food to the floor, on himself or on the table.

The fourth stage: the crumb is already more accurate movements, rarely drops food, less dirty.

Fifth stage: The baby is already eating independently. This usually happens about two years, but there is from exception.

In the process of learning, moms may not allow some errors. The most important thing - the crumb does not need to be customized. After all, the child at first is even difficult to keep a spoon, and he needs to learn to bring it to his mouth. The child needs to praise even for insignificant success.

Always remind a child that he will not only bring food to his mouth, but also chewed her.

Some moms outraget when the child is all smears around, and throws a spoon on the floor. But mom needs to understand that at this age it is completely normal. So the child is trying to know our world. How to teach a child to eat a spoon yourself - a mother should be calm in any situation. Just lift a spoon with the floor and give her to the child, just pre-wash. And so that Kroch understands that this is not a game - to rush with a spoon when you give it to the child again, try to switch it to anything else.

Sometimes moms on the subconscious level themselves simply do not want their children to grow. And then the learning process can also delay. After all, children feel sensitive to our: "If mom likes to feed me from the spoon, then I will not be able to myself as longer!" - Kid thinks. Or maybe it seems to him that if he matches, then you will love it less? Explain to the child to grow interestingly, and you will not love him less.

What kind of advice can be given by mama when they begin to teach the baby there are independently.

Buy a special apron to the baby, and on the floor and the table with the linen.

If the child constantly smears his hair with food, then you wear a cap.

Think about the safety of the child. Buy first spoon baby from plastic or tree.

Purchase a deep plate that has suckers, so learning will be easier.

First, give the baby there is only a thick food, for example, porridge, and there is a much more complicated liquid food.

Food must be warm, and not hot - it is clear.

And do not worry about if the child can not learn how to eat a spoon. Even if the child is able to keep a spoon right, then at first he will still drop food from her. Krochu does not need to rush!

How to teach a child to eat a spoon yourself - everyone has its own methods, but you note that everyone has learned, and your baby will also be able to eat a spoon itself and then for a fork!

Each mother wants her baby to grow healthy and active. In the first years of child's life, it is important to pay special attention to the organization of its nutrition. Pediatricians have long made universal tables of calorie consumption and nutrients for each age. Do you know when it's time and how to teach the child yourself there is a spoon?

Each age is its own spoon!

As soon as you think about teaching the baby to the independent use of cutlery, it's time to purchase the right spoons. Accessories for feeding babies are sold in children's stores and pharmacies. How to teach a child with a spoon yourself quickly and just? Start with the purchase of a suitable spoon. Its size should be no more than tea, and preferably even a little less. Silicone and plastic devices are best suitable for the smallest. Especially convenient are almost flat spoons with a shallow scarlet. Interesting model "On an amateur" - curved cutlery, resembling their shape of the midst. Such spoons like many kids older than the year.

Optimal age for the first personal cutlery

When and how to teach a child to eat a spoon yourself? For the first time to allow the baby to take cutlery into your own handles at the age of about a year. Parents should be patient. Get ready for the fact that during the first "lessons", the child will be more smearing the porridge on a plate than trying to eat. How to teach the child yourself is a spoon, many parents are interested. And only some ask: "When to start intensive learning?" How fast the baby will learn how to handle cutlery devices depends on the level of development small Motoriki. Many experts believe that by 2 years the child should well own a spoon, and to 3 - there is solely independently. If you have the interest of the baby, to teach it to eat without the help of your mother should be from 1-1.5 years. But how to be if a child does not show much interest in cutlery devices?

To feed everyone!

Offer the baby to play with kitchen utensils. Purchase a bright and beautiful set of toy dishes and select a rubber toy that is easy to wash. Be sure to put "something tasty" in a plate and show the baby, how to feed the animal or a doll correctly. Watch the game, do not forget to praise the child when he gets a spoon in his mouth. How to teach a child to eat spoon yourself, if it does not show interest in the cutting instruments? Offer the baby to feed mom or dad. The child will understand how to handle a spoon, if it obsesses this process from the side. IN similar games It should be played regularly. You will see, very soon the baby wants to eat himself.

Family traditions able to help in learning a drinking etiquette

Every parent knows that the easiest way to teach a child to something new on his own example. If your family is still not accepted to gather daily at the large table, try to introduce such a tradition. Perhaps, with a similar approach, you will not have a question about how to teach the child yourself is a spoon. Watching the meal adults, the baby will gladly repeat everything seen. If for some reason, it is impossible to organize family dinners and dinners, you should eat mom with a child. A small toddler is not always adjusted, but you can eat a yogurt jar or a small dish of broth. Sit down opposite each other so that the child is clearly visible as you eat. Many parents prefer not to take kids who do not know how to eat carefully, for festive table or in a cafe. And this is a big mistake, the more often the child will observe how other people eat, the faster it will learn to gently eat.

Where to start learning?

How to teach a child to eat a spoon yourself, are there any tricks? To begin with, just give the baby a spoon and show how to keep it right. Let the kid "fights" in his plate, mom at this time can feed it slowly. Offer a child interesting game - to convey a spoon to mouth in turn. Once it feeds his mother, then he must independently use the cutting device. After a few days of such classes, it is possible to resolve the baby on its own, only occasionally helping him. How to teach a child yourself to eat in 1 year without unnecessary trouble? It is important to clearly establish the borders where the game ends. Never allow you to play a "real" spoon for food. Try to also explain that the toy utensils are for the game only. If you started learning the baby there is independently, be sure to hold "training". Without observing this simple rule, it is difficult to teach a child to a new regime. As soon as the baby starts to get it yourself to convey food to the mouth independently, it is advisable to try to help him as small as possible. Do not let your childbirth and grandparents. Otherwise, he will perceive the need to eat independently as the game in which you can play in the mood.

How to teach a child to eat a spoon yourself? Komarovsky advises

Dr. Komarovsky is one of the famous modern pediatricians. This doctor is ready to respond to any questions of young mothers associated with child care. What does Komarovsky talk about a drinking etiquette for kids? First, parents should understand that every child is individual. Focus on the possibilities and interests of your own baby. When and how to teach a child there is a spoon yourself? Komarovsky recommends watching the baby. If he shows interest in table devices under the age of the year, he can already give his own first spoon. If after the first birthday celebration, the child does not show interest in table devices and keeps them with great difficulty, you should postpone acquaintance with a drinking etiquette at a later time. A famous pediatrician reminds that the vaccination of any self-service skills should bring to the baby and its parents exclusively positive emotions. There is nothing terrible that your child will begin to eat alone later than his peers. The most important thing is to never forced him to learn something, but to turn the learning process into a fascinating game.

Secrets of successful mastering spoon

What kind of food to choose for the first "training" and how to teach a child to eat a spoon yourself? Komarovsky recommends choosing thick dishes of puree consistency. Soups and liquid podlivals leave at later time. The main thing is that the food was easy to collect a spoon, and she was not shed. Prepare your favorite kid dishes, which he eats with pleasure. Shed at the desk of the child follows when he was hungry. Be sure to purchase a comfortable plate and capes on clothes. Remember, in no case can the baby should be scolded if it is dirty while eating. Be prepared for the fact that at first, not every spoon will fall into the mouth. This means that portions should be increased in order for the child to go. How to teach a child to eat on your own spoon in 2 years, if he still does not know how? Training should be the same as in more early age. It is not so important when you start to do it. However, specialists from early Development They advise you to teach a child to eat yourself up to three years.

Are the silver spoons?

Very often for the birth or baptismal babies, someone from relatives gives a small silver spoon. it ancient tradition, the meaning of which comes down to the wish of newborn well-being, wealth and health. Is it worth using a silver spoon for feeding a child? Parents should understand that silver cutlery differ in domestic and souvenir. If you decide to feed the kid with a silver spoon, make sure the product is intended for contact with food. Silver has disinfecting properties. And this means that the correctly selected spoon can be useful for the child. Pay attention to the following signs: the presence of a hygienic certificate, high silver test, galvanic coating and lack of drawing on the sinpel. Now you know how to teach the child yourself is a spoon. It remains to choose suitable cutlery and you can start learning!

The baby grows, and the parents are proud to watch, as day to day, it is becoming more and more actively and more. The child all wants to try to do without the help of adults - there is enough a bottle and drinks out of it, pulls out her favorite toys from the basket and then throws them back.

Also, the first attempts of independence concern and the food process. A discarded plate with soup, smeared porridge, mashed potatoes on her head, clothes and hands - such pictures of Mom sees every day.

Of course, young parents lose patience from constant dressing and washing of the child's things, and therefore seeking to teach a child to eat themselves. In most cases, children will gladly grab the spoon and try to imitate adults - they buried her porridge and carry to the mouth. And sometimes the process independently is a spoon in the kid can delay, to great perplexity and regret adults.

The first effective attempts to eat independently Karapuz demonstrates at the age of 1 year, by 1.5 years, usually all children are relatively neatly eaten by a spoon.

Experts advise to teach kids to a spoon after 10 months, but not much hoping for success.

What spoon should choose for crumbs?

One of the most important issues In the process of study, which spoon give preference? Usually use the following types: silver, special rubber, anatomical or tea. Everyone is good in its own way and each has its drawbacks, but as practice shows, it is best to teach a child to eat alone with a plastic spoon. Such lung spoons, compact, bright and colorful. When Kroch sees a bright spoon, he perceives it as an object of the game, and will be happy to try to eat such a spoon.

When the kids are becoming older, experts advise them to choose ordinary tablespoons made of iron.

Of course, there are quite a few tips from grandmothers and girlfriends, rules and recommendations in special literature, as well as a video posted on the Internet, how to teach there is a child independently. But the most important thing, every mother must remember: all children are different, the development schedules and the knowledge of the surrounding world in kids are individual.

Therefore, in your attempts to teach Chado there are all moms should be patient. Today the child throws a spoon or indulges with her, and tomorrow it is already confidently holding her in his hands and makes the first successes. All moms should try to show their talent and armed with perseverance and patience before she selects the approach to the baby and can teach him to eat right.

An excellent incentive to take a spoonful in the hands and try to eat without assistance - this is the presence of the whole family at the dining table. Adults should with understanding refers to a long reception of food, because often joint lunches for young children - this is not a thickening of hunger, but a time when you can play and chat with loved ones. You can also reasonably allow the baby from the plate's plates if it uses a spoon.

It often happens that the science of teaching Karapus to a spoon is not always simple and easy. You can slowly take a small handle along with a spoon in your hand and gently direct the baby to the mouth. In no case cannot force a child and put it in any framework.

Nutrition specialists have long proved that any violence during food intake negatively affects the digestion and psyche of man, especially children.

It is important to teach a child to a spoon when the child is really hungry and wants to eat. In a desire to quench your hunger, he will not be a pool with food, and the hungry state will be a good incentive to learn to eat a spoon.

Also, do not miss the moment when the child is saturated and starts grabbing his hands or smear it on the table. It is necessary to immediately stop such actions and remove the plate with a spoon.

There is a spoon, the best child can teach his favorite dishes that invariably cause his special delight and interest. An important point is the consistency of the cooked dish. The kushan should be easily burned with a spoon, not to be too liquid or solid. Accordingly, it can be cereal, thick soups, children's cottage cheese.

Significant in study will be the observance of the feeding regime. Even if the crumb does not quite know how to use a spoon, it should immediately give him in the handle as soon as he sit down at the table.

Experienced mothers practice such a way of studying the handling of a spoon as food "in two spoons." One spoon is in the handle at the kid and he tries to eat his capabilities to the best, and his other gently feeds his mother.

Almost all pediatricians who have released books on child care, including Dr. Komarovsky, emphasize that at first, when the child also studies such a thing as a spoon, mother should be fed its main dish. Well, a delicious dessert can be suggested to try to eat yourself. Especially, it concerns those moms that are experiencing that after independent use of a spoon, the child will remain hungry.

Also, a variety of popular methods of raising children (Montessori, Domana and Others techniques) are evolving evidence that the child needs to provide freedom and selection of actions. Therefore, when adults impose a spoon, contrary to the desire of crumbs, it can lead to an increase in the period of addiction to it.

Accuracy and good manners at the table

At first, good manners and accuracy of the child at the table can not remember, the process of mastering self-eating does not contribute to their development. Starting from 2-3 years of age, Mom must slowly teach Chado how to behave at the table, gently and patiently explain what behavior is permissible at the table, and which is not not. You can teach this quite possible.

The main stages of the learning process

Several common periods can be distinguished, which take place almost all children, while studying independent meals.

The period "Game" - the spoon is perceived only as a new beautiful toy, the child plays with her, ineptly holds and does not strongly bind her with food.

The "Copying" period - for the child a spoon is already associated with meals, but due to the weak age coordination of movement, it is not possible to convey it to the mouth.

The period of "training" - the crumb is quite consciously killed by the food with a spoon and worry to be worn, not always successfully.

The period "addictive" - \u200b\u200bstage for mom, when you can shout "Hurray!". Kid confidently holds a spoon and can eat simple dishes Almost independently.

Several impossible

What can not be done to parents towards the baby who is trying to learn how to eat a spoon:

  1. Do not scold a child for the inept handicap with a spoon;
  2. Do not torfer Choo in his desire to cope with food faster;
  3. Do not leave a child one with a meal at the table;
  4. Do not deny your baby in help if he is trying.


Independent food spoon - new stage Development of a small person. You should remember the main - do not lose patience, clearly show how to eat with a spoon and do not scold your child. After all, he is hard to learn to eat himself, this important skill may go a certain time. Do not worry because large number Cleaning and styrics of children's things. Everything goes to your woman!

The ability to use cutlery and drink from a circle - initial skills for each child. And although the Kroch himself will begin to serve himself again oh, he will not be interested in a spoon already at 5-6 months, when mommy.

Encouraging interest, parents will be able to teach the baby without any difficulty to teach a year or even a little earlier. Well, the advice of specialists will help parents understand how to teach the child is a spoon without tears and whims.

The assimilation of the skill of owning a spoon will take several weeks, and then months, however, it should not be hurry. If the child's teaching from six months, when the feeding begins, then the result will be only a spilled food and a spoiled mood. After all, at this age, the coordination of movements is at an extremely low level.

But it is also not worth missing the right moment. Toddler's baby is more difficult to captivate the game, to interest with cutting devices. Closer to three years, children, joining the next crisis period, can be chosen in general, refuse to study with a new skill.

An ideal age for teaching a child to use spoons-forks does not exist. However, many specialists are confident that in a year or a little earlier, the baby is already ready for training, since it is able to listen and understand.

Parents, to the last hiding a spoon from a child, make two big mistakes:

  1. If you start learning from the recommended age (for example, per year), then by 18 months the kid will master this important skill. Tightening is fraught with the fact that the three-year one will go to the garden by the unrest, and, it means that it will be a white crow among more skillful peers.
  2. Does not help in this case and excessive guardianship. Separate moms do not teach the crumb to eat a spoon and drink from the mug, not wanting to dirty the kitchen or counting that the child is too small, but when it is growing up ...

So, how much does the baby teach to the cutting instruments, solve only parents. Excessive hurry or delaying learning - frequent parent errors. Therefore, you need to look at the child and focus on his capabilities.

By 8 months of age, the child should sit pretty confidently. At this time, he also watches with interest behind the spoon, which his mother fell. If these two conditions coincide, it is time to start teaching, using the following recommendations.

  1. Komarovsky's pediatrician is convinced that at first, when a child starts to study cutlery, parents should give him porridge himself. Well, your favorite puree should be offered to the baby to eat independently, so that he does not stay hungry, lunating the learning process.
  2. In general, it is better to give preference not too thick porridge and purees. The soup is better to leave until better times, since it is a high probability that liquid food simply will not reach the children's mouth, sprinkle on the way.
  3. So that the child has developed the so-called muscular memory in the year, and the food began to fall, where it follows, the mother will have to put a spoon in the children's hand and hold his place for a couple of months.
  4. Teaching to self-meal per year will not cost without klex and splashes. To reduce the scale of major cleaning, you need to prepare the kitchen - remove the carpet, lay the liner, possibly shove the washable wallpaper. The apron for the kid will suit a long one, otherwise you have to wash a lot and often. In hot weather, you can land a baby naked, and then wash in the bath.
  5. Quickly teach the crumb to wake a spoon and drink from the circle, if the child is getting hungry. Recently caught milk or a mixture of kid food will attract only as another toy.
  6. To convey a spoon to mouth a year is a whole feat for so long baby. That is why it is imperative to encourage it every time when cutlery It falls exactly "in the target." In addition, it is possible to accompany self-feeding with emotional approval: "AM-AM", "Tu-Tu".

If you do not know how to teach a child to eat yourself in a year and a little earlier, try to take advantage of the Specialist Councils described above.

Early teaching carries a lot of benefit, but requires patience and adherence to parents.

If it did not work out to teach the baby to the cutting devices up to one and a half years, it is not worth a despair. Of course, it is now late just to acquaint crook with a spoon and plates, you need to instit independent ways.

To do this, you need to enlist the support of all households, as some grandmothers love to register kids from the spoon.

Three years old, children gradually begin to determine the lead hand. If the child constantly shifts a spoon from one handle to another, suggest to take exactly the right. With a solid desire to wrap up with cutting devices with his left hand, it is not necessary to move - you probably grow a levory kid.

The cutlery for feeding must be soft and most secure.

For example, the parent can purchase a silicone spoon with a plastic handle. Dear models are heat sensitive and at high temperature indicators change coloring.

Such a function is extremely convenient if parents warm up the meal in the microwave oven. Such a spoon will keep the child from burning hot food, and another device will not be able to damage the guise with an awkward movement. Silicone spoons bent the handles, so that the baby was comfortable to keep it in his hand.

This is the very first device suitable for a kid to a year. Older kids can also be acquired by other spoons, paying attention to certain characteristics:

To maximize the baby, the parents should closely monitor the quality of cutlery and other dishes. Rules to select several:

  1. Do not save on children's dishes, because the feelings of the crumbs are much more important. Choose products of well-known manufacturers, and make the purchase either in the pharmacy network or in specialized departments of stores.
  2. Buying must be packed. The wrapper is necessary in order to explore the instructions for use, determine the methods of cleaning and learn precautions.
  3. Pay special attention to the labeling of plastic cutlery. If there are no special labels, refuse to buy. Plastics and silicone should be food, and not for industrial use.
  4. Children's canteens are usually made in bright colors, but such a fun coloring increases the risk of allergic reactions from the child. It is important to explore the quality certificate, which indicates how well the dyes are fixed.

A child over a year and a half can already be offered fork, of course, it should be with rounded cloth.

The first table "Trident" will be made of plastic, but a two-year-old baby is already offered metal forks with a silicone handle. Despite all the tricks, leave the crumb to the fork alone can not!

Typical parental mistakes

The process of learning children by the ability to wake up the cutlery sometimes inhibits and is delayed. And they are blamed not to blame, and parents themselves, who, not even suspect, make the following common mistakes.

  1. Forced to eat. If the child is capricious and reluctantly, it can be assumed that he did not like a certain dish, he was already bugged, he was cut into his teeth or he had a little punished.
  2. Hurry. How much time on the meal will need a small child who does not know how to deftly wrap a spoon? That's right, quite a lot. Therefore, it should be allowed to eat the child in its own pace.
  3. Leave one. Of course, it is afraid of the spilled soup or it will be paid due to the fallen cutlery. In addition, the crumb is simply boring to be without mom at the table.

Another misconception is a comparison of his Chad with familiar more developed children. You do not need to worry if the child's child is already controlled by a spoon, and your karapuz is just trying to the dining room. Every skill is your term!

Since you teach a child yourself - a difficult task, parents will need a lot of patience, understanding and love for a small imperishable.

Try to stick to the above rules, interest the crumb to attractive dishes, delicious and beautifully decorated dishes, in this case the learning process will significantly accelerate. And if the child is cleverly worn with a spoon, get rid of his help. Parents intervention can cool interest in this exciting lesson.

Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.

The ability is a spoon alone - one of the first skills of self-service a little man. Such a simple action requires the crumbs of tremendous effort and increased concentration of attention. It is not surprising that many kids categorically refuse to keep the spoon on their own up to 1.5 - 2 years. Do you need to worry or can you let the child's learning process be a spoon correctly?

As soon as the child is starting to enter the lore, Mom is thinking - is it not time to give a crumb to a spoon? How old can you teach baby to eat yourself? You can give the baby a cutlery in 5 months. But it is unlikely that he can immediately use it for its intended purpose.

At 6 months, when they begin to enter the lore, not every child wants to hold a spoon. More often, the kid just licks her or gnawing, and sometimes throws to hear a pleasant ringing. If the device in small handles does not interfere with the mother to feed the crumb, you can not deprive his pleasure. If the feeding process is broken, it means that the spoonful gourmet is given early. Do not worry - you will still have time to teach him a simple case.

The optimal age to start self absorption is 1 year. At this age, the child can get a spoon in the mouth, and not in the eye or ear. If your child is categorically refused to the instrument, do not be upset. Once a week, offer him a spoon. After some time, Kroch will be interested and completely refuses to help your help.

Follow our advice, and about a half year old, the child can easily eat a spoon.

Do not allow the child to eat porridge with hands. Appeared fashion trendsWhen the baby allows you to first get to know the food by immersing the hands into porridge and wagging on the table. Croha must understand the first time: food is not a toy! For the development of shallow motility, use other materials: sand, cereals, plasticine, dough. You need to teach the baby eating solely using the device.

Which spoon choose

Silicone spoon is great for preparing kid to independent meals

So that the child learned correctly is himself, pick him up a suitable spoon. The main thing is that the kid can be comfortable to eat it. There are several options:

  • Teaspoon is a classic. Most likely, this is your first cutlery. Such a spoon is convenient and miraculously placed in a children's mouth.
  • Silicone - spoon with soft edges to avoid damage to gums. More often such a device is used when they begin to introduce first lures.
  • Children's metal spoon - Usually with a plastic handle adapted to the children's palm.
  • Silver spoon - She is given the godfather for baptism. Silver disinfect food, but the spoon will not save from spoiled products. The main thing is that the baby is convenient to eat it.

Choice for parents. But remember - your choice tests the child, and his view on convenience and beauty can differ much from yours.


Review with seriousness to the setting during food intake. Observe the rules to ensure that the process is pleasant and for you, and for the child.

  1. Use a chairs for feeding. Fasten the kid seat belts so that it does not slip into the floor. Also, the chair provides an optimal height, and you do not have to be tilted to the baby to feed it or teach to convey a spoon to the mouth.
  2. If the temperature in the room is allowed, the breaking of the child to the panties so as not to be stained with clothes.
  3. Use slotters, better polyethylene or silicone with pocket. All that did not get into the mouth of the crumb will remain in the pocket.
  4. Provide a relaxed atmosphere so that the baby does not distract anything. This will help him focus on food. Remove bread, cookies and other goodies from the field of view to avoid temptation.

Calmside and confident in the success of Mom - the main key of good dinner.

Little man eats for a long time. So that during self-admission by the child, the porridge or mashed potatoes in a plate were not cooled, use special heated plates. In them, the double bottom, in the bottom tank through a special hole, which closes the plug, poured hot water. Lunch of your Chad will not cool and remain warm throughout the meal.

8 Golden Rules

If you decide that the baby is ready for learning, proceed. A child can disagree with you, however try. Apply simple rulesTo increase the efficiency.

  1. Watch the child. If the baby does not stretch to a spoon, throws when you put the device into the handle - it means that it is too early. It is impossible forcibly to learn crumb.
  2. Choose your favorite crumb dish - An adored pitch or fruit puree. The baby should want to deliver me to my mouth. Careful: The disadvant dish can fly to the floor.
  3. Do not distract the child from the process. Cartoons or toys, maybe good when you feed the baby. But when he eats himself, they dispel attention. Kroch will forget that he needs to do.
  4. Do not rush the child. At first, children eat for a very long time. Give him time to practice, let him eat how much it wants.
  5. Do not allow you to eat hands. To take care of the kid to take food easily. It is much more difficult to teach the right to use a spoon.
  6. Do not worry . Children can turn the plate, throw a spoon on the floor, confuse porridge in her hair. Relax and do not scold the baby. It's pointless.
  7. Questioned Krochu for yourself. If the child stopped eating, but not yet, boldly report it. When the baby is just starting to use cutlery, it requires great effort. He can get tired. If he refuses to eat, do not insist.
  8. Do not force Krohu. If he does not want to take a spoon, do not despair. You need to wait. In the meantime, continue feeding the child yourself.

Observing the rules, you can easily teach a child yourself.

If the child stopped eating a spoon, although yesterday he enjoyed the device, do not insist. Do not stop giving the baby a spoon, and over time it will learn to eat himself. Perhaps the process tires the crumb, or it is punished.

The child refuses is a spoon - what to do?

The child can refuse food due to the shape and color of the spoon, so it is worth carefully treating her choice

If the crumble throws a spoon and does not want to eat alone, try it to interest it. Dinner simultaneously with it, showing him an example. Children love to repeat behind their parents. After all, they are the main authority for the kid.

Purchase or get out of the covers a plate with the image of your favorite hero at the bottom. Having gained porridge, offer a child to free a bear or ccker. He will gladly try to get to the picture. Wonderful if the kid saw the live, how the excavator works. Children can watch the process for hours. At dinner, offer crumbs to use a spoon like a bucket. He with enthusiasm will draw porridge and put it in his mouth.

If you decide to teach the baby there is an independently, at the beginning of meals, always give him a spoon. Let him eat himself. It is important that other family members also do not feed the child. It is especially difficult to convey to grandmothers. Before going to a clinic or other event, go the clock at the table early. Otherwise, in a hurry you yourself feed it, crossing the previous developments.


Teach a child to use a spoon is not so difficult. This process will be pretty painful if you continue to insist and force the crumb. And maybe fast and painless, if you do not do such errors. Learn the baby is unnoticed so that he manifests the initiative. Then the crumbs appetite will not suffer.