The correct tactics for playing a medium tank. Medium tank combat tactics in WOT

The correct tactics for playing a medium tank. Medium tank combat tactics in WOT

The overwhelming majority of "estheses" have good dynamics and maneuverability. But for this they have to pay with rather mediocre tools. This especially begins to manifest itself at the 6th level and above. As a consequence of this state of affairs, one of the options for conducting a battle can serve: you need to follow the heavy tanks of the allies and cover them from the flank. As a rule, "strands" have very powerful frontal armor, and not very protected sides. This circumstance can be taken advantage of by the enemy, coming in from the side and causing significant damage. This is where the CT comes in. Having quickly advanced to a dangerous direction, he binds the enemy with fire, giving the "heavy" the opportunity to regroup, and either continue the offensive or destroy the enemy.

"Hello, enemy rear!"

In the class of medium tanks WoT, in fact, there are quite "different-caliber" vehicles. Some of them, in terms of their dynamic characteristics, could be safely attributed to maneuverable,. This property - mobility, can be used when the FBG is thrown into battle on a map with a vast area. Throwing his "Cromwell" on the edge of the playing field, the player runs the risk of running into the enemy. But he may get lucky, and then he goes to the location of the enemy rear. And here, as a rule, self-propelled artillery "hangs around", which, with the right approach, becomes easy prey.

Push the front ?! Suicide!

No matter how it is. Among the rich variety of "middle peasants" there are such specimens that wow! Take, for example, the American Tier 6 M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo Medium Tank.

The unremarkable technique, upon closer inspection, is striking in its potential! Stock tower - 152 mm in a circle! She has practically no weak points. Firing point on the tracks. You just need to hide the "carcass" more reliably. And then another look at the collection of weapons rests. Is there a "land mine" ?! Yes, such a tank has no price on the battlefield. You can move slightly behind the "strands" and "rush in the center". And as the enemies began to stir, immediately jumped into a suitable hole! And just put the tower out, and instruct your opponents with your 105 mm barrel. Beauty, and more! There are also flaws in this ideal picture. Rate of fire - 7.5 rounds per minute. You can't fight here alone. Allied support is vital. Well, the crew must be competent and trained. Without this, hitting the enemy will be a big problem.

Choosing the right tactics for ST

Another non-standard use case for medium tanks is as follows. Among the numerous "brotherhood" of ST, there are those whose guns are distinguished by increased accuracy. Apparently, the developers sat up late and messed up something, and it was too lazy to redo it. But it is not important. The main thing is that you can hit a squirrel in the eye from the "fluff". If only the gunner did not disappoint.

So that's it. A camouflage net and a stereo tube are installed on the tank as additional equipment. If there is extra "silver", then you can spend money on camouflage colors. After all, a medium tank does not have a camouflage bonus, and after the first shot it will “light up” in the optics of the enemy team like a diamond under a ray of light.

According to the movement of the "mouse" of the gamer - this "miracle of nature" is sent to look for a victim. Finds and spreads to smithereens with impunity. As practice shows, this manner of firing bears fruit. At least some of the personal combat missions can be completed calmly and without unnecessary hassle.

Don't forget about position and ammunition

When using medium tanks on any World of Tanks map, you need to know the vantage points for the position. On "Prokhorovka" it is stupid to climb the alley, even if they stand behind and "light up" the surrounding area. Well, at Khimki only the lazy or the very cunning will not go to the “hill”, where light tanks, STs and “petasheks” have the most “party” place.

To increase your chances of winning, you need to stock up on different ammo. Any skirmish is unpredictable, and to be head-on against a "heavy" without sub-caliber shells means to feel, at least, "naked on a busy street."

Each class of military equipment, which is presented in the multiplayer game world of tanks on the virtual field of tank battles, must fulfill its functions. WoT is a team-based strategy online game, and, regardless of the chosen class of combat vehicles, in order to win a battle, benefit your team, feel the team spirit of victory, players must choose the right tactics, strategy of fighting, using the technical characteristics and perimages of their armored vehicles. Therefore, in this section, we will consider how to play medium tanks in world of tanks.

Middle class of tanks in the WTO

The middle class of tanks is probably the most difficult, but at the same time one of the most interesting classes of tank armored vehicles presented in the game. Playing on the CT, you need to make a lot of tactical decisions, thinking over your every action, every subsequent maneuver in battle. This class of armored vehicles, with proper conduct of the battle, can significantly affect the outcome of the battle and bring victory to your team, the main thing is to know how to play on CT in the world of tanks.

The middle class of armored vehicles in the VOT is represented by a large number of vehicles of various nations, while each armored vehicle in its class, at its own level, has its own special technical parameters. ST-shki are the "golden" mean between heavy and light tanks, and with advanced skills of the crew and correctly installed modules, this class of vehicles can work wonders in battle, delivering many unpleasant moments of enemy vehicles, regardless of their class and even their level ..

The level of armor of medium tanks cannot boast of high parameters, but at the same time, armored vehicles of 9-10 levels, in addition to a strong armored turret, with the correct positioning of the tank or an attempt to penetrate the tank in the NLD, and even more so in the VLD (lower, upper armor plate) are quite often bounce off enemy shells. In addition, the indisputable advantages of medium tanks include excellent maneuverability, dynamics, low profile and viewing range. The listed characteristics can be successfully applied in battle, for example, using the terrain or in an uneven battle with slow, clumsy AT or TT. And that's not to mention the fact that you can sneak into an enemy base, destroy dangerous artillery, or capture an enemy base in the last minutes of the battle.

To compensate for the weak armor, medium tanks are equipped with a fast-firing, accurate weapon and comfortable vertical aiming angles. In other words, if you accurately hit the vulnerable spots of enemy tanks, the total damage (DPM) will be quite noticeable. Thus, it can be argued that medium tanks are a universal class of armored vehicles in our game, which have the following advantages:

  • excellent dynamics, increased speed;
  • accurate, rapid-fire cannon;
  • low profile, which significantly affects the visibility of the tank;
  • fast stabilization, gun accuracy;
  • comfortable angles of horizontal and vertical guidance, depending on the level and nation of military equipment.

Secrets of fighting

The first rule that you need to take into account when playing medium tanks is that you must know very well the technical parameters and features of the vehicle on which you enter the battle. That is, its strengths and weaknesses, which must be taken into account when choosing tactics of warfare. For example, medium tanks of the American or British nation have a very good gun sinking, so you can make good use of the terrain features and various shelters. Soviet tanks (T-62, Object 140) feel great in a clinch (battle with the enemy head-on), thanks to the armored turret and low profile. Well, medium tanks with cluster reloading, while remaining invisible and, can inflict damage on the enemy, targeting penetration zones.

German top CTs are excellent at ramming opponents of a higher level and, with a successful chosen strategy, after inflicting damage, they can completely destroy hulking TTs or ATs. Knowing the pros and cons of your car, you can make good use of the terrain, terrain, and every part of the map you play on.

Speed, dynamics, agility

Medium tanks are not limited to any direction in battle, since if necessary or mistakes that players of your team can make, you can always change your position, remaining unnoticed, quickly moving to a new, more successful position. Therefore, you need to know well the features of each map, choosing the right direction for your armored vehicle, taking into account the most effective positions and zones of the playing space. Each card has its own directions that can help in battle and really unpleasantly "surprise" aggressively attacking opponents.

In addition, you need to roughly imagine the time when certain enemy tanks will have time to take their positions or in what direction they will move in order to have time to "light up" them for the team.

Knowing the key points and positions on the maps gives you an understanding of which directions should be taken by medium tanks first, as, in principle, and light tanks, which simply have to provide perfect clearance. Having managed to take a comfortable position on any of the maps, you gain a significant advantage and benefit your team. and it is very important to try to capture them at the very beginning of the battle. The classic example is the slide on the "Mines" map.

When playing on medium tanks, it is equally important to assess the composition of the enemy team. In that case. if there is an enemy team superior to the allied team in fast tanks, it is preferable to choose flank support tactics, following along with heavy tanks. If the advantage and parity in the set are noted in your team, it is still better to choose the most risky, but effective, daring offensive tactics to win.

Medium tanks are especially strong when operating in groups. The more STs are directed in one direction, the greater the chance to destroy or at least reduce the strength indicators of enemy tanks. That is why playing with a cohesive platoon is very effective, with the right direction. For example, on the Himmelsdorf map, you can go up a hill and help the heavy tanks of your allies in a difficult battle.

Given the high speed, but not having a significant advantage over enemy tanks, you should not go into battle alone. You should always interact with your team, providing active or passive exposure for your team. On open maps, using camouflage, you need to pay attention to small, sneaky "fireflies" (light tanks), which hinder the actions of artillery, heavy tanks and AT. always carefully look at the minimap and, if necessary, always change your positions or, in extreme cases, by changing direction, try to distract the enemy's attention before your allies arrive.


Having considered how to play medium tanks in WoT, taking into account the technical characteristics and the level of your combat vehicle, you can significantly change the course of the battle, help your allies and achieve the desired victory in battle. Medium tanks, if played correctly, give an unforgettable drive, adrenaline and a lot of positive emotions. To play on medium tanks will bring maximum pleasure and benefit to the allied team, try to explore the terrain of the map, apply new tactics and combat options!

In World of Tanks, it is quite easy to reach an average level (relatively speaking, 51-52% of wins), but it is really difficult to become a real master (with a percentage of wins over 60). This is due to the fact that it is quite easy to learn the basics of the game World of Tanks: look for cover, shoot at the stern and sides of the enemy, substitute your forehead yourself, or better show only the mask of the gun, etc. But these are all the basics, the intricacies of the game are not so obvious.

In this short article, we will point out several features of playing medium tanks that will allow you to achieve a high level of skill in this vehicle. First, you need to understand that playing medium tanks is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance. This is due to the fact that they have average characteristics: average armor, average speed and dynamics, average penetration and damage. It would seem that this makes medium tanks versatile vehicles, which should only simplify the game. But in reality, this leads to the fact that inexperienced players begin to use medium tanks in an unsuitable role for them.

First, it's an attempt to play them like heavy tanks. Many heavy tanks, being in the top, are even capable of pushing through the direction alone until they are approached from the rear and flank, or an ACS starts working on them. An attempt to use a medium tank in this manner ends up with a natural, quick dispatch to the hangar: even head-on, most medium tanks are quite easily penetrated by opponents of the same level. Secondly, this is an attempt to use medium tanks as light ones, that is, work actively with light, arrange unexpected raids on the enemy base with highlighting and destruction of self-propelled guns, etc.

This also does not end well: medium tanks lack speed and dynamics, so in an open field they are quickly destroyed by opponents, even with not very rapid-fire and accurate guns. We won't even talk about standing in the bushes and shooting at someone else's light, since this is not even the tactics of tank destroyers (they should also actively move and change position), but useless players for the team who make no more than a couple of effective shots per battle ... The characteristics of medium tanks can even be called mediocre, which makes playing them sometimes just torment for inexperienced players. If at low tiers this is not particularly felt, then, for example, medium tanks of the seventh tier lose a lot against the background of heavy tanks of the same tier. For example, the T-43 has cardboard armor, a mediocre cannon with the T-34-85, and not very outstanding dynamics. The German Panther is literally a hefty barn that can easily penetrate the forehead even with Tier 5 tanks, and the cannon has low one-time damage, albeit with good accuracy and armor penetration.

From here follows the main rule of medium tanks: you can do little alone. If heavy tanks are able to hold back the whole flank alone, light tanks also illuminate enemies alone, then opponents will easily send you to the hangar, and you will not bring any benefit to the team, and will deprive yourself of experience and silver. Therefore, you always need to act in a group. In randomness, it is quite difficult to talk, of course, about a well-coordinated game and even team interaction, but it's worth trying. In 30 seconds before the battle, invite the allied medium tank to go together, or at least give the command "Follow me!" In the end, you can just go with a group of medium tanks. Platoon play is obviously the optimal choice. Further, you favorably differ from heavy tanks in dynamics, this allows you not only to stand behind cover and shoot at the enemy, who is turned towards you with his forehead, but also to go around him from the flank or even from the rear. Rather, flanking or even from the rear should be your main task during a collision with the enemy. And this is where the difficulty of playing with medium tanks manifests itself: quite often neither the exact number of opponents in a given direction, nor their location is known. You need to act quickly and decisively, not to expose yourself to the shot. There is no guarantee that you will not be caught in the crossfire when trying to outflank. Experience and the ability to quickly assess the situation will be indispensable here.

You can ask an allied light tank to "shine" in this area, but the light tank may already die or not respond to your request, so there is little hope here. Another tactic is firing from behind the armored allies, but it is not very useful: after all, the guns of medium tanks do not allow you to effectively penetrate enemy heavy tanks head-on. If you cover several heavy tanks, then you do not need to crowd behind them, interfere with them, or, even more so, prop up. The tactics of entering from the flank or rear will be much more effective. Further, the mediocre dynamics does not allow you to rush around the battlefield with impunity, but you can change the flank in a reasonable amount of time. Medium tanks do not have great firepower, but their advantage is mobility, the ability to be where support is needed. Therefore, you should stand very little. Keep in mind that, statistically, experienced and productive players cover roughly twice the distance per fight than bad players with a low win rate. If you can't deal damage, change your position, try to go to the flank.

If the enemy noticed you, paid attention, turned a gun at you, then you don't have to stand behind cover forever - leave, maneuver, change your position. The defense of a medium tank is not its strong armor, but its mobility. So, let's summarize. A medium tank, in general, is not a universal vehicle on which tactics of other tank classes can be applied. He is, first of all, a support tank, the most effective tactic is flanking, but it is dangerous because you can fly to a hidden enemy and quickly go to the hangar. On a medium tank, you need to constantly move, change position, this will make your game much more effective.

Starting the next section of the Tankman's Manual, I greet you, a brave tankman who has decided to become a driver of a medium tank. Comrade, you must combine the dexterity of a firefly, the ingenuity of a tank destroyer and the assertiveness of heavy tank drivers. But now it's time to move the cap off your head a little forward and scratch the back of your head, maybe choose another tank? What do you want in this medium tank? No armor, no powerful weapon, no life reserve, and they can't even turn around on the spot: they always describe a small circle! Yes-ah-ah, you have not yet seen medium tanks in battle, they are so wet! On the other hand, if a medium tank meets one-on-one with a heavy - a heavy corpse, if it encounters a PT - a PT, a corpse, if with an art - an art corpse. Of course, this requires reading our tutorial and a lot of practice! So, comrade, if you firmly (like the armor of our tanks) decided to become a driver of a medium tank, let's move on to the theory on how to play a medium tank in WoT. You will work out the practice yourself.

Tank movement control

Since our tanks are fast, according to tradition, we will first learn how to pedal correctly and find out which aerodynamic body kit is the most fashionable this season, for maximum speed.

  1. Let's go straight. This rule is more important for medium tanks than for everyone else: we loop less and turn so as not to lose speed.
  2. Overclocking first. If you pick up high speed first and then drive up the hill, you will have time to take a farther position than if you first climb the hill and then accelerate.
  3. Golden Rule. Promise me, yourself and personally Mr. Kislyom that you will never stand still. The movement confuses the enemy, does not allow to accurately aim, in general, increases your chance of winning the battle. The most beautiful thing I have seen is a medium tank fighting with a heavy under fire from three artillery pieces. Guess how many frags the medium tank ended up with?
  4. Look where you are going. In combat, it's hard to focus on maneuvers and combat, I suggest you focus on maneuvers first.
  5. Tuning is required. I try not to give advice on additional modules that can be installed on tanks, but here I will definitely advise. For Soviet medium tanks, it is imperative to have tuning in the form of a removed rev limiter, if at the initial levels of tanks you can not use it, then for top-end STs this device is a must. And here's another advice right away on how to do so as not to damage the engine tuning. Turn it on when you need it and turn it off when not. If you are crawling up a hill, turn on tuning, if you are already on a hill, turn it off, if you pick up speed, turn it on, if you are flying at full speed in a straight line, turn it off. Medium tanks often take part in taking heights on different maps, removing the rev limiter will help you to be on top of your opponents. By using on and off, you can eliminate engine damage by 100%.

Fire fighting

Now, comrade, let's learn how to beat, but not with our head against the wall, but in battle.

  1. Play the harp. Shoot down your opponent's gusli, and all the time, often you remove the gusli from the enemy, and even inflict damage on him. Even if the harp does not fly off after firing, then a shot into the side is very painful for any tank. An enemy with downed gusli is your easy prey, deprive the enemy of maneuverability and do with him what you want.
  2. Be suave. You should always be behind the muzzle of the enemy. Go around the enemy tank at the first opportunity. If you rode at him head-on and already received an enemy shell - do not get lost, do not stop and do not hide while he is reloading, you will have time to reach him, shoot down his gusli, and then he is yours.
  3. Use the auto sight. When focusing on maneuvers is more important than accurate fire, auto-aim your enemy, maneuver and simply press the shot button when the weapon is ready. It is better to start the game on medium tanks this way, over time you will have enough attention for where you are going, and where you are shooting, and at first the auto-sight will help a lot.
  4. Don't tank. You are not a heavy tank, peeking out from behind cover and shooting with the enemy is not your strong point. In most cases, medium tanks, fighting for cover, die ingloriously, neither earning a frag, nor bringing benefit to the team. If you are comfortable with tanking, it is better to sit on a heavy tank.


It's time to move on to battle tactics. Now I will tell you how to play medium tanks.

  1. My brains. Medium tank crews and their tanks are cannon fodder. They shoot you easily and with pleasure. Everyone knows perfectly well that because of a small reserve of life, you can be quickly killed by earning a frag and reducing the number of guns at the enemy. Also, everyone knows that it is medium tanks that can easily turn the tide of battle. No, not heavy tanks will reach and take the base, no, not heavy tanks or ATs will light up the art, no one except medium tanks will take the height. The importance of medium tanks in battle is greater than meets the eye. But the greed for frags among the owners of medium tanks is also greater than among tankers of other classes. But I will tell you a secret: all your frags are always at the end of the battle, and at the beginning of the battle you are yourself a frag. Help the team win and at the end of the battle, thanks to your speed, you will reap a good harvest of frags. At the end of the battle, you will be closest to the enemy base and all the arts will be yours, you will have time to go into the ass of the enemy heavy, engaged in a fight with your other heavy, you can take the base, and for this they give a medal! You just need to turn the tide of the battle! The recipe is below.
  2. Your field of activity. Recently, there has been a strange tendency for medium tanks to go to a gorge or to a city and "merge" there. I understand that I will incur the wrath of thousands of tankers with the phrase: "Medium tanks are not needed and useless in" pants "on the map of Karelia", but this is so. Watch the preparation for the battle and the battle of the "Centurion" team against the "Iron Caput". One way or another, medium tanks must have room to maneuver and engage in a breakout, your place on the plateau, in the field and even in the alleys!
  3. First march. If the place of your deployment in battle is clear to you, then you need to have time to fly there before the enemy. Take the farthest position from your base, this will deter the enemy from further advance; the distribution of enemy forces along the flanks will become clear, and it will also exclude the possibility of a breakthrough along your flank, perhaps even along the way there will be an enemy firefly.
  4. From ST to LT. Your medium tank is not only about speed and weapons, but also a pair of eyes. Your long and happy life will help you to make an advantage in battle, therefore, after reaching distant positions, calm yourself with the thought that "hurry up - you will laugh at the enemy", and then stand and shine on the enemy, let the arts and PT work. Even if the enemy is not available to them, then you will keep him idle while his relatives are killed. But I assure you that when he realizes that he is stuck behind his cover and is wasting time, he will make an imprudent maneuver. And remember, the enemy killed by your spotlight gives you a portion of the experience.
  5. Watch the fight. Follow the battle and count the enemy's highlights to choose a good moment for a breakthrough. Suppose you, like a regular medium tank, are on a plateau, and a battle is going on in the gorge. On the mini-map, you see the lights, you think that there are five tanks in the gorge, you look at the list of the enemy team, and there are 9 live tanks, 5 of which are heavy, three arts and one tank destroyer. Once again scratching under the cap, you will understand that it is unlikely that arts are being tanked in the gorge, which means that there are three arts and one PT on the base, and this is where your finest hour comes!

This is such a simple science to be the commander of Soviet medium tanks, comrade! Although in reality medium tanks are a very complex and specific class of equipment, you need to think about them twice as fast as on any other class of tanks. Everything described is as close as possible to single tankers, but in fact, it is best for you to find a partner to play in a platoon, medium tanks need comrades in arms extremely badly!

World of tanks allows you to quickly climb to average level- it is necessary that the number of victories is about 52%, however, achieving true mastery, in which the percentage of victories exceeds 60, can be very, very difficult. First of all, this is due to the fact that most players master only basic information about the game - they learn to find shelter, shoot at the weakest spots (stern and side), substitute their forehead or show only the mask of the weapon used.

At the same time, the basics remain the basics, and it is not so easy to discover and learn the subtleties that are invisible from the first steps. This short article will reveal for you the most important and essential features of the game using medium tanks, thanks to which, playing on this technique, you can quickly reach the maximum high skill.

The first thing you will need to understand is the certain difficulty of playing on a medium tank, which in fact turns out to be not as simple as it seems initially. This is due to the fact that such tanks have average characteristics: armor is average, speed and dynamics are average, damage and penetration rates are also average. That is why such tanks often seem to players to be universal, on which it is very easy to play.

However, in fact, if users do not have sufficient experience, such tanks begin to be used in a way that is not suitable for them. Many people try to play them like heavy machines. Most of the heavy tanks that are in the top are able to plot a direction on their own, working until they are attacked from the flank and rear, or an active attack begins. Using a medium tank in this way turns out to be very short-lived and will inevitably end up in the hangar, because most of these tanks are very easily penetrated by opponents of the same level, even with a frontal attack.

Also, beginners often use medium tanks, as light ones - they actively work with light, unexpectedly go on raids on an enemy base, highlighting and destroying, and so on. Needless to say, this tactic will also be a losing one. remember, that medium tank does not have such a high speed and dynamics, which is characteristic of a light, and therefore, in open space conditions, even those opponents whose weapon does not differ in rate of fire and accuracy can easily destroy it.

Talking about "hide and seek" in the bushes and reckless shooting at the enemy's light is generally not worth it, because such tactics are not typical even of tank destroyers, which certainly need to change positions and actively move, but is only a useless manipulation for the whole team, in which for the whole the player will be able to make only a couple of effective shots.

With very mediocre characteristics, medium tanks will be a real challenge for inexperienced beginners. And if at the initial levels this is still tolerable, then, for example, at the seventh level, such tanks will clearly lose in comparison with heavy ones. Thus, the TZ-43 is distinguished by thin armor, not a very effective cannon with, and its dynamics leaves much to be desired.

If you decide to use the German Panther for the game, be aware that its huge dimensions are not at all a guarantee of power, because even tanks of the fifth level can very quickly penetrate it in the forehead, and its gun, although it has sufficient accuracy and does not break through, but is capable of inflicting only the lowest one-time damage.

That is why, you should never forget the basic rule of playing on a medium tank: you are nothing alone. Heavy tanks can independently withstand an attack from an entire flank, light tanks will illuminate enemies on their own, and medium tanks that decide to fulfill an individual number go to the hangar together, without experience and silver, while substituting their entire team and depriving it of additional strength.
Therefore, always act in a group. Of course, in a random environment, it is very difficult not only to play well, but also to simply interact with your team. Still worth a try. Half a minute before the start of the battle, you can offer a joint direction to an ally with a similar tank, or simply lead him along. Also, a group attack with medium tanks would be a good option. In any case, playing in a platoon will bring maximum benefit to both the team and you!

Remember that, unlike, you are more dynamic, and therefore you can not only stand behind cover, lying in wait while the enemy puts his forehead on you for a shot, but also actively bypass him both from the rear and from the flank. Moreover, bypassing the enemy is your main task in a collision!

The difficulty of playing with medium tanks is mainly due to the unknown location and the exact number of enemy tanks in the chosen direction. Therefore, you should be extremely careful and, at the same time, decisive and quick. Of course, there is no guarantee that flanking the enemy will not result in crossfire. This is where you will have to apply all your experience, quickly assessing the situation. You can ask an allied light tank to "highlight" your area, but there is very little hope for it, because it may simply not respond or even die quickly.

Another tactic that will be useful to you is attacking behind the backs of armored allies. But it is also not very effective, because your guns do not differ in efficiency when breaking through the forehead of heavy enemy tanks. If your playing role is to cover several heavy tanks, do not interfere with them by crowding from behind and pushing. It would be best to go from the rear or flank.

Possessing mediocre dynamics, you cannot freely move around the battlefield, however, changing the flank for the required period of time is quite typical for you. Although the firepower of a medium tank is not very significant, however, thanks to its mobility, you can always find yourself in the place where other players need support.

That is why try not to stand in vain. According to statistics, players with more experience and performance are about two times more active than users with a low number of wins. If you can't deal damage, change your position and try to penetrate the flank. In the event that you are discovered by the enemy, and he turned his gun at you, do not expect to hide behind cover - it will be optimal to maneuver, change positions, or simply leave. Your advantage is not in the strength of your armor, but in your mobility!

Let's summarize all of the above. On a medium tank, which is far from a universal vehicle, you should not use the tactics typical of tanks of other classes. Such a tank is necessary for support, and the most effective tactic for playing on it is flanking. The danger is that you can stumble upon it by accident, and therefore quickly go to the hangar. It is typical for a medium tank to constantly move and change positions, thanks to which the game on it will be much more effective!