Where did Iina Muromtsev, the famous Russian TV presenter? Irina Muromsov: Biography, personal life Irina Viktorovna Muromtseva where it works now.

Where did Iina Muromtsev, the famous Russian TV presenter? Irina Muromsov: Biography, personal life Irina Viktorovna Muromtseva where it works now.
Where did Iina Muromtsev, the famous Russian TV presenter? Irina Muromsov: Biography, personal life Irina Viktorovna Muromtseva where it works now.

Irina Muromtseva is a talented Russian leading TV channel "Russia". Ira Muromtseva worked on the radio leading news, ended the Voronezh State University, worked on Radio "Freedom" in the morning news, was a correspondent for the transfer of "today", I tried myself on the NTV channel as a correspondent.

Height: 162 cm.
Birthday: Voronezh USSR
Date of birth: October 13, 1975

In 2001, Irina Muromtseva graduated from his studies at the Faculty of Journalism of the Voronezh State University.

Recent years, Irina Muromtseva studied in absentia, because In Moscow, she already had a job - first on radio - leading news, then I came to NTV as a correspondent. It was 1999, and Irina Muromtseva worked as a correspondent in the program "Today."

Then she went into the program "Old TV" - old films, actors, director, screenwriters, operators - the bright Persons of the Soviet cinema, and in general, the people and events of our country, which influenced the course of history. Then, at least in the story sketches, Irina Muromtseva was very interesting in the scene sketches.

In 2000, Irina Muromtseva, who puts himself with the help of the "Old TV" with many interesting and bright people, decided to try himself as a producer of information programs. Then just Svetlana Sorokina began to lead the "voice of the people". And passing there, she took with him almost all editors and producers. The program "Hero of the day" was needed by those and others. Transfer in turn led Andrei Norkin and Mariaan Maksimovskaya. The new leading did not want to lose the former spectator, so we needed very interesting heroes and exciting interviews. They shifted all newspapers and information sites, delivered the most inaccessible characters. On the account of Irina, an interview even with Jackie Chan, who secretly flew to Moscow for one day, but turned out to be in the program. In general, it was interesting, but not long.

Who went on a rally, who is on other channels, and Irina Muromtseva went to maternity leave. True, all this time worked on the Radio "Freedom" in the morning news, and still there I did a program about ethnic music, she is something like a hobby for me.
In 2002, Irina Muromtseva returned to NTV in the news. At first worked as a Raiter, then the released editor, and then the news producer. To be honest, political topics to produce it was not as interesting, how to say the themes associated with science, culture, education, advanced technologies, etc. Interesting, smart and talented people see and hear much more pleasant and more useful !!!

At the same time, working in the news, Irina Muromtseva decided to try himself in the role of the lead - learn how to work in the frame, feel the same Drive, about which my colleagues were told with such admiration, Alexey Bivelov, Anton Khrekov. It was responsible for this issue, it was specially involved in the teachers of speech and television skills from the Ostankino School of Television.

Everything turned out, but not immediately. Irina Muromtseva now understands what Green and inexperienced leading when he came to lead to Russia. Thank you patience and understanding of her leaders, because they gave her this card-blanche and waited for it when from coward and slow, Irina Muromtseva will be relaxed and rapidly reacting.

Then he learned that the program is good morning on their channel is looking for the lead. News Irina Muromtseva loves, and yet the former attachments made itself felt, so the choice was made in favor of this program.

Something new, probably, will still be ahead. Life does not give to stop, and Irina Muromsky would have not wanted stagnation in his work, nor in creativity, nor in life or in love. It is always ready for an interesting job ... by 99.9%. This Galina Volchek, somehow said (I took an interview to the anniversary of the "contemporary"), which is professional and honestly work only by 99.9%. 100% is dangerous for health, and simply speaking, deadly.

Interesting online

Irina Muromtseva was born on February 11, 1978 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in the Military Family. Due to regular forced movements due to the difficult profession of his father, he graduated from school in Bryansk. From early childhood, a sociable and versatile girl who keeps in his leg with a romantic wave of youth dreamed of becoming a famous actress surrounded by a variety of fans. In her fantasies, people recognized her on the street, constantly interested in the biography, personal life and photos of Irina Muromseva.

But parents did not support the fantastic illusions of her daughter, breaking her a completely different future. They believed that it was necessary to get a profession, which would definitely provide a girl without relying on fame and frequently changing fashion trends. Therefore, they sent her strength into the humanitarian bed to be confident that the daughter would never remain without livelihood.

Therefore, after graduating from school and being an obedient, express girl, Irina listened to the opinion of the older generation and entered the university at the Faculty of Journalism in Voronezh. But, despite the fact that the childhood has long over and the romantic vision of the girl was dressed, she still dreamed of a career in the capital of Russia. Therefore, listening to the gusts of your heart, Irina in the third year of study is translated into Moscow. This decision changed her fate and helped realize children's dreams.

Metropolitan television

Choosing its place of residence, the capital, Irina Muromtseva laid a new round in his biography and personal life. Mad, dynamic Moscow with its most powerful life rhythms and energy was amazing and conquered the heart of a young journalist. Having arrived in such a big and constantly throbbing the city, Irina realized that it would not open the doors to the fabulous future before her, until she had to create a star from himself, worthy of attention of the general public. The girl knew that she had to achieve a lot in learning and independently build his life. Therefore, she worked on themselves for many years, independently forming the personality that she saw in the future.

Irina Muromtseva: Photo

Ambitious, purposeful Irina clearly knew his goals in life and purposefully stepped towards their embodiment. Already two years later in Moscow, Muromtsev became leading on the radio station, honing his skills and gaining professional skills. And a short time, she managed to pass the competition among many other applicants for the vacancy of the leading channel "NTV" to the information program "Today."

Despite the desire to acquire popularity and will be remembered by the general public, the work on the camera was not so simple for Irina. But over time, she adaptived to new responsibilities and was accustomed to the coverage of many spotlights. Noticing a fresh and beautiful face that shining in incredible charm, Irina was invited to the "Old TV" program, where the leader of Novyornov was in the role of the main lead.

In the role of leading in the show "Morning of Russia"

The duties of the new TV host included the creation of interesting story sketches about the famous people of the XXI century, which influenced the course of history. The work seemed to Irina Muromseva so intriguing and exciting that she completely devoted himself to the collection of information about biographies, photo processing and creating interesting materials about the family and personal life of other people.

New millennium

With the beginning of the new century, marked in 2000, the career of the TV journalist sharply went to the mountains. Irina decided to test herself as a producer in the new project "Hero of the Day", created together with Andrey Norkin and Mariana Maksimovskaya. The work was not easy, as Irina had to manifest himself as a wonderful diplomat who knows how to agree on shooting even with those people who are absolutely not configured to an interview. But, despite the emerging difficulties in terms of negotiations with famous personalities, Irina successfully coped with the task set before it. She even managed to invite the world famous star to shoot a world-famous star - Jackie Chan, who came to Moscow for personal affairs for a day.

Irina Muromtseva leading the program "Hero of the Day"

Irina Muromtseva - a strong woman with an amazing biography, managed in parallel with the career to arrange his personal life, where there is a place to family and children. Looking into a small maternity leave to give birth to and grow a child, the famous TV presenter soon returned to the system. But in her absence, the gear of the day was closed, and the young mother had to look for new opportunities to continue his career journalist and leading.

In 2001, being in a situation where she had no work due to the lack of places on TV, Murom had difficulty. First time, Irina Muromtseva worked as a radio journalist, where the morning news led and successfully promoted the transmission into the masses, which reveals the world of ethnic music on the freedom radio station. But a year later, as soon as it became possible to return to television again, the girl hurried to the NTV channel to the position of leading news tape.

New round of career

Returning to the usual place and plunging into the native and habitual environment of television programs, Muromtsev, who began his work from the program "Today" with Cyril Late and in parallel working in the project "Country and Peace" on the NTV channel, was able to try themselves in different roles and master new professions. During this year, Irina was a rieter, and the released editor, and even tried herself as a producer of information programs that cover the subject of culture and education, research and innovation in the field of technology.

During the participation in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

But, despite the already rather big experience in the work "on the camera", Irina was still not comfortable to participate in the shooting. To get rid of themselves from timidity and fear of the camera and light, an ambitious journalist was recorded on courses of television skill. Regular visit to classes with tutoring, Muromtsev was able to overcome his fears and learned to the subtleties of television art.

Advanced to immaculate TV presenter skills helped Irina Muromseva to get on a new job - to the Federal Channel "Russia", where she began a career as the leading program "News". After some time, thanks to the ability to work "on the camera" she was transferred to the "Morning of Russia", where the leading felt "as in its plate." In a warm and pleasant atmosphere, where a coherent team of professionals gathered, Irina worked until 2013.

Irina Muromtseva Famous TV presenter

After leaving for a small maternity leave, lasting half a year, the host returned to work in the same program, where I worked evenly year - from May 2013 until December 2014. It was during this period of time Irina invited to the "Channel One", where they were offered to be not only Leading the most interesting program, but also producer. Muromtseva could not refuse such a tempting proposal, becoming the leading transfer of the recreation park culture, where every Sunday disassembles the incidents of the week and sweeps the results together with the celebrities invited to visit. Another project that leads leads in parallel, is called "Guests on Sundays".

Combining work and family

Irina Muromtseva, like many famous people who choose the profession of a journalist and the lead, does not like to delve into the details of their lives, telling the general public about their luck and disappointments on the love front. Therefore, the first husband of Irina is practically nothing unknown, except that the marriage was very short, and its ex spouse is a successful entrepreneur. And in 2001, the TV presenter was born the first child, whom the girl brought up independently, without the help of a biological father.

Irina with her husband and younger daughter

Irina Muromtseva, her biography and personal life changed dramatically in 2012, when she had a new husband. Coming out married the musical producer Maxim Volkova, she finally could feel like a real woman, which, if necessary, can rely on a solid and confident male shoulder.

After a year of marriage, in March 2012, TV presenter gave birth to Maxim daughter Alexander. Irina Muromtseva - a woman with an amazing biography and love of his career, sought to hide his personal life from the general public, and only a few years later she began to post her blog photo of children. And up to this point, the leading tried not to advertise not only his marriage, but even pregnancy, working in the program until the last moment.

Irina Viktorovna Muromtsev

Irina Muromtseva

Journalist, Famous TV presenter, Producer, Director

Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

g. Leningrad


the Russian Federation

Irina Viktorovna Muromtsev - Russian journalist, famous TV presenter, producer, director.


February 11, 1978 in the city of Leningrad in the family of military personnel, Ira girl was born. Following the order of Dad-Military changed the place of residence on the provincial Rzhev, the family of course left behind. In this town, Irina lived for 10 years and again a military order repeats Muromsey from the usual mistake. Destination - Bryansk.


Here, Irina studied in the Bryansk city lyceum number 1. After receiving the certificate, an eternal question arose: "Where to go on?" In the dreams, Irina wanted to conquer Moscow, but the concerned parents were afraid to let the daughter in the capital, and asked for something closer. Voronezh fully arranged everyone. At first she filed documents for the INAZ, but the points did not have enough. Thinking well, she entered the faculty of journalism of the Voronezh State University.

In one of ordinary days, the girl fell on the radio and ... stayed there. After the year, Muromtseva threw the university, the work was much more interesting for her. There was nothing to lose - and Ira went to conquer Moscow.

Carier start

The girl bypassed many radio stations in search of work. They took only on Rocks. So it went: work in the capital, study at absentee in Voronezh. The first year was and hard and unusually live in such a rhythm, and he was pressed with money, the rental fee was not small, and the parents could not help their native tea beyond the home spin.

One day, television came to her life, and she came to him, and if more precisely, the NTV channel was gaining young energetic leading and Muromtsev did not miss his chance. It was in 1999, the program "today" gathered a lot of creative young people only slightly diluteing with her managed experiences, but as a whole, the atmosphere was friendly and relaxed. The next job of Irina was the program of Lion Novoenova "Old TV", where she was entrusted to make plot sketches about the famous people of past years. Here worked truly professionals of their business and Irina learned a lot from their experience.

In 2000, Sorokina's light went to the new program "Glas of the People" and made an ants to try himself as a producer. Sorokina went to the program "Personnel of the People" and took with him the already formed team of talented televisers. To compete at the proper level and not to lose the viewers of Muromtsev shifted tons to make the "hero of the day" intriguing and interesting.

Diploma, family and new ideas

2001 was rich in events. Irina Muromtseva graduated from university. She went to maternity leave and believed that everything was quite successful for her, because on NTV, the scandals were distributed on NTV. She came to Radio "Freedom" and worked in the morning news. In 2002, Muromtsev returned after the decree and even found the old team, but she was strongly uninteresting to work with political news, then looking around Ira was set as editor and producer to the program "Country and Peace". In this role, Muromtseva quickly reached the ceiling and it was necessary to try something new.

Career leading

This new work has become the leading. At first she wanted to just try, feel the drive, and in the end I was on the air as the leading Far Eastern news. Muromtseva is also the leading program "Good morning."

At the end of 2014, he moved to the first channel and deepened to work under the solo project "Park of Culture named after the rest" (later simply "Park").

From March 24, 2016 - the leading program "Good morning." Social activities Irina Muromtseva works leading in many state events.

Takes part in the work of the charitable foundation "Share Heat".

For several years, Irina has been working with projects anyway associated with the century of Russian animation. Removes the film for the Russian TV channel about the brightest masterpieces of animation in our country, produces a multi-concert "Journey to the Cartoon Country".

A family

The first marriage: a businessman husband, there is a daughter Lyuba (2001).

Second marriage: husband - Maxim wolves, musical producer. There is Alexander's daughter (2013).

For eight years, millions of television viewers began their morning in the company of the famous TV presenter and the loved holders of the public - Irina Muromseva. Every day she led the program "Morning Russia" on the TV channel "Russia 1". However, last year, one morning began not with Irina, but on the other TV presenter, which surprised many viewers. Is the TV presenter now? Why did she leave the canal? All these questions were worried about many viewers, but for a long time no one could find answers on them.

Biography and creative path of Irina Muromseva

Famous TV presenter was born in St. Petersburg and from the earliest childhood wanted to enter Moscow University. However, her dream was not destined to come true, because strict parents did not want to let go of her daughter so far. In 1996, Muromtseva entered the University of Voronezh at the Faculty of Journalism, because her parents insisted on admission to this university.

However, the girl never stopped to dream of Moscow, after a few years it was in this city that she began to news on one of the radio stations of the capital.

Start of a creative path

In 1999, Irina accepted a firm decision to translate to correspondence department and go to work on television. Its creative path began on the NTV channel in the program "Today" correspondent.

Her next job has become much more interesting: Irina led documentary plots in the program "Old TV", which was devoted to personalities, as well as events concerning Soviet cinema.

Irina Muromtseva tried herself in the new role

Next year, the girl decided not to stop at the achievements. The leading Irina Muromtseva became the producer and began working on information programs as the "hero of the day", as well as the "voice of the people." Irina and her colleagues tried to make new programs as interesting as possible for the viewers and did everything possible in order to attract the attention of the public. They managed to persuade Jackie Chana to participate in their transfer, despite the fact that he flew to Moscow for just one day. Therefore, it is not surprising that many fans of her work were interested in where the leading Irina Muromtsev was missing.

News transfer with Irina Muromseva

The woman worked on radio stations, and editor, and producer, but I realized that her vocation is news transfer on television. Irina has repeatedly shared that before she was very afraid of the camera. Muromtseva felt cowardly and clamped at the moment when she appeared in the frame. However, Irina found a way out of the situation and decided that the best way to overcome the fear of cameras is to try yourself as leading on television.

It is worth noting that Muromtsev reacted very seriously: she took the lessons of the technique of speech, and also attended television skill courses. Probably, everyone who watched the "Morning of Russia", will confirm that she didn't work in vain, because the result did not make himself wait long. Delighted by the talent of Irina and its excellent ability to conduct television programs, many viewers are concerned about where Irina Muromtseva disappeared last year.

Several months nothing was heard about her. Fans did not have assumptions about where Irina Muromtsev was missing, and why she left the canal. However, after some time, the woman shared with journalists the reasons for their care with "Russia 1".

Where did the TV presenter Irina Muromtsev?

Irina is a very popular TV presenter, so her life is interested in a huge number of people. "Where did Iina Muromtsev disappear? She was fired from the canal? " - These questions asked all fans and viewers, until Irina told the truth to all. Many thought that Muromets fired from the canal, someone suspected that she was pregnant or maybe something sick. TV presenter decided to dispel all gossip and refute false rumors.

Muromtseva shared that she was offered to change the work back in August 2014. A woman confesses that if not for circumstances, she would hardly have left his usual job. However, she always very much wanted to try himself in other directions, and the leading very often offered new projects to the channel. Unfortunately, she was denied, because on the channel "Russia 1" it was not accepted. The presenter admitted that she would very much like to participate in any transmissions and projects, as it was on the "First Channel", but the experimental maximum of "Russia 1" was only participation in the dance show. It was not suitable for a woman, as she was not going to work the leading transfer of "Morning Russia" to retirement.

Muromtseva admitted that everything decided to one case. Once she crossed off from which she proposed to be a producer, as well as to keep the program on the "First Channel".

The question of where Irina Muromtseva disappeared, Millions of Russia's viewers were interested. Of course, many even began to worry about a woman, but after the fans learned that the affairs of Irina go up, there were no reasons for excitement.

Personal life Irina

About the personal life of the TV presenter is known not so much as many fans would like. But from cameras and television, the woman did not hide the fact that she had a daughter Lyuba. In March 2013, Irina gave birth to a second daughter. Some viewers on the question of where the announcer Irina Muromtsev was missing, they answered jerk that Irina was again pregnant and went on maternity leave.

The creative path of Muromseva is very diverse and interesting, so many viewers and her fans were very interesting to learn about the reasons for her departure from Russia 1.