We disassemble the points how to open a hostel from scratch. Hotel Business: how to open a hostel

We disassemble the points how to open a hostel from scratch. Hotel Business: how to open a hostel
We disassemble the points how to open a hostel from scratch. Hotel Business: how to open a hostel

To date, the real estate market is most actively developing, and a special ascension feels a hotel business, because every day there is a considerable number of hostels and other mini hotels. Like a similar excitement with popularization of travel, both within the country and abroad. That is why novice entrepreneurs have a question - hostel what it is and how does it work and how to open a hostel from scratch? About how to do it correctly and legally read in this article.

What is hostel

Hostel is the same hotel, but differing in its layout and concept. In this place, each tourist can spend the night for 10-15 dollars. The main essence of the hostel is not in place for overnight stay, but lively communication with tourists from different cities, countries. It is necessary to expand the cultural worldview, as in this way, you can learn about other cultures, countries, their customs, and so on.

Also a distinctive feature of the hostel from customary hotel is a shared kitchen, a shower and a bathroom and sleeping places with a different capacity of a person. For example, in one room, 4 people can sleep on different beds. At the same time, the space in the room should be divided in such a way that guests do not interfere with each other.

Pros and cons of the hostel as a business

There is a lot advantages In the opening of the hostel:

  • The ability to realize various creative ideas in terms of interior, making a thematic hotel.
  • Large client flow and demand for inexpensive accommodation.
  • As a consequence that the mini hotel is considered a small enterprise, there will be less problems with the design of documents.
  • Lack of competitors, since in our country such a thing as a hostel begins to be born only.
  • Independent layout of the hostel.
  • The possibility of expanding shortly after the opening and considerable perspective of the opening of the whole network of mini hotels across the country, and in the future and overseas.

But, nevertheless, such a business has its own limitations. Basically, they are associated with some features of this type of hotel:

  • Lack of opportunity to assign the differences to your business stars.
  • The risks with whom the owner may encounter when opening still atypical for our regional edges (a small expire in the first time and other disadvantages that are in the future compensate).
  • A different client stream that may not include not particularly pleasant and clean clients. But, as they say, people are different, and business, there is a business.

Where to open

Well, where and how to organize a hostel? - This first question is asked by newcomers in the hotel business. There are several options where it is best to open a hostel:

  • Rent either buy out the room and fully re-equip it.
  • Use your own apartment (mostly in which no one lives, for example, if she was inherited) and re-equip it into a modern hostel in a residential building.

How to open a hostel from scratch in the apartment? The re-equipment of the apartment, which is already in its own property, sounds much more attractive, as you can save on acquisition or rental housing, which will allow expanding start-up capital and embody more ideas at the expense of additional funds. But, before opening a hostel in his home, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the owner will need to make redevelopment of the dwelling, since the concept of such a institution provides for almost complete lack of hotel numbers. Reference to the owner will cost 10 thousand rubles.

It's important to know: In order to legally issue their business, one client should have at least five squares, and the interval of the beds should not be less than seventy-five centimeters.

Hostel in law

So, how to open a hostel in the apartment legally. In order for the legislative level to issue all the documents and provide the service to its customers as a small entrepreneur with all the consequences that arise from here, it will be necessary to undergo preliminary registration of entrepreneurial activities. According to the current legislation, all hostelors should carry out their activities, paying a single state tax and are payers of 3 tax groups.

In addition, residential premises must comply with the state standards for which various services will provide. Certificates about the compliance of the conditions are issued by the specialized bodies that have passed accreditation in accordance with the current standards of the State Standard. After registration of the entire required package of documents, you can safely open your own mini hotel.

It's important to know: It should also be noted that all received documents should be available to customers and be on the corner of the buyer along with the book of complaints and suggestions. Thus, guests will be able to familiarize themselves with the compliance of all norms.

How to choose the personnel

If you want your brainchild to function as a clock, you need to pick up the team of responsible professionals who understand their work. If for hotels such a match will cost not one hundred thousand rubles, then for a small hotel - this is a living trifles, since you may need only 2-3 specialists.

Option zoning in the hostel

Go to the arrangement

In order to fully equip the hostel, you will need 250-300 thousand rubles, taking into account full payback in a year or two.

Business plan of a hostel with calculations.

Location Mini hotel taking into account nearby competitors

As a rule, demand gives rise to a proposal and despite the fact that the hostel's business is not yet so actively developed as abroad, the active demand for inexpensive housing raises more and more competitors during travel. The mini hotel is desirable to locate in the city center, where there will be a good transport junction, many shops and shopping centers, as well as the ability to quickly inspect the main attractions of the city.

Before you open, it is recommended to explore the area you have chosen for the presence of competitors and if there are those available, then you need to come up with a way to accumulate customers to your side. This may be: active advertising, creative design of housing space, adequate pricing and so on. It is also very important view from the window, which will be opened to guests, as this is the first thing they will see in the morning, and this is how to right, and enlightens the overall impression from the hotel. Also from other important factors, the following visits to customers of your living room depends.

Where to spend start-up capital. Project Hostel

So, the problems with housing already decided. It remains only to issue everything in proper form. Today, small family-type boutique hotels are very popular, where the design of each room created an eminent designer. In order to attract more customers and make your business truly creative, you can implement a similar idea, but only in budget variation. The vintage style, which creates a cozy, but at the same time an extraordinary atmosphere. This is what we will be inspired when creating a common interior.

Vintage in the interior

  • First of all, you need to buy vintage furniture. You can purchase specially aged accessories in a construction store or save and buy truly vintage furniture (by the way, the second option will not only help save, but will bring the indescribable atmosphere to your living room). The cost of a complete complex of furniture in the store will be 100 thousand rubles, and in vintage 50-70 thousand.
  • Next, you need to be purchased by the necessary technique: TV, Wi-Fi Router, Heaters, Coffee machine, Washing machine, Refrigerator, etc. In this case, it is better not to save and acquire everything new, as the vintage should be modeled or the unusual atmosphere, which is created at the expense of furniture and accessories will be lost. The average set of necessary equipment and equipment will cost 80 thousand rubles with delivery directly from the store.
  • Bed linen must be chosen from a high-quality manufacturer and not from synthetic materials, otherwise sleeping on such sheets and duvettes will be uncomfortable and hot. In addition, according to standards, the mattresses must be orthopedic to ensure that customers it was convenient. A set of bed linen and mattresses on the middle mini hotel will cost 18-20 thousand rubles.
  • Vintage design. One wall in the main hall or hall must be stylized under ancient. Stick tight photo wallpapers with an image of ancient St. Petersburg or Moscow, on the next wall to lead the black and white photos and collect the collage of them. The cost of such a design will be 20-25 thousand rubles.
  • Completion of the interior with special accessories. Well, in order to finally complement the interior you created will need to purchase a lot of different statuettes, paintings and other things. You can buy everything straight from the store, which will cost 15-20 thousand rubles or buy really vintage things on flea markets, buying and selling sites (for example, Avito), which allow you to save half pending money for the final transformation.

Total, it turned out the aforementioned 250-300 thousand rubles, which were spent on clearance. But, do not forget about additional waste, which will wait for a businessman almost every step.

Marketing Program and Advertising

In order for your hostel to find out as many people as possible, you will need to spend several tens of thousand rubles for advertising. This includes: creating your own website or blog on social network, advertising in the city (billboards, flyers, flyers, etc.), as well as the manufacture of your own, unique logo, which will turn to your mini hotel.

Flow costs

In this graph, you can attribute payment of utilities, salary payment, repair of broken technology, furniture and other waste that is necessary to maintain the hotel in a fertile state. In addition, you should not forget about the cost of payment of the Internet and cable television.


As you can see, to open your own hostel, on average you need half a million rubles. Agree, the amount is rather big and natural, most of the businessmen are interested in the payback of such a case. Naturally, the hotel business will pay off in any case, but stands the edge another question. When?

As a rule, the mini hotel pays for itself in 2-3 years (the first six months is not counting, as in most institutions there is a stagnation of visitors when the overall fullness of the hostel is 30%). In order to avoid such an idleness and start to beat the money spent, it is recommended to carry out special promotions in the period of stagnation, reducing housing prices at 50-70%. Naturally, a similar "attraction of generosity" will attract new guests.

Special ascension feels a hotel business. Like a similar excitement with popularization of travel, both within the country and abroad.

Under the concept of "Hostel" means a variety of economy class hotel housing. The services of modern hostels most often enjoy the avid travelers, among which youth prevailing. The reservation of such housing is tirelessly growing, since his guests pay for rent not a whole number, but a bed. It turns out that for a moderate fee you can spend the night or rest in the way. One room of such a mini-hotel simultaneously has the ability to accommodate from four to ten tenants. Most tourists are satisfied with the concept of housing, which is to provide a sufficient level of comfort, comfort for the minimum fee. As a rule, a person who is, for example, does not need a expensive room with an additional service, which he simply does not have time to fully take advantage.

In addition, not every tourist can afford to rent comfortable hotel apartments for more costs to familiarize themselves with local attractions or just examine the city. Numerous minimal fee hostels provide their guests comfortable, clean bed, cozy atmosphere, the opportunity to visit the toilet, take a shower and use the mirror. The most in demand is such a kind of hotel housing in the territory of historical, as well as business centers of a particular city, so that it is easier for non-resident to find it.

Before opening a hostel, it will be necessary to purchase an apartment, but it is worth considering that real estate in the most popular areas is expensive, so it is quite difficult to open your business in this area. However, you can organize a hostel and in a less expensive, calm area. In this case, the most important criterion becomes developed by the developed transport link. As a rule, hostels, located close to the center, are also popular.

The main advantages of the opening of the hostel

Before opening a hostel from scratch, it is necessary to consider the main advantages of this business ideas:

  1. Hostels are promising business in our country, since consumer demand for such a service is tirelessly growing. Most modern travelers do not use such inexpensive hotels only because they did not hear about their existence.
  2. Over time, the popularity of hostels will not be lower. Even a steadily high growth of the average level of income of the population will not make cheap hotels less popular. It is explained by the fact that tourists or travel people work elementary practicality, which is expressed by a rational approach to solving a housing issue. In addition, at all times there will be a category of people with limited financial opportunities.
  3. A rather low level of competition is a significant factor in order to successfully lead their entrepreneurial case. If you correctly arrange all the "paper" nuances, no one will interfere with the businessman to work productively.
  4. Small financial spending on the upcoming finish and furnishings of the room. If the entrepreneur will overtake failure, the fixed capital, which is real estate, will remain with it, and housing, as is known, over time only becomes more expensive.

Hostel's discovery difficulties

Before opening a hostel in a residential building, it is worth understanding that the re-equipment of two or three rooms is considered the easiest option. To do this, the entrepreneur needs to redeem or rent an apartment on the first or second floor. If this housing is already available, with a lot of worries disappear. However, the businessman must remember that opening his own mini-hostel inside the traditional urban apartment, he is obliged to adhere to a number of basic legal norms, since it is difficult to leave such a business unnoticed.

The business plan for the opening of a hostel in the apartment implies with the need to obtain a special permission if the property is part of a residential fund. Today, only housing is allowed from the records, which is located on the first or second floor (if there are non-residential premises) of an apartment building on the first. For apartments to stop listed as an element of a housing stock, its owner must submit such documents to the Commission:

  • all real estate documents;
  • statement;
  • technical description of the apartment and its plan;
  • plan of the whole house on floors;
  • ready project for further redevelopment of residential premises.

In addition to legal regulations and rules, it is also necessary to take care of compliance with other requirements, as well as acts of subjects of the Russian Federation. The entrepreneur must pay his attention to the ruling of local authorities, which cannot contradict the main document, which clearly describes the decoration schemes from the residential fund.

What are the requirements of the room?

The apartment should be soundproofed. Particular attention to the entrepreneur must pay for the installation of doors and plastic windows. In addition, ordinary walls of residential apartments skip all the sounds, and guests tend to sleep well. Most often it is for that they pay money. Inside the apartment you need to organize a small-sized hall with comfortable sofas and a TV, as well as to fit the kitchen space. The presence of the kitchen can also be called a huge advantage. The traveler will not be able to prepare a light breakfast inside the standard hotel room.

A businessman must understand that most guests belong to the youth category, so the prerequisite is the presence of unhindered access to the wireless Wi-Fi Internet. It is also categorically not recommended to save on the equipment of the ventilation and air conditioning system, where several people will simultaneously be solved. Powerful climatic modern equipment will solve the problem.

Special attention is also worth paying the bathroom equipment. One toilet can be installed on twelve guests, two sinks and one shower cabin. Sleeping places are also strictly calculated and no less than the norm. Dimensions of one bedroom, as a rule, are 0.8x1.9 meters. The placement density of the beds should not violate the basic rule. At one residing tenant, no less than five square meters are given. That is why a businessman before opening a hostel, it is recommended to look after comfortable bunk beds. The organizer is also obliged to take care of the things of its guests. To do this, it will be necessary to equip a special storage chamber that will be under the administrator supervision.

During the selection of materials for finishing works, it is also worth considering the fact that operational loads will always be elevated. So that a mini-hostel did not look like an unattractive, non-accurant, shabby room, unsuitable for life can not be saved on building materials, as well as plumbing equipment. No need to think about any additional bells, but everything used for repair should be extremely high-quality, good, durable.

The same principles must be guided when it comes to the acquisition of furniture. Traditional factory products are likely to be able to withstand such loads and will not serve half of the deadline. Exceptions are considered exclusively metal beds. Seriously, it is also worth considering the selection of mattresses. A favorable option is to order furniture from a proven manufacturer, preferably with a condition for subsequent warranty service. In addition, before opening the hotel, it is best to carefully consider the business plan for opening a hostel in the apartment.

The cost of opening a hostel

If you do not take into account the main part of the costs, which will go to purchase or rent a premises, as well as its repair and redevelopment, will additionally need to be purchased:

  1. Sleeping beds. If we talk about the arrangement of a three-bedroom apartment, you will need to buy about ten beds at six - seven thousand rubles per piece. That is, this stage will cost an entrepreneur about sixty - seventy thousand rubles.
  2. To furnish the kitchen, and also to purchase all the necessary techniques will have to spend about seventy - eighty thousand rubles.
  3. Technique for leisure, such as TV, Wi-Fi and so on it will cost about twenty-five thousand rubles.
  4. Plumbing equipment will cost about sixty thousand rubles.

Inexpensive Short-term accommodation without the "Star" Applub is gaining momentum around the world, bringing good income housing owners. Consider the order of coordination and all documentation that will be required to open a hostel in a regular apartment, in a non-residential premises, as well as risks and nuances of each option.

Hostel as a business: Are there prospects?

In official Russian documents, hostels are not mentioned. Nevertheless, in fact, in our country, as in all over the world, they act quite legally, and their number is growing every year. In the tourist industry, this is a well-defined concept: inexpensive room for short-term accommodation guests with the provision of the minimum required service (sleeping place).

Hostel is not just a low-budget hotel. This is a certain philosophy and lifestyle. Many travelers cannot afford to accommodate in fashionable hotels. Accommodated alternative placement methods are popular among young people, as well as those who prefer to spend money on excursions and entertainment, and not on luxury apartments. In addition, it is fashionable, fun, expands a circle of dating and new impressions.

Apartment hostels Continue to conquer the budget tourism market. Despite certain difficulties associated with the adoption of new amendments to the law on hostels, business mini-hotels based on apartments are still relevant. In this article, we will look at how to make a hostel from the apartment, with what difficulties will have to face the beginning of the Hospiter and briefly tell about the procedure for creating a hostel in the apartment.

Is it possible to open a hostel in the apartment - the features of the hostels of Russia

The history of hostels in Russia barely has a decade, but the number of hostels, from year to year, is growing up to exponentially. Today in Russia there are more than a thousand hostels from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad. Comfortable and inexpensive accommodates attracts not only traveling students, but even solid young businessmen on a business trip, and just random guests, the will of the fate of the fate of the street in an unfamiliar city. The modern hostel combines the unpretentiousness of the student dormitory, the comfort of the inexpensive hotel and the home comfort of the European Gesthouse. Such a format of budget housing is in great demand even in the internal consumer, therefore it is not surprising, as soon as businessmen began to open hostels one by one. The uncontrolled increase in the number of hostels often went to the detriment of the quality of the services offered by them. The comforts of both guests and the neighbors of the hostel often neglected in pursuit of profit.

In 2014, the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology has developed a single guest on the general requirements for hostels. For the first time in Russia, hostels found a separate type of accommodation services, and compiled a list of requirements and prescriptions applies to hostels. The State Standard is intended to protect the rights of clients of hostels, as well as the rights of citizens, integrated the neighbors of such hostels. On the one hand, many prescriptions hurt the pocket of the inner entrepreneurs, ready to settle for 40 people in the room, and on the other hand, the law brought the shiton business from the shadows, allowing good businessmen to open their business.

The first version of the law on hostels, although contained many rules and regulations, regulated the device of hostels in general, without highlighting apartment hostels into a separate category. But it is the boom of apartment hostels that have been observing recently in large cities of Russia. The opening of such a mini-hostel is less expensive and simultaneously convenient for tourists. Such hostels often delivered inconvenience for other residents of apartment buildings. The neighbors complained about poor noise insulation, dirt on the staircase, and indeed, constantly driving strangers are naturally concerned.

Finally, in 2016, a package of amendments for GOST was developed, a finally decisive conflict of apartment tenants and hostel clients. Although at the time of writing the article, the package has not yet been accepted, but it is obvious this business work. Hospiters are now reorganizing the business according to new requirements. Of course, many businessmen did not like such changes, some hostels had to close, but this is a completely ordinary market reaction to new conditions. Mini-hotels built on modern standards satisfy the requirements of both their customers, and do not encroach on the interests of their neighbors.

Now let's consider new requirements for mini-hostels in more detail, get acquainted with the main characteristics of the premises and their device.

According to new requirements, from now on, the hostel cannot occupy residential premises. That is, if you decide open hostel in the apartmentFirst, you will have to face the transfer of your area from the depreciation of the residential foundation in non-residential. Such rooms can only occupy the first floor of a residential building, or the second, provided that the first is already busy with other non-residential areas. At the same time, the hostel must be equipped with a separate entrance that is not in contact with the total entrance. Translation procedure - Long legal volume, the process of which we describe below.

It is forbidden to arrange hostels on the ground floors. Being non-residential, they are not intended for permanent placement of guests. It is allowed to build a showers, a gym or dining room, but sleeping space can not be arranged.

The height of the bedroom premises of the hostel must be no less than 2.5m, and the height of the corridors and common halls, not less than 2.1m. At one guest now, it is now not less than 4kv.m. Square, including bed. Beds are allowed only ordinary and bunk. Exotic options in three or more floors are now prohibited. The distance from the second tier bed to the ceiling must be at least 75cm.

The size of the bed itself is also regulated and amounts to 190x80cm for one person, and 190x140cm for a double bed. In the absence of partitions, the distance between the beds is relying at least 75 cm. GOST does not oblige the Hospiter to provide the client with a changeable lover, but more often such a service in the go, for an additional fee or not.

Pretty many people wondered how to open a hostel in the apartment legally, but not everyone knows the answer. All because they have not studied the information. To know the answer for sure, you just need to carefully read this article.

Disadvantages of hostel

Before opening a hostel in an apartment legally or not, you need to know all the cons of this business.

The first thing I want to mention is the presence of foreign people in the same room. Not all hostels can be rid of the room. Typically, tourists are provided to a bed in a large room. Not everyone will be comfortable to be with unauthorized people in one room.

Also before opening the hostel in the apartment legally, you need to take care of the storage place for valuable things. For guests a very big problem - where to leave valuable things, because there are many unfamiliar people in the room.

In addition, the overall bathroom also to some extent scares visitors.

  • First, it is impossible to visit him, because there is someone there.
  • Secondly, even with very good cleaning it is nonhygienically.

The hostels do not offer additional services, because this is a place where you can spend cheap to spend the night, not a five-star hotel. And it disappears numerous visitors.

There is a minus and from the side of the business - for the hostel, it is quite difficult to choose the room. After all, special requirements are presented to it.

The minus is that marketing alliances are very weakly developed in our country, although in Europe this practice is widespread. This is just an agreement of the host of the Hostel, for example, with a cafe owner, working nearby, to make guests free breakfasts or breakfasts with a discount.

Another point, which is worth thinking before opening a hostel in an apartment legally, is the compliance of the room to European standards. Of course, in our country there are no such standards, but such a correspondence, although it will cost a lot, will quickly pay off grateful guests.

Most entrepreneurs after opening a hostel in the apartment legally, decide what to work better without the help of intermediaries. First, of course, yes, but over time it can lead to a narrowing of the target audience and a small employment of the hotel.

Advantages of hostel

With disadvantages, everything is clear, but what is this business of advantage? What you need to know before opening a hostel in the apartment?

The main reason why hostels are popular is an inexpensive cost of living.

You can remove not only the room, but also the bed. This is an excellent solution for lonely travelers.

The main target audience is young people. This means that they will be interested in communicating and get acquainted with new people. So they will not be embarrassed by life to the manner of the hostel.

Most often, hostels are located near the center, which attracts tourists even more.

What you need to open

Of course, every novice businessman thinks about how to open a hostel in the apartment. You must begin with an understanding of the destination of the hostel. It refers to the tourist sphere, and therefore it does not need many documents to open it.

First of all, it is necessary to visit the tax service and register as an individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company. After registration, you need to open a settlement bank account, which will also be implemented.

It turns out that before opening a hostel from scratch in the apartment, you do not need to run through all sorts of instances and collect documents. Nevertheless, there are several mandatory conditions.

  1. For each person in the hostel must be provided for at least five square meters of residential premises.
  2. One sink should be installed at the rate of six people.
  3. The toilet is calculated for twelve people.
  4. No more than fourteen people can enjoy one shower cabin.

All the same applies to questions, how to open a hostel from scratch in the apartment. But there are their nuances:

  • it is forbidden to use basement and basement facilities for the hostel;
  • the room must comply with fire safety standards;
  • hostel owners must conduct alien migration.

That is, to open a business, you need to get another permission from the fire service and SES.

How to arrange documents

If registration fails to be done in the tax, then you can seek help from online services. Specialists will help to collect the packet of papers needed for registration, it is very saving time.

When the organization is already framed, then the question of maintaining business. This, too, you can contact accounting services. They will help collect documents, save time and money. They are interested in customers, so there are practically no mistakes.

How to choose a room

Before you think how to open a hostel in my apartment legally, you need to analyze the territory. Naturally, it is best to open the hotel such a plan in the center. Especially if it is not the capital. The size of the room is chosen on the basis of the number of beds. So, it is impossible to make less than ten beds in the hotel. An ordinary residential apartment is suitable perfectly under the condition of metrarity. If we assume that the price for one square meter will be in the area of \u200b\u200bfifteen thousand, then a three-room apartment for ten beds is enough.

How to open a hostel in your apartment, more or less understandable. But how to do the same in a separate room? It is also a good option. In this case, opportunities are increasing, for example, you can rent several floors. The price per square meter is about the same as for the apartment, but you can find a room where they ask from ten thousand. Redevelopment along with repair will rise to eight thousand per square meter.

Against the background of all these calculations, the construction of a separate building, which will cost no more than six million, no longer seems such a crazy venture.

It is important that the opening of the hotel in non-residential premises complicates everything. For such a business, registration of LLC, the availability of companions and an additional package of documents are required.

An action algorithm for the opening of a hostel in


Everything is not so difficult, it is necessary to simply follow a certain order. How to open legally hostel in the apartment in Russia?

Before you rent an apartment under the hostel or use your own, you need to hold a number of studies. For example, to find out what people live around, their social status, the transportation of the area, the location of the house itself, the presence of shops and other necessary institutions around it.

In order to correctly assess the competitiveness of the future hostel, you need to find similar institutions nearby.

Much in the hotel business depends on the neighbors. So that in the future the district did not go to the entrepreneur often due to the huge number of complaints, you need to find a common language with neighbors.

It would be nice to write a business plan: "How to open a hostel in the apartment." If it is correctly drawn up, it will take no more than six months.

When the place is chosen, begin to engage in arrangement. The first thing to do is if the business is done in its own apartment, it is displayed from the housing. If this is not done, then each guest will be obliged to sign a hiring agreement. According to the rules of arrangement for hostels, single numbers do not happen. For this reason, it is necessary to make redevelopment. In connection with such problems, you need to think ten times, is it possible to open a hostel in the apartment and whether it is necessary.

Redevelopment nuances

As a rule, in such hotels it is customary to have some number of double rooms, and the rest of the rooms occupy two-storey beds. Repair must be middle class, therefore it is easier to purchase the necessary furniture and materials from the domestic manufacturer. With this repair you can meet at six hundred thousand. The rooms do not need to do some inconceivable decor, there will be quite clean and bright rooms. But the beds need to choose very high-quality, because healthy dream is important for many tourists.

The distance between the latter should not be less than seventy-five centimeters. The color design is preferably bright, because to live there mostly young people will be. This once again says that before opening a hostel in an apartment for illegal immigrants or foreigners, we must think very well to design.

Personnel search

It is an individual approach that distinguishes a small hostel from a huge hotel. Quality service can make a hotel very popular or make it soon close. And therefore you need to very carefully pick up staff.

In order for the hostel normally function enough:

  • hotel manager;
  • administrator;
  • maid pairs;
  • chefs;
  • assistant chef.

It has long been known that it is according to the administrator who judges a hotel or hostel. Therefore, to the question that you need to open the hostel in the apartment and he brought income, you can answer - a good administrator. And indeed, the more pleasant and responsive person at the reception, the more good feedback remains about the hostel. An important role is also played by his ability to talk in English. Ideally, the administrator must own a conversational speech.

How to advertise

Nowadays, most people are looking for refuge in the World Wide Web. This means that it is for advertising on the Internet should be the main emphasis.

  1. Social networks are perfectly working such as "Facebook", "Twitter", "Vkontakte", "Odnoklassniki". Recently, enormous popularity and attendance scored "Instagram".
  2. Sarafan radio continues to work. If a person liked the service, he will recommend Hostel to all friends and acquaintances.
  3. Contextual or banner advertising (when the photo is added to the text) also show good results. The cost of this service is rather big, but also the fruit it will bring good. So, marketing of this kind will cost up to sixty thousand.
  4. Old good business cards also show good results. They need to be laid out in places of mass accumulation (cafes, bars, stations, educational institutions). This includes ads in free newspapers. This is not very expensive advertising, because the text ad in it can be published in two thousand, and modular - in the area of \u200b\u200bfive thousand.
  5. For travel agencies and corporate clients, special discount programs can be developed. But you do not need to forget about sports clubs, schools or other institutions that are often in the road.

Only constant work can make a business successful. It is impossible to first learn how to open a hostel in an apartment in Moscow or a provincial city, and then just sit and wait when the profit itself goes into hand. Only continuous service updating, improving the quality of service and new advertising will be able to ensure prosperity.

Secrets of profitable business

The main function of the hostel worldwide was considered the provision of overnight. But over time, everything changes. Now and for the hostel, at least a minimum service package. Tourists need access to the Internet, as well as toilet and cosmetics, for this they are willing to pay.

In addition, you can put in public areas of the hairdryer, coffee maker, microwave, refrigerator and other technique.

Regarding the nutrition, you can solve the question in different ways. One of them is to provide a guest to preparing for a meager yourself. The second option is to have in the staff of the cook, which means you need to make a menu. An agreement with the owner of the nearest cafe for food or a discount for guests can be the third option. It is important not to stand still and constantly develop and make a variety.

Some nuances

Today, tourist business is very popular both in our country and in the world. This means that competition is even huge among hostels. Therefore, the services provided must correspond to the specified level. A modern tourist is accustomed to comfort, for this reason in the hostel, which does not correspond to one star, hardly returns. And the consumer is not to blame for this, but an entrepreneur. Due to the competition, it was businessmen raised the level of comfort for the same money. Such a tendency led to the fact that there are now considerable money to open a hostel.

The modest interior and the list of services will be in demand, only if there is no competition.

Among other things, it is very important to build a correct guest registration algorithm. Everything should occur on time and by all the rules.

As for home appliances, there are also their nuances here too. For example, it is better to refuse from ordinary teapots. It will be much more convenient to use thermopots. They are much longer in size and boiling water is always at hand.

You can also try to create a hostel site. First, it configures tourists on trust. Secondly, where, as not on its own site, you can place complete information about your business.

Summing up, we can say that it is enough to think of how to organize a hostel in the apartment. It is important to learn how to behave correctly and develop. Because time flows very quickly, and the level of development of mini-hotels is high. Yes, and consumer requests are constantly growing. But it is very interesting to create something from scratch and withdraw to some kind of ambitious level. It is possible that one hostel will lead to a whole network of prestigious hotels worldwide. To do this, it is only necessary to work hard and not give up.

But not everything depends on the head. Many points are associated with hotel staff. He should consist of professionals who are not only well performing its work, but also love her. It is a person who documented in the case with his head, will be able to make it better not because of this requires the boss, but for a personal desire. Equally important and collective mood. The key to success is a friendly team that can solve all problems inside. Only when people are ready to help each other and listen, the case will argue. If the squack team, then they simply will strengthen the business with their flue. Therefore, the head must mostly approach the selection of employees. After all, he does not take himself servants, but chooses a family to himself, from which the success of his brainchild.