Ostankino children's television school. Television schools Children's academy ostankino official

Ostankino children's television school.  Television schools Children's academy ostankino official
Ostankino children's television school. Television schools Children's academy ostankino official

The first television school in Russia. Among the teachers of the school: Tatiana Pushkina, Andrey Maksimov, Dmitry Guberniev, Alexey Manuilov, Oleg Marusev, Lev Novozhenov, Alexander Politkovsky, Maria Sittel, Evdokia Germanova and many others.

This is an educational institution where you acquire unique knowledge and practical skills in television specialties. You will learn to set goals and achieve them. And first-class teachers will help you with this!

Children's Academy "Ostankino" teaches children aged 8 to 17 years. For children, not only classes are conducted that contribute to the general humanitarian development, communication skills, raising the cultural level of children, but here they also receive the basics of professional television knowledge and skills.


The information provided by this institution is inaccurate.

Due to the large number of negative reviews and negative information received in a large volume about this educational institution, our resource cannot recommend training at EKTV.

School for the training of specialists in the field of film and television. Classes are held at the Ostankino television center. Artistic director - Olga Spirkina: professor at the Ostankino Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting (NOU OITiR).

The Children's School of Television and Theater "Talent" is a real workshop of creativity, in which children not only discover new unique abilities, but also find their correct application, realizing themselves as a person. The training program is very diverse, rich and designed for children from 3 to 15 years old.

The private comprehensive School of Theater, Television and Show Business was opened in 1997, and for 13 years now it has hospitably opened its doors to those who seek to receive a versatile education aimed primarily at revealing the bright individuality of each child. During this time, she managed to prove the uniqueness of her teaching methods and take a worthy place among the St. Petersburg private secondary schools.

The Federal Standards in the direction of training "Television" (bachelor's and master's degrees) developed by the MSU MSU are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Today the Higher School (Faculty) of Television of Moscow State University is the first and so far the only higher educational institution in Russia that accepts for training in the direction of "Television".

St. Petersburg School of Television offers a full range of educational services in the field of film and television. Training is provided in the following specialties: videographer, video editor, TV journalist, TV presenter, producer, etc.

Each child is unique and talented, and the task of parents is to consider this talent in time and help it develop. The children's television school at the Olga Spirkina School was created specifically for this! If your child is naturally sociable, curious, easily makes new acquaintances, television journalism will help him to reveal his creative potential.

In our Children's Television School, children learn during the school year, and go on vacation in the summer... Here your child will not only get acquainted with the basics of journalism in general, but also learn the process of television production from the inside, learn to work in a television studio and with professional television equipment, and produce a variety of journalistic television materials - plot, reportage, sketch, travel note, interview and even talk show... We will also teach your child work professionally in the frame, speak beautifully and clearly, write voiceover for programs, make stand-ups and much more. (More on instagram)

Our training course is intended for children from 8 years old * and includes the following disciplines:

  1. Journalism- study of the fundamentals of the profession, professional ethics, working methods of a journalist and the genre diversity of journalistic materials, as well as the basics of editing and producing on television.
  2. TV presenter skill- classes in front of a television camera in an educational television studio, including working with professional equipment (prompter, microphone, light, sound, etc.).
  3. Acting skills- play activities aimed at relieving muscle clamps, releasing natural shyness, developing communication skills and disclosing the child's creative potential.
  4. Speech technique- a set of classes aimed at staging a beautiful voice and the formation of competent speech, including breathing practices, speech exercises, the development of the speech apparatus.
  5. Psychology of communication - game activities aimed at increasing the child's communication skills, involving him in the process of co-creation and team work, developing the ability to correctly understand the interlocutor, listen and hear others.

Top five reasons to choose our Children's School for your child:

  1. Practice only. This is the main principle in our educational process. We do not waste time on unnecessary theory, so after each lesson your children will be able to do something new!
  2. Interactive and play. These are two main forms of presenting information by our teachers, which is why children always have fun with us!
  3. Classes in Ostankino... We are in the very center of television life, in the Ostankino television center, so we know firsthand how television and television journalists work!
  4. Professional educators. We are taught by real professionals - TV presenters and TV journalists, who, in addition, have pedagogical experience in working with children!
  5. Safety and comfort... The Ostankino television center has a strict access control and round-the-clock security, in addition, your children will be under the constant supervision of our teachers. A child can enter the TV center accompanied by an adult (by appointment with the School administrator).

The children's television school in Ostankino will help your child to open up, become more confident, independent, interesting and usefully spend free time, make new friends and touch the profession of "TV journalist".

Designed for: For children from 8 years old * Video blogger programs for children >>>

during the academic year

Day of classes: Tuesday, Saturday
Class time: Tuesday: 17:00 - 19:00 Saturday: 12:00 - 14:00
Date of classes: Attend the lesson completely free!
Number of people in the group: before 18
Perspectives: Unleashing the creative potential of the child. Active, interesting leisure.
  • Fundamentals of Journalism
  • TV presenter skill
  • Acting skills
  • Speech technique
  • Psychology of communication
Price / month:

12,000 rubles

The Ostankino Children's Academy is a unique creative place where children of different ages can fully plunge into the world of creativity.

For more than fifteen years, the Ostankino Academy has been creating conditions for the harmonious and comprehensive development of the child. Speech technique, working in front of the camera, directing, cinematography, vocal and pop direction - all this gives the ability to work not only in a certain genre, but also allows you to communicate, build communications at a partner level, helps to determine and prioritize necessary in life, the ability to say "no" when necessary.

While studying at the Ostankino Children's Academy, young students learn all the subtleties of work in the film and television industry, take part in theatrical performances and create their own projects. All students have the opportunity to study in two or more Workshops at the same time.

In the Theater Workshop, the main emphasis is on the development of speech, plastics, the study of the history of cinema, theater and television, etc.

The Television Workshop opens the doors to the world of television for its students. Young academics acquire the skills necessary for future TV and radio presenters.

Future directors are engaged in the Cinema Workshop. All disciplines present in the program help to master this complex profession in theory and practice.

The Ostankino Children's Academy constantly conducts intensive courses and training sessions for guests from all over Russia. The experience of passing educational programs, attending classes and creative meetings from the teachers of the Workshops has a positive effect on the results of short-term internships - both for children and for their teachers in regional educational centers.

The workshop curriculum is fundamentally different from the usual school curriculum - lessons are held in the form of quests, games, where each child is enthusiastically immersed in the process and happily completes all tasks, shares experience with their peers, etc.

All classrooms are equipped with the latest technology used by professional television, radio and film companies.

When passing the training, all students get a unique opportunity to try themselves in all kinds of castings, master classes and internships abroad (Spain, Canada, USA, Great Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Germany, Montenegro, etc.), organized both by the administration of the Academy and partners.

The Ostankino Children's Academy is the most important period in a child's life, which in a completely unique way changes the idea of ​​life and creativity, and which makes it possible for a child / teenager to go through a perfect and significant stage in their development as a person.

For me, everyone gets something of their own from studying at this School. I learned a lot about television, about such nuances that I never knew about. Many thanks to the mentors for the TV presenter mastery classes, it really helped me a lot. I am glad that I went to read the reviews only when I had already finished the courses, and not right away, otherwise I would probably have believed that these negative reviews are true.

In what conversations with students) did you come across the name of Olga Spirkina? She has not been in films for 20 years, has not been on television for 30 years, she has not worked as a TV presenter, she rents several rooms in the television center and everyone has heard of her? Give it up, keep these fantasies to yourself. You didn't even study with Spirkina, and if you tried, you would know that this lady has been bred students for a long time. No diplomas, no license, no equipment. They tell you that you will be a qualified TV presenter, and you go out ...

I completely agree with the previous author. All programs are built on the basis and it is indicated everywhere. The basis of speech technique, still the basis, the basis of public speaking. There is little basis for working on TV. Remember it once and for all. To work on TV requires practice, mentors and excellent teachers who today work on television. Without this, you will never master the specialty of a journalist or TV presenter (there are exceptions - talented people, but these are very few). Spirkina won't even give a base. I was...

I read the reviews here and guys, please stop sculpting these "masterpieces". The penultimate positive review killed me, only a true blogger could compare studying with bearing a child! Enough, do not disgrace yourself. There is no directing at school, and never was. What are you writing about here? You can't get a qualification, education is weak, there are many shortcomings. The entire program is built around the specialty of a TV presenter. There are no highly specialized teachers in the school. There is no good director, TV presenter, no competent teacher ...

It is not for nothing that Olga Spirkina's higher courses last 9 months. It's like carrying a baby. Here we are all these 9 months. classes studied, grew, developed, and at the end, so to speak, were born again. But already with new skills, knowledge, experience - albeit with a little, but still experience of working in front of a TV camera. Thanks to the School, I became more self-confident, learned to hold on, speak more clearly and distinctly, and not mumble under my breath, as it was at first. And thanks to the courses, I created my blog, now on a regular basis ...

Unheard of insolence. It is not enough for them to have someone else's name, so they still try to imitate the real Ostankino School. I came to Spirkina at the School to clarify some questions, as they answered me that they would be able to communicate normally with me in person. I arrived and did not expect Olga Borisovna to meet me personally. I started with a license that was not shown to me. They do not even have an IMC license on hand, they did not show me the contract with the IMC. Conclusion: there is no license, this is not an educational institution, but courses ...

For about a week I have been choosing an educational institution and I already have an established opinion about Spirkina and her television school. I considered 3 educational institutions, of which only one had a license for educational services, only 1 institution issues a retraining diploma with qualifications and only 1 institution has been operating for more than 20 years in the field of education. All this is said about the real Ostankino School, and the Spirkina School is a parody, a cheap copy, the name was stolen or the brand of a prestigious television school was stolen ...

You asked people to check the information more thoroughly. I asked my colleagues who worked with Spirkina a number of years ago. They said that she was not just fired, but fired in a big scandal. She drank, did not come to work, disrupted the educational process. All information from reliable sources. She was fired with an entry in the work book and can no longer engage in teaching, so she had to get out, and she issued an IP to Spirkina, but not in her name ...

Why should I thank Spirkina's school? He studied here himself and gave his son to their workshop. The son came out with the same baggage of knowledge as he came here. At first we did not believe him, but later it turned out that the teachers treat children terribly, and as soon as I went to find out from the management the reason for this behavior of the teachers, since I was not the only one who received an alarm call - I immediately had problems. At first they asked to terminate the contract, and later they began to put spokes in the wheels and say that I did not ...

I received a certificate after higher courses, but it does not have a registration number, that is, it is an ordinary document, piece of paper or whatever you call it, which does not confirm my retraining. I was not even allowed to the interview. I generally keep quiet about children's courses. Children there are insanely fun, but no good. My boyfriend liked to go there because of the atmosphere and fun activities, but there was no result. They do not have professional teachers who develop the child's speech, articulation, movement ...

The way it is. The establishment is not about anything. They beat themselves in the chest and write that they are the best, etc. But in reality there is no necessary equipment, there is no full-fledged training, there are no qualified teachers, the cost is too high. For a simple speech course, almost 50,000 rubles. So this is without additional. expenses that each time had to be handed over. On the technique of speech - they fell asleep, on the acting technique - they had fun and jumped. They did nothing on the mastery of the TV presenter, but we were promised practice. At school, naivety and a lack of understanding of that ...

I fully support the previous author. But here it also turned out that Spirkina really worked in the real Ostankino School and she was fired from there, she is unfit for professional use. She didn’t act in films anymore, she didn’t really work on the TV channel, they didn’t need such employees, she didn’t have experience, and she was already age, she couldn’t work as a teacher, she had a job record, so there was only one thing left - to open her own establishment, but she had a license. never will, so it issues fake certificates. These certificates are without a number ...

This is a circus, not a television school. I came to them and they tell me that they train the best TV presenters, and there are only a few disciplines in the program. I looked at the document that I will receive and it says that I took a course in journalism, but which one ... I asked at the reception about journalism and why journalism is indicated here, but she said nothing and followed Spirkina. Olga Borisovna rubbed me in that I could work as a journalist and TV presenter with these documents. Stop, smells like divorce. The journalist has a different job ...

I studied with Olga Borisovna at the Higher Courses and I cannot and will not advise them, even for money. I was promised journalism and editing, the basics of directing, and a lot of on-site interviewing sessions. We had no practice, I left the course for 6 months after the scandal. They told me that we would have diplomas, but they wanted to issue certificates, and we also had SP Spirkin on the pass, which embarrassed many. No one paid attention to this, but later it turned out that Olga's Television Schools ...

I wanted not to be indifferent and say a few words about the higher courses of television in Ostankino. We were taught by the actress, TV presenter, the author of the courses Olga Spirkina, together with no less famous and professional mentors. Anyone who says that there is no stellar teaching staff here simply does not know what they are talking about. In addition to Spirkina, we worked together with Dmitry Guberniev, Dibrov, Alla Dovlatova. This is an invaluable experience! People who charge you and push you to feats! I remember my first performance ...

I'll write again, otherwise I can't wait for an answer from the management. Your school issues documents on the completion of the course on behalf of Olga Spirkina's Ostankino TV School of Television, but there is no such school named after Spirkina. I found only SP Spirkin, for which there are no registered educational institutions with a license for educational services. That is, you are issuing a diploma from a non-existent school, but you do not bear any responsibility. The contract is signed with the School of Television, the documents are issued on behalf of the School of Television ...

Students come and cannot collect their money. Spirkina threw a decent amount of money on the people. At first, the OITIR was divorced, and before that she was fired due to professional incompetence, later she created her own school, but did not formalize it. She left her as an individual entrepreneur and things did not go any further. How can a person of experience on television teach TV presenter prowess? Spirkina did not work as a TV presenter, does not know how to work in a team, how to prepare material for the broadcast, but at the same time she works with students, tells them something ...

Spirkina continues to buy positive reviews? Let at least a few people hire, it's funny to read, the more the writer did not learn from Spirkina, which is noticeable, he does not know the nuances, but the person tries. I don’t advise anyone to take a course from Spirkina, don’t even take a trial one, you’ll only lose time. She uses the name of the Ostankino School, but she is not. This is an individual entrepreneur, not an educational institution. There is no such registered educational institution, and never has been. This is all complete nonsense. There is an individual entrepreneur Olga Spirkina ...

The answer to those who write that there is a good choice of educational programs is LIE. My name is Victor, I wanted to sign up for a public speaking course for Olga Spirkina, but after talking with her, many questions remained and as a result I took other courses, but the last review touched me most of all. Girl, what programs are you writing about here, when there is only one TV presenter program, the course of which has risen in price and the training period is constantly changing. What kind of programs are you writing about? One course, after which I have ...

A teacher who was fired due to incompetence, a million complaints were written against him, several groups refused her, then she was fired with a big scandal, because she demanded money from students, which is unacceptable ... But nothing ... after all this, you can open your own school, attract the audience with a foreign and promoted brand of the Ostankino School and feel good about yourself, not even worry about the fact that 2 groups of TV presenters were deceived last year. People believed and paid her extra for the internship. Can...

Here's an interesting fact, but few have heard of it. Spirkina was fired due to her incompetence and immediately she opens her own television school. Her institution still does not have a license. She used the documents of the OITIR, the university was closed and the license, respectively, was taken away. Now she uses a different university, but the problem is different. There is no such institution as the Spirkina School. Officially there is SP Spirkina and an agreement is signed with her. Therefore, Spirkina still issues certificates. Maybe someone does not know ...

I studied at the Ostankino Higher School and it is funny for me to watch how Spirkina actively uses their brand for her promotion. If you look in the register, then there is no Spirkina school. No license for educational activities. Tax documents are not submitted, but this issue has been raised for a long time, there were even problems. But it was so brazen to use the name of the Ostankino School after she was expelled from the real Ostankino School, where she established herself as an incompetent teacher, to which students ...

The disgusting attitude of the teachers, constantly lying, some excuses, the sheer incompetence of Spirkina and even more lies from her. Nobody asked about the license of the Spirkina School, because it has been operating for several years. Why isn't she ??? Why are they not issued diplomas, and graduates receive a certificate of the course they have attended ??? The diploma has no license and no legal force. In general, Spirkina is very bad in terms of reputation. I read reviews about her school and for some reason everyone writes that such a school ...

An outlet, not a school! Good afternoon, my name is Christina Chimshit. I came to this school in April 2018 and during this time I fell in love with this place very much, it became my outlet, where you go with pleasure, knowing that you will spend tonight with benefit and pleasure. Obviously, the school is too good, since for so many years of its successful existence, competitors cannot calm down, starting with fake reviews in social networks and ending with sent Cossacks at master classes (and even this happens!) ...