How to draw two swans in love. Draw the Swan Body Art Draw on the hands of a gradually swan

How to draw two swans in love. Draw the Swan Body Art Draw on the hands of a gradually swan
How to draw two swans in love. Draw the Swan Body Art Draw on the hands of a gradually swan

Hello comrades!

I have long been going to take up the topic "How to draw a swan", but everything could not decide: even when the swan was sculpted (), it was noticeable that the topic is not easy and not overcome.

However, today in the morning my relatives and friends came to watch the cartoon "nasty duck", and I decided that it was a sign! Specked and determined: everything! - Draw a swan. Found a lot of photos on the Internet and - forward. It is not a focus to draw something, focus - then draw your swan. While I was peering in the photograph of the swans, the strongest impression was not even from the amazing magnitude of grace, but on the wonderful purity of the snow-white plumage. Little pictures on the monitor and those are amazed, and what then they are, these beautiful birds, the burning!

So, I draw swan from the photo, first with a pencil.

What immediately rushes into the eyes: a large body, very large, long, graceful neck, wings that swan does not fold on his back, and somehow it keeps like sails (even strange, but they see, convenient). I note that the main difficulty for me is to portray my head so that the swan was, and not a goose (read about the appearance of the goose "). They also look great, but today it is not our task.

In general, it would be necessary to start drawing from the largest, that is, from the torso, but I will be impatient to take up the swan neck - if she succeeds good, the rest already will definitely

Okay! The bend succeeded. Now the head. I will not tell in detail - read "How to draw a swan's head." And I continue:

Well, it was half the right - in the picture exactly not a goose, an elegant neck and a proud head succeeded.

Now we need to portray the wings raised by sails. I'll start like this:

And show the plumage. It is clear that such a large bird and feathers are also appropriate.

We will add a tail similar to the vessel's feed and decorate the picture with a hint of reflection in the water:

Well, we will not start to paint a white swan, only there are a little bit of shadows to emphasize the dazzling whiteness of the plumage:

And the second lesson - how to draw a swan, now in flight.

Draw a flying swan gradually

If you read the lesson to, then you already understand what to portray the flight is very difficult. Yes. And we will not start on simplifying simplification to facilitate the task. No, they don't lie against the truth and we learn to overcome difficulties. So, swan flies.

Let's make an outline with a pencil and estimate the prospects:

As you can see, the wings not only slyly are curved, but also visible to us under a complex corner. But nothing, the eyes are afraid, hands do. Let's start with the body. It is oval and in the flight is not horizontally, but also at an angle. The neck is stretched completely right forward:

Draw your head and undercrow paws.

Everything, it's time and for the wings to take:

Well, it really looked like it. But here I honestly admit: if the swan can be drawn and in memory, then it will be possible to master the image of the swan in the flight, not from the first and not with the fifth times, it will work a lot.

Swan is a sign of loyalty and purity. Drawing gentle and dedicated swans gives one pleasure! We offer phased drawing for novice artists! To begin with the following tools:

  • Simple fulfilled pencil.
  • Erasing gum.
  • White sheet of paper.

How to draw a swan floating on the waves

  • Draw a bleached torso - depict an oval, by the end of the figure sharpening the tip, this is the birth of the bird's tail.
  • Position at the top of the drawing a neat little swan head, leaving a distance for an elegant neck.
  • The neck of the Swan thinner towards the head and increases with a beautiful bend to the body.
  • Draw the beak, with the help of it the bird is powered, it should be sharp.
  • With the help of the scheme, we got the outlines of the swan figure, now to get a beautiful silhouette erase all unnecessary lines of erasing rubber.
  • Wings of the Swan consist of layers of feathers, denote by their triangles.
  • Swan's tail is his pride! We raise up airty, unnecessary lines remove.
  • Smooth lines separate part of the head for small peeshes.
  • Draw beautiful wings of the swan with wave-like lines, giving them a pomp. Draw splashing waves in which the swan is splashing.

How to draw a swan from numbers 2

  • Figure 2 is similar to its bend on a long swan neck, try to make a smooth bend extension to the bottom.
  • From the beginning of the curl, we carry out a parallel identical line, repeating the first bending accuracy. Our neck is ready! Draw a small eyebound, from the center, go at an angle down the straight line, which will be the beginning of the beak swan.
  • We begin to form the silhouette of wings than the beautiful wave will be, the volume will be the wing at the swan.
  • The most interesting part of the work came up - draw beautiful feathers on the wings of the swan, depicting them as much as you wish. Behind the wing, designate a small tail, raised up.
  • Testing your head - Draw a circle on the eye, decorated with an underlined eyeliner. The beak is drawing with a volume triangle with wavy edges, stripped with short small strokes of the connection line.
  • Final part - Dorisite the leg of the swan, draw the remaining features and draw the waves, depicting small strokes with light choke on them.

How to draw a swan with a dove

In the center of the sheet, draw a horizontal and vertical axis that will serve as a mirror reflection. Drawing figures on one axis, completely display a copy to another.

  • Schematically depict the torso and head in the form of an oval and circle.
  • Arc the lines connect the head and torso, duplicated all the shapes from both sides.
  • Draw the wings with swans, raising them upwards, depicting your own kind of "outdated heart." Round the contour of the body, and under the wings, you will show sharp tails.
  • Will erase lines interfering with the compound of wings and body.
  • Draw a feathers swans and mark the beak, make it a book in the form of a smile.
  • The axis can be erased. Dorify the lower row of wings with smooth triangles, draw eyes and end the formation of beak.
  • Kuvuki Swan "Put" on the upper edges of the heart. Draw a light outline of water.

If you wish, you can paint the resulting drawings with paints, colored handles or floters. The beauty of these amazing birds will emphasize the stroke of the contour with sequins!

Drawing swans gouache. Master class with step-by-step photos

Drawing gouache "Swan loyalty". Master - Class with step-by-step photos

Yakovleva Natalia Anatolyevna, teacher of fine art Maou Sosh 73 "Lira" Tyumen
Description: This master class will be useful to teachers of visual arts, educators of the additional education of artistic and aesthetic orientation, as well as creative people.
Purpose: Use in drawing class, interior decoration or as a gift.
Purpose: Creating a composition of a pair of swans on a pond with a gouache.
Tasks: Improve the ability to work gouache
Learn to draw swan figures
promote the development of creative abilities
Develop a sense of composition, the ability to notice and reflect in the picture the beauty of nature
bring up careful attitude towards nature
maintain interest in fine art
Materials: Gouache, watercolor paper sheet A-3 format, synthetic brushes, palette, water jar

Before starting work, you can listen to the song Evgenia Martynova "Swan loyalty".
Here is the text:
Lebedes flew over the earth
Sunny day
It was them light and joyfully
In the sky together.
And the earth seemed affectionate
And in this moment,
Suddenly someone shot on birds
And the cry broke out.
What's wrong with you, my favorite
Without love your love
The sky is all sad.
Where are you, my favorite,
Return soon
Beauty is Naughty
Heart to me Sogray.
He was looking for a girlfriend he,
Called from the nest,
But silence answered
Bird trouble.
Fly to the edges of distant
Swan could not
Losing a faithful girlfriend
He became alone.
You forgive me, Favorite,
For someone else's evil
That my wing
Happiness did not save.
You forgive me, Favorite,
That spring day
In the sky blue, as before
We may not be together.
And it was irreparable
This trouble,
What the girlfriend will not meet
He never.
Swan again rose to the cloud,
Song interrupted.
And, folding fearlessly wings,
Earth fell.
I want to live swans
And from white flocks,
And from white flocks
The world became kinder.
Let the swans fly across the sky
Over my earth,
Over the fate of my fly
In the bright world of people.

Sequence of work:

We have a sheet horizontally. We have a horizon line.

Tinging the sky: a lot of white and very little blue and burgundy

Tinging the background of water: white with the addition of blue, green and purple. And we make a stretching from light to dark. Let me dry.

Slightly below the middle of the sheet, weak the white silhouettes of swans

Blue make shadows.

White add burgundy and superimpose the smears of a thin brush

We are still making the shadows: white with blue and purple. Under swans shadow from blue, purple with the addition of brown

Special attention to the bevum. First draw in red

Then black

On the left in the distant plan, almost dry brush is carried out by grass and its reflection: green with the addition of blue and ocher

Left grass is authentic and separately standing blades

Also on the left draw thin stalks of high edges and leaves on them

Now the most strive to draw the leaves of the water lily at its discretion in the form of oval. This is how much attention: ahead of the leaves are large and darker, the farther, the smallest and the lighter and different shades of the green: add light - and dark - yellow, okhru, brown , blue

Blue with brown (as a result - gray) with the finest lines "sum up" the bottom of the jugs. They are more comprehensive. And here on the right additionally draw green with dark - blue one more grass. The same color add the shadow to the left

Mazzki white painting the pita. Ahead is more than further, the less

Mine rooms Yellow

At the bottom of the sheet, add more blades.

On the water lugs, the light blue outlined shadows. Dark - green blades in the distant plan can also be "muffled" the same color.
Our work is ready!

I hope that work will benefit in professional or creative activity, and the result will not disappoint!
I wish everyone good luck!

Drawing lesson how to draw two swans in love with a pencil stages. How to draw swans for a wedding or for Valentine's Day.

I caught the picture, I really liked and decided to make a lesson.

Swan lovers

We draw ovals into tight to each other and curves depict the neck swans as it seemed that this is the heart.

Draw a beak, head and eyes from one, then another, dotted with a width of the neck.

Connect the dotted line of one line, fill the black section in two swans from the beak to the eye.

Draw the body at the swan on the right, then to the left, it raised the wing.

Show feathers on the body near the swans, also apply shadows. Top of them draw the arch on which roses will grow.

I did not draw roses and leaves, it was very long, just quickly painted chaos and paper garlands, I do not know how they are definitely called. In the middle simply painted a bud of roses and leaves. This rose is taken from the rose drawing lesson for children. Top of the arch fly several hearts.

We draw water and slightly shadow reflection in the water of two swans. Figure of lovers swans ready.

In this lesson, we will draw with you the very beautiful, devotee and gentle bird in the world. People have a swan bird associated with romance, beauty, cleanliness, nobility and wisdom. And all this because of their elegance, and the ability to beautifully fly and swim.

So let's start drawing a wonderful swan:

Stage 1. Let's start drawing our wonderful swan with the drawing of the frame. Our auxiliary framework should consist of three auxiliary circles and one line curve. We draw a frame as shown below:

Stage 2. Let's start drawing the swan itself. First, we need to draw it thin, gentle neck and beak swan. In the figure below, everything that needs to draw at this stage is highlighted in red

Stage 4. Now we need to draw only the contours of the wings of our beautiful swan, then at the following stages we will draw some small pieces of the wings of the swan. In the meantime, we draw two wings with our cute bird.

Stage 5. Draw the muzzle to our swan. We draw eyes, as well as draw it to the beak.

Stage 6. Perhaps the most difficult thing in our drawing is the drawing of some small elements of the swan body to give it more realistic. All that you need to draw at this stage is highlighted in red. Just look at the drawing below and carefully refine these elements.

Stage 7. Now we will deal with the historical environment. We need to draw water on which our swan is located

Stage 8. And the final stage of our drawing will be the coloring of the resulting swan as follows: