Draw watercolor from scratch. How to draw acrylic paints on canvas, paper, tips

Draw watercolor from scratch. How to draw acrylic paints on canvas, paper, tips

Watercolor, what is it? This is the paint that can be breeding, and the properties of which can easily rinse it with water. Other watercolor properties make drawings performed by such paint, especially transparent. If you are going to draw watercolor, then you can not do without special skills. Professional watercolor artists can accurately determine how much water needs to be added to get exactly the tint that is necessary.

Related Watercolor Drawing Items
In order to start working with watercolor, you will need paper that you usually use for drawing. Do not do you without brushes, of course, watercolor paints. In addition, it will take the container in which you will have water, tablet and paper napkins.

What paper for watercolor to choose
In order to start working with watercolor paints, special paper drawing is needed. The texture of this paper should be such that you get the most good result.
In general, drawing paper can be both smooth and textured. Her density can also be different - it all needs to be considered when choosing. Since the thick paper has a large resistance to water, it is valued more expensive. It can be pulled onto the tablet, pre-shattered. If you want a graininess in the figure, take a slightly rough paper.

Choosing a brush: what brush for drawing preferred
Buy a brush from an artificial or squirrel hair. For full work with watercolor, do not look at cheap brushes. However, its price itself will tell about what quality product is in front of you.
What form brushes do you need? A round brush will perform as the main tool. To her, you will operate with large paint volumes. It is very convenient to make paper with water using a flat brush. If you need to work out the parts, then in this case, it is the brush of oval form that will become your indispensable assistant. You can read more about the choice of brushes in our article.

Caring for tassels
Prepare two water tanks. One of them will need for flushing with brushes. It will be nice if there will be paper napkins next to you in the process of work - they are very convenient to remove excess paint with tassels.

Preparing paper
Now we will make cooking paper for drawing. It should be moistened evenly. Take such paper and tension on the tablet. As the sheet will dry, it will become flat and tense. It is in this form that he will stay all the time until you draw.

Draw on wet paper
You can start your drawing on moistened paper. This technique drawing has its own characteristics. Be sure to place the tablet with paper horizontally, otherwise you risk getting the bottom of the paint below. If you feel that paper is overly impregnated with water, blot it with a napkin. Use a dry tassel to remove excess paint.

Apply paint
Before applying the following smear, wait a little - let it dry the previous smear. It is necessary to start working with watercolor paints only after you will definitely select the color you need on the palette. Keep in mind that the paper itself performs in the role of white paint, so planning the contours of the future drawing in advance.

Need to know…
Paint flow, transparency and merger of smears - these are the main nuances that are inherent in watercolor and which are building bricks in creating a special charm of watercolor workshop. Your smear should be wet - otherwise the movement of the brush will be noticeably.

Picture tone define in advance. If you put a smear, the color of which you does not quite suit you, try to compensate for it in the next smear. The smear should have a shape of the stroke. And remember: drawing in this way try to capture the border of the previous smear. Applying such equipment you will achieve a smooth transition between the strokes. If the edges of the transitions need to be mitigated, use a dry brush.

And this is also needed to know
If you are just starting your watercolor path, try to perform a drawing in one color, while applying any dark paint. It is necessary so that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat color paint will take after drying.
In order for the tones in the figure is clean, wash the brush more often.

Acrylic - This plastic, but the drawing technique resembles a watercolor. The only difference is that after drying, acrylic paints become waterproof. Consider some features of working with acrylic.

What to draw?

For painting, acrylic is suitable:

  • canvas;
  • cardboard;
  • plywood;
  • board;
  • glass;
  • paper.

Also prepare brushes with long handles, palette and water.

What to draw?

Do not break your head long over the idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture. If it is difficult to come up with something original, create an still life of undergraduate items. You can also buy flowers or narrow fields. Beautiful stone, view from the window - everything can serve as in kind.

Drawing abstractions can also serve as an improvement in skills. Draw a stain and think that it reminds. Develop the idea, add details. Gradually, you will learn to feel paints.

1. Acrylic dries quickly, so keep the sputter with water at hand to make paints on the palette.

2. Use paint in small quantities.

3. Acrylic, extregnated from the tube. Experiment with transparency of paints by adding water to them. A large amount of moisture will allow the use of watercolor drawing technique. But it is impossible to break the proportion of 50/50, otherwise the acrylic will not be able to fix it well and will crumble.

4. Start drawing with large color spots using large brushes. Gradually go to the elaboration of small parts and take thin brushes.

5. Washed paint with brushes Do not forget to rinse them to remove the water.

6. Reflection of work in the mirror will help notice errors.

7. Practice in mixing the paints with each other. It is not easy, but thanks to practice it is possible to learn how to do it faster.

8. Adding a diluent will help slow down the drying acrylic.

9. To achieve an ideal flat line, use the adhesive tape.

10. To make the color lighter, mix the paint with the leaks. Do it carefully and gradually, thoroughly mixing.

11. Mixing paint with black color will make it darker.

12. The dried paints look darker.

13. In order to maintain work, you can cover lacquer.

How to draw acrylic paints on canvas or paper?

1. You need to choose the basis for drawing. You can draw on paper, canvas or board. You need to choose the base on which the acrylic will be able to easily fix it.

2. Collect all the necessary materials. For drawing, you may need such items as: 1-2 cups with water, an old cloth (you can use the fabric), masticine, soap for brushes, a spray gun.

  • Acrylic paints dries very quickly, so you need to spray with a palette with water so that the paints are wet.
  • Use newspapers or unnecessary paper for the desktop so that you do not have a big disorder.
  • You can wear a working robe - it will allow you to keep clothes clean.

3. Choose a good place. Many professionals recommend drawing with natural light. The location is good near the open window, as well as the usual room with a good natural light.

4. Prepare materials. Bring cups with water, brushes, paints, palette. Dress the old bathrobe and open the workplace by newspapers.

5. Idea for drawing. Beginner artists are difficult to decide what to draw. Think maybe you want to draw some particular subject or 3-D object. What can be drawn with acrylic paints:

  • photos;
  • a vase with flowers;
  • fruit bowl;
  • sunrise / sunset;
  • items from your home;
  • something from your memory.

6. Make sketches with a pencil. Use the usual pencil to roughly pop up the main forms of the drawing on the canvas.

7. Mix the paints. Prepare all the color you need to work with the pattern.

8. Analyze your composition. Put the subject to be some kind of pleasant background from the back. Pay attention to all the details. As you work, you will need to recreate everything you need for your drawing.

9. Draw the background. First of all you need to start drawing the background. Drawing from a distant plan to the front is one of the easiest ways to create a beautiful drawing. Press the middle tone at first, then dark, and after the brightest to facilitate the task.

10. Hold the time to slight details. Distribute all the basic details of the background. Verify the shadows, glare, small unnoticed parts, add texture, etc.

11. Draw the main object. Draw it with monophonic shades, break the object on simple forms or parts. When you work out the main forms and parts, your drawing will start taking a great look.

  • Remember how tones are applied, first average, then dark, and after light.
  • Paint the paint point dotted, keep the brush vertically and knock her about paper.
  • Use the masticic to spread the wide color smears.
  • To create blurring color, you need to dilute the paint with water. So the paint on the canvas gradually becomes lighter. In this way, you can well create a color gradation effect.

12. Cover your picture with a layer of varnish. When the picture is covered with a layer of varnish, it is protected from various damage.

13. Clean the brushes, objects and workplace.

14. Leave the picture for a while it dries. Typically, the picture will dry in 1-2 days.

How to draw acrylic paints in stages - video

Each of us in the soul artist. Remember the golden moments of childhood, when we were applied with the paints of "Kalyaki-Malyaki". The art of painting is the greatest secret in the world. With the help of paints and brushes on canvas, real wonders appear. Many mistakenly believe that they do not have artistic talent. In fact, to learn how to write with paints can anyone. How to draw watercolor real works of art? For this, it is only necessary to comply with simple recommendations.

What do we need?

So, we decided to enter the world of art and become artists. How to draw watercolor correctly? For this, the following tools will be required:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • palette;
  • sheets of paper.

The choice of accessories should take very carefully. The final result depends on them - the work of art.

Choose paints

How to draw watercolor yourself? First of all, it is necessary to choose the right paint. On the shelves of art stores are a huge amount of watercolor paints. Which of them are better to choose?

Do not look here to look at the price category. The high cost is not always a pledge of quality.

It is better to choose paints made on the basis of beeswax. The cover should be the inscription "Honey". They are brighter.

Brushes for drawing

Brushes are no less important. Which of them are suitable for watercolor most?

The brush should be soft, choose paint well. Her tip must be pointed. Bristles brushes must be well fixed on the base. The best option will be brushes made of protein wool. Their bristles correspond to the declared parameters.

How many brushes need? To draw small parts of the drawing, you should purchase a thin brush (number 1 or 2). For the main part - greater thickness (numbers 5-6 or 7).


The palette serves as a kind of "draft", place for mixing paints. A few colors of different colors are applied to the palette, mix them. As a result, the desired shade is obtained.

You can purchase a ready-made plastics palette. You can also do it yourself. To do this, a tight paper is suitable, which should be bandaged at the edges.

Choose watercolor paper

The paper selection process should be treated with special attention. The fact is that watercolor - the paint translucent. It requires a large amount of water when working. If you draw on ordinary paper, it can quickly splash from the water. It is better to purchase special watercolor paper. It is more dense and thick. Her surface rough. Water particles are stuck on the rough surface of the paper. This prevents spreading.

Getting drawing

How to draw watercolor yourself? After studying the main features of watercolor paint, we know that it requires a large amount of water. The drawing is obtained translucent, air, flying. This effect is formed due to the structure of the paint.

There are 2 main equipment drawing watercolor:

  1. Dry technique.
  2. Screw paper technology.

With the basics of dry equipment, everyone else from childoral pore: We recruit paint to the brush and draw. Depending on the type of pattern, you can pre-apply its contour using a pencil.

To get the necessary color, it is necessary to dip a silent into the water, then into the necessary paint and apply it to the palette. After that, the brush is washed with water and falls into the paint of another color. The resulting colors are mixed on the palette. The result will be the necessary shade.

What is the difference between the drawing technique with watercolor on raw paper? This technique is interesting enough, because It allows you to create an unusual effect. For this, before you start drawing, you should well mix the paper sheet with water. While it does not dry, watercolor paint is applied to the wet paper. When mixed with water, it breaks down, leaving the bizarre patterns on paper.

Let's draw

So, we purchased materials for work. The main drawing techniques studied. Now you can proceed directly to the process of creativity.

How to draw watercolor for beginners? To begin with, it is recommended to try to learn paints. What will required for this? Consider the main learning lessons with paints:

  1. We study colors. Take a sheet of watercolor paper. Dial the color on your brush. Apply it on paper. Look at what effect it turned out. Now increase the degree of pressing on the brush. Look at how the color changed (it should darken). Now dial more water to the brush and dry it into the paint. Swipe the wet brush on paper - the drawing will be translucent.
  2. Mix colors. Try mixing several colors. What shades turned out as a result?
  3. Apply yellow, orange, red color. Examine them. What emotions do they awaken? Now apply on a sheet of blue, purple, black colors. What sensations arose now?
  4. Draw from nature. Now it is necessary to learn to display the items around us. Put an apple in front of you. Carefully explore it. See what color it is. Try to draw it.

Practical work

After studying the basic skills of painting art, you can go to independent work.

Learning to draw watercolor around us. Look around. What do you see? You can draw still life. To do this, put several objects of dishes and any fruit. Try to portray them.

What else can be painted with watercolor paints? There are no restrictions here. It all depends on the fantasy of the artist. You can draw everything surrounding us. You can depict your own invented world.

Studying the main techniques for working with watercolor paints can be started with drawing flowers and trees.

How to portray flower?

Draw a watercolor flower alone:

  1. Come up with what flower you need to draw.
  2. Examine its main colors.
  3. With the help of a simple pencil, apply the main outline on paper.
  4. Select the paint for the background and fill it.
  5. After the background is driving, you can begin with watercolor drawing.
  6. Slide the translucent paint flower.
  7. After the watercolor dry, draw the outline of darker paint.
  8. After drying the drawing, arrange the accents on the flower. This will give him volume. To arrange accents, it is necessary to contrast paint to apply several dense strokes along the contour of the flower. Our drawing is ready.

Drawing watercolor is a simple and very exciting occupation. Each of us can feel like a real artist, creating whole works of art. It is only worth listening to the proposed advice.

Today in the Internet network you can find a lot of different information about that, of course, approach to work for each artist may differ from each other. And every way drawing will be correct!

However, I decided to make my tiny contribution to the "web internet web", as I work with this type of paint, along with traditionally oil and varnished stained inks. See my paintings in various vending techniques in

All complexity of writing acrylic paints lies precisely in detail. The general principles of application of these paints and their combinations are not very different from the oil. But nevertheless, mixing, applying them to the surface, as well as transparent lescing are somewhat specific. Earlier, I wrote in painting.

For those who are just watching acrylo and tries to draw the first time, it is useful for the first steps to make a waste technique. Therefore, this article appeared: I will tell in it, how to draw acrylic paints so as to take into account their main features. This, of course, is not an absolute rule, since any painting - a whole living world And accordingly, improvisation in art is only welcome.

Two sketch acrylic paints

In the photo I choose one of the sketches acrylic for further work on the canvas oil.
In musical art, it would probably not have been jazz if not a virtuoso musical improvisation of musicians. By the way, do you know that many musicians showed talent and in visual arts? Ask yourself and make sure the talent

In the future, if you decide to continue working with them, you can already experiment with those or other subtleties, improvising and creating your music on canvas! So let's go ...

Getting Started: Cooking Pale, Brushes and Paints

You can draw acrylic paints on cardboard, on dense paper, designed for acrylic, but better, of course, a suitable canvas is suitable for acrylic painting. Therefore, drawing acrylic paints on canvas will be the right solution!

If you are not ready to draw on canvas now, start with simple, with acrylic paper, with a canvas structure. Such a job, you will later be able to glue a dense cardboard, at organic or canvas. And as they say, in the frame and on the wall!

Accessories Before starting drawing acrylic

Already at the stage of preparation for work, it is necessary to take into account the main features of acrylic paints.

First feature: They will dry very quickly, both on the palette and canvas. Therefore, to prepare the paints, it is necessary to either use a special palette, or constantly maintain them in the floor of a liquid state. If you decide to apply masks to a pasty or mastichine, then such a feature will be only to help.

How long does acrylic paint dry?

All directly depends on the thickness of the smear, the thinner it will be, the faster the acrylic breathes! If in acrylic painting the dried speed confuses you, and you do not decide to try them in work because of this, do not worry. Today on art - space appeared special means of dried retarders.

Speeders for acrylic painting

They dilute acrylic paint and it will not dry by hours on the palette, remaining in the right consistency. On the canvas also dries with a noticeable slowdown.

Second feature: Acrylic paints after drying are slightly darker, tight about tone-two. Consequently, initially we select them so that in working form they were on tone-two lighter than we need in the picture. This is especially important if you add there, where the smear has already been laid. That is, one smear over dry paint will be visible ... Try and you will understand yourself.

Sketch acrylic paints

In the photo at the top there is an example of an acrylic paint sketch. This sketch was prepared before the main work - painting on the wall. The drawing should be clear and correctly registered. Consequently, the image on the wall must match the sketch, since it will be accurate repetition, only on a larger scale.

Pay attention to which transition from light to dark in the opening arches .... Such an effect can be lessed, as if transparently overlapping one paint from above.

The picturesque colorful layer is the main thing in painting, so we begin work precisely from the choice of colors and shades of your future composition. As a rule, novice artists simply take those colors of the paints that are included in them, that is, in tubes. And if you need colors that are not in the tube? Here The ability to mix paint mixing, To get a new shade. After all, it is by mixing that we get new interesting variations in colors!

The wealth of shades is obtained by mixing

Fasteling acrylic paints - Separate theme. If you are only mastering acrylic, then draw independent, dense tones, just get used to the paints and their features. When you master the foundations, it will be possible to play with the creation of translucent leverage layers.

Below in the photo to the left for the right: The usual welding of paint, the second option is a post-free technique, the third is lightweight watercolor-leser.

Examples of paintings in different techniques of action by acrylic

Important feature: With each smear, try to form the contours that you want to see in the final version. Acrylic paints dry literally in a few minutes and it may turn out that when you want to modify the contour, it will dry and hang out, and the new layer will contrast with it and will prevent the intermediate option correctly.

It is desirable, of course, immediately outline the contours of objects having contrast edges. This will facilitate the task of drawing each individual of them.

Another nuance: the brush you need to wash often, especially when drawing very thin parts. For example, animal wool, grass, small stones require very thin brush strokes. If a large amount of paint sticks on the brush and it dries, then the hairs stick together and the strokes become thicker and rougher. Create them the desired structure fails.

In one day or evening, it is desirable to complete one full independent element, at least one layer. Then, after drying, the next day you can start with a new element and do not break your head over whether the part is addressed today, contrast with the one you wrote yesterday.

Drawing acrylic paints on canvas

On a note

Remember that acrylic paints are practically not laundered from clothes. Therefore, it is advisable to write them in a robust apron or a wormable coat.

It is possible that it is your first picture with acrylic paints, and it should not be perfect. Her task is to give you to understand how to work properly with acrylic, as it falls on canvas or paper, how long will it dry and what result when it is applied.

When you write it, you will already be understood, because of what those or other disadvantages arose, and already in the following works of these errors you can avoid. therefore Boldly write, appreciate the result, draw conclusions and improve. Perhaps it is acrylic that will help you completely reveal your creative potential!

For those who want to improve and want to move on, I offer a full video course, a guide to the example of the picture in a modern style. Video is the most convenient way of learning, in my opinion. Announcement lesson 📌

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With the advent of acrylic paints, the world saw a new reality. Acryl quickly gained popularity in various fields: painting, interior design, beauty. Acrylic paint nails, write pictures. What is good this polymer material?

Acrylic paints are made on a water basis and do not require any special diluents. Paints do not shine and do not cause allergies. They at the same time possess the properties of watercolor and oil. Look at the magnificent pictures of Justin Hepfrey, which with the help of acrylic paints bulk paintings!

Artist Michael O'Toole
Artist Justin Hepfrey

Like any other technique, Acrylic has its own characteristics.

When working with acrylic, you can use various techniques and successfully combine them in one picture. In general, the picture written by acrylic paints can be indistinguishable from watercolor or oil. It also happens that a certain picture has its own unique and unique color reproduction, which is almost impossible to repeat another technique.

Artist Justin Hepfrey

To learn how to write acrylic is not difficult, especially if you are already familiar with butter or watercolor. But you need to keep in mind that acrylic dries very quickly. For example, while you will trust the brush enthusiastly, you can wait for "disappointment" in the palette in the form of dried paints. However, during the "wrapping" with a brush, you will see how paint already dries up. Therefore, for someone, this is a clear advantage over other paints, and for some - solid inconvenience. But you just need to act correctly. So.

How to better organize a workplace by the artist?

Well, everyone understands that a competently organized place has a positive effect on the process of creativity. A convenient workplace allows not only to work comfortably, but also save the cream. For the organization of the workplace, we recommend complying with uncomplicated rules that will help well focus on work:

  • Scattered and smooth lighting
  • the most optimal for work;
  • Make sure that the lighting of the canvas plane and the model during the day did not change dramatically;
  • Light on canvas should fall on the left;
  • Do not allow sharp differences in the illumination of the canvas nature;
  • Artificial light should not make the artist.

Consider the fact that in painting with artificial lighting, the shades of paints on canvas can change due to the effects of incandescent lamp.

What is needed for painting?

You will need: a subframe for canvas, tablet or easel, any surface for painting, a greasy tape, a spray gun, a set of acrylic paints (the main spectrum of 6-8 color), artistic brushes, water, moisturized palette, diluent for acrylic and mastikhin.

Canvas. It pleases that for acrylic painting you can use any surface, but whatever you choose it needs to be projected, except for white watercolor paper.
To give the surface of whiteness, use an acrylic emulsion. You can use the dark acrylic paint, which can give the operation of the desired contrast.

Brushes. As you know, there are natural and synthetic brushes. Here, of course, individually, but if for convenience, it all depends on how diluted acrylic:
If the paints are diluted, advise the brushes from the column, bullish hair, sable or synthetics.
If the paint is thick (technique impast) - hard brushes from a sable, bristles or combined with synthetic fiber. It is appropriate to use Mastikhin.
Protein is suitable for filling large surfaces.

Tip: Do not use hot water - acrylic from her can harden at the base of the hair beam.

You can use sponges for applying smears and creating textures, as is done in watercolor painting.

Basic principles of acrylic painting

So, we must definitely take into account that acrylic will dry quickly, so there is no time to "come". Start better and easier to draw your drawing diluted acrylic from the "wet" technique. Only a sheet of watercolor paper must be pre-mixed with warm water and stretch on the tablet, engaging the wet edges by painting scotch.

You can also write acrylic dilute paints and for dry base, but for this it is still better to moisturize it. You will be much more convenient to write if you take two brushes, the first actually causing paint, and the second (clean or wet) is to clean the surplus, smooth out the contours, correct defects and soften the color transitions.

In painting, you can give more depth, gloss and expressiveness if you write a picture by layer-by-layer lesing. It lies in the fact that first as a podmuelka you need to apply thick paints. After you can write already diluted, but it is very important to wait for a complete drying of each layer.

In acrylic painting, you can use the technique of impast, as if working as oil. Fortunately, this allows wonderful shelterness and color of the paints in an undivided state.
You can make famolding acrylic, and completing the picture - butter.

Important nuances

  1. Working acrylic pastose, it happens that the result does not justify yourself, such as the effect of oil, even if the glossy acrylic.
  2. You can theoretically rewrite over the dried layers many times, but there are problems with some paints, so you have to scrape the paint to the base.
  3. There are acrylic paints that do not have high transparency. Therefore, with such paints, the lustering technique may be ineffective.
  4. In general, you need to develop individual techniques by the method of trial and error, then acrylic "will play" in your hands!

When you need to smoothly mix several colors on canvas, the rapid drying of acrylic does not rarely interfere, therefore there are several cunning moments that will increase the time of breathing:

  1. Magnify your brushes overnight in the water. This will allow not to waste the precious moisture from the paint, when dry brushes are rapidly sucking;
  2. Before applying paints on canvas, sprinkle it with water with a sprayer (the main thing is not to overdo it!);
  3. On a little bit and often sprinkle while the canvas;
  4. Use special additives that slow down the drying of acrylic paints (oils).

The palette also needs moisture!
But for this moment there is one reception:

Use a special palette in which a moisturized foam is placed on the bottom.

You can make such a palette and yourself. To do this, highlight any flat container with a lid, in which to put a layer of wet napkins or toilet paper (moistened) on the bottom. Watch that there is no too much water, napkins or paper should not be removed. Surface the surface and shut down a tight and smooth tracing sheet. It will become an unmatched palette for your paints.

In conclusion: how to make a palette

Finally, it would be worth it to allocate one convenient and favorable way for which only a tight sheet of plastic or cardboard (A4) is needed. Dress on it a clean transparent file, and this can be used as a palette. The fan file is simply ejected, and a tight base can be still a lot and long. Agree - cheap and angry!