What is possible at the age of 14. What not to do on the Assumption Lent. You will also be interested

What is possible at the age of 14.  What not to do on the Assumption Lent.  You will also be interested
What is possible at the age of 14. What not to do on the Assumption Lent. You will also be interested

Today is August 14, 2017, which means that the Assumption Fast begins, which will last two weeks. This post is also called Spasovka, and it is as strict as Great post... The period of abstinence ends with the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, which is celebrated on August 28.

Fasting involves more than just restricting food. At this time, weddings do not take place, you can not wish harm to others and swear, indulge in debauchery. Believers must keep themselves spiritually clean. Give up the hustle and bustle these days. Do your daily activities slowly, because there is no benefit from the hustle and bustle.

Prayers, especially addressed to the Mother of God, will help to receive blessings, get rid of sins and change life for the better. Also, on the first days of fasting, it is advisable to consecrate water, because holy water is a source of health and longevity, as well as protection from evil forces.

What can you eat during this fast, and what should you refuse?

Meat products, fish, eggs, oil must be completely excluded from the diet. The severity of the Dormition Lent in relation to Great Lent is mitigated by the fact that at this time vegetables and fruits of the new harvest are ripening. They can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

On August 14, Orthodox Christians also celebrate the Savior of Honey. Traditionally, honey (a symbol of prosperity), horseradish (a symbol of steadfastness in faith), bread (a symbol of family and home) and festive pastries with honey are consecrated on this day.

Do not comply strict fasting allowed for the elderly and sick people, nursing mothers and pregnant women. Young children are also exempt from fasting. As for older children, parents decide this issue.

Do not allow negative thoughts take over your mind. Do not be sad or discouraged, because you have embarked on the path of spiritual cleansing. Let your home be full bowl!

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Any fasting requires diligence and compliance with many restrictions from believers. To set yourself the right pace, you need to know where to start the period of spiritual and physical cleansing.

The Assumption Fast is a period of abstinence for many days. It is rather transient and unchanged from year to year. It starts on August 14, and it ends on one of the amazing and wonderful holidays - on the day of the Assumption Mother of God, August 28. The period of abstinence is quite strict and is likened to Great Lent. The priests remind that during the Dormition Lent it is necessary to give up not only excesses in food, but also from sinful thoughts and bad deeds.

What can you do on the Assumption Lent

At the beginning of each fast, one should indulge in prayers. Morning and evening prayers help you change your life for the better, get rid of many sins, embark on the path of spiritual enlightenment and receive blessings Higher powers... Prayer requests addressed to the Mother of God are especially popular.

During the fasting period, you need plant foods, fruits and vegetables, renouncing meat, dairy products and alcoholic beverages. At the beginning of the post, Holy holiday Honey Savior, which has absorbed church and folk traditions.

It is useful to visit a church, to pray near miraculous images for the well-being and health of loved ones and loved ones. During fasting, we become closer to the Creator, the spiritual connection grows stronger when we are in the temple of God.

In the first days of the Dormition Lent, it is advisable to consecrate water. Holy water is a source of longevity, health and prosperity.

The Church does not forbid doing daily activities. However, the priests urge to abandon the rush, fuss and increased workload. You cannot load yourself more than you should. It is better to direct the remaining forces into a spiritual channel, and free time spend in meditation and prayer.

The Dormition Fast is a time for confession and repentance at the call of the heart. Turn to the help of the Lord, He will surely hear your sincere words of regret, cleansing your soul from the fall. Through prayer you will bring yourself closer to happy life and the kingdom of heaven.

What not to do on the Assumption Lent

Idleness, greed, schadenfreude, bad thoughts, bad words and other sins are unacceptable in fasting. First of all, during spiritual abstinence, you cleanse your soul of negativity. All sins committed during fasting are tripled and fall on your shoulders as an overwhelming burden.

Marriages are not allowed during fasting. A wedding is a celebration and joy, which is unacceptable during a period of strict asceticism.

The beginning of the fast is the time for intensified spiritual work on oneself. It is not recommended to engage in mediocre affairs and visit entertainment activities... It is necessary to tune in to perfecting the spirit and getting rid of sin.

The church prohibits viewing of entertainment videos, films and programs. You should spend less time at the computer.

You cannot indulge in despondency, sadness and longing. You have embarked on the path of spiritual cultivation, giving up bad habits and freeing from sin, so you should not let negative thoughts take over you.

Refusing temptations and temptations is an opportunity to show your love for God. Having renounced all vain, you will become closer to the Creator.

Magic actions are always strictly prohibited. You cannot predict your future, try to change your destiny. Occult activities have no place during the period of spiritual cleansing.

The Dormition fast is a grace and test of the strength of a person's spirit, after passing which you will feel the love and blessing of God. At this time, you are given the opportunity to be alone with yourself, to change your life for the better.

Any Orthodox holidays should be celebrated in accordance with certain rules so as not to bring down the wrath of the saints. Observe the traditions of the Cover of the Day, so that throughout the year the Mother of God will protect you and help you in difficult times.

Yearly Orthodox Church and her parishioners celebrate the Intercession Holy Mother of God... This holiday is intransient and takes place annually on October 14th. Despite the fact that the Intercession is not one of the twelve great holidays, believers give it great importance and try to follow all his traditions. Thanks to the miraculous apparition of the Mother of God to those who ask and pray in difficult times, we still celebrate this day.

During the pagan attack that took place in 910 in Constantinople, in one of the local temples, where the believers asked for help, a real miracle happened. The Mother of God herself, surrounded by other Saints and Angels, came to the aid of the worshipers. The Virgin Mary spread a veil over all those present, thereby protecting them from the atheists. At that moment, a violent storm arose, which did not allow the enemies even to approach the city. The Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos was approved by Andrey Bogolyubsky in the 12th century and is celebrated to this day.

Like many Orthodox holidays, Intercession Day requires adherence to certain traditions and prohibitions. By adhering to these rules, you can avoid trouble. If you observe the traditions of this day, then in the future you can rest assured of the help and protection of the Mother of God.

What to do in Pokrov

Start your day with the prayer of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Usually on this holiday they ask for protection, health and happiness in personal and family life. It is believed that any request in front of the icon of the Mother of God will be fulfilled, and you and your loved ones will be under the protection of the Great Virgin Mary.

On this day, unmarried girls can come to the church where the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos is located, and put a candle next to it, asking for marriage. Spouses can pray for happiness and well-being in the family, and childless couples can ask for early replenishment.

Despite the fact that in many church holidays fasting must be observed; this is not necessary on Intercession Day. On the contrary, on October 14, the hostess should set a rich table, on which pancakes have been the main dish from time immemorial. With a plate of fresh pastries, you need to walk around the house and thank the Mother of God for everything that was given to you this year.

In order to attract happiness and prosperity to their home, alms were given to the poor on Pokrov Day. It was believed that the one who submits on this day will receive even more this year.

Among the people, this holiday meant the transition of autumn to winter, and the cover of the Mother of God was symbolically compared with a snow cover. The snow that fell on this day has special properties: it is believed that those who wash with it will be provided with beauty and health for the whole year. Of course, the great holiday of the Intercession never did without noisy festivities and fun. Unmarried girls that day they went outside and had fun. It was believed that on October 14 you can meet your future husband.

What not to do in Pokrov

In Pokrov, you cannot do cleaning and do housework and household chores. It is believed that this day should be devoted to prayers, visiting the temple, and the holiday should be celebrated in a clean house. Therefore, it is advisable to do the cleaning in advance.

In the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, try to avoid quarrels, conflicts and swear words. It is advisable not to drink alcoholic beverages and not to cook festive table until late.

On this day, according to popular acceptance, you can not give and borrow money. It is believed that in the Pokrov, along with money, you can give your happiness and good luck, and take away sorrows and sorrows.

In Russia, it was believed that on this day girls should not be denied the suitors who woo her. In ancient times, it was believed that the Protection of the Mother of God could give unmarried people a chance to find a happy family life, and if the gift is rejected, then the girl may remain lonely for the next year. Of course in modern world this tradition is no longer considered relevant. However, on this day, try not to quarrel with your beloved, do not refuse an invitation to a date, but, on the contrary, pay attention to your loved one. In this case, your relationship will be strong, and love will never fade away.

The most important thing on Intercession Day is to pray before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Do not forget to thank the Intercessor for the protection and help provided in Hard times, and ask her for deepest desires that concern you and your loved ones. Turn to the Mother of God with prayer requests so that your words are heard as soon as possible. We wish you happiness and success!

: what is not allowed and what can and should be done on this holiday. The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most significant, revered and beloved Orthodox holidays... Year after year 1 The 4th of October Christians celebrate this bright day. Like everyone Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos has its own history, customs and traditions. There are some prohibitions, but there are things that every believer seeks to do on this day.

Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos on October 14, 2017: what can and should be done on this holiday. The first and foremost thing that all Orthodox Christians do in Pokrov is rushing to churches. Festive services are held in almost every church in our country. In the church, people light candles and pray to the Lord God and the Most Holy Theotokos.

It is possible and necessary to pray on this holiday not only in the church, but also at home. You can read Our Father, I Believe. There are also special prayers that are read exclusively in the Pokrov:

“Surrounded by angels in the light of God, together with the prophets and apostles, You, Mother of God, accept our unworthy prayers. And now visiting us, Thy servants, Pray Christ God, Lady, to grant us great mercy. "

On this holiday, you must certainly forgive and forget past grievances, and ask for forgiveness yourself. We need to help the poor and disadvantaged.

On the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos on October 14, 2017, you can go to long journey... It can be travel, vacation, business trip. Going on a journey on this day, people believe that the Mother of God will save them on the way from troubles.

Since ancient times good sign was to celebrate the wedding on the feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos on October 14, 2017: what not to do on this holiday. There are not so many bans on this day. On such a bright day, of course, you cannot swear, swear, swear. You do not need to quarrel with anyone, enter into disputes and conflicts. On the contrary, past differences must be forgotten. You can not abuse alcohol on this holiday, give up bad addictions. As you can see, there are very few prohibitions. No special effort is required so as not to disturb them on such a big holiday.

Happy Holidays!

Pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and she will definitely hear you.