Nice autumn healthy poorer author. Nikolai Nekrasov - Railway: verse

Nice autumn healthy poorer author. Nikolai Nekrasov - Railway: verse
Nice autumn healthy poorer author. Nikolai Nekrasov - Railway: verse

Nice autumn! Healthy, kernel
The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;
Frequently faster on the river of the jetty
As if as melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
Leaves to fade have not had time yet
Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.

Nice autumn! Frosty night,
Clear, quiet days ...
No ugly in nature! And Kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps
Everything is good under the shine lunar,
Everywhere the birth of Rus I recognize ...
I quickly fly on cast iron rails,
I think my duma ...

Analysis of the poem "Nice Autumn" Nekrasov

N. Nekrasov was convinced that the present vocation of the poet is to protect interests simple people, Description of his troubles and suffering, the criticism of the unfair position of the Russian peasantry. Therefore, in his work, it is rarely found purely lyrical works. But individual landscape sketches Confirm the huge poetic skills of Nekrasov. A small fragment from which the work begins " Railway"(1864), you can allocate in a separate one-piece poem" Nice Autumn ".

The poet describes a landscape that opens in front of the eye from the Wagon window. Rapid piercing picture autumn forest It causes his delight. The lyrical hero regrets that he watches it from the side and cannot inhale "poorer air" and "sleep" on the carpet from false foliage.

Nekrasov loved to use figurative comparisons. In this poem, it compares ice on a river with "melting sugar", leaves with a "soft bed". One of the main advantages of the surrounding nature, he believes "peace and space". Infinitely replacing each other forests, plains, rivers are rarely violated by human sounds. This complacent surrounding picture causes in the shower lyrical hero peace and quiet bliss.

The invasion of railway transport can be considered blasphemy in relation to the virgin nature, in which "no ugly." Nekrasov gradually brings the reader to the idea that the construction of the railway broke a fragile natural balance. In the beautiful I. clean world Roughly invaded human suffering and grief.

Staying the hot patriot of his land, the poet concludes: "I will find out everywhere Rusy." For Nekrasov, it was very important to emphasize the national affiliation. He could not abruptly admire the nature as a whole, be sure to point out its connection with the long-suffering Russian people. It is the surrounding beauty and harmony that croses the author to deep reflections on the fate of those people that inhabit this land. It is particularly outraged by a sharp contradiction between the Russian peasantry performed and the difficult situation of the Russian peasantry.

"Nice autumn" - a magnificent sample landscape lyrics Nekrasov. Not even paying this genre big attentionThe poet in the enjoyment of inspiration could create surprisingly felt and deeply lyrical poems.

Nice autumn

Nice autumn! Healthy, poorer

The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;

Ice faster on the student river

As if as melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,

You can sleep - peace and space!

The leaves fade still did not have time

Yellow and fresh lie, like a carpet.

Nice autumn! Frosty nights

Clear, quiet days ...

No ugly in nature! And Kochi,

And moss swamps and stumps

Everything is good under the shine lunar,

Everywhere the birth of Rus I recognize ...

I quickly fly on cast iron rails,

I think my duma ...

N. Nekrasov

Golden autumn

Fall. Fabulous pane

All open for review.

Forest roads,

Looking into the lake.

As at the picture of the paintings:

Halls, halls, halls, halls

Elm, aspen, Osin

In the gilding is not enough.

Linden hoop gold -

As a crown on the newlywed.

Birch Face - under Fata

Wedding and transparent.

Buried land

Under foliage in the ditch, pits.

In yellow maples of the flaghel,

As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September

At the dawn stand in pairs,

And sunset on their kore

Leaves an amber footprint.

Where you can not step in the ravine,

So that everyone knows everyone:

So raging that neither step

Under the legs sheet wood.

Where he sounds at the end of Alley

Echo have a cool descent

And dawn cherry glue

Throws in the form of a clock.

Fall. Ancient corner

Old books, clothes, guns,

Where is the treasure catalog

Ships the sizzle.

B. Pasternak

Shuffled plums in the garden,

Consumption Note OSAM ...

Yellow leaf redeemed in the pond

And welcomes early autumn.

He presented himself with a ship,

The wind of the wanders rushed him.

So we will float after him

To the strips uncharted in the life.

And we know already by heart:

A year later there will be a new summer.

Why universal sadness

In each line in verses at poets?

Something that traces in dele

Clean the shower and will fall out of winter?

While that the moment all

Fleeting and unique?

L. Kuznetsova

"Autumn. Silence in the village of Dacha ..."

Fall. Silence in the village of Dacha

And deserted ringing on Earth.

Cobweb in air transparent

Cold like a crack in glass.

Through sandy pink pines

Jams the roof with a cock;

In a light haze Velvet Sun -

Like a peach, touched by a fly.

At sunset, lush, but not harsh,

Clouds are waiting for something, frozen;

Hand holding hands, bring brilliantly

The last two, the most golden;

Both to the sun pay faces

Both are faded from one end;

Senior - Carries Fire-Bird Feather,

The youngest is the rash of the heat.

N. Matveyeva


October! .. Trees await snow,

River spills got involved in ...

I chose yourself for a night

Where I found me on the way.

Like fireflies on a dormant swamp

Trembled stars in black embroidery;

Earth, extending in his night flight,

In a dream, she pressed gently to me.

And I, cover with dry straw leg

And laying down a gun under the head,

Warmed himself and soon gradually

Walked a huge one - her ...

Flowed in the breaking truubs of the lead,

For all day, for many, many years

The earth gave me the sun again,

From night dark

In the dawn!


Vanya (in Kucher Armenia).
Dad! Who built this road?
Dad (in a coat on a red lining),
Count Peter Andreevich Kleinmichel, Downtown!
Conversation in the car

Nice autumn! Healthy, poorer
The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;
Ice faster on the student river
As if as melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves fade still did not have time
Yellow and fresh lie, like a carpet.

Nice autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
No ugly in nature! And Kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps

Everything is good under the shine lunar,
Everywhere the birth of Rus I recognize ...
I quickly fly on cast iron rails,
I think my duma ...

Good dad! What in charm
Smart Vanya keep?
You let me lunar Siagy
The truth is to show him.

This work, Vanya, was scary hassle
Not on the shoulder one!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless
Hunger name to him.

He drives the army; in the sea by courts
Rules; The artist rises people
Walks behind the plow, stands behind the shoulders
Kamenests, weaver.

He drove the masses of folk.
Many - in a terrible struggle,
To life, appealing these fucks barley,
The coffin has gained here.

Straight Road: Narrow mound,
Stakes, rails, bridges.
And on the sides, all the bones of the Russian ...
How many of them! Vanya, do you know?

Chu! Exclamant heard terrible!
Topot and crossed teeth;
The shadow came to the glasses of frost ...
What is there? The crowd of the dead!

Then overtake the road pig-iron,
That parties run.
Do you hear singing? .. "On the night of this moon
Anyone see your work!

We died under the heat, under the cold,
With ever bent back
Lived in dugouts, fighting with hunger,
Merzley and Mokley, sick in Qing.

Robbed us addresses in the foreman,
SELLY BURNERY, pressed the need ...
We all have undergone, God's warriors,
Peaceful children of labor!

Brothers! You are our fruits!
We are in the ground to think destined ...
Whether all of us, poor, good commemorate
Or forgot long? .. "

Do not be horribly their singing wild!
From Volkhov, with Mother Volga, from Oka,
From different ends of the state of the Great -
It's all your brothers - men!

Shame to rob, close the glove,
You're not small! .. Rus with hair,
You see, it is worth it, I can be lighted
Tall patient Belarusian:

Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,
Ulcers on skinny hands
Forever in the water knee-standing
Legs swollen; Cholodun in the hair;

Yamoy the chest that carefully
From day to day, ran the entire age ...
You look at him, Vanya, carefully:
It's hard to get my bread!

Did not disperse his back hump
He and now else: stupidly silent
And mechanically rusty blades
Merzloy earth is hammering!

This habit of work noble
We would not be impaired with you ...
Bless the work of the people
And learn the peasant to respect.

Yes, not Roby for the depletion of the kind ...
Ruled Russian people enough
Made this road iron -
I will lead everything that the Lord is either sent!

Will lead everything - and widespread, clear
Breastway will pave myself.
It is a pity - to live a beautiful one
I don't have to - neither to me nor to you.

At this moment, the whistle is deafening
Skilled - the crowd of the dead was disappeared!
"I saw, dad, I'm a dream amazing, -
Vanya said - thousand five men,

Russian tribes and breeds Representatives
Suddenly appeared - and he told me:
"Here they are - our road builders! .."
Got a general!

"I was recently in the walls of the Vatican,
By the colision, two nights wandered,
I saw in the Vienna of St. Stephen,
What ... All this people created?

I'm sorry for me laugh this daring
Logic is your little dick.
Or for you Apollo Belvedere
Worse than bake pot?

Here are your people - these terms and baths,
Miracle of Art - He all cleaned! "-
"I'm not talking for you, but for Vani ..."
But the general did not objected:

"Your Slavs, Anglo Sax and Germany
Do not create - destroy the masters
Barbarians! Wild crest drunk! ..
However, it's time to vanya;

You know, the spectacle of death, sadness
Children's heart perturbed.
You would have shown the child now
Light face ... "

Glad to show!
Listen, my cute: Works Fathers
Cumbenage - German lines puts.
Dead in the ground buried; sick
Hidden in dugouts; Working people

Tight gurboy at the office gathered ...
Circling firmly, they are:
Every Contractor should have remained,
Steel in a penny Walking days!

Everyone entered the foreman in the book -
Whether he took a bath, whether the patient lay:
"Maybe there is a Terecheric Lushka,
Yes, here, then you! .. "waved her hand ...

In the blue caftan - a venerable labaznik,
Thick, additive, red, like copper,
Driving contractor on the holiday,
Drives your work to see.

Celebrated people are broken by Chinno ...
Sweat otirate
And he says, occupying picture:
"Okay ... Neshto ... Well done! .. Well done! ..

With God, now at home, - Probravalya!
(Shadow's caps - if I say!)
Barrel worker wines exhibiting
And - I give an arrears! .. "

Someone "Hurray" shouted. Picked up
Louder, more friendly, longer ... Look:
With the song of the foreman barrel rolled ...
Here and the lazy could not resist!

Rectaging the people of horses - and Kupchina
With a cry "Hurray!" On the way I remembered ...
It seems difficult to make an express picture
Draw, General? ..

ON THE. Nekrasov: "Nice autumn! Healthy, poorest air tired forces Bodriti "...

Now began September.
Autumn comes into their rights, imperceptibly sinking and penetrates the city's squares, parks. This is especially felt in the morning.
You go out and see the first fallen yellow leaves under your feet. Of course, since the middle of August, they begin to shook the golden snapshots on the trees, especially on birch, but everyone thinks that it is unfinished, because still summer in the yard. And now you look and understand: Yes, the autumn came.
I do not know why, but I loved the morning walks and even jogging. Now I enjoy the autumn melancholy, which gives me strength and energy more than summer. Paradox)))
There was a verse one that I really like, though he is about August. Its meaning is that when you live in the village, then you promote all the signs and changes in nature. The city is oppressing, and apparently, therefore, I want to flush the bonds by running. And autumn strengthens this desire.
E. Bondareva
He will still pass the steppes with groves,
Berries assign in the forest,
Responds to songs are good
Drink from the leaves ripe dew.
He will get lost in the fields, will forget
And I will fall in a childish strong sleep.
In the morning gets up - and not pouring
In the bust of a raised grain.
Simply, without specially marks,
Augustus appeared in the yard.
In the city of him b and did not notice
If it is not a leaflet in the calendar.

So I live in a major megalopolis, I do not notice anything and already long years I dream to get out of a little on nature, in the forest, in the field, on the lake, take a walk in a quiet loneliness, think about life, to treat wounds, stop and look back.

Many people, not only I want to sit alone with nature, to silend, watch it, and she would look at you.

But the words of the paustic about autumn, you listen!

Powesty "Far years"
"It was se September. Twilight approached. Who did not see Kiev Autumn, he will never understand the tender charms of these watches.
The first star is lit in the embroidery. Autumn lush gardens Silence are waiting for the night, knowing that the stars will definitely fall on the ground and the gardens will catch these stars, like in a hammock, in the thick of their foliage and will be devastated to Earth so cautious that no one in the city wakes up and does not know about it. "

A month ago, we turned off the Internet with your husband and I did not know all August than to fill the information space.

He read newspapers, magazines in the evenings, and then found an adultery thing for themselves - in the window (chain stores) there is a rack at the entrance, where you can take any book you like or leave your own, which is no longer needed. And so, thanks to such a book, I touched the books that would never be in my hands in other circumstances. Not because they are not my format, but simply there are so many things on the Internet, from what eyes are running out that no longer before the Soviet old books.

I took a book to the window "You and me" (library of a young family 1988 g). Such a slightly naive book for newlyweds, about love, about family life.

And on the first page opened "straight autumn " love letters Powesty,just under my mood And immediately he envied as cool he spends time.

(Paust and Privain, two Russian classics, which we passed at school. They wrote a lot about nature).

So, at first I brightened these letters with a glimpse, then I stopped and read out.

Powstsky has left for inspiration into the wilderness, in the Ryazan region, or rather in Solotch. And he writes his beloved Tatiana excellent letters. About how loves her more Life etc.

Look datu- May. 1945 ... it would seem, should be these letters filled military theme, defeating the victory, but there is no hint ... one love, one feeling of the inner state of the soul. Somewhere I read a couple of years ago phrase that in Leningrad, a couple of love lived, which did not notice the blockade. It may be a real Leningrad, blockadic. This statement will not like it, but it seems to me very capacious.

"Four o'clock in the morning, dead silence, just knock the clock ... September 24, I left Solotch in the evening. I did not want to stay in Moscow. I wanted a solitude-deaf, complete.

I got it over all measures. I live alone in an empty, abandoned house ... Endless cold nights ... And for some reason, for some reason, the verses of SOLOGUB do not come out of memory: "There is no zgi in the field. Someone calls: "Help!" What can I? I myself and povements are small, I myself am deadly tired, how to help? ".... The garden outside the windows is falling rain, but there are still some small touching flowers. Here is one of them. AND autumn leaves. This is not at all sorts. There you do not have our autumn ... Now three in the morning. Darkness, wind. I went out into the garden, there is deaf, scary, only huge stars in the Black Sky and noise under the feet of the fallen foliage. "

(Ballet from this picture, although it is more August).

I think to leave the city and stay on this "island" with yourself it is beautiful!

"Third day sent you the second telegram. Then I went into the meadow for the old chapel of the Oka, on the so-called "island". (For God's sake, do not give up a letter in this place, it will be interesting.) Is the island is huge, it is surrounded by water on all sides, - by the old rode. There was the sun, a blue day, the shadows lay the fries. And since I was thinking about one cute woman all the time, which is now so far away, I drowned to twilight. In the evening I approached the old channel and saw that the bridge was not, he flooded and the water was rapidly on him on the meter. Then, only I learned that all the gateways were opened on the OK in connection with the end of the navigation and the usual late autumn here began here. The water arrived in his eyes, I was alone on the island, I was far from Solotch. Hardened, caught clouds, the wind fell, and went thick snow. And there was no one stack nearby. And the cold was a dog. And I understood that Vlip in a very bad story. And I was thinking about you all the time. Fortunately, I had matches, I wanted a fire with difficulty, I was released in the evening, I came from that shore, and I came for me in the darkness in the dark and a bora of a red peasant Lukhin. He told me: "This is a trump card that I noticed you, and then for the morning the whole island is flooding."

In the morning I looked from the windows of Maison - on the site of the island went with shalads gray water, and me backdating It became scary. How not to think about the oddities of life. "

How he was reverently responded about his third wife Tatiana: " Tenderness, the only man, swearing the life that such love (without boasting) was not still in the world. There was no and will not, all the rest of love - nonsense and nonsense. Let your heart be calm and happily beats, my heart! We will all be happy, all! I know and believe ... "Probably only on nature are born inspirational thoughts, stories, images. In the city it is difficult to focus and write something.

Often, leaving the city I replacing a good book (for it is much harder to leave the city than to take a book from the shelf). But now the daughter does not really read the daughter. So looking back, I want to remember what kind of books I liked, what would I ever re-read them already with daughters.

First of all, I remember in the fall of the story of Leonid Andreeva "Kusaka". I read it in my childhood and he fought me in the soul. It seems to me that children are useful to read this, it helps forms pity and compassion to our smaller brothers.

(A dog living on the empty dacha, all his life sees from people only bad. The owners come to the cottage. The dog gets used to them, but in the fall they are leaving, leaving her again alone).

Also the autumn seems to me the story of Platonov "Cow", but this is a completely hopeless story, so I will not talk about him here. I just think it needs to be read someday as a classic. In school it seems in the 7th grade we passed Platonov and this story shook me.

And of course, autumn is Privine and my favorite "pantry sun". About two independent brothers and sister. Brother pleased in the swamp and almost died but everything ended well.

While I was looking for an illustration found a wonderful picture of Rakhmannaya "Storeroom Sun.".

Mamulka-Krasothelka reads the child's chatty.

There are many short stories at the time of year, in particular about the autumn.

"Short stories about the nature of the autumn time of the year Svavina Mikhail Mikhailovich in the form of notes are transmitted to the touching mood of romance and pleasant sadness, which is in nature in autumn. The first yellow leaves, a great time of the golden autumn and the onset of cold weather, events through which autumnal Nature, With love described in the lines of the Russian Nature writer. "

Also, Vitaly Bianki, Garin-Mikhailovsky and many others wrote about nature.

Of course, the autumn mood is transmitted to me and in the prose of Astafieva, but here is smaller Lyrikia and More adventure.

Especially colorful paintings of nature in the film "Taiga Tales" (based on the work of Astafieva). Akimka comes to nature, to wintering in small house, and there is a dying city maiden. Akimka went out, but it took it not one month. And there are no medicines and help ... Taiga Mother ...

In any case, autumn is the time of dreams, you want more warmth and love. "The colder and more difficult to darkness outside, the more cozy seems warm soft light in the apartment. And if summer is the time to run away from home to meet unsinkless dreams, then late fall - Time to return. " © Al Quition

Nice autumn! Healthy, poorer
The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;
Ice faster on the student river
As if as melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves fade still did not have time
Yellow and fresh lie, like a carpet.

Nice autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
No ugly in nature! And Kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps

Everything is good under the shine lunar,
Everywhere the birth of Rus I recognize ...
I quickly fly on cast iron rails,
I think my duma ...

Good dad! What in charm
Smart Vanya keep?
You allow me when lunar shine
The truth is to show him.

This work, Vanya, was terribly gromen -
Not on the shoulder one!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless
Hunger name to him.

He drives the army; in the sea by courts
Rules; The artist rises people
Walks behind the plow, stands behind the shoulders
Kamenests, weaver.

He drove the masses of folk.
Many - in a terrible struggle,
In life appealed these fucks barley,
The coffin has gained here.

Straight Road: Narrow mound,
Stakes, rails, bridges.
And on the sides, all the bones of the Russian ...
How many of them! Vanya, do you know?

Chu, the exclamation heard the Terrible!
Topot and crossed teeth;
The shadow came to the glasses of frost ...
What is there? The crowd of the dead!

Then overtake the road pig-iron,
That parties run.
Do you hear singing? ... "On the night of this moon,
Anyone see your work!

We died under the heat, under the cold,
With ever bent back
Lived in dugouts, fighting with hunger,
Merzley and Mokley, painted Tsynga.

Robbed us addresses in the foreman,
SELLY BURNERY, pressed the need ...
We all started, God's warriors,
Peaceful children of labor!

Brothers! You are our fruits!
We are in the ground to think destined ...
Whether all of us, poor, good commemorate
Or forgot long? ... "

Do not be horribly their singing wild!
From Volkhov, with Mother Volga, from Oka,
From different ends of the state of the Great -
It's all! Your brothers - Men!

Shame to rob, close the glove,
You're not small! .. Rus with hair,
You see, it is worth it, I can be lighted
Tall, patient Belarusian:

Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,
Ulcers on skinny hands
Forever in the water knee-standing
Legs swollen; Cholodun in the hair;

Yamoy the chest that carefully
From day to day, ran the entire age ...
You look at him, Vanya, carefully:
It's hard to get my bread!

Did not disperse his back hump
He and now else: stupidly silent
And mechanically rusty blades
Merzloy earth is hammering!

This habit of work noble
We would not be impaired with you ...
Bless the work of the people
And learn the peasant to respect.

Yes, not Roby for the depletion of the kind ...
Ruled Russian people enough
Made this road iron -
I will lead everything that the Lord is either sent!

Will lead everything - and widespread, clear
Breastway will pave myself.
It is a pity - to live a beautiful one
I don't have to - neither to me nor to you.

At this moment, the whistle is deafening
Skilled - the crowd of the dead was disappeared!
"I saw, dad, I'm a dream amazing, -
Vanya said - thousand five men,

Russian tribes and breeds Representatives
Suddenly appeared - and he told me:
"Here they are our road builders! .." "
Got a general!

"I was recently in the walls of the Vatican,
By the colision, two nights wandered,
I saw in the Vienna of St. Stephen,
What ... All this people created?

I'm sorry for me laugh this daring
Logic is your little dick.
Or for you Apollo Belvedere
Worse than bake pot?

Here are your people - these terms and baths,
A miracle of art - he walked everything! "
- "I'm not talking for you, but for Vani ..."
But the general did not objected:

"Your Slavs, Anglosex and Germany
Do not create - destroy the masters
Barbarians! Wild crest drunk! ..
However, it's time to vanya;

You know, the spectacle of death, sadness
Children's heart perturbed.
You would have shown the child now
Light face ... "

- "Run to show!
Listen, my cute: Works Fathers
Cumbenage - German lines puts.
Dead in the ground buried; sick
Hidden in dugouts; Working people

Tight gurboy at the office gathered ...
Circling firmly, they are:
Every Contractor should have remained,
Steel in a penny Walking days!

Everyone entered the foreman in the book -
Whether he took a bath, whether he was sick.
"Maybe there is a Terecheric Lushka,
Yes, here you are! .. "- waved hand ...

In the blue caftan - a venerable labaznik,
Thick, additive, red, like copper,
Driving contractor on the holiday,
Drives your work to see.

Celebrated people are broken by Chinno ...
Sweat otirate
And he says, occupying picture:
"Okay ... Neshto ... Well done! ... Well done! ...

With God, now at home, - Probravalya!
(Shadow's caps - if I say!)
Barrel worker wines exhibiting
And - I give an arreed ... "

Someone "Hurray" shouted, picked up
Louder, more friendly, longer ... Look:
With the song of the foreman barrel rolled ...
Here and the lazy could not resist!

Rectaging the people of horses - and Kupchina
With the cry of "Hurray", on the road, I remembered ...
It seems difficult to make an express picture
Draw, General? ..

It would not be molar to help make a plan for the poem of Nekrasov Railway