Analysis of the poem of Nekrasova Autumn. Poeulthen Railway

Analysis of the poem of Nekrasova Autumn. Poeulthen Railway
Analysis of the poem of Nekrasova Autumn. Poeulthen Railway


Vanya (in Kucher Armenia).
Dad! Who built this road?
Dad (in a coat on a red lining),
Count Peter Andreevich Kleinmichel, Downtown!
Conversation in the car

Nice autumn! Healthy, poorer
The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;
Ice faster on the student river
As if as melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves fade still did not have time
Yellow and fresh lie, like a carpet.

Nice autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
No ugly in nature! And Kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps

Everything is good under the shine lunar,
Everywhere the birth of Rus I recognize ...
I quickly fly on cast iron rails,
I think my duma ...

Good dad! What in charm
Smart Vanya keep?
You allow me when lunar shine
The truth is to show him.

This work, Vanya, was scary hassle
Not on the shoulder one!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless
Hunger name to him.

He drives the army; in the sea by courts
Rules; The artist rises people
Walks behind the plow, stands behind the shoulders
Kamenests, weaver.

He drove the masses of folk.
Many - in a terrible struggle,
To life, appealing these fucks barley,
The coffin has gained here.

Straight Road: Narrow mound,
Stakes, rails, bridges.
And on the sides, all the bones of the Russian ...
How many of them! Vanya, do you know?

Chu! Exclamant heard terrible!
Topot and crossed teeth;
The shadow came to the glasses of frost ...
What is there? The crowd of the dead!

Then overtake the road pig-iron,
That parties run.
Do you hear singing? .. "On the night of this moon
Anyone see your work!

We died under the heat, under the cold,
With ever bent back
Lived in dugouts, fighting with hunger,
Merzley and Mokley, sick in Qing.

Robbed us addresses in the foreman,
SELLY BURNERY, pressed the need ...
We all have undergone, God's warriors,
Peaceful children of labor!

Brothers! You are our fruits!
We are in the ground to think destined ...
Whether all of us, poor, good commemorate
Or forgot long? .. "

Do not be horribly their singing wild!
From Volkhov, with Mother Volga, from Oka,
From different ends of the state of the Great -
It's all your brothers - men!

Shame to rob, close the glove,
You're not small! .. Rus with hair,
You see, it is worth it, I can be lighted
Tall patient Belarusian:

Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,
Ulcers on skinny hands
Forever in the water knee-standing
Legs swollen; Cholodun in the hair;

Yamoy the chest that carefully
From day to day, ran the entire age ...
You look at him, Vanya, carefully:
It's hard to get my bread!

Did not disperse his back hump
He and now else: stupidly silent
And mechanically rusty blades
Merzloy earth is hammering!

This habit of work noble
We would not be impaired with you ...
Bless the work of the people
And learn the peasant to respect.

Yes, not Roby for the depletion of the kind ...
Ruled Russian people enough
Made this road iron -
I will lead everything that the Lord is either sent!

Will lead everything - and widespread, clear
Breastway will pave myself.
It is a pity - to live a beautiful one
I don't have to - neither to me nor to you.

At this moment, the whistle is deafening
Skilled - the crowd of the dead was disappeared!
"I saw, dad, I'm a dream amazing, -
Vanya said - thousand five men,

Russian tribes and breeds Representatives
Suddenly appeared - and he told me:
"Here they are - our road builders! .."
Got a general!

"I was recently in the walls of the Vatican,
By the colision, two nights wandered,
I saw in the Vienna of St. Stephen,
What ... All this people created?

I'm sorry for me laugh this daring
Logic is your little dick.
Or for you Apollo Belvedere
Worse than bake pot?

Here are your people - these terms and baths,
Miracle of Art - He all cleaned! "-
"I'm not talking for you, but for Vani ..."
But the general did not objected:

"Your Slavs, Anglo Sax and Germany
Do not create - destroy the masters
Barbarians! Wild crest drunk! ..
However, it's time to vanya;

You know, the spectacle of death, sadness
Children's heart perturbed.
You would have shown the child now
Light face ... "

Glad to show!
Listen, my cute: Works Fathers
Cumbenage - German lines puts.
Dead in the ground buried; sick
Hidden in dugouts; Working people

Tight gurboy at the office gathered ...
Circling firmly, they are:
Every Contractor should have remained,
Steel in a penny Walking days!

Everyone entered the foreman in the book -
Whether he took a bath, whether the patient lay:
"Maybe there is a Terecheric Lushka,
Yes, here, then you! .. "waved her hand ...

In the blue caftan - a venerable labaznik,
Thick, additive, red, like copper,
Driving contractor on the holiday,
Drives your work to see.

Celebrated people are broken by Chinno ...
Sweat otirate
And he says, occupying picture:
"Okay ... Neshto ... Well done! .. Well done! ..

With God, now at home, - Probravalya!
(Shadow's caps - if I say!)
Barrel worker wines exhibiting
And - I give an arrears! .. "

Someone "Hurray" shouted. Picked up
Louder, more friendly, longer ... Look:
With the song of the foreman barrel rolled ...
Here and the lazy could not resist!

Rectaging the people of horses - and Kupchina
With a cry "Hurray!" On the way I remembered ...
It seems difficult to make an express picture
Draw, General? ..

"Nice autumn! Healthy, crooked ... "(excerpt from the poem" Railway ")

Nice autumn! Healthy, kernel

The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;

Frequently faster on the river of the jetty

As if as melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,

You can sleep - peace and space!

The leaves have not had time to overlook

Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet ...

Nice autumn! Frosty nights

Clear, quiet days ...

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Road to one hundred parseca new names and directions. "Far" topics - a new stage of science. Man and car. Cyber \u200b\u200bstories A. Dniprov. The philosophical fiction story of the mountain. Union "Myths" and "Numbers". "Anti" fantastic novel I. Warsaw. Fantastic

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Alexander Green's road, a man, the big part of his short life, balancing between the two worlds - "Surfed" and "Slept", - by the unkind irony, fate went down in the history of Russian literature as the author of "Scarlet sails", the only novel, who

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The road dull month of the distant shines through the fog, and lies the sad snowy glade. White with frost, along the way rows stretch birch with bare bugs. The Troika rushes famously, the bell ringing, sings quietly my grocer sparkle. I kibitka rolled food yes long: boring me

From the book. Domestic science fiction literature (1917-1991). The first book. Fiction - special kind of art Author British Anatoly Fedorovich

The road is a deaf steppe - the road is far away, the wind is worried about me, the fog is inhabited - I'm sad to me, and the mystery takes me to the longing. How horses are either running - it seems to me that they are running lazy. In the eyes one and then - all the steppe and the steppe, for the Niva again, the Niva - "Why, the thing, you are not a song

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Road to one hundred parseca new names and directions. "Far" topics - a new stage of science. Man and car. Cybernetic story A.Dneprov. The philosophical fiction story of Gor. Union "Myths" and "Numbers". "Anti" fantastic novel I.Varsavsky. Fantastic

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Road to one hundred parseca new names and directions. "Far" topics - a new stage of science. Man and car. Cybernetic story A.Dneprov. The philosophical fiction story of Gor. Union "Myths" and "Numbers". "Anti" fantastic novel I.varsavsky. Fantastic

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The road path is known that the image of the road belongs to the number of universal, "eternal" images of folklore and literature. "The value of the chronotope of the road in the literature is huge, - emphasizes M. M. Bakhtin, - a rare product costs without any variations of the road."

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From the book in disputes about Russia: A. N. Ostrovsky Author Moskvina Tatyana Vladimirovna

II. The merciful road to Alexander block ... I have what you left your first love. Open sv. John remembers the month of blowing everything that was and passed, but in the shower, melting, empty, ringing and light. Over the earth - the blizzard snow, in the heart - slow

From the book Russian literature and medicine: body, prescriptions, social practice [Collection of articles] by the author Borisova Irina

Healthy - Sick Ostrovsky wrote forty-seven original plays and had a record number of children for the great Russian writer (ten; four, from Agafia Ivanovna, died early). Exceptional and again universal fecundity. "You are our boys," will write

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A peasant with marigolds (passage from the poem "peasant children") Once, in the student winter time, I left the forest; There was a strong frost. I look, it rises slowly into the mountain of the horse, the WHO brushwort. And, sincerely, it is important in calm, a horse leads a peasant

From the book of the author

"Fun shine ..." (excerpt from the poem "Winter night in the village") fun shines a month over the village; White snow sparkles with a blue light. Months rays of God the temple will lure; Cross under the clouds, like a candle, burns. Empty, lonely sleepy village; Braws deeply hung off. Silence

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The third road is the path of Toma-Lunatic - flying from the world of reality. Love, madness - only separated parts of the multi-stage rocket, with the help of which he breaks off the bonds of earthly burden, breaks away from misfortunes and worries. In the ballad - the leader of the troops of the rusty

Nice autumn! Healthy, poorer
The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;
Ice faster on the student river
As if as melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves fade still did not have time
Yellow and fresh lie, like a carpet.

Nice autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
No ugly in nature! And Kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps

Everything is good under the shine lunar,
Everywhere the birth of Rus I recognize ...
I quickly fly on cast iron rails,
I think my duma ...

Good dad! What in charm
Smart Vanya keep?
You allow me when lunar shine
The truth is to show him.

This work, Vanya, was terribly gromen -
Not on the shoulder one!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless
Hunger name to him.

He drives the army; in the sea by courts
Rules; The artist rises people
Walks behind the plow, stands behind the shoulders
Kamenests, weaver.

He drove the masses of folk.
Many - in a terrible struggle,
In life appealed these fucks barley,
The coffin has gained here.

Straight Road: Narrow mound,
Stakes, rails, bridges.
And on the sides, all the bones of the Russian ...
How many of them! Vanya, do you know?

Chu, the exclamation heard the Terrible!
Topot and crossed teeth;
The shadow came to the glasses of frost ...
What is there? The crowd of the dead!

Then overtake the road pig-iron,
That parties run.
Do you hear singing? ... "On the night of this moon,
Anyone see your work!

We died under the heat, under the cold,
With ever bent back
Lived in dugouts, fighting with hunger,
Merzley and Mokley, painted Tsynga.

Robbed us addresses in the foreman,
SELLY BURNERY, pressed the need ...
We all started, God's warriors,
Peaceful children of labor!

Brothers! You are our fruits!
We are in the ground to think destined ...
Whether all of us, poor, good commemorate
Or forgot long? ... "

Do not be horribly their singing wild!
From Volkhov, with Mother Volga, from Oka,
From different ends of the state of the Great -
It's all! Your brothers - Men!

Shame to rob, close the glove,
You're not small! .. Rus with hair,
You see, it is worth it, I can be lighted
Tall, patient Belarusian:

Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,
Ulcers on skinny hands
Forever in the water knee-standing
Legs swollen; Cholodun in the hair;

Yamoy the chest that carefully
From day to day, ran the entire age ...
You look at him, Vanya, carefully:
It's hard to get my bread!

Did not disperse his back hump
He and now else: stupidly silent
And mechanically rusty blades
Merzloy earth is hammering!

This habit of work noble
We would not be impaired with you ...
Bless the work of the people
And learn the peasant to respect.

Yes, not Roby for the depletion of the kind ...
Ruled Russian people enough
Made this road iron -
I will lead everything that the Lord is either sent!

Will lead everything - and widespread, clear
Breastway will pave myself.
It is a pity - to live a beautiful one
I don't have to - neither to me nor to you.

At this moment, the whistle is deafening
Skilled - the crowd of the dead was disappeared!
"I saw, dad, I'm a dream amazing, -
Vanya said - thousand five men,

Russian tribes and breeds Representatives
Suddenly appeared - and he told me:
"Here they are our road builders! .." "
Got a general!

"I was recently in the walls of the Vatican,
By the colision, two nights wandered,
I saw in the Vienna of St. Stephen,
What ... All this people created?

I'm sorry for me laugh this daring
Logic is your little dick.
Or for you Apollo Belvedere
Worse than bake pot?

Here are your people - these terms and baths,
A miracle of art - he walked everything! "
- "I'm not talking for you, but for Vani ..."
But the general did not objected:

"Your Slavs, Anglosex and Germany
Do not create - destroy the masters
Barbarians! Wild crest drunk! ..
However, it's time to vanya;

You know, the spectacle of death, sadness
Children's heart perturbed.
You would have shown the child now
Light face ... "

- "Run to show!
Listen, my cute: Works Fathers
Cumbenage - German lines puts.
Dead in the ground buried; sick
Hidden in dugouts; Working people

Tight gurboy at the office gathered ...
Circling firmly, they are:
Every Contractor should have remained,
Steel in a penny Walking days!

Everyone entered the foreman in the book -
Whether he took a bath, whether he was sick.
"Maybe there is a Terecheric Lushka,
Yes, here you are! .. "- waved hand ...

In the blue caftan - a venerable labaznik,
Thick, additive, red, like copper,
Driving contractor on the holiday,
Drives your work to see.

Celebrated people are broken by Chinno ...
Sweat otirate
And he says, occupying picture:
"Okay ... Neshto ... Well done! ... Well done! ...

With God, now at home, - Probravalya!
(Shadow's caps - if I say!)
Barrel worker wines exhibiting
And - I give an arreed ... "

Someone "Hurray" shouted, picked up
Louder, more friendly, longer ... Look:
With the song of the foreman barrel rolled ...
Here and the lazy could not resist!

Rectaging the people of horses - and Kupchina
With the cry of "Hurray", on the road, I remembered ...
It seems difficult to make an express picture
Draw, General? ..

It would not be molar to help make a plan for the poem of Nekrasov Railway

Zheleznaya Doroga.

Slavnaya Osen! Zdorovy, yadreny
Vozdukh USTALYE Sily Bodrit;
Slovno Kak Tayushchy Sakhar LEZHIT;

Okolo Lesa, Kak V Myagkoy Posteli,
Listya Pobleknut Yeshche Ne uspeli,
Zhelety I Svezhi Lezhat, Kak Kover.

Slavnaya Osen! Moroznye Nochi,
Yasnye, Tikhiye Dni.
I Mokhovye Bolota, I PNI -

Vse Khorosho Pod Sianiyem Lunnym,
Vsyudu Rodimuyu Rus Uznayu.
Bystro Lechu Ya Po Relsam Chugunnym,
Dumayu Dumu Svoyu.

; tktpyfz ljhjuf.

CKFDYFZ JCTYM! Pljhjdsq, zlhtysq