Horoscope Maya Kin Fate. Mayan horoscope by date of birth

Horoscope Maya Kin Fate. Mayan horoscope by date of birth
Horoscope Maya Kin Fate. Mayan horoscope by date of birth

Far in Central America, the tribes of the Indians did not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bthe signs of the zodiac, but they believed in the influence of stars on human life. And they also believed in the relationship of each with a certain kind of animal. So the characteristics of personalities in which, perhaps you will find yourself.

People of this sign are distinguished by non-standard behavior. It is even difficult for them to understand. The most effective manifestation of their unusual work will be creativity. Otters have an advantage that is a well-developed intelligence and imagination.
These people are usually very good and caring friends. Much depends on the upbringing of the otter. At the beginning of the life path, it is very easy to undermine the psyche of a child born under this sign. But it is also easy to send it to the desired path.

The wolf personifies love. The thing is that since he appreciates love, perhaps, will not compare with anyone. However, they equally appreciate their independence. That is why they are more complicated than the rest, be in relationships. Sometimes they refuse them at all. The rest of the wolf is very generous and passionate people.

Representatives of this sign are not those who love to ceremony. Falcon is considered a born leader and he will not be difficult to find the perfect solution in difficult situations. Also these people know the price of time and prefer to do, and not talk. Falcons by nature businessmen and are ready to take on the initiative. Because of his desire for victory, they can often be arrogant.

Bobras always and everywhere try to take over all responsibility. If they are taken for something, then they do to the end and the result always justifies expectations. The only minus is if they start to get involved in something, they cannot stop. Although in exceptional cases, this minus becomes a plus and beavers can be very good leaders.
Very regular people, but loyal. Principles are more applied to themselves than to the rest.

For the Indians, the deer wears a special meaning and personifies Muse. So people who born under this sign are able to inspire their surroundings. They know how to adapt to the person with whom at the moment are in contact. Deer - unsurpassed interlocutors and are unlikely to find a reason to quarrel with them.

In the tradition of the Indians, Dyatli are the most educated. They are those who always listen to you and will be able to put themselves in your place in any situation. When you need support, the dyatlah will be near.
Since they are absolute empath, in life they show themselves as good parents and partners in relations. Modesty decorates representatives of this sign.

Life of people born under the sign of salmon, one solid adventure. And this is not by chance, because they are full of energy and enthusiasm. Working in a team with salmon is a gift. They are charged with healthy optimism. Quickly thinks and does not pull the blanket. Salmon can a lot of people from their surroundings and it will only enjoy it.

For bears, practicality and logic are in the first place. All that they do neither passes through hard and cold-blooded analysis. Mind does not allow them to fully relax.
Modesty and shyness enable bears to be excellent business partners. Thanks to the innate patience, they also become mentors and teachers.

Representatives of this sign have the gift of charm and can easily influence people. Crows absorb all useful information and information necessary for them. With such a skill, they are easily given politics. They have a congenital ability to diplomacy that needs to be developed. If the crow does not have the ability to realize yourself, that is, the risk that it will become very romantic and quiet.

Snakes are endowed with very strong energy. They occupy a niche of spiritual leaders or doctors. That is why it is important to be respected and read. But in matters of finance, they are not the best advisers and they themselves are reluctant to them. They live in their own world and their reality robs into apathy. You might think that they are very secretive. In the relationship of the snakes show themselves as very passionate and inspirational lovers. Because of its emotionality, they are subject to sharp mood drops.

Owl: November 23 - December 21

Indians considered owls very hard and windy people. Their ability to survive is so high that they rarely need the warmth of another person. Sov has a tendency towards increased risk and recklessness. These are inborn hunters, firefighters and public activists. Flexibility helps to adapt to any living conditions. In general, these are pretty happy people, but they need to see the goal to which you need to strive.

People of this sign have endless ambitions. If your team has a goose, then any project is waiting for success. His perseverance is able to break through any walls. If there is a goal, they will not be able to stop. Guses are breeding competitions and competition. They are successful in almost everything and this is a fact. Goose always knows what to do whatever the sphere of life is neither concerned.

To change the life for the better, articles will be useful:

In all four manuscripts found so far, the Maya codes were found and rising to different epochs BC. Information about astronomical, cosmogonical and cosmological knowledge and ideas of this people. Some mobility of the preserved astronomer-astrological information can be explained by the fact that the surviving manuscripts are incomplete, and most importantly, it is mainly simplified rural priests "reference books". A number of texts also found on stone slab plates.

How to determine your Mayan sign?

Before starting the study of the horoscope of the ancient Maya, we remember that the 260-day Tolkin is divided by 13 months to 20 days. Three Colkina duration corresponds to the synodic period of the Mars planet. The Maja Universe was divided into 3 parts: Heaven, Earth and Hell. Each part was enshrined its deity. These three components, in turn, were distributed on four end of the world - South, East, North, West.

Each of the sectors was equipped with a certain color. Days - time signs - reflected like 20 animals. Begins the calendar from the day called Crocodile, and ends with the ancestors sign .

So how to identify your Mayan sign?

The initial point of the month (Table 1), replace the month, and, accordingly, the point of the year is a year of birth (Table 2).

Fold these three cleans. The result will be the sequence number of the day in the Mayan calendar.

4. If the year is a leap (in table. Allocated in color), then for the first two months of the year (January and February), it is necessary to make amendment - to take away from the result obtained. For the remaining months, adjustments are not needed.

5. Table 3, define what Mianiyan sign received the resulting amount.

It turned out, find any dealer service, you can automatically enter the date of birth in a few seconds to determine the Mayan sign.

The lunar periods were given the names of animals, which were of great importance for people from Mayan civilization, such as: lizard, snake, fox, turtle, protein, jaguar, owl, falcon, bat, peacock, scorpion, deer and monkey. The Haab calendar was connected to the TZOL calendar, which in turn out of 13 lunar periods for 28 days. In the aggregate, they gave an accurate characteristic of every day of the cycle of 52 years. Such no more similar days on each other did the life of mysterious and funny. And when a new person appeared on the light, he was assigned to those or other properties according to the day, in which he was born.

Find out who you are in the Mayan horoscope in accordance with your date of birth:

  • Tzootz - Bat: Born from July 26 to August 22
  • Dzec - Scorpio: Born from August 23 to September 19
  • Keh - Deer: Born from September 20 to October 17
  • Moan - Owl: Born from October 18 to November 14
  • Kutz - Peacock: Born from November 15 to December 12
  • Kibray - Lizard: Born from December 13 to January 9
  • Batz Kimil - Monkey: Born from January 10 to February 6
  • COZ - Falcon: Born from February 7 to March 6
  • Balam - Jaguar: Born from March 7 to April 3
  • Fex - Fox: Born from April 4 to 1 Maya
  • KAN - Snake: Born from 2 Maya May 29
  • Tzub - Squirrel: Born from May 30 to June 26
  • AAK - Turtle: Born from June 27 to July 25

As in other types of astrology, in Maya's horoscopes to represent each sign there are certain signs and symbols. The Mayan calendar differs from the usual one, the months in it in short and consist of twenty days. Below is the Maya calendar by date of birth with a description of signs and images of their characters.

Please note that a non-ritual calendar Zolkin is used, and the traditional solar calendar Maya Haab, in which he has nineteen months.

Meaning: Black Tornado, Black Sky, Moon, One Flower, West.

Born a month Chen Ancient Maya Indians considered people of the night. They give power and vitality the clock from the sunset to the first rays of dawn. Using the calm energy of dark time, they will completely open their individuality. They have a natural tendency to the perception of lunar energy. Positive wearing moonstone, it increases the connection with the moon. Totem - Frog. Favorable direction - West. To be faced with the West during meditation for them is very useful.

Meaning: Green Storm, Venus, Two Flowers, South.

Those who were born under the sign of Yash have good compatibility with the people of Jashkin. We patronize the planet Venus, giving nature gentle and loving. They must develop their peacekeeping abilities to carry harmony into the world. In our times, the gift of peacemaker is a great gift, and they are able to do a lot of good. Successful direction - south.

Value: White Storm, Frog, Three Flowers, North.

Those who were born in the month of sak - people of the day. Day watches and especially morning for them especially favorable time. Representatives of the SAK sign it is necessary to find time for reflection in the early hours of the day, it was then that a great wisdom can come to them. The main direction is the north. The magical animal is a frog, known to adapt and change. A frog can make a fast and easy transition from one state to another. The Maya horoscope advises these people to make changes, because their power consists.

Meaning: Red Storm, Trees, Deer, East.

Sign People Kech have proximity to nature and natural balance. They will help restore the natural order on our planet, submitting your own example. They give them the patronage of the element of fire, and the magic color is red. Take this powerful force, and your fervent nature will be known. To meditate in the forest well for the development of natural talents.

Favorable direction - east. Totem is a gentle and noble deer.

Meaning: Mystery hidden, number 3

People born in the calendar month Mac are under the cover of one of the main secrets of Maya astrology. In Maya's calendar, the meaning of this sign is less clear than any other, and it makes them a mystery. Best of all, if they keep their secrets from others. The words describing the symbolism of the word, again, refer to the fact that "under cover" or hidden. According to the horoscope of the ancient Maya, they need to find time on reflections and meditation. If they allow themselves to spend time away from others, they will be able to penetrate the secrets of being. Magic number - 3. It is considered to be the number of divinity, balance and completion.

Meaning: Earth, dog, yellow, yellow sun.

People sign Cancin patronize land and sun. They have a connection both with earth under their feet and with solar energy. After spending time under the rays of the Sun and thinking, they will be able to gain wisdom. If possible, meditate in the cave, or at least visit the cave and feel calm and peace, while in the womb of the Earth. Totem - a dog, especially yellow or light brown flowers. Dogs are well known for their loyalty, but the less well-known quality of this animal is the incredible inner force.

Meaning: Owl, Rain God, Fire.

Born on the days of the month Muan are under the auspices of the elements of fire and water. For them, a favorable time of thunderstorms when fire and water are present in the form of rain and lightning. Storm - their magical time. Totem - Owl. This bird is characterized by the ability of a clear vision, penetrates the essence of things.

Meaning: Sowing time, Puma, Couple, Arrow, Drum.

Totem animals of the representatives of the sign Pash are Jaguar. Jagurams in the Mayan culture attached particular importance, as they personify the leadership. These people have enough internal strength and charisma to become leaders. They also possess direct like an arrow, character and unshakable confidence in themselves. Using the drum, they will be able to gain stability and equilibrium. Symbol - water vapor, which is a combination of land, water and fire, because the couple rises from the ground under the influence of heat. They need to combine all three elements in their lives.

Meaning: Turtle, goddess moon, number 1.

Those born in the month of Cayab have a natural tendency to moon and spiritual quest. Most likely, they will find a deep meaning in everyday realities. Totem animals is a turtle. In Indians, Maya, she was considered the carrier of ancient wisdom. Good use a turtle image when meditating.

Meaning: grain, crocodile, two ruler, darkness, the god of rain.

In the Maya calendar, Kumhu has double nature. These people are able to see opposite prospects, and both of them offer them their advantages. Totem is a crocodile, having a gift to survive in adverse conditions. As you know, the crocodiles survived, while most reptiles extorted at the end of the Mesozoic period. They are not embarrassed by change, they only benefit. They are given longevity and stability, and you need to appreciate this great gift of heaven.

Meaning: unfortunate days, God of land, ghost, missed days

Vaeben days is the shortest month of 5 days, while all the other signs of the Mayan calendar for 20 days. Ancient Maya believed that during the VaEEB, the natural balance was broken, and other forces come to Earth. It resembles the Celtic feast of Samine, when, by believing, ghosts come to our world. Although the birth during this period is not interpreted in a negative meaning. This means that you have close connections with other worlds and other areas. Thanks to the ability to extrasensory perception, you can see other worlds.

Meaning: jaguar, leader, leader, soft earth.

Representatives of the Pop sign - inborn leaders. In the ancient Maya, the symbol of Jaguar represented power. They can show the direction of those around, remaining sensitive to the needs of everyone. Their gift is to be in the forefront, lead people. They have proximity with the elements of the Earth, and meditating on Earth strengthen the ability.


Meaning: Black Sky, Black Jaguar, Black Storm, Night, Frog.

Those who were born a month in, have similarities and compatibility with born under the sign of Chen. Like people of the sign of Chen, their time is the watch from the onset of twilight and to the first rays of the sun. As well as representatives of the sign of Chen, the totem animal is a frog. They are able to easily move from one level of consciousness to another. Under this sign, mystical personalities seeking hidden wisdom and wishing to open secrets are born.

Meaning: Red Crossroads, Red Sky, Red Storm, Deer.

The month of SIP has a connection with the elements of fire and air. Magic animals are a deer, symbolizing grace and connection with the forest. In the representation of the ancient Indians, Mayan deer was a noble leader of the forest inhabitants. Born this month carry his energy, grace and nobility. Magic color - red.

Value: Bat, fish, winter start.

Representatives of the SOTC sign are two totem animals - a bat and fish. This month of Maya calendar patronize the elements of air and water. One of the characters is a bat, associated with Mother-Earth. Bats are very sensitive creatures, they have intuition, sensitivity, the ability to see through illusions. Fish is the depths of the subconscious. Combined together, fish and bat gather these people in deep intuition, inaccessible for the majority. It is important for them to spend the days of rest on Earth.

Meaning: Heaven and Earth.

The Mayan sign of seconds is associated with two elements - the earth and the sky (wind, air). Born this month is passionate about the sky, they are interested in all that over. Air is an element of mental energy, and the land means practicality. Thanks to this combination, they have a gift to the correct understanding of any situation and identify the most effective solution. This is the Great Gift, thanks to which they are able to help the world with the help of practical perception.

Meaning: Dog, Days of Birds, God of dogs.

Those who were born on the days of the month of Shul, are closely connected with their totem animal dog. She was an important animal for the ancient Indians Maya, who believed that the dog was a man's guide to the next life after the completion of earthly existence. People of this sign are endowed with traditional dog symbol features: loyalty, strength, purposefulness. They also have strong connections in the world of the next life, will help others overcome the fear of death and transition to another world.

Meaning: New Sun, Sun God, Red Clouds, Green.

Born in the month Yashkin have connections with the Mayan god of the sun yash kin, giving protection against darkness, droughts and diseases. These people are natural healers. They have the ability to heal others with the help of healing words or as a practitioner-healer. This sign has one disadvantage - exposure to doubts, because Yash Keen was known as bringing doubts and indecision. It is important to learn to trust your decisions.

Meaning: Water, clouds, jaguar, harvesting.

Mol is associated with the element of water. It is believed that the Mayan calendar's month is endowed with a gift to cause rain. To develop your talent, they need to pay special attention to how the weather affects well-being. The time of their power comes with rain. Totem is Jaguar. Jaguar at the Maya Indians personified the secrets of the shamans and the powers of the leaders. They have abilities for both of these roles, they are able to become spiritual leaders and lead others.

Civilizations of the ancient world, their lives, secrets and riddles still attract the attention of scientists around the world. One of the most famous is the Maya Civilization. She began to form in 2000 to our era. And now everyone has a hearing, the famous Mayan calendar and their prophecies about the end of the world.

Did you know that the dates of our modern calendar can be translated into an ancient Maya calendar? Learn the sun printing of your birthday and what kind of fate to you the ancient Indians.

The Maya calendar is quite complicated, it had ritual cycles of 260 days, which in turn were alternating periods of 20 and 13 days. Every day has its own character and name - solar printing. It must be determined - with the help of a calculator.

Mayan calendar - how to use the calculation table

1. Using a table of years, set the number of birth. Important: If you are born until July 26, take the previous year, if on this day or later - the year of your birth. And compare him the number of the year specified on the right.

2. With the help of a table of months, find the number of month of birth (notice: from 25 to 31.07 have special numbers).

3. Remove the numbers of the year, month and birthday. So you will find your chine of fate, and with it - the seal of the birthday.

4. Kin fate can be from 1 to 280. Therefore:
Upon exceeding the number 260 - take 260;
If the number is less / equal to 0 - add 260.
You can make the calculation of any date (including not yet coming) to find out what day to schedule this or that event.

Table of years - the number of years of Maya calendar

1961, 2013, 2065 – 164;
1960, 2012, 2064 – 59
1959, 2011, 2063 – 214
1958, 2010, 2062 – 109
1957, 2009, 2061 – 4
1956, 2008, 2060 – 159
1955, 2007, 2059 – 54
1954, 2006, 2058 – 209
1953, 2005, 2057 – 104
1952, 2004, 2056 – 259
1951, 2003, 2055 – 154
1950, 2002, 2054 – 49
1949, 2001, 2053 – 204
1948, 2000, 2052 – 99
1947, 1999, 2051 – 254
1946, 1998, 2050 – 149
1945, 1997, 2049 – 44
1944, 1996, 2048 – 199
1943, 1995, 2047 – 94
1942, 1994, 2046 – 249
1941, 1993, 2045 – 144
1940, 1992, 2044 – 39
1939, 1991, 2043 – 194
1938, 1990, 2042 – 89
1937, 1989, 2041 – 244
1936, 1988, 2040 – 139
1935, 1987, 2039 – 34
1934, 1986, 2038 – 189
1933, 1985, 2037 – 84
1932, 1984, 2036 – 239
1931, 1983, 2035 – 134
1930, 1982, 2034 – 29
1929, 1981, 2033 – 184
1928, 1980, 2032 – 79
1927, 1979, 2031 – 234
1926, 1978, 2030 – 129
1925, 1977, 2029 – 24
1924, 1976, 2028 – 179
1923, 1975, 2027 – 74
1922, 1974, 2026 – 229
1921, 1973, 2025 – 124
1920, 1972, 2024 – 19
1919, 1971, 2023 – 174
1918, 1970, 2022 – 69
1917, 1969, 2021 – 224
1916, 1968, 2020 – 119
1915, 1967, 2019 – 14
1914, 1966, 2018 – 169
1913, 1965, 2017 – 64
1912, 1964, 2016 – 219
1911, 1963, 2015 – 114
1910, 1962, 2014 – 9

Table months:

25.07 – 104
26.07 – 0
27.07 – 1
28.07 – 2
29.07 – 3
30.07 – 4
31.07 – 5

August - 5.
September - 36.
October - 66.
November - 97.
December - 127.
January - -102
February - -71
March - -43
April - -12.
May - 18.
June - 49.
July - 79.

An example of calculating your Mayan calendar

Take for example: Angelina Jolie. She was born on June 4, 1975, what will the Mayan calendar tell us about it?

The number of the year (in its case - the previous one) - 229,
months - 49,
Date of birth - 4.
Kin Fate:
From 282, we subtract 260 and we get 22.
It corresponds to the seal of white wind.

What does your number in the Mayan Indian Calendar

Print days

(Futy Kina: where intermediate numbers are formed by adding 20 to the previous one. The same rule applies to all other days of days).

Printing of the Red Snake (from 1 to 241)

You are the beginning of everything, easily light up new. You are a shepherd and hospitable owner to which everything is still drawn. Your minus is inability to bring things to the end. Day of the beginning of any project

White Wind Printing (from 2 to 242)

You cane without communication. You are a medium, a communicator whose goal is to transmit information. But learn and listen, and not just talk.
Do you need to convince someone? Do it today.

Printing Blue Night (from 3 to 243)

Night bottomless, she does not know borders, just as you do not want to know them. You need to be everywhere, we can do everything, try everything. So do not limit yourself.
Open day. Look back - they are everywhere

Seal of yellow seed (from 4 to 244)

You are practical and grounded. In your life there must be a specific goal and the path to it, according to which you are able to make a million steps - more than anyone else. Day of practical caution. Act gradually, do not risk

Printing a red snake (from 5 to 245)

Knowledge is your strength, and rationalism is the key to happiness and harmony. Listen to your head, not the heart. Decision making day

Printing a white bridge between worlds (from 6 to 246)

You are always looking for new opportunities, adore risk. Love to joke with death. Between comfort and dear always choose the road. Step Day in Unknown

Stamp Blue Hand (from 7 to 247)

You are destined to bright, intense life, great accomplishments. You are not a word man, but things. And it is very important that you burned your business. Day of concrete cases. Work - and you will be waiting for an excellent result.

Stamp yellow star (from 8 to 248)

They say beauty will save the world. And you know, it depends on you. Because you are capable of seeing beauty in everything, as well as create it. Beauty day guidance day

Printing the Red Moon (from 9 to 249)

Clean, straight, honesty - motto of your life. And she must flow quietly and greatly, like a wide river in the moonlight. Trust intuition. Day of mental and physical purity.

Seal of a white dog (from 10 to 250)

Affection, love, sex - here is the element, plunging into which you will find your destination. For the sake of love you disrupt not one taboo. Careful! Passion day.

Printing blue monkey (from 11 to 251)

You are a born player and cannot perceive life seriously. Humor and irony - your shield and sword. Day of fun.

Seal of a yellow man (from 12 to 252)

You are the soul of the company, do not think yourself without friends, relatives, connections, but it is important that you choose your way yourself. The day of big meetings.

Seal of the Red Heavenly Wanderer (from 13 to 253)

Curiousness and passion for adventure is your nature. Perfume of freedom, discoveries, change places - this is who you should worship. Day of trips and travel.

Printing white sorcerer (from 14 to 254)

Your magic is to predict the moment and see what the rest do not see. Listen to the inner voice and create your own world yourself. Trust day. Communicate with whom you need to strengthen the relationship.

Stamp of the Blue Eagle (from 15 to 255)

You are an analyst, have a global vision. Before you - the mass of opportunities. Just restrain at least sometimes vanity. Day of analysis and planning.

Seal of the yellow warrior (from 16 to 256)

Straightforwards, honesty, following the rules - your horse. But do not forget about feelings! Only when the heart is filled - your battle will be over.
Today, lead the struggle by the rules, if you want to win.

Printing of the Red Earth (from 17 to 257)

You are a winner. Do not stand idlely, fond of others. For the greatest victory you need quite a bit - to trust people. A day successful in all respects, especially for business, performances.

Printing a white mirror (from 18 to 258)

You live "here and now." Everything around affects your mood, and then as a mirror you reflect it outside. You form the atmosphere around. Day of quiet quiet classes, internal dialogue with me.

Printing a blue storm (from 19 to 259)

You are not able to stop in place, you are a whirlwind that carries with me. Permanent self-development is the meaning of your life. Day of great change. Moving, wedding, breaking relationship, new haircut - dare, and the universe will surprise you!

Seal of the Yellow Sun (from 20 to 260)

You are brighter than all of all life, you feel deeper than all love. You are the sun, you adore you. But remember where the power over the minds, there is responsibility.
Very happy day.

Such interpretation of numbers and dates offers Maya calendar.

A little about the very civilization of the Maya Indians

Many scientists suggest that the Ancestors of the Mayan Indians could be the inhabitants of Atlantis or ancient Egypt. They became known due to their writing, art, construction, mathematical and astronomical knowledge.

The first records of these peoples were discovered in 700. As letters, the letter used hieroglyphs that are not decrypted so far. Of all the discoveries it became known that Maja had 800 different characters that denoted syllables. Maya used a twenty account system. Zero was indicated as an empty snail shell. This designation was used to sign infinity.

Among this people, the ritual of bloodsman was particularly popular, as Maya believed that the human strength and energy of a person was in the blood of a person. Human sacrifices had a lot of distribution.

Maya built his cities from the stone that stood thousands of years. Some of them have been preserved to this day and are protected by UNESCO (Palencé, Ushmal in Mexico, Copan in Honduras and others). The territories of ancient civilization are located on the site of modern Mexico. During the excavation, a thousand cities were found and three thousand villages.

Among scientists there are two opinions of the disappearance of the Mayan civilization:

1. Ecological catastrophe - the rapidly growing Maja population faced the problems of soil depletion, lack of resources, lack of water.

2. Non-environmental consequences are that the Mayan people could be captured, exterminated by some epidemic, or possible climatic conditions.

Today, Maya's ancestors remained on Yucatan, in Belize, Honduras and Guatemala. Their number is about six million people. Most of them adopted christianity, but the traditions and beliefs of the indigenous tribes were not supplemented. Indigenous peoples have their own religious patron and differ from other nationalities with their costumes.

I hope you learned something new about the Mayan civilization, their calendar and your involvement in this. Mayan calendar exists like a fact, and how to interpret it, to believe or not this is the case of every person personally.

Good luck and all the best!

It is calculated otherwise than the usual horoscopes. According to the calendar of this mysterious people, in a month not 30 familiar days, but 20. The number of months in the calendar is also different and amounts to 19 unequal periods.

Haab is the daily chronicles of the Maya people, which they used in ordinary life. Based on this calendar, people have the following signs in their fate:

  • Chen. From 2 to January 21. Such a person is characterized as black tornado. His characters - moon, flower, west and black sky. People born during this period were considered prone to absorb the lunar energy. Their time was called the night, and the totem is a frog. If a person believes to Chen wants to develop his individuality, he should take advantage of night meditations. Even for such people a moonstone is favorable.
  • Yash. From January 22 to February 10. The characteristic of people born in the period of Yash belongs to a green storm. Symbols - Venus, South and two flower. The nature of these people is soft, gentle and loving. Their goal is to develop peacekeeping abilities. Diplomaticity and humanity are considered to be the best qualities for them.
  • Sac. From February 11 to March 2. Symbolism - white storm, three flower. Direction - North. Totem - Frog. Day people born in sac, for development and reflections should choose the morning clock. Such people easily carry change, they have great adaptive abilities.
  • Kh. March 3 to the 22nd of the same month. Symbolism - red storm, trees. Direction - East. And Totem - deer. These people know how to restore harmony and balance. Born under such a sign patronate fire. They are suitable red. The forest is for the cake of power.
  • Poppy. From March 23 to April 11. Symbols - the number "3", mystery and secrecy. The nature of the character of a person under the sign of the poppy for everyone is a mystery. The only instruction for these people is more privacy to comprehend the secrets of the Universe.
  • Canankin. From April 12 to May 1. Symbols - Sun and Earth, as well as yellow. Totem - dog. The inner rod of these people produces an indelible impression on others. They are also known for their loyalty. And can use both sun and earth energy.
  • Muan. May 2 to the 21st of the same month. Symbols - rain and fire. Totem - Owl. These people can be used by water and fiery elements. They can penetrate the essence of things, often possess the gift of progress.
  • Pash. From May 22 to June 10. Symbols - sowing, couples, arrows and drum. Totem - Puma. Born under such a sign have leadership qualities. They are straightforward, charismatic and confident. The energy of the earth, water and fire in the trio combination will bring benefits to these people.
  • Cayab. From June 11 to 30 of the same month. Symbolism - the number "1", the moon. Totem - Turtle. Representatives of Kaiyab all life are engaged in spiritual quest. They wise, thoughtful, but live real life, not dreams.
  • Kumhu. July 1 to 20 of the same month. Symbols - grain, two lord, rain, darkness. Totem - Crocodile. Dual personals always see in life a few ways and many personal advantages. Could survive practically under any circumstances. Possess the gift of longevity and stable life.
  • Wayboard Dated July 21 to the 25th of the same month. Symbolism - missed time, misfortune, earth and ghosts. Born in the shortest month per year (5 days), these people have a strong connection with the other world, possess extrasensory abilities.
  • Pop. From July 26 to August 14. Symbolism - Soft Earth, Chief. Totem - Jaguar. These people are leaders on birth. They know how to take care of others and take into account the interests of their surroundings. The leaders born under the sign pop can use the energies of the Earth's element. Such people are destined to be managers and mentors.
  • In. From August 15 to September 3. The Mayan horoscope by date of birth says that people are similar to those who have appeared under the sign of Chen. Symbols - Sky, Storm, Jaguar, Night and Frog. Twilight for these signs of signs are considered to be the most favorable time. They can be described as large ashes and sacred seekers.
  • Sip. On September 4 to the 23rd of the same month. Symbols - Red Sky and Red Crossroads. Totem - deer. Elements of air and fire in favor of a sip sign. A certain nobility gives these people and their totem.
  • Soc. From September 24 to October 13. Symbols - Fish and bat, as well as winter. Sensitive people have incredible intuition. Social seats are seized through cover and illusion, they are extremely perceptive.
  • Sec. From October 14 until November 2. Symbols - Earth and Heaven. Insightful and calm people who are passionate about the sky. They are subject to air and earth energy. They are well versed in human nature. Interested in all sublime and distant.
  • Shul. From November 3 to November 22. Symbols - dogs and birds. Totem - dog. People Schul sign, as well as their totem, are able to look at the face of being. The Mayan dog could spend the souls of the dead to the next world. Therefore, people with a tight animal of such a plan are faithful, strong and purposeful. They have a minimal fear of death, and they respect everything related to her;
  • Yashkin. From November 23 to December 12. Symbolism - sun and red clouds. The main color is green. Such people are healers. And these abilities they receive from the very god of the sun. Representatives of the sign are treated as words and affairs. But sometimes the data people doubt their decisions. They need to learn to overcome doubts. So for them it is possible to achieve harmony.
  • Mole. From December 13 until January 1. Symbols - harvest, clouds, water and jaguar. Are water magicians. May cause rain if they will manage these abilities in themselves. Totem - Jaguar. But here people born under the sign mole rather, spiritual leaders than leaders. They often become shamans and priests. Capably inspire others to achieve.

The Maya horoscope is closely associated with nature, the patronage of the gods and the coupling of the universe. In the listed signs that have come down to us are hidden traits of the character of a person, his ability and aspirations. According to Maya, for the holistic and comprehensive development of the personality, an adult man or an adult woman should have developed only their inconsistencies, data from birth.

An exciting Maya horoscope by date of birth contains valuable information related to the development of spiritual and physical qualities. Ancient Maja Priests were known, astrology and psychology. They had a sign writing. And life went according to the spontaneous and natural cycles. Maya had music and creativity, folklore, as well as scientists treatises and works. They were engaged in computing and progress. Their calendar on which the horoscope is based is still considered very difficult and causes a lot of disputes in scientific circles. But on him, it is possible not only to understand who a person is, but also to realize who from the close environment will suit the role of a spouse or spouse, and whom it is better to leave aside. After Maya left not only horoscopes and echoes of their culture, but also a lot of predictions, some of which are still coming.