Military theme in the works of Sholokhov. The theme of the Great Patriotic War in the works of Tvardovsky and Sholokhov

Military theme in the works of Sholokhov. The theme of the Great Patriotic War in the works of Tvardovsky and Sholokhov
Military theme in the works of Sholokhov. The theme of the Great Patriotic War in the works of Tvardovsky and Sholokhov

The Great Patriotic War passed through the fate of millions of Soviet people, leaving about themselves difficult memory: pain, anger, suffering, fear. Many during the war years lost the most expensive and close people, many have experienced heavy deprivation. Rethinking military events, human actions are later. Artistic works appear in the literature, in which an assessment of what happens in difficult military time is given through the prism of the author's perception.
Mikhail Sholokhov could not pass by exciting all themes and therefore wrote a small story

"The fate of a person", raised the problem of heroic epic. In the center of the story of the event of wartime, who changed the life of Andrei Sokolov - the main character of the work. The writer does not describe the military events in detail, not the task of the author. The purpose of the writer is to show key episodes that influenced the formation of the personality of the hero. The most important event in the life of Andrei Sokolov is captivity. It is in the hands of the fascists, in the face of deadly danger, various sides of the character of the character appear, it is here that the war appears to the reader without embellishment, exposing the essence of people: vile, a slim traitor to the roof; A real doctor who "and in captivity, and in the darkness did his great business"; "Slender such, sniffing guy", platoon commander. Inhuman flour had to survive Andrei Sokolov in captivity, but the main thing is that he managed to preserve his honor, dignity. The culmination moment of the narration is the scene at the commandant of Muller, where he led the exhausted, hungry, tired hero, but also there he showed the enemy the power of the Russian soldier. The act of Andrei Sokolova (three glasses of vodka drank without a snack: I did not want to give up the hand) I was surprised by Muller: "That's what the falcons, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. " War appears in front of the reader without embellishment: after escaping from captivity, already in the hospital, the hero gets a terrible news from the house about the death of his family: wives and two daughters. A severe military car does not spare anyone: neither women nor children. The last blow of fate - the death of the nineteenth of May on the day of the victory of the Senior Son Anatoly from the hand of the German sniper.
War takes away the most expensive people: family, loved ones. In parallel with the life of Andrei Sokolov, the storyline of a little boy Vanyushi, whom the war also made orply, depriving his mother and father, develops.
This is what the evaluation gives the writer to two of their heroes: "Two orphaned man, two grains, abandoned in other people's edges of the military hurricane of unprecedented power.". War Corps people to suffer, but she also raises the will, in nature, when I want to believe, "that this Russian man, a person of an inflexible will, exhausted, and near the father's shoulder will grow by the one who, having matured, will be able to fullete everything, to overcome in its path If his homeland calls this to this. "

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  2. What the character should have to have a Russian man to overcome the moral tests sent by the fate. What could save in his soul? Such questions asked to their readers Mikhail Sholokhov in the story of the "Fate of Man" ....
  3. Sholokhov is one of those writers who see life in its entirety, in all its transitions from the majestic, tragic to comic. (This material will help competently write on the topic ...
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  5. The name M. A. Sholokhov is known to all mankind. His outstanding role in the world literature of the XX century cannot deny even opponents of socialism. The works of Sholokhov are likened to epochal frescoes. The penetration is such a definition of the talent of Sholokhov, ...
  6. In the Roman-epopea M. Sholokhov "Silent Don" depicts the history of the Cossacks at a rapid time from 1912 to 1922. In this work, Sholokhov reflected a peculiar way of the life of the Cossacks, and their traditions, ...
  7. Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov came into literature with bright, original works. The works of Sholokhov carry deep thought, their heroes are distinguished by bright characters. The writer has a gift of an artist psychologist, brilliantly owns the art of dialogue, ...
  8. The world famous Roman Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov "Quiet Don" - Roman about the tragedy of the civil war, about the tragedy of thousands of people. Speaking about his famous novel "Quiet Don", the writer noted: "I describe the struggle ...
  9. All life and literary activities of Sholokhov are connected with Don. Writer hotly loves his native places; In the life of the Don Cossacks, he draws themes, images, material for its artistic works. Sholokhov himself ...
  10. In the novel "Raised Coleno", M. A. Sholokhov explores the fate of the masses, the fate of the peasantry. Huge interests for the writer are of folk characters. He draws images interesting, bright, original. One of the main characters ...
  11. Aksinya - Cossack, Wife Stepana Astakhova, Beloved Grigoria Melekhova. Axigna is the embodiment of a gust, passion, instincts. The heroine got a hard fate. At the age of 16, her father raped her. The unloved Stepan Astakhov took a ....
  12. He writes as the Cossack, in love with Don, in Cossack life, in nature. M. Gorky Roman M. Sholokhova "Quiet Don" This is an epic, drawing a wide picture of the life of the people in a turning distance of his ...
  13. The battle is holy and right, the death fight is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on Earth. A. Tvardovsky ended the most terrible and bloody World War I, but someone hasnden's plans. Writer-Humanist ...
  14. "Silent Don" - the Grand Work of M. A. Sholokhov, a drawing large-scale picture of the people's life, revealing the full spiritual world of the Don Cossacks. This world in all its beauty appears from the first ...
  15. Above the novel "Quiet Don" Sholokhov worked from 1928 to 1940. This novel is written in the epic genre (for the first time after the "war and the world" L. N. Tolstoy). Aques of this work covers years ...
  16. Sholokhov was not an apologist neither whites or red. In the "quiet don" we no longer see the purely class criterion in the assessment of the heroes, which still made himself felt in the "Don ...
  17. Of course, the Communists in the Sholokhov image differ from that description to which Soviet literature 20-30s got used. By this time, the writers have already had experience in research of psychology of leaders - it was always ...
  18. "Silent Don" M. Sholokhov - Roman-epic, revealing the fate of the people during the First World and Civil Wars. Russian reality has provided the author of this kind of conflicts, which mankind has not yet known ....

The Great Patriotic War passed through the fate of millions of Soviet people, leaving about themselves difficult memory: pain, anger, suffering, fear. Many during the war years lost the most expensive and close people, many have experienced heavy deprivation. Rethinking military events, human actions are later. Artistic works appear in the literature, in which an assessment of what happens in difficult military time is given through the prism of the author's perception.

Mikhail Sholokhov could not pass by exciting all themes and therefore wrote a small story "The Fate of Man", touched upon the problems of the heroic epic. In the center of the story of the event of wartime, who changed the life of Andrei Sokolov - the main character of the work. The writer does not describe the military events in detail, not the task of the author. The purpose of the writer is to show key episodes that influenced the formation of the personality of the hero. The most important event in the life of Andrei Sokolov is captivity. It is in the hands of the fascists, in the face of deadly danger, various sides of the character of the character appear, it is here that the war appears to the reader without embellishment, exposing the essence of people: vile, a slim traitor to the roof; A real doctor who "and in captivity, and in the darkness did his great business"; "Slender such, sniffing guinea", platoon commander. Inhuman flour had to survive Andrei Sokolov in captivity, but the main thing is that he managed to preserve his honor, dignity. The culmination moment of the narration is the scene at the commandant of Muller, where he led the exhausted, hungry, tired hero, but also there he showed the enemy the power of the Russian soldier. The act of Andrei Sokolova (three glasses of vodka drank without a snack: I did not want to give my handing) I surprised Muller: "This is what, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are brave soldier. " War appears in front of the reader without embellishment: after escaping from captivity, already in the hospital, the hero gets a terrible news from the house about the death of his family: wives and two daughters. A severe military car does not spare anyone: neither women nor children. The last blow of fate - the death of the nineteenth of May on the day of the victory of the Senior Son Anatoly from the hand of the German sniper.

War takes away the most expensive people: family, loved ones. In parallel with the life of Andrei Sokolov, the storyline of a little boy Vanyushi, whom the war also made orply, depriving his mother and father, develops.

This is what an assessment gives the writer to two of their heroes: "Two orphaned man, two grains, abandoned in other people's edges of the military hurricane of unprecedented power ...". War Corps people to suffer, but she also raises the will, in nature, when I want to believe, "that this Russian man, a person of an inflexible will, vomits, and near the father's shoulder will grow by the one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, to overcome in its path If his homeland calls it to this. "

Other works on the topic:

The story was written in the year during Khrushchev thaw. Sholokhov was a member. Great Patriotic War. There he heard the history of the life of one soldier. She was very touched. Sholokhov has long trimmed the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting this story.

In his novel. Raised virgin. Mikhail Sholokhov introduces us with many heroes this and grandfather. Shchukar and Maka Nagulnov and Semyon Davydov and Varya and Lushka and many others. Everyone has its own fate and everyone has different and in its happy or tragic.

In the next group of stories, the main theme becomes the return of a soldier with the war. This topic is revealed in two novels - "very short story" and "houses". In the "very short story" the topic is only scheduled, and the story is of greater interest.

(According to the story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man") Literature on War is the memory of the people about the Terrible and Tragic years. This memory is carried in itself the story V. V. Bykov, B. L. Vasilyeva, A. I. Adamovich and many other works. Books about war remind what expensive price got a victory and in which heavy setting of the front there was a check and hardening the characters of people.

If it may be noted for a while, it can be noted that the novel of M.A.Sholokhov "Quiet Don" is a traditional love triangle.

(According to M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Human") at the end of 1956 M. A. Sholokhov published his story "The Fate of Man". This is a story about a simple person in a big war. The Russian man passed through all the horrors imposed war imposed on him and the cost of huge, any irrepustible personal losses and tragic deprivities defended his homeland, approving the great right to life, the freedom and independence of his homeland.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov entered our literature as the creator of broad epic cloths, - "Silent Don" novels, "raised virgin". If there is an era in the center of interests of Sholokhov-Romanist, then there is a person in the center of interests of Sholokhov-Novelist. The image of Andrei Sokolova, from the story of Sholokhov, can be attributed to the brightest world literature.

My Sholokhov M. A. Sholokhov I discovered for myself this year. We are accustomed that the discoveries are in science, technique, but I think, and in the literature they are found at every step. In any writer, a person finds something close to his world. And Sholokhov became such a discovery for me. His "Don Stories", "Quiet Don", "Raised Coleno" made me look at some things, think about many.

I first met the works of Sholokhov in the eleventh grade. I immediately fascinated the plot of the novel "Raised Coleno", but when I read the story-epic "the fate of a person", it was doubly amazed: this work allowed me to see the true greatness, the strength and beauty of the ordinary Russian man Andrei Sokolov.

The Second World War is the greatest tragic lesson and man, and mankind. More than fifty million victims, an indiscrect number of destroyed villages and cities, the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who shook the world, forced a person to look at more attentively in himself and re-answer

The topic of the Second World War found its worthy place in the work of many famous masters of the word. One of them is Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov. As in the works of the German writer Henry Balla, the story permeates the thought: war is unnatural and antiguman.

In the years of the Great Patriotic War of Sholokhov in military correspondents, essays, the story "Science of Hate" exposed an antichelovical nature of the war unleashed by the Nazis, revealed the heroism of the Soviet people, love for his homeland. And in the novel "They fought for their homeland" was deeply revealed by the Russian national character, brightly manifested in the days of heavy trials.

Twelve years after the Great Patriotic War in 1957, MA Sholokhov writes the story of the "Fate of Man", whose main character is a simple Russian man - Andrei Sokolov.

The problem of moral choice of man has always been particularly significant in Russian literature. It is in difficult situations, making one or another moral choice, a person truly reveals his genuine moral qualities, showing how much the title of man is.

Posted by: Sholokhov MA L.N. Tolstoy about his novel-epic "War and Peace" wrote that the artist who creates a work on historical material and the historian actually is different creative tasks. If the historian is committed to an objective transmission of events, the artist is interested in primarily a person who takes part in them, the motives of actions, the course of thoughts, the movement of feelings.

The theme of the intelligentsia and the revolution in the Russian literature of the 20th century (B. Lavrenhev "Forty First", A. Tolstoy "Vijuk")

Humanistic theme in the story M.A.Sholokhova "The Fate of Man". Posted by: Sholokhov MA "I saw and see my task as a writer in all that I wrote and write, give the debt to this people-worker, the people-hero." These words M. Sholokhov, in my opinion, more and moreover reflect the idea of \u200b\u200bone of the best works of the writer, the story of the "Fate of Man".

Russian character (about the story of the "Fate of Man") Author: Sholokhov MA Clear, convincing with its simplicity and harsh trial, M.Sholokhov still makes the reader to indignantly and shudder, to burn and hate so much.

The fate of the peasantry in the works of M.A.Solokhov. In Soviet times, the topic of fate of the Russian village has become almost leading, but the question of the great fracture

Posted by: Sholokhov MA The topic of "human images in extreme warms" is quite relevant in the works of writers of the 20th century. In the novel of Babel "Konarmya", in the story "The Story of One Horse" and in the story of Sholokhov "The foam" shows the behavior of people of poorly educated, ignorant, those who have a long-term slaughter, in which humanity is still manifested in touching situations.

The name in the artistic work is one of the ways of expressing the author's position. In it or reflected the essence of conflict works, or is called a key episode or main character, or the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is expressed.

An image of a folk nature in the works of A.Ttvardovsky and M.A.Sholokhov (Vasily Terkin and Andrei Sokolov) Recall the time in which the works of Tvardovsky and Sholokhov were created. In the country, the inhuman Stalinist policies, universal fear and suspicion penetrated all sectors of society, collectivization and its consequences were destroyed by century-old agriculture and undermined the best forces of the people.

Each person has its own fate, someone is pleased with her, someone is not, and someone sees the meaning of life only to write off on fate. In the story of Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" through the fate of simple workers was shown the fate of all people, because During the warriors, such life could repeat many times.

Pedagogical Institute
    Department of Literature and Teaching Methods
Scientific Educational Sholokhov Center


    "Military journalism
    Sholokhova M. A. "
    Military journalism in the work of Sholokhov M. A.
    Articles and essays Sholokhov period of the Second World War.
    Essays. General analysis of essays

For a start, I would like to explain why I chose this particular topic for my research work. The reason is that at school to be given, not so much time to study works about the Second World War, and this war is one of the most cruel and difficult for the Russian people. A lot of works were written by our writers of that time, and so little we disassemble them at school. I proudly read about the exploits of our predecessors, and with tears in our eyes and sorrow in the heart of their deaths.
Sholokhov was interesting to read again and because he wrote not just what he could hear, but what he had passed and saw his own eyes. Mikhail Alexandrovich himself participated in hostilities and therefore all his essays are so believable that he captures the Spirit. After acquaintance with the work of Sholokhov M. A. for military topics, I became even more patriot my homeland.

1. In general, the journalism of military pore, is diverse in shape, individual according to the creative incarnation, was the medium of magnitude, the infinite courage and the dedication of the people of their homeland. She did not know themselves equal in the whole world history.
From the first days of war, genres designed to describe the lives of people at the front and in the rear, the world of their spiritual experiences and feelings, their attitude towards various facts of war, took a solid place on the pages of periodic printing.
Sholokhov took an active part in the fight against fascism, against the threat of a new war. He acutely felt her approach and could not hide his hot hatred for fascism. Speaking in March 1939 at the XVIII Party Congress, Sholokhov said excitedly:
"If the enemy attacks our country, we, Soviet writers, on the call of the party and the government, will postpone the pen and take into the hands of another weapon, so that in the volleva of the rifle building, the enemy and our lead, heavy and hot, like our hatred of fascism! .. defeating enemies, we still write books about how we beat these enemies. These books will serve our people and will remain in the editing of those from the invaders who accidentally will be unfair ... "
Preparing for military tests. Sholokhov was full of peaceful plans and ideas. It works on the completion of the second book "raised virgin", thinks a new novel about the work of the collective farm intelligentsia and about the larger changes in the village. A lot of strength gives a writer of social activities. From distant steppe farms, from the village villages
The walkers will be drawn to his deputy to solve the urgent questions of their lives along with him. Together with the Communists of the Vyeshensky district and the entire Rostov region, Sholokhov approves the socialist Novy in his native Don.
The enormous creative and creative work of the writer and the public figure was violated by the Great Patriotic War. The writer met the beginning of grave for the birthplace of tests in his native village, full, as well as all the people, determined to defend the independence of their debris.
On July 23, 1941 in Voshenskaya, on the old Static Square, a multiplied rally, residents of the village and the surrounding farmers came to conduct those who went to the front of the Cossacks. Sholokhov, spoke to one-way, expressed confidence in the victory of our people over the Hitler's invaders. "The fascist rulers, he said, - thoroughly forgotten history, it would be worth remembering that in the past the Russian people rose more than once the German hordes, mercilessly preserving their movements to the East, and that the keys to Berlin were already in the hands of Russian military leaders."
On the same day, Sholokhov sent a telegram to Moscow, in which he asked to enroll in the USSR Defense Fund awarded to him the Stalinist Prize of the first degree for the novel "Quiet Don" and expressed his readiness at any time "to become in the ranks of the working - peasant red army to the last drop of blood protect the socialist homeland

2. The definition of publicism (from Latin. Publicus- public) is the production of production devoted to current issues and phenomena of the current life of society.
Publicistics of the Warm period did not know equal in all world history. Publicist writers, poets, journalists, playwrights stood with all the Soviet people to defend their fatherland.
Creativity Sholokhov occupies a special place in military prose. And that's why. At the front, the writer was on the first days of the Great Patriotic War and, since 1941, one after another came out his front essays: "In the Cossack Stitzikh", "On the way to the front", "People of the Red Army", "Prisoners of war", South "and others. The greatest response was found in the hearts who fought prophetic lines from the famous story "Science of Hate".
"Hate" - a story about the fascist cannibals, about thought-out routines in death camps, about extreme abnormalities, listeners, systematically, who were exactly exactly the program of extermination and enslavement of peoples. The justifest thing he sounds in the story of the hatred of the Soviet people, that mighty resistance force,

which was stronger armor vehicles.
Immediately after the victory, summarizing the publicism of the war years, Sholokhov creates a "word about the Motherland." This is the anthem of the liberated land, and the requiem died. The position that the writer occupies, assessing and exploring the experience of formidable battles, is typical of the literature of the military and post-war years. This is the position of the Yellow Nonconvenience to the enemies of the Fatherland, sorrow of millions of victims, persistent optimism and confidence in future victories.
For example, what a symbolic picture draws the author in the "Word about Motherland": a half-plated trench, a skeleton of a dead nickname, a fragment of a dissected face and mouth, a full fertile black solar, of it already stretches to the wall of the trench curling, the twig. "Yes, we have a lot of fertile land. And enough to be enough to fill it with her mouth to everyone who will try to move from the conversation about the total fights to action "

The leading genre of art journalism of times of the Second World War was essay - a genre, combining the logical-rational and emotionally-shaped methods of reflection of reality, setting and analyzing the real facts and phenomena of public life, accompanied by direct interpretation by their author. The most common in the years of war were essays about events, outlines-portraits dedicated to the heroes of war, and the genre of the essay diary. Military pore essays were distinguished by deep lyricity, selfless love for their native land, and it could not not affect the reader. During the war years, the essay was held several stages - from the first days of war, the days of the retreat, when the word of the publicist joined people to unscrew the enemy and called forward, to the victorious procession of the Red Army in countries liberated from the fascist yoke. Essays of the military pore presented us with the gallery of brightly individual heroes, awakened the feeling of hatred of the enemy and love to the Motherland.
In the journalism of the Great Patriotic War, artistic peculiarity of writers, journalists convincingly manifested. Feature of journalism and in the fact that the Pen Master of the Word betrayed the quality of artistic prose. "On the days of the war, the newspaper is air," Ehrenburg wrote in the midst of the Great Patriotic War Ilya. - People open the newspaper before disclosing a letter from a close friend. The newspaper is now a letter addressed to you personally. From what is in the newspaper, your destiny depends. " These words are characterized by the power of the charge of optimism, confidence in the victory carried the journalists and writers from the pages of newspapers and magazines, which role was played by their performances in
education of patriotism.

On July 4, 1941, the first military essay MA appears in Truth Sholokhov "On Don". This is a story about how I met the Soviet people news of the war, how to boil him
the noble rage, which granite wall he got up to defend the Fatherland. The writer draws portraits of his countrymen, forces them to express their thoughts about the events that shook the world, pronounce an agitated word about the Motherland. War Hardealed
peaceful life, brought Mount to people.
"- So again we climb into us. You, Fedya, looked there, do not let them descend! " (Volume 8), "says a young dim evening woman, walking her husband to the front. And on the square one after the other there are grounds, and there was no one who would have faltered, who would have broken the word of fabulous and confusion from the lips.
Excited appeals, fatherly punishes sons, parting speeches - "beat the enemy mercilessly, to complete destruction, and in the air and on Earth ...". It was the time when a statement was made to the military registration and enlistment office with a request to send to the front ... People came off from the most urgent affairs and took the rifle.
The essay is extremely compressed, laconic, but there is widely reflected breathing of anxious time, as what is said about the village was then in all corners of our country.
Sholokhov are restrained in the manifestation of their own feelings, his essays do not contain pathetic words and exclamations. Their strength of their impact in the other ... To raise the enemy, it is necessary to look into his eyes, see the black darkness of his soul. The power for victory over it gives not only hatred, but also contempt. Miscolics as if the Nazis, who fell in captivity. A writer tells about them in his essay "Prisoners of war". Efreitor Berkmann "considers himself a cultural, decent person and, of course, a decisive opponent of unnecessary cruelty" (Volume 8). His "culturality" is only a mask, barely covered grinding beast.
Wheelness and disgust cause images of Hitler's thugs drawn to the essays "prisoners of war", "in the south" ... After going to capture, hungry and torn off, they "how the beasts are pounced on food and, burning, freight, almost without fonding, swallowing hurry, greedily ... "(8 volume). The writer does not resort to artistic tricks, showing the essence of those who have impaired themselves with the highest race. They are brazen and self-confident when they estimate unarmed civilians. "In captivity, their external image varies strikingly" (8 volume). The artist is not limited to the injection of parts that reinforce the impression.


"So they look here. But provide the word who saw them in another setting "(8
tom). Older collective farmer Kolesnichenko, recently escaped from German captivity, talks about the monstrous atrocities, creative by the fascist beast on the Soviet land. His speech is leisurely, but how much bitterness, hidden excitement and burning hatred,
interceptive breathing.
In Essays Sholokhov, the main, cherished idea is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inevitability of the death of the enemy - finds a kind of artistic embodiment. Even the composition of His essays is dictated by it: Zsotin and a concise ending, written in the form of copyright or sketching by him during front wandering, act as a kind of framing that gives the completion, the completeness of the entire essay.
At the end of the essay, the image of a prisoner German, a peasant with large corn hand, shocked by a terrible thought that "all of the German people will have to pay" for the atrocities caused to peoples. Even more consistently and clearly the same artistic principle was implemented in the sketch "in the south." "The owners of the Donbass - that's who we are, and we go to put the blown and flooded mines. Clear?" (8th) - so answered the chunky broadcaster man who walked along the steppe road to the west in the column of people.
MA Sholokhov writes "Word about Motherland." This is the word of love and pride, anxious excitement and the grief memories of the past: "Winter. Night. Staff a little in silence and loneliness, my dear compatriot and friend, remember the recent past and you will see a mental look ... "(8th) - so penetrated and just addressed the writer to the people, as if with him giving up thinking inspired by the memoirs about the past. The writer entrusts him, compatriot and a friend, to take his gift to a mental outstanding of the Motherland and think about everything that he is worried about, causing, makes it pleases and pecks millions of people in their native land. The lyric image of the Motherland, arising at the beginning of the essay, conquers. Military hurricane recently, a military hurricane swept over Russian earth and left no embracing traces of destruction. However, not only excites hard meditation: "Remembering the past, you will unwittingly think, you can't think about how much orphaned people, like a bitter of the widow of a tear, a child's sigh, who did not wait for his father, how tragic in his luckless mountain old age "
When in the sketch of Sholokhov in front of a mental eye, the image of the Motherland arises and portraits of those who mashed the war, they realize the humanistic legality of the appeal of the Soviet writer to the sacred hatred of the enemy: "My

The laureate of the Nobel Prize, the Hero of Socialist Labor, the Laureate of the Lenin and State Prize - Mikhail Sholokhov began his literary path in 1923. He created a pleony of bright, according to the right of the works worthy of the world's world literature: "The fate of a person", "raised virgin", "they fought for their homeland" and, of course, "Quiet Don." And his work was relentlessly sailed behind a stormy, the philanthy course of history. World War II, Civil War, Collectivization, Great Patriotic War - All these topics entered Sholokhov creativity as organic gusts of his living, no overwhelming mind, was elected through the prism of his talent and life experience. In the mouth of Sholokhov, these topics are natural and common as breathing. The life of the people, the fate of people - this is what worried the minds of the writers of all generations. And Mikhail Alexandrovich could not remain indifferent to the events in the Fatherland.

As at one time the Cossacks were divided into white and red and now the population of the Chechen Republic fell on two sides: "Federal and Mojahideen". What about the family? Has anyone thought about mothers, wives, children? How to be old men, when one brother is a terrorist, and the other is the one who wanted the first? History returns to their circles.

War is a serious test for the whole state. Whether it is a battle with ingenians or civil war, she lies with a grave burden on the shoulders of the people, leaves an indelible mark on the fate of generations. Sholokhov knew that he knew about the war. While still the 15th young men, he joined the pros. And during the Great Patriotic War, he went to the front of the military army. His experience, his memories and sensations were especially clearly manifested in the "fate of man."

Sholokhov style Socialist realism consider criticism of the Master's approach to creativity. Here is the opinion of Sholokhovd M. Chrapchenko: "Sholokhov is a great insight artist and a high creative principle. The embodiment of life truth, whatever difficult, cruel, is, is a constant and immutable law of creativity. Sholokhov celebrates genuine fearless in search of truth. It not only does not leave the heavy, tragic parties of life, but also persistently and intently examines them, not in the least not losing the historical perspective, faith in a person, in his creative, creative opportunities. "

In my opinion, in the description of the war Sholokhov, it is necessary to highlight three components: first, landscapes and detailed portraits, through which the author transfers the atmosphere of events, actions, second, the fate of the main characters, and the last - mass scenes where we see horror and merciless of war.

"Melekhov's courtyard is at the farm itself. The knotter from the cattle base lead north to Don. The steep eight-sustained descent between the Suede in the novels of the Cretaceous Gloss, and here is the shore: the pearl wipers of the seashells, the gray-sized kayma of the ajected pebbles waves "... - We read at the very beginning of the novel. Beautiful and magnifying Don-Batyushka. Indept wealth keeps in himself. On the shores, the magnificent greens grow, as if she causing the Cossack-Zemrmalpashets "black from work, with a sliced \u200b\u200bfingers" handed it. Manit Don: "Near the sunken ebvious, two Sazans simultaneously jumped into hand-sled branches; The third, smaller, screwed into the air, was insistent once at once he fought Yara. "

* The image of Grigoria Melekhova is drawn larger than others. With extraordinary attention traced all the gyrus of his complex, contradictory path. They really do not immediately say, positive it or a negative hero. He wandered over for too long on the strain of history, a lot of human blood shed ...

"The first post-war spring was on the top Don on rarity friendly and assertive. At the end of March, warm winds were poured out of the Azov region, and in two days, the sands of the left bank dona were completely illuminated, in the steppes swamped with snow logs and beams, hacking the ice, madly possessed steppe rivers "...

Andrei Sokolov, passing through the burning of the war, lost everything: the family died, the homely focus was destroyed. Peaceful life came, it was time for spring awakening, it's time for hope. And he looks at the world around the world, "Like Pipped ashes", "filled with ineveful longing", the words are broken from his lips: "For what are you, life, I so crippled? Why so I squeezed? There is no answer to me in the dark, nor with a clear sun. No, and I can't wait! "*

An important feature of the Sholokhov style is a persistent belief of the writer into a bright future, in the humanity and justice of the people. That is why Gregory and Mishutka "shines" the cold sun. But the words of Sholokhov from the story "The Fate of Man": "What is waiting for them in front? And I would like to think that this Russian man, a person of an inflexible will, exhausted, and near the father's shoulder will grow by the one who, having matured, will be able to fullete everything, to overcome in its path, if his homeland calls it. " Yes, whatever the terrible situations will have a man of war, he, according to the writer, will be able to overcome them with dignity.

Apogius Bloodpolia reaches during battalion scenes. After all, some are guided by the thought of the thumb once expressed: "Ruby man boldly! .." Most likely that daily contemplation of blood, violence, cruelty gives its fruits - Cossacks (and everyone who won in this "meat grinder") becomes less susceptible to human suffering , hearts are cut.

Anti-humanity, unnaturalness of the war - this is the main thing that the works of Sholokhov carry. Cardiac "Thank you" to him for these lines: "I would like my books to help people become better, to become cleaner to the soul, awakened the love of man, the desire to actively fight for the ideals of humanism and the progress of mankind." He did not just wanted, he slept in the hearts and minds of generations that unwritten truth that "life is the most valuable one in humans." Probably, in each of us it flows this truth thanks to the efforts of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Project for the Competition: "Singer of the Land of the Don" Subject: a person in war in the works of M. Sholokhov. Municipal educational institution of Lyceum "Politek" Author: Whispeter of Ksenia Yuryevna Student 10 A class. Address: PR-T of the world d. 31, apt. 135. Phone: 89185377196 Head: Mironova Elena Ivanovna, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature. Volgodonsk-2015

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With history, it is necessary to handle carefully, to truth to explore and write. M. Sholokhov.

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Content: 1. Introduction 2. 2.1. M. Sholokhov is a successor of the humanistic traditions of Russian classical literature of the 19th century. 2.2. A man at war in the works of M. Sholokhov - "Don Stories" - "Silent Don" - "Science of Hate" - "They fought for their homeland" - "The Fate of Man" 2.3. Features of the humanistic solution to the problem of human life in war in the works of M. Sholokhov 3. Conclusion. 4. Used resources.

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Introduction: The relevance of my research work is that the works of MA Sholokhov were written in the Soviet era. Over the past decades, the attitude has changed to the epoch itself, and to works written at this time. But it was MA. Sholokhov, in my opinion, in their works managed to reflect the serious problems of his time that they did not lose their relevance and these days. Objective: Explore Works MA Sholokhov, in which the attitude of the writer to war is expressed. Object of research: Creativity Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. Research Subject: "Don Stories", "Silent Don", "They fought for their homeland", "Non-Nautical Hate", "The Fate of Man" M.A. Sholokhov. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of works MA Sholokhov, study of literature literature, critical articles, Internet resources. Hypothesis: the theme of a person in war in the works of Sholokhov is "a bowl of the people-hero, who has not attacked anyone, but always knew how to defend themselves, to defend his freedom and honor, their right to build a future for his own choice." The works of M. Sholokhov about the war - evidence of the love and compassion of the writer, his humane attitude towards people, as follows the traditions of the classical literature of the 19th century.

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The main thing in this chronicles of life is the fate of the people. Sholokhov teaches to understand and appreciate people, know their being, souls, high aspirations and innumerable suffering. He became an example of the search for truth in its most important content - humanistic. The highest definition of the writer in the mouth of V.G. Belinsky was "the lawyer of mankind". Sholokhov perceived, continued, developed this aspiration, noble pathos of the Renaissance, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gorky. Our time is a new stage in the development of public self-consciousness. We are looking for complete truth. And Sholokhov are close to us now precisely the fact that he was truthful from the beginning of creativity to the end. It was his conscious creative installation, close to the one she determined for himself L.N. Tolstoy at the end of the story "Sevastopol in May": "The hero of my story, whom I love with all the power of the soul, who tried to reproduce it in all the beauty and which was always, is and will be beautiful, the truth." F.G. Biryukov

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Don stories. Most of all Sholokhov is worried about the loss of moral landmarks in the human soul, with an emergence with blood faith in God's commandments, there is a decomposition of human souls, a fratricidal war begins. Even the beasts seem more merciful, they do not need, for example, choose who of children to leave live ("Family man"), whether to save his brother with the price of his father's life ("Bakhchevnik"), kill the child if he "comes from the White Guard Spy , Or leave alive ("Shibalkovo Seed"). They live according to the usual laws of their world. And this ordered world of the living beings of Sholokhov is opposed to the toe of people. Spinged people to rother, they lost moral landmarks, and here kills the father of the son in the "Roda", the son of the Father in the "Prod.", husband wife, leaving the Child's orphan, in the story "Shibalkovo Seed", father's son and brother in "Rover", Father his children in the story "Family man", the tragic murder ends love in the "Curve Stitch", in front of the child kills the offended her father in "Human", deprives the life of the son of his father together with the eldest son in "Chervotochin", mock and kill children Eyes of the old man's father in the story "Lazorian steppe".

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Don stories. Only a person himself can change the world around. He must rise above the insults, forget about the mountain, learn to forgive enemies and love his neighbor, that is, try to return to life according to Christ's commandments, and then the world is slowly, but will gradually be cleaned. Path of cleansing a lot will be a lot of victims, and first of all, those who took the first step will suffer, but this step is important, otherwise the process of the separation of society will be irreversible. Such is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe stories of "foal", "Alien Blood" and "Aleshkino". The writer teaches us to open your heart to each other and thus come to the consent (the story "one language"). Sholokhov stories are directed against any violence over man. The writer shows and get out of the bloody Mesis of human cruelty.

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Silent Don. Tragedy Grigory Melekhova. Battle scenes themselves are not interested in Sholokhov. He is worried about the other - what makes war with man. The moral protest is pronounced against meaninglessness, the inhumanity of war. On a wide epic background of the movement of the masses in the revolution, the controversial quest and the tragic fate of Grigory Melekhova are filled with a special meaning, genuinely philosophical problem of the relationship between the person and the people, the personality of the person in the revolutionary struggle. In his challenging path with steep turns, with flour and doubts - not the path of the sprawl, but the path of the people himself. In Gregory Melekhov is stronger than in others, the humanistic essence, which constantly, throughout the work, is exposed to the most difficult tests. So, at the very beginning of the war with Germany, Gregory deeply, to pain is experiencing that he killed a man. "I, Petro, worried about the soul," he says to his brother. And further: "My conscience kills me ... I quit for a dust of a man and a soul through him, Ghad, soul." It was Gregory that so indulted when the Cossack Chubati killed the captive. The human beginning does not allow the Sholokhov hero to accept someone's truth - the truth he does not find any other, neither in the red. And there, and here it repels cruelty, inhumanity.

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Silent Don. Violence gives rise to other violence. M. Sholokhov revealed his gaze on history, showed her terrible truth, looked into the eyes of a merciless truth: it was not and could not be right in that war, it was evil, fratricide, loss of human in people. And all this can not take the soul Grigory Melekhova. "... people were stirred; and do not come! The people became worse than Biryukov. Evil circle." These words say the Sholokhov Hero during the war of 1914. But even more terrible and luteu is evil during the civil war. This war was terrible and the fact that she made the enemies of loved ones, breeding distrust to each other, hostility and hatred. Grigory Melekhov himself, who was an active participant of that war, feels this evil and deeply worries him. Infinite despair filled with his words when he, having passed such a difficult path, admits himself: "I was so bad about someone else's blood, that I didn't have left to anyone. Deet - and this almost does not regret it, but about it and There are no dums. The war did everything out of me. I myself became a terrible ... in the soul to me looked, and there is black, like in an empty well. "

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Silent Don. At the end of the work, the hero finally comprehends that there is no truth that stands to serve, sacrificing his life and other people: "I served myself. No one else to serve ... Nonhai it all goes to the propagation!". It is significant and what Gregory goes home to her farm, without waiting for the promised amnesty. He did not break through all the trials, his personality was not destroyed. He is ready to incur punishment - "I agree to serve for the uprising," no forgiveness is waiting for himself. One of the most significant philosophical problems of being, the problem of personality and history, the fate of a separate person, the family at a turning point was expressed in his fate. The writer compares the fate of Gregory with the scales of spring fires, sinister black, the dead, charred stepma, around which the "fun green grass", is a key of life. "As the steppe scorched by Palaals, the life of Gregory became black ... But he himself still convulsively cling to earth, as if he was actually a broken life, he imagined some value for him for others." So, despite the desire of many to see the prosperous end of the fate of Gregory Melekhov, Sholokhov preferred to tell the reader the truth, no matter how Gorki is neither. And this fate is not only Grigory Melekhov, this is the fate of the people.

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Science hatred. The Great Son of Russia M. Sholokhov during the Great Patriotic War works by the military correspondent. In the sketch "Science of Hate", he reveals the nature of the Russian man who has passed in the battles "Self Hate". The story of the fate of Gerasimov begins the metaphor: "In war, trees, like people, have every fate." Mighty oak, in which the enemy shell hit, it came to life in the spring. Early went by Lieutenant Gerasimov, looking at him, smiled "a simple and cute, childish smile." The author compares his hero with a powerful oak, draws attention to the close relationship between the Russian person from his native land. Lieutenant Gerasimov was broken by suffering in captivity, but not broken morally. His mighty spirit helps to cope with grave tests and difficulties. In the most severe days of the Great Patriotic War, Sholokhov argued: the people imbued with the Holy Hatred enemy and sons of love for their homeland, invincible.

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They fought for their homeland. In the novel, "they fought for their homeland" M. Sholokhov appeals to the most bitter pages of the history of the Great Patriotic War - the army retreat. The Sholokhov picture of 1942, which he began to write immediately, in the days of the fights themselves, strikes the frankness of the story about all the difficulties, which fell to the share of our people, our army, tested. About the difficulties, errors, about chaos in the front-line disposition "in the steppes roam some wild parts, the settings do not know, must be, and the command itself is the front, and there is no strong hand to bring all this in order ... And that's always such The devil is going on during the retreat! " And at the same time - about the feat on the front line. Sholokhov then he wrote him that he was visible not only the mong of the soul, but also the real flour, and the whole horror is dishonored by the fatal metal of human flesh. " Perezin V.V. Mikhail Sholokhov. Essay of life and creativity - M.: Milivdat, 1974. - P. 20 ..

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They fought for their homeland. The artist gave us internally to survive: the state of a grueling march, a prayer under bombs, madness of battle, pain on the operating table, a moment before death ... Sholokhov in this complexity does not want to dissolve that sharp, the sacred sense of hatred of the enemy, at which then united Everything is truly human: "Everything that was expensive in life and Mila Heart, everything remained there, under the authority of the Germans ... And again, in which already during the war, Lopakhin felt suddenly the suffocating attack of a mute hatred of the enemy when even The crucial word is unable to escape from the instantly drying throat ... "describing our temporary defeats, Sholokhov nevertheless wrote not the psychology of the retreating army, but the state of future winners under the moment military misfortunes, bitter failures. Throughout their behavior, the image of thinking, the spiritual setting quite clearly can be represented as any of these fighters will behave in Stalingrad, and on the way to Berlin, and in the lair itself ...

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They fought for their homeland. M.Sholokhov, revealing the idea of \u200b\u200bhis novel "They fought for their homeland," said: "I am interested in the fate of ordinary people in the past war. Our soldier has shown himself in the days of the Patriotic War hero. About the Russian soldier, about his validity, the world is known about his Suvorov qualities. But this war showed our soldier in a completely different light. I want to reveal the new qualities of the Soviet warrior in the novel, who so elevated him into this war ... "I.Aralhouses. Visiting Mikhail Sholokhov. - Vimpel, 1947, No. 23, p. 24 .. In the unfinished novel, "they fought for their homeland" the war was understood by M.Sholokhov not only as a heroic target of the people, but also as the greatest test of all moral qualities of the Soviet person. The impressive disclosure of the depth and purity of the patriotic sense of the people was combined with heartfelt lyrism in the image of the fate of individual people in the godin of nationwide troubles and tests. M.Solokhov in his works about the Patriotic War remains faithful to the same democratic line of his work: in the center of their ordinary people, ordinary Great War, workers - Shakhtar Peter Lopakhin, combine Ivan Zvyagintsev, Agronom MTS Nikolai Streltsov, driver Andrey Sokolov ... Soldiers in M. Sholokhov's novel is not only fighting. They tensely reflect on the fate of the state, talking about the goals of the war, think about the fighting partnership, remember peaceful past, their families, children, loved ones ... The tragic tension of the battle suddenly replace comic scenes and episodes. This depth, this fullness of life is a very remarkable quality of the novel M.Sholokhov. It allows the writer to comprehend the true measure of the vitality of the people, open the origins of the heroic.

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The fate of a person. The "Fate of Man" opened a new stage in the image of the events of the Patriotic War, outlined new ways leading to a deeper disclosure of the moral sources of the great admissions of the Soviet people. M. Sholokhov refers to the topic of the fascist captivity. For that time it was a forbidden topic. And the writer forced the reader not to regret his hero, but to admire them. The great folk tragedy of military time embodied Andrei Sokolov - the hero of the story "The Fate of Man". This is an ordinary person, father of the family, honest worker. From brutal tests, he came out the winner, not after the humanistic, ideological and moral values, while maintaining the vitality, fulfilling his soldiers and civil debt. In a duel with a Muller in front of the face of death, he thinks about how to preserve the honor of the Russian soldier: "I wanted to me, damned to show that although I disappear with the hunger, but I'm not going to give my hand, that I have my own, Russian dignity and Pride and that in the cattle they did not turn me, no matter how hard they tried. "