Full-length drawing of a ballerina in pencil. A few simple tips on how to draw a ballerina in stages

Full-length drawing of a ballerina in pencil.  A few simple tips on how to draw a ballerina in stages
Full-length drawing of a ballerina in pencil. A few simple tips on how to draw a ballerina in stages

In this tutorial, you know. I prepared it at the request of our reader Julia. If you want to order a lesson for yourself, you can do it here -. And now we read on, I tried to describe everything in detail, but if you have any more questions, write in the comments. Let's get started.

How to draw a ballerina with a pencil?

Step one. It is always better to start with drawing the position, body position. Our ballerina is in a dance. Let's make three circles: for the head, chest, and waist. We will connect all of them with lines. The legs will be marked with indirect lines. One is raised up, and the second rests on the floor with a toe.
Second. Let's add shape to the legs. Let's make oval shapes on the legs and a shoulder circle.
Step three. Now we have to outline the lines of her face. In the last lesson, we already looked at how to draw a face. Next, sketch out the girl's neck and hair. Pay attention to the details, eyes, ear and nose.
Step four. Let's move on to drawing hands.
Step 5. Next we have to draw the future shape of the body. Continue the line from the neck to the chest and move down to the waist. The dress is shown in the form of a disc.
Step six. The most difficult and responsible one. We draw in detail the legs of the dancer and the dress. They are called a ballet tutu. Pay special attention to the pleats on the skirt. In the course of drawing, delete the auxiliary lines.
The last step. Our sketch is almost ready, it remains to "clean up" where necessary and outline the contours. I drew with a 2B pencil. For some reason I really like him.
And I also decided to paint it with colored pencils. Here's how I got it:
I hope this tutorial was useful to you. Leave your comments and show your work. I recommend trying to draw other girls, here.

Drawing lesson step by step for those who want to learn how to draw a ballerina... Here, of course, it is desirable to have some drawing experience behind your shoulders, but this will not become a stumbling block. Therefore, anyone can try and draw a ballerina in stages together with us! I admit, drawing a person is not easy at all, and we trained on a pirate, and we know. We trained and we did great. And yet it will be very difficult to convey all the grace and refinement of movements that the dance of a ballerina carries in itself. And at the same time it is easy according to our simple steps! Drawing in stages, you will succeed beautiful drawing ballerinas at the end of the lesson. Good luck to you!

Step 1.

It is important here to maintain proportions and stay within initial contours and the proportions of the drawing, then our drawing will turn out to be as accurate and beautiful as possible. And this is our first place! First, you need to draw on paper the base for the skirt - the most important element in any ballerina's outfit. It is also called "pack". It should be an oblique ellipse shape with a sharpened left edge. Then draw two lines for the legs. ballerinas, add two arms and a circle for the head. The main template is now complete and will allow you to draw a ballerina further with more ease.

Step 2.

Now add more definition to the basic shapes to make the ballerina more distinct. Draw lines for the shoulders, a line for her waist, and roughly the rough shape of the legs. Ballerinas are generally thin and muscular in their legs, although they are generally very slender. Therefore, try to make her figure convey the delicacy and grace of her profession. The figure should be slim, but not bustle in this direction.

Step 3.

Finish drawing her legs and arms. In a beautiful and complex dance, she stands on tiptoe, so we are lucky and it will not be difficult to draw the legs. They look very simple thanks to the fact that she is wearing pointe shoes. Try not to make her legs too thick or ruin the look.

Step 4.

As a final step for the figure, erase all unnecessary horizontals and contour lines and work on the ballerina's arms. Draw her palms and. She's almost dancing already! We will add only a few important details to the ballerina's drawing and draw a face.

Step 5.

The ballerina's outfit is fairly easy to draw compared to her facial features. Drawing faces and portraits requires some experience. If you are drawing your ballerina on a full sheet of paper, then you should draw her face in as much detail as possible so that the features are close to natural. If your ballerina is not too big, then you can ignore all the details and just focus on defining the lines for her mouth, nose and eyebrows. Shade the face a bit and it will be very nice. The ballerina's hair is always styled very neatly - mainly in a large or small bun. Therefore, we should draw it with you in the form of a small outline around the head. Does it look like a bun? Now your ballerina looks much more realistic and you only need to cut a part of her dress and add shadows on the ballerina's figure. We will deal with this in the next step.

Step 6.

The ballerina tutu is usually translucent, so make sure you paint it with a pure white or pink tint. Draw the details of the belt or corset. Evaluate your drawing so you don't forget to add important details such as the lacing on the pointe shoes. Please be aware that drawings from real life look more realistic and this is important! Do not miss a single detail, this is the art and talent of the artist. The ballerina is performing on stage and the background needs to be drawn accordingly. Be careful not to overload your drawing additional elements; one should not subtract attention from the main character paintings.

Step 7.

Your drawing of a dancing ballerina is complete! Here are some facts about ballerinas that might interest you.

  1. To sew one ballet tutu for a ballet dancer, you need about thirteen to sixteen meters of tulle and several days of work.
  2. Does the ballerina manage to change up to three hundred pairs of ballet shoes during the year? although it is difficult for me to imagine how she dances, trains and after class immediately throws out leaky pointe shoes from her corns.
  3. Ballerinas are extremely superstitious and shy. They have, for example, a tradition to enter the dressing room only with their left foot and nothing else!
  4. They also have a sign before their very performance on stage, in any case, do not look over their shoulder in the mirror.
  5. Traditionally, the wearers themselves sew the ribbons on the pointe shoes.
  6. If pointe shoes are dropped, they first hit the floor with their toes.
  7. In no case should you cross the path of a ballerina before performing on stage - extremely Bad sign for them.
  8. If one of the haters or envious people wants to offend the ballerina, then it is enough to throw an ordinary broom on the stage instead of a bouquet.
  9. A funny and very intriguing fact for the ladies - male ballet dancers lift at least a ton of lively and nimble weight for each performance!
  10. The ballet originates in 15th century France, where the king was in good health at that time Louis XIV obsessed with dancing and dancers. In 1661, he also opened the very first Dance Academy in Paris, based on ballet.

You can capture the moment of graceful dancing if you know how to draw a ballerina. Below are 2 options for the image. Someone wants to paint an aspiring ballerina who looks like an anime heroine. Others may like the second way of drawing, which will help to draw a professional dancer.

Young ballerina. We start creating from the head

Little draftsmen can portray just such a heroine, she is funny and cute.

Now we will tell you how to draw a ballerina. For beginners, this option is perfect, since in this image you do not need to draw the details of the face, each of them is drawn with just one line.

Start your creation by drawing a circle. Place the sheet of paper vertically and mark the outlines of the circle. At the bottom of this shape, draw a horizontal oval. It will help portray the girl's plump cheeks.

Here's how to draw a ballerina with a pencil step by step further. In the center of the circle, draw two curved lines - these are the narrowed eyes of the heroine of the canvas. Draw almost the same rounded line, similar to an inverted celestial month, just below the eyes - this is the snub nose of the little dancer. Her mouth will also help to create a semicircular line, but it is curved downward.

It remains to depict 2 eyebrows, and you can outline the face along the contours, marking the protruding cheeks. Draw the ballerina's hairstyle - slicked hair, a bun on the top of the head, and you can start drawing other parts of the body.

Body, arms, legs

Draw a line from the shoulders to both sides. At their ends, draw a small circle - this is a schematic representation of the palms. Draw the girl's hands based on their diagram. Draw fingers at the end of the circles-palms.

Let's start drawing the legs. Draw a small circle in the middle of the lower torso. This is the upper part of the dancer's left leg. You will also create the same detail of the right leg with the help of a small circle. Two lines originate from these figures. The first goes down, the second goes to the left. As you already understood, the dancer stands on one leg, and stretches the other back. She performs a fouette or other ballet movement.

Finishing the first drawing

Now sketch out the outline of the legs, depicting pointe shoes on their end. The lacing that secures them to the leg is tied around the calves.

Talking about how to draw a ballerina with a pencil in stages, it should be noted that the time has come to erase the auxiliary lines. It's easy to do this with an eraser. Dress up the dancer in a leotard and a fluffy skirt. The upper part of the garment is on thin straps, it fits the girl's figure. The skirt is semicircular, draw its bottom with a wavy line. If you are satisfied with the drawing, you can leave it that way. Color the painting if you like. Go through your hair with a black pencil, make the dress pink.

Here's how to draw a ballerina who is still quite small. If you want to portray a girl, a professional dancer, use the tips below.

We draw an adult ballerina, starting with a diagram of the head and torso

We also start drawing an elegant girl with circles. Two of them will be the same size. Draw the first one first, positioning it at the top of the sheet. From it down to the right, draw a small straight line, at its end attach a circle of the same size as the one just shown - this is the upper part of the body. From this circle, down and slightly to the left, draw another line, but it is larger than the previous one.

Draw a circle at its end, too, but it is slightly larger than the previous two. This is a schematic representation of the dancer's thighs. Create her legs using two straight lines. The first is drawn from the circle down, the second - to the left and slightly up. Here's how to draw a ballerina to convey her image at the time of the dance movement.

Schematic representation of legs and arms

Now we need to draw the upper legs, calves and feet. You will do this using ovals, which are slightly beveled towards the bottom. The top one is the largest, it ends with the knees. Next comes a smaller oval - these are the girl's strong calves. She is wearing pointe shoes on her legs, her socks are stretched out.

The small circle that is drawn from the upper torso will soon turn into the girl's shoulder. From it to the left and very slightly upward goes straight line that will soon become the dancer's hand.

Draw auxiliary lines

By doing dance movement, the girl tilted her head back. Facial features will help convey this. The eye and nose are almost on the same line. Since the girl is standing in profile to the viewer, only one of her eyes is visible. Draw lips, chin.

Hair will also help to convey that the ballerina is in motion: they are fluffed. Draw a line of their growth and show the volume with several slightly wavy lines arranged horizontally.

Speaking about how to draw a ballerina with a pencil gradually, I must say that the girl's neck is slender, thin, like her waist. This can be seen even more clearly when the ballerina tilts her head back.

From the bottom of the chin to the beginning of the chest, draw a straight line down and slightly to the right. In the Foto given trait depicted in red. Next, outline the ballerina's chest, her belly. From the hip line, draw the dancer's curvy tutu, then draw her back and finish off the upper body by outlining the arms. Do not forget that the girl's hands and fingers are thin.

Drawing on the ovals created earlier, mark the legs of the heroine, pointe shoes are put on their feet.

Finishing the art

At this stage, you need to erase the sketchy lines with an eraser and dashes at the top of the legs. Here you will draw the dancer's tutu. The photo shows how to give it volume. Add guidelines for the armpit, then sketch out the top of the adjacent garment.

Here's how to draw a ballerina in stages using a pencil. If you want, you can portray a scene, let a graceful girl soar over it in a magical dance.

Ballet is one of the most beautiful species dance art on stage. Ballet originated a long time ago. Italy is considered his homeland. As early as the 16th century, dancers performed court ballet at the court of French kings. This often happened during balls and various celebrations. Ballet is, first of all, a performance, the plot of which is conveyed through the art of dance. Ballet dancers and dancers are dressed in special costumes. For girls, these are flying dresses and tutus, for men - tight-fitting leotards. Such costumes are primarily designed to make dancing comfortable. Ballet costume began his life with the birth of the ballet itself. Girls are very fond of drawing ballerinas. And today we will try to teach you this. Ballerinas are thin, airy creatures flying over the stage like weightless fluffs. Their virtuoso steps simply captivate the audience.

Stage 1. Draw the auxiliary lines of the ballerina's body. First, outline the face of the girl and the lines of the nose and eyes. Draw a body with a high chest from the neck line. Draw a circle with jagged edges below the waist. This is a tutu (ballet skirt). From the shoulders we designate the lines of the hands, we indicate the places of the elbows with dots, one hand will be raised up, the other is set aside. From the pack down, draw the line of the leg that stands. The point is where the knee is. From the left top edge of the pack, draw a line of the leg raised back and up.

Stage 2. Now let's get down to the face. On the basis of the auxiliary lines, draw an oval of the face, a thin chin, an ear and a line of the neck. Draw the eyes and eyebrows on the horizontal line. Vertically - nose and lips.

Stage 3. A ballerina almost never has loose hair. Our dancer's hairstyle is upward combed neat hair, styled in a bun and decorated with a flower.

Stage 4. Now we start drawing the torso (body) of the ballerina. We outline auxiliary initial sketches with smooth lines, outline the line of the chest, waist. From the shoulders there are T-shirt straps.

Stage 5. Along the upper auxiliary line, draw a hand raised up, where the point is, we will depict the elbow bend, the fingers are smoothly set aside.

Stage 6. Draw a hand out to the side along the horizontal auxiliary line. Draw the elbow and fingers in the same way.

Stage 7. Now a very simple stage - ballet tutu. We show small teeth of the nylon skirt along the uneven circle.

Stage 8. Draw the girl's right leg. We use the auxiliary line, along it we draw the contour of the leg, observing the proportions. Where the point is the knee joint. The foot is shod with pointe shoes - special slippers for dancing, tied with ribbons.

Stage 9. It remains to depict the left leg, raised up and laid back. She is also in pointe shoes.

The ballerina is the embodiment of sophistication and grace in every ballet "pas". Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to realize all the meticulousness and incredible work invested in the dance, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. To preserve memories of him for a long time, you can capture the most beautiful moment on paper - a dancing ballerina. If follow step by step instructions, such a task is within the power of both an adult and a child.

How to draw a ballerina - the first sketches of the drawing

To give the drawing the natural proportions of a person, you need to draw the outline of the future silhouette, adhering to the rules of the ratio of all parts of the body. To do this, draw an oval in the middle of the sheet, which is slightly inclined downward on the left side, while making the left side sharp.

How to draw a ballerina - give the primary lines a volumetric shape

Now it's time to "revive" the look of the ballerina a little. Accentuate the line of the shoulders and draw a narrow waist. Now give the drawn leg lines a believable shape.

Keep in mind that ballerinas are quite thin, so try to portray body parts not too curvy.

How to draw a ballerina - draw the arms and legs of the ballerina

Draw the arms, repeating all the curves. Then proceed to the end of the drawing of the legs - draw the knees and slender legs with a pencil. Now depict a toe stand, bearing in mind that the final version of the ballerina will be in pointe shoes.

How to draw a ballerina - remove unnecessary lines from the drawing

Using the eraser, erase all the sketches from which the drawing was drawn. At this stage, the ballerina is almost ready. You just need to finish drawing the palms with neat fingers. And then start creating the face of the dancer.

How to draw a ballerina - draw a ballerina's face

This stage can be the most difficult if you don't have the skills of an artist. In this case, you should not be upset, it is quite possible to do it.

If you are drawing a large silhouette of a ballerina close-up all elements of the face need to be depicted in more detail. To do this, divide the face oval into four sections using two lines. This will help draw the eyes and nose in proportion. And if you are doing a small image with no detail, the general strokes of the eyebrows, mouth and nose will do just fine.

The ballerina's hairstyle is always styled in the form of a smoothly laid bun, so draw only a thin outline of the hair on the head.

How to draw a ballerina - finishing touches

To make the picture more believable, you need to finish painting and decorating the dancer's outfit and with the help of more soft pencil draw shadows on the silhouette.

Draw a tight corset with a deep neckline. Add embroidery or rhinestones embellishments. Also draw light, airy sleeves and drawstring pointe shoes. Finally, shade the entire drawing with smooth strokes.

Make sure you haven't missed out on any details, such as the ears or the ties on the shoes. Optionally, you can add a floor in the picture, and a blurred appearance of the scenery in the background.

Using this scheme, you can draw not only a wonderful ballerina, but a lovely princess or an ordinary girl.