The psychological characteristics of a child at school are an example. Psychological characteristics of primary school age

The psychological characteristics of a child at school are an example. Psychological characteristics of primary school age

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student __________ class

MKOU SOSH s. Spleen


Section 1. General information about the child

Personal data.

1. Date and place of birth ____________________________________

2. Home address __________________________________________

3. Information about the parents ______________________________________



Health information

1. Does it often get sick (often, moderately, rarely) ___________________________

2. Chronic diseases (what) ______________________________

3. Features of the functioning of the nervous system:

Tires quickly; gets tired after prolonged exertion; tireless;

Quickly goes from joy to sadness for no apparent reason; adequate change of mood; stable in manifestation of mood;

Excitement predominates; excitement and inhibition are balanced; inhibition prevails.

Academic performance

(excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory)

Extracurricular activities (systematic)

1. Engaging in socially useful labor (what kind) _______________________

2. Classes of amateur performances (what kind) ________________________

3. Classes in circles, clubs, headquarters, teams (what) ______________________

4. Playing sports (what kind) ______________________________________

5. Organizational work (what kind) ________________________________

Section 2. The manifestation of the child's personal qualities.

Focus of interests:

1. for educational activities.

2. to work.

3. on artistic and aesthetic activity.

4. for achievements in sports, tourism.

5. on the relationship between people.


1. Public activity

    He actively participates in all public affairs, regardless of his own time.

    Takes an active part in public affairs, but tries not to waste his

    • own time.

    Does not show activity in public life, but carries out assignments.

    Rarely takes part in public affairs.

    Refuses to participate in public affairs.

2. Hard work

    The student always does any work willingly, looking for work himself and

    trying to do it well.

    As a rule, he willingly takes up work, trying to do it well. Opposite cases

    character are rare.

    Rarely takes up work willingly.

    Most often he tries to avoid any work.

    Always shies away from doing any business.

3. Responsibility

    He always fulfills any task entrusted to him well and on time.

    In most cases, he performs the work entrusted to him well and on time.

    Often he does not fulfill on time (or performs poorly) the task entrusted to him.

    Very rarely does the work entrusted to him.

    He never completes the tasks entrusted to him.

4. Initiative

    Acts as the initiator of many cases, without seeking any recognition for it.

    Quite often he is the initiator of a new business.

    Rarely does he start a new business himself.

    He almost never starts a new business himself.

    He never initiates any business.

5. Organization

    He always correctly distributes his work in time and performs it according to the plan.

    In most cases, he correctly distributes and fulfills his work on time.

    He knows how to correctly distribute and does his job on time only if for each stage it is necessary


    More often than not, he does not know how to properly distribute his work in time.

    He does not know how to distribute his work in time, wastes time in vain.

6. Curiosity

    She is constantly actively learning something new in various fields of science and culture.

    In most cases, he is interested in gaining new knowledge from various fields of science

    and culture.

    Rarely seeks to learn something new; usually interested in one limited area of ​​expertise.

    As a rule, he is not interested in acquiring new knowledge.

    Indifferent to all kinds of new knowledge.

7. Accuracy

    He always keeps his things in perfect order. He is always neatly dressed, tucked up - both at the desk and at the blackboard. Protects public property, always tries to put it in order.

    Contains in proper order his own and lent to him things (books, notes). Helps to put in order public property (desks, inventory, etc.) rather out of duty.

    Shows little desire to maintain order around him. Sometimes he comes to school unkempt, unkemptly dressed. Indifferent towards those who spoil public property.

    Often he does not care about his appearance, the condition of his books, things, does not take care of public property, even spoils it.

    Doesn't care at all about keeping his things in proper order, always

    unkempt, unkempt. On occasion, without hesitation, he spoils public property.


8. Collectivism,

    Always takes care of familiar and unfamiliar people, tries to anyone

    provide help and support.

    He is inclined to show concern for strangers, if this does not interfere with his personal plans and affairs.

    Often he shows indifference to other people's affairs and concerns, if this does not affect him personally.

    As a rule, he is indifferent to the concerns of others, does not help them on his own initiative.

    Considers it unnecessary to take care of unfamiliar members of society, lives under the motto

    "Don't mess with your own business."

9. Honesty, truthfulness

    He is always truthful in relation to his parents, teachers, comrades. Tells the truth even then

    when it is not profitable for him.

    Almost always truthful in relation to his parents, teachers, comrades.

    He often speaks lies for his own benefit.

    Almost always tells a lie if it suits him.

    Tends to always tell lies.

10. Justice

    He actively fights against what he considers to be unfair.

    Doesn't always fight what he considers unfair.

    Rarely opposes what he considers unfair.

    Doesn't seek justice.

    Completely indifferent to manifestations of injustice.

11. Selflessness

    In his actions, he is always guided by considerations of the benefit of the cause or other people, and not his own

  • Almost always motivated by considerations of the benefit of the business or other people.

    Rarely is he guided in his actions by considerations of the usefulness of the case, and not by his own benefit.

    In actions, he is often guided by considerations of his own benefit.

    In actions, he is always guided by considerations of his own benefit.

12. Sociability

    Always willingly comes into contact with people, likes to work and relax with others.

    As a rule, he enjoys communicating with people.

    Seeks to communicate with a limited circle of people.

    Prefers individual forms of work and leisure.

    Closed, uncommunicative.

13. A sense of camaraderie

    He always helps his comrades in difficult work and in difficult moments of life.

    As a rule, he helps his comrades.

    Helps comrades when asked.

    He very rarely helps his comrades: if asked, he may refuse help.

    He never helps his comrades in their work, in difficult moments of life.

14. Responsiveness

    He always sympathizes with others, comrades often share their concerns with him.

    Sincerely sympathizes with others, if not too absorbed in their own affairs.

    Absorbed in his own feelings so much that it prevents him from sharing the feelings of other people.

    Almost does not know how to sympathize with others.

    He does not know how to sympathize with others, his comrades do not like to "borrow" from him.

15. Politeness, tact

    All his actions and words indicate respect for other people.

    Almost always shows due respect for other people.

    He is often impolite and tactless.

    Often unacceptably harsh, rude, often starts quarrels.

    Always harsh, unrestrained, both in dealing with peers * and with elders. In a quarrel, he insults others, is rude.

About s e b e

16. Modesty

    She never flaunts her merits, merits.

    Sometimes, at the request of his comrades, he talks about his real achievements and merits.

    He himself talks about his merits and achievements.

    Often he brags about what has not yet been done or about what he takes very little part in, to which he has little to do.

    Boasts even insignificant achievements, exaggerated merits.

1 7. Self-confidence

    He never consults with others, does not seek help even when it should be done.

    Performs all tasks without the help of others. Seeks help only when really needed.

    Sometimes, completing a difficult task, he asks for help, although he could cope himself.

    Often, when performing assignments, assignments, he asks for help, support from others, even if he himself can cope.

    Constantly, even in simple things, he asks for help and support.

18. Self-criticism

    He always listens to fair criticism with attention, persists in correcting his own shortcomings.

    In most cases, he responds correctly to fair criticism, listens to good advice.

    Sometimes he listens to fair comments, tries to take them into account.

    He does not pay attention to critical remarks and advice, does not try to correct shortcomings.

    Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes, does nothing to correct them.

19. Ability to calculate your strength

    He always soberly evaluates his own strengths, choosing tasks and affairs "on the shoulder" - not too easy and not too difficult.

    As a rule, he correctly measures his strength with the difficulty of the task.

    Sometimes there are times when a student poorly balances his strengths and the difficulties of the assigned work.

    In most cases, he does not know how to measure his strength and the difficulties of the case.

    He almost never knows how to correctly measure his strength and the difficulties of a task or business.

20. Striving for success, superiority

    Always and in everything he strives to be the first (in studies, sports, etc.), he persistently achieves this.

    Strives to be among the first in many areas, but pays special attention to achievements in any one area.

    He strives for one thing, especially of his interest, to achieve recognition, success.

    He very rarely strives for success in any activity, he is easily content with the position of the "middle peasant".

    He never strives to be the first in anything, receives satisfaction from the activity itself.

21. Self-control

    He always carefully weighs his words and deeds.

    Does not always carefully control his words and actions.

    For the most part acts rashly, counts on "luck".

    Almost always acts rashly, does not control himself carefully.

    Constantly acts rashly, counting on "luck".

Strong-willed personality traits

22. Courage

    He always enters the fight, even if the enemy is stronger than himself.

    In most cases, he enters the fight, even if the enemy is stronger than himself.

    He cannot always force himself to fight an opponent stronger than himself.

    In most cases, retreats in front of force.

    Always retreats in front of force, cowards.

23. Determination

    Always independently, without hesitation, makes a responsible decision.

    In most cases, he makes a responsible decision without hesitation.

    Sometimes hesitates before a responsible decision.

    Rarely does one decide to take any important decision.

    Not able to independently make any responsible decision.

24. Persistence

    He always achieves the fulfillment of what was planned, even if long efforts are required, does not retreat in front of difficulties.

    As a rule, he tries to fulfill his plans, even if difficulties are encountered. Opposite cases are rare.

    Completes the plan only if the difficulties of its implementation are insignificant or require short-term efforts.

    Very rarely he brings his plans to the end, even if he encounters minor difficulties.

    Faced with difficulties, he immediately abandons attempts to fulfill his plans.

25. Self-control

    He always knows how to suppress unwanted emotional manifestations.

    As a rule, he knows how to cope with his emotions. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.

    Sometimes he does not know how to cope with his emotions.

    Often unable to suppress unwanted emotions.

    Poorly controls his feelings, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression, and so on.

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27. Sympathy

    He is the favorite of the class, certain shortcomings are forgiven him.

    In the class, the guys treat him with sympathy.

    He enjoys the sympathy of only a part of his classmates.

    He enjoys the sympathy of some guys.

    They don't like him in class.

    Is a member of any out-of-school association, but does not enjoy authority there (sports school, club, etc.).

    Not a member of any out-of-school association.

Section 3. Features of mental processes and emotions

29. Attention

    Always quickly and easily focuses his attention on the teacher's explanation. He is never distracted in the lesson, does not make mistakes due to inattention in the lesson.

    He listens attentively enough to the teacher's explanation, is rarely distracted, sometimes mistakes are made due to inattention.

    Doesn't always listen attentively to the teacher's explanation. Periodically distracted, often makes mistakes due to carelessness, but corrects them when checking.

    He listens attentively enough only when he is interested. Is often distracted. He constantly makes mistakes due to carelessness, while checking, he does not always correct them.

    As a rule, he slowly and with difficulty concentrates his attention on the lesson, learns little from the teacher's explanations due to constant distractions. Makes a lot of careless mistakes and does not notice them when checking.

30. Pamyat

    When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material. But the material that requires mechanical memorization is easy for them to memorize.

    When memorizing, he can only remember what he previously understood, understood. Material requiring mechanical memorization is difficult.

    The material that requires mechanical memorization is very easy to assimilate; it is enough to look at it 1-2 times.

    Has a habit of not understanding the structure and meaning of the material being memorized.

    When memorizing, he understands the material for a long time. When presenting, he makes mistakes in form, but he expresses the meaning accurately.

    To memorize the material, he mechanically repeats it many times, indiscriminately and comprehending it, makes semantic mistakes.

31. Thinking

    Quickly grasps the essence of the material, is always among the first to solve problems, often offers his own original solutions.

    He quickly understands the material, solves problems faster than many, sometimes offers his own original solutions.

    Satisfactorily understands the material after the teacher's explanation, solves problems at an average pace, usually does not offer his own original solutions.

    Among the latter, he captures the essence of the teacher's explanations, is distinguished by a slow pace of thinking and solving problems.

    He understands the material only after additional lessons, solves problems extremely slowly, blindly uses well-known "templates" when solving problems.

32. Emotional response

    Always emotionally vividly reacts to any life phenomena, he can be deeply, to the point of tears, excited by a story, a film.

    Usually he reacts emotionally vividly to life events, but rarely that he can be deeply disturbed.

    Rarely shows a lively emotional reaction to events.

    There is practically no lively emotional reaction.

33. General emotional tone

    He is constantly revitalized, very active in all spheres of school life, intervenes in everything, takes on all matters.

    He is lively, moderately active in all spheres of school life.

    Lively, active only in some areas of school life.

    Compared to his comrades, he is less active and lively.

    Almost always lethargic, apathetic in all areas of school life, despite the fact that he is healthy.

34 Emotional equilibrium

    He is always calm, he does not have strong emotional outbursts.

    Usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare.

    Emotionally balanced.

    Increased emotional excitability, prone to violent emotional manifestations

    Quick-tempered: strong emotional outbursts are frequent for an insignificant for an insignificant reason.

Note: The task of this map-scheme is to help the teacher most accurately and clearly imagine the individual characteristics of the student, in order to ultimately identify in each child those positive moments, which

the educational process must be built.

Filling in this map-scheme is mainly based on the "underline what you need" type, that is, in each of

the severity of this quality. It is possible to draw up a characteristic according to this scheme by parents or by themselves

student. In this case, the student gives himself self-esteem, highlighting along the ruler, for example, in blue, parents in green, the teacher in red.)

Drawing up a characteristic for a student or a group of students is one of the most popular, effective and affordable ways to determine and identify the individual psychological characteristics of students. Only a well-written characterization helps a new teacher to quickly establish contact with the student (class), get an idea of ​​his personal qualities, build a plan for further pedagogical work and create optimal conditions for the development of the student, while a biased characterization can negatively affect the relationship between the teacher and a student.

In different periods, the requirements for the compilation of characteristics for children were determined by one or another aspect of the socio-historical process and almost directly depended on the level of development of psychological science about the individual characteristics of the child's personality. In practice, you can find many characteristics compiled by teachers, both in free form and according to the recommendations of pedagogical science. These forms differ significantly from each other in terms of the allocated indicators and have both advantages and disadvantages.

Having compared and analyzed the forms of characteristics that exist today and the criteria for evaluating students used in them, we can highlight the main requirements that must be met by a characteristic compiled for a student:

  1. should reflect his individual psychological characteristics, manifested by him in the learning process and behavior;
  2. to divide students according to the level of predominance of certain features;
  3. show the attitude of the teacher to the student;
  4. should be drawn up according to a standard scheme;
  5. should be easily "readable" and understandable for teachers who are not familiar with the schoolchildren who are characterized;
  6. the characterization process should not be time consuming.
Based on the requirements listed above, a "" was developed using the method of expert assessments in a graphical form (expert - class teacher). This card allows you to draw up the most correct and objective description of the student.

Individual and psychological characteristics of students are displayed in the map in the form of scales, along the edges of which are the minimum and maximum degrees of severity of these features. One end of the scale corresponds to the extreme degree of severity of any particular personality or behavior, and the other shows the absence of manifestation of this feature in behavior or the severity of a feature opposite in quality. When filling out the map, it is necessary to mark on each scale (for example, with a tick) the degree of severity of a particular feature. The measure of distance from the edges of the scale characterizes the student in terms of the evaluated psychological feature.

An analysis of the assessments given by the teacher on the attitude scales makes it possible not only to take into account the teacher's attitude to the student, but also to identify the most conflict zones of communication.

This card is recommended to be completed and compiled for each student at the end of certain periods of study, to identify the primary tasks in the process of teaching and educating the student, and also to help the new teacher (in case of a change of the class teacher) in working with the class:
Grade 3 - a map with generalized information about the student is drawn up for a secondary school teacher (not yet familiar with the student) by an elementary school teacher;
Grade 7 - the map is drawn up during the period of the student's transition to differentiated education (choice of a profiling direction, technical school, vocational school);
Grade 9 - the map is drawn up to identify the student's professional inclinations, for his further preparation for entering the university.

If a student is studying according to an eleven-year program, then it is recommended to draw up the "Psychological-pedagogical card of a student" in grades 4, 8 and 10.

For an illustrative example, we will give several ready-made characteristics for students of different classes (with explanations), which were obtained using a psychological and pedagogical map.

A sample of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student:

Material for writing psychological and pedagogical characteristics was collected in the period from 04/11/2011 to 05/07/2011. In the process of collecting material, the following methods were used: observation during training sessions, during breaks; conversation with the student, class teacher and other students in the class, subject teacher; testing; studying a cool magazine, personal files.

1. General information about the student

Ivanov Andrey Aleksandrovich - pupil 6 "B" class of secondary school № 10 city N. Born on May 31, 1999. According to the results of a medical examination, he is listed in the 1st health group. The medical group for physical education is the main one. Medical workers have given recommendations for hardening.

2. Conditions for family education

The family in which Andrey Ivanov lives is complete in composition. Father - Ivanov Alexander Alexandrovich - works for ... Mother - Ivanova Elena Mikhailovna - as a teacher in ... In a conversation with the class teacher, it turned out that the psychological situation in the family contributes to the development of the child. Friendly relationships between family members play a fundamental role in the full development of a boy. Parents pay sufficient attention to teaching their son, if necessary, help in preparing homework.

All conditions for normal development have been created for Andrey. The boy has a place for solitude - his own room, where he can calmly do his homework.

From the answers to the questionnaire provided to Andrey, it turned out that the boy also has responsibilities around the house: go to the store, wash the dishes, take out the trash, especially the boy likes to water the flowers.

This indicates that parents instill in their son hard work, accuracy, love of order.

According to the class teacher, Andrei Ivanov's parents regularly attend parent-teacher meetings and participate in the social life of the school. They are also interested in the success of their son, consult the class teacher on the upbringing, development of certain inclinations of Andrei. It is also important that the boy's parents regularly look through the diary, sign on time, react to entries in the diary, which indicates responsibility and active parenting.

3. Learning activity of the student

The first thing that should be noted after observing Andrey Ivanov is his conscientious attitude towards studies. He has a high level of attention: he notices mistakes made by students when completing assignments on the board, quickly responds to questions during oral work. The boy has a well-developed thinking, he easily generalizes the material, systematizes and analyzes it.

Andrey has good academic performance in all subjects. Favorite subjects are the following: mathematics, computer science, Belarusian and Russian languages, Belarusian and Russian literature. The overall GPA in all subjects is 8.3 points.

Andrey Ivanov is very active in the classroom. He is one of the first to answer the teacher's questions, always raises his hand. Despite the fact that the boy's answers are not always correct, his activity indicates diligence in his studies. It is also important to note the fact that Andrei is interested in various subjects: both in the exact sciences and in the humanities. The boy does his homework carefully, always tries to answer the teacher's questions. This may indicate dedication and leadership qualities.

According to the student himself, he likes to study, and it is not difficult, but at the same time he would like to study better.

4. Labor activity of the student

Andrey Ivanov shows interest not only in educational activities, but in various types of extracurricular activities. He attends an elective in computer science and mathematics, a sports section (basketball), a music school. In his free time, Andrey also likes to play computer games or spend time outdoors with friends.

If a boy is entrusted with a public matter, then he performs it in good faith.

Despite the fact that Andrei is still only in the 6th grade, he has already decided on the choice of a profession: in his own words, in the future the boy dreams of becoming a “great mathematician” and would like to “study in Italy”.

5. Psychological characteristics of the student's personality

As a result of observations of Andrei, it was established that such qualities of the emotional-volitional sphere as purposefulness, perseverance, independence, and activity are inherent in him. The predominant types of temperament are sanguine (55%) and choleric. These types correspond to such characteristics of the student as high working ability, but at the same time instability in interests and inclinations; optimism, sociability, responsiveness; decisiveness, energy, perseverance; average level of strength of nervous processes, high balance of nervous processes, very high mobility of the nervous system.

The method of studying self-esteem showed that Andrei has a somewhat overestimated self-esteem. He often lacks self-control. For example, he very quickly answers the teachers' questions, although his answers are not always accurate, although the boy has a well-developed speech. But Andrey is characterized by self-criticism: the student quite adequately assesses his capabilities, is confident in himself.

Despite the active position of the student both in educational and social activities, he is characterized by modesty, kindness, accuracy, sincerity, responsiveness. Andrey worries if he makes mistakes and tries to correct them.

The boy is doing well in all subjects. But in the questionnaire, he replied that his favorite subjects are the following: mathematics, computer science, Belarusian and Russian languages, Belarusian and Russian literature.

The student quickly memorizes the material, correctly establishes connections between new and passed material, quickly finds the right rule for completing the assignment.

Andrey is very active in the classroom. He is one of the first to answer the teacher's questions, always raises his hand.

The boy is very sociable, does not conflict with anyone in the class, and has many friends. I would also like to note the high culture of communication Andrei: he is always polite, tactful, respectful of his parents, teachers, elders.

6. Features of cognitive activity

As already mentioned, Andrey has a high level of attention (he always notices mistakes on the board). He is distinguished by the ability to timely switch and distribute attention, which was repeatedly noticed by me in the lessons of mathematics and computer science.

In Andrey, the most developed types of memory are motor-auditory and combined (the memory coefficient in both types was 70). The auditory type of memory is less developed (the coefficient was 60).

Also, the boy has a well-developed thinking, he easily generalizes the material, systematizes and analyzes it. Andrey has a very well-developed speech, in most cases he correctly formulates his thoughts. In general, the level of general mental development is quite high; in some situations, the boy is ahead of his peers.

7. General psychological and pedagogical conclusions

On the basis of the presented data and their analysis, we can conclude about the versatile development of the personality of Andrei Ivanov. He is a very capable, purposeful, inquisitive, broad-minded student.

Andrey is very sociable, not conflicted, he knows how to accept criticism. The boy skillfully combines educational and extracurricular activities. Andrey has great potential for the ability to study the exact sciences, where the use of logical thinking is necessary, but he also has an interest in creativity. He should continue to develop in these directions.

(The name and surname of the student are fictitious. Such a student does not study and did not study in our school. All coincidences are accidental)
for a 7th grade student of the branch

MOU SOSH №3, Gusev
"Secondary school in the village of Mikhailovo"

Ivanova Victoria Nikolaevna
Victoria Ivanova was born on January 25, 1995 in Kyzyl, Tyva Republic. Lives in Gusevsky district, settlement Mayskoye, st. Tsentralnaya, 6. Has been studying at the branch of the secondary school of secondary school No. 3 "Secondary school in the village of Mikhailovo" since September 1, 2009. Arrived from the secondary school № 3 of the city of Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region. During her studies she changed 7 educational institutions. In the 7th grade, she was left for re-training. She had annual unsatisfactory grades in algebra, geometry, history of the Fatherland, foreign language.
He is brought up in an incomplete large family by his mother Svetlana Igorevna Ivanova. Victoria has two younger sisters. Victoria smokes.
Quickly goes from joy to sadness for no apparent reason; inadequate mood swings are observed.
Victoria, probably due to frequent school changes, frequent absence of lessons, insufficient home preparation, has large knowledge gaps in many subjects. Motivation to learn is weak. Attention in the lesson is unstable, often forgets notebooks and pens. As a rule, he is not interested in acquiring new knowledge. Slowly and with difficulty concentrates his attention on the lessons. Makes a lot of careless mistakes and does not notice them when checking. Not organized. He does not know how to distribute his work in time, wastes time in vain.
Victoria often does not do her homework, is distracted in class, violates discipline, interferes with other students in class, hides her diary. Doesn't react to teachers' comments properly or responds with rudeness, abuse. Very often misses lessons without good reason.
Does not show initiative in social activities. Often he refuses to participate in public affairs, tries to avoid any work. Often he does not fulfill his duties for self-service (duty at school, duty in the classroom, participation in labor subbotniks) or performs very carelessly after repeated reminders.
By nature, the girl is withdrawn, stubborn, prone to lying. Victoria poorly controls her feelings, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression. Has increased emotional excitability, a tendency to violent emotional manifestations. Almost always acts rashly, does not control himself carefully. Often unable to suppress unwanted emotions, there were cases of foul language. Always harsh, unrestrained, both in communication with peers and with elders. In a quarrel, he insults other students, is rude, uses physical force.
Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes, does nothing to correct them. Violates the school charter. Refuses to comply with the requirements of the teachers. Has a negative impact on classmates.

Although Victoria is a difficult teenager, she was registered with the police in Chernyakhovsk, her mother, despite repeated invitations, refused to visit the school. Communication with Victoria's mother takes place by phone. Victoria's mother blames the school for everything, and can no longer influence her daughter.

Branch Manager:
Classroom teacher:

http: // mihailovoschool. ucoz. ru / index / karta _ skhema _ psikhologo _ pedagogicheskoj _ kharakteristiki _ uchenika / 0-281

Map - diagram of the psychological - pedagogical characteristics of the student
Section 1. General information about the child
1.1. Personal data.
1. Date and place of birth

2. Home address
3. Information about the parent

1.2. Health information
1. Does it often get sick (often, moderately, rarely);
2. Chronic diseases (what kind);
3. Features of the functioning of the nervous system:
gets tired quickly; gets tired after prolonged exertion; tireless;
quickly goes from joy to sadness for no apparent reason; inadequate mood swings;
stable in manifestation of mood;
excitement prevails;
excitement and inhibition are balanced;
inhibition prevails.
1.3. Academic achievement (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory)
1.4. Extracurricular activities (systematic)
1. Engaging in socially useful labor (what kind)
2. Classes of amateur performances (what kind);
3. Classes in circles, clubs, headquarters, teams (what);
4. Sports activities (what kind); _
5. Organizational work (what kind).

Section 2. The manifestation of the personal qualities of the child

2.1. Focus of interests:
1. for educational activities.
2. to work.
3. on artistic and aesthetic activity.
4. for achievements in sports, tourism.
5. on the relationship between people.
2.2. Attitude to the assigned case:
1 social activity
He actively participates in all public affairs, regardless of his own time.
Takes an active part in public affairs, but tries not to waste his
own time.
Does not show activity in public life, but carries out assignments.
Rarely takes part in public affairs.
Refuses to participate in public affairs.
2. Hard work
The student always does any work willingly, looks for work himself and tries to do it well.
As a rule, he willingly takes up work, trying to do it well. Cases of unfair or poor quality work are rare.
Rarely takes up work willingly.
Most often he tries to avoid any work.
Always shies away from doing anything
3. Responsibility
He always fulfills any task entrusted to him well and on time.
In most cases, he performs the work entrusted to him well and on time.
Often he does not fulfill on time (or performs poorly) the task entrusted to him.
Very rarely does the work entrusted to him.
He never completes the tasks entrusted to him.
4. Initiative
Acts as the initiator of many cases, without seeking any recognition for it.
Quite often he is the initiator of a new business.
Rarely does he start a new business himself.
He almost never starts a new business himself.
He never initiates any business.
5. Organization
He always correctly distributes his work in time and performs it according to the plan.
In most cases, he correctly distributes and fulfills his work on time.
He knows how to correctly distribute and does his job on time, only if it is necessary to report for each stage.
More often than not, he does not know how to properly distribute his work in time
He does not know how to distribute his work in time, wastes time in vain.
6. Curiosity
She is constantly actively learning something new in various fields of science and culture.
In most cases, he is interested in gaining new knowledge from various fields of science
and culture.
Rarely seeks to learn something new; usually interested in one limited area of ​​expertise.
As a rule, he is not interested in acquiring new knowledge.
Indifferent to all kinds of new knowledge.
7. Accuracy
He always keeps his things in perfect order. He is always neatly dressed, tucked up - both at the desk and at the blackboard. Protects public property, always tries to put it in order.
Contains in proper order his own and lent to him things (books, notes). Helps to put in order public property (desks, inventory, etc.) rather out of duty.
Shows little desire to maintain order around him. Sometimes he comes to school unkempt, unkemptly dressed. Indifferent towards those who spoil public property.
Often he does not care about his appearance, the condition of his books, things, does not take care of public property, even spoils it.
Doesn't care at all about keeping his things in proper order, always
unkempt, unkempt. On occasion, without hesitation, he spoils public property.
2.3. Attitude towards people
8. Collectivism
Always takes care of familiar and unfamiliar people, tries to anyone
provide help and support.
He is inclined to show concern for strangers, if this does not interfere with his personal plans and affairs.
Often he shows indifference to other people's affairs and concerns, if this does not affect him personally.
As a rule, he is indifferent to the concerns of others, does not help them on his own initiative.
Considers it unnecessary to take care of unfamiliar members of society, lives under the motto
"Don't mess with your own business"
9. Honesty, truthfulness
He is always truthful in relation to his parents, teachers, comrades. Tells the truth even then
when it is "unprofitable" for him.
Almost always truthful in relation to his parents, teachers, comrades.
He often speaks lies for his own benefit.
Almost always tells a lie if it suits him.
Tends to always tell lies.
10. Justice
He actively fights against what he considers to be unfair.
Doesn't always fight what he considers unfair.
Rarely opposes what he considers unfair.
Doesn't seek justice.
Completely indifferent to manifestations of injustice.
11. Selflessness
In his actions, he is always guided by considerations of the benefit of the business or other people, and not his own benefit.
Almost always motivated by considerations of the benefit of the business or other people.
Rarely is he guided in his actions by considerations of the usefulness of the case, and not by his own benefit.
In actions, he is often guided by considerations of his own benefit.
In actions, he is always guided by considerations of his own benefit.
12. Sociability
Always willingly comes into contact with people, likes to work and relax with others.
As a rule, he enjoys communicating with people.
Seeks to communicate with a limited circle of people.
Prefers individual forms of work and leisure.
Closed, uncommunicative.
13. A sense of camaraderie
He always helps his comrades in difficult work and in difficult moments of life.
As a rule, he helps his comrades.
Helps comrades when asked.
He very rarely helps his comrades: if asked, he may refuse help.
He never helps his comrades in their work, in difficult moments of life.
14. Responsiveness
He always sympathizes with others, comrades often share their concerns with him.
Sincerely sympathizes with others, if not too absorbed in their own affairs.
Absorbed in his own feelings so much that it prevents him from sharing the feelings of other people.
Almost does not know how to sympathize with others.
He does not know how to sympathize with others, his comrades do not like to "borrow" from him.
15. Politeness, tact
All his actions and words indicate respect for other people.
Almost always shows due respect for other people.
He is often impolite and tactless.
Often unacceptably harsh, rude, often starts quarrels.
Always harsh, unrestrained, both in dealing with peers * and with elders. In a quarrel, he insults others, is rude.
2.4. Attitude to yourself
16. Modesty
She never flaunts her merits, merits.
Sometimes, at the request of his comrades, he talks about his real achievements and merits.
He himself talks about his merits and achievements.
Often he brags about what has not yet been done or about what he takes very little part in, to which he has little to do.
Boasts even insignificant achievements, exaggerated merits.
17. Self-confidence
He never consults with others, does not seek help even when it should be done.
Performs all tasks without the help of others. Seeks help only if
actual necessity.
Sometimes, completing a difficult task, he asks for help, although he could cope himself.
Often, when performing tasks, assignments, he asks for help, support from others, even if
can handle.
Constantly, even in simple things, he asks for help and support.
18. Self-criticism
He always listens attentively to fair criticism, persists in correcting his own shortcomings.
In most cases, he responds correctly to fair criticism, listens to good advice.
Sometimes he listens to fair comments, tries to take them into account.
He does not pay attention to critical remarks and advice, does not try to correct shortcomings.
Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes, does nothing to correct them.
19. Ability to calculate your strength
He always soberly evaluates his own strengths, choosing tasks and affairs "on the shoulder" - not too easy and not too difficult.
As a rule, he correctly measures his strength with the difficulty of the task.
Sometimes there are times when a student poorly balances his strengths and the difficulties of the assigned work.
In most cases, he does not know how to measure his strength and the difficulties of the case.
He almost never knows how to correctly measure his strength and the difficulties of a task or business.
20. Striving for success, superiority
Always and in everything he strives to be the first (in studies, sports, etc.), he persistently achieves this.
Strives to be among the first in many areas, but pays special attention to achievements in any one area.
He strives for one thing, especially of his interest, to achieve recognition, success.
He very rarely strives for success in any activity, he is easily content with the position of the "middle peasant".
He never strives to be the first in anything, receives satisfaction from the activity itself.
21. Self-control
He always carefully weighs his words and deeds.
Does not always carefully control his words and actions.
For the most part acts rashly, counts on "luck".
Almost always acts rashly, does not control himself carefully.
Constantly acts rashly, counting on "luck".
2.5. Willed personality traits
22. Courage
He always enters the fight, even if the enemy is stronger than himself.
In most cases, he enters the fight, even if the enemy is stronger than himself.
He cannot always force himself to fight an opponent stronger than himself.
In most cases, retreats in front of force.
Always retreats in front of force, cowards.
23. Determination
Always independently, without hesitation, makes a responsible decision.
In most cases, he makes a responsible decision without hesitation.
Sometimes hesitates before a responsible decision.
Rarely does one decide to take any important decision.
Not able to independently make any responsible decision.
24. Persistence
Always achieves the fulfillment of the planned, even if it takes a long effort,
does not give up in the face of difficulties.
As a rule, he tries to fulfill his plans, even if difficulties are encountered.
Opposite cases are rare.
Completes the plan only if the difficulties of its implementation are insignificant
or require short-term effort.
Very rarely he brings his plans to the end, even if he encounters minor difficulties.
Faced with difficulties, immediately abandons attempts to fulfill the intended
25. Self-control
He always knows how to suppress unwanted emotional manifestations.
As a rule, he knows how to cope with his emotions. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.
Sometimes he does not know how to cope with his emotions.
Often unable to suppress unwanted emotions.
Poorly controls his feelings, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression, and so on.
2.6. The situation of the child in school
26. Classroom authority
He enjoys unconditional authority among almost all classmates: he is respected, reckoned with his opinion, and responsible affairs are entrusted.
He enjoys authority among most of his classmates.
He enjoys authority only with a part of his classmates, with some kind of group, only among boys, or among girls, etc.
Doesn't use authority in the class.
27. Sympathy
He is the favorite of the class, certain shortcomings are forgiven him.
In the class, the guys treat him with sympathy.
He enjoys the sympathy of only a part of his classmates.
He enjoys the sympathy of some guys.
They don't like him in class.
28. Authority in out-of-school associations
He is an unconditionally recognized authority in any out-of-school association (sports school, music school, club, courtyard company, etc.).
He enjoys authority among the majority of children of any out-of-school association (sports school, music school, club, courtyard company, etc.).
He enjoys authority among individual members of out-of-school associations.
Is a member of an out-of-school association, but does not enjoy authority there
(sports school, club, etc.).
Not a member of any out-of-school association.
Section 3. Features of mental problems and emotionality
29. Attention
Always quickly and easily focuses his attention on the teacher's explanation. He is never distracted in the lesson, does not make mistakes due to inattention in the lesson.
He listens attentively enough to the teacher's explanation, is rarely distracted, sometimes mistakes are made due to inattention.
Doesn't always listen attentively to the teacher's explanation. Periodically distracted, often makes mistakes due to carelessness, but corrects them when checking.
He listens attentively enough only when he is interested. Is often distracted. He constantly makes mistakes due to carelessness, while checking, he does not always correct them.
As a rule, he slowly and with difficulty concentrates his attention on the lesson, learns little from the teacher's explanations due to constant distractions. Makes a lot of careless mistakes and does not notice them when checking.
30. P a m i t
When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material. But the material that requires mechanical memorization is easy for them to memorize.
When memorizing, he can only remember what he previously understood, understood. Material requiring mechanical memorization is difficult.
The material that requires mechanical memorization is very easy to assimilate; it is enough to look at it 1-2 times.
Has a habit of not understanding the structure and meaning of the material being memorized.
When memorizing, he understands the material for a long time. When presenting, he makes mistakes in form, but he expresses the meaning accurately.
To memorize the material, he mechanically repeats it many times, indiscriminately and comprehending it, makes semantic mistakes.
31. Thinking
Quickly grasps the essence of the material, is always among the first to solve problems, often offers his own original solutions.
He quickly understands the material, solves problems faster than many, sometimes offers his own original solutions.
Satisfactorily understands the material after the teacher explains, solves problems at an average pace,
usually does not offer his own original solutions.
Among the latter, he captures the essence of the teacher's explanations, is distinguished by a slow pace
thinking and solving problems.
He understands the material only after additional lessons, solves problems extremely slowly, blindly uses well-known "templates" when solving problems.

32. Emotion
Always emotionally vividly reacts to any life phenomena, he can deeply, to tears
thrill story, movie.
Usually he reacts emotionally vividly to life events, but rarely that he can be deeply disturbed.
Rarely shows a lively emotional reaction to events.
There is practically no lively emotional reaction.
33 General emotional tone
He is constantly revitalized, very active in all spheres of school life, intervenes in everything, takes on all matters.
He is lively, moderately active in all spheres of school life.
Lively, active only in some areas of school life.
Compared to his comrades, he is less active and lively.
Almost always lethargic, apathetic in all areas of school life, despite the fact that he is healthy.
34 Emotional balance
He is always calm, he does not have strong emotional outbursts.
Usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare.
Emotionally balanced.
Increased emotional excitability, prone to violent emotional manifestations
Quick-tempered: strong emotional outbursts are frequent for an insignificant for an insignificant reason.
Note: the task of this card - scheme - to help the teacher, class teacher, most accurately and clearly imagine the individual characteristics of the student, in order to ultimately identify in each child those positive moments, on which the educational process should be based.
Filling out this map-scheme is mainly based on the principle of "underline what is needed", that is, in each of the items containing a scale of possible manifestations of a particular quality, the teacher must choose the degree of expression of this quality inherent in the student. It is possible to compile a characteristic according to this scheme by the parents or by the student himself. In this case, in the template along the ruler, underline the desired with colored lines. For example: student underlines in blue, parents in green, teacher in red.

List of questions

reflecting key indicators

learning activity of the student.

  1. General awareness and social orientation (the degree of social maturity of the student; orientation in the phenomena and objects of the surrounding life).
  2. Academic skills (the degree of formation of educational skills to the present moment; dynamics of the formation of knowledge and skills for any significant period of time: from the beginning of training, for a quarter, etc.; purposefulness, ability to control oneself; attentiveness, efficiency, activity; ability to solving problems: how quickly he orients himself in the conditions of the problem and finds a solution, the presence of the need for repetitions, additional explanations, the pace of work, etc.)
  3. The development of oral speech and language skills (sound pronunciation: correct or impaired; the state of the active vocabulary, the presence of agrammatisms in speech).
  4. Independence of thinking and the ability to highlight the main thing.
  5. Emotional and behavioral characteristics (reaction to success and failure, the presence of educational motivation: formed; formed insufficiently; not formed).
  6. Dominant causes of poor academic performance or lack of education, prospects for improving academic performance and education
  7. Features of family education and other information.


  1. Full name of the child
  2. child's date of birth
  3. family composition
  4. Name of parents
  5. parents' date of birth
  6. parenting education
  7. parents' place of work
  8. family status (prosperous, dysfunctional)
  9. teaching a child in a given school, class, with a given teacher
  10. studied in other schools
  11. duplicated classes
  12. the presence in the family of conditions for the occupation of the child
  13. the attitude of parents to the child's academic failure
  14. learning difficulties in all subjects, any specific
  15. the nature of the difficulties (permanent, temporary)
  16. how does the unsuccessful person relate to their failures (indifferent, worried, seeks to overcome difficulties, loses interest in work ...)
  17. what types of assistance were used by the teacher to overcome the difficulties discovered (strengthening control and assistance, facilitating and individualizing tasks when working with the class, additional classes after school, at home, parental instructions on how to help the child)
  18. Does a speech therapist
  19. Does the child understand the teacher's requirements
  20. the child is left-handed, right-handed, owns both hands equally
  1. gets tired by the end of the school day
  2. sings in class, speaks loudly, walks around the classroom, climbs under the desk, etc.
  3. mobile, restless
  4. distracting, difficult to focus
  5. takes offense at disagreement with him, non-fulfillment of his requirements
  6. energetic, confident
  7. depressed, gloomy
  8. hurts other children
  9. cries often
  10. mood changes quickly and often
  11. excessively serious, grave
  12. lethargic, drowsy, slow, does not have time to work with the class
  13. refuses to answer verbally
  14. impressionable, sensitive
  15. going through bad grades
  16. late for lessons
  17. always unhappy, grumpy
  18. deceitful, impudent, impudent
  19. skipping lessons
  20. sometimes hot-tempered, capricious
  21. loses self-control when irritated, screams
  22. children reject him, do not accept
  23. easily becomes a leader
  24. dependent, subordinate
  25. can be rude, hit
  26. shy, shy
  27. afraid of elders
  28. ignores, refuses to cooperate
  1. MOOD
  1. good prevails
  2. reduced prevails
  3. no predominance
  4. stable - unstable
  5. easily changes from minor reasons
  1. Fatigue
  1. fatigue often, rarely
  2. gets tired from physical exertion
  3. fatigue from communication
  4. with fatigue: attention is disturbed, headache appears, irritability, physical lethargy
  1. often "absent" in the lesson
  2. does not hear the question - short-term
  3. periodically turns on
  4. keeps attention steadily
  1. passive
  2. answers if asked
  3. actively participates in the lesson
  4. excessive activity
  5. switching attention to yourself
  6. often wrong answers
  1. most of the time he is engaged in "his own" affairs ("fiddling", drawing, etc.) - communicates with others, distracts them, switches attention to himself
  2. is included in training on certain topics
  3. constantly actively and creatively works with the lesson material
  1. slow
  2. average
  3. quick
  4. uneven
  1. learns not the first time and with difficulty
  2. understands immediately, but additional efforts are required to consolidate
  3. quickly enters the material and easily forms a skill


Approximate characteristics of a student in grade 9

(approximate characteristics of a student of the graduating class)


Born in 1990,
student of grade 9 MOU ___________ secondary school,
living in _________________ st. ______________
______________ district _____________ region

She has been studying at this school since grade 5. During study
showed himself to be a person with a balanced character. With teachers
does not conflict, maintains an even relationship with peers.
Conscientiously refers to the implementation of the assigned
errands: duty in the classroom, during general cleaning.
Intellectual ability ____________ is good. But these abilities are not always fully utilized by him. During training showed
good knowledge of mathematics. Classes attended regularly, passes
I had no lessons for disrespectful reasons. Took active
participation in the social life of the class.

Sample 2

per student of grade 3 A
MOU "Secondary School No. 6"
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich,
… the year of birth,
Residing at: ...

Study: studies well, slightly above average, is almost not interested in studies, reads little, has no certain educational interests.

Behavior: frequent violations of discipline; conflicts with teachers are very rare, and often with fellow practitioners;

Differs in very high motor activity, restlessness.

Social activity is of average intensity, as well as organizational skills and initiative. The student occupies an intermediate position between leaders and followers.

Communication at school: in terms of popularity in the class, the middle position, but there are no enemies. He is extremely sociable, constantly trying to be in public, in the thick of events, looking for new impressions and acquaintances.

Lack of shyness. Responsive. Differs in independence of judgments.

Personal characteristics: not anxious, self-confident, self-esteem is high and not overestimated, ambitious, rather arouses the sympathy of the teacher who filled out the map.

Communication in the family: lives in a close-knit family, trusting relationships with parents, he is given greater independence, but they try not to weaken control over behavior. There are no conflicts in the teacher's relationship with parents.

Sample 3

per student of grade 8 A
MOU "Secondary school №19
with in-depth study of individual subjects "
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich,
26.06.1994 year of birth,
Residing at: ...

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich during his studies changed three schools. He studied for "satisfactory". His favorite subjects are labor training, physical education (went to football), life safety.

He was not active in organizing any events; he participated in school competitions, but rarely.

He often suffered from chronic colds, which affected his academic performance. Frequent absences turned into absenteeism for no good reason. For 2 quarters, 36 days (216 lessons) were missed, and 7 days (42 lessons) were missed due to illness.

Vanya is accustomed to working, helping his mother around the house, but at school he most often avoids any work. He did not go through labor practice. Shows little desire to maintain order around him. Sometimes he comes to school unkempt, unkemptly dressed. Indifferent towards those who spoil public property.

In relation to the team, he is indifferent. He considers it unnecessary to take care of unfamiliar members of society, lives under the motto: “Do not
go into your own business. " Strive to communicate with a limited circle of people. He is often impolite and tactless. Almost always acts rashly, does not control himself carefully. Critical remarks and advice are treated inattentively, does not try to correct shortcomings.

Mom brings up two children alone. The daughter lives with her, and the son spends most of his time with his grandmother. Out of control got out. Mom can't handle her son.

Obrvzets 4

per student of grade 9 A
GOU "Secondary school No. 5"
Afanasyeva Galina Andreevna,
… the year of birth,
Residing at: ...

Study: he studies well, with interest, reads a lot, but has no interests related to his future profession at all.

Behavior: docile, disciplined, calm, benevolent, there are no conflicts with students and teachers, not very persevering, "education" is above average.

Public activity is high. Galina is initiative, proved to be a good organizer, willingly carries out assignments, does not occupy leadership positions in the class, although she enjoys authority among classmates.

Communication at school: many friends, but some fellow practitioners dislike her; very sociable, open, not afraid to speak in an unfamiliar environment, responsive, lack of independence of thought, is a “support for the teacher”.

Personal characteristics: self-confident, the level of self-esteem is quite high, unambiguous, arouses the sympathy of the teacher.

The atmosphere in the family is non-conflict, but the relationship is not trusting enough, the level of mutual understanding with the parents is low, the parents strictly control her behavior and limit her independence. The teacher's relationship with parents can be characterized as neutral.

1. Title: Characteristics of a student of ____________ class ___ of school No. ___.

2. At the beginning of the characteristics, indicate how long the student has been studying in this school.

3. Describe the student's attitude to learning: desire to learn better; attitude to success and failure in learning; striving to fulfill all the requirements and recommendations of teachers, awareness of the social and personal significance of the teaching.

4. To characterize the level of formation of the skills of educational and cognitive activity of the student:

  • the ability to plan educational work: skills in planning educational and work activities, skills in drawing up an answer plan, an essay plan, a laboratory work plan, a plan for solving a problem;
  • the ability to highlight the main thing in the educational material: the desire to highlight and present the most significant, to make generalizations, conclusions;
  • the ability to exercise self-control in learning, indicate the level of composure, attentiveness, the ability to work with concentration;
  • the level of perseverance in learning: perseverance in achieving the set goals, the desire to overcome difficulties in learning, in personal behavior, distracting influences from learning, the ability to show self-discipline, organization.

6. Describe the cultural outlook: the well-read of the student, the breadth of one hundred cultural interests, the ability to see and understand the beauty in art and the life around. To note how the student shares his knowledge of aesthetic culture with his comrades. To reveal the artistic abilities of the student and show how they are implemented in the classroom and school team.

7. Describe the social and labor activity of the student.

Indicate the public assignment being performed, the level of conscientiousness and initiative shown in its implementation, characterize the desire to voluntarily engage in public affairs, initiative, interest in public affairs of the team.

To reveal the degree of labor activity: inclusion in self-service work at school, labor in production, other types of labor activity. Show attitude to work: interest, desire, ability to work, conscientiousness in work.

Indicate awards, certificates, gratitude received for social and labor activity.

8. Describe the state of health, physical conditioning, attitude to physical education and sports. To celebrate participation in sports competitions for the honor of the class and school, a sport that the student is fond of. Indicate, in the presence of classes in sports clubs and sections, the available awards for various kinds of sports achievements.

9. To characterize the moral upbringing of the student: the formation of such qualities as collectivism, camaraderie, humanism, conscious discipline (if necessary, note the level of discipline and existing disciplinary violations), concern for the public domain, the degree of development of a sense of duty, intolerance to manifestations of indiscipline, honesty, decency.

10. Describe the student's relationship with the class team, the attitude of his comrades towards him, the degree of sociability, his attitude towards his comrades, his place in the class team.

11. It is imperative to complete the characterization with recommendations to the student for further work on his character, improving his merits, working on shortcomings. In the 9th and 11th grades, give recommendations on the student's career guidance.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student Grade 9 KGSOU

"__________ special(correctional)

general education boarding school of the VIII type "

Victor, 22.11.1992

Vitya entered school at the age of 9, in 2001. Previously studied at ____________ primary school. They live with their stepfather, who does not work anywhere, the family is low-income, with many children, all adult family members smoke, including in the house, with young children.

The physical development of a teenager is average, suffers from stomach ulcers, aggravated in autumn and spring, and often suffers from colds. Vitya has a low level of motor development, his movements are not well coordinated.

The adolescent is not focused on cognitive activity, he does poorly in subjects. The level of training is low. Disturbances of attention, low levels of concentration and distribution are noted. In the classroom, he is distracted by external stimuli. Vitya's reading and writing disorders are caused by systemic speech disorders. When completing educational tasks, he is not able to switch from one type of activity to another, cannot plan his activity, correct an error, if indicated. It takes time to work. Victor reads monotonously, in syllables and in slow motion, skips letters and syllables, reads wrong endings. Doesn't teach poetry. Due to mistakes, he does not always fully understand the text he has read, he retells it on his own. Logical thinking is poorly developed, cannot draw elementary conclusions, solve examples of logical orientation. The vocabulary is negligible.

She writes in notebooks inaccurately, carelessly, writes with many mistakes. Poorly proficient in working with tools. In mathematics, he performs computational operations slowly, with a large number of errors, and does not always understand the meaning of the problem. In educational activities, the teenager needs organizing, planning help and approval at all stages of the lesson. Previously, labor training for health reasons took place in the "service labor" profile, now he is studying in the "plaster and paint business" profile, the attitude to this profile is neutral. When assimilating technical and technological knowledge, he needs the help of a teacher. He is not self-guided in assignments, needs additional explanations from the teacher, does not know how to analyze errors and self-control, does not perform markup, reports on the work done under the guidance of the teacher. Vitya does not know how to work with instruments. When performing labor operations, he quickly gets tired, is not capable of volitional effort. The teenager does not apply the previously acquired knowledge in his work. He overcomes difficulties only with the help of a teacher.

Vitya is emotionally unstable. In difficult situations, impulsivity and aggressiveness are possible, which are of a protective nature. Active in communication with peers, but relationships are superficial. Prefers playful activities, emotionally immature. Not inclined to conflicts, good-natured, ready to help a friend. Self-esteem is adequate, tries to comply with the accepted rules and regulations. Is able to control his emotions. Viti has not developed sanitary and hygienic skills, the teenager is dirty, untidy, does not look after himself and is indifferent to his appearance. We need constant control over the appearance, cleanliness of clothes, hands, hair.

Section 1. General information about the child.

Personal data.

Last name, first name.

Date of Birth.

School, class.

School specialization.

Information about the state of health.

Does it often get sick (often, moderately, rarely).

Chronic diseases (what).

Features of the functioning of the nervous system:

  • gets tired quickly; gets tired after prolonged exertion; tireless;
  • quickly goes from joy to sadness for no apparent reason; adequate change of mood;
  • stable in manifestation of mood;
  • excitement prevails; excitement and inhibition are balanced;
  • inhibition prevails.

Academic achievement.

(excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory)

Extracurricular activities (systematic).

Engaging in socially useful labor (what kind).

Classes in amateur performances (what kind).

Classes in circles, clubs, headquarters, brigades.

Sports activities (what kind).

Organizational work (what kind).

Section 2. The manifestation of personal qualities in the behavior of the child.

Focus of interests:

For educational activities;

For labor activity;

For artistic and aesthetic activities;

Achievement in sports, tourism;

On relationships between people.

Attitudes towards business:

  • Public activity.

He actively participates in all public affairs, regardless of his own time.

He takes an active part in public affairs, but tries not to waste his time on this.

Does not show activity in public life, but carries out assignments.

Rarely takes part in public affairs.

Refuses to participate in public affairs.

  • Hard work.

The student always does any work willingly, looks for work himself and tries to do it well.

As a rule, he willingly takes up work, trying to do it well. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.

Rarely takes up work willingly.

Most often he tries to avoid any work.

Always shies away from doing any business.

  • A responsibility.

He always performs well and on time any task entrusted to him.

In most cases, he performs the work entrusted to him well and on time.

Often he does not fulfill on time (or performs poorly) the task entrusted to him.

Very rarely does the work entrusted to him.

He never completes the tasks entrusted to him.

  • Initiative.

Acts as the initiator of many cases, not seeking to receive anyone's recognition for it.
- Quite often he is the initiator of a new business.

Rarely does he start a new business himself.

He almost never starts a new business himself.

He never initiates any business.

  • Organization.

He always correctly distributes his work in time and performs it according to the plan.

In most cases, he correctly distributes and fulfills his work on time.

He knows how to correctly distribute and does his job on time, only if for each of its stages
need to report.

More often than not, he does not know how to properly distribute his work in time, wastes time in vain.

  • Curiosity.

She is constantly actively learning something new in various fields of science and culture.

In most cases, he is interested in gaining new knowledge from various fields of science and

Rarely strive to learn something new; generally interested in one limited area

As a rule, he shows no interest in acquiring new knowledge.

Indifferent to all kinds of new knowledge.

  • Accuracy.

He always keeps his things in perfect order. Always goes neat, tucked up - and at the desk
and at the blackboard. Protects public property, always tries to put it in order.

Contains in proper order his own and lent to him things (books, notes).
Helps to put in order public property (desks, inventory, etc.) rather

Does not show much desire to maintain order around him. Sometimes comes to
school unkempt, slovenly dressed. Indifferent towards those who spoil public property.

Often he does not care about his appearance, the state of his books; things, does not protect

public property even spoils it.

He does not at all care about keeping his things in proper order, he is always untidy, unkempt. On occasion, without hesitation, he spoils public property.

Attitude towards people:

  • Collectivism.

Always takes care of familiar and unfamiliar people, tries to anyone
provide help and support.

Is inclined to show concern for strangers, if this does not interfere with his personal plans and

Often he shows indifference to other people's affairs and concerns, if this does not affect him personally.

As a rule, he is indifferent to the concerns of others, does not help them on his own initiative.

He considers it unnecessary to take care of unfamiliar members of society, lives under the motto: “Do not
do not go into this business. "

  • Honesty. Truthfulness.

He is always truthful in relation to his parents, teachers, comrades. Tells the truth and
when it is unprofitable for him.

Almost always truthful to his parents, teachers and comrades.

He often speaks lies for his own benefit.

Almost always tells a lie if it suits him.

Always inclined to tell the truth.

  • Justice.

He actively fights against what he considers to be unfair.

Doesn't always fight what he considers unfair.

Rarely opposes what he considers unfair.

Doesn't seek justice.

Completely indifferent to manifestations of injustice.

  • Unselfishness.

In his actions, he is always guided by considerations of benefit to the cause or to other people, and not to his own benefit.

Almost always motivated by considerations of benefit to the business or other people.

Rarely is he guided in his actions by considerations of benefit, and not of his own benefit.

In actions, he is often guided by considerations of his own benefit.

In actions, he is always guided by considerations of his own benefit.

  • Sociability.

Always willingly comes into contact with people, likes to work and relax with others.

As a rule, he enjoys communicating with people.

Strive to communicate with a limited circle of people.

Prefers individual forms of work and leisure.

Closed, uncommunicative.

  • A sense of camaraderie.

He always helps his comrades in difficult work and in difficult moments of life.

As a rule, he helps his comrades.

Helps comrades when asked.

Very rarely helps his comrades; can refuse help if asked.

He never helps his comrades in their work, in difficult moments of life.

  • Responsiveness.

He always sympathizes with others, comrades often share their concerns with him.

Sincerely sympathizes with others, if not too absorbed in his own thoughts.

Absorbed in his own feelings so much that it prevents him from sharing feelings
other people.

Almost does not know how to sympathize with others.

He does not know how to sympathize with others, his comrades do not like to "borrow" from him.

  • Politeness, tact.

All his actions and words indicate respect for other people.

Almost always shows due respect for other people.

It is often impolite and tactless.

Often unacceptably harsh, rude. Quite often starts quarrels.

He is always harsh, unrestrained both in communication with peers and in communication with elders. In a quarrel, he insults others, is rude.

Attitude towards yourself:

  • Modesty.

She never displays her merits and merits.

Sometimes, at the request of his comrades, he talks about his actual achievements,

He himself tells his comrades about all his real achievements and merits.

Often brags about what has not yet been done or what he takes very little part in, to
which has little to do with.

Boasts even insignificant achievements, exaggerated merits.

  • Self confidence

Never consults with others, does not seek help even when it should

All tasks, assignments are carried out without the help of others. Seeks help only from
when really necessary.

Sometimes, completing a difficult task, he asks for help, although he could cope himself.

Often, when performing tasks, assignments, he asks for help, support from others, even if
he can handle it himself.

Constantly, even in simple things, he needs the encouragement and help of others.

  • Self-criticism.

He always listens attentively to fair criticism, persists in correcting his own shortcomings.

In most cases, he responds correctly to fair criticism, listens to good advice.

Sometimes he listens to fair comments, tries to take them into account.

Critical remarks and advice are treated inattentively, does not try to correct shortcomings.

Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes, does nothing to correct them.

  • Ability to calculate your strength.

Always soberly evaluates his own strengths, choosing tasks and affairs "on the shoulder" not
too easy and not too difficult.

As a rule, it is true, measures their strengths and difficulties of the assignment.

Sometimes there are times when a student poorly balances his strengths and the difficulties of the assigned work.

In most cases, he does not know how to measure his strength and the difficulties of the case.

He almost never knows how to correctly measure his strength and the difficulties of a task or deed.

  • Striving for success, superiority.

Always and in everything strives to be the first (in studies, sports, etc.), persistently this

Strives to be among the first in many areas, but pays special attention to
achievements in any one area.

He strives for one thing, especially of his interest, to achieve recognition, success.

It is very rare to strive for success in any activity, it is easy to be content
the position of the "middle peasant".

Never strives to be the first in anything, receives satisfaction from herself

  • Self-control.

He always carefully weighs his words and deeds.

Does not always carefully control his words and actions.

For the most part acts rashly, counts on "luck".

Almost always acts rashly, does not control himself carefully.

Constantly acts rashly, counting on "luck".

Strong-willed personality traits

  • Courage.

He always enters the fight, even if the enemy is stronger than himself.

In most cases, he enters the fight, even if the enemy is stronger than himself.

He cannot always force himself to fight an opponent stronger than himself.

In most cases, retreats in front of force.

Always retreats in front of force, cowards.

  • Determination.

Always independently, without hesitation, makes a responsible decision.

In most cases, he makes a responsible decision without hesitation.

Sometimes hesitates before a responsible decision.

Rarely does one decide to take any important decision.

Not able to independently make any responsible decision.

  • Perseverance.

Always achieves the fulfillment of the intended, even if it requires prolonged efforts, does not
retreats in the face of difficulties.

As a rule, he tries to fulfill his plans, even if difficulties are encountered. Opposite cases are rare.

Completes the plan only if the difficulties of its implementation are insignificant or require short-term efforts.

Very rarely he brings his plans to the end, even if he encounters minor difficulties.

Faced with difficulties, he immediately abandons attempts to fulfill his plans.

  • Self-control.

He always knows how to suppress unwanted emotional manifestations.

As a rule, he knows how to cope with his emotions. Opposite cases

Sometimes he does not know how to cope with his emotions.

Often unable to suppress unwanted emotions.

Poorly controls his feelings, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression, and so on.

The position of the child in the children's team.

  • Authority in the class.
  • Sympathy.

He is the favorite of the class, certain shortcomings are forgiven him.

In the class, the guys treat him with sympathy.

He enjoys the sympathy of only a part of his classmates.

He enjoys the sympathy of some guys.

They don't like him in class.

  • Authority in out-of-school associations.

He is a member of an out-of-school association. But he does not use authority there
(sports school, club).

Not a member of any out-of-school association.

Features of mental processes and emotions.


Always quickly and easily focuses his attention on the teacher's explanation. Never
distracted in the lesson, does not make mistakes due to inattention in the lesson.

Listens to the teacher's explanation attentively enough. Rarely distracted, sometimes encountered
errors due to carelessness.

Doesn't always listen carefully to the teacher's explanations. Intermittently distracted, often does
errors due to carelessness, but fixes them when checking.

He listens attentively enough only if he is interested. Often distracted.
He constantly makes mistakes due to carelessness, while checking, he does not always correct them.

As a rule, he slowly and with difficulty focuses his attention on the lesson, he learns little from the teacher's explanations due to constant distractions. Makes a lot of mistakes
carelessness and does not notice them when checking.


When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material. But the material that requires mechanical memorization is easy for them to memorize.

When memorizing, he can only remember what he previously understood, what he understood. Material requiring mechanical memorization is difficult.

Material that requires mechanical memorization is very easy to learn, I -2 times is enough
look at him. Has a habit of not understanding the structure and meaning of the learner

When memorizing, he understands the material for a long time. When presenting, he makes mistakes in form, but
the meaning expresses precisely.

To memorize the material, he mechanically repeats it many times, indiscriminately and comprehending it, makes semantic mistakes.


Quickly grasps the essence of the material, is always among the first to solve problems, often offers his own original solutions.

He quickly understands the material, solves problems faster than many, sometimes offers his own original solutions.

Satisfactorily understands the material after the teacher explains, solves problems on average
tempo, usually does not offer its own original solutions.

Among the latter, he captures the essence of the teacher's explanations, is distinguished by a slow pace of thinking and solving problems.

Understands materials only after additional lessons, solves problems extremely slowly,
when solving problems, he blindly uses well-known "patterns".

Emotional reactivity.

Always emotionally vividly reacts to any life phenomena, it can deeply, to tears,
thrill story, motion picture.

Usually emotionally vividly reacts to life events, but rarely that it can
thrill deeply.

Rarely shows a lively emotional reaction to events.
- There is practically no lively emotional reaction.

General emotional tone.

Constantly lively, very active in all areas of school life, interferes in everything,
takes on all the cases.

He is lively, moderately active in all spheres of school life.

Lively, active only in some areas of school life.

In comparison with his comrades, he is less active and lively.

Almost always lethargic, apathetic in all areas of school life, despite the fact that he is healthy.

Emotional balance.

He is always calm, he does not have strong emotional outbursts.

Usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare.

Emotionally balanced.

Increased emotional excitability, prone to violent emotional manifestations.

Quick-tempered, strong emotional outbursts are frequent, unknowingly