Rainbow flag. Rainbow

Rainbow flag.  Rainbow
Rainbow flag. Rainbow

Indeed, few people noticed that the rainbow flag of the LGBT community (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) does not have a blue color.

Unlike a natural phenomenon (or, in scientific terms, the refractive spectrum of a light ray), instead of seven colorful colors, the LGBT flag has only six.

This flag was created by a little-known character named Gilbert Baker, who created this symbolism on request before a large-scale parade for the freedom of sexual minorities in San Francisco in 1978.

Now it is already difficult to say what logic Baker was guided by when sewing colored stripes for the flag. It is likely that the story of the banal savings on material is true, due to which the number of colors in the rainbow has decreased.

As you can see, while communism was being built in the USSR and Christians were repressed, in the West representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation were already defending their rights to their full extent. Thirty years later, this wave has reached us, judging by the increasing frequency of statements regarding sexual rights in recent years. And while we hear only isolated remarks about tolerance and freedom of choice in sexual self-identification, we can be sure that this propaganda will be widespread.

The Lord calls us to love people but hate sin. In LGBT issues, it is quite difficult to maintain this balance, but keeping neutrality, as it may seem to many of us, is not an option. One way or another, we are all involved in this propaganda. Either we fight her with a “spiritual instrument” - love, blessings and prayers, or we support her. Already, LGBT people are present in your homes, at least in the form of harmless rainbow smileys on iPhones, mobile applications and social networks. Notice how many colors are there in your emoji rainbow? And on which rainbow is the cutest unicorn from the Facebook emoji collection sitting?

Not paying attention to these "little things" means promoting dissemination. By introducing such attributes into everyday life, we help society to get used to these phenomena. And having got used to it, the society recognizes it as normal. Do we want this perspective for a world in which our children will grow up and serve God?

Flag - origins and symbols

There are many theories about why the rainbow became the symbol of the gay movement. Here is the most beautiful one. The so-called "Stonewall riots" - riots and clashes with police in New York's gay bar Stonewall, considered the beginning of an organized struggle for homosexuals for their rights - occurred in late June 1969. On June 22 of the same year, the famous Hollywood actress and singer Judy Garland, best known for her role as the girl Dorothy in the film "The Wizard of Oz" and the song from this film "Over the Rainbow", died. Garland was one of the first "icons" of the gay movement, "Elvis of Gays", and many who gathered on the night of June 28 at the Stonewall bar came there directly from the funeral of their favorite artist.

Another theory is that Baker borrowed his idea from the so-called "race flags" popular in the 1960s during antiwar demonstrations on university campuses - five horizontal stripes (red, white, brown, yellow and black). This flag was popular among hippies, one of whose heroes was the famous poet and pioneer of the gay movement Allen Ginsberg. Under the influence of Ginsberg, Baker decided to use just such an idea.

Be that as it may, the Baker flag already consisted of eight horizontal stripes, and each color, according to the author's idea, was a symbol of one or another most important component of human life:

Pink is sexy;

Red is life;

Orange - healing;

Yellow - the sun;

Green is nature;

Turquoise - art;

Dark blue - harmony;

Purple is the human spirit.

Subsequently, however, he explained his choice much more simply: "We needed something beautiful, something of ours. The rainbow is great because it reflects our diversity in terms of race, gender, age, and so on."

Modifications, variations and recognition

Thirty volunteers helped Baker hand-paint and sew the first two rainbow flags, under which activists marched on a gay pride parade in San Francisco on June 25, 1978.

Everyone liked the flag, but attempts to industrialize the flag encountered unexpected difficulties. Baker's chosen pink color turned out to be very rare and expensive, and had to be abandoned.

The next modification took place in 1979. During the next parade, flags were hung vertically on the lampposts of San Francisco's main street, Market Street. However, the central strip was almost completely hidden behind the pillar itself. To prevent this from happening, the number of stripes had to become even, and since then the flag has six of them - red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

In the midst of the AIDS epidemic, activists came up with another variation of the flag - with a black stripe pasted on it. Shortly before his death from AIDS in 1988, the famous American Vietnam War veteran, winner of the Purple Heart medal and gay activist Leonard Maltovich suggested that the black stripes should be removed and burned when medicine can triumph over the disease.

In 1994, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, Baker was commissioned to create the world's largest rainbow flag. He received a similar order in 2003, this time - to celebrate the quarter-century anniversary of the flag itself. A 10-meter-wide and two-kilometer-long canvas adorned a gay pride parade in Key West, Florida. It entered the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest flag. After the parade, the flag was cut into pieces and sent to gay communities around the world.

In 2004, a group of Australian LGBT activists took a ship to the uninhabited Coral Sea Islands, declared it independent from Australia, proclaimed the islands of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands, and the rainbow flag - the official flag of the new state.

Here's a simple tip on how to remember which colors and in what sequence are located in a real, God-given rainbow: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple).

Now you can definitely tell a true rainbow from a pride flag. Just remember that Jesus died for every person, and any member of the LGBT community is the same beloved creation of our common Father.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Surely you have heard or seen the abbreviation LGBT more than once in magazines and newspapers, but not everyone understood what was hidden behind these four letters (although you guessed 🙂).

Today I will try to explain in simple words what it is, how this abbreviation stands for, and I will tell you other information on this topic.

What is LGBT and how it stands for

Let's figure it out.

According to Wikipedia, LGBT is an abbreviation used by to refer to all sexual minorities: lesbian, gay, bisexual, etc.

The designation came from the English language, where LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender. The abbreviation has been used since the 90s of the XX century to unite all representatives of non-traditional orientation in order to tell the world about its different sides.

The goal of the movement under this name is to fight for the rights of sexual minorities, and the motto "My life is my rules" encourages others to consider representatives of non-traditional orientation as full members of society.

Flag color and other symbols of the LGBT community

Now that you know what LGBT people mean, it's time to talk about the symbolism of the movement. There are several distinctive signs that help non-traditional sexual minorities stand out, and are regularly used in gay pride parades and other events.

Among them:

LGBT activists and the fight for equal rights

In principle, this knowledge about LGBT people (decoding each letter from an abbreviation and information about symbols) will be enough for most readers (for general, so to speak, development). But I still briefly offer to talk about the activists of the movement.

The leaders of this movement are seeking recognition of the rights of sexual minorities in each specific country at the legislative level.

In order to popularize their views, activists organize gay prides, demonstrations, and others in order to win people over to their community.

In addition to stories about LGBT people, what they are and what goals they pursue, they are trying to draw attention to the problems of modern sexual minorities in society.

Priority goals activists of the movement:

  1. the possibility of representatives of non-traditional orientation towards social adaptation;
  2. reducing the level of hostility, attacks and insults towards LGBT people;
  3. provision of timely medical assistance to transgender people, homosexuals, lesbians;
  4. the ability to enter into official same-sex marriages, have children;
  5. equality in all spheres of activity, including when applying for a job or studying at a higher educational institution.

In the countries of the European Union and the United States, LGBT activists have achieved their goals. Gay parades are periodically held in China, Venezuela and even Turkey, where the majority of the population is Muslim.

A deplorable situation for gay people and strict Muslim countries like Iran, Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, where homosexuals are sometimes physically destroyed.

Many celebrities do not hesitate to openly declare their orientation and are actively fighting for equal rights for representatives of sexual minorities, being an example for others.

Here are some famous personalities who did not hesitate to reveal themselves:

  1. Elton John. The singer came out (confessed to being homosexual) back in 1976, when even Western countries were not so loyal to homosexuals. Sir Elton John is now officially married and has children.
  2. Tom Ford. The famous designer confessed to being gay in 1997, later married a man, and since 2012 they have been raising a child together.
  3. Thomas Hitzlsperger. In the sports world, people are still afraid to admit their non-traditional sexual orientation, fearing misunderstanding on the part of fans and potential employers. German footballer Thomas Hitzlsperger played for such clubs as Bayern, Aston Villa, Stuttgart, Lazio, Westham, Wolfsburg and Everton, after which he retired from his playing career and confessed to being homosexual.

How LGBT people live in Russia

In Western countries, children from an early age are told "about this" (which means this concept), and explain that such people also have the right to self-expression (which is not bad). Another thing is that lately it has become look more like advertising such a way of life, as more correct (which is absurd).

In Russia, representatives of sexual minorities are faced not only with homophobia (although this happens), but with intolerance on the part of the population and the government towards advertising and the popularization of deviations. At the legislative level, officially propaganda is prohibited non-traditional sexual relations among persons under the age of 18.

Gay parades, same-sex marriages, direct or indirect support for LGBT people - all this is an unaffordable luxury in Russia. Representatives of sexual minorities most often have to hide their orientation, and there is no opportunity for them to create a family at the official level.

Tolerance but not cult building (IMHO)

Now you know more about this topic and which celebrities openly talk about their gay orientation, and how do they relate towards sexual minorities in Russia. I will dwell a little on the latter.

Now in the United States there is an acute problem (all their major media write about it) - men. It may seem strange to us from Russia, but for their rights it has so perverted the situation that men in the United States are now practically deprived of rights and are slowly “degenerating”.

In South Africa, the situation with the struggle of the black population for their rights led to an absolutely opposite result. Now there is apartheid on the contrary - the white population is practically deprived of all rights and is openly discriminated against.

Having dispersed, it is very difficult to stop and not to outweigh the thicket of scales in the other direction.

The same sad result will lead to aggressive struggle for the right of "normality" of the LGBT community. This must be understood and taken into account. It's one thing to cultivate a tolerant attitude in society (people with deviation are not to blame for the fact that nature ordered it so) and another thing to “pump up the rights”, as feminists have done for decades in the States.

Therefore, I am impressed by Russia's balanced approach in this matter. But that doesn't mean you have to agree with me. It is even good when there are many opinions, for this allows you to achieve the most.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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I found the letter below on Twitter today. The recipient of this letter (see below) asked if the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region was gay propaganda or not.

A check (examination) was carried out in connection with the appeal of a local resident of the Jewish Autonomous Region to the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation, who suspected the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region of promoting non-traditional sexual relations. Experts at the presidential Heraldic Council did not find any signs of such.

"On your inquiry regarding the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region, we inform you that this flag does not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation and, therefore, there are no grounds for its cancellation or change.

On your inquiry regarding the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region, we inform you that this flag does not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation and, therefore, there are no grounds for its cancellation or change.

In connection with your concerns about the similarity of this flag with the symbols of the gay movement, we explain that not every image of the rainbow is associated with sexual orientation. In particular, in the flag sphere there is an established flag of the gay movement, which is a panel consisting of seven equal horizontal stripes of rainbow colors. Variable and subordinate flags of homosexuals are built on the basis of what was described with the addition of inscriptions and images to the panel.

Obviously, the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region, which is based on a white cloth, has nothing in common with the above-described flag.

Best regards, G.V. Vilinbakhov

State King of Arms.

Performed by G. V. Kalashnikov ".

As far as we know, the current "liberal flags" (symbols) are orange, white or rainbow colored.
The wave of "peaceful" orange revolutions that swept through the former Soviet republics of the USSR (Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan) stumbled in the Caucasus, Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation.
In 2005 in Baku ( Azərbaycan Respublikası) I went to the city's boutiques to buy a trendy light-colored T-shirt. All T-shirts were of dark colors: black, navy blue, brown. But I wanted something bright. In the end, I went into a boutique and found there a single bright red T-shirt. I asked the seller why not, for example, orange T-shirts? The merchant replied that because of the "orange revolutions" we were forbidden to sell orange T-shirts (fabrics) ...
They started talking on the Internet that a wave of the Orange Revolution would soon sweep in Russia. However, the opposition chose peaceful white ribbons (flags) as its symbol, and almost immediately gay movements with rainbow flags joined them. The first thing that alerted us was the white banners and rainbow flags together.
It is known that a white cloth (flag) symbolizes surrender to the enemy, surrender, a sign of a demand for an end to hostilities, a sign of a truce or a proposal for negotiations, and the rainbow flag immediately became associated with the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Why?

First, the rainbow flag itself carries information about the colors of the rainbow. Secondly, it cannot be the flag of a foreign state, but is close to the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region and the flag of gay movements.
In the official reply of the State Herald Master G.V. Vilinbakhov it is said that "in the flag sphere there is an established flag of the gay movement, which is a panel consisting of of seven equal horizontal stripes of rainbow colors... The variant and subordinate flags of homosexuals are built on the basis of described with the addition of inscriptions and images to the panel.

Obviously, with the above flag, the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region, which is based on a white cloth, has nothing in common" .
In the Jewish Autonomous Region, the following explanations are given about the similarity of the two flags.

"God threw a rainbow from the sky to those lost in the desert as a symbol of hope. The originality of the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region was noted by the Heraldic Chamber, there is a special conclusion. Gays used this divine symbol - a rainbow, but removed the blue color from the spectrum, and this is no longer a rainbow. people are trying to rebuild our lives, to impose their opinion on us - this will not lead to anything good, we will forget about honor, dignity, justice, and there will be no hope, "Valyaev explained.
And now the question is, why do the two liberal symbols of the white ribbon and gay movements go hand in hand?
If we conditionally combine them, then we will get a flag that no longer resembles the "Pride flag", as reported by the media, but the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation. Then another question arises, what is the relation of the EAO It has to protest actions? Why was this particular flag design chosen for the EAO?

The perception of the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region as a symbol of positive undertakings is natural for global history and culture, says Elena Troyan, the chief curator of the regional museum of local lore. In her opinion, the flag with rainbow symbolism adequately represents a multinational region with a common history. IA EAOmedia.

- At different times, there were waves of discussions related to the topic of similarity between the flag of the region and a certain category of the human community. But for me personally, this topic was closed when the representatives of the Heraldic Chamber gave clear explanations at the conference on heraldry. This became the starting point to find out for yourself the meaning of the rainbow as a specific symbol.

The rainbow is highly symbolic of Jewish culture. This is also a reflection of how the minor lamp was received on Sinai, along with the tablets and the oral Torah. Here the analogy just suggests itself. Seven candles in a minor key - seven colors of the rainbow. The width of the stripe on the flag is one to 40 to the width of the flag. Again, we return to the Bible, the Torah - for 40 years Moses led the Jewish people across the desert, a new generation grew up, the people were freed from slave psychology. We are talking about the traditions that are reflected in the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region, - said Elena Troyan.

According to her, since people of different nationalities live in the region, one can recall world history. In particular, the story of the global flood - after the rain that poured 40 days and nights, the first thing that a man saw in the sky was a rainbow - a symbol of peace, a sign of a covenant between God and man that such terrible events would never happen again. In the Bible, the appearance of a rainbow after the flood is interpreted as a sign of God's forgiveness of human sins. And this is also embodied in the flag of the region..
In Russia, the rainbow is present on the flags of the cities of Raduzhny in the Vladimir, Moscow regions and the Khanty-Mansiysk district, on the flag of the Patriots of Russia party. The flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region is a white rectangular cloth, along the horizontal axis of which there is a colored rainbow strip, consisting of seven narrow horizontal stripes: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. The rainbow flag was chosen by the "Party of Economic Freedom" founded by K. N. Borov, which caused the subsequent embarrassment (it was confused with the "gay flag").

Flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region
If glad If, according to Elena Troyan, "is very symbolic for Jewish culture," then the question arises: why do gays provoke the discontent of some Russian citizens with their "Pride flag" on the territory of the Russian Federation? For example, Adolf Hitler, after coming to power, his partyThe flag of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (NSDAP) was approved as a national, and then as a state, national and commercial flag of Germany (Third Reich).

The "pride flag" is so named because it can only be used in gay parades. And for especially "inquisitive" give an explanation misleadingly called it "the flag of the world."
The "Peace Flag" (Italian: Bandiera della Pace) is one of the symbols of the international peace movement. Its author is considered to be the Italian philosopher, theologian and humanist Aldo Capitini, who demonstrated the rainbow banner on the first march for peace from Perugia to Assisi on September 24, 1961. The rainbow has been chosen as a symbol to celebrate diversity and a biblical sign of reconciliation. There is evidence that the rainbow banner as a sign of peace was proposed as early as 1949 and may have been borrowed from the cooperative movement.
On the territory of Russia, the "Pride Flag" has established itself in the hometown of the President and Prime Minister of the Government of St. Petersburg. That may sooner or later come the hour when the "Pride flag" will become, like the dream of the communists, not the flag of the World Revolution and not the "flag of peace" (in the sense of peace), but the "flag of peace" (in the sense of the Earth) under the rule of the world (Earth) government.

Pride flag of St. Petersburg

Shalom flag

Along with other celestial phenomena, the rainbow is one of the ancient symbols of humanity.
Now let's look at the coincidences and history of this flag. O some of the most famous and recognizable variants of the rainbow flag is an The Pride Flag (symbol of the gay and lesbian movement) and the Flag of Peace (symbol of the peace movement), as well as the flag of the Native American movement.

In 1924, the renowned French economist Charles Gide designed the rainbow flag to celebrate the International Day of Cooperatives. He emphasized that the rainbow symbolizes unity in diversity and the power of light, enlightenment and progress. The flag became the official symbol of the International Co-operative Alliance in 1925. In the post-war period, the Alliance begins to actively cooperate with the labor movement in many countries of the world.
Currently, the rainbow flag Pride flag, Freedom flag is the international symbol of the LGBT community. The rainbow flag consists of six longitudinal stripes, the colors of which follow the natural order of the rainbow from top to bottom: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
The original idea behind the rainbow flag is liberation. Any revolution begins with the word no. There is no injustice, no violence, no discrimination, no oppression, no slavery, no existence under the yoke of constant fear. Yes - love. The rainbow flag was designed by artist Gilbert Baker specifically for the 1978 San Francisco Gay Pride. The flag was first displayed on June 25, 1978.
It has been suggested that Baker's banner was inspired by the 'race flag' of the African American civil rights movement proclaimed by the Rev. Jesse Jackson: “Our flag is red, white and blue, but our nation is rainbow - red, yellow, brown, black and white. - and we are all precious in the eyes of God. "

Initially, as conceived by the artist, the flag consisted of eight stripes. Baker assigns a specific value to each color:

deep pink - sexy

Red- a life

Orange- health

yellow- sunlight

green- nature

turquoise- magic / art

indigo- calmness / harmony

Violet- fortitude / spirituality.

Later, the pink and then turquoise stripes were removed from the flag, and at the same time the indigo was replaced by blue. According to the official version, the changes were made due to the economic and technical difficulties of mass production. Other sources indicate that one of the stores was selling surplus Rainbow Girls flags, which did not have a pink stripe, from warehouses to meet the increased demand.
The six-color flag has spread from San Francisco to other cities and has become a well-known symbol of the LGBT community around the world. There are various variations of the rainbow flag, as well as rainbow variations of national and regional Pride flags: Canada, South Africa, Spain, USA.

Europride flag

The modern flag of Israel is unusual: two blue stripes and Magen David (Hebrew דגל מדינת ישראל - Degel Medinat Israel - "Star of David", "Shield of David") in the middle ... But why is he like that? What images gave him life?

Hexagram (six-pointed star), composed of two equilateral triangles, and serves as the emblem of Judaism and Zionism.

What do the two blue stripes mean besides the color of the sky?

In the creation of the flag of the State of Israel, the image of the tallit was used - a prayer blanket, a cape. Tzitzit brushes are inserted into the four corners of the tallit. Usually worshipers wear a tallit during morning prayer and Torah recitation. It is customary for the Sephardi to wear it at a wedding. Talit accompanies a pious Jew all his life, it is even customary to bury in a talit (talit). So this image for the flag of Israel is not at all accidental.


Flags began to be used long before humanity began to record the ongoing historical events. They symbolized various movements, peoples and even individuals. Every state in the world has its own flag, some of them are very strange, some are beautiful, others are boring.

Below is a list of ten flags that are unique in their own way.

10. Dannebrog

Flags first appeared in China and India and later spread around the world. Due to the fact that the flags appeared so long ago, it is impossible to identify which flag was the first. However, it has been proven that the Dannebrog is the oldest flag in the world that is still in use today.

Back in the 13th century, presumably from June 15, 1219, Dannebrog is the national flag of Denmark and serves as the inspiration for the designs of the flags of other Scandinavian countries. Prior to its official adoption, the flag was mainly used in the Viking region and featured triangular edges. Austria also claims to be the oldest flag in the world, although their flag appears to date back to 1230.

9. Flags - semaphores

Language is not just speech and movement. Flags - semaphores are a system for transmitting information at a distance using visual signals by means of hand flags, rods, discs, and sometimes simply with bare hands or with gloved hands. The information is encoded by the position of the flag, but it is read when the flag is in a fixed position.

Semaphores have been adopted and widely used in the maritime world since the early 1800s (hand flags have been replaced by so-called "mechanical arms"). Semaphore signals, for example, were used in the Battle of Trafalgar. This was the period when the modern naval semaphore system was invented, which used hand flags. It is still used for emergency communication in the daytime, as for the night, in this case, lighted sticks are used instead of flags.

8. Flag of Nepal

The flag of Nepal is the only non-rectangular flag in the world. The flag is a simplified combination of two separate pennants. Its crimson color is the color of the rhododendron, the country's national flower. Red is also a sign of victory in a war, blue border is the color of peace. Until 1962, the flag emblems (sun and crescent) had human faces.

In order to modernize the flag, it was decided to remove the faces. The faces remained on the royal standard until the abolition of the monarchy in 2008. The flag was adopted with the formation of a new constitutional government on December 16, 1962. Separate pennants were used in the previous two centuries, while the double pennant began to be used in the 19th century.

7. White flag of truce

The white flag is an internationally recognized protective sign of a truce, or ceasefire and a request for negotiation. It is also used to signal surrender, which is why often the weaker military side comes up with this flag asking for negotiations.

The white flag indicates that the approaching negotiator is unarmed, in his intentions either to surrender, or a desire to start a dialogue. Persons holding a white flag cannot open fire and cannot be shot at. The use of the flag is included in the Geneva Convention.

6. Under the black flag

The black flag, and the color black as such, have been associated with anarchy since the 1880s. Many anarchist collectives have the word "black" in their names. There were a number of recurring anarchist organizations called the Black Flag.

The uniform blackness of the flag signifies the denial of all repressive structures, as opposed to the colorful flags common to most nation states. In addition, while the white flag is a universal symbol of surrender to a superior force, then the black flag is a symbol of defiance.

5. Flag of transsexuals

We are all familiar with the rainbow flag of the gay movement, however, the transgender flag is less well known in public circles. It was created in 2000, when the first parade of this minority took place in the American city of Phoenix (Arizona).

The flag designer very clearly explained why the flag is exactly like this: “Blue is traditionally masculine, pink is feminine, white in the middle symbolizes those who are in between, who feel they have a gender neutral. whichever way you choose, it will always be the right one. It speaks of our efforts to find justice in our own life. "

4. Flag of the Jolly Roger

Jolly Roger is the name given to any flag to identify the crew of a pirate ship. Today, the most recognizable Jolly Roger is the human skull perched above two crossed tubular bones. This whole composition is depicted on a black background.

This flag design was used by several pirates, including Captain Edward England and John Taylor. Some Jolly Roger flags depicted the hourglass, which in 17th and 18th centuries in Europe was a symbol of death. Despite its cultural prominence, common black flags were often used by most pirates of the 17th and 18th centuries.

3. Flag of West Africa

This unusual flag is usually (and mistakenly) attributed to the Benin Empire. It is one of four flags currently in the Greenwich National Maritime Museum near London. There is some uncertainty as to the exact origin of the flag, whether it came directly from Benin or was used by neighboring peoples.

The name "Kennedy", written on a paper label and attached to the flag, seems to indicate that it was brought back to Admiral F. Kennedy in 1897 after an expedition against Benin, which may indicate that the flag is of Benin origin. ... However, the flag is very similar to the other three West African flags stored in the museum, which did not originate in Benin, but among neighboring peoples.

2. Flag of Mars

The flag of Mars is a tricolor representing the planet. Although it has no legal effect, the flag has been approved by the Martian community and the planetary community. The flag is intended to represent the "future history" of Mars.

The red stripe, which is closest to the mast, symbolizes Mars today. Green and blue indicate the stages of the possible terraforming of Mars, that someday humanity will be able to fulfill this task, however, the ethics of terraforming the planet is still a subject of debate.

1. Nazi flag

The Nazi flag is probably the most controversial flag in human history. It is even today banned in a number of countries. The flag was designed by Hitler himself, who believed that it was necessary to use the colors of imperial Germany, because in his opinion, "the use of these colors is our tribute and respect to the glorious past that brought so much honor to the German nation."

"The most important requirement for a new flag is that it must prove its effectiveness, because there are hundreds of thousands of cases where a really worthwhile emblem can be the root cause of the awakening interest in the movement."

What is sodom? This - contrary to popular belief - is not a state where people simply sin a lot. This is the state of a society or an individual when sin is legalized internally and externally for them.

It is not the first year that the world sodomite community, which has taken the neutral abstract abbreviation LGBT to denote its homo- and bisexual, as well as transgender content, has been using the rainbow as its symbol. But non-governmental organizations are one thing.

Another is when a rainbow is used to glorify sodom by the government of a particular country. Moreover, countries whose leaders in their speeches constantly turn to God for support, and a significant part of the population of which are truly believing Christians.

This is exactly what the Barack Obama administration did late last week, instructing the White House to be illuminated in rainbow colors in support of a US Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage throughout the country. At the same time, Secretary of State John Kerry announced Washington's intention to spread soda further throughout our planet.

It is known how the LGBT community explains its use of the rainbow symbol: they say, people are different by analogy with the components of sunlight, nature or even God made them so, and without each separately, the unity of mankind will not be. Moreover, belonging to the LGBT community, they argue, brings beauty and joy and is a source of pride. All of the above is an ominous distortion of the original meaning.

The true meaning of the rainbow symbol is associated for all who honor the Bible, or at least the Old Testament, with the end of the flood. Covering the earth with water, as we remember, God destroyed the antediluvian mankind, whose combined sin became inextinguishable, with the exception of the righteous Noah and his loved ones, and subsequently restored order on the earth. The rainbow arch, which then connected heaven and earth for the first time, symbolized the post-Flood covenant of God and man.

It boils down to a promise that "all flesh will no longer be destroyed by the waters of the flood, and there will no longer be a flood to devastate the earth" (Gen. 9: 8-11). By the way, both of these words - rainbow and arch - have as their semantic basis the ancient Indo-European syllable "Rha" and its pair according to the principle of the metathesis "Arh", which are also present in such Russian words as "paradise", "patriarch", " architecture ", the ancient Greek" arche "(the generative cause of all that exists), the Arabic" rahman "," rahim "(merciful, merciful as epithets of Allah).

Yes, the rainbow symbolizes God's mercy to us and His readiness to forgive our sins, but in one case: if we realize the damage to our human nature, we are able to see evil, which after the flood mostly acts in the world not openly, but hiding behind good, we repent of our sins , we resist evil.

Those who persist in their sin, God teaches in an appropriate way: Ham for ridiculing and humiliating his parent - by placing him in slavery to other descendants of Noah; the builders of the Tower of Babel - by the separation of tongues; the sodomites of Sodom and Gomorrah - with fire ...

Kerry: US will continue to strive for equal rights for sex minorities around the worldOn Friday, the US Supreme Court ruled that the right to same-sex marriage does not contradict the country's constitution, and thus allowed such marriages to be registered in any state.

God reacted to the state of humanity at the end of Antiquity by directing His Son Jesus Christ into the world, through whom the New Covenant was concluded with us, not canceling, but fulfilling and developing the previous covenants.

You may or may not belong to any particular confession, but anyone who sees the presence in the world of the Higher Principle and the culture-forming role of religion in general and the Bible in particular cannot but admit that using the rainbow as a symbol of the LGBT community is not "cute joke "and even more so not a legitimate reference to the symbolism of the universe. This is an outrage against the universe, the establishment of the world of sin as a rule. In fact, the adherents of this community act like Cain: they accompany their outrage against God's will by demanding a special attitude towards themselves, a kind of protective letter.

The rainbow incident is not the only case in world history of the use of the sacred symbol by those whose activities are aimed at the destruction of humanity. The same substitution was carried out in the first third of the 20th century in relation to the swastika symbol. Today this word for a Russian person, and for most of humanity, sounds disgusting, meaning Hitler, Nazis and scum, but it was not always so. In the Russian Empire, the swastika as a symbol of the holy spirit was respected. She was present, in particular, at the household items of the last Russian emperor.

Plots that are far from each other? Was the Nazi regime cruel to homosexuals? I am sure that this is exactly what the opponents of linking these stories into one trend will say. And yet we are talking about two components of the general offensive of anti-humanity. To clothe the antihuman in the most "human" clothes is a very common technique of our days.

Consuls General of the USA and Great Britain took part in a gay pride parade in TurkeyBritish Consul General Leigh Turner posted on Twitter a photo in which he, along with US Consul General Charles Hunter, pose with the LGBT flag among the participants of the gay supporters' march in Istanbul.

Take the imposition of juvenile justice on our society - a tool to destroy the traditional family and the system of parenting children in a fatherly spirit. Or the thesis about the "expediency" of legalizing prostitution. This technique is generally in the spirit of those who live according to the principle: "Everything that a person desires is naturally justified, and in the categories that created human civilization, prohibitions cannot be considered." Their number is growing in the world, and our country, unfortunately, is no exception. And what is also important: the instigators of the movement of the world along the path of moral degradation know what they are doing.

It is up to each of us to decide what and in what sequence we should answer, but among the first steps on this path is the protection of symbols. With each new distorted meaning, with each next defamed symbol, there is less light and more dark in the world.

They called the rainbow "the LGBT flag" - and there was less light. They recognized that same-sex marriage is the norm - the dark in the world has increased. They refused to defend the purity of the images of Jesus Christ or the Prophet Muhammad, they agreed that, by insulting them, someone "realizes their right to free self-expression" - the dark has become even more ...

The rainbow should remain a rainbow, sin should remain sin, repentance should remain repentance. Rejection of moral and semantic degradation will preserve hope for life. Agreeing with her will mean death.