Why flit on Monday night. Wednesday Wednesday and Night in time by day, Truthful hours - recognition in love, for girls, women, men: list will take

Why flit on Monday night. Wednesday Wednesday and Night in time by day, Truthful hours - recognition in love, for girls, women, men: list will take

The article offers you basic predictions for Sunday Jalka.

Ikalka Love Day on Friday by the clock for girls, women, men truthful

Ploy to the future and to predict the upcoming events will help you and the classic way of divination. To do this, just remember the time to which ICOT found you, and look at the list of predictions.

IMPORTANT: Ikalka is a strict divination by day of the week and therefore it is important for each prediction to not confuse the list: on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on. Sunday, for example, a day not favorable for serious solutions, it is suitable for recreation and establishing relationships with others.

Predictions for "Day Jollard":

05.00-06.00 – Your favorite person will soon please you with an unexpected surprise. Wait looking forward to with him a meeting and a pleasant pastime. You may receive an invitation to date.

06.00-07.00 – Get ready for the fact that all events and plans go wrong as you expected. However, the change of events will very positively affect your life and bring something new in it.

07.00-08.00 – Expect trouble, but let them not make you nervous. Calmly transfer all the vital problems and make your lessons. All that does not happen, all for the better!

08.00-09.00 – Unfortunately, you have now set the "black strip", and therefore try to protect yourself from any serious solutions, enterprises, shopping and travel, then do not regret it. The best thing you can do is relax or calmly spend time with relatives.

09.00-10.00 – Recently, you are very weak, low-active, do not want to work and communicate a little with people. The reason for this weakened aura, which simply "requires" rest. Take a vacation or travel on a trip on the weekend. The rested body will return to you strength and inspiration.

10.00-11.00 – Get ready for deception. Many people betray you from the near circle of communication. It can be a colleague or a good friend. In order not to become a victim, try to avoid any conflict situations.

11.00-12.00 – In the near future, you are waiting for an invitation to a fun holiday. Boldly take it and go to visit, to a party, a concert or a family dinner. Such an event will allow you to relax the "body and soul".

12.00-13.00 – Ikalka foreshadows you a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and joyful emotions. Spend time with friends and loved ones, your loved one. Do not sit at home and do not work overtime, do not work in household matters, moral leisure and fun will benefit you.

13.00-14.00 – Very soon you will find a series of minor troubles, surviving that you will become stronger and wiser. Perceive these problems as life lessons sent in order for you to have experience.

14.00-15.00 – Your at first glance is a harmless joke can be a serious reason to squander with a close man. Try to "keep the tongue for your teeth" nearby and not try to insult someone.

15.00-16.00 – Ikalka foreshadows you an unexpected, but very pleasant meeting with the opposite sex man. You may have already had a relationship with him, as an intimate connection is clearly felt. You should configure in advance to the meeting and be "fulfillment" to charm this person.

16.00-17.00 – Nude definitely will happen to you very soon. Be prepared for any news and problems, configure yourself in advance for the best outcome of the case and if you do not refuse the help of loved ones!

17.00-18.00 – Look at the person you call the best friend. Does he deceive you? Does he envy you secretly? Perhaps it was he who caused your chalter problems and failures. You should seriously talk and settle your conflicts.

18.00-19.00 – Ikalka confidently advises you not to trust the blind one who you love, especially if we are talking about your loved one. You must independently organize your happiness and not listen to other people's instructions. So you will avoid multiple problems in your personal life!

19.00-20.00 – A loved one will surprise you with an unexpected gift soon. Try to thank it or make a mutual surprise. Do each other unexpected gifts - the secret of your good relationship.

Ikalka love night on Wednesday by the clock for girls, women, men truthful

Night Icalka can warn you from many events for the coming day. Listen to predictions and try to make the right conclusions.

Night "Love Ikalka" by the clock:

20.00-21.00 – The next week for you will be filled with sensuality and romance. The reason for this new love or an outbreak of passion already in existing relationships. Boldly run on dates, give and take gifts, kiss in the rain and walk under the moon, you never feel such experiences!

21.00-22.00 – Ikalka confidently believes that if something you did not work, you should try again. Good luck will be on your side, it is only worth an effort!

22.00-23.00 – Soon you will receive a message from your beloved. It may be a small gift with a note, a pleasant SMS for the night or the most real letter with recognition. You should answer him (her) with the same sensuality!

23.00-00.00 – Something will be very angry in the near future, but try to calm down and hurt your rage so as not to spoil your relationship with others: friends, colleagues, loved ones.

00.00-01.00 – Believe or do not believe, but you will come "unexpected money." Agree, the news is pleasant and necessary. Try to spend this money only on yourself to get pleasant emotions and become more confident in yourself!

01.00-02.00 – Be prepared for the fact that it will not be possible to relax. Soon you will get a lot of work, which will completely take your thoughts and hands. On the one hand, this is good, because the pipes will be rewarded in full, and on the other - you risk spoiling relationships with your loved ones, paying little time.

02.00-03.00 – Ikalka foreshadows you large cash wretches, because of what you can even quarrel with your loved one. Try not to spend money on not necessary things, limited to the most necessary.

03.00-04.00 – You probably have a lot of issues that require immediate answers. Quietly go to bed, because in the dream you will understand exactly how you do. Not in vain say that "the morning of the evening is wiser."

04.00-05.00 – Ikalka exactly foreshadows you fun, movement, joy and laughter. You should not sit at home or engage in household problems, relax with a soul and body, get acquainted with a new person or do what you have not been doing before: dancing on the table, kiss with a stranger (stranger) and other nonsense!

Ikalka on Tuesday is an easy way to pay for the future and love relationship. For divination, no special skills are required: just join and remember the time when it happened so that the prophecy is then improved correctly. Icota is a way to report on the coming change.

Morning Ikalka

Icotes in the morning:

  • 5-6 - It is better not to rush to come with sustainable conclusions without considering them. Probably, the gadgetting something will not go according to the plan or it will be offended. It is required to find internal forces on solving problems.
  • 6-7 - need change in personal life. It is worth thinking about changing the lover or a new acquaintance. Be open to the world, feel free to get acquainted, easily perceive compliments, winking and other marks of attention.
  • 7-8 - Select one partner, do not let empty hopes for others. Indecision will leave you with anything. When choosing a partner, prefer those who often suggest that in love with your soul.
  • 8-9 - The day promises to be joyful and happy, crowded good events and vivid impressions. It is worth buying a lottery ticket or make a bet on the tote: today Fortuna smiles to you.
  • 9-10 - Prophecy obliges to care in relationships with loved ones. You probably have forgotten any important event or festival for the family. Apologize before those who were offended, and forgive the insult to those who offended or insulted you earlier.
  • 10-11 - the prediction warns that you do not pay attention to the secret fan, on the ears of the in love with you. Try to be kind to all representatives of the opposite sex, so as not to miss the chance to meet and get acquainted with the second half.
  • 11-12 - a sudden meeting with a former partner. Try to keep indifference and not waste your nerves, it is worth the impression that you are fine and you are glad to meet this person as a friend.

Day Ikalka

Day Icalka predicts a number of events:

  • 12-13 - any plan is doomed to successful completion. Fortune on your part,. Any changes are favorable: moving, work change, sudden journey.
  • 13-14 - On this day, give yourself a maximum of time. Take care of your appearance and health status, go on shopping, fill the wardrobe with new clothes and make yourself a cup of fragrant coffee and your favorite tastes. Mental harmony will give a calm and consent to professional activities, relationships with relatives, friends and colleagues.
  • 14-15 - expect to receive a pleasant surprise, which has long been hoping and who did not intend to get such a light way. This gift is rational order to bring it to paying the benefit, but there is no need to spread about it in the circle of alleged envious.
  • 15-16 - Enviously discovered in the circle of communication. From the gadgetting required a certain time not to tell anyone about the successes, personal matters and recent acquisitions. Probably, ill-wishers will want to take advantage of this and harm.

Evening Ikalka

Evening Ikalka in time:

  • 16-17 - on your territory launches the enemy, applying for love relationships or professional activities. Take a closer to people and you will understand that you have long noticed his strange behavior. Get rid of the opponent easily by establishing relationships with other people.
  • 17-18 - Make a pleasant Surprise Beloved. Such a move will make a stronger relationship, give the strength to emotions and feelings. Any jewelry product will be the most successful and appropriate gift.
  • 18-19 - warning against moral exhaustion and various diseases. Recently, you have given little time to leisure and talking with close people. Try to go on vacation and relax, to pay time to communicating with relatives and friends.
  • 19-20 - You should count on a good news that will provoke a change in plans. Be prepared for any events and actions that bring a positive attitude, even if you are forced to spend a considerable amount or come to reconciliation with an unpleasant person.

Night Ikalka

Night Icalka is considered the most truthful.

Her interpretation:

  • 20-21 - in the coming period, please keep about your achievements and acquisitions. Watch the speech to not quarrel and not spoil the relationship with loved ones, relatives, friends, work colleagues. Think about what you say not to offend other people.
  • 21-22 - a kind of blonde woman represents a threat. It will significantly resort the life to a gading person. This is a girlfriend or a close person.
  • 22-23 - Soon there is an opportunity to meet an excellent person who will become inspiration. It will be a native person or an old friend. Pay attention to the advice of expensive gadgets people.
  • 23-00 - You do not leave the thoughts of a person who is interested in looking, but can not start acting, waiting for you a sign of consent. Analyze the circle of communication.
  • 00-01 - iking await unplanned high costs, from which it is better to refuse, then not to nibble yourself and not tolerate inconvenience. Do not attend any time elite shops and catering sites, as well as do not lend any amount. Most likely, it will not be returned.
  • 01-02 - Soon an unexpected, but fateful acquaintance will take place, so do not be afraid of unfamiliar people, it is better to communicate with them. Soon the acquaintance will turn into a strong friendship or take a course for love adventures.
  • 02-03 - A dark-haired man is constantly thinking about the person of the gadget. It can be both a close friend and a colleague at work. If you are ready for new relationships, you will be friendly and kind with your friends, so that it is not a member of a potential life satellite.
  • 03-04 - Your activity will be rewarded to take advantage, so relax and expect soon success. Now in the life of a favorable successful period, when all the efforts are noticeable.
  • 04-05 - For a while, it is not necessary to succumb to even the most desirable temptations: impulsive solutions are often only temporary pleasure. Temptations can meet in any life sphere: in professional activities, romantic relations, monetary aspect.

Even in the age of scientific discoveries and modern technologies, scientists to this day cannot give an unequivocal definition of Ikote. It is known that the reason for the involuntary sounds of sounds lies in sharp contractions of the diaphragm.

What factor affects its occurrence of science is still not known. You can sick from lack of oxygen, from overeating, from long laughter or at all without any reason.

Human Ikota can be a sign of whose envy

However, a sign that the ibeing someone recalls, is known to everyone and everyone. Each adult woman can remember how diaries and notebooks were conducted on the young years. Various yawnki, chiheliki and ikalki could give an accurate definition of the events taking place and direct the true young person on the path.

History of origin

Foreaging - Ikalka in time was considered one of the most truthful, since the values \u200b\u200bwere collected in centuries and were carefully transferred from mom to her daughter. Each girl had a notebook, looking at which she could get a good advice or warning.

Sometimes they say what to go - to the rain

Interpretations were painstakingly entered into a special table, painted by day of week, time of day and even by hours. As a result, having such a notebook, the Molodice remained only to look at the clock and find a value in the temporary table.

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Monday - you are constantly in whose thoughts


Daytime begins from the moment of awakening, and lasts until you awake.

07.00 - 8.00 soon an unexpected meeting with a loved one will happen. There will be an excellent opportunity to make a good impression on it.
08.00 - 9.00 For you, the blond guy jeaches. Take a closer look at this person and do not miss your destiny.
09.00 - 10.00 Someone is in love with you very much and is looking forward to meetings. Do not make mistakes, exchangeting easy flirting to strong relationships.
10.00 - 11.00 Monday Day of Love and Revelations. For 2-3 days wait for confessions in love. You can not doubt the sincerity of the feelings of the ridicker.
11.00 - 12.00 Favorite thinks about you as often as you are about him.
12.00 - 13.00 Be careful during a conversation with your chosen one. The ambulance meeting can end that you are stolen too much.
13.00 - 14.00 Sadness and longing in cute will pursue you for several hours in a row. Think about whether to continue the relationship, if all the time you spend in sadness and tears?
14.00 - 15.00 Your lover decided that it was time to invite you to a date. Be patient a little more and it will take the first step towards.
15.00 - 16.00 Time when you will greatly wander in nice. The influx of emotions can cause tears and longing.
16.00 - 17.00 Look at your surrounding. Perhaps the one whom you consider your friend has long been counting on a more romantic relationship.
17.00 - 18.00 Today you will see the narrowed in a dream. Try not to get lost and ask him the main question that has been tormented by your heart.
18.00 - 19.00 A nice date and confession in love is not far off. Be prepared to dissolve in the hugs of the beloved.
19.00 - 20.00 An unpleasant conversation with a beloved, which can serve as a reason for parting.
20.00 - 21.00 pay more attention not to words, but actions. Even the most friendly relationships can grow into tender feelings.
21.00 - 22.00 you dream about you in day and night, most likely these feelings are mutual.
22.00 - 23.00 feel free to take the first step. Your beloved dreams to share gentle feelings as soon as possible.
23.00 - 00.00 wait for unexpected guests and be prepared for a meeting with your loved one.

If you read on Monday, then someone thinks about you, if you can think, both good and bad


The fortune telling at night does not mean what you need to run to the icon asking. Just look at the clock, and in the morning, find out the interpretation. The night prophecy is considered if the Ikota attacked during sleep and peace. Monday night foreshadowing financial well-being and pleasant news.

00.00 - 01.00 Covers themselves ask for your hands, dispose of them correctly.
01.00 - 02.00 Week promises to be fruitful financially. However, for a good remuneration will have to work a lot.
02.00 - 03.00 Learn to keep yourself in your hands by making purchases, you can very quickly stay without a penny in your pocket.
03.00 - 04.00 Grab luck by tail. Buy a lottery ticket, the high probability that you will win a large amount.
04.00 - 05.00 The best girlfriend risks becoming a sworn enemy, check how sincere it is. Perhaps this expose it is to stop her unkind intentions.
05.00 - 06.00 If someone offers his friendship, do not give up pleasant communication. Who knows, can friendly relations grow into something more.
06.00 - 07.00 Friendly conversation with a pleasant person. Do not leave our loved ones.

There is an old people's way to find out whose thoughts have caused such a reaction of the body. Eating at random from your head one hairs and wrap on your finger, pronouncing the alphabet. What the letter the hair will end on this letter and begins the name of a person who remembers your person.

Tuesday - dream about you and jeep


On Tuesday, day and day testimony suggests that in the life of an all smoothly. However, it is not always good to sail for the flow. Act and do not be afraid of change.

07.00 - 8.00 Decide on the choice of partner and should not be tormented by the rest of the workers;
08.00 - 9.00 Someone secretly dreams of a meeting with you.
09.00 - 10.00 Pay attention to your parents and loved ones. Think, do not forget about someone's birthday or professional festival.
10.00 - 11.00 Look more carefully to the guys around you. Do not miss your chance to gain long and strong relationships.
11.00 - 12.00 Ikota at noon on Tuesday foreshadows an unexpected meeting with a former gap. Try not to be confused and make a good impression.
12.00 - 13.00 It is time to change. The journey will be successful, the cases started successful, and plans are feasible.
13.00 - 14.00 Share your external and internal status. The change of hairstyles and the image will benefit. Harmony with himself the most important thing on the way to a happy life.
14.00 - 15.00 You will be presented a pretty expensive gift. Do not brag your girlfriends in order not to cause envy.
15.00 - 16.00 Ikalka warns about the presence of ill-wishers among people you trust. Remember the happiness loves silence.
16.00 - 17.00 Pay attention to your environment. Someone is diligently attempting to make you competition. It may be a colleague at work that enjoying you, and the rival looking at your favorite.
17.00 - 18.00 Pay attention to your second half. Perhaps even an inexpensive present will be a reason for the tide of new gentle emotions.
18.00 - 19.00 Pay attention to your well-being in recent days. Awilling and depressed mood, overwork and bad dream, all this alarming bells of the body. If it goes on and further, be sure to consult a doctor.
19.00 - 20.00 Pleasant and unexpected news can flip life from legs. Even if you need to change all your plans, remember any changes always for the better.
20.00 - 21.00 Follow your statements. One sharp word can serve as a reason for the scandal with expensive and native people.
21.00 - 22.00 Be vigilant when communicating with a blonde woman. We naturally, but do not let her too close.
22.00 - 23.00 An adult and experienced person will give a good advice. Take away with gratitude for useful information, and then inspiration and good luck will not leave you for a long time.
23.00 - 00.00 Feel free to express your sympathy. Some workers are very indecisive and prefer to wait with recognition until they are confident in reciprocity.


During the rest of the ICTO is quite rare. If this happened to you, be sure to pay attention to this fact.

Close people or loved

00.00 - 01.00 Refrain from large purchases to experience a lack of funds for a long period.
01.00 - 02.00 Cupid arrows are already charged. Expect a random acquaintance that will make you believe in love at first sight.
02.00 - 03.00 A dark-haired guy thinks about you and day and night. Take a look at friends and colleagues, simple attention signs may mean much more than you think.
03.00 - 04.00 Soon the white band will come in life, it will be easier to breathe, things will go uphill, and financial problems will be solved by themselves.
04.00 - 05.00 It's time to get rid of bad habits. Refrain from temptations in food, because a beautiful figure decoration of any girl. Be kept in emotions and feelings, do not allow the reputation dislike.
05.00 - 06.00 Always provide a person another chance. Situations arise different and the one who has lost confidence may be the first to come to the rescue in a difficult situation.
06.00 - 07.00 Unforeseen spending will bring the day coming. And Ikalka warns that it is worth carefully to look at its partner, perhaps this is not your person.

Determine the name of the person thinking about you during involuntary contractions of the diaphragm is very simple. Call the names of suspects, the attack will stop after the pronounced name of the culprit.

Wednesday - long-awaited news

In the middle of the week, Ikalka foreshadows pleasant news, an unexpected, but long-awaited call or a message. Wednesday is better not to plan an undertaking and postpone all important meetings on another day.


Day and day and warnings carries in themselves more negative prophecies and warnings.

07.00 - 8.00 Someone recalls you now. This is in no way associated with love relationships. Maybe you did not finish the work started or forgot to fulfill your promises?
08.00 - 9.00 You will bother all day, trying to fulfill trusted work at the highest level.
09.00 - 10.00 Refrain from trips and flights, ikalki signs say that now you should not leave the native edges. Not the best time to move.
10.00 - 11.00 If the old relationship has long been outlined, then you should not hold on. A new round in personal life will help to revive butterflies in the stomach.
11.00 - 12.00 Your gaznoba is looking at another girl. Be careful, the rival is not going to give up without a fight. Moreover, the guy is interested in it no less than in you.
12.00 - 13.00 Today, someone may need your advice. Do not refuse to help friends and familiar, and you will always submit a strong friendly shoulder, in a difficult situation.
13.00 - 14.00 As the saying goes: the first whip. If a friend presented information that did not cause you joy, there is no guilt in this. Ikalka at this time promises unpleasant news, but the most important thing in this situation is not bad news, but how you accept it.
14.00 - 15.00 An old friend is better than two new ones. Do not avoid communicating with long-letter familiar, you will soon need their help.
15.00 - 16.00 Evening environment is better to spend in a relaxed atmosphere, with close people.
16.00 - 17.00 Hold your favorite time. If the weather is good, take a walk in the park, if not, you can simply take a relaxing bath, light candles and enable pleasant and relaxing music.
17.00 - 18.00 If it was decided to complete the relationship, then this does not mean that friendly communication should stop. Just follow your emotions and do not let it in a conversation with the former beloved.
18.00 - 19.00 Beautiful man can like the guys much less than a dugushka with a kind heart and a quiet character. The Ice Aura, created by you, only repels the workers. Change the tactics of behavior with the opposite sex so as not to stay alone.
19.00 - 20.00 At the end of the week you will be invited to date. Take care in advance about your appearance, it is not necessary to appear in front of a potential worker in a non-heavy form.
20.00 - 21.00 Warning for those who constantly forget. Check with the records in the diary, did you forget to congratulate someone happy birthday. Maybe you occupied money and forgot to return the debt on time?
21.00 - 22.00 Not important gift, but attention. The present that will be presented to you soon will be from a person you are interested in.
22.00 - 23.00 Loss time will come for those who are boosting closer to midnight. It may be a material loss and spiritual.
23.00 - 00.00 Refuse serious purchases. Large spending will lead to a complete financial crisis.

Icota on Wednesday will necessarily bring news


Night ailment on Wednesday will bring material problems and unforeseen expenses.

00.00 - 01.00 Be careful, signing documents and contracts. Someone is trying to use your credulity for illegal operation. You can seriously substitute.
01.00 - 02.00 Do not borrow, if not sure that you will return it in time. Try not to ignore reminders of creditors about the return of debt. Even a minor amount can ruin the reputation for a long time.
02.00 - 03.00 Pay attention to your lifestyle. Is there much fat food and a lot of sports and outdoor activities for a young and beautiful girl?
03.00 - 04.00 Do you often take money in duty from friends and relatives? Such irresponsibility can spoil relations with close and drive into the debt.
04.00 - 05.00 A quarrel and offenses of lovers should not last long. Show the initiative, and reconciliation will be long-awaited for both.
05.00 - 06.00 Envy is very bad feeling, but it does not stop unfriendly. Someone just boils against anger with every new achievement.
06.00 - 07.00 Think carefully what to tell you people around you. There is a chance to ruin the relationship.

You can stop the continuous Icota to be leaning toward the left leg sock and cross it. Starbers argue that death will immediately cease.

Thursday - day of romantic dates


Ikalka Thursday promises gadgets pleasant meetings with a loved one. The fourth day of the week carries a positive energy and charges all the cases started, including relations.

07.00 - 8.00 The plans are not destined to come true. Do not be afraid to take advantage of the Council of the Older Generation and ask for help from loved ones.
08.00 - 9.00 An unexpected meeting with the old friend can knock out a gauge. Try to behave naturally and not to exercise excessive interest of its achievements and material well-being.
09.00 - 10.00 Your girlfriend behaves like a dog on Seine, she has long taken the situation and yours and our, be careful, there may be betrayal from her side.
10.00 - 11.00 In order not to look ridiculous in the eyes of others try to restrain your emotions and behave modestly in the company. Jokes and jokes, today is not your horse.
11.00 - 12.00 For long-term and mutual relations, there is not always enough male initiative. Do not be afraid to take the first step, and courage will be rewarded with new and bright feelings.
12.00 - 13.00 Ikalka foreshadows a meeting with the narrowed. The future beloved soon will suddenly appear in your life. Do not miss this meeting.
13.00 - 14.00 You can hope for reciprocity. Cardiac torments will soon end. You just need to stop hiding your feelings and confess in sympathy.
14.00 - 15.00 Someone broken heart still hurts for you. Try to establish friendships, and even better look more closely to this young man. After all, being a beloved and welcome dream of every girl.
15.00 - 16.00 Tide of creative ideas, a bonus at work or unexpected recognition in love. You are waiting for some kind of discovery, you may be discovered for yourself something new in your second half.
16.00 - 17.00 A quarrel that arose due to small turmoil can die for a long time with a close man. If the scandal cannot be avoided, then you can at least not insult each other while rewriting.
17.00 - 18.00 Do you know how to keep other people's secrets? You will be provided with a great opportunity to check it in a short time. Try not to criticize your friend secrets.
18.00 - 19.00 An ordinary kiss can go to something more. If you are not ready for intimate relationship, it is better to give up a romantic date.
19.00 - 20.00 Pay some time to your intellectual development. Reading books has always been considered the most proven way to self-development.
20.00 - 21.00 Everyone knows that from Thursday to Friday, dreams come true. Tonight you can get answers to many answers you are interested in.
21.00 - 22.00 Unexpectedly coming distant relatives can catch you surprise. Put your home and prepare delicious treats. Perhaps tomorrow morning the house will already be full of guests.
22.00 - 23.00 Not very joyful news on the way. Try not to give free emotions. Morning evening wisely, do not take sustainable solutions.
23.00 - 00.00 All financial affairs are crowned with success. Great time for large purchase, debt returns or loan design.

After Icotes on Thursday you can expect a meeting, and not only business


At night, it is especially important to treat everything happening to your organism. A simple IKOTO will be able to answer many questions, to warn you on time about the upcoming failure and instruct the true path.

00.00 - 01.00 Do not trust your secrets and heart experiences in a row. Someone can really envy and even get angry, having learned about your successes in personal life.
01.00 - 02.00 Your beauty is crazy many guys. Do not be surprised by compliments and signs of attention from the opposite sex. It is better to take care carefully to your weights, one of them can be your chosen one for life.
02.00 - 03.00 Do not refuse the gratitude of the person who recently had an invaluable service. Present, gift or even a monetary reward, you honestly deserve these signs.
03.00 - 04.00 Someone is constantly thinking about you. Recognition in love or even the proposals of the hand and heart will not be avoided soon. Be grateful to fate for sincere and clean relationships.
04.00 - 05.00 Take away from work and home care. Go to visit or in the movies. Moreover, those who want to draw up the company will always be found.
05.00 - 06.00 Cute blond dreams of close relationship with you. We just have to hint that you are experiencing sympathy for it.
06.00 - 07.00 Girlfriend wants to entrust you your secrets. Meet the confidence rendered and do not talk about other people's secrets.

Until now, many believe that dark forces are aligned in the iking. When the IKOT takes the newborn or small children to get rid of it using a sweet driver. However, in no case should the baby be frightened to get rid of the ailment.

Friday - time of parting and loss

By the end of the week, the nerves are already tense at all. No matter how it was the reason for the scandal with close people or lover. Keep your emotions under control.


07.00 - 8.00 Not always everything happens so we want. However, do not be upset when something goes not according to plan. Just did not come yet your starry hour.
08.00 - 9.00 A pleasant and unexpected meeting will allow you to relax. Learn to enjoy life and then fate will be favorable to you.
09.00 - 10.00 Friday evening is best to pay your family. Help your parents on the household, prepare a delicious dinner and loved ones, appreciate such attention.
10.00 - 11.00 A positive attitude of friends will be a great occasion for a friendly party. Go to a cafe or restaurant with a cheerful noisy company, because tomorrow is a day off, you can afford a little relax.
11.00 - 12.00 Acquaintance will be successful, and the flirting intriguing. Do not be afraid to get acquainted with new people, the fortune telling the acquaintance that will lead to a stormy novel.
12.00 - 13.00 Do not be afraid to confess your feelings. It is better to take care of your appearance. New dress, stylish makeup and beautiful hairstyle will become a significant addition to your confession.
13.00 - 14.00 The secret recycle flew to you anonymous recognition and mysterious messages. Most likely it is a person from your close circle of friends. Ikalka by day of the week advises to look at his surroundings at work or in the company.
14.00 - 15.00 All that do not kill us makes us stronger. Do not forget about it and remember that any difficulties bring not only experiences, but also life experience. Be grateful to fate and for white and for black stripes in life.
15.00 - 16.00 Pleasant surprises and gifts are waiting for you to the coming weekend. Do our best not to spoil the mood to someone who decided to please you.
16.00 - 17.00 Poor mood and pissing attitude can long unsubscribe from you friends and friends. And without their help, the dreams can collapse, and without exercising.
17.00 - 18.00 Do not talk too much, keep your plans with yourself. Neiffankers can brazenly take advantage of your original ideas and creative ideas.
18.00 - 19.00 Past must remain in the past. Starting life from a new sheet is not worth looking back. All the most interesting will begin to take place when you take a step towards a new life.
19.00 - 20.00 Hold the time to your inner world. For this, it is not necessary to attend the theater or exhibition, although it would be very by the way. To spend the evening under the warm blanket and watching your favorite series will serve as an equally excellent way to restore forces and mental equilibrium.
20.00 - 21.00 Dreams not only help us relax, but also can become a real prophecy. Try to remember all the details of today's dream.
21.00 - 22.00 In the company of friends in which you will have to relax in the near future, it will definitely be a person who you really like. Do not miss the chance to get acquainted with him.
22.00 - 23.00 Bad news is very grieved. But look at everything with a positive, because it is better bitter truth than a sweet lie.
23.00 - 00.00 Do not forget to fulfill your promises and responsibilities. They promised to help parents, help, it's time to return the debt, return. Do not promise if you are not sure that you can fulfill them.

Ikota on Friday can bring financial well-being


Friday night Ikota foreshadows love and mutual understanding with the second half. It is also a reason to think about how to fix your, rather shaky, financial situation.

00.00 - 01.00 Giving money in debt, you risk being deceived. Refrain from financial transactions in the next few days.
01.00 - 02.00 React to compliments calmly, you look great and deserve the highest praise from representatives of a strong floor.
02.00 - 03.00 Snacks of night illness promises love news. SMS, a secret letter or a call will serve as a reason for a good mood at the end of the work week.
03.00 - 04.00 About you often speaking and discussed. The secret ridicker has long been watching every step. But all the secret, sooner or later becomes apparent. Moreover, the guy himself is ready to confess in his sympathy.
04.00 - 05.00 A pleasant evening spent with a stranger will end with passionate kisses and hot hugs.
05.00 - 06.00 Do not stay at home for all weekends. You will find a lot of intriguing and joyful events in a circle of friends and with your loved one.
06.00 - 07.00 Pay attention to how the second half applies to you. Perhaps stretched relationships and light chill caused by misunderstanding. If you hurt your loved ones, ask for forgiveness until it's too late.

If the Ikota attacked after meals, or in case of hypothermia, such an event is not subject to interpretation, as caused by naturally. Signs of downloads are distributed only to a sudden age.

Saturday - time of fun and bold confessions

Saturday Ikalka advises to relax in the circle of friends and have fun. Friendly communication with the opposite sex can cause the attacks of jealousy of your second half. We adequately and do not make a reason to doubt your loyalty.


07.00 - 8.00 You know that someone thinks about you every day. If you are experiencing the same feelings, then you will surprise your boyfriend and arrange a date first.
08.00 - 9.00 If you are invited to a date of the person to whom you do not have sympathy, do not hurry to refuse. Perhaps this guy, in the future will become a reliable friend for you.
09.00 - 10.00 Be prepared for the fact that you will be offered hand and heart two guys at once. If a real war breaks out between the grooms, do everything so that no one is injured. Schedule quickly with the choice of partner.
10.00 - 11.00 Ikalka assures that soon you will meet a guy who will be your chosen one for many years, and maybe even for life.
11.00 - 12.00 To achieve its goals, both in school and in personal life you need to be more collected. Review your behavior or you will long lose the authority in the eyes of relatives and colleagues.
12.00 - 13.00 Hydled jacks talk about the presence of a secret fan. And it is not surprising, because such a beautiful can break the heart to any man.
13.00 - 14.00 If you really like someone, you should not wait until the guy decides on a date. You can just not enough courage or it is afraid to be rejected. The invitation to a cup of coffee will be an excellent hint that you are ready to take care.
14.00 - 15.00 Tears are not always a good way to show your weakness in front of a strong floor. Be brave and decide all the problems rationally and without resorting to female tricks, it will cause the second half only respect for you.
15.00 - 16.00 You should not give a person hope if he has no chance to be with you. Flirt, which you may seem innocent, can only aggravate the situation and call the rejected guy.
16.00 - 17.00 Colored dreams always carry prophecies. Today's dream will help to find answers to many questions that have been tormented for a long time.
17.00 - 18.00 Passionate romantic dates, gentle kisses and a look of favorite eyes, all this will do this evening unforgettable.
18.00 - 19.00 Relationships have long been outlined by himself, and here also a person appeared in which you are greatly interested. As they say: in the pool with head. Faster to decide the question with this love triangle.
19.00 - 20.00 Unexpected recognition will surprise you, but, at the same time will please. Changes in life will benefit. Change of residence, journey, new work or new relationships, boldly agree to all the proposals of this kind.
20.00 - 21.00 An unpleasant conversation with the beloved will take place with any weather. Remember that sometimes, the only way to save the relationship is to part.
21.00 - 22.00 Do not stay indifferent to the problems of friends and loved ones. If someone asks advice, then a person needs him and trusts your opinion.
22.00 - 23.00 The person you want would like to have already guessed about your intentions. Wait for change and they will only be for the better.
23.00 - 00.00 Do not give your happiness without a fight. The rival may be stronger than you, but your beauty is a great advantage over a young man.

Draw on Saturday? - It is believed that it is time to relax at a party and relax a little


Divination at night carry in itself magical strength and can become a real prophecy. Do not be lazy to look at the clock, if you will overcome the idol during sleep.

00.00 - 01.00 To be happy, it is important not only to contain your body and soul cleanly, but also the room in which you live. Mouse over, throw out everything too much and you will immediately feel relief and tide of energy.
01.00 - 02.00 Do not allow people to teach you life and give unnecessary advice. Fans of bear services can forever repeal the hunt to distribute stupid tips with a simple simple phrase: I did not ask for advice.
02.00 - 03.00 New acquaintances, entertaining travels and interesting stories. So you have a white stripe.
03.00 - 04.00 Ignore and dismissive attitude of friends - the outcome of your indifference and reluctance to help in difficult situations. It is not too late, ask for forgiveness to continue to be attentive to loved ones.
04.00 - 05.00 Not everyone is celebrated by clothes. You are waiting for acquaintance with new people, a new team or a new circle of communication. Try to prove yourself with a good side.
05.00 - 06.00 Arrange yourself a real day off. For each rest, there may be different who loves noisy companies, and someone needs to be alone. In any case, good ideas come only in a fresh head.
06.00 - 07.00 Have fun with your girlfriends, invite them to the bachelorette party or go together in a cafe. Just do not let yourself anything superfluous with the opposite sex, because your heart has long been busy.

Turks to this day believe that during Icotes the soul can break out of the body. Therefore, covering your palm mouth during the attack so that the soul does not fly out. This is considered an old folk tradition.

Sunday - time to establish relationships with others

On the resurrection, Ikania will bring reconciliation and solving all the controversial issues with friends and relatives. Also, the end of the week will benefit to the emerging love relationship.


07.00 - 8.00 Troubles can affect health. Treat failed with understanding, because not all car carnival.
08.00 - 9.00 While everything will not return to the circles, and the black stripe will not pass, it is better to avoid making serious solutions.
09.00 - 10.00 It is time to replenish the stocks of internal energy and vitality. Allow yourself a little journey or just spend the weekend without home fuss and hassle.
10.00 - 11.00 Fear deception from colleagues. Colleagues, like friends learn in trouble. Do not trust your document and do not talk about your plans.
11.00 - 12.00 Wait for guest invitations. You need to relax and recharge your positive emotions in a funny company.
12.00 - 13.00 Joyful emotions will overwhelm you, soul will slowly go through. After the rain is always the sun and in the life of any person. Bad events will replace good.
13.00 - 14.00 Having survived a series of small troubles and learned to solve problems yourself, you became smarter and more transcendible.
14.00 - 15.00 A small quarrel can easily pour out into a major scandal if one of the opponents will not follow their own languages. Do not risk relationships with your loved one, a smart girl should be able to smooth over sharp corners.
15.00 - 16.00 In order for an unexpected meeting, it did not find you by surprise, take care of your appearance. Go to the beauty salon, put your hair and visit the gym.
16.00 - 17.00 Be prepared to overcome new blows of fate. Very soon you will notify you about unpleasant news.
17.00 - 18.00 The most terrible envy is the envy of loved ones and friends. Did you notice that your friend always spoys the mood when you are doing well?
18.00 - 19.00 Blind love creates cheating. Your beloved is not so good and pumb as you think it.
19.00 - 20.00 Do nice gifts to each other. After all, even a small souvenir can become a reason to express sympathy or respect. Do not forget to make a response present for your beloved. After all, he prepared you an unusual surprise.
20.00 - 21.00 The coming week promises to bring new emotions. Love, see, see, go to the movies, do not deprive yourself of joys and pleasure to be desired.
21.00 - 22.00 Patience and a little effort. Do not lower your hands if the conceived failed from the first time. Gather with the forces and try another time.
22.00 - 23.00 You will be waiting for news with recognition. It may be sms from a loved one with a hand and heart suggestion. Be prepared to give an answer, because the guys do not like to wait long.
23.00 - 00.00 Anger and rage to others can harm first. Be restrained, the ideal people do not happen if someone did something not as you would like, it does not mean that he did wrong.

When Iikote on Sunday, you should think about establishing relationships with expensive people


The truthful interpretation of the night ID of Sunday foreshadows unexpected waste, and dreams will help answer the question to believe or not believe your beloved person.

00.00 - 01.00 If someone assures you in the fact that money can be earned in a light way, do not believe it. Such methods will certainly exist, but they are most often illegal and immoral.
01.00 - 02.00 When a lot of work is certainly good, especially if it is paid well, but human reserves are not infinite. Praise yourself, I still don't earn any money, but health is more important.
02.00 - 03.00 Control yourself during shopping. Even your loved one does not like what you quarrel with money. Well, you will not deny the fact that you have become very wasteful?
03.00 - 04.00 When insomnia suffers, you need to try to relax and remember the proverb that the morning of the evening is wiser. It is in a dream that you will receive answers to the questions that have tormented you.
04.00 - 05.00 Do not forget that the movement is life. You have become a sedentary lifestyle, and this is poorly reflected in Figure and Health. Get out sports. How do you begin to start a new week with morning jogging?
05.00 - 06.00 You can't wait when you see your lover again. Do not worry, he also thinks about you and day and night.
06.00 - 07.00 Even if everything happens not as you planned this does not mean that everything will be bad. Whirlwind of change turns your life with legs. Be prepared to take this generous gift of fate. Very soon you will realize that all the troubles were trials in front of good events.

Ikalka weeks of the week and in time will give you an exact prediction, will help to understand your feelings and tell me how to act so that all the dreams come true. The interpretations collected by centuries are tens of generations. Keep carefully and respect the gifts of the ancestors, because it is not only a story, but also akin to young and inexperienced features.

Tatyana Globa: "To break out of lack of money forever, take a rule ..." http://c.twnt.ru/NK2B.

After reading, a person may not give this value, but in vain. This moment may mean something, besides the irregular operation of the diaphragm, especially if the ICTO does not pass for a long time. The download value may vary depending on the time of day and day of the week.

What does IKOT mean

A person who often suffers from Ikota, should consult a doctor. If Ikalka appeared once, then nothing terrible in it. For a long time, the ancestors believed in the magic value of everything that happens to a person, whether it is icota, sacific, stumbling, etc.

Sick says that if a person is playing, it means that someone recalls him. How the ICOT is manifested, has a different interpretation.

  1. If it has a pronounced, aggressive character, then recalls responds in a bad tone.
  2. If ICOT is weak, perhaps we are talking about some positive moment, in which a person is mentioned in a positive way.

First of all, you need to estimate who can be this person, and begin alternately to pronounce the names. Between them there should be a small pause, he will end on combo and will be remembered, but maybe such that the name of the names is over, and IKOT continues to overcome. In this case, the following interpretation will help:

  • interpretation of Icotes by day of the week;
  • by time of day.

You can find out the name of the recall in several ways.

  • Take off the hair from the head and slowly restructure around the finger. You need to pronounce letters alphabetically: the one on which the hair will end - will be the first letter of the problem.
  • Unlock the little girl and spend the letters of the alphabet on their eyebrows and to themselves. The letter on which the first will stick the hair will be the first letter of the culprit of Icotes.


Interpretation of Ikota on the day of the week is less accurate than by the hour. With it, you can find something more than just the name of the one who remembers. At this point, you can determine the most truthful value. Ikalka by day of the week offers its interpretation of the incident depending on the day in which it happened to you.

  1. Monday. Promises a meeting with a long-time acquaintance, it will not necessarily be associated with love relationships. It can be an old friend, comrade or classmate.
  2. Tuesday. Communication, lost earlier, will soon be restored. A friend understood his mistakes and wishes to establish everything.
  3. Wednesday. Soon there will be an event you waited. To joyful news.
  4. Thursday. Ikota on this day promises a quick romantic date or a business meeting.
  5. Friday. Day when Ipick is extremely undesirable. There may be disagreements with the second half, which will entail a break, so on this day should not create conflicts and lead on provocations.
  6. Saturday. It may mean an ambulance change of the workplace that a loved one misses and jealines.
  7. Sunday. Ikota on this day foreshadows that all problems and failures will soon end. Soon the stage of harmony and mutual love will come.

Interpretation of Icotes by the clock

Ikalka in time will give more accurate prediction. She is also tied to the days of the week. Ikota has the greatest value, which appeared at night on any day of the week.

Divination by Iikote is interested in girls. For men and for women, the ikalka-fortune tank will have the same values. It reflects love relationships or contact with loved ones. If you can correctly interpret the signs submitted by your body, you can learn a lot of what you expect in the future.

Ikalka at night has the greatest mystical meaning. The night andka is attributed to the night, which occurs in a dream or at the time of waste.

On Monday

  • From 00: 00-01: 00 - to a sudden visit of the guests.
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - A close person worries about the ugly situation, the culprit of which you are. It's time to take action.
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - A person will appear in his life who will experience sympathy.
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - To good news.
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - The buddy, which is nearby - is not the one for whom he gives out.
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - It is worth seeing to someone who tries to be a friend. The idea is not so bad.
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - There is a fun with friends.
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - to guests.
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - man / woman thinks about you.
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - to carry out time with a pleasant person.
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - to the proposal of hands and hearts.
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - Soon the object of love will appear.
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - problems may arise.
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - to a kiss.
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - Soon they will call for a date.
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - Favorite can leave.
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - to rivalry.
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - to disappointment.
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - It's time to give close gifts to strengthen the relationship.
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - Your feelings will be mutual.
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - To good news.
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - an unpleasant conversation will take place.
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - To a pleasant friendly meeting.
  • 23: 00-00: 00 - someone can not sleep, thinking about you.


Ikalka on Tuesday denotes:

  • 00: 00-01: 00 - Event will entail unplanned costs;
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - A new person will appear in life;
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - A man with a high status in society thinks about you;
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - Cases at work will go uphill;
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - it's time to make changes to a personal life;
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - To good news;
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - you have to spend a little more than planned.

If IKOTA attacked you in the morning:

  • 07: 00-08: 00 - to terminate relationships;
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - Plans will come true;
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - to a quarrel with a close friend;
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - the second half is somewhere near;
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - to love connections;
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - Friends may not justify confidence;
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - Relations with a friend will turn into something more;
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - to a meeting of a loved one;
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - A loving person keeps his name in secret;
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - to a date;
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - To happy love;
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - acquaintance will be developed;
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - Do not lose your vigilance, someone is trying to deceive;
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - It is worth holding a tongue language to not offend close;
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - Some blonde wishes you evil;
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - to a meeting with a smart person who will be able to give a good advice;
  • 23: 00-00: 00 - someone shy with you to meet you.

On Wednesdays

This day of the week offers its interpretation of Icotes:

  • 00: 00-01: 00 - a close person can smear;
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - to love;
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - to deterioration of health;
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - To good news;
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - It is time to perform the promised;
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - The opposite sex man with dark hair thinks about you;
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - to troubles;
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - Someone loves you very much;
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - indulgent attitude to another can harm you;
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - to a pleasant acquaintance;
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - There will have to show an excerpt in the conversation;
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - problems may appear in the business sector;
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - to relationships with people who will affect you well;
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - to unrequited love;
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - to sudden joy;
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - Happiness will soon come out;
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - to a meeting with old friends;
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - ahead is waiting for a good evening;
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - sadness will end;
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - to the gossip around you;
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - We will cause a quarrel of 2 people;
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - to the journey;
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - Ikalka promises a quick journey;
  • 23: 00-00: 00 - It's time to relax.

On Thursday

Ikalka on Thursday may mean the following:

  • 00: 00-01: 00 - News from a person who is far;
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - everyone will admire you;
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - Other people will help;
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - Someone thinks about you;
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - to a party;
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - a dark-haired man thinks about you;
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - a new stage of relationships;
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - Plans may not come true;
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - To meet friends;
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - a close friend can betray;
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - if possible, it is worth avoiding conversations;
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - Mutual sympathy will soon appear;
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - Quarrels can be avoided, if you do not blame your loved one;
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - sympathy mutual;
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - to an important call;
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - Thanks are waiting for you;
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - it's time to relax;
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - probability of a quarrel with loved ones;
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - to coldness from the lover;
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - to a date;
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - All important events should be recorded, there is a possibility that you are about them
  • forget;
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - something will be lost, but the loss will not be too significant;
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - to surprise;
  • 23: 00-00: 00 - to estimates.

On Fridays

Ikalka on Friday promises:

  • 00: 00-01: 00 - someone's high growth trying to deceive you;
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - to a unpleasant surrounding;
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - Everything in life will be improved;
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - the lover will appear on the horizon;
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - to a quarrel with loved ones;
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - a very important secret will be told;
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - It's time to ask for forgiveness from an offended friend;
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - All undertakings will have a good end;
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - Meeting with those who are expensive;
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - It's time to meet with relatives;
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - meeting with the object of desire;
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - to the novel;
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - to a date;
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - This day can be the beginning of new relationships;
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - to an unsuccessful day;
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - to a surprise from a blond man;
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - to a quarrel with loved ones;
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - to the gossip;
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - meeting from the past;
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - Trust to your beloved can be shaken;
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - can dreamed something very important;
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - to guests;
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - Bad news;
  • 23: 00-00: 00 - friend will upset his act.

On Saturday

  • 00: 00-01: 00 - Guest guests will soon be granted;
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - someone gets offended;
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - to good events in life;
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - Friends can disappear;
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - a new meeting will bring a new friend;
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - to communicate with friends;
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - Sudden guests;
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - Someone misses you;
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - to an interesting suggestion;
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - to jealousy;
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - to a date, which will be remembered for a long time;
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - You will have to choose between work and love;
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - someone is waiting for reciprocity;
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - long-awaited meeting;
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - Do not be sad, for this there are no objective reasons;
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - a friend can start flirting;
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - to the items to sleep;
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - it's time to take an important decision;
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - someone confesses to love;
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - to an important event;
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - You are waiting for a serious conversation;
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - To friendly sites;
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - All disputes will be allowed tomorrow;
  • 23: 00-00: 00 - to treason.

On Sunday

When Ikota cares you on the weekend, you can interpret it as follows:

  • 00: 00-01: 00 - to the news;
  • 01: 00-02: 00 - to an interesting meeting;
  • 02: 00-03: 00 - to new friendly relationships;
  • 03: 00-04: 00 - the person will meet, without which you can not live;
  • 04: 00-05: 00 - to an unexpected event;
  • 05: 00-06: 00 - to new relationships;
  • 06: 00-07: 00 - to a quarrel with loved ones;
  • 07: 00-08: 00 - to an unexpected date;
  • 08: 00-09: 00 - You do not hide from love at first sight;
  • 09: 00-10: 00 - to improve relations;
  • 10: 00-11: 00 - There is an unexpected meeting;
  • 11: 00-12: 00 - to the implementation of the conceived;
  • 12: 00-13: 00 - someone sympathizes you;
  • 13: 00-14: 00 - Soon there will be something that will have a very strong influence;
  • 14: 00-15: 00 - to mutual feelings;
  • 15: 00-16: 00 - to treason;
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - to problems;
  • 17: 00-18: 00 - to intrigues, recognition in love;
  • 18: 00-19: 00 - a good period is coming in life;
  • 19: 00-20: 00 - to surprise;
  • 20: 00-21: 00 - to new relationships;
  • 21: 00-22: 00 - to the tests of human qualities;
  • 22: 00-23: 00 - It is worth a little perseverance;
  • 23: 00-00: 00 - Non-upset parents.

Signs associated with ICOT will help to some extent to open the veil of the mystery of the future. They can tell what to expect. Do not be too disappointed if the predictions did not meet hopes.

11.07.2017 16:26

Each of us is familiar with such a state as ICOT. And the ICTO is usually "attacking" - i.e. It appears suddenly and acts intrusive. And it is very difficult to get rid of it.

The belief is common that the appearance of Icotes in a person is directly due to the fact that someone else recalls him. It is said that if someone thought about you, then your aura captures the waves emanating from this person - and this is manifested in the reaction of the body.

The most common prompt about Icota is believed that if you started to ick - you need to go through the names of familiar and loved ones in your head. After what the name of the ICTO will be held - the one about you and thinks.

However, this is not all. It turns out that it is possible to determine not only what kind of person remembers you, but also in what kind of vehicle. To determine what role this person will play in your life, you can use the signs about Icoto on the day of the week.

IKOTA: Signs of weeks of the week

If Ikota attacked on Monday - you will find a new acquaintance. And the person who remembered you will play in this not the last role.

On Tuesday - you are waiting for pleasant events.

On Wednesday, a person will invite you for a date.

On Thursday - you have to walk at a party. And the person who remembered you, expects you to see there.

On Friday - according to accept, Ikota on this day of the week foreshadows the news.

On Saturday - you have to meet and communicate with a person who thought about you.

On Sunday - Waiting for you fun!

And they also say that the signs about Icota must be regarded not only depending on the day of the week, but also time of day. And therefore we consider signs about Icoto by the hour.

IKOTA: SIGNS by the clock

Started to go early in the morning - wait for the guests.

Attacied the ICOT in the clock between noon and three hours of the day - according to accept, one young man is looking for a meeting with you.

Ikota in hours from three hours before sunset is a sign that you need to strive for cheerfulness and not to show your weak places to others.

Sketches about Icoto in the evening, in a clock between sunset and late in the evening - you are waiting for mutual love!

Ipay late in the evening - go on a date.

And Kohl Ikota happened at night, after midnight - someone is experiencing for you and thinks about your future.

These are the interesting signs about ICOT! What do you think about it?