Into the hole with your head. Tips for seasoned and newbies on how to dive into the hot tub

Into the hole with your head.  Tips for seasoned and newbies on how to dive into the hot tub
Into the hole with your head. Tips for seasoned and newbies on how to dive into the hot tub

Photo: Sultan Iskhakov, Evgeny Ivanov

Traditionally, on the night of January 18-19, Orthodox Christians celebrate the great feast of the Epiphany. On this day, from century to century, Christians observe the tradition of diving in an ice hole. The Tatar-inform correspondent figured out how to carry out the ceremony without harm to health.

Azat Gainutdinov has been tempered since early childhood. Everything, according to him, began in the north, in Tomsk, where he and his father went to the bathhouse every week, after which they jumped into a snowdrift.

“As a child, I hardly ever got sick, I remember how I constantly slept with the window open and went without mittens, because I was always hot. When I came to study in Kazan, I did not have the opportunity to temper myself so often with the help of a bath, and gradually my body began to weaken and I began to freeze more often, ”Azat says.

After graduating from the institute, Azat got into the company of guys who regularly went to the Blue Lake to temper. He followed their example and now gathers with them to swim almost every Sunday morning.

It is necessary to prepare the body, because a temperature of minus four is a colossal stress for it. You can simply take a contrast shower, gradually making the water colder. This is done so that the body gets used to temperature extremes. As you move from warm to cold, your blood vessels will constrict and expand, and they need to be prepared for this. We will not be able to immediately lift a weight of 300 kilograms, and the same principle applies here, ”he says.

The cores have to be very careful - the load on the heart is colossal, warns the "walrus". A hole in the body is stress: the heart begins to beat very hard, and if it fails, the consequences can be sad.

In addition to such amateurs as Azat, there are also athletes who are members of the Winter Swimming Federation. They swim long distances and can stay in cold water for a very long time.

“I know a girl who can swim in ice water for 20 minutes, but this is her physiological feature. You need to understand the capabilities of your body and know when to stop. For the first time, it will be enough to dive, plunge three times, as expected, and stop there, ”he explains.

“It would be nice to do some exercises before diving, stretch your muscles, joints - start the blood so that the“ motor ”will start working. The guys and I always do exercises, do push-ups and pull-ups before jumping into the water, ”Azat says.

Safe ice hole

A resident of Sviyazhsk, Evgeny Ivanov, organizes an ice hole every year and already knows all the subtleties of the process.

“We make an ice hole every year and already know the place where we can organize it safely. Firstly, there should be no current, so that the person is not carried away under the ice. Secondly, you need to make a ladder and a fence. An ambulance and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are constantly on duty near our ice hole, ”he says.

Evgeny noted that it is necessary to keep an eye on the font - to remove the ice that is growing on the surface so that no one cuts himself on ice sharp as glass.

The islander makes two ice holes - one for swimming, and the other, in the shape of a cross, in order to draw water. In this case, the second hole must be upstream and be at a distance of at least 10 meters. Eugene also worried about a safe descent to the river, making wooden steps along the slope. To make everything beautiful, to make a cross, a locker room and a fence out of blocks of ice, Evgeny takes about four days.

“If you have heart problems, it’s better not to risk it, you can just shower yourself with water at home, because, as you know, all water on this day becomes holy,” he advises us in the end.

Candidate of Medical Sciences about the benefits and harms

Assistant of the Department of General Hygiene of KSMU, Director of the Sports and Health Center, Candidate of Medical Sciences Alexander Chernobrovkin spoke about the effect of cold temperatures on the body.

“In order for the body to receive less stress when immersed in cold water, it is necessary to do some basic preparation first. First, in advance, in a gentle mode, it is advisable to carry out morning douches and rubdowns with cold water every day. The easiest way is to have a contrast shower in the morning. This will prepare the body for temperature extremes. Of course, the main role is played by the psychological state of a person. Understanding the procedure is important! If you decide to plunge into Epiphany, thoughts should only be positive - this will allow the body to coordinate the release of stress hormones and, at the moment of immersion in ice water, maintain the balance of the body's work, ”says Alexander Chernobrovkin.

Due to unnecessary worries, diseases associated with the nervous system may appear. First of all, patients with cardiovascular diseases suffer - this category of people needs psychological training, the doctor explains.

As for the temperature drop, it can be regarded as gentle cryotherapy. This is the most accessible method for people with uncomplicated diseases of the cardiovascular system, and at the same time the most widely available, ”explains Alexander.

Cold affects the adrenal cortex, which secretes stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisol. In a normal state, many people often have a disruption in the level of production of these substances. When exposed to cold, resistance to stress and the normalization of the amount of hormone release in the future during stressful situations is developed.

“The body of a person diving for the first time, in any case, experiences stress, at this moment the main thing is to overcome the psychological barrier, and the influence of freezing temperatures will have a positive effect,” the doctor explains.

Hardening improves the general metabolism, has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect. The short-term effects of cold can be compared to analgesics.

“The saturation hormone leptin plays an important role. During the exposure to cryotherapy, it begins to be better absorbed, while the appetite and body weight decrease and the overall tone rises, ”he notes.

It is recommended to stay in the cold for no more than 5-7 minutes - during this time you need to have time to undress, plunge and get dressed. During this period, only the surface areas of the skin are cooled and, accordingly, there is a positive effect on the vessels, capillaries and temperature receptors. The main thing is that after immersion, the legs, palms and head should quickly be warm, the doctor advises.

If you plan to perform the ceremony on Epiphany night, it is better to refrain from drinking nicotine and alcohol for at least the next 12 hours, since these substances reduce the natural adaptation of blood vessels.

“You shouldn't jump into the water abruptly, the entry should be smooth and consistent, which will allow the body to cope correctly and positively. Also in cryotherapy, regularity is important. If you take a contrast shower every day, lead a healthy rational lifestyle, then immersion in Epiphany night will not cause any negative consequences for the body, ”says Alexander.

Ministry of Emergency Situations

Police officers, doctors, GIMS inspectors, rescuers and firefighters will take care of safety on the Epiphany and provide the necessary assistance on time. But so that you do not have to be rescued, you must follow some of the rules that we were told about at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Do not drive close to the hot tub or dive with more than three people. The Emergencies Ministry also warns that being at the ice hole at the same time more than 20 people may be unsafe.

It is better to walk from the changing room to the bathing place in woolen socks or rubber slippers, so as not to slip and protect your feet from injury on the sharp edges of the ice.

Make sure the ladder is secure when descending into the water, and when diving with your eyes closed, be careful not to hit your head on the ice edge of the ice hole.

To prevent your hands from slipping while climbing stairs, use a dry towel.

In 2018, 108 ice holes will be equipped for Epiphany bathing in Tatarstan, where employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, doctors and social activists will be on duty.

In Kazan, it will be possible to dive in five equipped places: on the Verkhniy Kaban lake, opposite the house 54 on Borisovskaya street, on the Verkhniy Kaban lake next to the Sokol cafe, on Kazanka next to the Temple-monument to the fallen wars, on the Volga near the village of Krasnaya Gorka , on the Komsomolskoye lake in the village of Derbyshki.

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During it

The Baptism of the Lord, or Holy Epiphany, is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on January 19. This is one of the oldest Christian holidays, based on the event of the same name in the Gospel history, which tells how the Lord Jesus Christ at the age of 30 received water baptism in the Jordan River from the Prophet and Forerunner (i.e. predecessor) of His John. And, although the Forerunner did not know the Messiah until this day, he immediately felt the sinlessness of Christ and infinite superiority over himself. When he saw the Spirit of God descending on Jesus from heaven in the form of a dove, he was finally convinced that before him was the Messiah - Christ.

Baptism in Russia

The time of the celebration of the Epiphany in Russia is usually accompanied by severe winter frosts, called Epiphany. Completing the Christmastide period, which lasts almost two weeks, from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany, the holiday is in the people's minds merry, surrounded by colorful pagan rituals and omens. In the old days, the day of the Baptism of the Lord was called among the people "Vodokreshchi" or simply "Jordan" after the name of the hole in the river through which the water was consecrated and where they went to plunge. By the way, it was this custom, condemned by the church - to bathe in icy water after its consecration - that was widely spread among the Eastern Slavs. According to popular belief, such a bathing is especially necessary for participants in Christmas games, accompanied by clownish dressing, "in order to wash off the filth of demonic masks." Meanwhile, Orthodox believers know that sin is not "washed away" by water, but is expiated by sincere repentance, fervent prayer and good deeds for the glory of God.

The day preceding the feast of the Epiphany is called Epiphany Christmas Eve. On this day, as on the very day of the Epiphany, the rite of the great consecration of water is performed in churches - solemnly, with a procession of the cross.

Consecrated Epiphany water is a special shrine. Believers keep it throughout the year, using it in the morning on an empty stomach. They believe that baptismal water helps to heal ailments, strengthen the spirit and physical strength, and if you sprinkle it on a dwelling, then the blessing of God will abide on it.

Where can you swim

According to forecasts, at least 33 thousand Nizhny Novgorod residents will take part in bathing in the Nizhny Novgorod region this year. For them, 75 baths will be equipped on the territory of the region, where it will be comfortable and safe to perform the ceremony.

In Nizhny Novgorod, for those wishing to swim, the city administration, together with the Civil Defense and Emergencies Department, will prepare seven sites in the upper and lower parts of the city. Fonts will appear:

  • on the Rowing Canal;
  • on the second lake of the Shelokovsky farm;
  • on the Meshchersky lake;
  • on the sorting lake;
  • on the Silicate Lake;
  • on the lake of the Central Park of Culture and Rest;
  • on the Park Lake near the Trud stadium.

For the holiday, specialists of the State Civil Defense Ministry will clean the bottom of these reservoirs.

According to the head of the administration of Nizhny Novgorod, Sergei Belov, special attention will be paid to ensuring the safety of bathers.

Nizhny Novgorod residents traditionally take an active part in Epiphany bathing, despite the frosty weather, - said the mayor. “For our part, we must provide believers with all the necessary conditions - safety and the comfort required during such events.

The readiness of the Jordanians in Nizhny Novgorod will be checked in the afternoon of January 18. All 7 sites will be inspected by a special commission headed by Director of the Department of Culture Natalia Sukhanova. Experts will check the cleaning of reservoirs, the presence of a walkway with a soft coating, a gangway with handrails, lighting, benches, tents for heating, garbage containers and dry closets at the ice hole.

Rescuers ready to rescue

During the Christian holiday, police officers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ambulance teams will be on duty near the fonts.

Last week, at the Rescuer Training Center of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, special tactical exercises were held to ensure safety during Epiphany bathing. First, the Emergencies Ministry employees demonstrated the preparatory work on the arrangement of the Epiphany bathing house itself.

Having chosen the place of the future Jordan, they measured the thickness of the ice and analyzed its structure. And the divers, meanwhile, sank to the bottom of the bath in order to investigate it and exclude the possibility of injury among bathers.

Then the rescuers held a rehearsal of rescuing a drowning man in Jordan. According to legend, one of the bathers fell ill, the Emergencies Ministry officers helped him get ashore and took him to the heating module, where you can warm up and drink a hot drink. Then a diver in a diving suit showed how to properly dive into ice-cold water: in no case diving headlong, but smoothly entering the Jordan.

At the third stage of the exercise, they worked out a situation that, unfortunately, is not uncommon in winter. According to legend, a fisherman fell through the ice in an unauthorized fishing spot. Employees of a specialized fire and rescue unit pulled him out of the water using the Aleksandrov end, a life board and a ladder.

Rescuers also conducted a training operation to retrieve a car that had fallen through the ice.

Priest Alexey Kolesnikov

Behind are two Christmas weeks, filled for us with joy, gaiety and glorification of the Savior who has come into the world! And we are about to meet the Baptism of the Lord, the Epiphany, no less joyful and no less significant holiday for us.

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is called the Epiphany because at the Baptism of the Lord the Most Holy Trinity appeared to the world (God the Father speaks from heaven about the Son, the Son is baptized in the Jordan River from the holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit descends on the Son in the form of a dove). Also, this day is also called the day of Enlightenment - from the ancient custom of performing the baptism of the catechumens on the eve of it, which is spiritual enlightenment. Announced in the Church are those who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Baptism and who receive knowledge about doctrine through oral teaching (announcement).

The description of the event of Baptism is given by all four Evangelists. Christ, coming to Jordan, receives the baptism from John. By the entry of the God-man Jesus Christ into the Jordan River, his waters become capable of cleansing and washing away sin, renewing man, and giving life not only temporary, but also eternal. That is why the Church calls the baptismal water a great shrine and calls upon to have this water in homes in case of illness, spiritual sorrow, for purification and renewal.

When it comes to baptismal bathing, first of all, the attitude to this depends on the person who is immersed in, on his spiritual state. If a person decides to take part in the Epiphany bathing and does not want to blaspheme, he needs to properly tune in, realize the meaning of the holiday, and then plunge into the ice-hole - Jordan. If a person, without proper reverence and elementary thought, decides to bathe, but prepares for this action with smoking or alcohol, then this may end badly. With such a mood and in such a state, it is better not to approach the ice-hole.

Physician-therapist Lyudmila Korshunova

Diving into an ice hole is a huge stress for the body. But with a plus or minus sign, it depends on many factors. At risk are those who have weakened immunity, who have suffered a heart attack, stroke, who suffer from epilepsy, seizures, chronic inflammatory diseases, and pregnant women. To prevent the procedure from becoming dangerous for you, harden in advance. Doctors categorically forbid children to swim in frost, since young children have an imperfect thermoregulation system.

If you still decide to swim in ice water, then follow these simple recommendations:

  • do a little warm-up before dipping: a few physical exercises and jogging on the spot will definitely be useful;
  • go to the font in warm clothes that can be easily removed;
  • start diving from your feet, that is, go into the hole gradually, along the stairs;
  • in no case jump into the water forward with your head, this can cause a reflex narrowing of the vessels of the brain;
  • It is not worth swimming in the ice-hole; in general, you should not be in ice water for more than 30 seconds. When diving, be sure to actively move - move your legs and arms, spin with your whole body. And the best thing is to quickly plunge up to your neck three times and get out;
  • After bathing, rub yourself with a towel and try not to stand on the snow with your bare feet; for this, lay a newspaper or towel in front of the font. Do not wear rubber shoes - they are very slippery;
  • Do not drink alcohol either before or after bathing, it is better to replace it with warm sweet tea.

Do not forget that swimming in the ice hole for Epiphany is not a canon, but just a tradition. If a person is not ready for this either morally or physically, then this is not worth doing. This step should be approached consciously and with faith in the heart. And if you decide to take this step, then do not go into the water without prayer, because, first of all, bathing in Jordan is a rite of purification.

Prepared by Anastasia Gofman and Elena Shapovalova
Photo by Alexey Manyanin

Despite the frost, more than a million Russians take part in Epiphany bathing. Doctors say that preparing for this should take a year and may become a reason to monitor your health. However, the ministers of the church remind that the tradition of plunging into the ice-hole has a purely secular nature, and recommend instead to remember about their vows and attend a service in the temple. Sociologists note that Baptism is traditionally celebrated by about 40% of Russians.

Do not risk your health

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the main holidays of the church year, Hieromonk Gennady (Voytishko) explained to Izvestia. This event is described in the Gospel as the most important in the feat of human salvation, which was accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ. He did not come to the waters of the Jordan to John the Baptist to bring repentance, as other people did. The Lord, who himself had no sin, plunged into the waters and took upon himself the sins of all mankind. The feast is also called the Epiphany, because all the fullness of the Divine has appeared to humanity.

As for traditions, now the first association that people have is the queues for Epiphany water. And, unfortunately, most often they consist of people who next time will appear in the church only on Easter, - said Father Gennady. - The second association is Epiphany bathing. Mass immersions in ice water have nothing to do with the Christian tradition. Moreover, this is a fairly new phenomenon.

He said that once in Russia, buffoons were immersed in the Epiphany ice-hole, who sang carols on Christmas. And pious Orthodox Christians celebrated this holiday in the church. It was preceded by a purely fast day - Epiphany Christmas Eve.

This is a period of reflection and reminding yourself of the gift of baptism that you received in the sacrament when you entered the church. In this sacrament, vows are made - promises to God to live in a good conscience, - Father Gennady recalled.

He believes that diving into an ice-hole is a good secular custom. But he himself does not advise parishioners to take part in it.

There is no need to put your health at risk. There is no liturgical need for this. But the Church tries to direct any direction of human life in a good direction. Therefore, she performed and will continue to perform the blessing of water in the Jordan, - concluded Father Gennady.

You need to prepare for bathing for a year

Doctors call Epiphany bathing a good opportunity to improve health. But only if their participants have gone through lengthy and thorough training.

Olga Molchanova, a leading researcher at the National Medical Research Center of Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health, believes that a good tradition has emerged and that responsible preparation for bathing will teach a person to take care of their health. Doctors recommend not to go swimming for the company, not to succumb to the euphoria of the holiday, but to sensibly assess your condition.

Plunging into an ice-hole is a very useful procedure for the immune system. Cold has a beneficial effect on vascular tone. But only in healthy people who are well prepared, - Olga Molchanova explained to Izvestia. - That is, if they constantly carried out hardening procedures. For example, a daily contrast shower. For such people, immersion in the hole for a few seconds will pass without consequences. But if a person has even small signs of a cold, and he, overcoming himself, still bathes in the cold, then, of course, he will get sick.

She clarified that it takes at least a year to temper before the Epiphany bathing. According to the doctor, impulsive winter swimming can result in pneumonia. But doctors usually do not notice a surge in morbidity after Epiphany.

Celebrated modestly

From the point of view of mass perception, Epiphany is less popular than other Orthodox holidays - Easter and Christmas. Therefore, it is celebrated more modestly. For some people, this is not so much a church holiday as an opportunity to dive into an ice hole and then continue with a good libation, Alexander Shatilov, Dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Political Science of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, told Izvestia.

However, compared to Soviet times, the number of people celebrating the holiday has increased.
Alexander Shatilov added that since 1988 in the USSR, and then in the Russian Federation, there has been an increase in religiosity. Now, according to the expert, about 80% of the Slavic population of Russia considers themselves to be Orthodox Christians.

According to the Levada Center, about every 13th Russian (7%) expressed their willingness to swim in the ice-hole in 2016. No such survey was conducted in 2017. Since 2010, the number of citizens going to celebrate Epiphany has been stable - about 40%. Most often they consider themselves Orthodox, said Karina Pipia, a sociologist at the Levada Center.

According to official data, over 1.8 million people took part in Epiphany bathing a year ago, the Emergencies Ministry noted. This year, the department predicted that about 1.5 million Russians would plunge. Bathing will last until noon on January 19.

On January 19, Orthodox Russians will celebrate the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. It was on this day many centuries ago that one of the most significant events for Christians took place - the baptism of Jesus Christ by John in the waters of the Jordan and the appearance of the Trinity of God. According to tradition, on this day, believers immerse themselves in the font. In order for the ceremony to bring benefit, not harm, it is necessary not so much to gather courage, but also to prepare your body for a sharp temperature drop.

During Epiphany bathing, people are looking for spiritual, mental and physical healing, they yearn for soul renewal, and for some it also becomes an opportunity to test themselves for strength Vladimir Pidzamkiv, head of the Surgut branch of the Center for Medical Prevention, notes that people have many reasons and reasons, but advice for the correct Epiphany bathing for all the same. They can be conditionally divided into "before", "during" and "after"

The ideal option is to prepare for your swim in advance. That means:

Check your health and consult a doctor for individual contraindications;

Prepare mentally and physically: make it a rule to temper and lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as not doubt the decision about the upcoming bathing;

Do not drink alcohol the day before and on the day of swimming. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, and ice water constricts them. The result of such diametrically opposite processes in your body can be vascular accidents. In addition, alcoholic beverages negatively affect thermoregulation: under the seeming warming effect, rapid heat transfer is hidden, that is, your body cools down many times faster;

Be sure to refresh yourself. Your body needs food to generate and retain heat;

Take with you a thermos with hot aromatic tea;

Take seriously the issue of choosing clothes: be sure to take a large towel (terry is best), warm and easy-to-wear clothes and shoes, slippers (you will need it to get to the ice hole);

Choose the “right” hole. The correct ice-hole has a special fence, rescuers are on duty near it.

So, you have arrived at the bathing place. The first thing you need to do is warm up. In no case do not "jump" into the water immediately, without a preliminary heating charge. A few squats and bends should be enough for you. Secondly, you can stay in the water for no more than one or two minutes. Therefore, an obligatory option for you will be the presence of an accompanying person who could control and insure you. Thirdly, you need to immerse yourself in ice water with a clear understanding and awareness of what you are doing it for. And you need to do this calmly without unnecessary screams and worries.

The most "terrible" is over - you have withstood the immersion in ice water and stay in the clean frosty air. Now what? Most importantly, don't try to warm yourself up with alcoholic beverages. This means not drinking alcohol immediately after bathing, and preferably within the next few hours. Don't waste time happily discussing your dive with friends and family or taking a selfie in your swimsuit - just rub yourself with a towel and change from wet clothes to dry ones. The sooner you get dressed, the better. Then have some hot tea to help you warm up and recover. Have you dressed, drank? Now you can begin to rejoice and rejoice. You did it!

Cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, hypotension, angina pectoris and others);

Respiratory diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and others);

Exacerbation of chronic diseases;


Epilepsy, concussion;

Body temperature is higher than normal;

And also during pregnancy.

The Christian holiday of the Baptism of the Lord is known among the people no less than Christmas, when they cook it. It owes its popularity to the rite of consecration of water, which is held not only in temples, but also in open water bodies. After its completion, even tap water acquires special properties. No wonder they call her a saint and store her up for future use.

It is believed that "divine moisture" is capable of working miracles: heal diseases, protect against damage and the evil eye, and, most importantly, wash away the sins accumulated over the year. To do this, it is enough for Epiphany to plunge headlong into a river or pond three times. For those wishing to swim in the ice font on the pond, they arrange a special ice-hole in the shape of an Orthodox cross - the Jordan. In the river of the same name, about two thousand years ago, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, received the great sacrament of Baptism.

There is a long queue for baptism in Jordan even in severe frost. And it consists not only of deeply religious people. After all, in order to receive God's Blessing, it is enough just to sprinkle with holy water. And the one who lives according to the Orthodox canons, of course, knows about it. What makes people dive headlong into the hole?

Most likely an unforgettable experience. They say, having experienced them once, you want more and more. In the first minute after bathing, a person is seized by euphoria, he feels extraordinary lightness. The body becomes literally weightless. And such a grace in my soul, words cannot convey! As if born again. Some even cry with happiness.

Epiphany bathing is only good for a healthy person. What can not be said about those who got a bunch of sores, serious and not so. They cannot even dream of such "extreme". Cold ablution is contraindicated in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, lungs, bronchi, kidneys, epilepsy, obesity and diabetes. So that a good idea does not end in failure, you need to consult with your doctor. And take his recommendations seriously.

Refrain from immersing young children in Jordan, they have an unstable thermoregulation system. And it can fail. After all, taking a shower or dousing with warm water in the bathroom is a real alternative to an ice bath. Indeed, on this day, all water on Earth is holy.

If the ice-hole causes panic, there is no faith in God and in miracles of healing performed by them, it is better to refuse ablution. An Orthodox person enters Jordan with prayer, enlisting the support of the Lord. Believes that "living" water purifies the soul, fills it with light and goodness. That is why Epiphany bathing is good for him.

I would like to give some useful advice for those who have firmly decided to plunge into the ice-hole for the first time on the Epiphany. So…

Put in a bag in advance a change of linen, a terry robe, a large bath towel, slippers. Do not forget to bring another towel under your feet to lay it at the hole, or a rug. Pour hot tea (not coffee!) With honey into a small thermos.

Wear your swimwear at home. He is wearing thermal underwear, a comfortable sweater made of natural wool. The outfit must include warm and spacious shoes, woolen socks, mittens, and a hat.

It is advisable to come to the reservoir by car, so that after swimming you do not stand in the cold while waiting for the bus and do not go on foot. Bring some plastic hot water bottles with you. To pour it over your hands and feet immediately after leaving the font.

- Undress from bottom to top, first take off your boots or boots. But the socks are at the very end. And shove them in your shoes, or they will get lost in a hurry.

Go down into the water up to your armpits. Hold your breath and quickly plunge into it 3 times, you can head first. Staying in the hole should not exceed 30-40 seconds: during this time, the body will not be overcooled.

When you leave Jordan, put on your slippers right away. Then rub the body with a towel and put on a robe. Dress in reverse order, top to bottom, in 2-3 minutes.

Drink tea from a thermos and go home to the warmth. Share your impressions and rejoice at the victory.