Legends about the red-haired luthor. Lex Luthor in a jail cell

Legends about the red-haired luthor.  Lex Luthor in a jail cell
Legends about the red-haired luthor. Lex Luthor in a jail cell

What is the point of chasing trifles when it is much more pleasant to master such heights that others have never dreamed of?

Lex Luthor has always, as long as he can remember, strived to be the first in everything. This idea, about the importance of his own superiority, was instilled in him from early childhood. But even when his father died, a man who never believed in his own son, considering him incapable of anything, Lex could not get rid of the doubts that had settled in his soul. Now it was no longer necessary to constantly prove something, you could leave everything, forget yourself in aimless idleness and start wasting your life in vain.

The end justifies the means, it has always been that way.

People were like open books, Lex could always literally read all their insignificant aspirations and dreams. And it's always the same. How boring it was! Everyone tried to grab a larger piece, choose a place closer to the sun. Such an existence was no different from the life of an animal. Luthor the Younger couldn't afford to stoop to that.

People stopped reaching out for great things. People have forgotten about their mission: to carry the rays of enlightenment into this world.

Since no one wanted to take such responsibility into their own hands, then Lex Luthor could take care of everything himself. He will bring order and justice to Metropolis, and then to Gotham.
It is easy, nothing is impossible. And it will be even easier after the deceitful god falls into a man-made abyss, overthrown by all those who helped him rise.

Luthor is ready to destroy everything around him every time he finds out about the next heroic feat of Superman. Why did he suddenly decide that he has the slightest right to consider himself above all laws and foundations? His exclusivity was pretentious, his desire to help everyone and everyone was filled with deceit. Lex was sure that the unfortunate fools simply did not see all the truth that he himself had figured out for a long time.
Gods become gods when they are believed in.

He knew that Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne would be coming tonight. More precisely, Superman and Batman will come, disguised as their second nature. What naivete it was on their part to believe that no one would be able to find out their little secret.

But indeed, having met this journalist on the street, among the gray buzzing crowd, behind the rim of his glasses, Lex would not have been able to see the look of the dishonest liar, which was a person from distant space. A formal suit suits him more than ordinary colored rags.

His confidence and demeanor were enviable. Lex slid his gaze over the strong-willed features of his face, involuntarily running his tongue over his lips.

With what joy Luthor looked at both of them, rejoicing not at the long-awaited meeting, which was just that for him, but at the imminent sudden end of the two heroes.

When Superman decided to secretly track where Bruce was headed, Lex followed him.

Kent, are you lost? the young genius asked in mock surprise, finding a man in one of the corridors.

It seems that the floor was wrong. - he adjusted his glasses, looking a little confusedly at Luthor.

Yes, in such a large house it is easy to get lost the first time. “Especially when you’re sticking your long nose in your own business,” Lex added to himself. “Tell me, Clark - he emphasizes his name, - what is your opinion regarding Superman's atrocities in Metropolis?

Such a provocation does not go unnoticed. An inexperienced gaze would have easily escaped that fleeting expression that shadowed Clark Kent's face. Only Lex was always able to notice the smallest details.

I think… ”Luthor cocked his head to one side, smiling slyly. - He acted as circumstances required.

Is this a sufficient reason to build a whole cult around his figure?

Hope cannot be taken from them. Lex couldn't help laughing.
There was a silence in the air. In the distance, the rumble and conversations of the guests of the secular evening could still be heard. Superman wants to somehow dispel the understatement, waiting for an answer from Lex, but he lifts his chin and peers into his face with sparkling eyes.

The apotheosis of the tension reaches its peak. This is comparable to the moment a dam breaks through with tons of water. Everything finds itself in a continuous impenetrable wave.
It is difficult to remember which of them was the first to reach out to other people's lips for a hot, live kiss. Clark put his hands on the young scientist's waist, Lex recoiled for a moment, just to take a breath of air, before taking the hero into a new stream of passion. The palms rested on the shoulders of the Son of Krypton. He really did not seem to be a man, but one solid granite statue. Lex exhaled into sensual lips.

More accurate. Don't crush my ribs. - Luthor really suspects Superman may not be able to calculate his strength.

Do not worry. Clarke soothes him with a hint of genuine concern in his voice.
Hoarse laughter fades into dead silence. Realizing that the damn alien all this time was aware that Lex had figured it out a long time ago, you want to laugh in his face, and then bang your head against the wall for a long time.
Lex is literally pushed into the wall, not letting go of his hands. Some noise nearby distracts their attention.

If Clark Kent does not want to be seen in such a compromising position, he urgently needs to disappear. Clark raises one eyebrow. - Or go in search of a more secluded place.

The bed creaked pitifully under the weight of the two bodies. Superman's keen ears could hear the deafening, frequent beats of someone else's heart.
A belated feeling of excitement loomed faintly in the back of his mind.
The attempt to roll over was a failure. Lex winced, glaring down at the transparent blue opposite.

Find yourself under your sworn enemy, what could be worse? Only how this fact, tickling the already strained nerves, makes the whole body tremble in the languor of anticipation. To Lex's surprise, the Kryptonian's skin did not feel different from that of a human, except that it was especially hot right now. Crushed by the weight of Clark's body, Luthor could only fidget weakly as he hugged his neck. They are so close that the tips of their noses almost touch each other.

Inside, everything is bubbling, boiling with shades of contrasting feelings. Anger, lust, fear, distrust, confusion from their own contradictory, but so necessary desire. Clark rises to look at the guy. At such a moment, he saw him real: confused, without a mask of endless falsehood and feigned joy.

Running strands of long hair between his fingers, Superman leans over to Lex, kissing him tenderly. Resisting physical attraction is more difficult than convincing oneself of burning hatred for the one on whom the whole world has converged in an instant.

The pain does not sober; rather, on the contrary, it makes you fall into a haze of maddening excitement, bordering on incomprehensible, excruciating pleasure.

This is so wrong! Moan and bend under sharp frequent shocks, wanting more every minute. Clark loves to drive Lex into a frenzy. He finally lost all his arrogance, and it is especially pleasant that it was he, Superman, who was to blame for everything.

It seems completely unfair to Lex Luthor that this alien could get him back so easily. It is he who must fall on his knees before him, throwing his pride at his feet. Lex consoles himself with the thought that he will definitely achieve this, at any cost.

It all ends as chaotic as it began. Blinding sparks flare up under the covered eyelids, a tremor pierces the body, followed by a deafening discharge.

I will destroy you. Luthor says in a chant, still lying on the purple sheets. Unlike Clark, he is in no hurry to get dressed.

Superman can only grin back.

The pogrom is incomparable with what happened a year ago. In the place where the remains of the Krypton ship were located, there were solid ruins. The wounds received from the battle with Batman, and then also with the brutal alien creature, deliver dull pain. If there are people nearby, he is obliged to help them, despite his own exhaustion.

Superman hears a sound coming from a pile of twisted iron beams. Harsh, heavy sighs, as if this one no longer hopes to get out. Surprisingly, Clarke does not feel anger and righteous anger inside himself, which would be quite logical to experience at the sight of the culprit of all the ongoing chaos. Lex looks disheveled and pissed off. If not for a broken leg, giving off a monstrous pain, he would have pounced on Superman with his bare hands. Even if it sounds like sheer stupidity.

What nobility! The highest deity itself descended to the main sinner! - Luthor declares loudly, examining the figure in blue with burning eyes, - Well, come on, did you come here for this? To mock, to crush a vile viper with your foot, spitting poison in your direction! - he finally loses the remnants of self-control, turning to screaming.

Clark, not paying attention to Lex's beginning tantrum, easily picks him up, trying not to cause unnecessary inconvenience.

Let me in! The guy hisses.

Do you want to die under a pile of concrete and reinforcement? Superman asks with a touch of cynicism, taking off.

Are you itching to turn me over to the authorities? Of course, saving the world is not enough for my complete humiliation.

Lex gasps with the feeling of flight and great height, even though he tries not to show it. They hang in the air.

You will still have plenty of opportunities to die, but not now. Clarke says confidently.

A mad smile lights up the face of Alexander Luthor. You cannot afford to be two-faced, so he will not allow that tiny feeling of affection that appeared when they first met, ruin his main goal. Next time Lex will see it through to the end.

We brush away the dust from a long forgotten heading "Top 10 controversial points"... Thanks to our friend for the thumbnail for the post. Asset .

Almost three years ago, we thought that this format did not quite justify itself, and decided in the future to limit ourselves to film reviews. What is symbolic - the last material from this series was just "Man of Steel"... And now, after all these years, we decided to return once again and try to make out all the controversial moments of the film. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice... We do not pretend to be objective and the ultimate truth, but perhaps after reading you will understand what exactly we did not like and why the film received such a low rating.

1. Evacuation is not for weaklings

The first ambiguous moment awaits us at the very beginning of the film. We see the very battle of the Kryptonians in Metropolis, the city is gradually sinking into ruins, a huge alien module hovers over the central streets, and the locals rush in panic between the falling skyscrapers. And everything would be fine if not for Bruce Wayne, who personally flew to Metropolis in his helicopter and rushes at full speed to the Wayne Ent. Building to give the command to evacuate all employees.

That is, the security service and common sense did not allow the manager to independently decide on the evacuation. “He wants us to leave the building,” Frank tells the staff after talking to Wayne, at which point the skyscraper begins to collapse. Employees in a panic try to escape, and Frank himself reads a prayer and becomes unavailable for calls forever.

Judging by the further footage, few managed to escape, and with the help of one victim with a name, one cripple and one orphaned girl, Snyder lays the conditional foundation for Batman's future hatred of Superman. Like the best directing textbooks. The only problem is that the situation itself looks somewhat comical. What kind of labor discipline is it that people, in the face of certain death, are afraid to leave their workplace without a signal from the management? Are they bet-branded for being late?

2. Bash on crazy

Lex Luthor's cooperation with the US government looks no less controversial. More precisely, the placement of accents. The brazen smug billionaire demands a permit to import a radioactive alien mineral, full access to an alien spaceship, and the body of General Zod. In exchange for ... yes, in fact, no matter what. What's stopping the government from confiscating kryptonite at the border and independently developing a weapon against Superman? For the first time in my memory, the military are not trying to lay their hands on the incredible military power and remain not only behind the scenes, but generally overboard. What does LexCorp have to offer in return? It is hardly a matter of the technological base, after all, the US military-industrial complex is probably not much inferior to Batman's cave, who ultimately turned out to be the most agile of all and made the very same weapon himself.

And it would be okay to negotiate with the senators by a convincing and calculating manipulator from the comics, but no, we have before us a hot-tempered infantile sociopath who puts cherry candies in the mouths of serious government functionaries. Would you trust such a guy with access to some of the most important information on the planet?

3. Experimental bullets are the key to success

Imagine that you are a genius villain and you have a complex multi-step plan to discredit Superman. A plan that will forever destroy the hero's reputation, the cult around his personality and turn public opinion 180 degrees. You decide to go from afar and somewhere in Africa organize a theatrical performance with terrorists, mercenaries and Lois Lane in the title role. Because Lois Lane is like a bat signal for Superman. If you want to chat with him - just push his lady from the roof of a skyscraper or start shooting at her. The red cloak will not be long in coming.

But back to the insidious plan, you destroy an entire terrorist cell, shooting bandits and local residents with experimental cartridges, and blame Superman for everything. Does this have a sufficient public response? No. Does this operation allow you to get out? Yes, and without much difficulty. It took Lois Lane exactly one meeting and several days to find out that these cartridges were unmatched and manufactured by LexCorp. Attention to the question: why use unique, count the nominal cartridges, in order to substitute someone? Why even use a firearm to frame Superman !? Why not give your mercenaries, for example, laser cannons, which will burn in the victims wounds similar to those that in theory could have inflicted on Superman? And in general, what is the point of this operation?

If you wanted to raise the rhetoric that Superman puts himself above world politics and considers it possible to intervene in international conflicts, invade foreign states, kill terrorists and restore order there, then you simply did not do it. People on TV were discussing completely different issues, and world leaders, including the President of the United States, simply ignored the incident. Yes, there was a hearing in the Senate, at which one of the surviving local residents spoke, but then another question arises: why is the incident in Africa discussed in the US Senate? Our American colleagues are also perplexed about this, so it is impossible to refer to some existing practice.

But maybe Snyder and Terrio just wanted to quickly kill Jimmy Olsen? Yes, that guy photographer with Lois is Jimmy Olsen. Did you think Supergirl was the worst thing that could happen to this character?

4. Dusty Kung Fu

Perhaps the most vivid negative memory was the scene in the desert. But not Lois Lane's strange staged interview with the head of the terrorists, but Batman's dream in Superman's dystopian world. An ambush, a trap, one against a dozen enemies - we have seen such a Batman many times and we know perfectly well how it works. We know, but it would be better if we never saw this variation. It's not even that Batman lost, on the contrary, this is a prologue to a gorgeous scene where Superman is delighted in his villainous role, and the Dark Knight is like a crucified Jesus. But the very staging of a fight is a separate level of the bottom and unprofessionalism. Heavy and clumsy Batman against a bunch of extras who, just in case, fall dead before Ben Affleck's fist gets too close ... this is not even an Arrow level. To see such profanity, especially against the background of other well-staged fights, was strange to say the least. Just turn on this scene and Batman's fight with Luthor's gang of thugs, set in the best traditions of Rocksteady games.

5. Joker Superman

Lex Luthor has become perhaps the main stumbling block and bone of contention. Someone calls him the most charismatic villain of movie comics, someone sees in him the only bright spot in the film, but we all forget one simple thing - this is not Lex Luthor. This is not an author's interpretation or a new look at the villain (as was the case with Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight), this is a fundamentally different character. As if Bruce Wayne was a police commissioner and didn't wear a bat costume at night. From an incredibly intelligent, truly evil, insidious and cold-blooded antagonist, only the name remains. In front of us is anyone but Lex. This guy looks more like the Joker with his antics, inappropriate chuckles, lengthy monologues and pronounced signs of mental illness. And the thing is that in this universe there is already one nutcase, and it does not need a second such antagonist. She needs a serious and impressive villain, a genius and a manipulator, really capable of arguably playing off the two main characters of this world. In the current scenario, Luther's multi-move looks like pure luck and casts a shadow not only on the writers, but also on the intellectual abilities of Batman and Superman, who were so easily bred and deceived.

In the comments, someone suggested that Lex was under Darkseid's control throughout the film and was acting strangely, to put it mildly. So, if this is really true, then the screenwriter, director and actor receive a fat disaffection for such an inept presentation of the material. In addition, the dossiers on meta-people found in LexCorp raise a lot of questions. Why did Lex start tracking these people? Where did he get all this information? Why does he need this information? Will he come up with a logo for the rest of the Justice League members? We can only hope that someday we will get the answers not to these questions.

6. Minute confrontation

Probably the main complaint about the film is the very confrontation made in the title of the picture, which in fact lasted only a few minutes. In order to immediately remove all questions regarding the difference between the abbreviations "v" and "vs" - both means the word "versus", just "v" is usually used in judicial practice. For example, in the last season of Daredevil, the Punisher's case was called The People of New York v. Frank Castle ". That is, the problem is not in the damned localizers, Snyder really filmed the confrontation between Batman and Superman. And he was not even too lazy to give Bruce Wayne some kind of motivation: the already mentioned trinity from the first paragraph, many other innocent lives and, most importantly, fear of an invincible enemy and unwillingness to rely on his mercy (hello, Lex from the comics). In principle, this is more than enough for a superhero blockbuster, but what do we see in the red corner of the ring? We see Clark Kent extremely annoyed with Batman's existence and his methods of fighting crime.

Not that Superman has been regularly rescuing the citizens of Metropolis from organized crime, helping to rebuild the city, or flying to neighboring Gotham with good intentions over the years. No. He helped with some kind of global disasters, floods, and was above all this worldly vanity. And here this upstart has been harassing criminals in a neighboring town for twenty years, and no one cares about this! Even the Daily Planet doesn't want to write about it. Clark is offended, outraged, and annoyed. In general, in fact, Superman has no good motivation for this confrontation, and it has to be sucked out of the thumb. There is no other name for the kidnapping of Clark's mother.

But the most interesting thing is that instead of flying around and scanning the entire Metropolis in search of Martha Kent in the remaining time, Clark decides to go across the bay, fight Batman and convince him to help in finding his mother. The question is: what? How does Clarke know about the surveillance of Knyazev and his connections with Luthor? Yes, out of nowhere, he just does it, as bequeathed to Shia LaBuff.

As a result, instead of ideological confrontation and an epic battle, we get a sour reason for a fight and tough time constraints. Of course, the fight itself is well staged, and under the influence of kryptonite, Superman snatches out very juicy from Batman. The only problem is that in terms of scale and timing, this battle loses to absolutely all fights in "Man of Steel". Moreover, it does not look like the central event of the film, which should turn the tide of the plot and turn opponents into allies, but like an ordinary pass-through fight against the background of other more important events.

7. Your mother is MARTA!

I may be wrong, but it seems to me “MARTA! MARTHA? MARTHA!" - should be on a par with such incorruptible as "Varyuvonnakillmiprprrmrfr!?!" and "WHERE IS THE DETONATOR !?" The idea itself is clear, Snyder drew two parallels with Martha Wayne at once, they say, by killing Superman, Bruce will be no better than the man who killed his mother, and failing to save one Martha, he has a chance here and now to save another. This is not satisfactory. Even disregarding the fact that there are a lot of questions about the Batman code after this film. The staging of the stage itself raises criticism. Throw in a couple of flashing flashbacks, let Affleck play the inner struggle, and with these cheap tricks you get a passable dramatic moment, not a comedy sketch with shouting out names. What if Batman's mother was called Margaret? Lois Lane has traditionally become the cherry on the cake, simply because without her Superman cannot connect two words, and who will then drown the kryptonite spear. Which spear, you ask?

8. A spear? Which spear?

The spear that Batman made from stolen kryptonite as his primary weapon against Superman was one of the film's major failures. One of the greatest minds on the planet, a man who thinks out all his actions ten steps ahead, simply throws his only weapon against Superman in the dilapidated location of Gotham and goes to save Martha Kent. Superman flies away on his business, and Lois is left alone with this stick, deadly for the Kryptonians. What would you do if you were in her place? Complex issue. Perhaps they contacted the pilot of the Daily Planet who brought you there and would try to hide him more safely until your friend Superman decides what to do with him next. But unfortunately you are not Lois, and you are not bound hand and foot by the script. The fact is that in half an hour there will be a battle with another Kryptonian and this spear will become decisive in the final battle, so you cannot take it away from here in any way. But what is to be done? Can he be drowned right there nearby? Then it will be possible to add an additional quest and drama with drowning people to the plot. And at the same time one more rhetorical question: how, in the heat of the battle with explosions and screams, Superman managed to hear and feel his beloved, but did not even try to find his mother in Metropolis?

As for such a strange choice of weapons, everything is simple - it was originally created for Doomsday, which is why it looks so ridiculous in relation to Superman. But this is one of those script conventions that you just have to accept, like an escaped radioactive spider in a high-tech laboratory.

9. Doomsday has arrived

Hey Superman, meet your Doomsday! You know, if the localizers simply said “Doomsday,” no one would have eaten them and poured out a tub of slops. Everything is simple here: either you translate everything humanly, or you rewrite the whole phrase, leaving the name of the villain. Why are these half measures? But these are claims to our local version, and not to the villain himself. Let's now talk directly about him and the final battle.

One of Superman's strongest opponents has become Lex Luthor's blood puppet, and appears in an already oversaturated film only to die ingloriously. And before that, kill Superman and show us that the only serious warrior in this whole story is Wonder Woman. Feminists must have howled with joy when they saw Batman standing on the sidelines (what else is left for him?), Superman gets nuts, and Wonder Woman fearlessly and effectively fights Doomsday. And here, too, a logical question arises: why not give the spear to Diana, because she obviously understands best how to handle it, she is not afraid of kryptonite and she fights at the closest possible distance? Oh yes, she can fly too, if that. But Chris Terrio and Zach Snyder decided that it was much more interesting to arrange a sunset of Superman at the dawn of justice.

In addition, Doomsday himself was initially doomed as a character, since it is completely incomprehensible what Lex would do next if his pet had defeated all this stellar trinity. But Luthor in this film is a real psychopath, so he can simply unleash weapons of mass destruction on the streets of Metropolis without thinking about the consequences. So the screenwriter thought about it and with a light stroke of the pen removed another character from the world of Superman. After all, Gotham is across the bay, and there are countless villains.

On the other hand, there is one small loophole here. In additional materials to "Man of Steel" there is a mention of the alien scientist Bertron, in the comics he was obsessed with the creation of a higher form of life and over the years conducted various experiments. In addition, from Lex's conversation with Zod's ship, it can be assumed that previously similar abominations have already been created, so there is a ghostly chance that the real Doomsday will still appear in the DC MCU. But again, this is just speculation and guesswork.

10. Death is just the beginning

The final shots, in the best traditions of Christopher Nolan's Inception, subtly hint that it won't take long to grieve for Superman, but the very fact of the hero's death raises certain questions. How correct was the decision to play this trump card at the start of the DC MCU? The death of Superman is undoubtedly one of the key plots, but killing him right away, without really revealing, without letting the viewer feel the character is at least strange. I don’t want to draw analogies with Marvel, but agree that if, for example, in “Civil War” something happens to Captain America, it will have a completely different effect, because in five films everyone has somehow got used to this character, and to replace Evans may indeed have someone else come. Here, the situation is absolutely opposite: from beginning to end, it is clear that death has no weight or significance, Superman will come to life in the next film, and Henry Cavill has a long-term collaboration with Warner Bros.

In a word, there was no need for such a final. The Trinity could simply defeat Doomsday and begin to form the Justice League to fight Darkseid, without fake drama, fake tears, and empty coffins.


Of course, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice had a lot of positive moments, be it the absolutely wonderful and such Snyder scene of the Wayne murder. And many other insanely beautiful shots, which, however, as in "Man of Steel" were somewhat taken out of context. I would like to highlight Gal Gadot as a separate point, which became a real decoration of the film. Despite all the fears and nagging about her appearance and physical form, she managed to show the real Wonder Woman, who gave odds to both Batman and Superman.

There were also some really powerful scenes, such as the unexpected explosion in the Senate, graffiti on the Superman monument, Lex Luthor bringing "god" to his knees, preparing the main characters for battle with each other. And the image of Miller's Batman turned out to be beyond praise. For example, the scene with the capture of the slave trader and the Dark Knight hiding in the corner evokes both horror and wild delight. Yes, this is the kind of Batman we've been waiting for all these years. Terrifying not only criminals, but also any mortal, on both sides of the screen.

However, all these advantages turned out to be smeared over a full-length, almost three-hour canvas and did not manage to brighten up the overall impression of the film. With all the boundless love for Zach Snyder, it is felt that for the second film in a row the director does not shoot a picture, but is at war with the studio. Warner Bros. and we get a clip slow mo, long field plans, enchanting landscapes and twenty-minute fights, and somewhere Zaku is stepped on the tail and we see a heavy cliché superhero. Snyder would be ideal for side projects like Justice League Dark, where his talent could find real expression, both visually and storyline. But in the end, he bears a huge burden of responsibility and key films of the nascent DC Universe. Warner Bros. Studio cannot and will not take risks, and Zach Snyder is simply out of place.

Lex Luthor: So if a man cannot kill a god, the devil will!

I hesitated for a while whether to write a separate review about Luthor "Batman v Superman"(by no means the best, in my opinion, version of the image), and in the end I decided to make the task more interesting. Insofar as Lex Snyder and Eisenberg boasts the same red hair that the character had in his earliest comics, I will first take a look at these early stories of the famous villain, then talk about some of the other red Luthor, and then move on to the last cinematic incarnation.
An insidious criminal made his debut in “Adventure comics. No. 23 ”(“ Europe at War. Part II ”; April 1940), in the second part of the plot about the war between the European states of Galonia and Thoran. After the explosion destroys the peace delegation arriving in Galonia from Thoran, Clark Kent, sent there as a war correspondent, begins to suspect the Galonian General Lupo. Donning a Superman costume, he sees Lupo heading into a mysterious cave and decides to interrogate him. However, as soon as the general mentions the name of the mysterious Luthor, who wants to drag the entire continent into the war, a green ray cuts him in half, after which the cave collapses. Clark tries to convince the representatives of both countries that they are being manipulated by a madman, but no one believes him. However, the red-haired Luthor in his hideout, hanging high in the stratosphere airship, decides that the journalist knows too much and tells his bald assistant to eliminate Kent. Lois Lane is brought in instead of Clark. The journalist finds out that the villain is using hypnosis on his henchmen, but this does not work on the bald one, and he is persuaded to convey a message to Kent. Reaching the airship, the Steel Man comes face to face with the redhead, who, in the best super-villainous traditions, shares with him his plan: to weaken the countries by war, to seize power over them, and then over the whole world. He tries to destroy the hero with green rays, depriving him of his powers, but Superman destroys his car, drops the airship to the ground and is confident that the enemy died in the explosion. Well, in those days, the defenders of good clearly took such things easier ...
V “Superman. No. 4 "(" Luthor's Challenge "; spring 1940) the villain returns, aiming for a new earthquake-causing weapon. He kidnaps the author of this invention, Professor Martinson, and when he refuses to cooperate, he challenges the kryptonian: if his superpowers surpass the scientific genius of Luthor, he will abandon his plans, if not, the hero will not interfere with him. Superman easily emerges victorious in all competitions: he flies faster and higher than the superplanes created by the redhead, raises a huge boulder, stands against a grenade and a cannon projectile, etc. Admitting defeat, the criminal frees the professor. However, it is soon revealed that while Steel Man was competing with Luthor, the latter's assistants stole the weapon, and now he is threatening to destroy the city with earthquakes. The redhead uses the invention against Superman, unsuccessfully trying to bury him alive, and manages to escape before the moment when the fighter against evil crawls out of the ground.
In another story from the same issue, "Luthor Underwater City", a tireless villain, implements a much larger plan: he steals oil from fields around the planet, floods the Pacific coast, raises a city from a sunken continent and grows dinosaurs and other monsters in the laboratory with the help of which he plans to seize power. He also kidnaps Clark and Lois so that they can no longer interfere with him. Superman wins the fight against the dinosaur launched on him by Luthor and floods the ancient city, while the creatures he created attack the redhead.
V “Superman. No. 5 "(" The Threat of Luthor's incense "; summer 1940) the villain appears with gray hair. This time, he is organizing an economic crisis in the country, subjugating leading financiers with the help of drugs. The Steel Man infiltrates Luthor's meeting with his henchmen, pretending to be one of them, destroys the enemy's plane, and he drowns. In the next plot with an evil genius, in “Superman. No. 10 "(" The Invisible Luthor "; May-June 1941), his hair is already missing. He leaves Metropolis without water, demanding $ 100 million, and uses machines that become invisible, one of which allows him to go unpunished.

A story titled "When Titans Collide" from “Superman. No. 17 "(July-August 1942) worth mentioning for the reason that, although Luthor is bald in it, in a later retelling of the same events in “All-Star Squadron. No. 20 "(April 1983) his hair is red. With the help of a stone from another planet, he becomes stronger than a Kryptonian, grows to the size of a giant, deprives the hero of superpowers and arranges a terror of unprecedented proportions. The defender of good manages to cope with him with the help of cunning: he tells the villain that he cannot walk on the ceiling, Luthor rushes to prove the opposite, a stone falls from his neck - and he again becomes an ordinary person, but again escapes.
Four decades later, the author remembered the red-haired criminal Marv Wolfman... In the comic “DC Comics Presents. Yearbook No. 1 "(" Crisis on Three Earths "; 1982) A bald Lex in purple and green uniforms terrorizes the city in a tank with a kryptonite beam, but Superman takes him out in minutes. Meanwhile, in a parallel universe, on Earth-2, the red-haired Luthor, who, it turns out, is called Alexei, launches rockets into the editorial building, where all the friends of the local Steel Man work, but the hero removes the threat and finds the enemy's refuge. In prison, the bald Lex of Earth-1, with the help of his invention, contacts Alexei of Earth-2 and changes places with him so that each of them could destroy the alien Superman (the iron logic of an evil genius ...). And indeed: Alexei's gravitational ribbons take away forces Superman Earth-1 and is thrown far into space, and Lex's shrinking beam sends the Kryptonian Earth-2 into the realm of atoms. However, Lois of Earth-2, grabbing the villain's weapon, returns the hero to its normal size, and the Steel Man of Earth-1 frees himself from the bonds and saves his Lois from the redhead. Both Luthor then travel to Earth-3 and team up with Ultraman, the evil Superman of the Crime Syndicate; bloodthirsty Alexei proposes to simply destroy the first two Earths, which shocks Lex. Upon learning of the conspiracy, Lois of Earth-3 turns to the most brilliant person on the planet, Doctor Alexander Luthor, and he, having contacted the Supermen, warns them of the danger. He also finds control over Ultraman, while the Kryptonians neutralize the arch-enemies and save the worlds.
Alexey's last exit was "Crisis on Infinite Earths", where he made a fatal mistake by coveting the place of the leader of a huge army of supervillains: the robotic Brainworm had a short conversation with those who dared to contradict him. In the same “Crisis”, Alexander and Lois of Earth-3 sent their newborn son away from the dying world, and he, having matured in record time, became an important figure in the fight against Anti-Monitor. And two decades later, the same Alexander Jr., or just Alex, being very dissatisfied with the “post-crisis” DCU, together with Superboy-Prime arranged "Infinite Crisis" in order to regain the "multi-land", he almost killed Nightwing and eventually died at the hands of the Joker. In the world of "New 52" Alexander Luthor of Earth-3 turned out to be an evil variant of Shazam, who wants to destroy all the members of the Crime Syndicate, taking their superpowers from them; he was killed by Lex of the main Earth in mini-series "Evil Forever".
Finally, we must not forget that the "post-crisis" tycoon Lex Luthor, during his first appearance in mini-series "Steel Man" (1986) by John Byrne also boasted red hair, although he quickly returned to bald mode. It is on this version of the villain that most of his modern versions are based, including, in a sense, the most recent cinematic incarnation.
The moment when "Steel Man" during the battle between Superman and Zod, a fuel tanker with the inscription "Laxcorp" appeared in the frame, it became obvious that the release of Lex's DC Extended Universe would not take long. However, his appearance in "Batman v Superman" initially looked questionable - simply because in relation to Superman, Batman and Luthor, by and large, play the same role with different characters. They both represent what humanity can oppose to the omnipotence of a Kryptonian: vast resources, intelligence, ingenuity, willpower. When one of them plays for the Steel Man, complementing him, and the other against, both are appropriate, but when both are against, the potential of one of them must be muted so that the roles are not duplicated. As a result, in the film, this happened to both.
In inventing their Lex, David S. Goyer and Zach Snyder took a relatively original direction. Goyer referred to him as the villainous Bill Gates, who had 50, 60 or 70 billion, Snyder called the modern combination of Richard Branson and Brad Pitt (with hair). In January 2014, the role was chosen Jesse Eisenberg... Interestingly, at first the director offered him the role of Jimmy Olsen - obviously, in his early plans it was much more, because in the end it boiled down to a very quickly killed CIA agent. When the actor refused, Snyder asked him to play the main villain a month later. Even more interesting is that, according to rumors, before the 30-year-old Eisenberg, 57-year-old Brian Cranston was considered for the role of Luthor: it turns out that the initial concept of the image was completely different, and only after the consent of the “Oscar” nominee Zak and David settled on the option with a young billionaire heir. “Jesse’s performance allows us to explore this interesting dynamic and take the character in some new and unexpected directions,” said the director.
The actor was not a comic book fan as a kid (although his father and cousin adored Superman), but he loved the script and did his own research into picture books. Filming, he says, took 150 days. Jesse jokingly calls the work with Affleck and Cavill discouraging, because no amount of training would help him to be on the same physical level with them, as a result of which he preferred to read in his trailer.

The choice to play Eisenberg sparked a wary fan reaction. Despite the undoubted talent of the actor, he was considered too young and not threatening enough for the role. Jesse found it odd that he was considered unsuitable for a character that he had not yet embodied on the screen, but he assured everyone that his Lex would be completely new: “When you make a movie like this and play a character already played earlier, the further you go from these incarnations the better. Because chances are, especially with a guy like Gene Hackman or Kevin Spacey, that you won't be compared favorably. "
Alexander Joseph “Lex” Luthor, Jr., the 31-year-old son of an East German émigré oil and machine tycoon who died in 2000, recalls Lex Luthor II from the comics of the 90s - Australian son Lex, who turned out to be his clone with the transplanted brain of the original. However, the similarities between the two end with age and hair color. The concept of the image in Batman v Superman seems quite realistic: the typical young modern master of life, walking around in youth clothes, riding a bike and keeping in shape (when we first see him, he plays - and not bad - basketball). The impression is spoiled by the presentation of the material (not stupid, in principle, remarks) - exaggerated facial expressions, inappropriate gestures and manner of speech, which one of the critics compared to a “nutty squeaky toy”, is rude, but not without reason. Whether it was an actor's decision, or a director’s one, or (most likely) both together, it is difficult to call it successful. For the second time in a row, the “gloomy and serious” DC Extended Universe displays a character who belongs to a completely different type in the form of a typical comic psycho-villain, but in comparison with Luthor Eisenberg, Shannon's Zod seems to be an example of restraint with his burning gaze. Lex "Batman v Superman" resembles absolutely all the partially comical, grotesque Bat villains, from Gorshin to Kerry, from Romero to Ledger, while it was supposed to be something really new and original - the first real Lex Luthor of the big screen.

But there are places in this role that could make it great. Hand-feeding a politician with candy is a deadly accurate characteristic of absolutely any billionaire Luthor, regardless of age. The moment when Lex, giving a solemn speech about the power of reason, eventually “breaks down”, falls silent and ends it with something incomprehensible, intrigues in a good way and makes you think. Destroying an entire floor in Washington, including your own assistant, just to frame Superman, is a classic Luthor's move, adorned with an exquisite gull detail. And the scene where he sheds a tear over Zod's corpse (Michael Shannon did not participate in the filming, just his face was attached to the model Greg Plitt), which, in theory, should represent evil for him worse than Clark, is strange and significant: who does he have mean, speaking of the flight to the Sun, the deceased or yourself? Has he signed his own sentence in advance and is ready for anything? The latter is evidenced by his decision to create Doomsday, a creature that cannot be controlled without the slightest fear for his life (madness and fearlessness are two very different things).
“The character has a core in reality,” says the performer. - Luthor has a backstory that is tragic and an emotional inner life that is authentic ...
Calling him self-exalting is like saying that the Titanic was a sailing ship. He is a first-order narcissist, but also complicated in such a way that he is terribly restless, competitive and vindictive. He sees Superman not as someone to destroy, but as a true threat to humanity. ”
“I feel like as soon as Eisenberg discovered who Lex was, he accepted it,” Snyder said. "Once you sort of start studying Lex, it's a little scary to be that guy ... I think Jesse wasn't immune to the reality of playing a super scary character."
Unfortunately, the key moments that could be winning did not come out in the film. When Lex finally meets the hated superhero face to face for the first time (the exchange of lines with Clark and Bruce, filed back in the trailer, does not count, although this is the funniest teaser, unobtrusively hinting that he knows all the secret personalities on this planet), comes disappointment. Double disappointment because the redhead does something right: he invents a plan that does not leave Superman a way out, lightly groping Lois, without hesitation, throws her off the roof (you can shake hands for this alone), finally, for a couple of seconds, brings the almost omnipotent creature to her knees ... The effect is spoiled, on the one hand, by the presentation of the material, again in the style of a nervous twitching unambiguous villain. On the other hand, there is motivation, attachment to a parent who did not love much. Historical note: not a single Luthor loved his father, and not one motivated his hatred of Superman with this, he always had other, most often more mature, reasons.
The final visit of the Dark Knight to Lex's cell should also be attributed to failures. A quote from a respected classic is appropriate here.
Neil Gaiman: "He was in prison, but the prison couldn't keep his mind."

Admittedly, even in the face of the Dark Knight's angry face (and the prospect of getting the Bat Brand), Luthor Eisenberg does not ask for mercy. But, on the other hand, all he can is - as psychopathic as possible foreshadowing the phenomenon of the most stable "Big Bad" DC. (What will seem to the mass viewer to be a repetition and imitation with Marvel's Thanos, which was actually modeled from Darkseid in half with Metron. But this is a topic for a separate headache.) Yes, perhaps it will be exactly the Lord of Apokolips, given that in Not included in the final cut scene ("Communion") Lex met with, most likely, Steppenwolf. Not saving the situation and the scene of "baldness", which Jesse calls the greatest with his participation and which turned out to be a simple prison shave.
Despite all the blunders, it is too early to give up on this Luthor, as well as on the DC Extended Universe as a whole. Eisenberg is a great actor who is good at characters with intelligence, so if you do some serious work on the mistakes, his Lex can still be an entertaining and impressive villain, especially since Jesse does not mind playing him again.

Well, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice blew up our cinemas and our butts, which are on fire from the fierce controversy surrounding the film. I have already expressed your opinion about him, but after hearing so many negative reviews about it, I realized that many viewers did not really see everything that was shown to us in it. In this video I will tell you about some observations, easter eggs and references in the film. "Batman v Superman" that you most likely did not notice. So let's go.

Let's start by looking at the film's storytelling style. The pictures on the screen seem to have been taken from the pages of such great comics as: Death of Superman- Roger Stan and Dan Dodgers, "The Return of the Dark Knight"- Frank Miller, Justice League of America: Act 1- Gardner Fox, Jerry Conway, Kingdom come- Mark Void and Alex Ross, "Superman: Peace on Earth" and Death of Superman... Graphic Novel "The Return of the Dark Knight" begins with Bruce Wayne's sports races. In the film, they decided to change the concept, but the picture is exactly from the comics. Bruce rushes in a high-speed car among the explosions at great speed. Also taken from this comic is the idea of ​​Superman and a nuclear bomb that temporarily kills Superman. From there, the intro with Bruce's mother's necklace and Batman's breaking through the window are also taken.

Fight with Doomsday and Dead Superman in Lois Lane's arms copy scenes from "Death of Superman".
And the scene in which Lex threw Lois off the Lexcorp tower was copied from the Superman comic. "Birthright"... Well, the shots of rescue from the fire, the trial and some others exactly repeat the pages of the graphic novel by Alex Ross "Superman The World Is Not On Earth".

And if, as a movie, this tape can still be crushed by critics, then as a movie comic strip, it is definitely a masterpiece. Zach Snyder has repeatedly talked about his nerd in comics, which we have never ceased to be convinced of in each of his films. And he proved it once again.

Let's pay attention to an interesting detail. Zack Snyder used a well-known directorial trick and made the first and last scenes of the film the same. The film begins and ends with a coffin. It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the film we see the coffin that gave the symbolic birth to the Dark Knight, and at the end of the film the coffin was a symbol of the birth of the Justice League and the rebirth of Superman. Despite the fact that the last frame of the film told us quite directly about the fate of Superman, many did not understand this symbolism. Well, it's enough just to draw an analogy with this scene, for everything to fall into place. Yes, the rising ground does mean Superman has come to his senses.

In the scene in which the police found Batman, who left a stigma on the criminal, you can notice that Bats was sitting in the upper corner of the room. In many religions, there are beliefs that demons hide in the upper corners of rooms, so sometimes candles and incense sticks are placed at such angles to drive out the demons. And the hostages confirm this analogy, claiming that "the devil himself came for them." This gives us a hint of Batman's reputation as a stern and cold-blooded vigilante who does justice in the night. And as Lex Luthor said “Day versus Night,” we see in Superman some kind of opposite to this Devilish image of Batman. And remembering another analogy of Luther "God versus Man", we can draw attention to the fact that Superman symbolizes Jesus. He wanders in the mountains gaining wisdom, then does good, saving the girl from the fire and becomes an idol for the people in this scene. However, his good intentions turn against him when he is framed. And forced to save all of humanity, he dies, he is wrapped in a cloak and, like Jesus, he is resurrected in the final scene. An analogy with a mythical character is drawn from "Man of Steel", and for the sake of reliability it is worth mentioning that Superman in the film is 33 years old, which corresponds to the age of Christ.

Well, now a little about Batman. Despite the fact that Batman does not hesitate to use all means against criminals of scenes with a clear lethal outcome, we have not seen, however, we know for sure that he branded his victims. And they were definitely killed in prison with this stigma. We were shown that Superman sees a photo of the branded criminals dead. That is, it turns out that Batman has his own man in prison, and it could be Jason Todd. This is confirmed by a spoiler from Lego, among the figures we see a red cap (Jason).

And since the leaked photos from the shooting "Batman v Superman" We saw the gravestone of Dick Grayson, whose full name is Richard, it is obvious that it is his loss that Bruce is going through, so it is Jason Todd who is now the new Robin.

In this scene, we hear Bruce telling Diana that he has already met a girl like her. In the film, we learn that Diana stole his reader and when talking about "the same as her" Batman apparently meant a thief, referring to Selina Kyle (Catwoman)

And in the office of the Daily Planet Perry White, Clark's director says the phrase "The Daily Planet is not what it was in 1938." It was in 1938 that the first Superman comic was released.

Flash's warning resembles a plot Injustice: Gods Among Us... Where Superman, after the death of Lois Lane, goes crazy and becomes a dictator, which Bruce dreamed of. The phrase "Lois Lane: The Key to Everything" is proof of this. Flash's phrase “You were right about him” is also appropriate, and adds motivation to Bruce. And the phrase "Am I too early?" can say that Flash missed the time and hit earlier than planned, we see that at first he got around to Bruce as if they knew each other, but seeing the bewilderment on Bruce's face, he realized that he had come before they met and therefore the last phrase cried out "you have to find us", which certainly speaks of the Justice League.

In this vision of the future, we saw the sign of Darkseid, an omega traced on the ground and we know that this villain will become the main antagonist of the next film in the universe - the Justice League. We know that Lex Luthor, while aboard General Zod's ship, studied materials from krypton, and from the cut scene we learn that he was communicating with a hologram of some creature, which apparently may be Steppenwulf, Darkseid's right hand. In the same scene, we see the so-called Mother Boxes known to us from the new NEW 52 comic series, these boxes in the universe are a kind of portals. Apparently Lex, being on the ship, summoned Darkseid and in the same scene we see him standing up to his waist in blood. Perhaps this is some kind of symbolic reminder that all the blood of the planet is on his hands. Maybe the realization of this began to drive him crazy, we are clearly given to understand the onset of his mental disorder. And at the very end of the film, Lex says that "the bell has already rung," that is, Darkseid has already been summoned, as evidenced by his phrase about "monsters in the dark, among the stars" and an inverted picture in which demons descend from heaven. By the way, they can refer us to the parademons, the minions of Darkseid, whom we saw in the vision.

And Lex Luthor is gay. Such is the guess. DC have already reported that one of the main characters in the universe will have a non-traditional orientation. Many people bet on Flash, but despite Ezra Miller's sugary appearance, this is not him. Most likely Lex.

Many factors support it: the phrase "boys!", The moment with the candy ... hmm, the negligence towards the secretary (she openly showed her feelings for Lex) and, in the end, the manner of speech with his obsession with superman.

In almost all of Lex Luthor's phrases, there are references, for example, when communicating with Lois, he quoted Lolita Nabokov, but there is one much more important. The phrase that we heard in the trailer - "Red cloaks are coming!". This phrase has a historical character. It refers to the United States War of Independence. Namely, by the night of April 19, 1775. Paul Revere, one of the most celebrated heroes of the American Revolution, rode all over Massachusetts at night shouting "The Redcoats are Coming!" (The redcoats are coming!), Warning revolutionaries of the approach of British troops. And like a hero of the revolution, Lex considers himself the protector of the nation and all of humanity.

The cult of "God" - Superman draws for him an analogy with his father, who was a respected and influential person for everyone, but a tyrant for his family. He considers such a cult to be false and dangerous, and this is the main motivation for him.
Likewise, the cruelty of the father can also be the cause of his psychosis and unconventional orientation.

Well, you should pay attention to a jar of peach juice. Many did not understand the senator's reaction in this scene. The thing is that from this bank she understood about Luthor's plans.
After all, it is from her lips that we hear a comparison of urine with peach tea and a terrorist attack with something good. And seeing urine on the spot - by analogy, she came to the conclusion about another comparison - an act of the court, like something good, just becomes a monstrous tragedy - a terrorist attack.

You might not have drawn the meta-people we caught a glimpse of on-screen for the little things in the cameos. For example - Aquaman's eyes glow like those of deep-sea fish. And Flash, using his power, creates lightning around him. Well, Cyborg creates a cube that is incredibly similar to the mother box from the cut scene with Luthor.

The search for meta-people will most likely lead Bats to the suicide squad. Information surfaced that he had his own spy in the squadron. There are guesses - either one of the two robins. By the way, there is a possibility that we see both of them in this scene, or it is Katana. It should be noted that the characters' images, their costumes, concepts, in general, everything is taken from the New 52 comics universe. And there Katana is a full-fledged member of the Bat-family. Along with the robins. And it was she, with one of the robins, or even two, to help Bats hide all members of the squad behind bars.

And finally, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that JJ Abrams and Zach Snyder deliberately added references to each other in their recent premieres. On one of the panels of the Millennium Falcon, we saw the Batmobile from Nolan's trilogy, and Snyder saved his best Easter egg for the very end. At the end of the film, we see the ID number of prisoner Lex Luther TK-421, the same callsigns were used by one stormtrooper from New Hope, from whom Khan took the uniform.

Well, perhaps with so much new information in your arsenal, you will be able to appreciate the work done by Snyder and fall in love with this film, if only for the fact that he was able to contain so many interesting things.

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The DC Universe offers fans an encounter with superheroes and people whose abilities greatly exceed human resources. These characters include Lex Luthor, a brilliant scientist and villain whose story is described in the comics about. The Kryptonian's nemesis, he is a key figure among superhero antagonists and a member of the League of Injustice.

History of creation

The full name of the hero is Alexander Joseph Luthor. The characters were written by Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster. They entered him into the legend of Superman as the main negative character. Lex Luthor's first appearance occurred on pages 23 of the Action Comics series, where Luthor was given a cameo role as a banjo player. In 1940, he was portrayed with a shock of red hair.

The creators offered various variations of the character, changing the character and appearance. The hero became an evil professor, a brilliant madman and a businessman with his own views on morality. An accident in the laboratory changed Lex's appearance: he began to go bald. In fact, this was due to the artist's mistake, but the idea was to the taste of the creative developers of "DC".

The hero is conceived as the main antagonist of Superman. For him, the concept of morality is absent, and intellect, connections and money provide complete power. The first variation of Lex was shown to the public as a genius using knowledge for his own benefit. Then the image was modified, and on the pages of comics, Luthor appeared as a criminal who once managed to take the presidency of the United States.

In modern comic book series, the character is represented by a scientist who is related to the LexCorp holding, which is engaged in technological development. Since the beginning of the development of the "DC" universe, Luthor has acquired a double named Alexey.

DC Comics

What's the villain's story? The comics describe the biography in detail, explaining the motivation for the hero's actions. Luthor's family was not prosperous. The boy was often beaten, which influenced the formation of the child's character. Coming from the Suicide Slums in Metropolis, Lex dreamed of a different life. He came up with an insidious plan: having stolen his parents' insurance policy, Lex set up a car accident, as a result of which, due to the death of his family, he received an impressive payment.

The boy was brought up in a foster family. The named relatives adopted the boy only for the sake of his inheritance. Having reached the age of majority, he transferred all his savings to an account, to which he had sole access. Upon learning of the stepson's trick, the adoptive parents decided to take advantage of his feelings for their own daughter. They tried to persuade her to seduce the teenager, but Lena refused, and in a fit of anger, her father killed her. The death of his beloved was the starting point for Lex Luthor's intrapersonal fracture. His first victim was Perry White, the adoptive father. The daughter, born 10 years later, Lex will name in honor of Lena.

Superman caught Lex Luthor's attention with his powers, and their relationship became the second line of development in the comic book cycle. Luthor was on a yacht hijacked by terrorists during a party and watched the action of the superhero. He orchestrated a bandit attack to hire Clark Kent. The realization that the Kryptonian would not obey him gave rise to hatred in the villain. He vowed to kill Superman. Wanting to clone a superhero, Lex created Bizarro and a cyborg named Metallo. The latter possessed a heart of kryptonite.

Luthor's ring was created from the same material. Thanks to him, the hero was in virtual armor and did not see danger even in the Man of Steel. Radiation from kryptonite crippled the businessman's health. He was diagnosed with metastatic cancer. Luthor faked his own death in a plane crash. Using a body clone created to use his ingenious brain, Luthor passed himself off as his own son, the owner of red hair and LexCorp as an inheritance. In this way, the hero seduced. The clone could not stand the attack of time. He quickly grew old and bald. the first to discover the deception.

Luthor was chained in a strange body, but the demon Nero saved him by offering a deal. Luthor sold his soul in exchange for health. The court acquitted the hero, and he went into politics. After becoming president, Luthor imposed a moratorium on mineral fuels and rebuilt Gotham. During this period, acquaintance with. As head of the country, Luthor continued to crank up the machinations, using the army, superheroes and even aliens.

America's defenders have decided to remove Lex from the presidency. During the twists and turns, the hero uses a venom that drives him crazy. During the battle between Batman and Superman, the secret of contacts with aliens, whose purpose was to sell Doomsday, is revealed. The hero was disgraced and bankrupt. He did not kill Superman, Bruce Wayne contributed to the collapse of his powers, the allies betrayed the businessman. Lex Luthor's past triumph was nothing but a white-collar suit.

Enemies and allies

The hatred of others, which originated in Lex Luthor in childhood, found fertile ground for development later. The hero did not disdain dirty tricks in order to achieve his own goals, fueled by anger. Among his enemies were all who fought for good and justice. Superheroes aroused envy in the character, which grew into hatred. An alter-ego, capable of positive actions, irritated Luthor, and he tried in every possible way to strangle him in himself. The hero's allies were only a few people, among them his daughter and Supergirl.

All close and relatives of Lex Luthor were killed. In the absence of understanding, love and care, a scientist with a complex of self-praise and maniacal inclinations saw an enemy in everyone who contradicted him.

Screen adaptations

The character has appeared on numerous occasions in cinematic and television projects dedicated to the DC universe. In the 1978 film Superman, Gene Hackman portrayed Luthor on the screens. He also embodied the hero in subsequent films of the franchise. In the 2006 film Superman Returns, he played the role of the villain.

The movie "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" presented fans with an interesting interpretation of the hero. He was played. Unlike the works of his predecessors, the actor focused on the genius of the character, bordering on insanity. Critics said this version of Luthor would have won the comparison against. By the way, many expected him to appear in Suicide Squad.

Among television projects, the character is used in the series Loisi & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Smallville and Supergirl.

He also appeared on the screen in cartoon projects. So, in the TV series "Justice League" he is in the body, changing places with him. In a series of virtual internet projects, Lex Luthor opposes.


Disregard for others and megalomania driven to madness are seen in Lex Luthor's actions and words.

“The voice of the people must be heard. I am the President! God bless America. God bless me! ”- says Lex, burying all hopes for a just power for the sake of the people, and not to please his interests.

To understand the root causes of the hero's cruelty, you do not need to independently understand the labyrinths of his relationships with other characters. He brings everything to the surface, justifying any actions:

“My father tested everything, every act. Lose is a loser, you sympathize with someone - a weakling. This is my upbringing. "

Lex Luthor is one of the admirable negative characters. The biography of the scientist is not rich in joyful events, and his intellectual abilities are admirable. Despite speaking out for the forces of evil, Lex Luthor is living proof of his own words:

"Any villain is as great as his hero."