Biographies of writers and poets. Chingiz Aitmatov: biography, creativity, family state awards and titles

Biographies of writers and poets. Chingiz Aitmatov: biography, creativity, family state awards and titles
Biographies of writers and poets. Chingiz Aitmatov: biography, creativity, family state awards and titles

Writer, publicist and public figure Genghiz Taskowichich Aitmatov was born on December 12, 1928 in Kishlaka Shekeker of the Kyrgyz ASSR (now the Talas region of Kyrgyzstan). His father Torkel Aitmatov held posts by the second secretary of the Central Communist Party of the Kyrgyz SSR, the People's Commissar of Agriculture, was subsequently arrested in Moscow, stupus in Bishkek and was shot in 1938. Mother Nagima Abduvaeva, the daughter of the Tatar merchant I Guild, was the activist female movement of Kyrgyzstan, in 1937 declared the wife of the "enemy of the people."

After graduating from eight classes of the school, during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), Genghiz Aitmatov worked as secretary of the village council, in the Tractor Brigade.

In 1948, he graduated with honors from Dzhambul Zootachnikov, in 1953 - the Agricultural Institute in the city of Frunze (now Bishkek).

In 1953-1956, he worked as a senior zootechnic of the Kyrgyz Research Institute of Livestock.

In 1958, Aitmatov graduated from higher literary courses in Moscow.

In his works, Aitmatov performed as a master of psychological portrait, his heroes were spiritually strong, human, active people. The prose of the writer was distinguished by the sincerity of intonation and poetry in combination with the psychological accuracy of the images of ordinary people. In the ones "White Steamer" (1970), "Pegii Dog, Running the Edge of the Sea" (1977), in the novel "And the longest day lasts the day" ("Bulen Film", 1980), "Floha" (1986) He applied to an acute philosophical, ethical and social problems of modernity.

In 1988-1990, Aitmatov held the post of chief editor of the magazine "Foreign Literature".

From 1990 to 1991 - Ambassador of the USSR in Benilyuks countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg), in 1991-1994 - Ambassador of Russia in Benilyuks countries.
From 1994 to March 2008 was the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

In the post-Soviet time were published abroad "White Cloud of Chingiz Khan" (1992), "Tavro Kassandra" (1994), "Fairy Tales" (1997), "Childhood in Kyrgyzstan" (1998).
In 2006, his last novel was published "when the mountains fall" ("Eternal Bride"), the German translation of which saw the light in 2007 called the "Snow Bars".

Aitmatov led a great social work. In 1964-1986, the first secretary of the Union of Cinematographers of Kyrgyzstan was the first secretary of the Union of Cinematographers, in 1976-1990, the Secretary of the Board of the Writers of the USSR was secretary, in 1986 - the first secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of Kyrgyzstan.

He was elected by the deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1966-1989), People's Deputy of the USSR (1989-1991).

Aitmatov books were translated into more than 176 languages \u200b\u200bof the world, published in 128 countries.

According to the works of the writer, over 20 films were filmed. The first picture in Genghisa Aitmatov became the film "Pass", shot in 1961 by director Alexei Sakharov. In 1965, the story "First Teacher" was specialized by the director Andrei Konchalovsky on Mosfilm, the story of the "camel eye" became the basis of the debut film Larisa Shephenko "Knowing" (1962) with the Bollybek Shamshiev starring, subsequently became one of the best directories on The formulation of films on the works of Chingiza Aitmatov: "Echo of Love" (1974), "White Steamer" (1975), "Early Cranes" (1979), "Climbing Fuji" (1988).

In May 2008, in Kazan, during the filming of the film on the novel of the writer "and the longest day, the day", 79-year-old Aitmatov was hospitalized with severe pneumonia. His condition was complicated by acute renal failure. For further treatment, the writer was transported to Germany.

On June 10, 2008, Chingiz Aitmatov died in the Nuremberg clinic. The writer at the Memorial Cemetery "Ata Baim" in the suburb of Bishkek, next to the grave of his father.

Creativity and social activities of Cengiza Aitmatov were marked by numerous awards. In 1978, he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1963), USSR State Prizes (1968, 1977, 1983). Among his state awards are two orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, two orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Friendship of Peoples and the Order of Friendship. He was also awarded the sign "Ak-Skar" Hero of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz Order "Manas" I degree, awards of a number of foreign states.

Among the cinematic awards Aitmatova is a large prize of the All-Union Film Festival (1976), the Honorary Prize of the Berlin Film Festival Berlinale Camera Award (1996).

The name of the writer by the Central Square of the capital of Kyrgyzstan - the Oak Park, where the "Eternal Flame" is located and a monument to the wrestlers of the 1917 revolution, as well as the State National Russian Drama Theater.

In August 2011, the Central Square of Bishkek was established by the rangism of the Aitmatov height of 6.5 meters.

The Aitmatov Monument was also installed in the city of Cholpon-Ata Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan.

On November 14, 2013, a memorial to the writer was opened in Bishkek in the complex "Ata Bayit".

In 2011, in London International Chingiz Aitmatov Award (ICAA), which is awarded for popularizing and studying the heritage of the writer and the cultures of the peoples of Central Asia. The selection of candidates was made by members of the international jury, consisting of seven scientists from Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan. The award presents the Aitmatov Academy, established in London, created by Professor Rakhimy Abdowvaeva, who worked with the writer and was engaged in the popularization of his work in Germany in German.

Chingiz Aitmatov was married twice. His second wife was the graduate of Vgika Maria Aitmatov. The writer has four children - Sonazhar's sienes, Askar and Eldar, daughter Shirin. Askar held the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan in 2002-2005. Shirin - deputy of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan. Eldar - President of the International Fund of Cengiza Aitmatov.

"Tale to the novel." Ethnic, the philosophical meaning of the legend is closely intertwined with the modern line of the story, with the tragic destiny of Abutalip Kuttyabayeva, one of the heroes of the novel "and the longest day lasts the day" ("Bulen Film"). This text could not be included in the novel with its first edition at the time of the ideological dictate (1980).

In the story "White Steamer" created a kind of "author's epic", stylized under the Epos People. It was a fairy tale about the horned mother-deer, which was told by the chief hero of a white steamer, a boy, his grandfather. Against the background of the magnificent and wonderful, the tragedy of the child was especially piercingly, the tragedy of the child, who himself climbed his life, being not able to accept the lie and the cruelty of the "adult" world.

I froze. Listened. In fact, my name is Kemmem, but here they called "academician". So there is: the tractor on the side silently silent. The one who promises to fill me the face is Abakir. Again rows on me, scrubbing, and then swing a fist. Tractors are two, and I am one. And I must deliver for them on this uniform bunch and water, and fuel, and lubricant, and all sorts of things.

The surest way to creative immortality is to write from the point of view of eternity. It is from this position that Hingiz Aitmatov, the classic of the Russian and Kyrgyz literature, the laureate of the prestigious premiums writes its prose. In 1980, the publication of the novel "and the longer century lasts a day ..." (then he came out called the "Brown Film") produced a furor among the reading public, and the rank of Chingiz was finally entrenched ...

The main effect of Roman Chingiza Aitmatova "When the mountains fall (the eternal bride)" comes high in the Tien Shan mountains, where the tragic paths of two suffering creatures are intersecting - man and leopard. Both of them are the victims of the time, the victims of the circumstances, the hostage of their own destiny.

For the first time in my whole creative practice, I return again to the long-published work. The story "face to face" written more than thirty years ago. Perhaps it is from this small thing and my literary path began ...

The Maternal Field about the complex psychological and everyday collisions occurring in the lives of ordinary village people in their collision with a new life.

Mythological, epic motifs became the basis of the story of "Pegii Dog, running the edge of the sea." Its action takes place on the shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk during the times of the Great Fish Woman, the Pratrica of the Human Sgorody.

The surest way to creative immortality is to write Sub Specie Mortis - from the point of view of death, or that in this case the same thing, from the point of view of eternity. It is from this position that there is a prose of Gengiz Aitmatov, the classic of Russian and Kyrgyz literature, the laureate of the most prestigious awards, although the last circumstance in the eyes of the reader of the modern, who has already formed on the ruins of the once great empire is not so important.

Already the early works of Chingiza Aitmatov (1928-2008) were distinguished by special drama, complex problems, ambiguous problem solving. Gradually penetration into the secrets of life, the essence of the most important issues of our time has become deeper, expanded the coverage of life events, philosophical motives strengthened; Contradictions, collisions have achieved great strength and expressiveness.

Genghis Tekekullich Aitmatov (1928-2008) - Kyrgyz and Russian writer, diplomat, academician of the An Kyrgyz SSR (1974), Hero of Socialist Labor (1978), Laureate of Leninsky (1963) and Three State Prizes of the USSR (1968, 1977, 1983), Hero of the Kyrgyz Republic (1997).

Childhood and youthful years.

Genghiz Aitmatov was born December 12, 1928 in the village of Shekeker of the Talas region of the Kyrgyz ASSR in the family of the peasant activist and party worker Taekula Aitmatova (1903-1938). His father was a prominent statesman, however, fate was dysfast to him, in 1937 he was repressed, and in 1938 he was shot. Nagima Hamzievna Abdulovaeva (1904-1971), Chingiz's mother was an army political worker and a public figure. In the family they also spoke in Kyrgyz, and in Russian, and this determined the bilingual nature of the creativity of Aitmatov. Chingiz rose in a shekener. During the Great Patriotic War, in fourteen years, he became secretary of the Council in Aule.

After the war, he graduated from the Dzhambul veterinary technical school, from 1948 to 1953 - a student of the Kyrgyz Agricultural Institute.

Literary activities.

The creative biography of Chingiza Aitmatov began on April 6, 1952 - his story in Russian "Newspaper Dzuido" was published in the Kizomolets Kyrgyzstan newspaper. After that, he published stories in Kyrgyz and Russian languages. After graduating from the Institute, Chingiz Aitmatov worked for three years a veterinarian, but continued to write and print his stories. From 1956 to 1958 he studies in Moscow on higher literary courses.

In 1957, in the magazine "Ala-TOO" was published a story of Chingiza Aitmatov in the Kyrgyz language "face to face", and in 1958, in the author's translation into Russian in the October magazine. In 1957, the story was also published the story of "Jamil" in the translation of Louis Aragon to French, later this story was published in Russian and brought Aitmatov world fame.

For 6 years (1959-1965), Aitmatov worked as chief editor of the journal "Literary Kyrgyzstan", and at the same time he was his own correspondent of the newspaper "Pravda" in the Kyrgyz SSR.

In the 1960s, it was published by his story "camel eye" (1960), "First Teacher" (1961), "Motherland" (1963) and a collection of "Mountains and Steppes" (1963), for which Aitmatov received Lenin Prize . In 1965, his story "First Teacher" was filmed by Andrei Konchalovsky at Mosfilm, and "camel eyes" was shielded by Larisa Shephenko with Shamshiev's swamp in the lead role. Subsequently, Shamshiev became one of the best director for the screening of the works of Chingiza Aitmatov.

In 1966, a story was written "Goodbye, Gulsary!", Which was awarded the state award. After this story, the writer began to write mainly in Russian. In 1970, his novel "White Steamer" was published in Russian, who received recognition all over the world, and his film was introduced at international film festivals in Venice and Berlin. "Climbing Fujiimu", the joint work of Aitmatov with Kazakh registry records Kaltay Muhamedzhanov, written in 1973 still put on theatrical scenes of Kazakhstan.

In 1975, Chigiz Aitmatov received the award named after Toktogulla for the story "Early Cranes". The story of "Pegi's Pysh, running the edge of the sea", published in 1977, became one of his favorite works in the GDR and was filmed by Russian and German cinematographers.

For their works of Aitmatov, the State Prize of the USSR was awarded three times (1968, 1980, 1983).

For the novel "And the longest day lasts the day", published in 1980, the writer receives the second state award. His novel "Plaka" became the last published in the USSR. During his visit to Germany, Aitmatov met the German translator by Friedrich Hitzer, with whom she worked until January 2007 (Khitzer suddenly died from a heart attack). All post-Soviet works of Aitmatov were translated into German by Friedrich Hitzer, and published in the Swiss Publishing House "UnionsVerlag". In 2011, Friedrich Hitzer was awarded a posthumously international prize of Cengiza Aitmatov for a long-term work with a writer, for the love of his work and devotion to him.

In 1998, the writer was once again awarded the title of Hero of Kyrgyzstan and was recognized as a popular writer in his homeland.

In the post-Soviet time they were published abroad "White Cloud of Chingiz Khan" (1992), "Tavro Kassandra" (1994), "Fairy Tales" (1997). "Childhood in Kyrgyzstan" (1998) and "When the mountains fall" ("Eternal Bride") in 2006, (in German Translation in 2007 - called "Snow Bars"). It was the last work of Aitmatov.

The works of Cengiza Aitmatov were translated into 174 languages \u200b\u200bof the world, and the total circulation of its works is 80 million.

Twice the question of the presentation of the Aitmatov of the Nobel Prize, but unfortunately he was not awarded it. In the late 1980s, according to Professor, the main Aitmatovs Republic, Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences Abdyldazhan Akmataliyeva, during the trip Aitmatov to Austria, the representative of the Nobel Committee found the writer in Vienna, reported on the awarding of the Nobel Prize and congratulated him. "However, before the official announcement of the Award, the Nobel Committee was forced to hastily change its initial decision for the first time, since the Nobel World Prize was decided to reward Mikhail Gorbachev. Two CCR representatives could not receive a prize in one year," Akmatalyev said.

The second time, Chingiz Taskellich nominated for the Nobel Prize in 2008, as the largest Turkic writer of modernity, the addressed committee was created by the Turkish government. But the consideration of the candidacy of Aitmatov prevented the untimely concent of the writer.

In 2012, the daughter of Chingiza Aitmatov, Shirin, announced the manuscript found in the office after his death the manuscript of the novel "Earth and Flute", which was not coming anywhere. This novel about a person who participated in the construction of a large Chui Channel in the 1940s, and found a big statue of Chui Buddha. According to her, "This is a classic Iitmatov narration written in the style of socialism." In the novel, in parallel with the story about the construction of a large Chui Channel, which can be called the Kyrgyz Bam on scale, very sensually and emotionally spelled about the love and experiences of the main character. What years a novel was written, Shirin Aitmatova did not clarify, and only added that the pages of the manuscript with time the wishes. The manuscript was reprinting and translated into an electronic format. It is planned to publish in Russian and English.

Public and political activities.

Chingiz Aitmatov was not only one of the most famous writers of the last century, but also a prominent public and politician. He took an active part in the development of international relations and strengthening the world. Since 1959 - Member of the CPSU.

In the 1960-1980s, he was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the delegate of the CPSU Congress, was part of the New World Stalllegia and the "Literary Newspaper".

In 1978, Genghiz Aitmatov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

In 1966-1989, Chingiz Aitmatov - Deputy of the Council of Nationalities of the USSR 7 - 11 convocations from the Kyrgyz SSR. In the Supreme Council, 9 convocations were elected from the Frunzensky - Pervomaisk Election District No. 330 of the Kyrgyz SSR. From 1989 to 1991 - People's Deputy of the USSR.

And also Chingiz Aitmatov was a member of the Commission on Foreign Affairs of the Council of Nationalities, a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan, a member of the Secretariat of the USSR SP and the USSR SC, Chairman of the Board of the Kyrgyz SSR, a member of the USSR Presidential Council, one of the leaders of the Soviet Committee of Solidarity with Asian and Africa and Africa International Intellectual Movement "Issyk-Kulsky Forum", editor-in-chief of the journal "Foreign Literature".

As a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, was chosen to pronounce the nomination speech during the election of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev by the President of the USSR in March 1990.

Since 1990, Aitmatov was headed by the USSR Embassy (since 1992 - the Embassy of the Russian Federation) in the Great Duchy of Luxembourg, from 1994 to 2006. - Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan in Benilyuks countries - in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

In 2006, together with his assistant on humanitarian work in the Russian Federation, the International Charitable Fund of Cengiza Aitmatov "Dialog without borders" was founded and was his president to the end of his life. Within the framework of the Foundation, Chingiz Aitmatov developed a program for the support and development of the Russian language in the countries of the former USSR.

In 2008, he was elected a member of the Board of Directors of BTA Bank JSC (Kazakhstan).

2008 became the last in the biographies of Chingiza Aitmatov. He was sick with diabetes and died in the 80th year of life on June 10, 2008 at Nuremberg Hospital. He was buried at the Historical and Memorial Cemetery "Ata Baim" in the suburbs of Bishkek.

Genghis Torkelovich Aitmatov (Kirg. Chyңgyz Tөrөkulovich Aitmatov) (December 12, 1928, Schekker village, Kyrgyzstan - June 10, 2008, Nuremberg, Germany) - Kyrgyz Soviet writer, who wrote in Kyrgyz and Russian, People's writer Kyrgyz SSR (1974), Socialist Hero Labor (1978).

His father Torkel Aitmatov was a prominent statesman of the Kyrgyz SSR, but in 1937 he was arrested, and in 1938 he was shot. Mother, Nagima Hamzievna Abdullyeva, Tatarka by nationality, was an actress in the local theater.

After graduating from eight classes, he entered the Jambul zootechnic, which graduated with honors. In 1948, Aitmatov entered the Agricultural Institute in Frunze, who graduated from 1953. In 1952, it began to publish in periodical print stories in Kyrgyz. At the end of the institute, for three years, worked in the remediation of cattle breeding, while continuing to write and print stories. In 1956 he entered the highest literary courses in Moscow (graduated from 1958). In the year of graduation in the journal October ", his story was published" face to face "(translation from Kyrgyz). In the same year, his stories were published in the magazine "New World", and also published a story "Jamil", which brought world fame to Aitmatov.

In 1990-1994 he worked as the Ambassador of the USSR and Russia in the Benilyux countries. Until March 2008 was the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. From January 6, 1994 on pensions.

In 2006, he participated in the release of the book "Autograph Century".

Chingiz Aitmatov - Writer with world name, Classic of Russian and Kyrgyz literature, laureate of prestigious premiums. His books - "and the longest century lasts a day ...", "Goodbye, Gulsary!", "White steamer", "Pegii Dog, running the edge of the sea" - translated into tens of languages. These affair novels have become the property of world literature.

The novel "Floha", like many other works of Aitmatov, warns that the Day of Judgment began a long time ago - you just need to see it.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, People's Deputy of the USSR, Member of the USSR Presidential Council, member of the Central Committee of Kyrgyzstan, a member of the Secretariat of the Writers' Union and the Union of Cinematographers, one of the leaders of the Soviet Committee of Solidarity with the countries of Asia and Africa, editor-in-chief of the Foreign Literature magazine, the initiator of the international intellectual Movement "Issykkul forum".

Name:Chinghiz Aitmatov

Age: 79 years old

Activity: Proser, Writer, People's Writer of the Kyrgyz SSR, People's Writer of Kazakhstan

Family status: was married

Chingiz Aitmatov: biography

Chingiz Aitmatov still has become a cited classic of world literature. He wrote in Russian and Kyrgyz, his works were translated more than 150 languages. The realistic prose of the writer is permeated by the ideas of humanism and a huge love for all living things: to people, wild and pets, plants and the entire planet Earth.

People's writer Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Laureate of the Lenin Award and the three state premiums of the USSR, the European Literary and International Prize name. In 2007, he received the highest award of the government of Turkey for his contribution to the development of the culture of Turkic-speaking countries. In the spring of 2008, Turkey began the process of nominating the writer to the Nobel Prize, but did not have time.

Childhood and youth

Genghiz Taskowich Aitmatov was born on December 12, 1928 in the family of Communists Torkelah Aitmatov and NagiMa Hamzievna Aitmatova (in the Maiden's Nagidova) in the village of Kara-Buuinsky (Keepovsky) district of the Talas Canton of the Kyrgyz ASSR. After the birth of Gengiz, the family moved to the city, as the father went to the rise: since 1929, the career of Torkelah Aitmatov is rapidly going up.

In 1933, he is already the second secretary of the Kyrgyz Regional Committee of the WCP (b). In 1935, a young leader became a student of the Red Professors Institute in Moscow, the family also moved to the capital of the USSR. During this time, Nagima gave birth to her husband of the son of Ilgiz, twins roar and Lucia (the boy died in infancy) and daughter Rose. In 1937, at the insistence of her husband, Nagima Khamzievna transported children to relatives to the shekeker.

The father of the future writer was arrested in September 1937 on suspicion of anti-Soviet nationalist activity and staging in Frunze (the capital of Soviet Kyrgyzstan). November 5, 1938 shot. The wife of the "enemy of the people" was amazed in rights, but all children of the repressed political worker received a higher education and entered each page in history.

During World War II, all adult men mobilized, and Fourteen-year-old Chingiz turned out to be one of the most competent people in Aule and took the post of secretary of the Aulov Council. After the war, the young man was able to continue his studies: after the rural eight-year, he graduated with honors from the Dzhambul zootechniki and in 1948 he entered the Kyrgyz Agricultural Institute in Frunze.


The creative biography of the writer began on April 6, 1952 from the "Kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan" published in the newspaper "Kyrgyzstani" Jüido Newspaper. The first artistic text of the aitmatov wrote in Russian - one of the two relatives. After graduating from the Institute in 1953, Genghiz Aitmatov, the Senior Zootachnik of the Kyrgyz Research Institute of Livestock, continued to write stories in Russian and Kyrgyz, publishing texts in local editions.

In 1956, decided to improve the qualification of the writer and went to Moscow, where he entered the highest literary courses. In parallel with studies wrote a lot. Already in June 1957, Ala-TOO magazine published the first story of a young writer "Face to face." In the same year, "Jamil" was published - it is interesting that the story that made the writer famous was published first translated into French.

Literary courses Writer graduated in 1958. By the time of the diploma, two stories and stories were published in Russian. The first Roman Iitmatova will be released only in 1980. In the novel "And the longest day lasts a day" the realistic events of the life of a rampant one with a fantastic line of contact of humanity with alien civilization are wondering. It seems that to achieve understanding with aliens people are easier than to agree among themselves.

The writer returned to the genre of science fiction in the middle of the nineties, writing Tavro Kassandra - a story about creating artificial people. The remaining works are written in the genre of realism. In the Soviet Union, realism was socialist, but for the socialism of the aitmatis is too pessimistic. His heroes live and suffer to truly, not turning into vigorous builders of communism.

The main hero of the "White Steamer" is dying - a boy who believes in fairy tales when he kills his deer. In general, folk tales and legends are an important part of the plots of Aitmatov. Mythological images sometimes turn out to be brighter of the main characters. From the legend about the harsh invaders who turned prisoners in slaves, deprived of independence and memory, the Word and the concept of "Mankut" - a man forgot his roots into Russian.

The second Roman Aitmatova, "Floha", comes out in 1986. During this period, restructuring started in the USSR, and it became possible to write about the problems of the country. But even against the background of the permitted publicity "Floh" produces a striking effect - the novel raises several acute questions at once, talks about drug addiction and corruption, about the faith and ministers of the Church.

Personal life

The writer admired feminine beauty and deeply understood female character. Proof of this serve reliably and convex the written images of women in the books of Chingiza Aitmatov: Strong Jamil from the story of the same name, the young romantic Aselley ("Popolak is mine in Red Kosynka"), the wise of Tolgonai, who lost his sons in the war, but preserving the inner beauty of the soul ("Mother field ").

Almost every work there is a woman, from the appearance of which on the pages of the book becomes lighter in the soul at the main character or reader. And in the life of the writer, women's beauty played an important role. With the first wife, Kerez Shamshibayeva, Chingiz met while studying in the agricultural institute. The girl studied at the Medical Institute and also interested in literature.

After school, the Keerez excellent even received a direction to the Moscow Literary Institute, but material circumstances did not allow to leave. Kerez Shamshibayeva became an excellent doctor and supervisor, worked in the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan. Gave birth to two sons. Sanjar Changizovich was born in 1954, he is a journalist and a writer, a businessman. Askar Changizovich was born in 1959, became an orientalist historian, a public figure.

In the late fifties, Chingiz Aitmatov met the main love of his life - Ballerina Bybüchear Bayshenaliyev. Roman started in Leningrad and lasted fourteen years. Lovers could not get married: the high position of both required compliance with decency. The communist could not just divorce with his wife for marriage with the People's Artist of the USSR, followed by the first people of the state.

The experiences of the writer found an exit in his works. It suffers from the need to make a choice between the wife and mistress of Tanabe in the story "Goodbye, Gulsary." He falls in love with a widow, a brown unit in the novel "And the longest day lasts day." In both works, women are more persistent morally than the lyrical hero, ready to run the head of the new love.

Fourteen years launched a secret connection, which a lot of wovers went to the republic. Bayshenaliyeva's budius died on May 10, 1973 after one and a half years of fighting breast cancer. Twenty years later, in collaboration with Mukhtar Shahanov, Aitmatov wrote the book "Confession at the end of the century" (the second name "Plachy of the Hunter Overcome"), in which he frankly told the story of this love.

The second wife of Chingiza Taekowich became Maria Urmatovna. By the time of exploring the famous writer, Maria managed to end the scenario Faculty of Vgika, to visit and give birth to the daughter of Cholpon. In the second marriage, the son of Eldar and daughter width were born. Eldar Chingizovich graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium, he was a designer and an artist, leading the Museum of Aitmatov in Bishkek.


Chingiz Aitmatov in the last years of life was sick diabetes, which did not prevent him from leading an active life. In 2008, the writer on the eightieth year of life went to Kazan on the shooting of the documentary "and the longest day lasts the day", which was filmed to the upcoming anniversary. On the set, the writer has bothered, the cold has passed into the sharp pneumonia, began to refuse the kidney.

On May 16, Aitmatova was sent to Germany to Germany, but the doctors could not save the patient. On June 10, in Nuremberg's clinic, Genghiz Taskellich died, and on June 14, a solemn farewell and funeral of the classic of world literature took place. The grief gathered so much that several people fell from the stairs leading to the theater, where the coffin was stood with the body. It took the help of police and doctors in order to avoid victims.

The Cengiza Aitmatov was buried at Ata Bait Cemetery ("People's Ohloa") in the suburbs of Bishkek. This place chose the writer himself back in the nineties, when after a long search was able to find the burial place of the shot Torekul Aitmatov. In the general pit, 138 bodies found on Chon Tasha, which in 1991 with the honors rejected at Ata Baim. Next to the grave of the father wished to rest and Chingiz - a humanist, who had a lot of reflecting about the past and the future.


  • 1952 - Judido Newspaper
  • 1957 - "Face to face"
  • 1957 - "Jamil"
  • 1961 - My Topolak in the Red Kosynka "
  • 1962 - "First Teacher"
  • 1963 - "Motherboard"
  • 1966 - "Farewell, Gulsary!"
  • 1970 - "White Steamer"
  • 1977 - "Pegii Dog, running the edge of the sea"
  • 1980 - "Brunched half-in-law" ("and longer than a century day")
  • 1986 - "Flah"
  • 1995 - "Plaching a hunter over the abyss or confession on the outcome of the century" in collaboration with Mukhtar Shahanov
  • 1996 - Tavro Kassandra
  • 1998 - "Meeting with one Bahai"
  • 2006 - "When the mountains fall (eternal bride)"