Lunar eclipse August 7 when

Lunar eclipse August 7 when
Lunar eclipse August 7 when
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Victoria Glykina,

Any eclipses, and lunar, especially, are not only unique natural phenomena, but also the time affecting the transformation of the fate of each person. A lunar eclipse, which will be held on August 7, 2017, marks himself special time Change.

This period, many will cause sudden and unexpected changes that entail the completion of something important. It is not necessary to be frightened, since it is from this moment that the path to the new one will open. The main thing is to rotate the powerful energy of the lunar eclipse yourself for itself and then it a natural phenomenon will allow different look at all life situations And it will help to eliminate the majority of accumulated problems. The energy of the lunar eclipse at any time of its activity can "file a sign", which way is better to move. Therefore, be vigilant and pay attention to the signals over.

Special influence of the eclipse of the Moon on August 7, 2017 will feel the people of such signs of the zodiac as Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio.

Astrologers argue: any eclipse is to summarize certain results, time to complete cases that could not complete early. So, for example, many may release the relationship during this period, which have long ended or some, finally, to decide to end harmful habitWhat previously did not manage to do. Everything that hurts in the past, it is better to let go at this time.

But besides, during the period of the lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017, be prepared for the fact that some people have many accumulated resentments or other negative emotions can get out of control and break out. This can cause not only aggression, but also over-excitation nervous system. Also during this period some blurring may be present. logical thinking, lack of concentration, inability to control situations, so it is recommended to avoid signing important documents, meetings and trips at this time.

On days close to eclipse, it is desirable to be careful with health, as various injuries, burns, migraines, nervous system disorders are possible.
Each person will react to the lunar eclipse in different ways. Someone will not notice his influence at all, someone will feel the deterioration of health, and someone will have the most significant completion period important issues And unexpected life turns.

During this period, many will be able to feel forced changes in labor sphereSometimes accompanied by even crises. But, most importantly, at this moment do not make hasty conclusions and do not lower your hands. Literally through the shortest period of time, all intense situations will go.
Technique, and not only household, can also fail from 6 to 8 August.

How to behave in the period of the lunar eclipse from August 6 to 8

Avoid mass clusters of the people.

Do not sign important documents, especially related to capital investments.

Do not make large purchases during this period, such as real estate or vehicles.

If possible, do not sit on this day behind the wheel or be extremely attentive on the road.

Today is the day of the lunar eclipse or " Bloody Moon", As many people call him. The night of the full moon and lunar eclipse - it is energetically incredibly strong. Therefore, it is believed that all the desires of the commemorated today will definitely come true, and even on this night it is easier to part with bad habits and diseases, a very well helps today and removal of the evil eye. Rituals exists for this night a huge set. "South - New Public Newspaper" collected for you all the most necessary and interesting in this material.

Moon Eclipse August 7, 2017 - Rituals:

1. Cleansing

In order to clean up the water at night in the lunar eclipse, it is necessary for 30-60 minutes before the start (exact time from 20:22 to 22:18 Moscow time, August 7) \u200b\u200bdrink a carbonated or spring water Small sip, and then take a shower. You should swim with contrast water, changing it 5-7 times. Moreover, a woman should start and finish with hot, and a man - cold. After the shower, put on everything green. Light a candle and looking at it, think about yourself. After look in the mirror and try to remember yourself in it. Immediately lie head north - learn and remember your reflection, thinking that it is just he has health problems, he cannot quit drinking and smoking - it's not you. After that, the reflection will begin to change until it turns into a small point. Send him as far as possible from yourself! Tell a little more and get up. The candle after this ritual does not fond - extinguish it in another way. Your heart should come to happiness - be sure to let it, but do not share them with anyone. It is desirable after that again to take the same shower and drink another cup of water.

2. To make a desire

It is done very simple. You need to know in advance what to think about your desire, presenting it and asking for the highest strength, you need to start 10 minutes before the start of the eclipse and 10 minutes after. At this time, in no case can not be distracted and tune in to the negative. Perhaps you immediately do it right away, so we recommend first trying, even before the lunar eclipse.

3. On love

If you want to help your chosen one finally notice you, you need to put it under the pillow of his thing and photo. If you do not have any charm's object, then draw it, and also buy him something. All this, too, put under the pillow. Before you fall asleep, contact 3 times to Higher power with her request. The answer will be in a dream! If not today, then in the next three days.

4. Conspiracy for beauty

In order to become beautiful, take a glass of water on the night full moon. Put it so that the water fell moonlight, throw a pinch of salt with my left hand and repeat the following wordsuntil it melts:

"Moonwater, that the maiden tear, let I be young, Belolitz, careful, let me love me who I love, for my beauty, for the primeness!"

Quotes ICTV.

Water will continue to stand in a glass. In the morning, drinking a sip, tell me: "Water - in me, the beauty is on me!". Take all this every morning until the conspiracy driver is over.

5. Warning that you do not need to do 3 hours before the peak of the lunar eclipse, as well as 3 hours after:

Do not drive cars

Do not look at the moon,

Do not come out of the closed room,

Do not travel

Do not eat.

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On the lunar eclipse on July 7, 2017, which will be extremely unusual, I will hold rites, there is a possibility of remote participation. For remote participation, you must apply an email to mail [Email Protected] In the application, specify the data: FULL NAME, date of birth, also the desired events in the life that should occur after eclipse. It is also possible to send an electronic photo of the customer of remote participation. The minimum deposit amount for the rite is 400 hryvnia.

This lunar eclipse promises to be unusual.To understand better, the processes occurring during an eclipse should be considered.

The sun constantly sends light on the ground. The Light of the Moon is redistributed sunlightwho has changed its characteristics as a result of a reset.

The light of the Sun carries the cosmic power of Yan, from this male and fiery energy is built big size Spatial energy grid.

The light of the moon carries the cosmic power of Yin, a small spatial energy grid is built out of this feminine and wet energy.

Both grids are launched on the implementation of the program that are in the energy-information field of our planet, including the desires and dreams of people, thoughtforms, as well as the constructions formed by the laws of cosmic evolution, sending elements of development and movement.

During both solar and lunar eclipses, these energy grids are losing the voltage, as if disconnected during the time. What makes it possible for people to lay their new thinking, desires and desires to arouse them in the material world.

Rite on the lunar eclipse Most spiritual flows on Earth practices such. 15 minutes before the eclipse, a small round mirror is put on the table (reflective side up) and put three bowls with water: to the right of the mirror, to the left of the mirror and in the middle behind the mirror. Then we present for 15 minutes how everything is not needed from us. Diseases left, obstacles went away, the interference was gone (dissolved in space as sugar in tea) ... etc. During the peak of the eclipse (at 21, 20 minutes 28 seconds), we can read five times a mantra - either an eminent mother of born (Aum-Sri-Polayia-Namaga) or the Deity of the Moon (Aum-Sri Chandra-Nakh). Or recall the absolute, source of everything. Then, for 15 minutes, create positive forms. Health, success, material wealth, breakthrough, joyful events ... etc. Upon completion, drink water from the bowl in that order: first the water from the bowl to the left of itself, then on the right, then in the middle.

The lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017 has many interesting features. 1. The sun and the moon at the time of the eclipse will be in conjunction with the star Duzhe - Alpha Big Malar. This connection will cause a sharp change in the philosophical, religious and political concepts of people on Earth. We should expect a sharp change of political vectors of the movement of many countries, especially in Asia.

Star of Atry (Alpha Southern Triangle) in conjunction with retrograde Saturn Must cause the appearance in leaders of new thoughts and understandable concepts about how to develop further.

Ascendant Eclipse is in the fish. Also at the time of the eclipse, uranium will be in conjunction with Tau fish. These combinations will cause sharp interest around the world to esoteric knowledge, will make a wave of interest in the secrets of Esoteric. Uranus will cause absolutely unexpected movements and concepts from the theologians of different religions. Eclipse will cause changes most of all the signs of a fixed cross (Lev-Scorpio-Aquarius-Taurus). However, completely unexpected events will also happen at the signs of the mutable cross: the twin fish-macs).

Eclipse has another feature: full moon It will come in 21.09, and the peak of Eclipse at 21.20.28 is the difference between events 11 minutes 28 seconds, which is very, very rarely (usually a full moon with a peak of the lunar eclipse is divided by a much large temporary interval). This suggests that the power of influence of SOL Eclipse on the processes in the sub-world will be large, and the wishes are mounted in the eclipse very quickly. That is, the transformation force of the eclipse is extremely large.

BO in contact with the enepheccue with a nauboee. Ix Major UCl Do For Thu, there is a puppie in the fairness.

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Bearing Nyzhno Naulu in the currently of the first u in contact with the fact that there are no longer any life. B In addition to the BPOCTE FIVE FIVE MONET, PPUAKUE:

"EnePGU in contact with UPLS, CVOU BOGUTVA PPUYMNY. C have a man's hometow. "

C YTPA "Decisions" Nyzhno Yumbbey, and Majes Supply, DGD, you are XPUTe Cvou Dengu. There is a misinterpressure of it. Cepese mecks PUTYAL MOHO POSTOPUE, A MONETS LHEGO OCTABLE TYEY, CTO NYDAYTE IN MANGAX.

In addition, it is Lyany 7 AVGYCTA 2017: Just Just Just

There is a need for the currently of the U CMACTEPUTE COPABUKA. B There is a need for none. POOKEPEMO PODLKUTE UX CPAY TAZUKA, PPUUGUEPUE:

"KOPABUBU SHOULD TO THE WORLD DELECE, BOGATHS. Kak Kyptsi PA Troopham, such as u Mou Mainees about me mounted, Bogattva shopping, but in detaine it becomes a lot of future, in the help of the one with a try-mounted one. "


In addition, it is Lyany 7 AVGYCTA 2017: Jeriable PUTYA CO CVE

There is a logbook, which is some kind of pyc. It is a silence, you have a one that you don't have one that you are the UX Cup Point. Beculture EE is needed at the right one. In prontext, which is napucano na lux, choose nowhere. The first thing is the first u very u becamps. ProviscecuTe zagovopa:

"Moe is solarmed by it, WCE CTOPOs. The discussion will work with the CEBE of the ones, nynnoy dophing wants to do not want. DOPEME DO KPAY CVETA, C BOGUTVAMU Co.NE.

A description of the day, which will have any dock, which will have a ditch, which is ee u ppousecu:

"Maika for Bogattva at delivery, PPU POLD LYNE OBPADER UPLAY. It is not possible to look at the opportunity, you want to have a job. "

PPU UPLUEUU ETUX Whether it becomes a similar one in the COUX DEFTWER. Chetko Cpeed Cebe Your Degree CPEDCTVA, whether you will define, u if you have a dote, you would have a still ux. TEXNUKA DOWNLY HAVE CUTE CUTERS WITH MUCHLUE ENEPGEKUCUMU UMMYLCAMU POLLYNE, NEW WE WAY OCSERTVESTVUIVE CONSUBLY.

1. Over

For togo chtoby ochuctut vodoy nochyu in Lynnoe zatmenue, neobxodumo za 30-60 munyt do nachala (tochnoe On Time c 20:22 22:18 do mck 7 avgycta) vyput gazupovannyyu ulu podnukovyyu vody melkumu glotochkamu, a potom ppunyat dysh. The Kytsuya will have a Count Paintail, Meanta EE 5-7 PAZ. The innovation of the nonsense is not enough with the help of the UK, and the nizna - C xOur. Na la Need here. 3GUTE SWY U CMTN NEE, POYMYTE O CEBE. POCLE POCTPUTECECE CABLY in NEM. CPAZY LAGITE HELLSUE AT COVEP WORTHED, DIMAY, THERE ETO UMNO Y NEGO COOL COOL COPOVE, ON NE MODE BPOCUT PUT U CYPUT - ETO NE you. However, it is not necessary to make a meager, na na pusing in the event. There is an order to make a touch! It is a similar one. The discussion of this is a PUTYABE EE DPYGUM OBPAZOM. B is a CEPDCE DOALN POPUTU CHARTE - OBTUTE ENGE EGO, ON NE DELUCE UM NE C KEM. A fair one is about to try to make sure that the DYSH U will pay the E.Back.

2. 3AGA need

Especially with the same. 3Apanee Nyzhno know, what to dote in the fairness of Zhalauu, ppumpling the EGO U PPOCE Y BACSUX CUIL, NYZHNA NAKHNE 10 MUNYT DO NAHABE 3ATMUE U ESE 10 MUNT POCLE. B This's injecting NU in the CLYCEE NEMBANCE NABTPAUE NA NEGUTUE. BSNOW, CPAZY Y BACCE This is not necessary, the smack of becoming becoming becoming becoming becoming a lot.

3. Ha Love



For one, it is to buy a cpacuy, right in the one's unfortunate. Include EGO So, Thoms Lying Lyland, BPOCTE TYDA SHIPLY COUNTE PYKOY U POWTOPYTE CLAYE CONTAGE, POKA ONA NE PACTAE:

"Lynnaya, th, what is a dealer of the cup, pussy I'm a fucking mall, blatse, swappache, pussy me on your way, but I love, I am a moon kpacy, pokkuptuTe!" - CUTUPYET ICTV.

Bottom contacts at home. Utopam, the discrepancy of the chamber, the Site: "Bottom - in Meal, Kpaca - Na Meal!". BCE This is a load of you. YTPO, NE, as much as it is for each other.


NE through AVTO,
- NE YouTe Using
- Need.

Today is the day of the lunar eclipse or the "bloody moon," as many people are called. The night of the full moon and lunar eclipse - it is energetically incredibly strong. Therefore, it is believed that all the desires of the commemorated today will definitely come true, and even on this night it is easier to part with bad habits and diseases, a very well helps today and removal of the evil eye. Rituals exists for this night a huge set. "South - New Public Newspaper" collected for you all the most necessary and interesting in this material.

Moon Eclipse August 7, 2017 - Rituals:

1. Cleansing

In order to clean the water at night in the lunar eclipse, it is necessary for 30-60 minutes before the start (exact time from 20:22 to 22:18 Moscow time, August 7) \u200b\u200bdrink a carbonated or spring water with small sips, and then take a shower. You should swim with contrast water, changing it 5-7 times. Moreover, a woman should start and finish with hot, and a man - cold. After the shower, put on everything green. Light a candle and looking at it, think about yourself. After look in the mirror and try to remember yourself in it. Immediately lie head north - learn and remember your reflection, thinking that it is just he has health problems, he cannot quit drinking and smoking - it's not you. After that, the reflection will begin to change until it turns into a small point. Send him as far as possible from yourself! Tell a little more and get up. The candle after this ritual does not fond - extinguish it in another way. Your heart should come to happiness - be sure to let it, but do not share them with anyone. It is desirable after that again to take the same shower and drink another cup of water.

2. To make a desire

It is done very simple. You need to know in advance what to think about your desire, presenting it and asking for the highest strength, you need to start 10 minutes before the start of the eclipse and 10 minutes after. At this time, in no case can not be distracted and tune in to the negative. Perhaps you immediately do it right away, so we recommend first trying, even before the lunar eclipse.

3. On love

If you want to help your chosen one finally notice you, you need to put it under the pillow of his thing and photo. If you do not have any charm's object, then draw it, and also buy him something. All this, too, put under the pillow. Before you fall asleep, contact 3 times to the highest forces with your request. The answer will be in a dream! If not today, then in the next three days.

4. Conspiracy for beauty

In order to become beautiful, take a glass of water on the night full moon. Put it so that the moonlight falls on the water, throw a pinch of salt with your left hand and repeat the following words until it melts:

"Moonwater, that the maiden tear, let I be young, Belolitz, careful, let me love me who I love, for my beauty, for the primeness!"

Quotes ICTV.

Water will continue to stand in a glass. In the morning, drinking a sip, tell me: "Water - in me, the beauty is on me!". Take all this every morning until the conspiracy driver is over.

5. Warning that you do not need to do 3 hours before the peak of the lunar eclipse, as well as 3 hours after:

Do not drive cars
- Do not look at the moon,
- Do not leave the closed room,
- Do not travel,
- Do not eat.