Venus movement per year. What can be done during retrograde Saturn? Influence of retro Venus on finance

Venus movement per year. What can be done during retrograde Saturn? Influence of retro Venus on finance
Venus movement per year. What can be done during retrograde Saturn? Influence of retro Venus on finance

Retrograd movement of the planets is a concept in astronomy. Periodically relative to the views of the resident of the Earth, all planets stop and begin to rotate reversed. Of course, it is not about the real rotation of the planet in the opposite direction, but only an optical effect. In fact, the planet only slows the speed of movement, which seems to be rotating in the opposite direction.

Astrologers have long been making great importance to retrogradity. They associated this phenomenon with events in human lives. Many centuries scientists investigated this theory. And today it is considered natural.

The most influential planets

The most influential are the periods of Retrogradity of Mercury, Mars, Venus.

Every year Mercury has at least three cases of retrogradity. Everyone lasts 24 days. These periods are characterized by obstacles in affairs, finding, awkward situations, shortcomings, indecisions, errors in the documents. The most vulnerable during this period are computational and household appliances. In a retrograde period, everything fails more often. Astrologers do not recommend looking for a new job, begin new things, spend large sums, go to the distant way, agree to surgical interventions. It is better at this time to finish old things, solve small household difficulties and relax.

Mercury In Retrograd:

  • from 12/19/16 to 8.01.17;
  • from 04/10/17 to 3.05.17;
  • from 08/13/17 to 5.09.17;
  • from 3.12.17 to 12/23/17.

Retrogradness of the planet Venus In 2017, it lasts about 40 days with regularity at 19 months. Better during this period, do not hold exhibitions, theatrical productions, contests in beauty, plastic surgery, cosmetology procedures. Do not change anything in your personal life, do not start new acquaintances and do not marry. Beware of acquisitions of real estate, machinery and other major cash transactions. Do not buy jewelry, aesthetic clothes, artwork. Venus Retrogradna from 4.03.17 to 15.04.17.

Mars In 2017, he will not enter this phase.

The following signs and degrees will affect the retrograde movement in 2017:

Less significant planets in retrograd

Jupiter Retrograden from 6.02.17 to 07/07/17. During this period, it is not necessary to begin activities aimed at achieving material well-being. Complete the cases started, be it education, travel or legal litigation.

Saturn - from 04/04/17 to 25.08.17. This period is especially difficult in the field of legal issues, education, philosophy, tourism, religion.

Uranus in retrograd from 3.08.17 to 2.01.18. During this period, you can reconsider the usual views, you can take unexpected and other solutions. This is the best period for change and new discoveries.

Neptune - from 07/16/17 to 11/22/17. This planet will allow you to overestimate the beliefs, aspirations, beliefs and look at your own spirituality in a new way.

Pluto will begin a retrograde movement from 04/20/17 to 09/28/17. This is an important period for the state system. We are waiting for the restructuring of organizational solutions.

It is important to monitor the retrogradity of the planets and take into account its specifics. However, remember that it is sometimes better to relax and enjoy fate than all the time to fear unfavorable periods.

4 Feb.

In the loot loop (February-May 2017). Crisis of values \u200b\u200band time choice

"Life values \u200b\u200bdefine every our decision and, therefore, our fate. He who knows his values \u200b\u200band lives in accordance with them becomes the leader of society. "

Anthony Robbins

« For where your treasure is yours there and your heart will»

Bible. New Testament

From January 29, Venus, a planet of relationships, finance, resources, beauty and harmony, entered the loop, within which it will be until May 17, and within which the zodiac site will take place three times from 27 degrees of fish sign to 14 degrees of the Aries sign. At the same time, the period of the retrograde movement of Venus as part of this loop will last from March 4 to April 15.

Most often, astrologers pay attention to the period of the retrograde movement of Venus and describe it as sufficiently unsubstantiated time for existing relationships and unions, as an unfavorable period for any financial affairs, large acquisitions, investments, for serious cosmetic and cosmetology procedures and operations.

But, perhaps, you, like me, noticed on the material of my own life and the life of your customers, acquaintances, friends, that changes in relationships and financial matters begin to occur 1-1.5 months before the start of the retrograde movement of Venus, lasts as much as much After completing its retrogradity, that changes in life at this time are not limited to the themes of relationships and finances that it is at that time many make successful acquisitions, make a profit and benefit from existing business projects or, for example, simply massively want to improve their appearance ( And also in many cases do it successfully). And sometimes it turns out that in your life something is not exactly what promised forecasts, and sometimes the exact opposite.

Indeed, traditional and common descriptions of the peculiarities of the retrograde Venus period correspond to the reality only in part. And so it happens first, because the fact of retrogradity is considered isolated from the phenomenon, which he is generated (that is, from the phases of the Sunny-Venusian cycle), and secondly, because they are not taken into account not the main principles of Venus, but only the most Common manifestations of these principles.

First of all, Vennel is associated with two things - relationships and finances, as well as with beauty, art, pleasures, equilibrium, attraction, sufficient and resources. And yes, indeed, the loops and retrograde movements of Venus bring change in all of the listed.

But these values \u200b\u200battributed to Venus are not so much the essence of its main principle, how many investigates and the most common variants of its specific manifestations.

At the deeper level of Venus - one of those planets that are associated with the system of our values \u200b\u200band priorities. And if we talk more precisely, Venus is responsible for our instrumental values \u200b\u200bor valuables, that is, with what specific plots, circumstances, objects, ways and means we associate our main vital values.

We also endowed a subjective value that we want to possess what we think will bring us happiness, pleasure and satisfaction. Values \u200b\u200bare what we value in life above all that we try to achieve and, in fact, for which we do what we do. Therefore, it is completely logical that Venus is associated with the themes of the possession and property, with everything that is pleasant, desirable for us, the source of pleasure. And probably, therefore, Venus is bound primarily with relationships and money, as the most common categories among such things.

When we live in consent and in accordance with your values, our life becomes really harmonious. Therefore, it is natural that harmony and well-being are also associated with Venus.

Values \u200b\u200bare an unconditional landmark in situations of choice, and it is Venus that is responsible for choosing both in everyday and vital situations.

In the end, values \u200b\u200bare either united or share us with other people. We like those who support and share our values, but precisely because of the differences, opposition and conflict of values \u200b\u200bbegan all major conflicts and even wars. That is why Venus correlates not only with alliances and relationships, but also with conflicts and litigation.

Venus's loops are a time when changes in the structure of our instrumental values \u200b\u200boccur, and changes in relations, in financial matters, in our desires, situations of an important life choice, the desire to change something sharply in their lives - all this external manifestations and private Cases of deeper internal changes.

Of course, our values \u200b\u200bdo not change from each loop of Venus. In many cases, the main life values \u200b\u200bremain unchanged throughout our life and for many people loops Venus become at best the reason to change something in their stereotypes, in the interior, appearance and scenery, and at all do not make a reason to think about their values \u200b\u200bat all.

But we will be frank, how many people live, filled with meaning life? Very often we do not understand what we move, what are our values, which of them are really ours, and which are false and imposed from outside. All this becomes the cause of the loss of not only any purposeful activities, but also of life in general, the reason for the lack of motivation, the inability to make the right choice, the cause of chaos in the life and sensation of meaninglessness.

Therefore, the periods of the loop of Venus are an opportunity and proposal to establish contact with the system of their values, bring order in the senses and priorities of your life. If Venus in his loop forms strong aspects with important points of your birthday card, then this proposal may look like coercion to face such situations in which you will have to think about the senses and redefine priorities.

But in common values \u200b\u200bfor all of us - this time to override the important meanings of your life, criteria and meanings, on the basis of which in the coming years we will build our lives, relationships, our well-being, on the basis of which we will always be put on the basis and determine for yourself new goals.

And so, the loop of Venus in the period from January 29 to May 17 will bring us changes in life priorities, in everything we associate our values, change in relationships, financial plans and issues, in the strategies for building our own well-being. As part of this period, we will be provided in situations of an important life choice and will be forced to take turning decisions on what our life plots will be connected in the future.

Perhaps this is the time when we deliberately conduct a certain revision in the structure of our priorities, overestimate some aspects, objects and circumstances of our lives and we introduce the appropriate changes in our lives. According to the results of this audit, something goes from our life at all or shifts on the second plans, while other objects and situations that we associate our updated priorities and desires appear on the first plans.

Or, perhaps, this is the time when life puts priorities for us, removing for us from our life what has already ceased to be valuable for us and for which we continued to hold on the habit (or excessive attachment to what the principles of harmony violated and equilibrium), freeing the place for new meanings.

Venus in her loop connects the signs of fish and aries (covers the last 3 degrees of the sign of fish and almost half of the sign of the Aries).

The symbolism of the transition from the last sign of the zodiac to the first indicates us to the powerful update processes, the manifestation of what has been still hidden, on the likelihood of a sharp exacerbation of some chronic, delayed or hidden problems. But the same - both on updates, new beginnings after the preparation period, the possibility of incarnation of hidden meanings and content in dynamically developing plots and events. In any case, priorities in our lives and our affairs will change sharply at this time, dramatic, suddenly, to this we will often come out of the exacerbated problems, conflicts, situations of necessity.

It is also likely that at this time in situations of choice we will be forced to sacrifice something for the sake of new perspectives and new beginnings. Perhaps as a result of the changes that this loop will bring to our life, some completely new circumstances and plots can come to our life, at this time we can decide on something completely new.

Important elections that we will do at this time, changes in the structure of our values \u200b\u200band priorities - all this may concern the active manifestation of themselves in the outside world, the work, where and how we send most of our energy, the opportunity to independently act independently Some fundamentally new beginnings, projects and enterprises.

All questions that at this time go to the first plans, including issues of unions, relationships, finance, material values \u200b\u200band resources, will somehow relate to conflict, acute and tense situations, with the motives of independence, autonomy, rivalry, or with themes Novelty, new beginnings, new projects and enterprises.

Despite the fact that in most forecasts, the entire period of the loop of Venus is attributed to the general meaning, it is completely not fair, since the loop, and the period of retrograde movement have different stages in their structure, whose value is fundamentally different.

The entire loop period is divided into two fundamentally different stages in their meaning - decreasing Venus in their last phase from the beginning of the loop to the connection with the Sun, and the growing Venus from the connection with the Sun before the exit of the loop. In the middle of each of these intervals, Venus changes the direction of movement, and part of the time in each of them is moving directly, part - retrograde. But regardless of the direction of movement of Venus, the principal difference between these two stages is that if the space is clearing on the first, at this time we sum up and get the results of the past cycle, then on the second - we begin a new cycle on the basis of the already redefined values \u200b\u200band meaning.

January 29 - March 20. Descending Venus in the loop, turn to retrograde movement

At this time, Venus is approaching Earth, and we can enjoy her beautiful view as an evening star immediately after sunset. With the approach of Venus to the land subject to her themes are becoming increasingly relevant in our earthly affairs and go to the first plans in our lives.

Nevertheless, the first part of the loop of Venus - from the beginning of the loop to the connection with the Sun is the most difficult time. This is the last phase of the completed past sunny-Venusian cycle, at this time something in our life comes to completion, something, according to the results of acquired experience, requires revaluation and changes, some fragments of the past - people, things, stories and circumstances - They leave our lives or our relationship with them irreversibly change.

If we used to automatically make your choice in various life circumstances, guided by the usual criteria, they understood what to expect from themselves and others, now the rating system ceases to work automatically and answers to questions "Why?" And "for what?" No longer seem so certain. Therefore, the recommendations of the astrologers do not take anything important associated with the change in external reality, with cooperation and partnership, with finance and investments in such periods are fully justified - the criteria for the selection in such periods may be incomprehensible and dubious, since the past already cease to act, and New have not yet formed.

But these warnings are valid only for new beginnings. Conversely, any enterprises, solutions that are connected with the continuation and completion of past plots will be relevant and timely.

At this time, problems that require solutions are exacerbated, we cease to arrange some situations, circumstances and plots, we can feel that we lose a desire, motivation in relation to certain actions and goals, cease to see the meanings where they have been seen so far . Some aspects of our lives seemed significant so far, suddenly lose their attractiveness sharply.

All this is because dissonance between internal priorities and desires on the one hand, and external circumstances - on the other, is felt more and more. The collision with external problems at this time indicates the mismatch of our values \u200b\u200band external reality, or is the manifestation of the fact that the values \u200b\u200bwe guided in our lives are still prevented by the realization of others, no less significant. At this time, the intention begins to change something to change.

This is the same time when we are faced with the situations of vital and turning elections, which, again, send us to our values. Because it is possible to make the right choice deliberately only when we have determined the structure of our life priorities.

And this is really a great time in order to start understanding in your values \u200b\u200band priorities, to determine those of them, on the basis of which you want to build your life. It is also the right time to complete those plots, the meanings of which are exhausted, eliminate all destructive, who said, unnecessary.

For all this work, we have time until the end of March. All we will approach the beginning of the new cycle of Venus, by the period from March 20 to March 30, will be the basis for future new goals, new strategies for building their own well-being, plots of relationships with other people and life plots in general for the next two years.

Relationships and unions

The topics of relationships during the approximation of Venus to Earth go to the first plans, but the decreasing phase of Venus in some cases brings real tests in everything related to interaction with other people, partnerships and unions.

The problems that existed in the chronic form of conflicts and contradictions that have been hidden still and go out to the surface. Those union, the meanings of the existence of which are finally exhausted and who have ceased to present value for partners, indeed, can threaten serious problems up to parting.

In all other cases, the revaluation of needs, values \u200b\u200band priorities can cause some disorders in mutual understanding, failures and disorders in the usual models of interaction. But in cases where the values \u200b\u200buniting you can be found, all this will be an incentive to update, override the scenarios before the start of a new stage in the development of your relationship.

But since at this time we get results and fruits from the development of past plots in relationships, not necessarily they may be negative. In constructive versions, our relationships with other people at this time bring those positive results to which we strived. In some cases, the logical conclusion and positive result of the previously started relationships at this time may be a decision on engagement, registration and design of unions.

Changing values \u200b\u200band priorities or external circumstances outside our control, indeed, in many cases bind us with other people, and at this time we can be forced to say goodbye to someone from our environment.

But at the same time, people from the past may appear as a reminder of unfinished plots, unrealized meanings and values \u200b\u200bin our lives.

Since this period is more suitable for clearing and liberating the space of our life than to fill it with something new, new people and dating, which at this time appear in our lives, is unlikely to stay with us for a long time and prospects for new relationships at this time Will be very dubious.

And of course this time is not better suitable for resolving existing conflicts, to eliminate existing contradictions, to complete unprospective relationships and connections.

Financial issues, purchase

When Venus in the first part of his loop approaches Earth, for many, financial issues are also on the first plans. At this time, we sum up the results of previous cycles associated with our financial plans, income, building our own material well-being.

On the one hand, at this time, we can get fruits and results from previous stages of incarnation in our lives of significant values \u200b\u200band priorities, including in material terms. At this time, we can return debts, express appreciation for past things, we can make a profit from previous projects, and material remuneration for what has been done earlier.

On the other hand, at the same time we pay on all accounts, regardless of whether we suspect or not about their availability. Therefore, unforeseen expenses, financial and material losses, various situations in which material damage can be caused, are just as sufficient.

In some cases, at this time we feel increasingly dissatisfaction with the existing position of affairs in everything related to our own income, material well-being and begin to think about how to change the situation.

And the decreasing phase of the loop of Venus is a great time in order to look for ways to solve financial problems, but at this time it is best to work on eliminating the internal and external obstacles to your well-being, to extract the maximum benefit from the already accumulated experience, from that What has already been done and started earlier. Some new opportunities, startictions and enterprises can be planned, to prepare the ground for their incarnation, but the specific actions for their implementation are better postponing for April-May.

Often at this time, people are changing not only priorities, tastes, assessment and selection systems, but also financial plans and opportunities. Therefore, the outlined transactions can be postponed, financial conditions can be revised, the solvency of customers and buyers can change, and the expected payments and admission - to linger.

At this time, it is not recommended to take loans and give money into debt, investment and investment, make serious financial decisions. The likelihood that you or another person will be able to objectively assess their (or someone) financial perspectives, extremely small.
For the same reasons, on a decreasing phase of the Venus cycle, it is not recommended to make major acquisitions. It is believed that the cost of a purchased thing or its value for you can personally change subsequently, you may not be able to objectively to judge how the declared price corresponds to the real value, or how the specific thing will be needed in the future.

However, these rules are not categorical. In my practice there are many examples of very successful major acquisitions on the final phases of the Venus cycle and, especially during periods of its retrogradity. In all cases, these were situations where such a purchase was planned in advance, or a person was looking for a long time at a suitable price. Sometimes it is on retrograde Venus that you can unexpectedly find the thing that has long been looking for, to afford to buy something that has long wanted. Therefore, if you have already planned to make some major acquisition for a long time, put money for this, then there is a high probability that in the descending phase of Venus you will find what you need and at a very good price.

Beauty, Aesthetics

When Venus enters the loop, our past sources of inspiration cease to work, our aesthetic tastes and preferences begin to change in a strange way, and this may be reflected in the change of image, style, experiments with appearance, in the desire to change the interior surrounding us space, own image , etc.
Therefore, if during this period of time you decide to use the services of a stylist, a cosmetologist, a specialist in aesthetic surgery, the likelihood that they will also be prone to experiments, quite high. Sometimes it turns out to be not bad, but sometimes gives results far from expected. Therefore, deciding to some important changes in appearance, interior design, wardrobe, own image, etc., be extremely careful, try to think about everything in the most thorough way, to provide possible problems on those cases, if you later want to change own choice.

Contrary to the traditional interpretations of the retrograde venera period, I believe that the decreasing phase of its cycle is very suitable in order to engage in its appearance, for certain cosmetology procedures and even for plastic operations of a certain kind. In such periods, women very often want to change something in their appearance and it is in these periods that they are solved on some radical measures to care for themselves. And it is logical - after all, Venus begins to approach the Earth and all subject to her themes, including beauty, attractiveness in their female identity, go to the first plans.

Yes, indeed, for the same reasons the consequences of changes in appearance at this time will be as perceptible. But in a negative or positive key - depends on the aspects of Venus and other planets. In my practice there is also a number of examples of successful plastic operations made on a retrograde venere. But the decreasing phase of Venus is suitable exclusively for those procedures and operations that are associated with a reduction, removal, decrease by something or powered by deep layers of skin. And, of course, time for such procedures and operations must be selected especially carefully, since the results of any changes in appearance (and positive, and negative) can be exaggerated at this time.

All trends described above are relevant since the end of January-early February, when Venus enters the loop, but especially concentrated from the moment of stopping Venus and began its retrograde movement. From March 1 to March 7, Venus becomes stationary, on March 4, unfolding to retrograde movement and all Venusian themes in our lives become the most manifested.

It is possible that the reasons why in the end of February-early March we turn out to be in front of an important choice, faced with the need for change, the crisis in cases concerning, including relations and financial issues, will be associated with tense events, conflicts and changes in the period 19 -28th of February. At this time, the Dispositor already very slow Venus Mars emphasizes Taukwadrat Uranu-Jupiter Pluto and can bring sharp and unexpected violations in our affairs and in various spheres of our life. It is at this time that the problems and tasks that we will be forced to solve in the coming months and those changes with which we will have to deal with it in our affairs.

Therefore, since February 19, we need maximum caution in matters. Pay attention to the problems that appear at this time appear at this time. This is exactly what you have to deal with the descending phase of Venus, until March 21. It is very likely that at this time we will be in front of the choice and strong temptation to make decisions immediately, thoughtlessly and impulsively, get involved in some struggle and conflicts. Nevertheless, it should be understood that conflicts can have devastating consequences at this time, and the decisions taken at this time may be subsequently revised or entail enough complex processes.

With contradictions, problems and tasks that will be shown in the period 19 February to March 7, we will need to figure it out before the newest cycle of Venus, until March 21-26, until the same time we need to decide on the choice in the designated situations.

But also this period of the loop of Venus is a small secret. The completed cycle can really help you eliminate those problems that have long been time to get rid. If in your life there are situations that you do not know how to solve, and if you make efforts to resolve them or concentrate on finding opportunities to solve them within this part of the loop of Venus, you will definitely come to appropriate opportunities, relevant assistance, the necessary options .

March 20-30. Connection of Venus with the Sun, the beginning of the new cycle

This period, durability of about 8-10 days (4-5 days before and the same after the connection of retrograde Venus and the Sun) is time when the inner plan lays sense, plots and content of the new Venus cycle relative to the sun.

All, with which we come to this period, our desires, priorities, preferences, all those categories that we have identified for themselves as priority instrumental values, this falls into the basis of the new cycle for the upcoming almost 20 months.

This is a very important time when we finally determine for ourselves those meaning, those "why" and "for which", which will soon begin to embody in their reality. But all this happens on a deep internal level and is expressed in those internal elections that we do for yourself, in the internal solutions that we accept for ourselves.

For any kind of interaction with external reality and some actions to change external circumstances, this time is extremely unfavorable.

In the same way as Venus at this time is hidden in the rays of the Sun, our evaluation systems, selection, criteria systems, interaction strategies with other people and material world are fully expositated. At this time, people are as immersed as much as possible in themselves, are not able to adequately respond to the external reality, it is difficult for them to make informed decisions, engage in practical affairs, interact with each other.

These days, the likelihood of conflict situations, material damage, various misunderstandings, irrational solutions, uncontrolled emotional bursts and inadequate manifestation of feelings and emotions is quite high.

Therefore, for this period, and especially until March 28, it is best not to plan important practical affairs, finding out important issues in relationships, large purchases, any transactions and important events.

The emotional and psychological state these days can be quite complicated, especially in cases where your life is based on templates far from what is truly important for you is valuable and significantly.

But in such cases, this period of "dark night of the soul" is another opportunity to define its most important meanings and values, think about how they are implemented in your life, as they could be implemented, which prevents this conclusion and take this Those priorities, on the basis of which you will build your life.

When we know our main values, their structure and hierarchy, then any goals, situations, circumstances we consider, first of all, from the point of view of how much it helps the embodiment of our main senses into life. In such cases, we live, act, choose and make a solution meaningfully and in accordance with what is really important for us, we can easily choose, we live in harmony with you. Objectives based on true values \u200b\u200bare easily achieved, with pleasure and inspiration, since they are not based on "necessary", "like everyone else" and "must", but on what has a deep meaning and value for you.

If everything is in your life, then these ten days are just the ability to check the course, remember your priorities, check if something in their structure has not changed.

If everything is not like this in your life, then during these ten days you are given the last for the next 20 months the opportunity to understand your priorities, clarify the criteria and choose those of them that will be the basis of the upcoming cycle.

And, of course, it is worth remembering that these days in the inner plan are laid out stories and scenarios for the development of your close relationships, interacting with other people in general and the world as a whole, these days are laid on plans and trends regarding your well-being, exchange of resources with external world, financial position.

Especially important in this sense will be the new moon on the night of March 27-23, when the beginning of the lunar cycle almost coincides with the beginning of the new cycle of Venus. If you connect the plans and intentions of these days with your values \u200b\u200band important meanings for you, then they will have serious chances not only to come into reality in the near future, but also change your life for the better.

Also these days "burned" Venus may require attention to those organs and the functions of the body, which manages is the throat, thyroid gland, kidneys, urinary paths, reproductive organs (usually, women's, but also the reproductive function of the body as a whole) , glycogenic liver function and blood sugar control processes, fat exchange, skin condition and hair. At this time, it is advisable not to abuse sweets and fatty foods, not to carry out any procedures related to the impact on the skin and hair, do not overload the relevant organs and pay attention to the prevention of relevant health problems.

March 30 - May 17th. Growing Venus in the loop, turn to the direct movement

At the last stage, the loops of Venus in our lives are updated in accordance with new meanings, plans, strategies and new values, but at the same time their viability is checked, whether they will be determined whether they will be incarnated in our reality or we will refuse them and return Already in the usual channel.

After March 30, Venus begins to appear in the sky before the sunrise as the morning star. Ascending to the Sun Venus is Lucifer and has a more daring, warlike, impulsive character.

And it is logical - as opposed to Venus of the evening, following traditional, generally accepted, socio-approved values, Venus Lucifer claims to determine their own priorities, even if they contradict the one imposes society and the environment. Venus Lucifer has the courage to approve new values \u200b\u200band change reality in accordance with them, contrary to the usual, traditional and generally accepted.

In the same way, on the growing phase of the loop of Venus in our life, new meanings and values \u200b\u200bare gradually beginning to manifest themselves, which can contradict existing circumstances or be coordinated with the already familiar plots. The main landmarks and values \u200b\u200bare already formed, and as Venus is removed from the Sun, we still do not always confidently and automatically, but we already try to live in accordance with them. At this time, we try to integrate new values \u200b\u200bin our reality, but we can still have resistance to this by the environment, external circumstances and our own familiar behaviors.

Until mid-April, while Venus is still moving retrograde, we will try to live in new conditions and according to the new rules, in most cases it is still trying to realize them. Therefore, the period from March 30 and until April 15 is the trial time, errors and experiments. At this time, new people are already coming to our life, new circumstances, opportunities, suggestions, new plans and prospects are scheduled. But since our evaluation systems, the selection criteria are not yet so stable to act automatically, we can be mistaken in their elections and solutions, to act impulsively, ahead of the events in their desires, and disappointed, encounter obstacles. This is all the more likely for those cases where the internal changes that occurred and remain unconscious and when we did not understand what values \u200b\u200bwere priorities for us.

Therefore, before the reversal of Venus to the direct movement, that is, until April 15, the likelihood that we will return to the usual plots will not find enough forces and resources in order to follow new meanings, quite high.

If at this time you do not have a clear understanding of what you want, for what senses rely on, what is priority for you, what are the strategies of your relationship with other people, material reality, what your ideas about well-being are based on, then this time is also unfavorable For important decisions, especially in the field of finance, property, partnership and cooperation.

But what in more contact we are with our own values, the more clearly understand what we want and that we are going to embody in our lives, the more likely that at this time successfully decisions will be taken and the necessary conditions and the necessary conditions will be taken to our life. people.

And often the growing phase of the loop of Venus and even the time of its retrograde movement in this phase becomes time of successful and bold experiments, updates in affairs and in life.

For example, financial decisions at this time may be quite successful as a result of the ability to quickly and among the first to be navigated in the changed market conditions, purchases and acquisitions can fully comply with new trends changed to tastes and the desire of updates in life. At this time, important and promising solutions can be made in relations and unions in accordance with the meanings and priorities laid down at the beginning of the new cycle of Venus. Experiments with appearance, imaging, wardrobe can also be quite relevant in the context of the beginning of a new life stage. True, this time, the intense aspect of Saturn from April 5 to 23, it makes it much difficult if it does not cross the implementation of all these favorable opportunities. In the period from April 5 to 23, any experiments in Venusian topics can do it too expensive and categorically not recommended.

The period from April 5 to April 23, when a slow and practically stationary Venus will be in a square with a rigid, limiting, returning to reality Saturn will become a real verdict of the truth of selected priorities and values, and in some cases a certain test.

This time is very difficult to coordinate new priorities and values \u200b\u200bwith old, inert and very sustainable designs of their own life, with social standards and requirements, with long-term life plans in situations of their incompatibility and even contradiction.

It is possible that at this time, for the realization of important meanings and values, we will have to overcome serious limitations - both in the form of external circumstances and in the form of internal limiting beliefs (although, as usual, the first is a consequence and expression of the second).

At the outline, all this will look as if the world puts us sticks into the wheels, all the problems surrounding people are falling at us immediately and do not support us in our choice, but also interfere with its implementation.

At this time, we face complex and possibly limiting circumstances in their desires, in the implementation of our choice, in cooperation with society, other people, partners, in their financial and practical plans. Problems and very difficult situations in all of the above becoming another opportunity to feel and realize what is actually important for us and valuable. If at the previous stages of the loop, you did not make the appropriate internal work, then in the period from April 5 to 23, as a result of the influence of sufficient hard and limiting external circumstances, you can be forced to do this. Usually, we are aware of the value of anything in your life during periods of losses, a vital choice, especially forced, inevitable, limited to rigid frameworks. And in the most negative versions such situations are indeed possible.

In more positive versions at this time, from April 5 to 23, we simply do not the most simple work in coordinating new priorities with our long-term life plans, with our social, professional and simply important life goals. Even in the most positive versions at this time, we are dealing with difficulties, obstacles and problems, but they become the verification of the truth of our values, the reason for clarification, "grounding" and coordination with practical reality.

At this time, in any case, we need caution in everything with regard to financial, property issues, relationships with other people, in all that concerns appearance, beauty, aesthetics.

As part of this complex period, April 15, Venus unfolds to the direct movement. And a few days of the stationarity of Venus near her reversal to the direct movement, this is April 12-17, are extremely important. At this time, the results of internal changes as if "imprinted" in the earth's reality and are expressed in specific decisions, elections and events. All projects, unions, agreements, elections and decisions of these days of stationarity will have serious consequences and will significantly affect our lives.

The fact that this important point fixing the changes that occurred is for a period of such a complex "check", very symbolic. According to her results, someone will be disappointed, faced with problems, will return to the old coordinate system, to life in the usual, albeit someone, imposed on the outside values, and someone will overcome their internal and external barriers and begin a new stage of their lives.

The period from the second parking of Venus before the exit of the loop, that is, from April 15 to May 17 - this is the time of active approval of the meanings found in the realities of everyday life and updating your life in accordance with newly acquired values.

In mid-May, Venus leaves the loop and this is the whole process of changing values, their integration in the personality structures and adaptation to external reality is completed. By this time, new priorities are already built into our programs so much that we begin to live, act, choose, make decisions and set goals on the basis of an updated value system automatically. From this point on, doubt about the criteria for the choice and meaning is finally leaving us, and our life is already almost automatically built in accordance with new values \u200b\u200band in accordance with the choice made. From this point on, our relationship with society, other people, peace and partners are being built on Venus scenes overridden on the loop. From this time, in collaboration with material reality, in all, as for the construction of their own well-being, the meanings, scenarios and trends are beginning to be embodied at this time.

How it will be embodied and manifested in external reality, we can see already from November 2017 to February 2018, well, and to sum up and get the results of the cycle started on this loop of Venus, we will be in the fall of 2018.

Venus is a planet of love and finance. When she begins to go back to the sky, then the problems of most people living on Earth begin in these spheres. Retrograde or Pent Venus - This is an astronomical phenomenon when the observer for the movement of the planets in the sky seems to be that the planet has changed its direction movement and moves in the opposite direction. However, in fact, this is not the case, the planet cannot change its movement, but in connection with the optical deception, the inhabitants of the planet Earth can see exactly such a feature of the planet as the opposite movement. And in these periods, the planet's energy distorted to us, as a result, many people do not feel love, do not feel the "taste of life", and also have strange problems with finance problems that they have not previously arose.

In 2017, Retrograde Venus will be mainly located in the sign of the Avna and a small part of the time - in the sign Fish. What this will give us, let's talk a little lower in the article.

Stationary Venus period (stop before reversal): from March 2 to 5, 2017 and from April 12 to April 17, 2017

The period of the active retrograde phase of Venus in 2017 : from March 5 to April 12th.

During the stationary Venus, it is not recommended to perform any actions aimed at implementing the topics of the planet: do not change the appearance, make some acquisitions of clothing, change the hairstyle, carry out any procedures designed to make you more attractive (attractive). Also at this time it is not recommended to make attachments in order to profit. However, you can make attachments to maintain material value (so that money, for example, not depreciated). Also during the retro Venus period, you can not be afraid to conduct cosmetological manipulations, because They will not bring any effect. But it is not recommended to make operations, serious procedures, from which you expect significant changes of your appearance.
The period of retrograde Venus, above all, is the time when the topic of personal life in many people will be released. Given the moment that Venus will be in the sign of his exile, in Aries, it will feel extremely uncomfortable. That is, the main reasons for the grinding in pairs will not be the manifestation of emotions, the absence of warmth, care, attention, manifestation of some participation in each other's life, and of course, sexual problems and jealousy. It is the jealousy that will become a key engine of problems in many ways, as the result of the absence of harmony in relations.

If you have noticed that in your pair, something happened wrong if something didn't stop you, if you lack passion or on the contrary, it is too much, do not rush to find out the relationship. Most likely, this influence of Venus creates a similar effect of a lack of love and heat, when a trite you cannot feel its energy, although it is present in your field. You should look at yourself, analyze your own actions, and try to take a step to meet your second half, and not try to arrange jealousy scenes.

Quarrels and breaks of relations during the period of retrograde Venus are mostly leading to reconciliation, but through a rapid clarification of relationships. Since in 2017, retrograde Venus will unfold in his usual movement in the sign of his strength, in the fish, then it is safe to say that most of those who feel the lack of love at the beginning of the retro venera period, at the end of the period will find this lost feeling, and Will be able to restore lost harmony.

Do any cardinal changes in appearance: a new hairstyle, image, piercing, tattoo;
- buy dear clothes and decorations, invest money in things;
- start new acquaintances (most likely that you come to the same rakes that were in past relationships);
- make plastic and cosmetic interventions;
- tear relationships (do not even close);
- invest in new projects;
- enter into new partnership agreements (especially key for business);
- to make marriages;
- Sit on a diet, to improve the appearance (lost kilograms will be returned very quickly and can lead with you "friends").

Given the moment that Venus most of the time (until April 3) will be in the sign of the Aries, the sign of his exile, then in March 2017, the high probability that many women will want to radically change their appearance. Even writing beauties can succumb to a universal panic and start paying more attention than usual, its appearance. But at best, efforts will be unsuccessful, and at worst - can harm. Therefore, from the point of view of astrology, I do not recommend starting any events in this spring (until April 17, inclusive) aimed at improving the appearance.

Positive in the period of retrograde Venus:

Make repeated cosmetology or plastic operations (correct errors);
- return or resume relationships (even those that were many years ago);
- Return to the external image that you once had (hairstyle, as in 20 years, for example);
- Return loans, give loans (by this you correct your financial channel).
- Pass re-courses aimed at improving the appearance.

These recommendations will be fair for most people. But there is a small percentage of those who have a retrograde Venus in their natal maps. These lucky can use the retrograde Venus period (not stationary) in order to take a breakthrough in the themes of relations, finance and beauty. They can carry out various procedures aimed at improving appearance, start any rejuvenation courses. Even favorable images of the image will be favorable, updating the wardrobe. Also successful will be new acquaintances for them and even marriage. Financial issues during this period will also be easily solved (subject to the absence of any negative factors in your natal map).

You can specify how the provision is occupied by Venus in your natal map, building it on our site completely free. Retrograde Venus is denoted by the Latin letter R next to the icon of the planet ♀.
Remember that retrograde Venus has its influence on all people. Therefore, try to be softer, dying, sympathizing with respect to other people. Look more heat to other people, not expecting a response actions. And then the period "lack of love" will be more harmonious for you. Love and well-being to you!

One of the retrograde planets in 2017 is Jupiter who will make them philosophize, think about the most important thing in life and pay attention to the traditions. Fabric travel must be canceled, as they will not give results. Studying in establishments will become tense, and you can conquer authority in society only with tremendous efforts. You can correct the mistakes of the past and change the views on important aspects of life.

Saturn Retrograd in 2017: April 7-August 24

During retrograde Jupiter, the main work should be done and analyze what has already been done in the past period. If you decide to master a new profession or the scientific sphere, then for this suitable time. For large-scale projects, it is not necessary to take it, but it is better to complete old things.

Uranus retrograde in 2017: August 5, December 31

Among the retrograde planets in 2017 is uranium. It will limit in freedom of speech and actions, and also makes dependent on negative personalities. A successful period for meetings with long-standing friends, activities of astrology and esoteric.

Neptune Retrograd in 2017: June 20-November 19

Retrograde Neptune will lead to the search for new discoveries in the spiritual sphere. Belief in the best will exacerbate, and the experience gained in the past will help more optimistically look into the future. It is possible to exacerbate narcotic and alcohol dependence in heavenly personalities.

Pluto Retrograd in 2017: April 24-September 25

Among the retrograde planets in 2017 - Pluto, so mass events and demonstrations need to be canceled. It is recommended to isolate yourself from places where there are a lot of people. In difficult situations, you can seek help to psychics. It is necessary to use spiritual practices.

Mercury retrograde in 2017

Planet Mercury is also in 2017 among retrograde. It helps focus on communicating, learning and working with documents. You can plan trips and engage in innovations. Mercury in 2017 will be three times to stay in the retrogradity phase:

At this time, it is necessary to avoid signing documents, signing contracts, profitable deals and trips to any distances. You need to be as careful as possible on the road! Starting training is not recommended, since the new information will be badly assumed. But, especially persistent and persistent personalities, they can achieve results in this area.

In the period of retrograde Mercury, any quarrels and conflicts should be eliminated. Otherwise, they will delay for a long time. It is desirable to carefully select words in communication so as not to offend a person. It will be especially difficult to survive this moment to those born in numbers falling on Destroy Mercury. To mitigate the situation in all areas, this planet will help people who in the birth map (Natal) Mercury was in the same condition. They just need to be patient to calmly relive this stormy period.

Retrograde Planet In 2017, Mercury is not so "harsh", as many seems to. At this time, you can safely conclude transactions, engage in promising work and buy a new car. But only the car must be an "old" brand. Completely completed the book, scientific work and other literature.

Venus Retrogradnaya in 2017

Rarely rarely can be retrograde Venus (1 time in a year and a half), which is considered the planet of beauty and love. In 2017, her oppuat movement is observed:
- From March 4 to April 15th.

During this period, feelings and relationships are "braked", as well as temporary alienation and misunderstanding will appear.

It is not desirable during the retrograde Venus to plan wedding and marriage. The wedding will be very expensive in the financial sense, and the marriage itself will not live. Romantic ties during this period will be short-lived and bring a lot of disappointments.

If Venus turned out to be in the list of retrograde planets in 2017, then the external image should not be changed. Exclude cosmetic operations, hair haircut and hair color. All these procedures will bring chagrins and negative emotions. For large shopping, also unfavorable time. During the diverse Venus, many purchases will be poor-quality and "faceless", but to pass them back to the store, it is unlikely to succeed.

Beauty Venus has its own positive aspects during retrogradity. It is possible that past relationships with lovers (wives, husbands) will be resumed and will be even more beautiful. Although, decide whether, is it worth the "Game Game"? If you wait for the moment when Venus goes on the direct path, then the reunion with the beloved will be successful.

In the period of retrograde Venus, you can successfully complete the needlework (knitting, sewing, embroidery), update the interior of the room and look after the future of presents for loved ones.

Retrograde movement or reverse movement is not real, but the path visible from the ground. The effect of retrogradity occurs due to the difference in the velocities of the Earth and the planet relative to the sun. If we do not have to get used to us, it happens retrograde 3-4 times a year to 20 days, then a rareral phenomenon, it happens retrograde every 2 years, within 80 days. Social planets - Jupiter and the highest planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde every year. Let me remind you that the sun and the moon are never retrograde. Below are all retro periods of planets in 2017, but in order to more accurately interpret them, you need to understand the specifics of the retrograde periods and their phases.

When we interpret the transit of the retrograde planet, we are dealing not only by the very phase of retrogradity, but we consider the entire retro-period called "retrograde loop". Retrograde loops Planets are longer periods of time than the distance from point R to paragraph D. They cover the entire segment of the zodiac in degrees, along which the planet passes the retrograde path. The reference of the retrograde loop begins from the moment when another direct planet enters the degree of the sign to which it will return at its extreme point of retrogradity to turn back to the direct movement - D.

Entering the retro phase of the planet slows down to stationary (stop - SR), and slowly turning around, returns to a recently passed segment of the sign - (R), so that at the end of the retrograde period, to stop stopping - (SD) and turn to straight (D) Movement, on already twice the path has passed.

Retrogradness periods and decision making

In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its way on the same degrees of the zodiac, for which it has already passed in its own direct movement. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, appeal inside, rethinking the experience gained, deceleration in affairs. Therefore, with retrogradity of fast planets:, and the beginning of fundamentally new cases and projects designed for the future is not recommended, such an undertaking is with difficulties, complications, and does not give the result to which a person expects. At such a time, the external conditions are changed, laws, circumstances, they will not remain the same and familiar, but they are not yet defined. During the retro periods of personal planets, we do not speak all the information necessary for an adequate assessment. To make final conclusions and make decisions at such a time unsafe - the situation, the circumstances will change, and the decision can be made erroneous.

During the periods of retrogradity, it is often that the newer things have been launched, which for various reasons were postponed and were not solved. At this time, returns to solving old issues and issues. The event itself may not occur directly on the loop, but on the loop it is formed, but is carried out after the retrograde phase. Under such conditions, this is the most "safe" scenario to address issues and develop the situation.Three times spending the way on one sector of the zodiac, the planet sets the problem - at the first pass (1), calls for the way of its solution - with a retrograde pass (2) and gives way out of the situation and the solution in a new vein - at the third, direct passage by that The site (3).

When the inner planets - Mercury and Venus - become retrograde, they begin to connect to the sun. The connection of retrograde or with the Sun is the "lower connection" - ns. This is a symbolic new moon, the beginning of their cycles with the Sun is the time of awareness of the events on the topic of the planet, their behavior, its mental and communicative approaches (), or their emotional reactions, values \u200b\u200band affection (). If during this period, the repetitions of former troubles are going, it is necessary to consider their cause, and at the bottom of the "lower connection" will receive an answer, a new way to solve problems on the topic of the planet, which we can take advantage later. At the stage of the "lower connection" before returning to consignment (SD) - all forces need to be sent to the solution of old cases, return debts, put a point in the drawn problems. The next stage of the retro loop is from the beginning of the directity before exiting the loop, at this time there is a set of potential, preparation for new steps, thinking about new ideas of software or awareness of emotional preferences, values \u200b\u200band ways to achieve inner harmony, ethical principles of software. At this stage, it is necessary to complete unresolved problems, the relationship that needs to be finished, since unresolved problems and shortcomings will switch to the next cycle. The connection of the Sun with a direct mercury or Venus is "top connection" - Sun is a symbolic full moon cycle.

When external planets -, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde, they begin to go to the opposition with the sun. The opposition of the planet with the Sun is the phase of the symbolic full moon in their cycle and an important period of transit to which you want to pay attention to. The sun is "Consciousness, Individuality" and the principle of the planet, at this time divorced in the poles in our consciousness. This is the culmination of the cycle of the planet and the Sun, and the culmination of the situations of this cycle, the period of awareness of non-constructive approaches, revision and determination of new approaches. This period makes it possible to realize which of our usual reactions and ways to implement the principle of the planet should be revised to remain adequate and effective.

On retro periods there may be a good repetition of action. For example, the couple had a fictitious divorce and they concluded his re-marriage on Retro Mercury. Since then, for 21 years live in a strong marriage.


When analyzing the transit of a personal retro-planet on a natal map, the planetary status of the planets should be taken into account. Fast planets are in "subordination" from slow. Personal planet can implement the tasks set by a parallel transit of a slow planet, i.e. Against the background of social conditions created by loops of slow planets - Jupiter, Saturn, etc., it creates the opportunity to implement an event at the personal level.

It is important to observe during which accurate transits of the slow planets goes aspect a personal planet in the retro-loop to the natal map. Look at what kind of home your natal card retrograde Mercury or Mars passes through transit. Is there a connection to the natal planet, ASC or MS? What aspects will make planets while in the loop and what events will happen in your life? All this will help you more personified to understand the transit cycle of Mercury and Mars personally for you, and will be good practical experience in learning transits and in the assimilation of prognostic techniques.

● Below the upcoming retrograde periods of the planets in 2017. Dates and time indicate when the planet enters the retro loop when it becomes retrograde (Sr) when it returns to the direct movement (SD), and when it comes out of the retrograde loop. Degrees and days near (SR) and (SD) are parking days. There are also important aspects of the planets during the year.

● GMT time. For Kiev, add +2 winter and +3 during the summer time, for Moscow +3 all year round.

Retrograde planets in 2017

Periods of Retrogradity of Mercury 2017

For each year there are 3-4 retrograde periods of Mercury, and in 2017 there are 3 with a small one. The beginning of 2017 will be the completion of the retrograde period of Mercury, started December 19, 2016. The planet will move apart from Capricorn to Sagittarius and January 08 at 09:38 will turn to direct movement. Over the next months, there will be three more retrograde passages of Mercury. Now more detailed about the dates of the start of retrogradity and transition to directivity, as well as on the dates of entering and exiting retro-loops (in the table designation R-loop).

April 20 at 17:38 Retro Mercury returns to Aries
03 May 2017 at 16:29 Mercury will become directly in 24 ° 16 "Aries - SD
21 May 2017 Mercury output from R-loop

August 13, 2017 at 01:56 at 11 ° 38 "Virgo - SR
September 05, 2017 at 11:24 Mercury directly at 28 ° 25 "Lion - SD

Important aspects of Mercury in 2017:

Important aspects of Venus in 2017:

March 25 - Retro Venus in conjunction with the Sun -"Lower connection"

Mars will not be retrograde in 2017

The next period of retrograde Mars will be in 2018 from June 26, 2018 at 09 ° 12 "Aquarius until August 27, 2018 at 28 ° 36" Capricorn.

Important aspects of Mars in 2017: