War and Peace. Hunt Episode

War and Peace.  Hunt Episode
War and Peace. Hunt Episode

Speaking about the very concept of "episode", first of all, it should be noted that this is one or another complete and independent part literary work, which depicts a finished event or an important moment in the fate of a character.

The novel "War and Peace" is characterized by episodic or, in other words, scenic character. Due to this, the author achieves the completeness of the whole picture of the life of the heroes, their worldview, mental and state of mind, a broad picture of reality is created.

The hunting episode in Otradnoye occupies a special place in the novel, since it thoroughly and reliably shows the customs of the nobles of the nineteenth century. Leo Tolstoy in every detail draws the fees and the hunt itself. Lovers of this entertainment, according to the author, are always seized by "an irresistible hunting feeling, in which a person forgets all previous intentions, like a person in love with the presence of his mistress."

The preparations for the hunt were always thorough and serious. Leo Tolstoy names the exact number of dogs, which were accompanied by twenty horse hunters. On the way, a distant relative, a poor neighbor of the Rostovs, was met. Immediately, the hounds were "united into one flock, and uncle and Nikolai rode alongside." Each of the heroes has his own attitude to this fun. Count Ilya Andreevich was not a hunter to his liking, but he knows hunting laws very well.

Tolstoy draws the whole panorama of the hunting action not from the side, but through the eyes of the participants in this amusement: “The count, forgetting to wipe the smile from his face, looked into the distance along the bridge and, without sniffing, was holding a snuff-box in his hand. Following the barking of the dogs, a voice was heard from Danila's bass horn; the pack joined the first three dogs, and one could hear how the voices of the hounds roared with the bay, with that special howl that serves as a sign of wolf rushing ... ”The reader becomes an involuntary participant in these events.

In this episode, Nikolai Rostov is shown from a new side, who is very keen on chasing the wolf. A person appears before us, subtly and sensitively perceiving everything that happens. He is waiting with hope that the wolf will run in his direction, the state of the hero is close to despair. Nicholas prayed to God, “that the wolf come out on him; he prayed with that passionate and conscientious feeling with which people pray in moments of intense excitement, depending on an insignificant reason. "

In this capacity, Rostov is similar to little child, it is important for him that one of the dogs grabbed the wolf in front of his uncle. "Only once in my life would I hunt a hardened wolf, I don’t want to anymore!" he thinks.

The appearance of the wolf was completely unexpected for Rostov. Now the young man sees nothing around him, he is obsessed only with his desire: "Nikolai did not close his cry, did not feel that he was galloping, did not see any dogs or places ... he saw only a wolf."

The hero is afraid that the wolf will be hunted down by his uncle and his hunters. Now these were his only rivals. When the dog Karai grabbed the victim by the throat, it was the happiest moment for Nikolai in his entire life. Rostov cried out in despair when Karai, with bristling fur, climbed out of the ravine. Each of the hunters tried to stab the wolf, but only Danila, who turned out to be the most courageous, managed to do this.

"With happy, exhausted faces, a live, hardened wolf was loaded onto a shuffling and snorting horse" - the hunt ended successfully, and all its participants went to the place of the general gathering. The hunters came together with their prey and stories, everyone came to look at the wolf, which with big glass eyes looked at the whole crowd, dogs, people around him.

The hunt attracts heroes to varying degrees. If the old count is not interested in hunting at all, then his son Nikolai Rostov is simply obsessed with it. The passion of a young man is similar to the passion of a child who really wants to get something, and if this fails, he is ready to cry and scream. Nikolai considers it his duty to drive the hardened wolf.

Tolstoy gives a picture of the hunt in four chapters. The author depicts each hero, each event with amazing accuracy. Here special role details play, this alone does not interfere with the dynamism of the plot. Tolstoy draws manners and amusements that attract nobles. From this episode, we learn how people lived at that time, what they were fond of and “amused” with. We also see the heroes of the novel in a new setting: not in salons, social receptions or on the battlefield, but in nature, engaged in a common cause.

The scene when, after the hunt, Natasha, Nikolai and Petya went to her uncle, gives new touches to Natasha's portrait, draws her with a new one, unexpected side... We see her here happy, full of hopes for a quick meeting with Bolkonsky.
Uncle was not rich, but it was cozy in his house, perhaps because Anisya Fyodorovna, the housekeeper, was in charge of the household, “fat, ruddy, beautiful woman about forty, with a double chin and full, ruddy lips. " Looking at the guests affably and affectionately, she brought a treat that "echoed with juiciness, purity, whiteness and a pleasant smile." Everything1 was very tasty, and Natasha was only sorry that Petya was asleep, and her attempts to wake him up were useless. "Natasha was so happy in her soul, so good in this new environment for her, that she was only afraid that droshky would come too soon for her."
Natasha was delighted with the sounds of the balalaika coming from the corridor. She even went out there to hear them better; “To her, just as her uncle's mushrooms, honey and liqueurs seemed the best in the world, so this song seemed to her at that moment the height of musical charm. BUT when the uncle himself started playing the guitar, Natasha's delight knew no bounds: “Lovely, lovely, uncle! More more!" And she hugged her uncle and kissed him. Her soul, longing for new experiences, absorbed all the beautiful things that she encountered in her life.
The centerpiece of the episode was Natasha's dance. Uncle invites her to dance, and Natasha, overwhelmed with joy, not only does not force herself to beg, as any other socialite would do, but immediately “threw off the kerchief that had been thrown on her, ran ahead of her uncle and, propping her hands in sides, made a movement with her shoulders and stood-. Nikolai, looking at his sister, is a little afraid that she will do something wrong. But this fear soon passed, because Natasha, with a Russian spirit, perfectly felt and knew what to do. “Where, how, when she sucked into herself from the Russian air that she breathed — this decanter, brought up by an emigrant French woman — this spirit, where did she get these techniques that pas de shale should have long ago supplanted? But the spirit and methods were the same, inimitable, unexplored, Russian, which her uncle had expected from her. " Natasha's dance delights everyone who sees it, because Natasha is inextricably linked with the life of the people, she is natural and simple; as a people: “She did the same and
so accurately, so quite accurately she did it that Anisya Fyodorovna, who immediately handed her the handkerchief necessary for her work, shed a tear through her laughter, looking at this thin, graceful, so alien to her, in silk and velvet, a well-bred Countess who knew how to understand all that , which was in Anisya, and Anisya's father, and in his aunt, and in his mother, and in every Russian person.
Admiring his niece, the uncle says that she needs to choose a groom. And here the tone of the passage changes somewhat. After unreasonable joy, there comes a thought: “What did Nikolai’s smile mean when he said:“ already chosen ”? Is he Reed or not? He seems to think that my Bolkonsky would not approve, did not understand this joy of ours. No, he would understand everything. " Yes. that Bolkonsky, whom Natasha created in her imagination, would understand everything. but the point is, she doesn't really know him. “My Bolkonsky,” Natasha thinks and draws to herself not the real Prince Andrey with his exorbitant pride and detachment from people, but the ideal that she invented.
When they came for the young Rostovs, the uncle said goodbye to Natasha "with completely new tenderness."
On the way home Natasha is silent. Tolstoy asks the question: “What was going on in this childishly receptive soul, which so eagerly caught and assimilated all the most varied impressions of life? How did it all fit into her? But she was very happy. "
Nikolai, who is mentally so close to her that he guesses her thoughts, understands what she thinks of Prince Andrew. Natasha so wants him to be there, to be imbued with her feelings. She understands that this was the happiest day in her life: “I know that I will never be so happy, calm as now.”
In this episode, we see all the charm of Natasha's soul, her childlike spontaneity, naturalness, simplicity, her openness and gullibility, and it becomes scary for her, because she has yet to face deception and betrayal, and she will never experience that emotional uplift , which brought joy not only to her, but to all the people around her.

Problems and tests on the topic "Natasha visiting her uncle. (Analysis of an episode from Leo Tolstoy's novel" War and Peace ", volume 2, part 4, chapter 8.)"

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Composition: A depiction of the war of 1812 in the novel War and Peace. according to plan supposedly (in the role of critics) 1) introduction (why

called war and peace. Tolstoy's views on war. (3 sentences approximately)

2) main part (depicting the war of 1812, main, thoughts of heroes, war and nature, participation in the war of the main characters (Rostov, Bezukhov, Bolkonsky), the role of commanders in the war, how the army behaves.

3) conclusion, conclusion.

Please help, I just read for a long time, but now there was no time to read it. PLEASE HELP

Questions about the novel "War and Peace" 1. Who of the heroes of the novel "War and Peace" is the bearer of the theory of non-resistance?

2. Who from the Rostov family in the novel "War and Peace" wanted to give carts for the wounded?
3. With what does the author compare the evening in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Sherer in the novel "War and Peace"?
4. Who is part of the family of Prince Vasily Kuragin in the novel "War and Peace"?
5. Having returned home from captivity, Prince Andrew comes to the conclusion that "happiness is only the absence of these two evils."

tried to despise her; but now he felt so sorry for her that there was no room for reproach in his soul. - He's here now, tell him ... so that he just ... forgive me. - She stopped and began to breathe even more often, but did not cry. - Yes ... I'll tell him, - said Pierre, - but ... - He didn't know what to say. Natasha, apparently, was frightened by the thought that might come to Pierre. “No, I know it's over,” she said hastily. - No, it can never be. I am tormented only by the evil I did to him. Just tell him that I ask him to forgive, forgive, forgive me for everything ... - She shook all over and sat down on a chair. A feeling of pity, never experienced before, overflowed Pierre's soul. - Let's say no more, my friend, - said Pierre. It was so strange for Natasha that his meek, gentle, soulful voice suddenly seemed. He took and kissed her hand. “Stop it, stop it, your whole life is ahead for you,” he told her. - For me? No! Everything is lost for me, ”she said with shame and self-deprecation. - Everything is lost? he repeated. - If I were not me, but the most beautiful, smartest and best person in the world and would be free, I would be on my knees this minute for your hand and your love. For the first time after many days Natasha cried tears of gratitude and affection and, looking at Pierre, left the room Answer the following questions: 1) How does Pierre Bezukhov feel about Natasha Rostova? 2) why would bezukhov marry her? 2) what feelings are reflected in this fragment? give complete answers please, really need ...

Speaking about the very concept of "episode", first of all, it should be noted that this is one or another complete and independent part of a literary work, which depicts a finished event or an important moment in the fate of a character.
The novel "War and Peace" is characterized by episodic or, in other words, scenic character. Due to this, the author achieves the completeness of the whole picture of the life of the heroes, their worldview, mental and mental state, a broad picture of reality is created.
The hunting episode in Otradnoye occupies a special place in the novel, since it thoroughly and reliably shows the customs of the nobles of the nineteenth century. LN Tolstoy draws in every detail the fees and the hunt itself. Lovers of this entertainment, according to the author, are always seized by "an irresistible hunting feeling, in which a person forgets all previous intentions, like a person in love with the presence of his mistress."
The preparations for the hunt were always thorough and serious. LN Tolstoy names the exact number of dogs, which were accompanied by twenty horse hunters. On the way, a distant relative, a poor neighbor of the Rostovs, was met. There and then the hounds "were united into one flock, and uncle and Nikolai rode alongside." Each of the heroes has his own attitude to this fun. Count Ilya Andreevich was not a hunter to his liking, but he knows hunting laws very well.
Tolstoy draws the whole panorama of hunting action not from the side, but through the eyes of the participants in this amusement: “The count, forgetting to wipe the smile from his face, looked in front of him along the bridge and, without sniffing, was holding a snuff-box in his hand. Following the barking of the dogs, a voice was heard from Danila's bass horn; the pack joined the first three dogs, and one could hear how the voices of the hounds roared with the bay, with that special howl, which is a sign of wolf rushing ... ”The reader becomes an involuntary participant in these events.
In this episode, Nikolai Rostov is shown from a new side, who is very keen on chasing the wolf. A person appears before us, subtly and sensitively perceiving everything that happens. He is waiting with hope that the wolf will run in his direction, the state of the hero is close to despair. Nicholas prayed to God “that the wolf come out on him; he prayed with that passionate and conscientious feeling with which people pray in moments of intense excitement, depending on an insignificant reason. "
In this capacity, Rostov looks like a small child, it is important for him that one of the dogs, in front of his uncle's eyes, clings to a wolf. “Only once in my life would I hunt a hardened wolf, I don’t want to anymore!” He thinks.
The appearance of the wolf was completely unexpected for Rostov. Now the young man sees nothing around him, he is obsessed only with his desire: "Nikolai did not close his cry, did not feel that he was galloping, did not see any dogs or places ... he saw only a wolf."
The hero is afraid that the wolf will be hunted down by his uncle and his hunters. Now these were his only rivals. When the dog Karai grabbed the victim by the throat, it was the happiest moment for Nikolai in his entire life. Rostov cried out in despair when Karai, with bristling fur, climbed out of the ravine. Each of the hunters tried to stab the wolf, but only Danila, who turned out to be the most courageous, managed to do this.
“With happy, exhausted faces, a live, hardened wolf was loaded onto a shuffling and snorting horse” - the hunt ended successfully, and all its participants went to the place of the general gathering. The hunters came together with their prey and stories, everyone came to look at the wolf, which with big glass eyes looked at the whole crowd, dogs, people around him.
The hunt attracts heroes to varying degrees. If the old count is not interested in hunting at all, then his son Nikolai Rostov is simply obsessed with it. The passion of a young man is similar to the passion of a child who really wants to get something, and if this fails, he is ready to cry and scream. Nikolai considers it his duty to drive the hardened wolf.
Tolstoy gives a picture of the hunt in four chapters. The author depicts each hero, each event with amazing accuracy. Details play a special role here, this alone does not interfere with the dynamism of the plot. Tolstoy draws manners and amusements that attract nobles. From this episode, we learn how people lived at that time, what they were fond of and “had fun” with. We also see the heroes of the novel in a new setting: not in salons, social receptions or on the battlefield, but in nature, engaged in a common cause.

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Analysis of the episode "The Hunt in Otradnoye" in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

Theme: Life of the local nobility

analysis of the hunting scene and

"Visiting uncle"

Leo Tolstoy

War and Peace

Epigraph to the lesson

"Only because hunting is described so seriously because it is equally important ..."

(Leo Tolstoy)

battle of Borodino

Previous and subsequent events of the novel


Hunting in the estate


war 1812




"To all the people

pile on



The structure of the episode "hunt"

Description of the morning - part 4, ch. 3

Nikolay Rostov's conversation with Danila

Natasha tells her brother about her decision to go hunting

The Rostovs' hunting in the field - part 4, chapter 4

The old count is on the hunt. Meeting with my uncle.

Nicholas waiting for the beast - part 4, chapter 5

Prayer of Rostov.

Harassment of the beast. A meeting

Nicholas with his neighbor Ilagin.

Hunting in the estate


Why Leo Tolstoy

describes the hunting scene

exactly on the estate


Writer style


Landscape. (Human and nature)

Internal monologue (Rostov's prayer).

Characterization of the hero using artistic detail.

The behavior of the heroes during the hunt.

Speech characteristics of the heroes.

“... in Tolstoy's every word carries the ultimate semantic load... He has simple, powerful, sometimes inner music, the arrangement of words in a phrase, punctuation, sound writing - everything is at the service of thought. "

V.P. Kataev

Artistic and expressive

means (impersonation;

comparison; allegory; irony

etc.), allowing

penetrate the ideological

the idea of ​​the novel.

"... a morning, better than which nothing could be for hunting: as if the sky was melting and without wind descending to the ground."

“... the event had to take place

just because it had to

come true. " (Leo Tolstoy)

Episode skins

Danilo -

hunter, peasant




Old count

Ilya Andreevich

Nikolay Rostov

young master



Landlord Ilagin-

Rostov's neighbor



According to Tolstoy, the closeness of man

to nature very often turns out

positive personality criterion .

“Despite the fact that Danilo was small

growth, seeing him in the room produced

an impression like when

see a horse or a bear on the floor between

furniture and conditions of human life.

Danilo felt it himself and, as usual,

stood at the very door, trying to speak more quietly,

do not move, so as not to break somehow

master's chambers, and trying as soon as possible everything

express and go out into the open, from under

ceiling under the sky "

What kind artistic means

Danilo - hunter

“... the hunter Danilo came out from around the corner ...

in Ukrainian stapled, gray-haired,

wrinkled hunter, with a bent arapnik

in hand and with that expression of autonomy

and contempt for everything in the world that happens

only from hunters. "

How do you understand the phrase “with that expression of independence and contempt for everything in the world that only hunters have”?

What is the role of Danila in the hunting scene?

Why is he so “independent”?

Danilo and Nikolay Rostov

“He took off his Circassian hat before

master and looked at him contemptuously.

This contempt was not insulting to

master: Nikolay knew that this was everything

contemptuous and above all, Danilo was still his man and hunter. "

the relationship between the master and the serf?

What is Leo Tolstoy's intention here?

Nicholas waiting for the beast

Why are feelings similar and even

Nicholas' dreams of hunting and fighting?

What brings together in his mind

Austerlitz, Dolokhova, cards,

war and hunting?

What is the state of people

on the hunt and during the military


"Labyrinth of couplings" -

this is what Tolstoy calls his novel.

Nikolay Rostov

with his squadron

nom attacks French, takes prisoner an officer.

(Volume 3, part 1, chapter 15)

For Nikolai Rostov are chasing

French (Shengra-

the battle of Ben - vol. 1, part 2, chapter 19)

There is a "hunt"

Nikolay Rostov

hunts in his

wolf estate

(vol. 2, part 4, chap. 3-6)

What the concepts have in common:

war and hunting?


(take life)


politicians and

people endowed

power (their weapon-

whole army)


people privileged

of a given class



spoils of war, the skin of the slain

Prince Andrey Bolkonsky

about the senseless war 1805 of the year

"War is not a courtesy, but the most disgusting thing

in life, and you need to understand this and not play

into the war. Must be taken strictly and seriously

this dire need. Everything in this:

throw away lies, and war is so war,

not a toy. And then the war is a favorite

fun of idle and frivolous people. "

What did Prince Bolkonsky mean,

comparing war with "the fun of idle and

frivolous people "?

“Count Ilya Andreevich was a little red with wine and driving; his eyes, covered with moisture, especially shone, and he, wrapped in a fur coat, sitting on a saddle, had the appearance of a child who was gathered for a walk. "

What phrase in the description of the old graph contains the author's irony?

Danilo and the old count

“- W…!” He shouted (Danilo), threatening the raised arapnik at the count.

About ... is there a wolf! ..the hunters! - And as if not deigning to deign the embarrassed, frightened count with further conversation, he, with all the anger prepared for the count, hit

falling wet sides of the brown gelding and rushed after the hounds. The count, as punished, stood, looking around and trying with a smile to cause in Semyon regret for his position. "

How hunting changes habitual

relationships of people, their hierarchy?

“She (Natasha) with this screech expressed everything that other hunters expressed in their one-time conversation. And this screeching was so strange that she herself should have been ashamed of this wild screeching and everyone should have been surprised at him, if it had happened at another time. "

uses allegory

in a scene of baiting a wolf


What is the intent

Description of the wolf

“Suddenly, the entire physiognomy of the wolf changed;

he shuddered when he saw, probably never

unseen human eyes,

directed at him, and, slightly turning

head to the hunter, stopped - back or

forward? "NS! anyway, go ahead! .. "- it can be seen

as if he said to himself and set off

forward, no longer looking back, with a soft, rare, free, but decisive gallop. "

The scene of the hounding of the wolf by dogs

“The old dog, with his tufts dangling on his thighs, thanks to the stop that had taken place, cutting the way for the wolf, was already five steps away from him. As if sensing danger, the wolf looked sideways at Karay, hiding the log (tail) even further between his legs, and gave a skid. But then Nikolai saw only that something what happened to Karai, - he instantly found himself on the wolf and with him tumbled head over heels into the cistern that was in front of them.

That minute ... when Nikolai saw this was the happiest moment of his life ... "(vol. 2, part 4, chapter 5)

What associations arise when

are you reading this episode?



1812 year

“They looked for a long time-

whether on red Scolding,

which with soiled

mud, humped back,

rattling with a piece of iron,

with a calm look

the winner was trotting

behind the legs of my uncle's horse. "

“... Danilo is already in

the middle of the dogs, on the rear

wolf trying to catch

his ears. Obviously

was for hunters, and

for dogs, and for a wolf,

that it's all over now. "





moments of "victory"

in the hunting scene with

events of the novel.

The baiting of the wolf ends with Danila's "victory"

The hare-baiting ends with the "victory" of the dog Rugai

Scene summary

"hunting" 1809 year


What is important

in concept

novel scene

Concept -

design, this or that understanding


Visiting Uncle After Hunting

“... Anisya Fyodorovna ... shed tears through laughter, looking at this thin, graceful, so alien to her, in silk and velvet, a well-educated countess who knew how to understand everything that was in Anisya, and in Anisya's father, and in her aunt, and in the mother, and in every Russian person. "