Best bookmaker odds. Services for odds comparison

Best bookmaker odds.  Services for odds comparison
Best bookmaker odds. Services for odds comparison

Odds are a holy word for every betting lover. Profit and chances of winning depend on these numbers. But few people think about how this very coefficient is formed, and what are the reasons for frequent changes in numbers when an event approaches. After all, not everything is so simple in betting - you chose the highest odds and earned - for this you need to accumulate experience, and you won’t get rich much on small numbers, so each player has to carefully study the odds in order to multiply his bet at times.

On the part of bookmakers, there are special analytical departments that monitor odds and make appropriate adjustments until the end of the event. Calculations of indicators are made taking into account many parameters: the current form of the team, overall results, individual factors, the importance of the match for both sides. There are no accidents in this area.

For a simple man in the street and a lover of bets, this is just a figure that the offices offer, but for a bookmaker, this is a figure that gives him a guarantee of success.

How bookmaker odds are calculated

Let's take an example.

Let's take the match "Bavaria" - "Borussia" D, where the favorite is predetermined. Bookmaker gives a 60% chance for the first team to win - 30% for a draw - 10% for the away team to win.
We divide the 100% probability by the percentage of the teams chances and get the odds 100/60 = 1.66, 100/30 = 3.33 and 100/10 = 10 for the away team to win.

But these are all fair odds. Bookmakers rarely give us such numbers, because in this case all bets would be paid back, and any office would be unprofitable by definition. Therefore, all bookmakers give slightly lower odds, which allow them to remain in the black. This is how all betting fans get their coveted numbers!

Types of coefficients

At the moment, there are several main types of them:

  • European;
  • English;
  • American.
There are also various exotic ones - Indonesian, Hong Kong, but your chances of encountering them are very small.

The type of odds used by the bookmaker depends on the geography of its location. But the most reputable bookmakers (they are presented in our rating) allow their customers to bet on any of the main types of odds.

So what do they mean? It is necessary to understand the difference between the payment to the account and the profit received. When your bet wins, the amount of the bet and the winnings are credited to your account - all together this is called pay. If we subtract the amount of your bet from the payout, then we get what we are betting for - profit.

European odds (decimal)

The most common type. On the website of the bookmaker, they look like this: 1.73, 2.10, 1.22, etc. To understand what kind of payment you will receive according to the European odds, you need to multiply the amount of the bet by it.

For example, betting $100 at odds 1.90, you will get payment$100 x 1.90 = $190.

Profit but from this rate (do you remember what the differences are?) will be equal to $190 - $100 = $90.

English odds (fractions)

Typical for British offices. On the bookmaker's website, they look like this: 2/7, 3/5, 7/9, etc. To understand what kind of payment you will receive from a bet on the English odds, you need to divide the first digit (up to the line) by the second, add one, and multiply the resulting number by the amount of the bet.
If you arm yourself with a calculator, then everything is much easier than it sounds.

So, you have decided that there is an excellent maza, it is with the English coefficient 4/7, and you need to load $100 there.
In case of inevitable success, your pay will be:
(4: 7) + 1 = 1.57 and multiply by the bet amount 1.57 x $100 = $157. For calculation arrived subtract the bet amount from the payout and get $157 - $100 = $57.
If you are interested in profit, then it can be calculated faster. To do this, you need to divide the first number (up to the line) by the second and multiply by the amount of the bet (4: 7) x $100 = $57.

There is a really curious fact that few people know about: some bookmakers form their betting line in English odds, and then translate them into European ones. At the same time, the resulting numbers are rounded in their direction, earning a lot on this. Let's leave it on their conscience, but the fact is unpleasant. That is why it is difficult for beginners to determine which bookmaker to entrust their money to, because experience is difficult to replace.

The easiest way to choose the right bookmaker is to refer to our rating. It presents exclusively honest offices who will never go to deceive customers, because their reputation is the basis of business.

American odds

They look very unusual and are positive and negative.

  • Positive- show how much you can earn with a bet of 100 units. On the site, the offices look like this: +150, +200, + 350, etc.

    If you decide to load $150 at an American odds of +200, then to determine your payments you need to divide the odds (+200) by the number 100 and add one (200: 100) + 1 = 3. And now what happened, we multiply by the amount of the bet: 3 x $150 = $450. This is your payment.
    To immediately count profit, you need to divide the American coefficient (+200) by the number 100 and multiply by the amount of the bet (200: 100) x $150 = $300.

  • Negative American odds show how much you need to bet to get 100 units. On the website of the bookmaker, they look like this: -150, -200, -350, etc.

    If you bet $150 on an American odd of -200, then to determine your payout, you need to divide the number 100 by the odds and add one. For our example (100:200) + 1 = 1.5. Now let's find out the size payments: multiply the resulting number by the amount of the bet 1.5 x $150 = $225.
    To immediately count profit, you need to divide the number 100 by the odds and multiply by the amount of the bet (100: 200) x $150 = $75.

All this diversity and confusion of coefficients is based only on the usual vision of numbers when betting. In fact, there is not much difference in odds between these three scoring systems!

The variety of bookmakers is so great that players have a great opportunity to choose, especially when a person places bets online - he can compare several offices at once. It is better to have several accounts, while choosing the best odds for the predicted outcome of the event. This allows you to earn the maximum possible amount. At the same time, it is very important to register with the most famous bookmakers that have been operating in the betting market for more than a year. They make regular payouts, hold betting contests, and give solid bonuses for new players. Excellent bookmakers 1X and Winline. They have been on the market for a long time and are famous for their honesty and fairness towards their customers.

Why bookmaker odds change

Another advantage of betting on such online services is the ability to make your choice when the odds are most beneficial for the player. After all, from the beginning of accepting bets on an event until its end, the odds are subject to serious changes, as they depend on many factors.

There are several betting strategies. The main ones are gradual downgrade odds on the favorite of the event, while others - promotion favorite bets. Both systems are quite effective both for offices and for players - they can catch the highest rates on the outcome of an event.

There are also more mundane factors besides the strategic ones that affect the changes in the odds - player injuries, disqualifications, weather conditions, the arrival of newcomers - all this is taken into account when changing.

Analytical departments function in large bookmakers (1X, Winlinebet, Leon). Thanks to analysts, such bookmakers instantly react to any changes in the balance of power and provide players with updated odds instantly. Smaller bookmakers cannot afford to maintain such analytical departments, cooperating one-time with such firms and receiving stable lines for all sports events. However, experienced players do not pay much attention to changes in the coefficients, but analyze the games themselves.

Odds - most important factor in betting. They excite the imagination of the players and increase the contents of the wallets of experienced betting masters. It is thanks to the coefficients that we have modern world rates, which tickles our nerves and makes it possible to earn on sports betting!

They often announce plans to enter the international market, and some offices have already successfully conquered it (at least in words). The ambitions of domestic bookmakers have always been great, but they are rarely supported by deeds.

By domestic bookmakers, we mean not only Russian offices, but also offices from the CIS countries. They are very similar to each other, although they are sometimes aimed at different markets. Let's try to compare foreign bookmakers with our companies operating in this field. For this purpose, we have selected 10 main evaluation criteria.

work experience

It is the oldest office in Russia, which has been operating since 1994. This is quite a long time, but in comparison with some foreign offices, the company looks like a baby. founded in 1934, and still in 1886. Naturally, there are other examples, the same one appeared only in 2000, but abroad, bookmakers try to learn from each other, and our offices always follow their own unique path.

Line and painting

Some domestic bookmakers give good line( , ), but in general the offers of European and Asian bookmakers are much better. At the same time, the lower Russian leagues are better represented by our offices. , for example, accepts bets even on the championships of individual Russian cities.


Quotes in foreign offices are always higher, although in last years good example submits. The office not only surpasses all domestic bookmakers in terms of odds, but can also give odds to most foreign bookmakers.


If tomorrow he declares himself bankrupt and refuses to return the money to the players, then this will certainly cause a shock at first, but over time all the players will agree that everything was going to that. To imagine the same situation with is simply impossible.

Among foreign bookmakers, there are also enough companies with an unscrupulous reputation, but their best representatives are role models. Say the same about, and your tongue will not turn. Each of these offices will have hundreds of negative reviews from offended players. The very fact that in these offices they can cut the maximum bet only because of a successful game, speaks volumes.

Language support

Even 10 years ago, domestic players preferred bookmakers from the CIS only because of the Russian-language interface, but now every second large foreign office has a Russian-language version of the site.

Resource functionality

Previously, Russian offices lagged far behind in this indicator, but now the functionality of the sites of domestic offices is practically not inferior to foreign bookmakers.


All European companies are distinguished by the fact that they always meet the needs of their customers. In this regard, domestic bookmakers have a lot to learn from them. Often, with uncomfortable questions, the support of many Russian bookmakers simply ignores the players.

Betting limits

It may seem to you that the betting limits in any office are quite satisfactory, but this is exactly as long as you bet on the popular football markets. Professionals have to bet on the lower divisions of unpopular markets, and there the betting limits come to the fore. Not a single Russian bookmaker can offer such limits as other large foreign bookmakers.

Payment Methods

Work with an account in foreign bookmakers is carried out accessible ways, but still in Russian offices the player will feel more relaxed. Not every European office works with Qiwi, Yandex-Money payment systems and carries out transactions using a Maestro card.


Many foreign offices send part of their income to charity. They support youth competitions in various sports, sponsor individual tournaments and teams. Russian bookmakers behave in a completely different way. Only sponsors a few clubs, but they all represent foreign championships.

Although some Russian offices also have something to praise, in general they are inferior to foreign bookmakers. Yes, they can bet on the lower Russian divisions, but everyone is well aware that in such tournaments, as nowhere else, there is a high probability of fixed matches.

Russian bookmakers will suit you exactly as long as you play on small amounts and more often lose than win. As soon as you reach a professional level, you will immediately realize that there is nothing for serious players to do in Russian betting shops, but fortunately, there are foreign offices with a reliable reputation that treat both losing players and successful bettors equally well.

Currently, bookmaker activity is gaining great recognition. In fact, a bookmaker is a professional debater who bets on the outcome of various events. Most Popular soccer betting odds. The key to success and fame of bookmakers is a correctly calculated odds. So one of key concepts betting business is

Betting odds - general information
Usually, the calculation of the coefficient is carried out by a specialist with extensive knowledge in the field of sports, who understands the theory of probability and has an analytical mindset. The coefficient is always based on the bookmaker'smargin(i.e. a percentage of the profit). Thus, whether the player wins or loses, the bookmaker is in the black. Consider an example:
Probable outcome of the match between teams X and Y (withoutmargin)
Victory X - 32%
Win Y - 54%
Draw - 14%
The final probability is 100%. But if Y wins, the bookmaker incurs losses, so the win rate of the favorite is underestimated by raising the total sum of probabilities:
Victory X - 32.3%
Win Y - 54.5%
Draw - 14.2%
The final probability is 110%.Betting odds (margin10%) the output will look like this:
Victory X - 3.09
Win Y - 1.83
Draw - 7.04
The bookmaker's commission can be calculated independently. You need to divide the number 100 by the desired coefficient (in this case, 100 / 1.83 = 54.5%) and add the probability percentages. The lessmargin, the more generous the organization. To datethe highest odds at BC William Hill.
It often happens that the coefficient changes. Experienced Players know about it and constantly monitor changes. It is called

Movement of bookmaker odds

The reasons for changing quotes can be different, for example, injuries and replacement of players, weather conditions, the occurrence of various kinds of situations. But the main factor influencing the value of the coefficient is the “line load”, a situation when a large amount of money accumulates on one of the outcomes of the match. Naturally, with a large “load” of a certain coefficient, bookmakers begin to lower it.
"Loading" lines are amateur and "smart". Amateurs include random accumulation a large number players' money on one of the outcomes. As a rule, the amount is "loaded" on the favorite of the fight. When observing, the movement of the line is slow and not in all BCs. In this case, the decrease in the coefficient is insignificant. A professional or “smart load” is a huge amount of bets on certain odds in several offices at once. Because of this, syndicate players and privateers can profit from inflated odds. When observing the movement, the line passes quickly and everywhere. The ability to distinguish between professional and amateur "load" gives players a greater chance of making a winning bet.
First you need to find the most profitable coefficient.

Comparison of bookmaker odds

Odds comparison needed to find the most winning bet. Numerous services will help with this. Even if the service is not Russified, using it is quite simple. Usually, more than 50 leading world bookmakers are offered for comparison. After the office is selected and the bet is made, you can conduct.

Monitoring of betting odds

There are currently a huge number special programs and services that monitor betting lines. With their help, you can analyze the movement of coefficients in detail and not miss the time for best rate. Another service worth mentioning is

Betting odds archive

With the help of the BC lines archive, the player can study previous matches and predict the outcome of the duel among equal opponents. And in conclusion, let's try to find a BC with

Today, you can find a huge number of bookmakers that compete with each other with a bonus system, all kinds of promotions and, of course, attractive quotes. bookmaker with the most high odds- this is, of course, BC William Hill. The history of the totalizator has more than 80 years. Founded in the UK in 1934. Today, William Hill is one of the leading online offices England with more than a million customers who speak only positively about the betting shop. The company has a wide network of divisions. Be sure, in William Hill you are guaranteed best odds!

Comparison of bookmaker odds

Sports betting is a popular hobby. The first thing a novice player needs to do is to choose a good betting company, taking into account the coefficients that it gives. The size of the odds is the most important indicator when choosing a bookmaker. To date, a resource has appeared that has collected in one place the coefficients of all known organizations. The Robobet section was created to make life easier for both beginners and experienced players.

How do bookmakers calculate odds?

Bookmaker odds depend on two factors, namely the probability of the outcome and the set margin. The more possible a certain outcome is sports competitions, the lower the odds of bookmakers on it. An important role in this matter is played by the margin - this is the part of the earnings that the office assigns to itself. It is taken into account in any case, regardless of which outcome the player bets his financial resources on.

To date The comparison of odds of bookmakers was undertaken by professionals. You can find a table with the necessary information on the Robobet service. Here are the bookmaker odds for different kinds sports: football, basketball, hockey, tennis and others. The site is in the public domain for all Internet users and gives bookmaker customers a huge amount of invaluable information.

Odds comparison service

The bookmaker odds comparison service exists so that any player can make right choice when looking for a suitable company. The resource is unique in its kind and has a number of advantages:

  • events are sorted by sports;
  • you can find the desired match by the date of its holding;
  • hovering over the coefficient, you can observe its changes in different bookmakers.

The Robobet service is easy to use, with its help you can easily get useful information. This section is an excellent assistant for both beginners and experienced bookmaker clients. Millions of players from all over the world use similar resources.

Comparison of bookmaker odds

Robobet helps to determine the probability of the outcome of an event according to the bookmaker's odds. This is the only resource, the use of which increases the chances of winning. After analyzing the information posted on the site, everyone will be able to make the right bet.

Having learned the odds of bookmakers in various offices, the player can draw conclusions himself and decide on the possible leader of the competition. Also on Robobet there is information about the bonuses offered by the bookmaker. Here you can read what the system of such incentives is and how to get them.

Having entered the news section, the visitor of the resource will find information about all upcoming events of existing bookmakers, obtained from reliable sources.

The odds comparison service exists to ensure that all the necessary data is collected in one place. This is an original, informative site where bookmaker players will find a lot of useful information.

The service has replaced dozens of different Internet pages, bringing together everything that a client of a modern bookmaker needs.

This way of betting contains analysis of coefficients suggested by a bookmaker, comparing these coefficients with some referral values ​​(more info about finding them below), and decisions upon reasonability of the certain bet.

How Do Value Bets Work?

Coefficients for all events are usually set based on two main criteria: line of agencies providing event data and own analysis. That is why different bookmakers have roughly the same coefficients.

Meanwhile, some bookmakers increase coefficients for some markets due to any reasons. This way, surebets appear, which are one of the most efficient ways of betting, able to give stable and solid income to a gambler, in case of proper usage ($1000 a week are ordinary for surebet gamblers). Aside from surebets, positive middles also emerge.

This effect of raised coefficients realizes another way of making money – using value bets.

If some event of X probability is estimated as less probable by a bookmaker than the former will have a higher coefficient for it. This way, making N bets (usually more than 10), than a gambler is to get profit soon.

There is an expected question: how to detect an increased coefficient and what is this rise relative to; which coefficient level is considered correct? Because, talking about an upcoming event, coefficients are just a pre-match estimation. Nothing more.

Tyranny of averages

It is not a tough thing to find a perfect coefficient to compare a bookmaker's one with. All other betting offices may help with it. Having take the arithmetic mean of all analogical coefficients, just compare and check whether the certain one is higher or not.

That Is How It Works

Let's take 5 bookmakers for example:

Bookmaker 1, Bookmaker 2, Bookmaker 3, Bookmaker 4, Bookmaker 5. They give coefficients for the same events as follows: 2.02 / 1.95 / 2.10 / 2.00 / 1.90

The average coefficient is: (2.02+1.95+2.10+2.00+1.90)/5=1.994

1.994 is the average coefficient on the market. With that, real probability of the event does not depend on this coefficient (as any event does not depend on anybody’s assessment). Therefore, we may state with fair likelihood that a bet on any coefficient higher than 1.994 will give them a strong hand over a bookmaker.

Such bets are surebets. Making them for long runs, gamblers have great advantage over bookmakers and awesome chances to make money.

The main point of this method is almost no risks.

How to find increased coefficients for making value bets?

There are not as many services providing analysis and comparison of coefficients as scanners of surebets. Thanks God best surebet scanners also allow to deal with value bets.

  • First of all, BetBurger. Reliable and swift service with the function of comparing coefficients.
  • Also, we must mention OddStorm offering the wider range of capabilities, while scanning goes reasonably fast.
  • SureBet – the scanner of pre-match coefficients. Worse than two previous, but still good to go for working with raised coefficients.
  • Melbet. Has questionable quality, analyzes changes of coefficients. Besides the default professional tool of scanning coefficients, this service offers some dubious projects, forecasts causing problems with defining the quality level of the scanner.