Where guar gum is used - the benefits and harms of the food additive E412. Guar gum - application, benefits, harm Guar gum recipes in cosmetology

Where guar gum is used - the benefits and harms of the food additive E412.  Guar gum - application, benefits, harm Guar gum recipes in cosmetology
Where guar gum is used - the benefits and harms of the food additive E412. Guar gum - application, benefits, harm Guar gum recipes in cosmetology

Guar gum is not the most widely used ingredient in modern cosmetology, but its medicinal properties, nevertheless, are quite wide and diverse, and the benefits for the skin of the face from the use, besides, supported by a low price, are not limited only to bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound healing action. The opinion widespread among ordinary people, according to which the harm of this substance is too great, deserves a separate mention. In fact, everything is not so sad. Guar gum, subject to production technology and application rules, is an extremely harmless compound, the medicinal properties of which have been confirmed by numerous independent studies. And harm, theoretically possible, in practice is very unlikely.

Main characteristics

Guar gum is a structure-forming compound most commonly used as a thickener, stabilizer, or emulsifier. An exhaustive description of the characteristics of this substance is beyond the scope of our material, but we could not fail to mention the most important of them.

Possible synonyms:

  • guar gum;
  • guar;
  • guar gum;
  • cyamopsis tetragonoloba;
  • E412.

Chemical and physical properties:

  • a polymer compound with a sufficiently high galactose content;
  • good water solubility;
  • increased elasticity and rigidity;
  • guar gum prevents the formation of ice crystals and is highly chemical resistant;
  • dissolves well in cold water.

Effect on the human body:

  • very little is absorbed in the intestine;
  • reduces appetite;
  • normalizes the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • lowers the level of saturated fat and cholesterol;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body;
  • inhibits the development of obesity;
  • diabetes prevention;
  • constipation treatment;
  • subject to the technology of food production (yoghurts, sauces, ice cream), guar gum is safe for health, which is why the harm from its use in cooking is completely unproven.

Benefits from application in cosmetology:

  • effective moisturizing of the face;
  • gentle cleaning of the epidermis;
  • protection of the skin from adverse environmental factors (strong gusts of wind, temperature drops, hard ultraviolet radiation);
  • good compatibility with other cosmetic ingredients;
  • has the most beneficial effect on hair;
  • suitable for dry and problem skin.

Pharmacy preparations

Guar gum is not widely popular with manufacturers of top and mid-level cosmetics, but in the budget segment it has practically no equal. The remarkable medicinal properties of this ingredient, coupled with its affordable price and good compatibility with all skin types, make its use not only possible, but highly desirable. But when choosing a cream or gel in a pharmacy, still pay attention to their composition: this way you will save yourself from buying frankly low-quality cosmetics.

  • Reines Aloe Vera Gel (Aubrey Organics, 118 ml / 400 rubles). The gel provides instant hydration to dry skin, promotes wound healing and the regeneration of damaged cells. The product contains plant extracts, antioxidants and natural moisturizers. The anti-aging effect is rather weak.
  • Calming Night Cream (Yes To, 50 ml / 950 RUR). An emollient and soothing cream for regular night care. Despite the relatively low price, the product contains 98% natural and safe ingredients.
  • Fruit Stem Cell Revitalize Serum (Andalou Naturals, 58 ml / 980 RUR). Not a bad face serum with extra UV protection. The active ingredients provide effective hydration and regeneration of the skin, as well as slow down the natural aging process. Separately, it is worth noting the presence of coenzyme Q10, resveratrol and aloe vera juice in the composition.

DIY tools

The wonderful properties of the gum can, if desired, be used in home cosmetology, although experts do not recommend doing this unless absolutely necessary. The main reasons for this are simple: the need for careful selection of the necessary ingredients, a fairly high risk of side effects and very dubious savings, since the acquisition of all the necessary components is a very expensive undertaking. But if you are still willing to take the risk, you can choose one of the recipes below. All you need to prepare them is a high-precision kitchen scale and plenty of free time.

Universal cream for all skin types

  • guar gum - 0.5 g;
  • lavender hydrolat - 60 ml;
  • peach seed oil - 30 ml;
  • emulsion wax - 8 g;
  • stearic acid - 2 g.

Therapeutic effect:

  • cleaning;
  • regenerating;
  • brightening;
  • getting rid of irritations.

Cooking subtleties:

  • First of all, combine the guar gum with lavender hydrolate and let the mixture sit until all the solid particles dissolve;
  • mix peach oil, stearic acid and emulsion wax in a refractory container of a suitable volume, then heat the composition in a water bath;
  • combine both mixtures and beat with a mixer in the most thorough way (the hydrolat must be warm!);
  • if desired, add your favorite essential oil or aloe vera gel to the cream.

Anti-aging cream 45+

  • guar gum - 1 g;
  • walnut oil, cupuasu, macadamia oil - 1.5 g each;
  • silk peptides, olive squalene - 1 g each;
  • emulsion wax, argan and sweet almond oils, caffeine, basabolol, rosemary leaf extract, Japanese sophora extract - 0.5 g each;
  • water - 20 ml.

Therapeutic effect:

  • softening;
  • nutritious;
  • moisturizing;
  • regenerating;
  • against cellulite.

Cooking subtleties:

  • fill the guar with the required amount of water and let it swell;
  • combine the water and oil phases in a water bath, then beat the mixture thoroughly with a blender;
  • add the remaining ingredients and mix again.

Moisturizer for mature skin

  • guar gum - 0.3 g;
  • argan, coconut, watermelon and grape seed oil - 2 g each;
  • vegetable glycerin - 1 g;
  • sorbitan stearate, D-panthenol, sorbitol - 0.5 g each;
  • jasmine wax, collagen with elastin - 0.2 g each;
  • water - 13-15 ml.

Therapeutic effect:

  • anti-aging;
  • nutritious;
  • to narrow pores and increase the elasticity of the skin of the face;
  • tonic;
  • against acne;
  • antioxidant.

Cooking subtleties:

  • combine base oils, sorbitan stearate, emulsifier and jasmine wax, then heat the resulting mixture in a water bath until completely dissolved;
  • in another container, do the same with water and guar gum;
  • combine the water and fat phases by beating them with a mixer;
  • then add the rest of the ingredients and shake everything thoroughly.

Beautician review

Guar gum is a highly tainted substance whose medicinal properties have been overshadowed by the myths and rumors that surround it. As soon as women, far from cosmetology, find out that this compound belongs to the "E-shek" category, they "turn on panic" and begin to demand a lot of permits at the pharmacy. Moreover, they perceive the potential harm to the skin of the face as inevitable, which is why they ignore many effective and inexpensive preparations that contain guar gum. I do not urge you, dear readers, to use dubious and cheap creams of unknown origin, but regarding this ingredient, your fears are completely unfounded.


The food additive guar gum (E412) has been increasingly found on food labels in recent years, today you will find out all the details about what it is, what its benefits and harms are, and much more. She gained popularity among those who are losing weight, including those on the Ducan diet, but is it not dangerous to eat it? Read on.

What is Guar Gum?

Guar gum (also sometimes called guar gum, guar, E412) is a light powdery product that is used to stabilize, emulsify, and thicken the texture of certain food and industrial products such as coconut or almond milk, yoghurts, soups, cosmetics, and more.

The scope of this additive covers several industries, but today the vast majority (more than 70%) of the world's reserves of guar gum are in the food industry. It is referred to as E412 in the ingredient list. It is used to improve the texture, taste, and shelf life of processed foods.

  • Guar is widely used in the same way as pectin as a thickener - a substance that, when added to a mixture, increases the viscosity without significantly altering taste or odor.
  • It is also used as a gluten substitute in baking and is appreciated by those with gluten intolerance and those following a gluten-free diet.

Guar gum appears as a white to off-white powder that usually does not change the appearance of other ingredients in recipes.

Smell and taste

Guar gum has no distinct taste or smell and is believed to be virtually odorless, making it a convenient addition to many different foods.

How guar gum is obtained

Guar gum is created by collecting, grinding, and sorting the seeds of a legume plant called guar or pea (Cyamopsis tetragonolobus).

Today it is grown all over the world for food, household or industrial applications, primarily in countries such as India, USA, Australia and parts of Africa. India alone produces about 80 percent of the world's guar gum supply.

Guar is a herbaceous annual leguminous plant, reaching a height of 70 cm to 2 m. The stem is hollow, strong, erect, weakly branched in its lower part. The leaves of the plant are alternate, odd-pinnate, with 3-5 oval or obovate sharp-toothed leaves.

Guar flowers are collected in dense short brushes with small bracts. Corolla of a pale lilac shade.

The fruits of the plant are polyspermous, ribbed beans, up to 10 cm long.

Guar seeds are shiny, round, flattened.

Guar beans contain endosperm, which is high in polysaccharides galactomannans, mannose and galactose.

The main operations associated with the processing of beans are cleaning, sorting, dehumidification, splitting and separation of endosperm, grinding and cleaning of the powder.

Depending on the further use, it is cleaned with alcohol or other means to prevent the growth of bacteria.

general description

Guar gum has a very high water absorption capacity and rapidly increases its viscosity even in cold water. This property allows it to swell 10-20 times!

When combined with liquid, guar gum thickens to form a gel-like texture that is generally well maintained under moderate changes in temperature or pressure.

Another unique property of guar gum is that it is insoluble in oils, fats, hydrocarbons, ketones and esters, so it is convenient to use to stabilize fatty foods.

The use of this additive is very wide, it can be found in food, household or cosmetic products, for example:

  • Guar gum adds texture, thickness, and / or viscosity to soups or stews.
  • Binds together ingredients in yogurt, ice cream and other dairy products.
  • Prevents the separation of solid particles in dressings.
  • Prevents coagulation or separation of ingredients found in vegetable milk (flax, almond, coconut, soy, etc.).
  • Helps slow the absorption of glucose (sugar) from food intake.
  • As part of shampoos or conditioners, it moisturizes the hair. Also keeps the texture of the lotions from changing by keeping the oils in place.
  • Forms a gel-like consistency in cosmetics used on hair or body.
  • Adds thickness to toothpastes.
  • Used in laxatives and helps treat constipation.
  • Keeps ingredients in medicines or dietary supplements bound and non-separable.

How to choose and where to buy guar gum

Guar gum is marketed as a thickener and binder in gluten-free ingredients for baking and cooking. It is usually packaged as a loose, light powder that comes in a variety of textures, from coarse to fine.

If you decide to purchase guar, look for a fine powder, as it is better quality, swells better, absorbs water and holds texture when baked.

Guar gum can be found in stores that specialize in natural foods and nutritional supplements, and can also be purchased online.

How to store guar gum

When stored properly, guar gum can have a long shelf life: its properties remain unchanged for 12-18 months. It should be packed in bags / containers protected from moisture and stored in a cool dry place away from heat and sunlight.

Chemical composition

Edible guar gum usually contains about 80% galactomannan, 5-6% protein (protein), 8-15% water, 2.5% crude fiber, 0.5-0.8% ash and a small amount of lipids, consisting mainly of free and esterified vegetable fatty acids.

Chemically, guar gum is a plant polysaccharide formed by galactose and mannose.

The beneficial properties of guar gum

  • Guar gum is one of the popular binder gums in most gluten-free baking recipes. It can be used in place of wheat flour. It works by keeping water and air in place, making gluten-free doughs less crumbly or falling apart. Guar gum is an easy way to make crispy breads, muffins, pizzas if you have a gluten intolerance.
  • It prevents ingredients (including fats and oils) from separating. If you plan on making probiotic-rich homemade kefir or yogurt, guar gum comes in handy for thickening and maintaining a uniform texture. The same goes for homemade fruit sorbet, ice cream, almond or coconut milk.
  • The high carbohydrate content of guar gum means that it is poorly digestible and also swells in the digestive tract, which makes you feel fuller. For this reason, it is often used as a bulking agent for foods, laxatives and weight loss aids.
  • Studies have shown that guar foods increase the feeling of fullness, which can help you eat significantly less food, slow down the digestion of food, and even reduce the absorption of cholesterol. Guar gum increases the viscosity in the intestines, which slows down the rate of absorption of carbohydrates and stimulates the production of bile.
  • Guar gum reduces the absorption of glucose (sugar) and normalizes cholesterol, which is very beneficial for diabetics or those with high cholesterol levels. Eating soluble fiber has been shown to help lower cholesterol, and guar is an effective way to get more of it in your diet.
  • Guar gum is a water-soluble type of fiber (dietary fiber) that works in the same way as psyllium husk, chicory, or inulin to reduce the rate at which sugar is absorbed in the small intestine after a meal. Studies have shown mixed results regarding its antidiabetic properties, but it appears to have a mild positive effect that helps avoid spikes in blood sugar.
  • Guar treats or prevents constipation and is included in laxatives as it adds bulk to the stool, which helps to improve intestinal motility.

Contraindications (harm) of guar gum

Despite its benefits, in high doses, guar gum can be harmful and in some cases even life threatening. Always use guar in moderation - no more than 20 grams per day.

Here are some of the side effects:

  • Consuming guar in large quantities in any form, including diet pills, can cause constipation, choking, or obstruction of the esophagus or intestines due to the persistent gel-like consistency of the material when in contact with water.
  • Consuming too much of this substance causes gastrointestinal problems, especially if you are not used to eating fiber. Abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea, as well as excess gas (flatulence) may occur. Gas problems will go away if you continue to take guar gum.
  • Consuming guar gum powder significantly reduces the absorption of antioxidant carotenoids such as beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein, and also decreases drug absorption.
  • Some forms of guar gum contain up to 10% soy protein, so soy allergy sufferers should avoid products containing this ingredient.
  • Certain diet pills containing guar gum have been banned in Australia due to potential harm, and the Cal-Ban 3000 brand has been banned in the United States.

The possible harm of guar gum during pregnancy and lactation has not yet been studied, so you should refrain from taking it during this period, at least in large quantities. There are also no studies of the effect on the body of young children.

Guar gum E412 as a food additive - dangerous or not?

Chemical emulsifiers, which are often found in many foods, have recently been linked to health problems including colon cancer. One of the potential dangers is that they can alter healthy gut microflora.

Most of the emulsifiers of concern are heavily treated with chemicals and therefore differ from guar gum.

E412 is not hazardous when consumed in normal amounts, this food supplement is officially approved and approved for addition to products, including organic and cosmetics.

How to use guar gum in cooking

Guar gum is used in gluten-free cooking to bind, thicken and emulsify gluten-free ingredients and is popular with those on the Ducan diet.

Guar gum is added to dishes instead of flour or cornstarch. If not added to gluten-free foods, they will end up like a bunch of crumbs.

It is a good food thickener and is nearly eight times more potent than cornstarch.

Guar tends to clump. To combat this, sprinkle it on your food evenly, stirring constantly.

Here are a few ways in which you can apply guar gum at home:

  • Add a small amount to almond milk or other dairy substitutes for thickening.
  • When making a sauce, marinade, or gravy, if you want a low-calorie, low-fat meal, consider adding guar gum for a creamy texture.
  • Try guar in gluten-free recipes such as pancakes, muffins, pizza, or bread.

How much guar gum to add

1 teaspoon guar gum = 5 grams

For baked goods, it is recommended to add the following amount of guar gum to 1 cup of flour:

  • Cookies: ¼ to ½ teaspoon.
  • Cakes and pancakes: ¾ tsp.
  • Instant muffins and bread: ¾ tsp
  • Bread: 1.5 to 2 tsp
  • Pizza dough: 1 tablespoon.

For other dishes for 1 liter of liquid you need to put:

  • For hot foods (gravies, stews, sauces): 1-3 tsp.
  • For cold foods (salad dressing, ice cream, puddings): about 1-2 tsp.

For soups, use about 2 tsp. for 250 ml of liquid.

If you are adding guar gum instead of flour, use one-sixteenth of what is required in the recipe, for example:

  • 2 tbsp. l. flour replace 3/8 tsp. guar gum.
  • ¼ glasses of flour = ¾ tsp guar gum.

If you are replacing cornstarch as a thickener in your dish, use an eighth of what you need:

  • Instead of 2 tbsp. l. starch, take ¾ tsp. guar gum.
  • ¼ cup is equal to 1 ½ tsp. resin.

How to replace guar gum

Guar gum is often described as a healthy alternative to gluten (gluten), however, sometimes the question arises as to how it can be replaced. Here are some of the very natural substitutes for guar gum:

  • Chia seeds - their use in baked goods is now more and more popular among health food lovers. Chia seeds are often added to enhance the nutritional value of cakes or cookies, and are also very good as a binder.
  • Psyllium husk is a common dietary supplement due to its soluble dietary fiber. It is very good for digestion and can lower cholesterol levels. Surprisingly, psyllium husk also works as a binder and improves the quality of baked goods.
  • Agar agar is a vegan alternative to gelatin. It is made from seaweed and is a common dietary supplement. Like gelatin and guar gum, agar agar is a thickening, gelling and binding agent.

You've probably heard, and probably met this name in recipes - gum! Guar, xanthan, etc.

Let's figure out what it is, and how this mysterious ingredient can be of interest to us, duches!

Gum on the Ducan diet. What is it and what is it eaten with?

Since we are interested in the application in the food field, we will talk about this.

Gums are natural products obtained from plant materials. Gum is a thick, quickly hardening sap that appears on the surface of trees. In fact, this is a completely natural product.

The most common and famous are three types of gum:

xanthan gum

-guar gum

- carob gum (beans)

Where is it used?

All gums are nutritional supplements. They belong to the group of stabilizers. We can find their designations on almost any packaging in every product group of food products.

These gums are designated by numbers:

E 412 - guar gum

E 415 - xanthan gum

E 410 - locust bean gum

What is the difference between gums and their properties?

Guar gum

Obtained from the juice of Indian acacia.

Indian pea (guar) pods - raw material for the production of guar gum

Guar gum is a thickener and stabilizer used in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. It has a neutral taste and low calorie content.
The main property is to swell and create very viscous solutions in hot and cold water. It is the most economical thickener and stabilizer in the food industry today.

It is believed that it is practically not absorbed in the intestines and helps to reduce appetite and very effectively reduce the level of cholesterol and saturated fat in the body.

Used in the production of sauces, yoghurts, ice cream

Xanthan gum

It is obtained by the vital activity of the bacteria Campestris Xanthomonas

Xanthan gum is also used as a thickener and stabilizer in foods. It dissolves well in water, milk, sugar and salt solutions, and creates a viscous consistency.

Used in the production of drinks, instant concentrates, frozen foods, dairy products (yoghurts, cream, cheeses), glazes, meat products, dietary products

Locust bean gum

Derived from Mediterranean Acacia Pods

Carob pods

Locust bean gum does not dissolve in cold water, so dissolution must take place during heating. Retains the taste and aroma of food.

It is used in the preparation of ice cream and various frozen desserts (including dairy ones), cream cheeses, sauces, in the baking industry.

Why is gum interesting to us?

From my own experience, I can say: Gum is not at all an integral part of the “ducan” product set.

For making ice cream, it is better to take xanthan gum - ice crystallization will be slower

For the preparation of mayonnaise, it is also better to use xanthan gum. It gives the best density

You can choose either guar or xanthan gum for your milkshake

For sauces, toppings, you can use guar gum. However, many of my experiments suggest that guar gum gives a "soapy" taste.

- For custards, xanthan gum is best, although locust bean gum will do.

So, for myself, I came to the conclusion - if you want to use only one of the listed gums, and not purchase everything, XANTHAN gum is more universal. .

So. Pros of gums.

-All of the above gums are approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation!

-on the Ducan diet, gum is not considered DOP

- can be used at any stage of the diet, starting with Attack

- used as a thickener

- can be used instead of starch in custards, etc.

- best for making sauces, creams, milkshakes, ice cream.

- does not have its own specific taste and smell

- can be added as a thickener to vegetable pancakes, minced meat, etc.

-thanks to the use of gum, you can reduce the number of DOPs

Cons of gums

- inaccessibility. Can be found either in specialized health food stores, in online health food stores

- some people may have an allergic reaction (contraindications can usually be found on the Internet)

That's probably all about gum and its use in our diet. I hope this article was useful to you.

Good luck with losing weight!

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I talk about allowed foods, changes in the stages of the diet, new recipes for main dishes and sweets, share my experience of losing weight and answer questions. There are also mailings about discounts on my cakes.

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Lyrical digression ... Let's be patient and ask a hundred people what they know about guar gum? If at least one of them can tell at least something about this substance, then consider that we are lucky) But oh benefits of yogurt everyone knows. Any child and adult will say without hesitation that it is healthy and pleasant to the taste, improves digestion and eliminates hunger.

An interesting paradox arises: the fermented milk product is familiar to everyone, and at the same time about guar gum, which is one of the most important components, nobody knows.

A mental journey to distant India will help us fill this annoying gap. This is where it grows pea tree which the local aborigines call Guar... From its fruits one gets valuable gum... It is not only actively used in the food industry, but is also an important component of many natural cosmetics.

The biological composition and beneficial properties of guar gum

Guar gum - vegetable polysaccharide, the main components of which are two substances: mannose and galactose. In addition to them, the fruits of the pea tree contain valuable fatty acid... The gum is a hydrocolloid by its structure. In a language understandable to a common man, this means that when cold or hot water is added to it, a viscous gel, which has a whole range of useful medicinal and cosmetic properties.

Guar gum - vegetable absorbent... It frees the blood from harmful cholesterol and cleanses the intestines of toxins and slag blockages. Thanks to the work of this natural substance, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced - the main culprit of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, weakening of memory and vision.

Pea gum reduces appetite, therefore it is used as a safe remedy to combat excess weight. Anyone who is familiar with the uncontrollable craving for the refrigerator during a diet will be able to get rid of bouts of hunger thanks to the help of the pea tree.

In addition, guar gum reduces the absorption of sugar-containing substances from the intestines. Due to this property, it is used as an adjuvant for the treatment and prevention of diabetes.

Guar gum is recognized by medicine as a good physiologically laxative drug. Therefore, anyone who suffers from frequent constipation can safely use this substance to solve their problems.

Summing up all that has been said, we will compose a home recipe from "Dr. Guar" for such diseases and disorders:




Cleansing and healing the body

So, if in the composition of food products, such as yogurt or confectionery, we see guar gum, then now we know that we should not be afraid of this mysterious ingredient. It’s something, but you can’t call it “chemistry”.

Gum gum - the "secret material" for home cosmetics

In addition to the food industry, guar gum is widely used. in perfumery and cosmetic production.

It's very simple - guar gum is not only an excellent gelling agent, but also a stabilizer for various multicomponent emulsions, making it possible not to use various emulsifiers.

Without sufficient hydration, our skin suffers and begins to ache. Guar gum is an excellent moisturizer that creates on the face protective film... Therefore, they like to add it in small quantities (no more than 0.5%) to the compositions of homemade gels, creams, shampoos and soaps.

In addition to retaining precious moisture, guar gum is excellent cleanses the skin, freeing it from dead cells and traces of the "breath" of the big city. The action of this substance will be especially appreciated by people with dry, irritated and flaky skin.

Guar gum - excellent thickener and stabilizer... With its help, you can give home cosmetics any desired consistency. It is very easy to adjust the thickness of a cream, gel, conditioner or soap. For this, the content of the gum in the composition is changed in the range of 0.1 to 0.5%.

The ideal solvent for guar gum is glycerin. First, dissolve the gum in glycerin, and then add the aqueous part (water or hydrolat).

Without the use of glycerin, you can also make a gel by mixing gum and water (hydrolate), but lumps may form, in which case they will need to be removed. Guar gum dissolves equally well in hot and cold water. The maximum density of the solution is observed after 2-3 hours (in cold water).

Pea gum is inert to natural solvents (fats and oils) used in home cosmetics and does not change their properties.

For example, consider homemade moisturizing gel composition... To prepare 200 grams of this product, we need:

Guar gum - 1 gr.

Chamomile hydrolat - 190 ml

Vegetable glycerin or glycerin extract of herbs (chamomile, lavender and other herbs) 10 ml

The gel is prepared in the following way:

Weigh the required amount of guar gum and place in a container with glycerin. Stir, then leave the mixture until the gum is completely dissolved for 15-30 minutes, stirring occasionally, then add hydrolat to it and mix thoroughly again until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Stir the gel based on guar gum gently with a stick or spoon (if with a mixer, then at the lowest speed, do not beat!), Then pour the gel into a cosmetic bottle.

It is advisable to store freshly prepared gel in the refrigerator. The effect of this cosmetic product is complex: chamomile hydrolate tightens large pores and evens out complexion, glycerin and gum retain moisture, protecting the skin from drying out.

Other gels can be made according to this recipe, taking hydrolates of various herbs as a basis. And by adding emulsifier and oils to the recipe, you can make wonderful homemade creams.

By mixing guar gel with an organic soap base, you can create a wonderful hair shampoo, liquid soap, or shower gel. When using guar gum in hair products (shampoos, masks, conditioners), we provide the necessary hydration and conditioning of the hair, its smoothness and silkiness.

Contraindications guar gum does not have it, as it is a natural and safe substance.

Be healthy and beautiful! Use only natural ingredients in food and cosmetics!

There have already been several great articles on this topic in society, but today I want to summarize my experience of using several substances from these groups that have not yet been written about. I apologize in advance to the respected members of the community if I missed something somewhere and wrote it is incomprehensible.
The group of thickeners includes many substances.
I'll tell you about gums today, Arrowroot and lecithin.

Comedy Gums have been used as thickeners / emulsifiers / stabilizers / gelling agents for a long time and successfully.
If you look at the composition of many food products, cosmetic preparations, then, for sure, you will come across such names - X anthan gum, Guar gum.
What are their advantages - they are available, inexpensive, act at different values ​​of the acid-base state of the environment ( pH ), perfectly tolerate freezing and heating.
Since I am often faced with the task of making the maximum number of homemade dishes in a short time without compromising their composition and taste, I had to call for help from the achievements of modern chemistry. It is possible that this is not Haute cuisine, but I know that I will not give up using all these substances in my kitchen.
I used to buy gums in an online store in England, now you can find it in our stores in the section of components for gluten-free baking (you just need to read carefully the composition of the powders, not their names).
Xanthan gum and guar gum are light cream-colored powders that form lumps when dissolved, but are easily broken with a mixer.
The approximate dosage is from 0.5 tsp. up to an incomplete teaspoon per 1 glass of liquid or 0.5-1% of the weight of the dish.
For me, this substance has become just a "magic wand" - any dish can be thickened in a matter of minutes without heating. In addition, it gives unlimited scope for making all kinds of desserts and sauces.
In particular, I do not need to buy mayonnaise and there is no need to use raw eggs (in principle, I never use them in cooking without further heat treatment).
Here's a basic homemade mayonnaise - 1 tsp. mustard, 1 tbsp. oil (grape seed, or olive, or sunflower - to taste) 1 tbsp. wine vinegar, 0.5 tsp. sugar, salt, pepper - to taste, 1/3 tsp. gums - mix in a small container and lightly beat with a hand blender into a homogeneous sauce. Such mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5-7 days without the danger of food poisoning, it does not stratify during storage.
Fast homemade chocolate - I prepare a mixture of chopped chocolate (milk or bitter) 50 g + good Dutch cocoa 2 tablespoons in advance. + granulated sugar -2-4 tbsp., 1 tsp. gums. Keep the powder in a tightly closed jar. I put this mixture in a cup 1-2 tablespoons. and pour it with hot milk while stirring - an amazingly tasty thick chocolate drink is obtained. You can add vanilla, chocolate or coffee liqueur as desired, and you can adjust the degree of sweetness / bitterness to your liking.
As an example of a dessert, if you cook pears in red wine, then there is no need to evaporate the syrup for a long time and tediously - you simply thicken it with gum (hot or cold).
Here is a dessert made in a matter of minutes: sweet currant juice, whipped to form a persistent gel-like foam with guar gum and a few drops of calcium chloride solution.

Great for making homemade ice cream.
In addition, they have proven themselves perfectly when making quick cosmetic masks at home - a little vegetable / fruit puree / sour cream - a little gum - you have a wonderful and effective mask that you can spread on your face and it will not slip while you rush around the kitchen ...

Arrowroot - a vegetable component, used in the same way and in the same dosages as starch. Its advantage is the absence of starchy aftertaste in the finished product and is much more effective in thickening acidic substrates (for example, filling for sour cherry or rhubarb pie).

The most famous natural emulsifier is egg yolk due to its high lecithin content.
You will not find a single chocolate bar in which lecithin as an emulsifier is not mentioned in the components.
Why are emulsifiers important - they prevent the smallest droplets of fat from sticking together into large ones - thus, the fat droplets are evenly distributed throughout the entire product, which has a very positive effect on its texture and taste.
It can be purchased from health food stores as a dietary supplement. It looks like yellow granules, readily soluble.
I use it on many occasions when I need to create a good stable fat / water emulsion - sauces, minced meat for sausages and cutlets.
Recently I conducted an experiment - in conditions of temporary time pressure, instead of long and tedious whipping butter and sugar for dough - I quickly mixed the butter and sugar with my hands, then added 1 tsp. lecithin granules and quickly beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth. Then I began to add eggs to the mixture one at a time and nothing "cut off" for me - as it usually happens when the butter is not beaten enough with sugar. The finished product was plump and soft.
I want to mention this aspect - emulsions from vegetable oils with lecithin, thickened with gum, are the basis for baking excellent light and dietary pastries at home. In general, the use of gums allows you to make culinary products more dietary, while minimally affecting the taste of the finished product.
In conclusion, for a very long time I would like to test in practice the use of alginates and carrageenans to obtain new amazing textures (like in Heston Blumenthal and Ferrran Adrija), but so far this is only a dream, it is in the plans for the future ...