Watch what is "DISMAS" in other dictionaries. Robber prudent, sv

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Watch what is "DISMAS" in other dictionaries. Robber prudent, sv

[Greek. Ϫίσμας; Lat. Dismas], the name of the evangelsk good robber (MF 27. 38; MK 15. 27; LK 23. 33, 39-43) (see iconography in Art. Primary robber) in apocryphal and zap. Late environments. (Agiographic and liturgical) traditions. The names of D. for a good robber and, accordingly, the gesto for the evil is first found in the apocryphic nicodemic of the Gospel (verses 9-10) (V c. According to R. Kh.) Name options were several, but these names were the most common. Under the name D. Good Robber entered the Martyrologist Catholic. Churches. Widespread reading D. in Zap. Europe begins with con. XI century, when after the 1st Crusade (1096-1099), one of the places of pilgrimage was der. Latrun near Emmaus, K-Paradise due to the conservation of the lat. The word Latro (robber) was considered the native village of a good robber. In medieval. Testiments of pilgrims It is called the "Kastrum Boni Latronis" castle. The cross of a good robber was in Cyprus, from where he in the XIV century. Was moved to Bologna, in C. Saints Vitaly and Agrikola (Santi Vital Egrikola).

D.N. In the worship of the good robber, it was gained by consumed in the "catalog of saints" (Natalibus. Catss. III 228) Peter Natalis (XIV century), popular in late Middle Ages. Card. Caesar Baroni in Con. XVI in. He wrote about the wide distribution of the reading of D., in the name of the swarm were consecrated by MN. Altari. Nevertheless, in view of the apocryphal origin of this name, Baroni introduced to the Roman martyrologist, the memory of a good robber for March 25, without behalf, as in most manuscripts of the martyrologist Uzaard. From the XV century The service with 9 readings is preserved in honor of D. in Campersky Breedani (Brittany). How can you judge early printed publications Martyrologist Uzaard with additions (XVI century), such services took place in other diostezes of the Roman Catholic Church, in particular in Brugge (Flanders), but their samples were not preserved. Such services, apparently, were withdrawn from local braveiars in con. XVI century, which is associated with the general trend of refusing to use the name of D. in relation to good robber. Pope Sikst V (1585-1590) gave the privilege of the liturgical honoring of a good robber (Unnamed) Order of Mercedarians. In 1724, the same right was given by the Congregation of the worship of the Cognizable Workers Congregation (PII Operarii), whose special patron was considered a kind robber.

In the present The time of reading D. is preserved only in the forms of people's pity in the south of Italy, for example. In Gallipoli (region. Apulia), where a good robber is considered to be their heavenly patron (Fusconi. Col. 600).

East: Actass. Mart. T. 3. P. 543; Martrom. P. 110 SQ.; Syncp. Col. 555.

Lit.: Fusconi C. M. BUON LADRONE // BIBLSS. Vol. 3. Col. 596-600; Bessi è res a. LE BON LARRON ST. Dismas: SA VIE, SA Mission, etc. P., 1937; GLI APOCRIFI DEL NUOVO TESTAMENTO / A CURA DI M. ERBETTA. Torino, 1981. Vol. 1: Vangeli. Pt. 2. P. 108-109, 244-245.

D. V. Zaitsev

Nowadays, the opinion on the option of baptism for salvation is quite widely extended. At the same time, various "boundary value problems" are solved in favor of this maxima of modern revisionism: what is the fate of dead unresolved babies; How to escape V.Z. righteous; As included in the kingdom of martyrs, not included in the sacrament entry into the church; Why is the robber delight to paradise, - after all, he was not baptized?

Not at all in favor of the leaving roots of revisionism tells the citizen of the Church. The fate of unprecedented babies clearly expressed the thought of the teacher of the church sv. Gregory Theologian: "They will not have the righteous judge, neither glorified nor punished. For any unworthy punishment is worthy and honor. Equally, as not any unworthy of honor, worthy of punishment" (Word on SV bapt.).

Old Testament Righteousness from Hell brought Christ, on the eve of his resurrection: "He came to hell to delete from there the saints contained there" (Tolesky Cathedral 625. See Bruns H.Canones Apostolorum Et Conciliorum Veterum Selecti. Berlin, 1839. T.1.p. 221 ..).

Martyrs entered the kingdom through baptism of blood: "Whoever does not accept baptism, that salvation does not have, except for only martyrs, who and without water receive the kingdom of heaven. For the Savior, Having atecious the Universe of the Cross, and it was pierced in the rib, made blood and water from him in order to someone in the days of the world were baptized with water. , Others during the persecutions were baptized with their own blood. Yes, and the martyrdom, the Savior called the baptism, saying: "Can I drink a bowl that I drink, and baptized with the baptism, which I am baptized?" (MK 10:38). And the martyrs are aware of this, Working out by a spectacle for the world, and angels, and people ... ",- explains sv. Kirill Jerusalem. (Occupational teaching 3rd)

But in relation to the robber, it is impossible to say that his cross is the cross of the holy sacrifice and that he is baptized with his blood, because he was not a cruel execution for the confession of Christ, but for passionate and criminal life: "cross primary robber There is a cross of cleansing yourself from passions, and the Cross of the Lord is the cross of the victim's pure and immaculate" , - notes SVT. FEOFAN NASTPER B. "Sermons for a casponic week".
What do we know today about this robber?
In the apocryphic gospel of Nicodemus the names of the crucified robbers are given. Unreasonable robber, who was left of the Savior, called Gestas (Gestas), prudent robber right hand From Christ - Diyman (Dismas). In medieval Visantine old Russian tradition The prudent robber is called Rachi (Barbarian - Vary - RAH). Rev. John Districhnik remembers the prudent robber in order to pious edification:

"Will beware of condemning the sinners, if you always remember that Judas was in the cathedral of the students of Christ, and the robber among the killers; but in an instant there was a wonderful change ... the court of God was unknown to people. Some clearly fell into great breeds, but great virtues Made secretly; and those who loved to make them deceased, chasing the smoke and not seeing the sun "(Sotic)

St. John Zlatoust, PRP. Ephraim SirinOther fathers church testifies that the repellent robber first entered the paradise:

"I will not leave the attention of this robber and will not seem to take as a teacher who our Lord did not want to introduce the first to paradise" (St. John Zlatoust. Conversation 1 About the Cross and Rogue);

"So, she showed his abundant mercy of his, according to which the faith at the same hour took from the robber, instead, he gave him immeasurable gifts, he poured his treasures before him, immediately moved him to heaven and put his introduced (in paradise ) Over the treasures of your own. "With me, you will be in paradise of desire." So, paradise opened a robber, and not by any of their righteous. Paradise, closed by righteous adam, after he became a criminal, (and) was open to the criminal who won "

Salvation of the robber, of course, a marvelous and mysterious event in the history of the housing of salvation. "In truth, the wondrous and terrible sacrament: for the post-hanging on the cross will instantly smoke in the paradise - the robber elects the satellite in his procession of Christ; one introduces to heaven, there is no other. Why didn't it be like that? This prudent robber did not anticipate the paradise from his temper from his own Comrade (Socio), that is, crucified from the crucifago obeda? By no means so, but these few words are the obstacles of the Lord, probably in the kingdom of yours, - he rather got the desired than he asked, because of the rivers (him Christ): I wondered in paradise. Obviously, paradise could not be kidnapped by the way of robbers, for the hands of predators do not reach Paradise. No, in a crucified robber, I learned undoubtedly God, and for my appeal of faith was called to paradise, and I did not see him from the Lord. " - Speaks in the Word about the prudent robber apologist an ancient church, St. Aristide philosopher.

It is important to note that the New Testament baptism at the time of the death of the robber has not yet been established by Christ, only before the most ascension of the Lord will send students to "baptize all the peoples" (Matthew 28: 19) and the apostles will begin to baptize the descent of the Holy Spirit, and before the approval of this sacrament, of course , not effective and imperative necessity of baptism. But, nevertheless, sch. Tradition to edification on the importance of the sacrament says about the accomplishment of the baptism of the robber.

Already in the ancient patristic works we see references to this. So, sVMR. Cyprian Carthaginskywrites:

"At the same time, some (as if human wisdom, they can abolish the truth of the Gospel sermon) exhibit against us announced and ask: if any of them, before you have time to be baptized in the church, will be captured for the confession of the name and killed, then if such must lose the hope of salvation and the award of confession because not yet revived before the water? Yes, it will be led by such favorables and defenders of heretics, that those announced, firstly, contain a clean faith and the truth of the church and to win the devil from the Divine and the sincere knowledge of the god of Father, Christ and the Holy Spirit; and secondly, they and The sacraments of baptism are not deprived, as people, baptized with the sorry and greatest baptism of blood. , about which the Lord spoke: the baptism should be baptized; And how I tombs, while this is done! (LK 12, 50). And what Breeding in nature and sanctified by suffering achieve perfection and receive the grace of divine promise, it shows the same Lord in the Gospel, when he speaks the robber, a believer and confessing in the suffering itself, that he will be with him in paradise (see: LK 23, 43)". (Svet. Cyprian Carthaginsky. Letter Yubayan)

This also writes one of the best Eksegeets of the IV century "Syrian Prophet" pS Efrem, specifying that the robber is not baptized with its blood:

"Since Jews chose a robber and repelled Christ, God chose a robber and turned them down. But where is the (said):" If anyone does not accept my flesh, does not have life "(Wed: In.6: 53)? Word Apostle: "We, we, having broken in Christ, were baptized into death" (Rom.6: 3), - explains that the robber received a sprinkling of sins absolution through the sacrament of water and blood expired from the Boc of Christ. "With me," says, "you will be in paradise of desire" (PRP. Efrem Sirin. Interpretation on a four-year. Gl.20).

Other church lamp, - sv. John Zlatoustit confirms that the robber is baptized by the blood of the Lord:

"So, do not doubt the lover: the grace of God is perfect; the place does not hinder, here are you baptized, or on the ship, or on the way. Philip baptized during the way, Paul - in Uzakh; Christ baptized the robber on the cross from his woundAnd he immediately honored to reject the doors of Paradise. So, nothing overshadows my joy and admire when returning to you " (T3.KN2. 4. Therefore, about the return of St. John from Asia to Constantinople).

In the next Omiil, the topic of interest is more deeply and in detail:

"God's god, a committee of salvation! As the forefather of our Adam, he had been out of Paradise not for many of the simplers, but for one murder, so on the weights of the truth was the promise of the robber - to enter the paradise not for many of those confessions, but for one Confession of faith. I said that the sin of Adam was that he touched the treasure to the tree; what was the robber justification? He entered the paradise for the fact that the cross was touched. What followed next?

The robber was promised by the Savior Salvation; Meanwhile, it was not possible to fulfill his faith and enlightened (baptism), and it was said: "Who will not be born from the water and the Spirit, can not enter the kingdom of God" (John 3: 5), not The case, nor the opportunity, was not for the robber and the time to be baptized, because he hung on the cross. The Savior However, found a way out of this hopeless position.

Since I believed in the Savior, a man deserved sins, and it was necessary to cleanse him, then Christ made it so that after suffering, one of the warriors pierced the edge of the Lord and the blood and water expired from it; From the edge of him, says the evangelist, "the blood and water immediately expired" (John 19:34), in confirmation of the truth of his death and in the conversion of the sacraments.

And blood and water came out - not just leaked, but with noise, so that splashed to the body of the robber; After all, when water comes out with noise, it produces splashes, and when it flows slowly, it goes quietly and calmly. But from the edge, blood and water came out with noise, so he was baptized on the robber and he was baptized, as the apostle says: we have begun "to Mount Zion and to the blood of kropsy, speaking better than Aveleva" (Heb. 12: 22.24).

Why does the blood of Christ say better to Aveleva? While Abel's blood fell on the chapter of his killer, the blood of Christ cleans and the killers of the rest. Learn from here Jealousy to Truth and Love Couping for Christ; Follow the True Teacher who hung over the truth to be hearing from the Apostle Paul: "Be imitatives to me as I Christ" (1 Cor. 11: 1), you yourself honored the crowns of the truth and those eternal benefits that Christ gave our God all Love it. Yes, they will advise them and we are all, grace and humans of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, to whom Glory and Power, now and are dreaming, and forever. Amen" (About jealousy and piety, and about the debris, T.8, Part 2,! In the "Creation of St. John of Zlatoust" attributed to the section Spuria!).

It is worth noting that this thought was adopted in the Russian Theological Tradition with reference to the fathers of antiquity . Svet Dimitri Rostovsky In the word on the Epiphany, the Lord speaks of a prudent robber:

"Where did these spiritual chicks for the grain of love come from? Not from the water of the baptism in which they were baptized into death? Let's listen to St. Anastasia Sinaita 7, which is about the prudent robber, for whom the water has expired from the ribs of Christ became the water of baptism, Says: "To the birds (i.e., to heavenly spirits) flew out of the life-giving water, which has expired from all the birds of the Holy Rogue, inflaming the air into the air in the birds along with the king - Christ."

As you can see Rostov saint says not about the blood, but expired from the ribs of the Savior of the water, which became for the robber of water of baptism (we see this idea and pS Ephraim Sirina), and sVT. Dimitri In this case refers to the certificate sv. Anastasia Sinaita.

So, the inconsistency of the arguments of the refusal of the sacrament, relying on "boundary questions" about salvation. And, without any doubt, at the designation of the Holy Spirit, baptism is necessary for salvation, as the Lord himself is evidenced by (MK.16: 16).

In great heels

Metropolitan Tashkent and Central Asian Vladimir (Okam)

And Jesus said: Remember me, Lord, when you attain your kingdom!
(Lux. 23:42)

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Beloved about the Lord Brothers and Sisters!

So this mournful, saturated with experiences day. The Lord Our Jesus Christ crucified on the cross, suffers and suffers the flour for the sinful genus human. And we mentally tolerate there, in Calvary, we are standing among the mocking and mocking crowd, full of pain, compassion and consciousness of our own impotence because nothing can be done ...

The Son of God, who took over the sins of the world, crucified on the cross between the two robbers. The authorities were deliberately made to add humiliation to the Jewish people to add to the Jewish people to put Christ in one row with sealing criminals. After all, the crucifixion on the cross was punished only for the greatest crimes. And, probably, those that are crucified now next to the Lord were worthy of such a severe punishment. Here the warriors swear and mock the Savior, saying: If you are the king of Jewish, save yourself! (Lux. 23:37). They are supported by one of the hanged villains, gloating through his own flour: if you are Christ, save yourself and us (Lux. 23:39). But how does another robber behave? Initially, he was tuned against the Lord Jesus Christ. But this unrighteous person to the depths of the soul struck the prayer of the Savior for the cunt. When the warriors, fulfilling the order, navigated the hands and feet of Christ, then he appealed to the father of heaven, praying for forgiveness not for himself, but for the enemies and painters of his own: Father! Forgive them, for they do not know what they do (Lux 23:34). And then the robber felt how great Jesus Christ was righteous with him, as far as he was merciful and human-loving! Everything turned over in the soul of a desperate sinner, he repented of atrocities from all his heart. Only that he had his soul to know all the goodness and deity of the Lord. Delivered by the prayer of the Savior, the robber, who, perhaps, did he pouter him in the soul, now he recognized Christ to the True king and therefore, he strongly stolen the mouth with another crucified villain, saying: Or are you not afraid of God, when and sentenced to the same? And we are condemned fairly, because our decent on business accepted; And he didn't do anything thin (Lux. 23: 40-41) . How much compassion, how much sympathy and pity in these simple words!

The prudent robber fully recognized his responsibility to God and people for the deed crimes, but he understood well that next to him, for nothing, the sinless Jesus Christ was suffering, a person who was only welcome. Belief in the Lord in the heart of the robber has increased with such a force that he himself was ready to immediately suffer for Christ to help this unusual crucified sufferer. But, alas, he hung himself on the cross and could not alleviate the flour of the sinless gentlemen. And then from the whole of the soul he said the robber to the Savior: Remember me, Lord, when you attain your kingdom! (Lux. 23:42). The voice of a repentant sinner was the only one while in Calvary voice, which testified to the innocence of the Son of Human. And look, brothers and sisters, in what atmosphere the robber was not afraid to declare this truth. He shouted about the innocence of Christ in the presence of Pharisees and scribes, high priests and elders. Did not be afraid of anyone! It was not frightened that he could be subjected to even more serious torment.

We do not know whether the prudent robber has heard the sermon of our Lord Jesus Christ, whether his acts witnessed. But the words of this person suggest that he sincerely believed in the Savior as in the True Messiah. And even the fact that a crucified next to him on the Cross of Christ, like ordinary people, underwent suicide flour at that moment, did not shake the faith of a prudent robber. He did not doubt that next to him - really the king of Israel, who will definitely restore his kingdom. It was this faith that gave rise to a unlimited public repentance in the heart of a prudent robber, when he admitted to all people, he deserved a serious punishment. In the prudent robber there is no Ropot, he has come tortured, dirty in the soul and prepared to take death. Knowing that the Lord can create any miracle, the robber still does not ask Christ to save him from shameful executionBut he asks the Son of God about prayer and mercy, asks him to remember him in the kingdom of heaven. Just remember - and that's it! Greater tilting in currently The robber and not necessary, if only the righteous of Christ prayed, remembered him, the desperate sinner, in his eternal kingdom. The prudent robber as a result of the repentance is administered and enlightened by the Lord the coresman and therefore now believes in Christ, believes that great death For the Lord is not the end, but the run-up of a new life, the beginning of his acceleration in the kingdom of heaven. Now he knows that death has no power over the Son of God.

And what does this persisting and repentable person hear in response? And Jesus told him: I truly tell you, now you will be with me in paradise! (Luke 23:43). You will just think about the brothers and sisters, what unwarted grace awarded a prudent robber - the first together with the Lord to enter the kingdom of heaven! The first to inherit the life of the eternal!

Word " paradise"Comes from the Persian root and means" garden. " Shady gardens in hot countries are the place of rest and enjoyment. When the Persian king wanted to reward someone from his subjects, he awarded them the so-called "Order of the Garden", allowing free walks in the royal garden. It was considered a great grace in the east. Naturally, so nice to hide from the scorching sun in the shade of branchy trees, inhaling the smell of fresh greenery, relaxing near the murmur of a transparent stream. Jews compared the place of stay of the shower of righteous with paradise, with a beautiful garden, with cool and relaxation.

With the words of His Lord assured the prudent robber, that God, seeing the sincerity of repentance, forgives him all the sins, whatever they were, and therefore the soul of a repentant robber, purified by repentance from all the evil, will rejoice and piercing along with the souls of the righteous in Paradise. The Savior promised a repentable gift, even greater than immortality. He promised him to stay along with the Lord himself in the gardens of the kingdom of heaven. And such a blessed reward received a prudent robber for his faith, which even in the apostles, the nearest disciples of Christ, did not reach the proper strength!

Several pious folk legends have been preserved about the prudent robber. According to one of the legends, when the Holy Family, running away from Herod, held the way to Egypt in one place they were surrounded by robbers, and they wanted to take away the ass and slaughter property. One of the robbers managed to see the baby's face, and to the depths of the soul, the struck by the villain exclaimed: "If God gave to the ground, he could not be more beautiful than that infant." This robber did not allow comrades to touch light trails and insisted on their release. Then the Mother of God looked around with a grateful eyes and said: "This baby will repay you good reward." It was the very person whom the church calls the "robber prudent". In the apocryphal gospel of Nicodemus he was named by Dismas. In the Byzantine Old Russian tradition, it is called rah.

Beloved about the Lord Brothers and Sisters! Nothing teaches us in life better than a live example. It is not by chance that the image of the restricted robber was put by the fishing of God at the very Life-giving cross The Lord, the most solemn and great moments, when the suffering of the Divine Son, the human race was reconciled with the father of heaven. The more we look at this example of true and saving repentance, the more inspiring the faith and the hope of God's mercy. No doubt, the words of Lord Jesus tell us that it's never too late to contact him. The Lord calls to themselves, if only there was a desire for us, if only from our mouth flew out the repentant prayer of the prudent robber: a leaning me, Lord, when you attain your kingdom! Rev. Efrem Sirin writes: "Repentance is a tree of life, because he resurrects many dead sins. The time of repentance is short, the kingdom of Heaven is not the end. " And St. John Zlatoust says: "On repentance! You will go away from the ground to the sky, exceed the forces angels, become a companion of God, you get life from the treasure of God and with daring you give it to those who possess you. " Amen.

The prudent robber is one of two robbers crucified on Calvary next to Jesus Christ, according to legend, according to the right hand of the Savior) sincerely repenting during the godded torment, the robber believed in the divineness of the Savior and received from the Lord Jesus Christ the promise: "True I tell you now, now You will be with me in paradise "(bow 23: 39-43).
All four evangelists with large or smaller details are talking about two robber, crucified with Jesus Christ (MF.27: 44, MK.15: 32, In.19: 18), most full story This is driven by the evangelist Luke (LC 23: 39-43).

In the apocryphic gospel of Nicodemus the names of the crucified robbers are given. The unrepreneurship of the robber, who was left of the Savior, called the Gestas. And the other, prudent robber on the right hand from Christ is named by Dismas. In the medieval Byzantine Old Russian tradition of the prudent robber, they are called Rachi.

There is a later popular legend that it is a prudent robber who saved the life of the Mother of God and baby Jesus on the way to Egypt, when the servants of Herod killed all the babies in Judea. On the road to the city of Misir on Holy Family attacked robbers intentions. But the righteous Joseph had only a donkey on which she was sitting Holy Mother of God With his son, and the famous was small. One of the robbers has already grabbed the donkey, but having seen the baby of Christ, surprised at the extraordinary beauty of the child and exclaimed: "If God had taken a human body, it would not be more beautiful than this child!" And he commanded this robber to their companions to spare travelers. And then the Most Holy Virgin said so generous robber: "Know, for the fact that you have now saved this baby, he will pay you great awards" This robber was the rah.

Another legend otherwise transmits the meeting of the prudent robber with the Holy Family. E. in the middle of the village is described as follows: "Considered by robberies, travelers were given in their junk. There was a sick wife of one of the robbers who had an infant infant. Mother's disease seriously responded to the child. He fell in vain, he sucks a drop of milk from her exhausted breast. Our Lady saw the suffering of the child, the torment of the unfortunate mother. She approached her, took the baby to her hands and put it to her chest. And from the mysterious drop, penetrating the fading physical composition, instantly life returned to the worsen child. The cheeks were revived by the Rumyanta, the eyes of the bobbed, halfwall turned out again in a fun flowering boy. Such was the action of a mysterious drop. And in this boy remained for the whole life the memory of a wonderful wife, in whose Perseus he, dying, was healed. Life was not good for him; He went to his parents who were launched by his parents, but the spiritual thirst, the desire for the better never left this ruined life. (Assistant E. Our Lady. Description of her earthly life and miraculous icons. - M: ANO Orthodox magazine "Holiday of Christian", 2002. P.40.). Of course, this infant was the rah.

The prudent robber is remembered in the chants of the Great Friday when reading the twelve gospels: "The Robber of Prudellonga in a single hour of Raevi made an ESI, Lord", and his words on the cross were the beginning of the third antifone ("Blessed") of the liturgy and a great submission of visual: "Liturgy , believe in your kingdom.