Pedagogical characteristics of the student. Approximate characteristics of primary school students

Pedagogical characteristics of the student.  Approximate characteristics of primary school students
Pedagogical characteristics of the student. Approximate characteristics of primary school students

The characteristic for the student is a document that reflects the assessment of the psychological, social, communicative and other qualities of the student. A characteristic for a student may be required when transferring a student to a new educational institution or when enrolling in specialized circles and sections. Also, this document is often written for new teachers who want to familiarize themselves with the character of the students.

How to write a characteristic for a student

Since the student's characteristic does not belong to the category of official documents, it can be written in any form, according to the general recommendations of business letters. First, the name of the document is written on a sheet or form, followed by the main text, which should include the following information:

  • student data (name, date of birth, class of study);
  • academic performance, academic preference, degree of perseverance, favorite subjects;
  • health status, physical fitness, whether the student attends sports sections or circles;
  • hobbies and extracurricular interests (you can indicate in which circles, sections and studios the student is engaged);
  • student's family, relationship in the family;
  • the character of the student, the attitude in the class;
  • the signature of the class teacher;
  • date of writing the document.

If the characteristic is drawn up for the purpose of submission to other educational institutions, then in addition to the signature of the class teacher, the signature of the school director is also required.

The characteristics of the student can be drawn up both on the letterhead of the educational institution, and on an A4 sheet.



per student of grade 11-A

secondary school number 112 in Moscow

Sokolov Vladimir Vitalievich,

Born in 1996

Sokolov Vladimir Vitalievich has a sufficient and high level of academic performance, acquires the necessary knowledge and skills. Studies in a specialized legal class. He takes care of the constant improvement of his educational level. Has a well-developed spatial imagination. Interested in computer science. He was the winner of the city and the participant of the regional drawing tournaments. Winner of the City Olympiad in Informatics.

The general physical development of Sokolov Vladimir Vitalievich is good. Vladimir is engaged in judo wrestling. Participated in competitions of various levels. Highest achievement - III place in the European Championship. Constantly working on physical improvement.

There are no negative features of character and behavior. Conflict-free, reasonable, calm, friendly, modest. Disciplined, hardworking, responsible. He is polite with teachers. Classmates respect Vladimir. He actively participates in the social life of the class and the school, member of the student government council.

In everyday life, it is characterized only from the positive sides. Respects parents, helps them. Leads a healthy lifestyle, has no bad habits.

Sokolov Vladimir Vitalievich is brought up in a complete family. Parents are private entrepreneurs. Parents are responsible for raising their son. The best moral qualities are instilled in the guy - respect for elders, politeness, kindness and decency.

Pedagogical activity is closely related to documentation. To facilitate his work, the teacher should familiarize himself with the drawing up scheme and examples of one of the most important documents in his work - the characteristics of the student.

Why is a student's characterization compiled?

An individual approach to teaching and upbringing of the younger generation implies the study of the typological characteristics of a particular child and the creation of such conditions for his development, in which this process would take place more effectively. In the practice of the educational system, such a method of recording the individual traits of a child has been created as a student's characteristic.

This document allows the teacher himself to generalize knowledge about the growing person, to track the dynamics of his development, as well as to other people who will work with the child in the future, to receive a ready-made set of knowledge about him. A well-written description helps the person reading it to form an idea of ​​what is happening, a portrait of the child and, on this basis, prioritize work with him. Therefore, the characterization of the student as one of the main documents is often required in such cases:

  • when transferring to another educational institution;
  • to continue your studies at the next stage of education;
  • at the request of social services;
  • to work with a child of law enforcement agencies;
  • when passing the commission at the military registration and enlistment office;
  • to organize help for the child, for example, at PMPK meetings.

Characterization plan

Researchers in the field of psychology and pedagogy analyzed the characteristics that are compiled in educational institutions. It was found that such a document differed in its approach to the study of the personality of the child. So, the teachers focused on the influence on the student, on his behavior in the school environment. And psychologists - on the individual-typological differences of the child. For example, for a teacher, the manifestations of discipline and diligence in the educational process are important, for a psychologist - the child's motives. Both approaches did not fully describe the personality of the student in the specific conditions of the educational system. Therefore, it was concluded that the characteristics of a student should be built according to a certain plan (algorithm) and include the following necessary data:

  • general information about the child (what is the name, age, where he lives, period of study,;
  • educational activities;
  • behavior;
  • social labor;
  • communication;
  • individual personality traits;
  • family atmosphere and upbringing.

These items were included in the student profile map, which is completed by the teacher throughout the child's education. It not only gives a complete picture of the student's personality, but also helps in the future to draw up an objective characterization.

Student activities

The child's activities in an educational institution include several types that should be described in such a document. It:

  • learning activities (academic performance, interest, love of reading, learning achievement);
  • social activity (degree of expression, initiative, organizational inclinations, authority of the child's opinion, attitude to the role of the follower, desire to perform socially important work);
  • communicative activity, communication (popularity in a team, the presence of comrades, sociability, the ability to speak in front of an audience, openness, responsiveness, focus on the opinions of others, relationships with teachers).

The student shows how the child is adapted to the educational environment. How he assimilates social experience, knows how to make independent decisions and draw up a plan of action.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student. What does it include?

The designated map-scheme includes, in fact, both the psychological and pedagogical parts. These include the following data:

  • features of the child's behavior (discipline, stubbornness, purposefulness, conflict, the degree of aggressiveness, physical activity, the degree of assimilation of pedagogical influence or education);
  • individual psychological characteristics (self-esteem, level of anxiety, poise, striving for success or ambition, what feelings causes others);
  • family influence (emotional atmosphere in the family, closeness and trust of relations, the degree of control and interest of parents in the child's life, the independence of the student, the degree of cooperation between parents and teachers).

The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student may also include information about the child's propensity for deviant behavior. In this case, it is necessary to indicate which specific examples indicate this.

Sample document

Samples of characteristics for students can be compiled by educators as an illustrative example, which will further facilitate the work with documentation. The following is a similar sample.

Stepanov Stepan has been studying at this school from the first grade. During this time, he showed himself to be an active, well-progressing student.

He is brought up in a complete, prosperous family. Relationships with parents are trusting and friendly. The father and mother are actively interested in their son's school life, take part in the work of the parent committee of the class.

Stepan is an excellent student. She is especially interested in the subjects of the humanitarian cycle. He takes part in the annual Olympiad in history, was the winner of the regional stage of the competition 2 times. She treats the educational process with genuine interest, reads a lot, attends a circle of book lovers. His goal is to enter a university at the Faculty of History and work as an archaeologist.

Stepan is stubborn in achieving goals, loves to be a leader in the school team. Classmates consider his opinion to be authoritative. Shows respect for teachers.

By nature, Stepan is calm, self-confident, friendly and open. Likes to communicate, participate in collective events. Responsible for social work.

Additionally, he is fond of playing the guitar and training his dog.





student of grade 10

MOU "Ikeyskaya secondary school"

Kirill Igorevich Pashchuk

Born in 1995.

Kirill studied at the Ikei school in the 5th grade, then continued his studies at the Arshanskaya secondary school, and after finishing the 9th grade there, in connection with the family's relocation, he again studies in Ikea. Over the past academic year, he showed an average level of cognitive abilities, studies mainly on "3" and "4". Of school subjects, he prefers history. In the classroom, he is always disciplined, but not attentive enough. He does not miss classes without a good reason.

In the class, Cyril was accepted, they treat him kindly, classmates speak of him as a calm, balanced person. Close Cyril did not make friends with anyone, but maintains an even relationship with everyone. He took part in the preparation and conduct of the autumn ball. He treats orders in good faith. Tries to write poetry, shows rough notes, asked to publish in the school newspaper without specifying his name. The theme of the poems is love for a small homeland (the village of Arshan), especially for the nature of the native land, a little about friendship and love.

Cyril has constant responsibilities in housekeeping, loves wildlife, pets.

In communication with elders, Kirill is benevolent, calm, polite, often shares news, willingly makes contact and reacts to comments correctly. Outwardly neat.

Kirill's mother often visits school, talks with the class teacher and subject teachers, tries to keep abreast of all events, closely monitors the attendance and progress of her son and her other children, attends all parent meetings, heads the 6th grade parent committee.

Class teacher _____________ Gapeevtseva E.A.

Director of the school __________ Leonchenko M.M.



Anastasia is a deputy of the youth parliament of the Tulunsky region. In 2012, she became the winner of the regional competition "Youth of the Irkutsk region in faces" in the nomination "Pupil of the Year". For active participation in the life of the district, Anastasia was awarded a ticket to the All-Union Exhibition Center “Ocean” in Vladivostok by the Department for Culture, Youth Policy and Sports, with whom Nastya has long and fruitful cooperation.



Anastasia Vladimirovna Chizh, born in 1995,

living in the village of Ikei, Tulunsky district, Irkutsk region

Anastasia is an open, talented, energetic person. She always takes an active part in the cultural life of our village and Tulunsky region. Not a single festive event is complete without her performances. This is a high-quality performance of songs, dances (Anastasia has excellent plasticity), roles in theatrical performances.

Anastasia is the head of the KVN team of our village. The guys compose all the scenarios for the game themselves, so the jury always appreciates them. In 2013, the KVN team of our village "Banda" became the winner in the Tulunsky district, 100% of the command staff were included in the regional team, and after a brilliant victory in the semifinals of the regional KVN games held in Tulun, the children will have a decisive competition in the final of the game in Irkutsk. It should be noted that the propaganda of the KVN movement in our village is the merit of Anastasia. She not only actively participates in it herself, showing an excellent sense of humor, but also gladly attracts younger children, thereby organizing useful leisure for them, developing their abilities, preparing a worthy change.

Nastya is a talented athlete. Every year she adequately represents our village at regional and regional rural sports games. Among her awards there are medals and certificates of the winner and prize-winner in the championship in cross-country skiing.

Every year Anastasia willingly participates in all creative competitions at the village and district level. She is especially interested in environmental and patriotic contests. So, in 2011 she became the winner of the regional competition "Children about the forest", and as a result of participation in the regional competition of video clips "This is my village. »Created a wonderful film about Ikea (II place).

Anastasia enthusiastically joins in any collective creative work. He treats his duties very conscientiously, performs them with great diligence, often takes initiative, makes good proposals.

Anastasia reads a lot, she is an advanced Internet user.

When dealing with elders, Nastya is polite and correct. Outwardly, it always looks flawless: neat, fit. She knows how to think logically, prove, reason, draw conclusions, she has a good memory, competent speech.

Anastasia is a deputy of the youth parliament of the Tulunsky region. In 2012, she became the winner of the regional competition "Youth of the Irkutsk region in faces" in the nomination "Pupil of the Year". For active participation in the life of the region, the Department for Culture, Youth Policy and Sports, with which Nastya has a long and fruitful cooperation, awarded Anastasia a ticket to the All-Union Exhibition Center “Ocean” in Vladivostok.

Among the girl's personal qualities, one should highlight the desire for leadership, diligence and responsibility, organizational skills, self-criticism. Anastasia enjoys well-deserved authority and respect among her peers. She loves sports, is physically fit and healthy. She has a wonderful character, so she has many friends, she is sociable.

Head of the Ikeysky rural settlement _________ S.A. Musaev



9th grade graduate of the Ikeyskaya secondary school of general education in Tulunsky district of Irkutsk region Nikolai Fedorovich Shek, born in 1995.

Kolya studied at the Ikei school from the first grade. The student is capable, but did not study at full strength. He showed particular interest in geography, sports, technology. From an early age, Kolya goes in for sports every day.

He took part in class and school affairs. Possesses artistic qualities, played in school plays. In labor landings of the class and school, he showed diligence and responsibility. Accepts remarks from elders, reacts to them correctly, admits his mistakes. He enjoys well-deserved respect among class children and teachers.

Parents watched their son's studies, came to school at the first request of the class teacher.

Kolya is physically developed and healthy. He is very kind, sociable, has many friends, knows how to value friendship.

A sample of writing the characteristics of a student in grade 9


student of grade 9 "A"

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school number 2"

d. N N - with which region

Ivanov Nikita Andreevich.

Ivanov Nikita 20.07.1999 studies in secondary school № 2 of city N from the first grade. He is brought up in a large (3 children) single-parent family (one mother is engaged in upbringing). Mom does not attend parental meetings, as a rule, she does not respond to phone calls and does not call back.

Nikita is not focused on cognitive activity, he does poorly in subjects. During the training, Nikita showed very low abilities. An average level of memory development, a low level of concentration and distribution of attention are noted. In the classroom, she is often distracted by external stimuli. He does not show particular interest in any of the school subjects. In the classroom, Nikita works only when the teacher pays special attention to him.

When completing educational tasks, he slowly switches from one type of activity to another, cannot plan his activities, correct an error, if indicated.

He writes in notebooks inaccurately, carelessly, writes with many mistakes. In mathematics, computational operations are performed slowly, with big amount mistakes, does not always understand the meaning of the task, does not do homework. Refuses to write essays in the Russian language, does not prepare for literature lessons at all. In educational activities, the teenager needs organizing, planning help and approval at all stages of the lesson.

Nikita has a number of current unsatisfactory grades in all subjects. For the first part he has an unsatisfactory mark in mathematics. Nikita often misses classes without good reason. In September - October I missed 105 lessons, 61 of them due to illness.

He is indifferent to the fulfillment of public assignments. He does not participate in the social life of the class. Nikita's character is calm, balanced. In communication, he is restrained, polite. Relations with classmates and teachers are even, friendly. Aggressiveness, irascibility is not observed. The teenager is non-conflicting.

Class teacher N.N. Petrova

School Director M.V. Sidorova

Characteristics per student

Characteristics of a student of the 5th grade of a special (correctional) boarding school of the 8th type. At the end of each year of study in a correctional school, the class teacher is obliged to write a description of the student. The characteristic is an analysis of the characteristics of the child's personality, i.e. reveals their internal connection and connection with the environment and activities of the child, and is confirmed by the results of observations, examples from life. This is a description of a living child, not an abstract individual; at the same time, it is an accurate, scientific description in psychological language.

As an example, I cite my description of a typical 5th grade student. It has its own structure, drawn up in conjunction with a psychologist. The class teacher I have proposed can be used as a sample characteristics for children with disabilities.

MBOU for children of preschool and primary school age "Primary school-kindergarten of compensating type

The plan for the compilation of psychological and pedagogical characteristics

for a student with disabilities

the city of Obninsk

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics

1. Informative information. Surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, address of residence.

Information about the family (brief information about the parents: full name, place of work, position).

Social - living conditions of the family. The attitude of relatives to the child. Where did he come to school, what class he enrolled in.

2. Psychological characteristics of the student.

Features of psychomotor development (general, fine motor skills, coordination of movements).

Features of perception. The level of formation of auditory and visual perception. Features of attention(stability, switchability). Dependence of attention on the nature of the activity.

Spatial representations(orientation in space, orientation on a sheet of paper).

Temporary views(sequence of seasons, months, days of the week).

Features of memory. The predominant type of memory. The nature of the reproduction of educational material (volume, accuracy, strength).

Characteristics of thinking. Type and pace of thinking. Features of understanding causal relationships, temporal, spatial dependencies. Ability to use diagrams and conditional tables.

Features of speech development. Comprehension of speech. The level of speech development. The presence of violations of sound pronunciation. Phonemic hearing. Coherent oral speech.

Personal characteristics:

Features of the emotional sphere - the predominant mood. Adequacy and severity of emotional reactions

Strong-willed features - the ability for purposeful actions and control over their actions

Criticality in assessing one's own actions and the behavior of others

Characteristic traits, the presence of pathological traits (deceit, theft ...)

3. Features of educational activities. Formation of educational skills:


Computational skill

Problem solving skill

Typical errors.

Reading pace

Reading method

Reading comprehension

Skill of working with text

Typical errors.

Behavior in the classroom, the presence of interest in the educational material. Comprehension of the teacher's instruction, heard and read independently. Attitude to their mistakes, the ability to plan their actions, the ability to productively use the teacher's help, the ability to transfer to similar tasks. The pace of work, efficiency. Ability to independently complete tasks, ability to work in a group.

4. Features of labor activity.

The level of development of work skills, assessment of self-made products, attitude to social work.

5. Features of extracurricular activities. The presence of interests and inclinations, in which types of activity the student is most productive, the features of his creative activity.

Compiled by: Deputy Director for Correctional Work Trubnikova Yu.V.

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On April 24, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services Volodymyr Groisman presented. All news

Sample characterization of the graduate

In the days of the USSR, the recommendation of the guarantor was replaced by the usual characteristic. Here is a template that will help you save time on drawing up a high-quality document. It's one thing to get characteristics, it's another to provide. It was always necessary to come to the personnel officer with a description. Many have had to deal with a document as a characteristic. When the period came to choose a job, or luck fell out to take an important position. Now the characteristics have started to dignify again with letters of recommendation. More and more often, such a thing as a letter of recommendation crept into everyday life.

Types of characteristics

To make a description to a student (even if he left the school a long time ago) or to a recruit is the job of the class teacher, along with filling out the class journal, personal files and other reporting documentation. Many have difficulty in creating this particular business paper, since it, like any document, is drawn up according to the model and is strictly regulated by the rules of the official business style.

Here are the plans and samples of characteristics of various types:

  • student at risk
  • graduate
  • conscript
  • trainee.
  • Characteristics of the conscript

    Nikita Andreevich Ivanov, born on September 21, 1994, studies in the 11th B grade of the secondary school № 1. He is brought up in a complete prosperous family. Nikita has a younger sister.

    The family is in good financial condition. Parents are able to work.

    Community commissions are carried out in good faith and responsibly. Nikita is a serious and purposeful young man. After leaving school, she plans to get a technical education.

    Very capable: at the end of the 10th grade, he has mostly excellent marks. He is a prize-winner of several school subject Olympiads.

    There are no missed classes without good reason. He is interested in such academic disciplines as history, mathematics and English. Performs labor orders in good faith.

    Nikita is a graduate of a music school, majoring in accordion, piano and balalaika. Like his coach father, the young man is passionate about various sports: basketball, football, taekwang-do, grappling and powerlifting.

    In the classroom, he is respected and respected. Calm, restrained, benevolent, picky in friends. Relations with classmates and peers are even. Tactful, well-mannered, polite.

    Conflict-free, good-natured, compliant and tolerant. Reacts to criticism adequately. He listens to the opinion of adults: parents and teachers enjoy an unquestionable authority with a young man.

    Observation, intelligence and memory are well developed. In training sessions, he is efficient, focused and attentive. Disciplined. Self-assured. Neat. In difficult situations, he behaves in a collected manner.

    Has no bad habits. Never participates in anti-law actions. Honest, sincere, decent, fair, kind.

    Objective in assessing their own and others' actions.


    Ivanova Alexandra Ivanovna,

    24.11. Born in 1994,

    student of grade 11 B

    MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Vuktyl,

    living at:

    Pionerskaya street, house 9, apartment 12.

    Alexandra Ivanova has been studying in this team from the first grade. The girl is seventeen years old, she is physically developed, healthy, has no chronic diseases.

    He is brought up in a complete intelligent and prosperous family. Father and mother enjoy an unquestioned authority with their daughter, based on respect. Has an older brother.

    She has a good memory, which helps the girl to quickly assimilate the program material. Speech is developed: Alexandra has a rich vocabulary, oral and written speech is literate, figurative. Knows how to perfectly retell the material read.

    Performs homework systematically and conscientiously. The girl is dominated by steady attention, she can quite easily switch from one type of activity to another.

    Alexandra has the most pronounced humanitarian abilities. Favorite subjects - social studies, history, Russian language, physical culture. The girl is serious about studying at elective courses in subjects that are related to her future profession.

    A good level of knowledge allows Alexandra to successfully perform at various stages of the All-Russian Subject Olympiad for schoolchildren, taking prizes and first places at the municipal and school stages. With interest and effectively participates in international intellectual competitions.

    During all the years of study, Alexandra has been actively involved in sports. He is a member of the school basketball team. Takes an active part in all school sports activities.

    The girl's other hobbies include playing the guitar, reading fiction and special literature.

    He carries out public assignments in good faith, worries about the success of the team, strives to achieve consciously set goals. During her academic years she was a class commander.

    In work, she is diligent and hardy.

    The girl is restrained, laconic. Tactful, benevolent. He enjoys authority among friends and classmates since primary school age.

    She is principled. In friendship, she is picky and reliable. He treats elders with respect.

    Has no bad habits. It does not lend itself to negative influences, has its own opinion and knows how to defend it.

    Ivanenko Viktor studied at this school from grades 1 to 9. Has established himself as a diligent, disciplined student. He took possession of the educational material at a sufficient level.

    He studied to the best of his ability. I discovered good memory, logical thinking, and learned the educational material easily. He had the ability and special interest in the study of history and geography.

    In the classroom, he was always attentive, active, systematically doing his homework. I attended school regularly.

    Before fulfilling public assignments, he always treated in good faith, took an active part in the social life of the school. He always had his own point of view, which he defended reasonably. He was a participant in sports competitions, a member of the school football team.

    Modest, friendly, restrained, balanced. I have always deliberately followed the rules of conduct. He enjoyed respect among teachers and authority among classmates.

    He had many friends, maintained friendly relations with many students.

    The parents paid due attention to the upbringing of their son.

    The characteristic is issued for presentation at the place of demand.

    School Principal (Surname First Name Patronymic)

    Class teacher (Surname First name Patronymic)

    The characteristic text consists of four parts:

    1. Personal data of the person on whom the characteristic is added (placed in the center of the sheet or in the column to the right).

    2. Information about activities or studies (from what year works or studies, where, attitude to work, study, level of professionalism, educational achievements and mastery, or possession of educational material).

    3. Assessment of business and moral qualities: information about the promotion (collection): relationships in the team.

    4. Conclusions: an indication of where the characteristic is submitted.

    For example, below we provide sample characteristics.

    Feature (sample)

    Sample teacher characteristics

    Sample student characteristics

    Sample characterization of a poor employee

    An example of a doctor's characteristic

    Programmer characteristic (example)

    Sample characteristics of an employee of a company

    Characteristics of a primary school teacher

    Primary school teacher characteristics (2)

    Foreign Literature Teacher's Document

    Characteristics of the teacher's work

    School Graduate Document

    High School Graduate Characteristics (2)

    High school graduate document

    Document from the place of study

    Characteristics per student

    Graduate characteristics

    Graduate characteristics 2

    Graduate characteristic 3 (sample)

    Graduate characteristic 4 (sample)

    Graduate characteristic 5 (sample)

    Graduate characteristic 6 (sample)

    Graduate characteristic 7 (sample)

    An example of the characteristics of a graduate

    Characteristics (zrazok) uchnya class 10

    Zrazok characteristics of the student

    Butt characteristics of class 5 scholars

    Psychology - pedagogical characteristic 6th grade

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a scholar, schilny to right-handed

    Psychological pedagogical characteristics

    Psychological pedagogical characteristics of the student

    Characteristics of the museum

    Characteristics of the cob graders' reader

    Zrazok characteristics of the class

    Zrazok characteristics of the scientist

    Zrazok characteristics of uchnya (2)

    Zrazok uchnya characteristics (3)

    Characteristics of a robotic reader

    Characteristics per student is an assessment of the psychological, social, personal traits of the student, his mental abilities, skills and abilities. It is designed in a free style, but there are still separate requirements that must be followed.

    The characteristic is compiled for submission to another educational institution or for a new teacher in order to make the initial acquaintance with the student as comfortable as possible. The characteristic will help the teacher find an individual approach to the student, understand his interests, hobbies, the main directions of spiritual, scientific, social development. There is no single characteristic template. Usually it is written on a piece of A-4 paper, it can also be issued on the letterhead of the educational institution. The characteristic can be presented in three types: psychological, pedagogical, psychological and pedagogical. Above should indicate the name of the document (characteristic), and below all information that may be useful is indicated in a free order. Traditionally, this document sanctifies such information:
    • general data about the student (date of birth, full name, name of educational institution, class, city);
    • academic performance, academic priorities (favorite subjects), features of intellectual development and perception of information;
    • the student's hobbies, interests, hobbies (what circles or sections he attends, what success he has achieved);
    • health status;
    • the student's personal qualities, character, psychological development, volitional qualities, features of temperament;
    • communication skills: relationship with other students, teachers (respects, indifferent, despises);
    • the level of sociability (whether he takes part in the life of the class), claims, self-esteem;
    • moral and ethical qualities;
    • family composition (complete / incomplete), family relationships, family values, parental participation in the upbringing and education of the child.
    Below the characteristic is certified by the signature of the class teacher and the director of the educational institution (if the document is intended for another school). Next to each signature, its decryption is indicated. The date of registration of the characteristic is required. If it is necessary to draw up a description of a student in the military registration and enlistment office, this is done in approximately the same pattern. At the top in the center, write the name - (Feature). Further, general information about the student is indicated (full name, date of birth, when he studied in which institutions, number of the school, where he is studying now, in which class). Further, information on the composition of the family is indicated: the full names of both parents, their date of birth, where and by whom they work. Then you should describe the relationship in the family, the character of the student, his academic performance, discipline. If the child goes to circles, sections, you can indicate this information. At the bottom, a note is made that the characteristic has been prepared for the military registration and enlistment office. The director and class teacher put their signatures, transcripts of signatures. The date of writing the characteristics is indicated.

    Why is a student characterization compiled? It means describing the merits and demerits of someone or something. This article will consider the characteristics of a student of a school or other educational institution. Such a document is required if a student is transferred from one class to another, from a junior school to a senior, or when a student is transferred to another school. After leaving school, you may also need a characterization to enter another educational institution. In the military registration and enlistment offices, recruits are also often asked for a description from the place of study. And the most unpleasant thing is that it is demanded by the police, when registering a dysfunctional student or when instituting a criminal case.

    In all these cases, the characteristic is almost the same as the resume when applying for a job, only it is written not by the student himself, but by his teacher. It indicates academic success, the degree of physical development, relationships with peer teachers, and much more.

    The characteristic can be ordinary and psychological, or include all information.

    Characteristics plan

    The student profile must contain the following points:

    1. General information about the student. Surname, name, patronymic, age, class in which he studies, nationality, appearance, extracurricular hobbies of the student, what parents do, complete or incomplete family;

    2. Health status and physical development. This paragraph indicates the features of the physical development of the student and how much it corresponds to age. If the child goes in for sports, indicate how and what success he achieved. When indicating the state of health, the data of the school first-aid post and obtained from the conversation with the parents are used. Addictions are immediately indicated: smoking, alcohol, drugs;

    3. Conditions for family education. This paragraph provides detailed information about the composition of the family, its social status. The education of parents, living and living conditions, material well-being are indicated. Attention should be paid to the moral climate in the family, what kind of upbringing in the family the student teaches (positive or negative). The child's attitude to family members is described separately;

    4. Interests of the student. The interests of the student, both educational and extracurricular, are indicated. An assessment of the stability of interests, depth, width of the range of topics of interest, focus, degree of enthusiasm is given;

    5. Intellectual development. This item contains information about the features of memory, that is, how exactly (method) the student remembers - visually, by ear, etc. How firmly, quickly and completely memorization takes place. Features of thinking imply the ability to analyze, compare, classify and generalize the knowledge gained and synthesize conclusions from it. It also includes consistency in judgments, mentality and the level of independent thinking. Attentiveness- the ability to switch attention, concentrate on any individual tasks, the degree of development of voluntary attention, the ability to distribute attention to several tasks. In the same paragraph, there should be information about the level of development of general educational skills. This is the ability to plan and organize their studies, to find the necessary information, how rational are educational skills, what is the degree of the culture of mental work. The development of speech is also indicated here. This description includes vocabulary, speech culture, the ability to draw conclusions and reason, how expressive and literate speech is;

    6. Features of temperament. It describes the predominant emotions of the child and their stability, how often the emotional state of the student changes. It is indicated what type of temperament prevails in the student, the strength or weakness of the nervous system, how balanced and mobile he is, his rate of mental reactions and the child's reactivity. The analysis of the nature of emotions, i.e. how quick-tempered, restrained, touchy, etc. the child is. What is his emotional excitability - impressionability, irritability. It is necessary to indicate the degree of aggressiveness or depression;

    7. Strong-willed qualities. Here, in fact, it is determined to what extent the student is able to steadily strive for the set goal, his independence, decisiveness, perseverance, the ability to manage his emotions;

    8. Communication skills in relation to the classroom and teachers. Here, a characteristic is given of the student's understanding of his place in the team, his attitude to his position (whether he is satisfied or not). If not satisfied, what role would he like to play. The attitude to the collective life of the class is also assessed: the manifestation of active participation or a passive performer. Attitude towards public assignments. What is his attitude to the opinion of the team regarding him, how do most of the children in the class treat him. The attitude of the student towards teachers and teachers towards him is assessed. Relationship with the opposite sex. Are there any close friends in the classroom. Is I ready to come to the aid of comrades.

    9. Level of claims and self-esteem show how much the student seeks to occupy a particular position in the class team, to achieve the set goals in study and life. It is assessed how the student's self-esteem is adequate in various activities and actions, in relation to himself and his appearance.

    10. Moral and ethical qualities reflect generally accepted concepts: sensitivity, caring, honesty, the possibility of betrayal, justice, hypocrisy, violation of legal norms. In the same part tactfulness in relations with peers and teachers, relatives and strangers is considered. The assessment of the strength of friendship and the ability to protect a loved one in a difficult situation is the same here.

    Conclusion. The results of the described qualities of the student are summarized. It talks about the predominant traits of his character and how they affect his studies and personal life. The conclusion is made about what should be changed and how it is more expedient, from the pedagogical point of view, to do it.

    Of course, in the characteristics of students it is not necessary to describe all these points in detail, 1-3 sentences are usually enough to state the whole point. But the important points or features of the student (if any) should be described in more detail.

    Psychological characteristics

    In this section, the methodology for assessing the psychological image of a student will be schematically described. This is the task of the school psychologist, but the teacher must still imagine how this work is carried out.

    To compile the psychological characteristics of the student, a number of tests are used to determine the degree of anxiety of the child, the characteristics of his self-esteem and the level of school motivation. Using these tests, psychologists can give a specific answer, which reasons must be taken into account in order to change in a positive direction any negative character traits of the student.

    And so, like the description described above, it begins with the name, age and family composition of the person being characterized. The following are the results of the tests carried out, and at the end a conclusion is made based on the analysis of the test results with subsequent recommendations. To assess anxiety, the R. Tammple, V. Amen, M. Dorky test is used, which consists in sequential display of pictures depicting a child in various situations. In this case, in the figure, the child is depicted without a face, and the subject is required to say which face (sad or cheerful) in this situation should be in his (her) opinion. The drawings are divided into groups: a child with peers, with older or younger children, with parents, with teachers. The answers for each group of figures are assessed separately in percentage terms. Generalization of the results allows us to draw a conclusion about one degree or another (in%) of anxiety in various situations.

    The conclusion about the features of self-esteem is made on the basis of the "ladder" test. From the name itself, you can guess that the child must put himself on some level and place all the characters proposed to him about himself: parents and relatives (dad, mom, brothers and sisters, grandparents), the school team, friends in the yard and school , teachers. For the convenience of self-assessment calculations, you can offer a ladder with 10 steps. The test results are descriptive in relation to each proposed character.

    Based on these tests, a conclusion is made about the child's attitude to school and family. Comparison of test results helps to identify the reasons for a particular student's behavior.

    Differences in characteristics for primary and secondary school students and vocational schools

    In principle, the characteristics of primary and secondary school students differ only in the age of the child. Both characteristics are compiled according to the above plan. For both junior and high school students, the child's aptitude for the humanities or science is indicated.

    The characteristics of students in vocational educational institutions are complemented by the attitude towards the acquired (acquired) profession, success in its development, professional skills. Otherwise, the same characterization plan should be followed.