Rizen 2 Where to find the royal sword. Passage

Rizen 2 Where to find the royal sword. Passage
Rizen 2 Where to find the royal sword. Passage

This material addresses only the scene part of the game, additional quests are performed only if necessary.


Meet with a commandant!

After the entrance roller, Juan enters our room. We are not in the best condition, however, you need to get to the commandant Carlos and talk to him.

We collect all the items lying in the room. We leave out, go to the left from Juan and climb the stairs. We speak with Carlos, watch the video. Approprifying to the fortress, the ship is destroyed by a monster kraken.

Explore shore.

Carlos sends us ashore to help the survivors who were able to get to the sushi. Before leaving the fortress, open the inventory and the projectile of our hero weapon. Go down and speak with Juan. We go to the shore and go along it.

Save Patty.

We meet our old familiar Patty, which was attacked by the sandy devils. This is our first fight, so act with caution. It is easy to kill these creatures, especially if you enjoy a pistol. We return to Carlos, where Patty reports its plans for the destruction of Kraken.

Talk to Carlos.

While Patty falls back in our room, we go to the conversation with Carlos. We get instructing and leave the fortress.

Forward, in Takarigua!

Get to the ship, join the board. We climb the helmet on the left and speak Sebastian. We inform him about our readiness.


Find the Lair Pirates.

Patty becomes our satellite. She threw out all of our clothes so that we were not suspected of ties with the Inquisition. Let's leave the cabin and go to Sebastian. After listening, follow him. We stayed without clothes, but also do not know where to go. First of all, you need to get a card to navigate in local jungle. After all, they are inhabited by a variety of creatures, each of which is dangerous for our health.

The commandant is spreading in the fluff and dust of the local lieutenant Rocochet. At night, a large number of supplies were stolen from the warehouse, and the staff was to blame for this, the staff in the performance of a high position. He, unfortunately, did not cope with her, and therefore Carlos will tell him how to fulfill his duties. Then we will not pass with him, because to get to the reception to the governor you need to put your shirt at least.

Outside we communicate with Pedro. We find out about his clothes, pirates and card.

All the food we found automatically placed in the inventory as a provision, i.e. Food stocks. Health from them is not replenished instantly, but with time. We punish the dining table from the residues.

Durable clothes.

We move along the path until we see the right tower. The entrance is sitting Carter, who can be purchased from clothes.

Map Takarigua.

We open the inventory and wear acquired things. We return to Ville Di Fuego, the guard will calmly miss us. We are witnessing the conversation Sebastian and Di Fuego. The second managed to pay off from the annoying commandant, throwing the supplies to the ship.

We speak with the governor to get the cherished map of the island. We will have to fork out the hundred gold.

Find the Lair Pirates.

We will literally have to look for their lair, as no one will present it to us on the scenery, and more or rather, do not appear on the mini card. However, I already developed the locality in advance and pointed the path to it on the map.

At the gate we will meet FENSA. Perhaps we have to get inside the Logov, but for this you need to have developed eloquence or intimidation. If there is no one or the other, we will look for another entrance, with a more friendly guard. This path is available, and it is also listed on the screenshot: Going to the shore, where we will meet Blake. It seems to do not even care that we are from the Inquisition. You can ask him a little to ask him for such a pofigistic attitude to the safety of Logov.

Find a steel beard.

I deepen further inside the log house, sooner or later we will face Curtis. He will report that the steel beard is on board the ship. Well, let's go to him. We look at the roller in which the whole family drama is unfolded between Patty, our companion, and the elusive steel beard! When the conflict is settled, everything goes to our person. To prove the beard that we deserve is on his ship, you will have to pronounce an oath. This, of course, is not enough, that is, I will execute a few quests.

We communicate with a beard and learn all the details about Garpun Titans - an instrument that can destroy Titans.

Sugar delivery.

Look at the tavern and ask the brahnik about the steel beard. In the consequence, it turns out that for the production of a large number of Roma, sufficient to load on the ship, you need sugar and water. To begin with delight sugar. The brahnik reports that in this case it is best to contact the Jack living on the tower next to the shore. His location, I noted in the screenshot:

Before you go to perform the task, buy from the brand as much as possible Roma and Hars.

From the inside of the camp, we get to the gate, where FENS is located. They are still closed, so you jump out and inform Fenssa that we were already in the camp, then the gate will open and we do not have to go around. Reaching the tower, we get a new quest from Jack.

Directly under the tower is the lands of termites that protect three termit warrior and ten ordinary termites. Warriors are a special danger. Do not rush into the log house, first kill those outside. Small termites go in pairs, this is a great chance to kill them alone without coming to their shelter. Then we kill the warrior termita at the entrance. Inside there is another termit warrior, we destroy it and collect all seven bags with sugar. On this, perhaps, everything; It is not necessary to delve into the cave.

We return to the brand and find out who needs to give sugar. We leave from the tavern, turn right. The stairs climb on the third floor and give sugar alistaer.


The brahnik told us that to learn about how to replenish the reserves of water, Curtis will help us, which wakes nearby taverns. We tell him that there is no water. In response, he sends us to a waterfall where Doggs, Colby and Foster waters. If you open a list of tasks and mark on the map current, you can see the place where we need to go.

Waterfall will argue two - Doggs and Foster. It is useless to talk to them, so we go to the third - Colby. We ask him to get up at the gate, but it refuses, because if it goes, then those two finally be remembered and a fight will begin.

Communicate with Doggs and Foster. We offer them to send a newcomer Colby. They naturally refuse and offer an alternative. We will fight them in turn, who wins, respectively and go to the goal. In the first battle with Doggs, I lost and therefore he went to the post. The quest is completed.

Without Roma, you will not leave!

We repeat the brand about the work done. Sugar is, water is also available. It remains only to negotiate with a steel beard. This will make the brand name, we already fought, performing the most difficult task. After listening to the conversation between two observed personalities, we speak with a steel beard. It turns out the Roma is not enough to become a pirate.

Heavy chest.

We can get this quest from Macmene, which is at the ship's helpr. Who actually lacks the beard in the team, so this is a real hacker. It is necessary to hack the cheek, lying in the warehouse. For this task, we need a brand, which can be purchased from Stone (left from the tavern). We ask Stone about the launder, and then persuade him, sell it to us. The price of the question is five hundred gold. Buy the launder is not enough, you need to learn how to use it. To do this, go to Puerto Sakarico. From there we get to the tower with prisoners, where we purchased first clothes. Communicate through the door of the Tower with Largo. A little parrot, give him a wash. The door opens, fight with a crankcase. Having won, speak again with Largo and agree to accompany him to the pirates camp.

Reaching a pirate nest, speak Largo. We ask him to teach us to crack the castles. For this skill requires a skill of dexterity 4. To get it, you need a fame to which we can develop the appropriate skill to the desired level. Glory is given for the performance of quests, murder of enemies, etc.

By learning from Largo, we return to the ship and go down to the lowest level. There will be a box, hacking which we take everything that lies in it. We rise to the helm, speak with Macmene. Then speak with a steel beard. In the conversation we inform about the next successes.

Treasure cards O'Brien.

In the tavern we will meet a healthy individual named O'Brien. We will ask him how we can still impress our beloved steel beard. It turns out O'Brien's treasures, the location of which is marked on his map. To get a map, you will have to play a mini-game "Who will drink more." Agrees with him that we will put five hundred gold for his card. Also get an painter at the brandleter. Before starting the mini-game I recommend to preserve, for if we lose, the quest will be completed.

The rules of the game are very simple: we grab the bottle one after another, with each bottle the cursor will be increasingly unnecessary control. And the bottles need to be enough correct, and not as it fell. It is best to first take wide bottles, and at the end to leave narrow, they are much easier to fit into the hand-cursor.

Choose our task in Zhurana and celebrate it on the map. Before you go for the search for treasures, I will buy a shovel in flannigan (two bridges lead to it, one of which is on the top floor of the tavern).

You can get to the treasure through the waterfall where the water brown water from. The wigbed chest is marked with a red cross, destroy the sandy devils and dig a treasure.

Pita treasure map.

Let's talk from Holly in the tavern and find out about the pirate that wanted to hide your treasures, but never returned back. Of course, the Holly will not be thrown into the way, you will have to fork out for a couple of hundreds of gold.

We go along the way that is noted in the screenshot:

On our way we will meet a large number of warts and monkeys. Also, do not lose vigilance when there are no enemies, as there are traps on the ground.

Very soon we will find the body of the pit. We take everything that he has, and go further. Next to the entrance to the temple will be marked the location of the treasure of the Red Cross. Pour them and go back to the pirate nest.

Pursuit in the night.

We communicate with a drunkard mix, which sits in the corner of the tavern. Then we speak with the brand and find out about him about the mix. We agree to trace him. We go to the ship and fall out until midnight. We return to the brand name, we speak with him and begin the task. Gently slowly pursuing the mix to the shore. We learn about his betrayal. We kill him and drowning. We obscure the corpses and go back to the brand name.

Become a pirate.

That finally came the moment when we can become a pirate! We communicate with a steel beard and inform about our successes. He agrees to take us to the team, immediately after the pronunciation of the oath. We remove all our old clothes, now we can get into pirate rags. We rise to the steering wheel and, being a newcomer, give the team "Prepanced!".

Sword coast.

Talk with pirates on the tower.

Get to the tower, for this turn to the right and slightly passing, we turn to the left. After the roller, immediately proceed to the fight. Four against three, if you do not possess good battle skills, then we go back and attack when the enemies are disturbed to the allies. We remember that the partners are also not immortal and therefore we help them at the first opportunity.

Assistance in battle against the crow.

After the battle, we speak with a beard. Only we decide who will become our ally - Aborigines or the Inquisition. We choose to "look for a corner of the corona in the inquisition."

Forward, in Puerto Isabella!

Follow the steel beard. Along the way, we destroy any beast, including the long enemies of the captain of fiery birds. Next, we continue the path through the shore, preferring it instead of a dark cave. Finally, we get to the last bridge, here our ways with the team disagree. Patty and beard return to the camp, and we, in turn, go to the city to persuade the Inquisition to help us in the fight against the crow.

Where is the Crow ship?

Sign in the city is quite simple. We give the guard of the hundred golden, or persuade him to skip us. We pass forward, then right and get to the villa where Sebastian is located. Alcazar without any problems misses us to him. We ask Sebastian help, and in response we get a task. If we fulfill it, then maybe Sebastian will help us with people.

Scout Report.

Scout Venturo was sent to the Earth's Temple to raise the situation. Westa did not come from him for a long time, and he himself was not declared for a long time. It is necessary to find the temple of the Earth and the Venturo itself. We take the map of the terrain from the table. Let's leave the villa and turn right, here we will meet Agilara. We get a small farewell, and goes to search for a temple. The location of the temple and the path to Him, I noted in the screenshot:

Eight aborigines will stand at the entrance to the temple. It is better not to disturb them, because all the same, such a large number of enemies clearly do not to master.

One of the signs that is nearby from the entrance to the temple, I noted in the screenshot, however, he is already visible:

Inspecting signs, we will recognize the direction where Venturo went. When the direction is specified upstairs, it means that you need to boil upstairs using the jump button. Thus, we will find Venturo on the top of the hill.

Among the savages.

At the request of Venturo, we get to the Shaganumby camp. To Masaru missed us, lie to him that we are from the team of the crow.

Inside the camp asking everyone who can only ask. And especially Jack, whose time you can learn about the number of enemies in the temple of the Earth. We return to Venturo and inform him the information required for the report.

Follow Wenturo in Puerto Isabello.

We run for an ally, not far from the entrance to the temple he will stop. We need to get to the tower and clean it from the enemies, which the Basil is headed. Everything is quite simple, there are three of them there. Crashing with them, we return to Venturo and continue to move to the city.

Reaching the city, Wenturo will drink, and we will go straight to Sebasta with a report. Choosing the side of the Inquisition, i.e. We only help them and no one.

Four musket against the crow.

We go to the courtyard and speak with Alcasar. We were singled out by four fighters, which are clearly not friends with discipline. This is Bartolo, Venturo, Martinez and Sancho.

So, let's start with Bartolo. He is in Villa, in the left room from Sebastian. We notify it that he should join our command. But the trouble, it turns out, last night he had a weapon. The only weapon is gone, but without it can not do. Let's leave the building and go down the hill. Interview the webcans, then sitting next door to Tito. Tito reports that he sent Martinez to hunt. We go under the bridge where we find Eysebio. Shattered a little with him, we undertake to fulfill the task of paying for his debts. We return to Tito and negotiate with it. A little bargaining can be discarded the amount of debt to one hundred gold. Returning to Eysebio, talking to him. Found new details about the disappearance of weapons.

Now you need to find Martineza, another suspect. He is in the cave, which I noted on the map:

He tells the details of last night, and also explains why he could not steal weapons. At the same time we inform him that he joined under our command, and send him to the place of collection. We return to Tito and post it all the truth. In response to this, he is trying to catch us in lies. But this will no longer help him. Let's take it, as it should, and take the broken weapons. Deliver it Bartolo, who promises to fix it and arrive at the place of collection.

Wenturo can find near the pier where you can drink. And I noted the location of Sancho on the map, as it is more difficult to detect:

Now you need to sleep in order to be sure that the whole team will take off at the gate during this time. We also do not forget to purchase powerful carbine from the Webster. We get to the subordinates and order to go on the road, but before this we visit the commandant Sebastian.

Step march!

We get to the temple of the Earth and destroying the eight aborigines standing at the entrance. Then the gate will open, and we can get inside. We look at the roller in which the fighters safely destroy the attacked enemies. Raven calls Titan Maru.

Use the carabiner and shoot on the crows. It is easy to kill him, the main thing is to accurately shoot and constantly move on the sides to evade the harpoon titans. Crashing with him, get harpoon and begin the fight with Titan.

It is also not distinguished by some powerful forces. Titan's weak place is a big hole on the chest, which from time to time opens. At this moment, we produce harpoon throw. In turn, Titan attacks us with stones, and after four accurate chest hits, the Middle Fight will begin. Do not forget to save and run back. After four more hits, we climb the enemy's head and quickly press the corresponding button. If you did not have time, do not matter, repeat four hittings and try again.

Having won the bodies of those killed and head to the exit. We watch the video. Steel beard and Patty arrives here. We go to the ship together. However, it destroys Kraken. Beard with scream rushes to the shore. Mara appears and kills him. Before death, he has time to say where you can find the next item.

Speak with commandant.

We get to Sebastian and in conversation we will find out the bad news. We must give Harpun Titans, objections are not accepted.

We communicate with Patty and follow her. We speak again with her in the port. She ripened a plan to seize the ship Black Betty. Listen to it on all points and proceed to implementation.

A pair of water barrels ...

Pier communicate with Sofia, which will help us upload water to the ship. But first fulfill its small order. It is necessary to get three gold masks that can be found in Villa Sebastian and in the tower nearby. If you note the task, then on the map we will be able to trace the location of the masks. We return to Sofia and give her masks.

Third team member.

They will be Venturo, who drinks near the shops of Sofia. We persuade him to go with us, and then he will become our companion. We communicate with Sofia and offer her the candidacy Venturo. She gladly agrees.

Fourth team member.

It remains to find the latter, Sofia recommends the crow sharpened in the tower. Get to the tower and communicate with housing. It is easy enough to free it, you need to go to Sebastian and in conversation to paint the key. We give the key Hawkins and go to the Northern Gate. Lefte was hidden from them. If you have problems with searching, we note on the map this task and we have been safely looking for a pirate. We offer him to go with us, get to Patty and present her the last member of our team.


It is necessary to deal with guns directed towards the ship. To begin with, we destroy the one that it is practically not guarded on the tower. Then we fall until midnight. To neutralize the remaining guns without harm to health, we do the following: we are out of order the first guns and quickly run to the allies. All the attention of the guards will be switched on them. We return to guns and neutralize the remaining. Talk to Patty.

Free ship.

We come on board the ship and straighten with four guards. We speak with Patty and go on a new ship in Antigua in search of Slane.


Find captain Slane.

We find out all the details from Patty and make it our companion. At the pier we celebrate Rica and asking him as a question about local events. We get to the highest building, as we advised Rick. This is Alvares's mansion. Entering inside, we are witnessing the scuffle between Slane and Alvarez. We rise to the floor above and take the map of the area, study the code, then a long conversation with Alvarez is waiting for us, find out everything that can only find out. Go down and communicate with Sladen.

Go for slane.

Follow him to his ship, passing his conversations along the way. Reaching the ship, we learn about the location of the artifact (sacrificial dagger) and agree to the transaction. We load the ship by the necessary equipment, and in return we get hidden artifact.

Barrels with gunpowder.

We have already communicated with Rick as soon as profit in Alder. He wants to get a treasure map in exchange for the delivery of gunpowder to the ship. The map lies in Alvares Willer in the room on the first floor. We are hacking the chest and remove it from there. We bring the map Ricka - get gunpowder.

Wilson Pistol.

Before the villa we can get acquainted with the local gunsmith Donovan. In conversation, we find out that it also has a ban on selling weapons. Therefore, to get a valuable copy, you will have to fight in duel. We go to the shooting range and play a mini-game. From ten attempts need to be implemented eight. The task is complicated, since goals fly very quickly. Nevertheless, having learned, we will be able to overcome this task. Having won the Wilson pistol.


Nearby we will find another gunsmith, that Wilson himself, who gave his rare gun to Donovanu for debts. Talking with Wilson, we will be able to get guns for the return of the gun, which he lost.


In the local tavern, just opposite our ship, we will find a suitable candidate for the role of a steering for the Slane ship. Morgan agrees to go to Slane's team, if we overcome it in three mini-games - duels, "who will drink more" and in shooting. It is enough to win in two credits so that Morgan agrees to our offer.

Barrels with water.

Location of water lines I noted on the map:

We speak with the drunkard Miles, and then with Butch, which is nearby and controls the work of water suits. He is adamant, so we again communicate with Miles. He throws us an idea: in conversation with Butch, we suggest him to send to the cave for treasures. He agrees, but we have to go with him. Reaching the cave, pass inside. Butch guessed that we lured him here and therefore begins the fight. If you lose, we return to the waterproofs and again we offer a boatch to fight or simply give him two thousand gold to go. We communicate with Miles so that the waterways began to drag the water to the ship.

Fresh fish.

Location of fishing huts:

Having found a hut, we go inside, where we speak with Eddie. He reports that his partner Dankana claimed some kind of creature called ship. We go to the grotto:

There inside just dwells the ship that needs to be destroyed. In appearance it is big, but rather weak in battle, using a shotgun, we will easily overcome it. If you go even further, we will find a friend Eddie Dankana. We communicate with him and send it out, saying that the creature is destroyed.

We return to Eddie and negotiate the delivery of fish to the ship.

Ship gear.

Return to Slane ship. Here we encounter a furious Alvarez. We explain to him that we are not in his disputes with Slane and, using the Code, put the admiral in place. We repeat Slane about the work done and go on your ship to the island of thieves. To do this, come on board our ship and talking to Patty to go to the island.

The island of thieves.

Treasure Slane.

On the boat, we get to the shore. Slane is already waiting for us to go to his cache. Asking him about this island and go on the road. On the way, we will displays various creatures, so keep the weapon at the ready. Reaching the cave, Slane sends us inside, so that we take the dagger.

The path from the cave.

Who would have thought, Slain, just like Raven, got under the Mary's spells and now he serves her. Dagger in the box did not turn out, Salin undermines the passage and thus wounds it. It is not difficult to find a way out, because there are only a few fork, one of which will definitely bring us out.

Having left the grotto, we will see a large amount of drunkenness. You can simply escape from them, turning right and moving along the coast. Soon we will get to the place where we started the way with Slane. Our ship disappeared, and with him Patty and our whole team.

Go for Jaffar in the jungle.

On the shore, we encounter poorly speaking in our language Gnoma Jaffaar. He agrees to help us in the construction of the fleet, on which we can leave the island. For the construction of the raft, we will need materials, and we will have to pick up Jaffara with you.

Follow the gnome to the cave, where his tribesmen live. On the way, we stumble on the box in which the map of the area is. Reaching the cave, Jaffar goes into standby mode until we collect all the necessary material for the root construction.

Liana and fins.

To make it easier, I noted the location of the necessary items on the map:


With shirts will be more complicated. They are only six and get them only at the gnomes. Dwarves will give them for completed tasks or in exchange for their items.

Building the fleet.

We return to Jaffar with all the materials found. Then get to the West Bank and leave the island.


Where is my ship?

First of all, you need to find our ship. To do this, go to the pirate nest. Yes, he is just here. We enter the boron and climb to the steering wheel. We communicate with Patty and find out the location of the cache of the steel beard. We go to the second floor of a building opposite and pass to the mostst room (there is a girl). We take gold from the box and the fourth page of the diary. Returning to Patty and communicate with it.


We go to Caldera, where we communicate with Carlos. Garcia was here, but already despair a few days ago. Carlos agrees to help us, although the highest Council gave an order to collect all the artifacts and give Mare to conclude a peace treaty with her. We go to the adjacent room and ask the guard to open the gate.

Having passed on the bridge, turn to the left, in the first house there lives Mauregato. The conversation with Mauregato did not bring fruit, so we leave his house and pass on.

Go for a servant.

Next we will find a hotel where we can communicate with its owner. Then we go out and go ahead. A citizen stops us and asks to go with him to his Mr. Azura. We get to the mansion, climb up the stairs, turn to the left, as the servant advised.

Listen to the offer of azura. It will help us get to the highest advice, but for this we need the appropriate clothing and certified by the seal of the gram. In addition, Azura helps us not just like that. Having missed the Council, we will have to expose Mauregato.

Courier clothes.

In the hotel, we will find Pantaleo, local tailor. We ask him to sew a messenger suit for us. For this will have to pay five hundred gold.

Paint ring.

Go to the house of Mauregato and go to the kitchen. In the dialogue with the cocous Hermenina, choose to steal the key (with a developed ability). We rise to the second floor, open the door of the Mauregato room. We swear so that you do not hear the guard. We take the seal and return to Azur. He makes a diploma that will allow us to get into the board building.

Guard will miss us when we present a diploma. Inside, we communicate with Custodio and with a walking bed. If you go left, then there we will find Cassandra. So that she helped us, solve a small task. However, you do not have to decide, the correct answer is "two cabinets and fifteen free cells." We buy a duplicate keys from him, come out of the room and go to the left. We enter the Bureau of Mauregato and take from the table an exposive letter. Deliver it to Azuro.

Access to the archive.

In the Council building, we go to the other side. To get into the archive enough to learn the guard in the fight. At the very end of the archive, we will find entries with the coordinates of the location of Garcia. We return to the ship and go to a new island.

Maraca bay.


We take with you one of the partners and leave the ship. We meet Waldes, who enlightens us in the events of the work on this island. Garcia attacked the people of Korrientes commandant, but, nevertheless, they were able to turn him into flight. The commandant together with the group went to the jungle.

Without reaching the temple, we turn left and moving along the trail. We destroy the fiery birds, we meet the Aborigina Habiba. I ask him about Harlan. We continue to move to the south, we turn to the southwest at the crossroads. Having passed a little bit, we will find the intermediate camp of Currents. Further, the path is even more difficult to make it easier, I will show a map of the area, which can be obtained from Currents, coming to him:

In the camp we will meet Aboriginal and people from the expedition. Communicate with Currents.

Secret passage.

You need to find entrance to a secretive valley that is protected by a fiery wall. The commandant knows how to transfer this obstacle and therefore if we find the entrance, we can get inside. Login I designated on the map:

There are three strong gravestone spiders within us, whose defeat we will get to the fiery wall. We look at it and return to Currents.

Blood ancestors.

We tell the commandant about the entrance to the secretive valley and ask about how to go through the fiery wall. We need the blood of the ancestors, which can be taken from Shaman Osam. We celebrate the task and then the location of Osama will designate on the map.

Added to the shaman's camp inform him that we are from Currents and that we need the blood of ancestors. In response to this, Osama says that he already gave the blood of the ancestors to our predecessor. It turns out that the Currents is not Currents at all, but Garcia.

Hidden valley.

We get the blood of ancestors from the shaman and go to the entrance to the secretive valley. We pass as usual through the cave. The fiery wall will have two, kill them. We inspect the barrier, drink blood and go further. The partner (CA) will stay at the back, we will have to go alone.

Leaving the cave, get to the temple. We look at the roller in which Hitre Garcia tried to fool Mara, but she quickly stopped and ordered us to kill us. Deploy and run out. The battle is best to continue there. From the enemy, they are far away, otherwise he will fill his health. Having wins, do not forget to search the body of Garcia, and then we can go back to the ship. We communicate with Patty to learn about the location of the treasures of Garcia.

Artifact steel beard.

You can get to the ship Garcia using a boat left on the shore:

The ship of Garcia guard four pirates. We destroy them and search for Captain's cabin. Here we find the map of the treasure and record in the diary, where the location of the treasure is indicated. We tell everything Patty, we return to our ship and go to Antigua for treasures.


Sesame, open.

We celebrate on the map this task and get to the cave under the waterfall. I pronounce the password "Garcia is the coolest!".

Treasures of Garcia.

We celebrate on the map this task and get to the treasure. Before this destroying several creatures and a large spider. In the sword chest is the artifact of steel beard, taking it.


The last artifact, sacrificial dagger, is located in Slane, who, as we remember, betrayed us and left to die on a deserted island. Get to Villa Alvarez and enter inside. We call Slane to a duel. He will be waiting for us on blood o-blood square.

Let's leave the villa and immediately turn left, just passing, we will be on the square. After a conversation with Slane, we get to the fight. It is best to attack it since the distance, because in the near battle it is especially strong. Crawing with him, searching his body and take the sacrificial dagger. We return to Alvarez, we communicate with him. To find the temple of the water, we need to chat with the ghost of steel beard. You can do it on the island of the dead. Get to the ship and go to this very island.

The island of the dead.

Elixir false death.

Arriving on the island, get to the shore on the boat. Turn to the right and run to a huge building. We climb the stairs, we encounter Tao at the entrance. He agrees to skip us, and will also help make an elixir that will send us to the kingdom of the dead. For the elixir, the corresponding ingredients are needed. Their location on the map of the area:

Then go to the altar to begin the process of moving to the kingdom of the dead. Drink a prepared elixir and put down on the altar.

Scepter with skull.

To call the spirit of the steel beard, we will need a Skiptere Skull. To get it, it is necessary to help the four souls that we will meet in this world.

Curse of the artist.

The first spirit we will meet, Nael. Going out, turn right. Listen to her story and then proceed to the search for items necessary to create a scepter.

Location of all four shower:

Curse of the hunter.

To the right of Nael we can chat with motes. His problem is a killer gorilla. He escorts us to the place where a dangerous beast is. Arriving there, pass forward a little more. Here we will have a slight advantage. We can climb on the elevation and attack from there Gorilla. And when the enemy switches its attention to the ally, then go down and quickly attack it with the most powerful weapon that we have.

Having finished with the gorilla, we communicate with the mothego and get a skull as a reward.

Curse of the warrior.

In the arena, we will meet the warrior, the soul of which will be resting when he finds a decent opponent. We will become this rival, so we take a fight from Cusco. We do not forget that we can always return to the world of living and visit any of the islands in order to replenish the reserves of powder and various types of supplies restoring health.

After victory, we get a spear of a warrior as a reward.

Curse thief.

Get to Akando, the last of the lost arcs, and try to help him. To help Akando, you need to beat him. Here is such a paradox. In his dwelling there is a chest, hacking which we will get out of the diamond. With a developed up to 60 skill of dexterity, we will be able to open the chest. Otherwise, we return to Nael and ask her to make the key. This will require three hundred gold coins.

We return to the chest and open it the key. Remove the white diamond, according to Akando that his soul is free.

Curse of the hunter.

We give Nael all mined items to finally chat with a ghost steel beard. We get a skip-skull and go to the entrance where Dao is located. We give it the subject and watch the movie.

When the ghost of steel beard arrives on his luxurious ship, ask him a few questions. We speak again with Dao and go back to the world of living.

Get to the ship, communicate with Patty and go to the temple of water.

Temple of water.

Defeat Kraken.

Over the open sea is attacked Kraken. We would have suffered a fate of most ships, but we have, then there were no other vessels - Garpun Titanov.

To defend the sea monster, you need to act quickly and most importantly. It is necessary to get into the open mouth of Karaken exactly eight times. He opens the mouth not so often, mostly attacks us. Fudiths have two types of attacks:

1) Attack with an occasion from any side, in this case the part remains the safe area on board, from which Kraken appeared.

2) The second type of attack is a sudden attack from the center. In this case, the center of the board remains safe, so it is desirable constantly located in the center of the ship.

After each successful hit, it is necessary to persist. Also preserved when the fight just started.

Having struck the goal eight times, watch the video: Mara falls into the sea and floats from the shore of the temple.

Kill Maru.

Let's leave the board, attract enemies and come back. The entire team of the vessel will help us to deal with drunken and leviathans. Get to the temple and watch the video.

Mara is trying to drink water from the Cup, but we do not let it do it, pulling the cup bone hand. Two artifacts are already applied.

The battle with mari does not constitute any difficulties. You can at all attack it from the distance and then we will not suffer damage at all. When the exposure to half of her health, Mara will raise several sand devils on us. You can first finish Maru, and then destroy all the remaining enemies. In the end, we look at the roller in which the protagonist envelops the dagger into the villain and reflects its last attack by the remaining unused artifact.

While we get to the ship, we can finally communicate with all members of the ship. Let's leave the temple of the water and at the same time we complete the game.

So, as soon as you finish watching entrance videos, you will find yourself in the headquarters of the Inquisition. But do not be afraid, no one will arrest you. This is the last stronghold of people, the last point, where a person can find a refuge in the old world. And you get the first task. Simple and banal - " Meet with commandant"As you can understand from the name, we need to find the main thing in this chamfer. But first, we first have a room and take all the valuable, because you need to somehow bother you. Next, check in the log Displays the destination point on the map and move there. Coll On the way with Juan. In general, during the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters I advise you to speak with as much as possible people, because you can collect the maximum number of information you need. When information is no longer needed, the characters sometimes speak just interesting things. In general , Rise on the stairs and talk with Carlos. The result of the conversation will be an interesting video that will make you think about something at all trying to take it or more correctly will collect things and get to rest somewhere far away? In general, the task " Meet with commandant"Completed and can be safely accepted for the following.

And then we are waiting for the task " Study of the Beach"In the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters, which is just beginning, this is the first task with the need to explore something. And it would be better for you to treat him with seriousness, because no one knows what you can expect from just a shore. In any case, wear weapons And come to Huan, who needs to report to this. You did not forget to take an affordable weapon in the initial room? I hope that there is no, otherwise you will have to fight with bare hands. Well, okay, the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters will change us down to the sand. There we are awaiting another video portion of passage. On this " Study of the Beach"Ends and the task of" Save Patty "begins. As you can guess, we will now fight. Let's stay in more detail on the combat system in Risen 2 Dark Waters.

So, Gothic makes itself felt. Give the weapon and to stand in the rack, you need to keep the right mouse button. The left button you will attack. Not very convenient at first, but throughout the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters you will get used to this scenario. By the way, to shoot a gun sufficiently press the "E" button if you did not change the key destination. For example, I immediately reassigned it on "Alt". I just thought it was so more convenient. But back to our passage. When the sandy devils are dead, you can safely come back to Carlos. We pass on the mark on the map and perform the task " Talk with Carlos", the result of which will be the next video. When consider - take the next task and go to the ship. Get there simply, especially if you put track tracking on the map. On the bridge you can find Captain Sebastiano, which should be reported on arrival and readiness to send. Well, The first, the most simple terrain in the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters behind, can be a little rest ...


So, we arrived in Takarigua. It is here that the full passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters will begin, with constant tasks, voltage and interests. And as soon as you arrive in Takarigua, talk to Patty. As you could guess, she will become our first accompanying. Bed from such satellites, to be honest. Well, yes, you can not get anywhere, the game imposes it to us in the "colleagues". When you finish chatter from Patty, talk to Sebastiano, he will tell us a lot of interesting things and will give the first task on this section of the card. " Lair Pirates"That we have to find.

But first, go ahead and listen that you will tell you the guards. At the entrance to the village of Puerto Sakaliko, it is better not to swear, because we have to spend some time here. Immediately talk with Rocca, a local lieutenant who does not have anything in common with a funny rodent of a famous cartoon. However, in the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters you can make sure in the opposite one. Immediately take the task " Pirate post"That you do traveling, not even noticing. Talk to Pedro, who will tell us how to get into the opposite part of the island. There will immediately be an additional task" Map of Takarigua Island"True, to get a map, we need to talk to Mr. Fougo, and he will not take us in dusty clothes. Well, let's change around. And, at the same time, stocking products for travel. These are two additional quest" Durable clothing"And" Provit"In principle, it is necessary to perform them all because they are very helpful in the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters.

In order to make the task " Provit", We go to the house opposite the headquarters. As you can see from the situation, we were in the kitchen. Well, let's talk with Osorio, which sells products. Voila! The task is done, you can simply not buy anything. To perform the task" Durable Clothing "is enough Getting to the dun, which is the largest tower in the city, and on the side of meeting the Carter, who trades clothes. Capure at least a shirt, I will not lose you. Now it's time to take the next plot task in the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters.

Quest " Map Takarigua"Makes us to go to the main square in the village. Find a large building, located right there and enter it. You will immediately meet the guards and refuse to skip. But, referring to Mr. Fuego, we will still pass. Fougo himself will be ready to sell us a map And another bunch of extra junk, which, in principle, can be worn in the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters. When purchases are made, you need to look at the map. If you look, you will notice the gate drawn in the right corner. Over them is the image of the ship. Well It's time to move to pirates, because the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters will not do itself. In order to pass the mountains, use the cave in the center. You will attack the aborigines, macales and strange creatures, called warts. But the task " Map Takarigua"Inappropriate leads us forward.

So, we got to the entrance to the lair. In order to get through the main entrance, we need either the skill of intimidation, or the skill of Krasnobay, both at the level of 15-and. Otherwise it will not work out through the main entrance - Pirate Fens will not miss us. If suddenly it turned out that both of these skills are in a deplorable state, then let's find another way. Just rise up on the map, put your hand on the rock for orientation. On the way you will meet Blake, which is much more negligent about your duties. Come to the house, talk to some Curtis. Now it's time to the ship. Look at the video, talk with the steel beard captain. Patty will leave us, well, well. The task " Map Takarigua"You can read performed.

But the task is characteristic exclusively for pirates. The task " Without Roma will not leave"It's very simple. Just go to the brand in the tavern and ask why he does not send rum to the ship. You will learn that he had neither sugar, no water. How can it be boiling rum? It is logical that for the delivery of both ingredients will have to perform two Different tasks. Immediately give a letter from Mr. Fuego. Task " Wateron"Made it elementary. Just talk to Curtis and find out where three Pirates Colby, Doggs and Fosters are. It turns out that they are on the beach, a little left of the ship on the map. When you get there, talk to Colby, who will tell why two other pirates quarrel . It is best to defeat both and send Colby on the watch.

Now execute the task " Sugar delivery"In order to get the last ingredient. Check this task on the map and go to the lighthouse. Find Jack and perform his task for the destruction of termites. Do not do anything, just go and kill all evil bugs. Further go to the cave, which is The lair of termites. There you will find the desired sugar. It is enough to collect 7 bags with sugar so that they are enough for a portion of Roma. I'm afraid to imagine how much the pirates fall out in the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters. What time is it time to return to the tavern to the brand. When You will give him sugar and find out that the water arrives again, the tasks can be considered met. Practically. It remains to complete the tiny task " Sugar delivery".

Go back to the lighthouse and talk to Jack. When you finish the dialogue, go to the tavern, climb on the third floor and talk to Alistair. Now go down and speak with the brand, because the rum never delivered. Although, after an impressive dialogue, the consent will still be given and it will be possible to go to the steel beard in order to tell him about the fulfillment of the task. And, despite the fact that we saved his team from painful death without Roma, we will not take us on the ship, motivating it by the fact that we have completed too few feats, and the steel beard does not take unknown personalities on your Lohan. Well, not so scary. We again move to the tavern and speak with the captain of "Brian. Here I agree to take us on board if we deserve His trust. And I will give the following task in the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters.

The task is the eloquent name " Treasure map about "Brian"For a start, talk to Brian yourself and offer it to divide the bottle with you. In order to win the competition, you just need to drink the faster of the pirate itself. It is not difficult, there will be enough training pairs. When you can compose to him, put on the con Map vs. 500 gold. True, first you need to bring him a bottle of an painor that has a bartender. Buy, come back, give up and enjoy the game. When you have a victory in your pocket, you will receive a treasure map. But for the excavation you need a tool that you can buy Flannigan. There is a shovel 150 gold. And the truth is the golden thing! Look at the card and move to the marked point. This place is next to those guys we sent for water. When you put in place, in the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters will be The first treasure is available. Take everything and enjoy. But you can still not go to the steel beard yet, because it still will not agree to take us on board.

Well, where else can you get the task, except for the tavern? Go there and find out something on the topic of mix. This question will open the task " Persecution at night"For a start, you should wait for midnight. This can be done by simply bypassing on the bed. In the passage of Risen 2 Dark Waters in this way you can spend a significant number of time. When midnight comes, talk to the bartender and agree to pursue the mix. Attention! You need to go, And not run. You can change the move mode in the settings. When you proceed for Max to the shore, you will see a new piece of video. When you see, you will have to kill and mix, and drowned. Here it was not easy to bring it ... Take trophies and move to the owner The taverns who have taken the task. True, the steel beard will still refuse to take us on board. This is not enough for him. Well, okay.

If you have problems with risen 2 gameYou can always take advantage of our advice and information to action. We describe the steps in detail that you need to do to fully go through the game. Risen 2.. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Risen 2 passage Read on our site.

Meet with a commandant!

Look at the starting roller. Juan appeared in your room and asks to go to the commandant. Stand out of bed, take all items that will find in the room. Go out, then from Juan to the left and up the stairs. Talk to Carlos. In the roller you will see how Kraken destroys the ship.

Explore shore

Carlos asks you to go ashore and find survivors, and then help them. Open your inventory, well gear your hero. Get out of the room, go down, talk to Juan. Leave the building, go to the shore, and then go along it.

Save Patty

You will meet Patty (old familiar), the sandy devils attacked it. Do not forget that this is your first fight, so try not to die and be careful. Use the gun to kill sandwaves faster. After the victory, go along with Patty to Carlos, the girl will tell his plan for which Kraken will be killed.

Talk with Carlos

Cut the Patty to her room. When the girl falls asleep, leave the room and return to the Cabinet of Carlos. Talk to him, get instructions for further actions, getting up your character again and leave the fortress.

Forward, in Takarigua!

Go to the pier. Find the ship you need, go to his board. Go to the steering wheel, talk to Sebastian.

Find the Lair Pirates

Now Patty becomes your companion. So that you are not suspected of communicating with the Inquisition, the girl got rid of all your clothes. Get out of the cabin, go to the conversation to Sebastian. Then completely naked go behind him. Once on the shore, you have to find a map to navigate in the jungle. Without it, you can eat any wild animal. Go with a commandant, he will make a reprimand to lieutenant Rocofor. Because of him last night, the supplies were stolen from the warehouse. Unfortunately, Rokfort could not follow food for what will be punished. Talk to Pedro on the street, so you will learn new details about the pirates, the map and understand where you can get clothes. Take food, she will temporarily restore health. Inspect the dining table.

Durable clothing

Go along the path. You should see the tower that will be right from you. Go to her, talk to the seller of clothes. Buy yourself new armor.

Map Takarigua

Open your inventory, dress things and other equipment. Go to Villa Di Fuhago, now the security will miss you without any problems. Be in front of you, you will see a picture as the owner communicates with Sebastian. The owner of the villa will not be able to beat back from the head of your friend and not want to agree to load the supplies to the ship. Talk to the governor, he will give you a card of all islands, just give him 100 gold coins.

Find the Lair Pirates

We will not be displayed on the shelter asylum of pirates, so it will have to look in the literal sense of the word. Go to the northeast (orient on the map). In the area of \u200b\u200bthe cave, which will be the last in front of the eastern shore you will find the lair pirates. Near the gate you will meet Fenssa. Only he will not let you, so you have to find another guard that agrees to miss you. Go east to the shores, and then north, there you will meet Blake. It will help you to get into the lair pirates.

Find steel beard

Go deep into Logov, you will meet Curtis on the way. He will tell you that the steel beard is currently on the ship, so you need to get to it. Get to him, see the family of family disassembly. Beard does not want to take you to the ship, so you have to pronounce an ancient pirate oath of loyalty. In addition, you will have to perform a few quests. Find out the beard about the gun that the titans can kill.

Sugar delivery

Go to the tavern, talk to Roma coach. He will tell you to cook good things, you need a lot of water and sugar. The first ingredient is easy to get, and you will solve the problem with the second. Buy more Roma and Harsh. Go south to the river, there you will find the tower. Kill huge ants at the entrance (in no case do not go to the lair at once). After eliminating a rather big crowd of monsters, you can pick up seven sahara bags. Return back to the coach, he will say where to attribute sugar.


Next, the variable will say where you can get a lot of pure water. Exit the taveris, talk to Curtis, who will walk next to the tavern. He will tell you that water can be reached by a waterfall. Open the map, it marked where to go. Talk first with the Third Guy (Colby), he will refuse to go to the goal. Talk to two other guys. You need to fight with both to decide who will go to the post.

Without Roma, you will not leave!

Take all the boobs, now you have to talk with a steel beard. Listen to the conversation of two drunks, and then take a rum beard.

Heavy chest

Job with Macmene, he will tell you that a cracker needs a cracker. Go to the building that is the left of the tavern, buy in it a wash. Return to the place where you bought clothes, talk to Largo, and then pick a face. Talk to Largo again, go with him to the pirate camp. Now Largo will teach you to pump the right skills, carefully treat this case, so that there are no problems later. Return to the ship. Go down to the bottom, hack the box, take everything in it. Talk to the Macmene and Steel Beard.

Treasure cards O'Brien

Go to the tavern, get acquainted and talk to O'Brene. Buy an painful, drink it and play it with O'Brene in the game "Who will drink more", after the victory, get a mini card. Get the shovel, and then go to search for treasures. Go through the waterfall, dig a place that is marked with a red cross. Kill the sandy devils, go back to the steel beard.

Treasure map of Piet.

Talk to Holly about Pirata, who hid his treasures. The place where the treasure is buried on the left (parallel to the pirate base). On his way, kill monkeys and local animals. Inspect the body of a pit that will find on your way. Find the treasures, take their steel beard.

Persecution at night

Shatter with Alkash named Mix, it lies in the corner of the tavern. Then talk to the brand knit. Go to the ship, go to bed. Then waking up, go back to the brand and talk to him again. Go for the mix, you will learn that he is a traitor, kill him.

Become a pirate

Follow the steel beard, talk to him and tell us about all your successes. Tell the oath, change yourself and get ready to go swimming.

Talk with pirates on the tower

Go to the tower, then right. Go through a little straight, and then left. Next follows a plot video. Now you have to fight with gangsters. We have been defended more often, less often attack and then the fight will be very easy and without problems.

Assistance in battle against the crow

Share with a steel beard. Now you can choose an ally.

Forward, in Puerto Isabella!

Go for Sat, kill local grasses on your way. Then you have to choose the path, go along the shore. Reaching the bridge, divide with your team. Return to the city, you will have to talk to the inquisition.

Where is the Crow ship?

To go to the city, just give one hundred gold coins guard (you can try to persuade him, but it may turn out if the corresponding skill is pumped). Go through a little straight, and then strain. Go to the villa, talk to Sebastian. He will agree to help you if you fulfill his order.

Scout Report

Venturo was sent to the temple to explore the situation, but no one had not heard about him. Take the card from the table. Leave the villa, talk to Aguilar. Go straight to the west, there you will find the temple. On the way, you will meet signs that will say where Venturo went. Of course you can look for him near the entrance to the temple, but there will be a dozen local aborigines.

Among the savages

Having met Venturo, talk to him. Go to the village of Shaganumby, tell Masaru that you will be held in a crow. Then he misses you. Talk to all in the camp. Return to Venturo and report everything to know.

Follow Venturo in Puerto Isabello

Go for Venturo, he will stop near the temple. Your ally will ask to kill enemies near the tower and in it, fulfill the request of a friend (the enemies are not enough, so there will be no problems). Return to the city while Venturo drinks, talk to Sebastian.

Four Muskets against Crow

Go out to the street, talk to Alcasar. Talk to Bartlo, then the investigation will begin. Inscribe all suspects. After a long conversation, you will realize that Tito stole a weapon. Beat him and take the armor, return them to Bartlo. Job with all your companions, and then go to bed. Waking up in the morning, talk to Sebastian, and then go to the road.

Step march!

Kill the local defenders of the temple, go to it through the main entrance and look at the roller. Shoot exactly in the crow and evade the harpoon, after the victory, get the last as a trophy. Now you are waiting for the battle with Titan. He has a highlighted hole on his chest, shoot it from the harpoon. After four hits, the boss bends in front of you, take it on his head and finish. Return to the ship, see how Kraken destroy the ship, and the steel beard will die from the hands of Mary.

Talk with commandant

Talk to Sebastian, give him harpoon. Then there are two dialogue with Patty, one of them will take place in the port.

A pair of water barrels ...

Talk to Sofia. Using the map, find three gold masks, give their girlfriend, in response, she will help you immerse water on the ship.

Third team member

Talk to Venturo in the tavern, and then tell Sofia about him.

Fourth team member

Talk to Sofia, and then with Hawkins in the Tower. Chat still with Sebastian, steal the key with him. Go to the northern gate, find in the bushs of the bandit and offer him to join the team.


You need to destroy guns that are directed to the ship. The first gun is better to break the one that is on the tower. Then distract the guards and assigned them to the allies until everyone fights with each other, you can destroy the last guns.

Free ship

Kill four guards on the ship, talk to Patty.

Find captain Slane

Take Patty to satellites. Talk to Rick about the pier. Go to Alvareas Mansion on the Hill. While the owner is fighting with someone, rise upstairs and get the map of the area. Talk to Alvarez, and then go back and talk to Slane.

Go for slane

Go for Slane, listen to a couple of stories from him. Agree to fulfill his task, immerse the progress on the ship and get an artifact.

Barrels with powder

Talk once again with Rick. Go to Alvarez's house, go to one of the rooms on the first floor, find the chest and hack it. Powder Take Rica.

Wilson Pistol

Near the villa, talk to the gunsmith Donovan. The city has a ban on weapons, so to get a rare gun, you will have to fight in a duel. Follow the shooting range, play mini-game (you need to get as much as possible). By winning, buy Wilson's pistol.


Having met Wilson, talk to him.


Go to the tavern, talk to the Morgan, invite him to join the team. Play familiar mini-games, win victories in them so that your new acquaintance agrees to become a slave ship Slalar.

Barrels with water

Waterons are on the map in the center, take them to the service. Talk to Miles and Butch, the latter needs to be defeated in a duel. Then go to Eddie's hut in the south-east, talk to a guy. Then rise to the north, you will have to fight with ship. It is not very dangerous, so you can beat it using ordinary techniques. Find Dankana, go back.

Ship gear

Return to the ship, in a conversation with Alvaras, put it in place using the Pirate Code. Talk to Slalar, and then with Patty.

Treasures Slane

Leave the ship along with Slane, go with him to the caves. Communicate with your companion, and when you get to the cave, then go to it.

Path from the cave

It turns out that Slane was enchanted and he decided to bury you alive in the cave, you will have to get out of it as quickly as possible. Purely intuitively choose your way on the development, being outside, follow the place from where you started with Slane.

Go for jaffar in jungle

On the shore you will meet the gnome, he agrees to help you create a boat to leave the island. Cut the dwarf to the cave, take the map of the island in one of the boxes.

Liana and finniks

All items you need are in the center and in the north-west of the island.


Talk to all the gnomes and follow their instructions, then you will receive six hands.

Building the flesh

Talk to Jaffar, give him all the necessary items to build a boat. Then go to the West Bank, leave the island.

Where is my ship?

Go to Pirate Lair, there you will find your ship. Talk to Patty, she will tell you about the treasures of the steel beard. Go to the building on the contrary, climb on the second floor, then go to the last room, talk to the girl. Take gold and diary page from the box, go back to Patty.


Find Carlos and talk to him. Go to the next room, ask the guards to open the gate. Minute the bridge, and then left. Talk to Mauregato.

Go for a servant

Keep the way to the hotel, talk to her owner. Go out into the street, go a little straight and then the servant will stick to you. He will ask you to appear in the estates of Mr. Azura. Follow where the servant will tell you, being in the mansion - talk to Azur.

Courier clothing

Talk with the hotel with Pantaleo, pay him 500 gold coins, then you will get the suit you need.

Print ring

Go to the house of Mauregato, talk to the kitchen with a kitchen, and then decorate the key. Go to the Mauregato room on the second floor, penetrate it quietly, find and steal the glove, and then go back to Azur. Now you can get into the board building, keep the path there (the guard will now miss without problems). Talk to everyone (answer to the riddle - 2 cabinets and 15 cells). Get the keys, follow the bureau, take a letter from the table and take it to azur.

Access to the archive

Go to the other end of the building, beat the guard. At the end of the room with documents, find the card and coordinates of the outlook, go back to the ship and go on the road.


Take yourself someone's thread in the partner, leave the ship and listen to Waldes (he will tell about what is happening on the island). Go to the jungle, kill monsters when you meet Habibo, ask him about Harlana. Go to the center of the map to the south of the lake, there you will find the camp of the Currents, with whom you need to talk.

Blood ancestors

To go through the wall of the fire, you need to get blood that has Osama. Look at the map of its location. Find Shaman and talk to him, it turns out that & Currents, in fact Garcia.

Hidden valley

Get blood from shaman, keep the path to the wall of the fire. Drink blood, go through it. Leave the cave, go to the temple. Look at the roller, start the battle with the garcia. Tear it to another room so that your enemy can not restore health. After the victory, visit the body of Garcia, go back to the ship and talk to Patty.

Artifact steel beard

To get to the ship of Garcia, you need a boat, you can find it in the very northern part of the map in the center. Kill the pirates on the ship, go to the captain's cabin. Find a treasure map, go back to your ship and tell all Patty.

Sesame, Open

Get to the cave, which is under the waterfall. Say the password.

Treasures of Garcia

On the map you are marked by the location of the treasure, get to him and kill monsters. Drop the chest to get treasures.


Go to Alvarez's houses, call for Duel Slane. Beking him go to the island of the dead.

Elixir false death

Once on the shore, go to the east. Talk to Dao, it will offer you an elixir, but for him you need ingredients that you can find in the nearest area.

Skiptere with Skull

Help four souls to get a scepter. Call the spirit of steel beard.

Curse artist

Talk to Nale. Find all items to create a scepter.

Curse Hunter

Talk to Mothely. He will take you to the big monkey, kill it (pick up before the slide).

Curse of the Warrior

Talk to another soul, win the war to get a spear.

Curse thief

Talk to Akando. Follow his home, hack the cheek or make a key for 300 gold (you have to return to the world of living). Having received a diamond, take it to Canda.

Hunter Curse 2.

Defeat Kraken

Kraken will attack your ship, so you have to fight him. Do not let Kraken attack you on the side, so constantly move and beat the ship's nose. After 8 hips from the harpoon, see the video about your victory, but on this the game will not end.

Kill Mar.

Attract the attention of water monsters, take them to the ship so that your team kill them. Pull out the bone hand Cup, so you activate two artifacts at once. Do not be distracted by enemies, try to beat only Maru. Bates her long-distance attacks, the last blow applies the last artifact. Talk to your team after the victory, leave the area and enjoy the passage of the story company.



Pike Treasure
We will find the body in front of the temple in the center of the island, take the map from it. The treasure will be buried here, just pass a couple of steps forward towards the temple.
Treasure about "Breed
To get the card you need to change its owner. As a rate, you need to put 500 gold, or a trained mardy, or an earring with a black pearl Largo. The treasure will be buried on the north beach from a pirate nest.

Coast of Sword


Treasure on Puerto Isabella Beach
We buy the card from Sofia for 100 gold. Casket is located on the southern beach from the city.
Treasure on the Indian Cemetery
Map can be taken from the bottle on the east coast. The treasure is in the depths of the village cemeteries in the southern part of the location.
Treasure in the Valley of the Jaguar
The map is located in the left branch of the Yaguar cave, in which we come across the quest Martineza (to find it through the gate at the second level of the city and come to the development). The treasure is located on a small plateau right in front of the cave itself (if you stand back to it).



Treasure on the beach at the fortress
Get the card after you take a hacking in the barracks. Then go to the beach to the crystal cave and dig a treasure in which you will find Scroll with one tooth .

Dead Island


Treasure in sclepe
The map can be found in the city of the dead in one of the houses in the arena. To get to the treasure, go towards the temple of the thieves, take care of the ledge and continue the way on the right side. In this treasure you will find Hook

Vorov Island


Treasure in the Valley of the Dwarf Eater
We buy the card from the Ulwi merchant after the quest "Missing Gnome". Casket is in the valley. There everything is clear in the marker, so I will not describe in detail where the cross is located.
Treasures in the sea
Map Find in the previous treasure. For a storage, we go to the northern part of the island in the rocky gorge filled with the sea. We go along the bottom of the gorge to the end and dig of value.
Treasure in the cave
The map is found in the bottle on the east coast of the island (next to the slave cave-trap). For a storage, we go from the location of the bottle towards the grotto, the left of which will be a cave with the crossed you need. Caution, he is guarded by a strong drowned man. I wasting Haru, throw a treasure and get Parrot feather .



Treasure on the West Beach
Map Find Admiral Alvares in the chambers. The treasure will be on the island in the north-west of Antigua. There we will also find Left boog .
Treasure on a rocky plateau
We buy the card from Quinna (sits east of the city). We go to the northeast beach, find rocky ledges and climb on them upstairs. So treasure.
Treasure in a grotto
I get a card from Duncana as a reward for the fulfillment of the quest "Forgotten Fisherman". The treasure is next. From the place where you dealt with Clabutherman, go to the left branch of the cave.
Gibson's grave
We take a map from the room on the second floor of the tavern (I buy the key from Quinna). The treasure is located in the cemetery to the west of the Captain House. Here we will find Silver mask .
Treasure Garcia
We will learn about the ladder in the course of the main plot of the game when reading the ship's Journal of Garcia in the Maraca Bay. The treasure will be behind a large waterfall. You will need to call the password "Garcia is the best!".

Maraca Bay


Treasure on the pirate coast
We take the map in the cabin of Garcia on his own ship (moored in the northeastern part of the bay). Caskets find in the north of location.
Treasure in Panther Cave
For the map we go to the northeast of the bay, looking for a checkbox with two skulls and a chest next to him. Card inside in a bottle. For a storage, we go to the cave, where they killed the Panther on the quest about the competition of two applicants for the title of leader Maracaytsev (it is located next to the plateau where the fiery pepper grows).
Treasure in the Lost Valley
Card We buy from Malayk in the village of Mlow. The treasure will be buried in the lost valley in the north-west location. It is possible to get there only at the end of the quest "Hidden Valley" and to mult with itself the blood of ancestors to overcome the fiery wall.
Treasure in hunting grounds
Card we get from Aborigina Khan for killing an alligator. From the lake we go south, bypassing the pirate camp. The cross will be in front of the cave leading to the fire temple.

In the Maraca Bay, we need to find Captain Garcences. We did not have time to fall asleep how the guys of the Inquisition with the commandant Valdez run to us and begin to ask. Making sure that we are good, they let us go to search for Korient's commandant, saying that he knows where Garcia can be. Get out of the camp and pass under the bridge, then turn the right, come to the fishing station and ask where to go further. After that, we go straight, and climb the slope into the village. Talking with Korientis. He knows how to get into the temple of fire, but does not know where the entrance.

If you have passed the "Deserter" task and took Anguus to the camp of the commandant of Waldes, then you know that the Korientis Commander is a disguised captain Garcia. If you attack Garcia, you will have to fight most of the villagers, they do not know who Korientis really. With a cold corpse of Garcia, you can remove the "luxurious sword" and "Silver trunk" - the best gun in the game, in my opinion.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
Moreover, after the murder, Garcia, we will be able to pick up the bone hand, which will come in handy for the murder of Mary and the blood of ancestors for the passage of the hidden valley.

Side tasks.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Barrels with supplies from the crash site.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
The first side task in the Maraca Bay. If you ask about the task of the commandant of Valdez, he will send to Mercurio. Mercurio will ask to look for a provisional, which remained after the crash of the ship. It is necessary to find 6 barrels with the provincial. We go ashore and take the barrels, give Mercutio and get a reward. By the way, after this task, you can trade with him.

Habib Trophy.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
We leave from the stop of the Inquisition and see a single tribe warrior, which knocks off from the fire bird, and help him. After that, he will ask us to kill pirates and bring his prey - meat. We accept the task and climb the slope, they kill the monkeys and the panther there, then go over the bridge. Crossing the bridge - we kill two panthers and turn to the left trail, they kill three pirates there and find Harlock, on the task of the "Treasure Island", but this is another story. In the chest, we will find meat, we return and give prey Habibu. In the reward we get an idol.

Sea monster.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
This task, we get from Khan, who got a camp near the village of Aborigines. Khanu is a fisherman, and the Alligator prevents him from fishing. If we kill alligator, then we will get a treasure map in the award. I do not know why, but when receiving a treasure card, we open the map of the island. Bug, probably. And so on every island.

Black Dog.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
If the fishing camp go straight and climb upside down, you will see a camp of four pirates. Kill them, and from the pirate named "Black Dog" to shoot his family dagger. After you get to the village of Aboriginal - speak with Palomo and tell me that they killed the "black dog" and show the dagger. Palomo wants to buy it for 1000 gold, sell, still eat the daggers better than that.

Treasure in hunting area.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
You will receive a map of the treasure from Khan, as a reward, for killing the Alligator. After that, you will have a label in the magazine and location on the map. Now you can go for treasures. Inside the chest are the following things: 500 gold, ruby, bowl, candlestick, idol.

Grave idols.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
This task issues Malayak in the village of Aboriginal. She will ask to find grave idols that stole pirates. Go down along the path and go to the nearest temple. There are three pirates there. We kill them and take the idols. We bring Idolas Malayka, and she will offer two things to choose from: a ring that raises the skill of chopping weapons and intimidation by 5 units; Potion that raises the power of the Spirit. Personally, I chose the ring, which I advise you.

Thorough tomb.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
This task issues Egas in the village of Aboriginal. Egasu does not really want to look for pirates that open the ties and he asks us for help. Remember that temple where you were looking for pirates on the task of "grave idols", if so, you have already killed pirates, and you can return to Egasu for remuneration. In a reward for the task you will get 300 gold.

Unnecessary instructions.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
On the way to the camp, you will meet the bons - a local madman who broadcasts about the end of the world and the apocalypse. After talking with you, he will rise to the stand and start broadcast. Speak with him again and use intimidation skill (90) to shut up. After that, you can call it on the ship and promise to return it to the soul. Also, Bons is a good endurance teacher.

The tombs of the ancestors.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
If you go to any of the temples and try to make a gold mask, then you will call Yagula - an ancient keeper of treasures, he will give you a task for finding 3 gold masks. All three temples are located next to the village of Aboriginal. In the first two temples, you can remove the masks from the dead pirates and put on the pedestal back. But the third and last mask you need to remove from the corpse of the Black PSA. After removing the mask from it - come back to the temple. There, by the way, you can find the corpses of the Aborigines and White people, as they turned out there, you will learn after the development of the storyline. After climbing 3 masks on the pedestal, the Spirit will appear and say that you can pick up the award from Osama. In a reward for the task, you will receive a legendary subject: "broken ratchet" (+10 to black magic).

Where is the kili?

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
This task issues a gift in the village of Aborigines. Dara will ask to find his husband Kratoque. Korak is near the temple where we killed Pirates and searched for idols. We go there and speak the Frenchman so that it goes back home. After that, come back to the gift. As a reward for the task, you will get the potion of the belief that enhances your skill red. Also you can drove the French, if you have theft of stealing. 400 gold - this is not just like that.

Heritage Chucks date.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
In the village begins the struggle for power. You can get up to the side of the Saalu or Hackek. Saalu takes only people who are familiar with Voodoo, and Hakkek - people with muskets. But they have the same tasks, except for the second.

So, the first task. To begin with, we need to prove that we are able to fight. To do this, we need to become a Maracay chalmak and defeat the Potaku / Dycu - depends on the selected side. If you do not want to fight, you can intimidate them (70), then return to the Saale / Hackek for the second task.

Zavu will send us to the leader so that we learn how the first test will be. We go to the leader and find out that we need to get the paw of a black hunter, and the first who will do it - the first test will pass. We return to Saalu and he will take us to the cave of a black hunter, and he himself will remain outside, will wait until, we will bring a black hunter on nature, so that Saalu can kill him. After the murder, the Panther, taking his paw and attribute the leader of the tribe to complete the first test.

The second test is the test of wisdom. We repeat the Saalu and he says that we make it a doll - Voodoo, seized the body and answered questions themselves. Ask his hair, and go to the altar - do a doll. Dress the doll and move to the body of the Zalai, then go to the leader and answer the questions.

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks

Passage. Maraca bay. Scene and side tasks
Right answers: Darkness; time; Probably ... nothing. After answering questions, you can return to your body. Returning to the body, we say Zale about success, we go to the leader for the third test.

The third test is the battle of chalmaks. We must defeat the chalmak of one of the leaders, depends on whose side you have chosen. To do this, we speak with the Saalu / Hackek and notify about the decision of Chucky the date, then we speak with one of the fighters and go to the Alfra to win. By the way, the fighter can be stunned during the dialogue, but if Kenon stand nearby, he will attack you, so to solve you. After the victory, we go to the Chuck's date and get a remuneration, the legendary subject: the skull of the dead man. And Zalu, we will get a good ring that gives an increase in the cult of dead, black magic and voodoo, +10 to each.


After you find a cortenez, he will give you a task. We need to kill Angus. Remember the boy, which calculated the salary in the crystal fortress. After wandering around the jungle, we find Angus. Now we need to decide what to do with it. We can: kill him and get gold; To take him to Korentya, then he will kill Angus himself, we do not get anything; To bring Angus to Valdez, and in a conversation it is to understand that the Captain Garcia is hiding under the distinctionanda of Korentes.