Prey (2017): Passage (all side quests). Passage of side missions in Prey (2017)

Prey (2017): Passage (all side quests). Passage of side missions in Prey (2017)

Welcome to Prey. Tonight, the game finally came out and we even managed to run a little. According to the first reviews of fans, we can say that the launch was a success. Prey has already received the status of the long-awaited Half-Life 3 and is not going to pass its position. Despite the fact that a lot here will seem familiar to you, some things will not be so obvious. In our leadership, we collected the main tips to help you survive the first day alone with tifons.

Items around

There are many games where countless junk is lying around you. To carry with you everything - no inventory is enough, so I have to remember what you need. There is no such thing in prey. We highly recommend that you collect everything that is not attacked. Anyway, the subject will be useful to you later. Even if it looks like a useless trash.


From the previous board smoothly follows the second. In Prey, it is very important for you to know where the nearest utilizer is located. This is such a thing that turns unnecessary things to useful things. At the output, you can get four types of resources: exotic matter, plastic, minerals and organics. We fold the garbage to the basket on the left (there is even a button to move the trash, very convenient), press the button on the screen in the center and take your resources from the basket on the right. After disposal, the place in the inventory is greatly free. We also recommend that you read the guide about.


Since we wound your pockets with resources, it would be nice to understand what to do with them. To do this, we will need another device - a manufacturer. This is a 3D printer that creates objects for previously found drawings. Select the desired drawing on the screen from the list, place the necessary resources in the cell from the bottom and run. By the way, for the first time, two of these devices will meet us along the plot in the Morgan Cabinet, there will be the first wrench drawing on the table.

How to expand inventory in prey?

In continuation of the topic, it would be nice to know how to expand our inventory. We start with you with 45 slots, but very soon we want to have more. Alas, for this you will have to spend very valuable resources - neurodes. The extension of the inventory is one of the Morgan Abokilov, which is pumped along with other abilities. You can find it in the section Engineer called a suit modification. The first update will increase your inventory up to 60 slots, second to 77, third to 96.


Since we touched on the topic of neurodes, let's talk about the development tree in Prey a little more. The screenshot shows that we can explore three types of skills:

  • Scientist - allow you to bypass the protection of computers, more efficiently to be treated and produce more valuable organs from Typhonov
  • Engineer - responsible for modifying equipment, repairing equipment and troubleshooting troubleshooting problems
  • The guard is improving your physical data, firearms and tactical skills
The first level skills are quite cheap, but despite the desire to pine them as much as possible, we recommend to keep themselves in your hands. This approach, of course, will make you stronger in the short term, but hurts in the future. Really standing abilities are at the second level and higher. The study will leave 4 to 6 neurodes, so it makes sense to turn on the hamster mode and actively save them. By the way, neurodes are the usual items that can be found in the surrounding world. Their receipt is not tied to the experience and passage of tasks. You can read about where to find a drawing of neurodes. Read more about the best skills and pumping character you can find out.

Adjustable key

With its abilities, more or less figured out, let's look at how we will hide from the enemies. The first thing they will give us in hand is an adjustable key. At first it is the main weapon of Morgan. Good thing that will help tipons in the near battle. Here we want to advise you more often clamp the attack button. So the shuffles will become more, and endurance will be spent less. Yes, yes, we can also get tired. To stay without forces among the heap of Mimikov - it is completely unpleasant, you can believe us.

How to increase endurance in prey?

The next logical question that will arise from you after exploring the key: "How to increase endurance?". Here we will again help neuromodes. We go to the Security Guard and we are looking for endurance skill there. By the way, health is pumped here. Abilka is called resistance.

Gypsum gun

We also get the following important weapons in the plot. Gypsum cannon allows you to freeze enemies in place, without damaging damage. And it can be useful in domestic situations: for example, to extinguish the flame or climbing the frozen foam.

Mimici and phantoms

Since we started talking about opponents, let's see with whom we will have to face at first. Mimics are the smallest and delight of them. There are practically every corner. We sincerely do not recommend that you underestimate them. First, they are very fast. Secondly, they can be masked for harmless items. Those. If it seems to you that this garbage tank or stool should not stand here - it will be safer to shine in it by a confusing key. Phantoms - opponents more accurately. It is for them that it is necessary to save a shotgun (about where to find it) and other weighty arguments. Well will help in the battle of turret in combination with gypsum gun.

Everything is about to change

Instruct Dal

If Dr. Igople remained alive, then after arriving Dear, he will offer a plan of salvation. We come to the doctor in your room in the lobby, listen to it.

Do not kill Valter Daly, only he can drive shuttle, and therefore it is needed for a successful evacuation. It is easiest to cut it out, performing an additional quest for air purification, in the bonding compartment. In other places, a shocker or the ability of typhonians will need to stun.

Dalla's stunned body will take Dr. Ime and takes it to the "Department of Neuromods", where the memory can be erased on the upper floor when removing neurodes. Get to the place, the doctor is already there for round glass. On the computer panel, press the buttons to start the operation. The distance will forget everything, and the doctor will convince him to return to the shuttle and prepare for evacuation.

At the very end, when we turn on the self-destruction of the station, we need to get from the "Captain Bridge" in 8 minutes to the "Shuttle compartment", and the distance will take us from the station.


Captain's bridge - rescue capsules. In the middle capsule on the left of the girl's corpse, we find a transcriptor, get a task.

Life support - water treatment plant. In the lower compartment we can rise to the floor above in the cabinet of the Pricyza Prica Broadway. In the box we find a password from the computer, remove the lock from the cleaning device through the computer. We go down to the lower floor, we turn on the panel to "extraction of acne", acne, mimic and Broadway Body with a neuromode will fall out of the tank.

Where is Kirk?

Captain's bridge. We look at the corpses, we find an audio message, we get a task. (Part of the other quest "Pravdolub").

Cargo compartment. On the scalad with the help of the panel, open a container with number 3232, inside find a dead quirk with 2 thoroughs.

Sealant for a million dollars

Laboratory of Psychotronics - Atrium, Upper Floor. On the left there is a locked door to the laboratory of exotic matter, near her corpse with audio record. After listening to the transcriptor, we get a quest.

Talos-1 covering. In space we find a marked long crack from which the air leaves. Fill the entire surface with a gypsum gun so that the air stop going out. After that, inside access to the depressive room, where many cubes of exotic matter.

Gustav Litnener

Cargo compartment. Dr. Ive will give us a pass from his cabin.

Residential compartment. The game will ask for a pianist neuromode in his cabin. Inside, come to the picture of the pianist on the wall, turn on the audio recording with the music that the game handed us, after that the cache opens. The task is necessary to achieve.


Data store. As soon as the Dal Council arrives at the station, we go to the compartment with the data. There on the top floor in the security computer, we enter the ID number of your bracelet-beam: 0913. Disconnect it. So the distance will not see our location, and will not constantly send enemy drones to us.

Daniella Show.

Residential section - swimming pool. We inspect dead bodies, one find an audio recording, we get a task. We approach the outside windows of the pool, knocking on it a wrench. On this sound, Daniellah will arrive at this sound. She asks us to kill Coca Will Mitchell, who only pretends to Kok, and in fact he escaped the experimental criminal.

Captain's bridge - rescue capsules. In one of the capsules we find Coca Will Mitchell. He can't fly away, because it sunsites before our eyes.

Get neuromode

In the "compartment of neurodes" in the central hall, we divide the showcase, we take your penny neurode with the skull. We can spend it on an instant study of one skill from the professions "scientist", "Engineer", "guard".

Dr. Ivep

Talos-1 covering, near the cargo compartment. With us, Dr. Gameve comes with us, he hid in a container, which is now drifting in space. The task is given for 7 minutes. It is impossible to open the container, otherwise the scientist will die without air, it is impossible to push it too. In the input panel we find the container number 2312. We fly to the deepening of the cargo compartment, there are many mines, we clean them. On the side wall there is a load control panel, we enter the container number on it, and it automatically docks to the ship. So we save the scientist. After that, we will be able to go through the dyed container to the station. We speak with scientists, he thanks for salvation.

Ekaterina Ilyushin

Hall Talos-1. After we save Catherine in the power station compartment, it will move to our office in the lobby. Return there, we speak to her, we get a new task.

Copy protection

If you try to create a neuromode on your factor, it turns out that this feature is blocked by one of the directors, a task will appear.

Neurodes compartment - production. On the top floor there is a locked office, but we can open it by shooting with darts through the window or finding a skip on the lower floor. Inside the office we find the killed Holden Graves, a couple of audio recordings, near the computer, we will prolong the license to create neurodes - add. mission accomplished.

Golden Pistol

Captain's bridge - suction capsules compartment. We look at the corpses near the capsules, we find an audio message, we obtain the access code for the cabin Captain "102 - J. Marks" and the task.

Residential compartment. In the cabin 102 we find a unique golden gun "Artemis", it is slightly better than ordinary characteristics.

Disappearing corpse

Department of neurodes - research. We read the message on the computer, we obtain an additional task.

Laboratory of Psychotronics - Morg. On the elevator from the viewing branch we can go down to the morgue. At the bottom there is a locked door, but it can be opened, shooting from a dart through the glass into the door button. Among the corpses, we find the body of Dr. Bellamy, we get the skip of the cabin of Silvesen Bellamy.

Residential compartment. Cabin "108 - S. Belamy". When we enter inside, the quest will be completed. Inside the reward: 3 neurodes and chip psychoscope "Psi-amplifier".

Smugglers on Talosoe

Arboretum - central elevator. The center has an underground tunnel leading to the central elevator of the space station. In the entrance tunnel of the elevator we find the body of the girl, listen to its audio recording, get extra. Task - Find 6 caches.

All caches look like a fire alarm on the wall, there are many of them throughout the station, but the caches are distinguished by the fact that they burn a red light bulb over the alarm. To open such a cache, knocking on a wrench 3 times panel. Location of all caches:

1. Arboretum, tunnel in the hall. Right near the place of receiving the quest.

2. Hall. Exhibition on the 1st floor.

3. Hall. Corridor to the left of the toilets.

4. Residential compartment. Fitness center, in the corner to the right of the entrance.

5. Hardware laboratory. Atrium, 2nd floor, behind the statue.

6. Cargo compartment. On the 2nd floor of refuge near the seated girl.

The reward for the fulfillment of the quest is the content itself of caches - neuromodes and various resources.

Who are you, "December"?

Laboratory psychotronician. As soon as we enter the new compartment, the Bot "December" will come to contact, he proposes not to comply with quarantine, but leave the ship on the rescue capsule. Bot assigns us a meeting on the upper floors of the neurodes compartment. (If we want to see this line of the plot, you need to return immediately and go to the meeting, otherwise we will not have time).

Department of neurodes - production. Through the hall we return to the main hall of the neurodes compartment. Here, on the railing, there was a person who had not been before, we look at it to find a map and code from the guard of 5344. Open the doors, we climb on the upper floors. In the first top room we find the dewdered Bot "December", it has code from the Safe Alexa.

Arboretum. When you get to the dwelling of Alexu Yu on elevation, we divide the glass "mirrors", after it is safe. We use the code found at the "December" bot, take the cabin of the cabin Alex Y.

Residential compartment. We rise to the director, we enter into the cabin of my brother, inside the bedside the bedside table, there under the globe hidden a pass for evacuation.

Arboretum. We return to the dwelling of the Alex, we climb on the upper floor, with the help of the skipping can open the only working life capsule. It can be flown from the station on it, but it is not considered for a full-fledged ending.

Medicine Catherine

Power station. On the middle floor we find a sick girl sitting on the floor. She needs to deliver medicine. 1.5 hours is given to the fulfillment of the quest, then the girl will perish.

We go into space through the nearest gateway. We fly to the depressurized cabin of Catherine, the entrance guards the telepath, and inside the bedside table we find a medicine. Returning to the girl, we enhance the medicine.

Nightmare hunting

If we establish yourself more than a dozen neurodes of Typhonov, a huge monster will be driven periodically for us. If you do not use neurodes, the monster will appear only at the final stages of the game.

The nightmare appears for 3 minutes. For this time you need to hide or kill him. Because of its large dimensions, the monster does not break into some doorways, and it is easy to hide from it in the side rooms. After the time expires, the monster disappears, and then appears again after a certain number of transitions between compartments.

Do no harm!

Arboretum - central elevator. On the elevator site, we destroy the technopath, after that, after you, look at the human body of Handrick Dervis, it has a skip and audio recording. After listening to the audio, we get a new additional. Task - decipher this audio message.

Hall is an injury. We enter the previously locked Cabinet Dervis, download the decrypt key, we listen to the second part of the audio message. In the next room of a psychologist on the main computer, we include a re-test, carry it out, responding to questions like this: A, C, B, A, C. After entering this combination, the safe will open, take 3 neurodes from it.

Unfallen employee

Data warehouse - control center. By fulfilling the Quest "Pravdolub", we learn about the person named Grand Lockwood. We climb on the top floor, you can track the staff on the ID of the bracelet number. We can enter number 3232 (random code) to find an employee of the Grand Lockwood.

Tool-1 covering. Locking body drifts in space far beyond the protective field of the station. When we go beyond the field, we will slowly kill solar radiation, so you need to rush. We find the corpse of an astronaut, in his suitcase there is a special chip "Atrax 2", allowing you to make a double jump. Quickly return to the station.

Neurodes of Dr. Kelastrup

Laboratory of Psychotronics - Atrium. On the side there is a barricated gypsum Cabinet director of Kelanp, pass there, neutralize the electrical device. When we leave the office, we will call Alex Y and will give code from the Kelanp safe - 3951 (random code). Inside, we find 2 finished neurodes and drawing of the neurode.

Non-valued signals

When a huge monster nightmare will hunt us 3 times, the Bot "January" will offer a way to get rid of him.

Hardware laboratory - mechanical workshop. On the floor we see a glass compartment where the cosmic satellite case is stored. To get it, you need to repair the panel ahead, and for it you must need a level of level 3 and 8 spare parts. Repairing the panel, press the button, the satellite compartment will open, tick the antenna from it.

Tool-1 covering. We go into space, we find a valid satellite, install your antenna on it. Through it, we can send the signals to the nightmare.

The signal can be sent only 4 times. We can either drive a nightmare after it appeared, or specifically call him in a place convenient for us. After 4 uses or after the death of the monster, the task will be executed.

Fallen cargo compartment

Cargo compartment. We find refuge of surviving people, their leader Sarah asks to help - need to get and put 3 machine-gun turret. To do this, you will need to restore electricity in the compartment (pass through the fuel storage compartment, press the button on the panel), and find the drawing of the turret (it is in space, in the hole to the left of the exit, in the safe). And the drawing, come to the fabricer, create a portable turret . But all three turret can be found in the finished form:

1. In the extreme left gateway, on the top of the inclined elevator.

2. In the open container in the center, which is suspended on the crane. Crane control panel is on the central road. With this crane, raise asylum and first turret.

3. On the lower floor of the shelter, we inspect the computer, the user's password is hidden next to the phone. Computer open side lattices, we find turret on one of the shelves.

Three found or created turrets bring to refuge to the lower floor, we put in the blue zone before the round door in the cargo compartment "B". When we are ready, we get a password from Sarah, open the door and kill three phantoms and weaver.

Father Catherine

When we communicate with Catherine in your office in the lobby, she will ask us to find information about her father, who came here volunteer for experiments.

Data store. We climb on the top floor, in the center there is a locked door. To enter, you need to have a high-level hacker skill, or you have to climb high under the ceiling, squeeze through the ventilation hatch. Inside a small room, we make a request through the computer, listen to the audio registration, where we kill volunteer. The Delete recording option will appear or send it to Catherine. To achieve achievements, it is necessary to reveal to Catherine this mystery.

Treasure hunting

At the station several employees played a board role-playing game. The role of the game master performed the girl Abigail Fi. She came up with another entertainment: 4 paper maps sent out to different participants, on them you need to find 4 digits at the station. From the collected numbers, you can pick up the password to the computer Abigail and pick up the reward from it.

Location of treasure cards:

1. Residential section - Reaction Center. In the leisure room, at the top on the Big Table are a sheets with characters from the desktop role-playing game, here we find a map of treasure for a molder.

2. Residential section - swimming pool. Here one of the people have a treasure map for Rosalin Swift.

3. Arboretum. We descend on the elevator in the data warehouse. In the corridor, we examine the corpse, take the "Treasure Map for Hordinbafla".

4. The storage is the management center. Rings us and tells how to leave the blocked compartment. In the computer, Daniella Show in the files find a treasure map for Melindra Shadowkoner.

Where indicate treasure cards:

1. Sagitt - fuel storage. Here we find the digit "1" on the wall.

2. Residential compartment - a room with a utilization. Tsyfra "6" on the wall.

3. Cargo compartment - Sugitis loading compartment. Figure "5" on the wall.

4. Life support is a water treatment plant. Figure "3" on the wall.

Residential compartment. We go to the cabin 109 a.foy. We wake a computer, in it select "functions", we enter the password of 1365. We obtain a drawing of a unique chip "Arsenal Finder Adventure".

Prisoner in laboratories

The laboratory of psychotronicics is the processing of raw materials. We pass around a big round capsule with a fabric. In the eastern room behind the glass locked a live volunteer of a gangster. We can raise his facial scans or release free by opening the door. If we help a person, he will say the code 8741 from the arsenal, inside there are pistols, shotguns, cartridges, neurodes.

Gift gift

Residential capsules. We inspect all capsules, including on the second floor. In one of the capsules we find audio messages, we will teach extra. Task.

Arboretum. Near a round glade with a bench we find a big tree with scratched initials. Under the tree we move or recycle the stone, under it skip the storage room A2. We go to the tunnel leading to the residential sector, in it opposite the checkpoint, open the passage door, inside the storage room romantic setting: Flowers on the floor, champagne, 2 neurodes, and a person turned into a tifon.

Abandoned shuttle

Tool-1 covering. In space, not far from the station we find the shuttle. We fly inside, there are 5 corpses and several useful things.

Help Ekaterina Ilyushina

Help Luther Glass

If, after the appearance of Dahl, we will go to the hall, Luther Glass will come to the connection with us, and asked to save him. We go to the line at the second floor, inside the ambush from several combat drones. Luther Glass himself initially lay dead on the central couch. Robots deceived us, implacing the voice of the dead man.

Attempt to flight

Coupling for shuttle - compartment of rescue capsules. We see that the 2nd capsule is absent, and a girl comes into contact with us, locked inside - we get add. Task.

You need to go into space, shoot 4 blocks on the gateway outside. After that, we return to capsules, on the central bridge, in front of the window, open the panel, select "Run 2 capsules" on it. So we save two people. (If we pass the game, observing quarantine, you need to click the start button immediately, without removing the blocks, it will explode from this capsule and people will die.

Kidnapped neuromodes


Laboratory psychotronician. In the laboratory "A" there is a room blocked by plaster. Inside the corpse of Dr. Anna Gallegos, from its audio recordings we get extra. Task - Anna was going to tell everyone about illegal experiments in humans, she hid the evidence in her cabin in a residential compartment.

Residential compartment - residential capsules. We find the dead body of the connecting body, she has the necessary audio record.

Information Storage - Management Center. In the computer of the security chief, you can track the staff by the ID of the bracelet number. We can enter a number to find employee.

Cargo dose - Sagita loading compartment. Some containers are locked to open them, look at the case of their number, the eastern walls find the control panel, enter the container numbers to open them. In the 3232 container, we find a dead person, he has 2 neurodes.

Problems with elevator

Arboretum - central elevator. The center has an underground tunnel leading to the central elevator of the space station. The elevator does not allow Typhon Technopath, managing the entire nearest electronics. We destroy technopath, and we can use the elevator. It connects compartments: Arboretum, Hall and Life support.


Hardware laboratory. On the top floor there is a dilapidated locked compartment. To open it, you need to go out into space and refund the door control panel outside. Having done this, inside will be able to get to the room where Blackbox project was developed.

Project "Blackbox"

Sagitta - control of the magnetosphere. We inspect dead bodies near the mobile electromagnet. After listening to the audio recording, we get the task - to find a person named Josh Dalton, Designer of the Blackbox project.

Josh's body is here in Sagitte, in weightlessness, for large pipes. You can find it by putting an employee tracking mark on any business computer. Josh has a pass to the laboratory.

Hardware laboratory. It is necessary to get into the dilapidated compartment on the upper floor, for this we can go into space and repair the front door outside, or climb the round capsule through the lower floor and crawl into the hatch.

Inside the laboratory, we learn that "Blackbox" is new bottle techniques that are equipped with laser guns.

Request Coca

Cafeteria. Monster telepath, controlling zombied people, lives in the cafeteria. When I kill the monster, Coke will come to the connection with us, he will not let us go to the kitchen, but will give a pass to the cabin Will Mitchell. Calutes of the crew A, "106 - W. Mitchell", we find a chef's medal in it.

Returning to Cocca, he misses us to the kitchen, inside there is a formist. The cook will ask for us to repair us a water supply (you can bring a whole piece from the trend of the arboretum, or repair the broken local item).

After that, Kok will miss us in the refrigerator. In the far cameer find the corpse of the girl Abigail. Nearby there are ice boulders that interfere with go into ventilation. We shoot the gas pipes on the wall, the fire emerged will melt the ice, and we can get out. Kok during this time already disappeared.

Psychogenic water

Difficulties with processing

Cargo compartment. After rebooting the system of the entire space station, you can open a quick way from the cargo compartment to the sagitt. We approach the superal compartment, press the panel at the entrance. In a few minutes you need to press another button in another compartment.

We enter into weightlessness, we find a hatch over the entrance door, sagitta tunnel through it through it. Here we fly to the bottom dead end, the walls find the second panel, press the button. After that, the sorting of goods will be launched and a large gateway will open between compartments.

Gardening tips

Arboretum. In the construction in the north we find a bed and a watering plant. Installation read a note about the invention of rapid growth of plants.

We climb into the dwelling of Alexu Yu on the hill, from there we look down to the West, there is a separate gorge where the corpse is. We look at the body, we find the drawing, we create a fertilizer "Stimulator of Dr. Howard".

We return to the watering unit, put the fertilizer to it, turn on the device. After 10 minutes, we can pick up the harvest - superfruit, fully restoring health.

Save alex

Arboretum. When the plot is eliminating or killing Walter Daly, our brother Alex Yu will come out of his asylum. But at the same time a giant tipon will attack the space station and depicts the entire compartment. Alex came out without a skatender, if we leave him in disadvantage, he would die. To save it, you need to drag his body back to the secret room, from where it came out.

Save wounds

Arboretum - greenhouse. You can get into the greenhouse, having a hiker 3 level skill, or climbing the wall with a gypsum gun. Inside the greenhouse kill the telepath to free the zombie people.

One girl after the death of the telepath did not faint, we communicate with her, we get add. Task. Nearby you need to enter the AR01 warehouse, take a couple of turons from there and install them on the road. While we will do it, Rani Chodari will already get to the cargo compartment, and the task will be fulfilled.

Ultimatum Dalya

According to the plot, closer to the end of the game, the adviser to the distance comes to contact us. His task is to kill all survivors at the station. He began to pour in the cargo compartment of nitrogen instead of oxygen so that all surviving people suffocate. Sarah asks to help solve this problem. Performance is given 15 minutes.

Life support. Inside the compartment there are two elevators, from the bottom platform, we look up, there are corpses of workers, one of them has a drawing of the air purifier. Create one such item.

On the floor cleaning the air if we have not yet repaired the fans, temporarily stop them by pressing the button on the panel, quickly pull out the fallen debris of the pipe.

We enter the open room "Air flow control", you see through the glass in the next room Daly. Here on the computer includes "disinfection of air", from this distance will fall and lose consciousness.

In the next locked room you can get: having a hucker 4 skill, turning into a mug, and slipping through a small side window; Or above the broken bridge to build a ladder from plaster and crawl into the hatch. Inside the room raise the panels with resistors, insert them back into the cabinets. One resistor is broken, it must be repaired by the skill, or create a new part according to the drawing. Air supply will resume.

Shuttle Advent

Captain's bridge - upper floor. On the computer screen, we see that one challenge "Advent" has long left the station long ago and will arrive in the ground in 5 minutes. If we observe quarantine, then we include the self-destruction of the shuttle. If we try to save everyone, do not press anything, and people will successfully get to the planet.

This ring ...

Cargo compartment. In the shelter of surviving people there are Kevin Hag, he will ask to save his wife from another compartment.

Residential compartment - Director's apartments. On the top floor in the corridor wanders the phantom, after his murder we get a wedding ring, it was the wife of Kevin, which turned into a monster.

We return to Hegu, give the ring.


1. Scene
Prey 2017 passage

The achievements that we get in any case, if we go through the whole game. No additional actions for their receipt are needed.

2. Additional tasks
Prey 2017 passage

Absenteeism NO SHOW)
You killed a helicopter blade on the first working day.
Chapter 1. In the Prologue to die from the propeller of the helicopter.
Indirect suicide SUICIDE by proxy)
You destroyed "January."
Chapter 3. You can destroy at the first meeting with him, but better - at the end of the game.
Coffee break (Coffee Break)
You found the cache of Dr. Calvino.
Chapter 4. Hardware Laboratory, Dr. Calvino Workshop. In the office we find a thermos, put it on the scales on the other side of the room, it will open the secret.
Resit (Makeup Exam)
You returned to the laboratory of simulation and completed tests in the rooms "A", "B" and "C".
It is necessary to improve the ability: "kinetic explosion", "Mimikria", "Telekiniz". Then return to the test laboratory, restart the tests, and perform their abilities.
Caused? (You Rang?)
You used a psychotronic satellite to cause or drive a nightmare tifon.
Develop Typhon Skills. When they become too much, they will periodically chase a big monster nightmare. After that, "January" will give quests "ambiguous signals." Include in the audio stage the signal from the satellite.

Dr. Ivep

Drifting (Adrift)
You resulted Dr. Game from the cargo container.
Chapter 10. Additional quest in the cargo compartment. You need to perform in 7 minutes.
Gift around the world (Gift to the World)
You found Connect of Gustav Leuter at the request of Dr. Ive.
We get the task after saving the game (but you can find it without it).

Ekaterina Ilyushin

Friendly help (A Friend in Need)
You found the stimulant Catherine and cured her.
Chapter 13. Additional task in the consistency of life support. Time for execution: 1.5 hours.
Self-evidence (Self-Incriminating)
You learned that it became with the father of Catherine, and told her about it.
Give the Catherine medicine, we celebrate it in my room, we get extra. The task of "Father Catherine". You need to find an entry, for this you need to skill "Hacker 4".
Mozgian center (Brain Trust)
Thanks to your efforts, Ime, "January" and Catherine met in your office.
To assemble them in your office, you need to save the game and Catherine, and not destroy "January."

Sarah Elazar

Daniella Show

You killed Luka and revenge for Abby.
Daniell informs us that the cook is not the one for whom it gives out, you need to kill him. We can find it on the Captain Bridge on the Lower Floor.
Black market (Black Market)
You found all the caches of the smuggler.
We find 4 treasure maps associated with the desktop role-playing, we carry them out with the cards of the compartments, we find secrets.

Opportunities in final chapters

There was nothing (This never happened)
You were subjected to Delia Apple Regressive Neurotomy.
In the compartment of "life support" poison Delia air. After that, his stunned body to those in the "neurodes compartment", there is an installation for extracting neurodes, which leads to loss of memory.
To push the fatty (Push The Fat Guy)
You killed Alex.
We will meet Alex at the beginning of the last chapter. It is enough to survive, kill it, reboot and continue to play.

3. Development of character
Prey 2017 achievements

Know yourself (Know Thy Self)
You got a person's ability.
It is necessary to purchase any ability from the discharge of "scientist", "engineer", or "guard".
Operator (Operator)
You hacked at least (20) available for hacking objects on board and in the vicinity of Talos-1.
Pour the "Scientist" branch "Hacker".
Techinar Engineer)
You repaired (20) objects on board and in the vicinity of Talos-1.
We pump the "Engineer" branch of the "Repair" skill.
... from my cold dead hands Cold Dead Hands)
You fully improved weapons.
Pour the "Guard" branch of the Gunsmith skill.
Dead silence (Dead Calm)
You killed the enemy during the action of combat concentration.
Pour the "guard" branch of the "Concentration" skill.

Typhon Transformation

Know your enemy (Know Thine Enemy)
You have received the ability of Typhon.
It is necessary to purchase any ability from the category "Energy", "Transformation", or "Telepathy".
Mimicry (MIMESIS)
You simulated facial expressions.
We pump the skill "Transformation". Mimica. Mimic with the help of a psychos and we will disguise in the same subject.
Werewolf ShapeShifter)
You disguised under (20) or more unique objects.
We pump the "Transformation" skill. We turn into all minor items that will meet on the way.
It exists! (IT "s alive!)
You created a phantom using the birth of a phantom.
We pump the "Transformation" branch "The Birth of Phantom".
Other side Yu (A Different Side Of Yu)
You scanned your copy created by the phantom shift, with the help of a psychosope.
Pour the "Transformation" branch of the Phantom Shift Skill.

Typhon Energy

Punch in flight (Tee One Up)
You killed the enemy while he hung in the air.
We pump the "Energy" branch "Elektostatic explosion", "whirlwind".
Fireball (Ball Lightning)
You destroyed 2 or more operators immediately using an electrostatic explosion.
We pump the "Energy" branch "Elektostatic explosion".
Second space (Escape Velocity)
You threw yourself and flew at least 20 meters at normal gravity.
We pump the skill "Transformation" and "Kinstistan explosion". Find a place with a high ceiling. We create a whirl on the floor, turn into a small object of the type of mug, and enter the whirlwind to take care up.

Typhon Telepathy

Provogramming (DeproGramming)
You used hacking mind to free the consciousness of a person from under control.
Pour the "telepathy" branch of the "psychoshok" skill. Apply on a zombie person.
Thoughts can kill (Thoughts CAN KILL)
You used psychos on a person.
Pour the "telepathy" branch of the "psychoshok" skill. Apply on a healthy person.

4. Application of weapons
Prey 2017 achievements

Reasonable consumption (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
You utilized at least 20 objects with one utilizing grenade.
Throw a grenade into the accumulation of surroundings.
I stand something (INTRINSIC VALUE)
You utilized yourself.
It is necessary to die from the recycling grenade.
Massacre Mimikov Mimic Massacre)
You killed (5) Mimikov in 5 seconds.
We use the bait, throw a recycling grenade.

Unlike most modern role-playing action, Prey will not send players to explore the giant open world. Morganu Yu has only a space station several hundred meters long, but the halls and corridors of this station are full of riddles and dangers.

To telegraph


Unlike most modern role-playing action, Prey will not send players to explore the giant open world. Morganu Yu has only a space station several hundred meters long, but the halls and corridors of this station are full of riddles and dangers.

Below we will try to briefly tell about the main points that you should know before immersion in the wonderful world of Prey. Be careful, some of these tips can save Morgan life.

Lay the nearest recycler and select everything

In prey, full-diverse "garbage" items: covers of wires, burnt fees, lemon zest and damn knows what else. Do I need to collect all this? Of course, Morgan will be able to find all the useless subjects worthy application - they will go on processing into a utilizer.

The first utilizer is in the Morgan Cabinet, you can practice on it in obtaining useful resources from any garbage. Just shut into the utilizer all the trash (there is an appropriate button in the inventory), activate the device and observe how four types of resources are hydrated from it: minerals, organic, exotic matter and plastic. Do not forget to pick them up.

Drawings and manufacturer It is important

Why do you need all these resources? To create new items or ammunition - you need a manufacturer, in the Morgan Cabinet it is installed directly opposite the utilizer.

This device works even easier than its processing fellow. On the sole screen, you choose the drawing, load the necessary resources, press the large "start" button - Voila, you have a freshly adjustable key or a pack of cartridges.

Turks are a great thing. They can be transferred!

The Talos-I station almost detected, but you still have an allied, in the loyalty of which you can not doubt: get acquainted with the security torus. Tourly will cover you while working with a utilizer or manufacturer and will provide a conditionally safe zone in almost any part of the station - provided that you will not forget to capture them with you.

Morgan can easily drag turret, one at a time. Are you going to explore the new zone of Talos? Arrange several turret at the entrance and retreat to them in case of problems - Typhones will be very unpleasantly surprised by such a meeting. And do not forget to repair damaged turret: the corresponding skill can be taken in the neurodes menu.

Read mail useful

Here, and there, Morgan will be stumbled upon the workstations of the employees of the Corporation of Transtar. On the monitors it is clearly visible - thanks, Arkane - whether there are some letters or functions on a particular computer. If there is - they should be explored.

Letters can not only tell the story of what is happening on Talos-I, but also contain any utility - for example, passwords or access codes. All passwords found and access keys are catalidized in a special section of Morgan Transcript.

Sharpen dark corners

The station is literally sleeping with cabinets, laboratories, utility rooms and corridors, from time to time to gigantic halls. All this research grace connects a complex system of stairs, elevators and corridors.

At first glance it seems that truly interesting things are found very rarely, but this is not the case: even the most inconspicuous room may contain a hidden passage to a new area filled with equipment, resources or tifons. Carefully examine the walls and floors - hatches and ventilation mines can be very well hidden.

In Prey, there is almost no really locked doors: most likely you just did not find the way to get inside. Continue to explore the station and remember impassable places - return here later.

Gypsum Guns unpleasantly surprising Typhonov

At the initial stages of the game, any meeting with titons (especially if you play at a high level of difficulty) can be deadly. What to do? Use the gypsum gun - Morgan will find it in the first half an hour of dating with prey.

A meticulously released glue flow for a while will be seriously slowed down or coupite. Especially good, the plaster gun helps to be separated with twigs of the Mimicians: reliced \u200b\u200bthe scoundrel to the floor, they quickly changed the gun on the adjustable key, caused a couple of decisive blows - that's all we go on.

Gypsum cannon have both sky opportunities. It is capable of sticking holes in the pipes (it helps to eliminate fire and fall into new locations), you can even build a kind of relief from the glue and rise to the level above or lower. Useful thing.

Use weapons with mind

The first selected pistol or shotgun can plunge you into the state of Euphoria - finally you do not need to swing the right key to the right and left. Do not rush to spend the cartridges.

Inventory Morgan is not too big, so your stock of ammunition will quickly approach an end. Tired of running from the utilizer to the manufacturer and back? It's time to make small changes in tactics.

Try to choose a weapon, best suitable for the enemy. Met phantom? It is stupid to beat him with an adjustable key, it is better to slow down the aliens with plaster guns and a couple of times neatly shoot a gun in the head. A crowd of Mimikov attacked you? You are not the best option - or retreat under the cover of turrets, or tear off the distance and introduce the scoundrel with your shotgun.


Damn Mimici everywhere. Have you seen two chairs? One of them is Mimik. Open the door to the toilet room? Be sure, in 50% of cases, Mimik is waiting for you. Come in the cinema? Prepare for a meeting with the Horde of Mimikov.

At first glance, the facial expressings seem completely non-hazardous - think, small bunches of dark matter - but several such clots will quickly send you a date with the download screen. What to do? Take them seriously and not panic.

Reference as soon as you understand that the Mimikov around too much: it is better to run away under the cover of the turad and kill the aliens one by one than to find that the phantom walked behind the fault.

Watch for endurance

And one more important point associated with the combat system, or rather - with the near battle. Actively swinging the adjustable key, Morgan spends stamina, it also decreases with jumps or quick run.

What will happen if endurance end right in battle? Your blow will not kill not only facial expressions, but also a mosquito. Noticed that the strip is almost lower sight of almost depleted? Get out of the fight and take a little break - still have time to getaged.

Do not forget to be treated and repair a suit

After a couple of meetings with Typhon, the game will tell you that Morgan's costume is damaged and needs to be repaired. It is best to repair armor after every major skirmish - no one knows what awaits you ahead.

To repair the costume you will need a set of suit repair, Morgan's health is restored by first-aid kits or products. Found an apple? Eat it, and your level of health will grow a little.

Think twice before pumping the ability

At first, the pumping of abilities looks very attractive: a pair of neuromode glasses and now in your chosen branch open almost the entire first level. No, you should not hurry here.

The terrible truth is that really useful abilities are located almost at the very end of the branches and require for pumping the abyss of neurodes. Think well before spending a couple of extra neurodes: you may soon regret it very soon.

Pump stamina, health and inventory size

And yet, some abilities need to be pumped in obligatory - an increase in maximum health, endurance stock and inventory size is critical for PRYY passage. You can start with these abilities.

You will need the branches of the engineer and the guard. In the engineer, pay attention to the ability to "modify the costume" of three levels - they will increase the size of the inventory and allow additional chips to the costume.

In the guards, pump down the "resistance" of three levels and "endurance" of two levels: with maximum pumping, Morgan's health will increase to 300, and endurance - up to 150. And she will live for 75 years longer.

During his short trip along the Space Station "Talos-1" you will probably stumble upon several secondary tasks. Although they can be ignored and focused on the passage of the main plot, but we do not advise you to do this. The fact is that the fulfillment is given a good reward. In addition, when implementing additional missions, you will be able to learn a lot of new information about the tangential game world. For this reason, we decided to publish the passage of all side quests in Prey 2017, indicating the reward-out of them issued for them.

Everything is about to change (Everything You Know If About to Change)

  • Location: neurodes department, foyer

Talk to January to learn about the whole pack of neurodes. After that, deal with the Mimic in this area and go to the showcase with the skull. Now you need to split it and take all items inside. Neurodes will allow you to unlock additional skills, as a result of what you improve your combat abilities. We advise you to familiarize yourself with our special guidance, where the exact location of all neurodes in the game is indicated.

Stolen Neuromods (Stolen Neuromods)

  • Location: Hall "Talos-1", security zone

In order to get into this location, you will need a special key card located in the information security department. However, you can not bother her prey and simply crawl through the vent hole, located right above the door. Finding inside, find a note containing code from storage cell. Make it is quite simple - get rid of the Mimic, and then read a note that is not far from it. After heading to the Camura Cabinet, which is located in the sales area in the Space Station Room. Please note that you will need several things to get into the trading area.

Once in the desired location, inspire the phantom shape of the kimura by surprise and trace the farewell nearby. After that, check the kimura office to get four neurodes at once under her table. Interact also with a computer where there are many interesting plot information. In addition, being here, do not forget to look into the rear office of Randolf, where you can find the weapon of the bolkaster hunter.

Disappearing corpse

  • Location: Department of Neurodes

It is necessary to view the workstation Jovan Gavrilovich and learn all emails not him. After the task log will appear a new quest.

Once in the main hall, find the key card that opens access to the trauma (you can find two such cards - their receipt is described in the passage of basic plot tasks). Go to the desired location and view the letters on the computer. So you will learn that Dr. Bellamy's corpse was transferred to the psychotronic laboratory.

Once in the desired location, find out the room with a glass "Cabin", which leads to elevators. Go down and learn the area. Observe all the fairs. You will find the morgue, but the door to it will be blocked. Destroy the glass, and then use the crossbow with the button with the button located on the left side of the door. There you will be able to open it.

Go inside and take a key card from the morgue. Examine the corpses - one of them will belong to Bellamy. Select the key from the body that opens access to the doctor's cabin. Now you will need to go to the residential compartment.

Having reached the need for the zone, find the cabin you need to complete the side quest. In this room you will find three neurodes and chip. We advise you to read all the letters on the terminal to unlock the new Psi skill.

Golden Pistol (Golden Gun)

Thanks to the execution of this minor task, you can get the real golden gun, which not only stylishly looks, but also causes much more damage than the ordinary gun. Plus, he is more accurate of his standard "fellow". Below we will present detailed instructions for the passage of this quest:

  1. First of all, you should go to the location of the arboretum, the entrance to which can be found in the main hall.
  2. Once in the desired area, pay attention to the gravitational shift of the deep storage and find the room with a mirror image.
  3. Break the glass and stand next to the screen. Carefully, one of the boxes will fall on the floor and will immediately turn into a fairytale.
  4. Next, use the gypsum gun and pick up in the mine.
  5. Once at the top level, you will come across the corpse of Marietta Kirkos. Name it to find a key card and audio recording.
  6. Listen to the entry to start the implementation of the Single Mission "Golden Pistol".
  7. Start following the quest marker and get to the safe of Jada Marx, located in the crew cabins.
  8. In audio recordings it is called the code to the safe, so you will not open it to work. If that, then the combination is as follows: 9712.
  9. Open the container and take the gun Artemis Gold Color. In the safe also lies a set of arms improvement.

Unfortunately, we did not find other kinds of gold weapons. Although it is not excluded that they are still present in the game.

Do no harm

  • Location: Arboretum

Not far from the main elevator located in the arboretum, you can find the body of Handrick Devris, when the search of which the main character will receive a key card on hand, opening access to the office located in the injury. It is also worth picking up a transcriptor from the corpse. To decipher it, head to the doctor's office at the second level of the main hall station. You download one file from the terminal.

Listen to the audio recording, and then go to the Cabinet of Matias Kolya, located nearby. It should pass a behavioral test. You should choose the following options for answers: A, C, B, A, C. When you make it a picture, hanging opposite the workstation, moves upwards, thereby revealing the small safe. The code for it can be found in the tramp in the quarantine department - it is written on the wall. If you are too lazy to walk there, then here it is: 7324. Inside the repository, you can find 3 neurodes and the record of the Morgana Session Yu with a psychiatrist.

If you wish, access to these data can be paid and not spending time on Devris. To do this, you just need to enter the above answers to the Matthias terminal. You unlock the safe and you can get to its contents.

Unfallen employee

This quest is associated with the search for the Lockwood grant, the former employee of the station, who missed the shuttle on the ground. You need to perform several basic steps to go through this task. Most of them are pretty simple, however, the game does not speak the most important thing - where to seek this unfortunate worker?

How to find a Lockwood grant?

To find the grant you need to first go to the data warehouse. Get to the control center on the second floor. After killing the fiery phantom and facial expressions, use the computer Daniella Show. So you can activate the tracking bracelet you need. Enter number 1129.

Now the complex part itself begins. To find Lockwood, you need to trace him through the security room. To the part, one of them is on the first floor of the data warehouse. Open the crew tab and find its name in the cargo compartment section. As soon as you click on it, you will get a marker pointing to the body of the grant.

Already in the safety room you will see that Lockwood is dead and is outside the station. Exit into open space and follow the marker. Without a pointer to find the body almost impossible, so you may not even try to do it. You will find that it is located near the shuttle in the zone beyond the borders of the magnetosphere - the radiation is extremely high here, so try not to linger in this area.

As soon as you find it, the quest will be automatically completed and you will get a few useful items: spare parts, a chip to a suit, a gun and a neuromode. In general, feel yourself with a cosmic marauder.


  • Location: Talos-1 covering

Head to the office in which the body of Dr. Calvino fell in weightlessness. Find a spoiled console here. Repair it by using the ability to repair the 1st level and 7 spare parts. As a result, you will open access to the laboratory of wave physics and complete this mission.

Inside the new premises, you can find k-ray and many other valuable items, including an email, thanks to which you can start a new side quest.

Project "Blackbox"

  • Location: Hardware Laboratory (wave physics laboratory)

After opening access to the laboratory of wave physics (see the previous mission), examine the email at the Lane Carpenter terminal, which refers to the supply for Blackbox. Not far away, you will find a closed door, followed by a terrible, but not yet representing the threat of phantom. The main goal is to find the designer Josh Dalton, who disappeared in Sagitte. It is also necessary to know what the project "Blackbox" represents.

First of all, it is worth simplifying the search for the character, noting its location using the Security Service Office Terminal.

Further, head to the sagitt and go to the tunnel, in which the entrance to the arboretum is located. Opposite the entrance, on the wall you can see the inscription SUBSECTION 19, and near her a large gray pipe. It is behind her and lies Dalton. Destroy cystoids ahead and find the opening to get to the dead body of the designer.

Find a key card in his pockets opening access to the Blackbox laboratory, and a couple of other valuable things. Return to the wave physics room and open the locked door. Next, disperse with the phantom of Lane Carpenter and download the file from the terminal. This mission will be completed.

Get neuromode

  • Location: Main Hall "Talos-1", in the Cabinet Morganu

Looking for a message recorded by the main character of yourself. After take from the table neuromode, which was left January. On this quest ends. It is a pity that the task is not so simple.

Neurodes of Dr. Cluster

  • Location: Psychotronics Laboratory, Atrium

Head to the psychotronic laboratory and come to the passage leading to Sagitte. Look to the left, there you will see the entrance to the office of Dr. Kelanp. Go inside and find the safe. The code to it will be communicated by the brother Morgan. Before searching, it is worth the first thing to neutralize a faulty console located on the wall. You can do this either with a plaster gun, or by turning off the electricity in the room. In the latter case, you will not be able to use a fabric agent.

Then go to the safe and open it. In it you will find a couple of neurodes and a drawing for their manufacture.

Non-valued signals

  • Location: Appears during the mission "A nightmare hunted on you

If you begin to actively use the niered neurodes or take the task of the "copy protection" task, then you can send a nightmare tifon, which is a special alien form created to kill Morgan.

As soon as the monster appears at the station, the reverse counter will start, which will start counting 3 minutes. Next you will need to either hide from the mounds, or try to deal with it. By selecting the first option (you just need to do not die during the issued time), you will get access to Quest "Non-Signal Signals". To fulfill it, you will need to find a special satellite, capable of directing the monster special psychotronic signals, thanks to which you can lure or drive the monster.

However, before using the device, it will have to first fix it. Step into the mechanical workshop located in the hardware laboratory and repair the console located in the opposite end of the room - you will need 8 spare parts and the ability to repair the 3rd level. Remove the communication device from another satellite to which you get access, and then go to the stance of the station.

Watching the indicator, find the satellite, spinning around "Talos-1" and secure the devotor found on it. From now on, in the "Data" section (Menu "Audio Drawn") you will have 2 transcriptors, with which you will succeed to scare and lure the nightmare. Unfortunately, it will be possible to use only 4 times. Already when you first use, will you open the trophy "caused?" .

Prisoner in the psychotronic laboratory

  • Location: Laboratory of Psychotronics, Raw Material Processing

This quest is issued and takes place while traveling to Sagitt. Get to the processing department of raw materials, which is located in the psychotronic laboratory. Here you will find a new character, whose name is Aaron Ingram. It will be locked in a glass room. You will learn that he is a former prisoner - he was sent to prison on charges of abduction and human trafficking. You will be able to either let him go, or do so that Mimik attacked him.

If you select the first option, you can take a small amount of rare resources from the dead body of Aaron, and if the second one, then you will be able to get the password to the weapon, located near (8714). However, you can go to arsenal and without the use of code - you just need to use your dart correctly.

Save wounds

  • Location: Arboretum, Greenhouse

Telepaths were captured by the minds of at once 3 employees of the station. He holds them in the greenhouse, which is in the arboretum. If you want to get there, you will have to either open the access panel (needed a 3rd leveling skill), or find the code for it. Chose the second option? Then go to the other side of the location and find the dead body of Iris Stein. Under her legs there is a note with the password you need.

Go back to the greenhouse and open the door. Next you have to have a heavy fight. If the captives you need to save, come to you too close, then their heads will explode. For this reason, it is necessary to stay from them as far as possible and use the skill "hacking mind" to save them from the monster control. In this case, the stalk can also help - one shot will be enough to cut out people. If you have no data items, we advise you to wait for the passage of this mission.

As for the aliel, it can be closed to a short time with the help of a gypsum gun. Then use a zero-wave muffler, in order to disarm the enemy and at the end, take a few shots from K-Blow. Having understood with all the aliens in the room, go to Rani Chodari and talk with her. She will tell you the password from the warehouse (AR01), located on the way to the data warehouse. Go there to complete the quest. Inside you find a pair of pistols, two armory turrets, shotgun, batteries for K-Buchemet and a set for an upgrade of weapons.

  • Location: Arboretum

To access this mission, see the note on the sprayer near the greenhouse (arboretum). Next, you will need to find Dr. Julien Howard, and more precisely his dead body. It lies on an exaltation, which adjoins the Alex Alexa Y. Cabinet. You can rise there by two methods:

  • Having passed through the previously mentioned office of the brother of the main character. We told in detail about it in the passage of the task "Who are you, December?" In the article with the implementation of plot missions. It will be necessary to just jump to the corpse.
  • Having passed through the "mirror station" located in the park. To do this, you need to smash the glass panel next to the bench and with the help of plaster cannons climb on the ledge.

Reaching the elevation, disperse with a couple of mimicians and take the Giulien transcriptor. Next, head to the manufacturer and make a growth formula. It can be created from 3 units of organic materials and 1 unit of all other resources. Then return to the watering system, go to the device and place in a special tube previously made formula. At the end you need to click on the button.

After 10 minutes (can still wander around the district) will grow a unique fruit that needs to be triggered to complete this side quest. This item is able to quickly restore the character health glasses.

Well, I do not know, the game seemed to me quite light enough, especially by the end of the game (passed on normal difficulty). At first, the hacker branch is up to 4 levels. While the "charged" versions of Typhonov did not get out, passed the game with the key. Ordinary humanoid typhonov poured strong blows. From a strong blow, he falls to the ground, after which it will only have to finish. Hall cleared the whole, without spending a niode cartridge, just dragged the turret. In the future, also used this tactic everywhere where it is possible. Pharmacies practically did not use, walked to the medical school or eating. Alcohol sent to recycling, due to its uselessness.
At first, the pistol helped well, but his relevance quickly disappeared that I did not even pump it, preferred a shotgun. Here is a shotgun and shocker combination optimal. Beying a sewer tifon, finish with a shotgun or key.
In this style of the game sharply stood up the question with cartridges, or rather the metal on their production. But this also managed to decide with the pumping of the inventory. We take guns that we find on the journey, pull out the cartridges with them, and the guns themselves we utilize, like unnecessary cartridges (to the gun, for example). Here it is metal. More metal goes well with Remkomplektkov, which will also be allocated everywhere and are not particularly needed, even if the repair is vocacious. I will add more absolutely useless crossbow, suitable only for recycling, lying in every corner (yes, I know that they can remotely activate the buttons, but for the passage never used this functional), a little less useless to-emitter, the cartridges to which Roll with robots, here they are resources. The first aid kits that are needed only in battles with a tipon hunter (he pierces himself, and he does not take it a shocker) you can also disassemble him. And there is still a recyclable pomegranate, too, the thing is cool, we collect more trash in a bunch, throw a grenade, voila!
A gypsum gun, as a helping in battle, did not show itself even at the beginning of the game, although the thing is indispensable to search for whiskers. But the cylinders do not need to craft to her, to climb somewhere a lot of plaster will not leave, but it is not difficult to find cylinders.
From the grenade I appreciated only disposal, the rest did not go and were sent for processing.
It is probably worth mentioning that I carefully examined the locations, usually not following the plot signs. In this case, hacker 4 levels are simply indispensable, as it allows you to open all the oncoming safes and crack any computers on which recipes can lie. By the time I got to the arboretum, I had already rolled the skills just "to be" so that the neurodes were not lying.
If the memory does not give to sit, then pumping me on the next course: hacker 1-4, mimicry 1, repair, disassembly, costume 1-3, gunsmith 1-3, therapist 1-2, metabolism, I do not remember further.