We speak and show the broadcast with Alexey Panin. Panic horror: Alexey Panin again in the center of the scandal

We speak and show the broadcast with Alexey Panin. Panic horror: Alexey Panin again in the center of the scandal

In one of the last issues of the program "Let them say", a scandalous situation was discussed around the actor Alexey Panin and erotic video with his participation, which were published in the network unknown. In the studio of the program there was an artist himself, his nineth anniversary daughter Anya and Mom Girls Yulia Yudintsev. Parents tried to publicly divide the child.

Andrei Malakhov,

However, the girl categorically stated that he wants to live with his father, because he loves him more than Mom. "Dad to me is not like dad, but a friend, he can tell everything. But some children can not tell everyone. Dad has changed since that time, he does not drink for three years. Pope I love more, "said Nyusya.


But the words of the children's psychologist Nina Tarasenko, who spoke earlier with the girl, was partitioned by her daughter of Panin. The woman stated that the actor arranged orgy in the house where the baby was located. "Nyusya told me that at one of the parties Dad and his friend took her hands and behind their feet and threw into a river, where naked men were. Another Alexey suggested her by driving past the Red Square, go naked. She asked very often, what she told me about, not to do what they did next to her bedroom. These are the orgies that you engaged with a girlfriend and another couple, "the psychologist was indignant.


After all the heard leading show, Andrei Malakhov appealed to the girl, but she answered that he would not change his decision. "Mom, I told you so many times that I want to live with dad," said Yudintseva girl. After she added that she dreamed of calmly life most, and burst out.

Seeing the tears of his daughter, Panin his colleague Nikita Jigurd, who came to the shooting of Alexey, together with the girl left the studio.

Actor Alexey Panin - the hero of today's release, let them say - panic horror. We are already accustomed to his constant drunken debaches, fights and scandalous behavior. It would seem that the artist will no longer surprise the viewer, but the other day there are two videos about Panin on the Internet: we cannot show them, as well as explaining the content of these videos. Moreover, Alexey himself is now in shock. How could this get into the Internet? See the release let them say - panic horror 06/14/2017

The host program and the film crew spent several hours along with the daughter of Alexey Panin Nyusay, after which it became clear that the girl could not be near such a father. Today, on the transfer, the scandalously known actor will meet with the mother of his daughter Yulia Yudintseva, who looked terrifying videos with Panin and now wants to finally protect the daughter from communicating with him. "Panic Horror" - the topic of this broadcast "Let them say". Alexey came to the program to tell who was captured on those scandalous video.

Alexey Panin and his daughter Anna

Let them say - panic horror

Alexey Panin in the studio let them say ("panic horror"). The artist apologizes in front of the audience for shocking videos:

- I want to apologize to all for what I became an involuntary culprit, an accomplice that you and your children could see this horror on the network. I did not attach to this hand and I have nothing to do. But since we are unlikely to find this culprit, I take his sins and all responsibility for myself and apologize.

- Personally, I was very unpleasant to watch the video too! Now I will tell you how everything was: these rollers were recorded several years ago. No one then was going to do from this show or make a challenge to the public. Banal, it was just a booze, me and my girl. There is no deep meaning in that video. I do not wear lingerie, I do not paint. It was just a drunk joke. At that moment my wife was gone from me and took my daughter. I was then in a terrible state. Now I am completely unpleasant and disgusting to remember all this. And before you condemn me, look at yourself in the mirror! Do you have everything smoothly? Maybe you should not condemn a person?

Alexey Panin: Scandalous Videos. Let them talk

- What I did in the second video, you do not concern you! I do not ask you about your personal life and ask not to climb into my. As for my daughter Nyusi, she is very happy with me!

The former wife of Alexei Panina Yulia Yudintsyv to broadcast the program spoke about his experiences for the child:

- I am very afraid that my daughter will fall into a bad company and will use it! At this age, the children who have fallen into such hell can make terrible things with them. This scum carries her on swingers nudist beaches! It should not be respected your child!

Julia also came to the transfer "Let them say":

- My daughter is now in the hands of a pervert and sociopath! Please hear me! My daughter is now in isolation from me and she influences the actor Alexey Panin and his mother who hates me. They laid her mind as her own. They tell her that I am sick and configure her against me.

At the end of the ether you will see Alexei Panin's daughter. Who wants to stay with her mother: with mother or father? Guests of the Program: TV presenter Oksana Pushkin, Showman Nikita Dzhigurda, etc. Watch the online release let them say - panic horror, ether dated June 14, 2017 (06/14/2017).

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The scandal around Alexei Panina does not cease to subside, but only gains momentum.

The scandal around Alexei Panina does not cease to subside, but only gains momentum. Everyone again spoke about unacceptable after the release on June 14 on the air on the "First Channel" of the next release of the show "Let them say" with Andrei Malakhov, the main characters of which were Alexey Panin, his 9-year-old daughter and the former wife.

So, the release "let them say" of 06/14/2017 "Panic horror: Alexey Panin again in the center of the scandal" opened new details from the life of Panin.

Alexey Panin and his 9-year-old daughter Nyuska appeared in the studio of Andrei Malakhov, as well as the former cohabitant of the actor and the mother of Nyusi Yulia Yudintseva. Also support Panin came his friend Nikita Dzhigurda

In the studio "Let them say" the question of the unworthy behavior of Alexey Panin and his scandalous videos, which did not discuss, probably only lazy were discussed. Also, guests and experts on the "let them say" raised the question of the fact that the actor cannot raise his daughter, as I raise questions.

This point of view also adheres to both the former cohabitant of Panin and Mom Nyusi Yulia Yudintsyva, who in Andrei Malakhov studios stated that her daughter was in the hands of a pervert and sociopath.

"This tiller leads her to swinger beaches with girls frowning without panties. Or in shorts, but without a bra, with a pive. My baby is there, with naked girls! How not to be ashamed?! It is how you need to do not respect your child to carry it there? "," Yudintseva Yulia Yudintseva said with tears, complaining to the guests "Let them talk" on the former spouse that took her daughter from her.

In addition, shocked guests and experts "Let them say" and the story of 9-year-old Nyusi about how she lives with his father. The fact is that before the Ether "Panic Horror: Alexey Panin again in the center of the scandal" with a nose, the psychologist, who revealed the terrible facts of the education of the child with Panin.

As a psychologist told, referring to the words of Ani, Panin did not once satisfied the orgy, although the girl asked Dad to do this. Also, the girl told the psychologist and the case when Alexey threw any to the pool, where they were completely naked men.

The words about the non-cultivated daughter confirmed Yudintsev, who said that Panin drives Any on the nudist beach. In addition, Mom Nyusi said that he would continue to fight for her daughter and was not going to leave Any in the hands of Panin.

Anya herself said he did not want to go back to his mother. The 9-year-old daughter Panin said that Mom also did not even hurt her with his cries and drunkenness. The girl said that once poured Mamino Beer to the toilet, for which Yudintsy had a daughter's whirlpool.

In addition, I snatched my mother fought with a grandmother and died out that hair. Julia replied to this that Panin fought with her grandmother, and he died her hair grandmother.

Ultimately, 9-year-old Anya told that he loved dad and wants to stay with him. The girl noted that Dad was not drinking for three years and treats it well, but she does not want to live with her mother. Ultimately, the daughter of Panin stated that he wanted to live calmly and burst. The child is accustomed to the scenes of Panin and his friend Nikita Jigurd, who also arrived at "let them say."

"Let them say" with Andrei Malakhov Ether from 06/14/2017: "Panic horror: Alexey Panin again in the center of the scandal"

Guests in the studio condemned Panin, although he told that he was no longer drinking and leading a normal lifestyle. As for, the actor told that then he really fell and got drunk. And the video itself was not intended for general public at all.

However, these words did not convince those present in the studio "Let" say "guests and experts. Many have noted that Alexey Panin is a mentally unbalanced person and he needs to be treated, and the daughter of Any is just necessary to return the mother.

So, many in the studio stated that Alexey Panin simply needs to be a psychiatric examination, since simply "vile" video with the participation of the scandalous actor flooded the network. It all makes think that Panin is just a mentally unbalanced person.

By the way, at the end of the transfer "Panic horror: Alexey Panin again in the center of the scandal" dated June 14, the leading "let them say" Andrei Malakhov said he did not want to take on this material.

"I plunged into hell," said Malakhov, commenting on everything that was happening during the shooting of the new program of the program with the participation of Alexey Panin, who came out on the "First Channel" on June 14.

In addition, Andrei Malakhov noted that Alexey Panina must be treated, and Nikita Dzhigurda should not be able to let into the studio at all.

In general, at the end of the program, put the final point and failed, since all the characters, guests and experts "let them say" remain in their opinion. Perhaps we should expect to continue the scandal with Alexey Panin, and maybe the new release "let them say," where the scandalous actor appears again.

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After pornographic videos with Alexey Panin appeared on the network, the actor constantly becomes a hero of a talk show on federal TV channels. Talk Show "Let them talk" dated June 14 The relationship of Panin with his daughter was dedicated: guests of the program discussed whether the actor of parental rights should be deprived. For an hour, that there is a release, the former wife Panin appeared in the studio, her mother, lawyer of ex-wife Panin and a friend of the actor Nikita Dzhigurda.

Alekha Panina's exit was accompanied by rare applause, despite the fulfilled hall. He began his speech with an apology in front of the audience for the video published in early June. On one of them, the actor in women's underwear walks down the street, on the other - he has sex with a guy and a girl.

I want to apologize first to apologize for the fact that I became an involuntary culprit that you and your children could see it online. I did not do this and did not put my hand to this, but since, probably, we will not find the perpetrators of this Balagan, I take their sins on myself and the responsibility for it I take on myself

- Alexey Panin.

Leading talk show Andrei Malakhov asked Panin to explain what is still going on video. According to Panin, the roller in which he walks on the street in underwear, was removed several years ago. What is happening on it was not planned: "No one was going to make a challenge to public opinion. Absolutely banal drunk fool, "explained Panin and stressed that this is not an excuse. The man also explained that in ordinary life does not walk down the street in the lower women's underwear.

It was the period of my life when my wife was gone and plus me took my daughter to this. I do not wish any person to be in this state in which I was. This is a drunken joke of the rolling, drunk people. I look at myself in this state very mercile. The stockings do not confuse me, I confuse me in which I was. This is an animal condition

- Alexey Panin.

Talking about the second video, on which Panin has sex, the actor said that millions of people around the world remove homemade porn and that what was happening on the video does not concern any of the audience.

In the studio began to discuss whether to deny the Panin Parental Rights, because now his daughter Anya lives with him. After a small discussion, the audience was shown by video with the former wife Panin and his child's mother Yulia Yudintseva, who expressed concerns that "her daughter will use."

I am afraid that she will fall into these companies and will be used. I am afraid that at such age children who fall into such hell, terrible things are doing with them. And this tiller takes her to Swinger Beaches with Girls

- Yulia Yudintseva.

Later, Yudintseva herself appeared in the studio. She stated that her daughter was in the hands of a pervert and sociopath. However, then in the studio included videos with the daughter of Panin and the Yudintsy, in which she said that Yudintsev once drank in her presence, and then came up with his own mother.

Then a lawyer Nazar Nazarov appeared in the studio, who said that Panin had an end, because the case was engaged in Nazarov. According to him, in 2009 it was decided that the child should live with Mom, and all this time, Panin "Criminally" did not give daughter. Nazarov also claims that the video with Walking on Panin Street was removed quite recently.

The program also came Mom Yulia Yudintseva. She told that Panin was undressed on the street earlier. Also, the woman stated that the actor beat it in 2008 and in 2015.

Protecting Panin on the show came his friend Nikita Dzhigurda. According to him, Panin loves her daughter very much, and the actors simply stood. "Leshka is substituted! Do not judge and nonudim will be "," he said.

At the end of the release in the studio, the daughter of Anya's daughter appeared. She fell over his father and stated that Mom does not understand that she wants to live with dad. The girl told that she had a good relationship with her father, she could share with him any experiences and that Panin allegedly did not drink for three years.

After the emotional scene, Panin and her daughter left the studio, and Yudintsev through the tears asked her daughter to return her.

After the air, Panin laid out several photos with her daughter. At one of them depicted a screenshot with the post of the wife of Actor Vladimir Elena Elena Elena. In it, she told about his experience to communicate with Panin and how he communicated with his daughter. In response, Panin thanked the woman.

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Recently, several shocking rollers of an erotic nature with the participation of Alexey Panin appeared to the network. A man raises a nine-year-old daughter Nyusu. Her mother Yulia Yudintseva wants to defend the child and is ready to fight for the right to see his daughter. The editor-in-chief of the project "Starkhit" and the leading "Let them say" Andrei Malakhov spent a day with an artist and his heiress.

"I want, first of all, apologize for becoming an involuntary participant that you and your children could see on the network. I, of course, did not attach a hand to this, but since, probably, I will not find the culprit, I take the sins of myself. Therefore, I apologize for this absolutely sincerely, "said Panin, appearing in the studio.

Alexey told that these videos he recorded several years ago. The artist remembered that he was drunk and thus entertained with a girl. Panin said that he felt bad, because at that time a wife was gone from him and he stopped video of his daughter. A man admitted that this record was stolen, and a personal life does not concern anyone.

Experts in the studio paid attention to the fact that a nine-year-old daughter can see such videos involving dad on the net. However, Panin believes that the child did not see this and absolutely happy.

The studio attended the psychologist Nina Tarasenko, who spoke with the girl. She shared the shocking details of the conversation with a nose.

"Nyusya told me that on one of the parties Dad and his friend took her hands and behind their feet and threw into a river, where naked men were. Also Alexey suggested, driving past the Red Square, go to her naked. She asked very often, what she told me about, not to do what they did next to her bedroom. These are the orgies that you engaged with a friend and another couple, "the specialist shared.

The studio has appeared former spouse and mother Nyusi Yulia Yudintsev. She admitted that the last time saw the girl on the second of May at school.

"I ask, hear, my daughter Anna is at Pervert and Sociopatha, he ignores social norms. I am not deprived of the right to raise your daughter, and the fact that a court decision came into force is a lie, "the actor's ex-wife said.

Frame from transmission

Andrei Malakhov offered to watch a video on which a nine-year-old girl talks about her mother.

"She left and left me at home, grandmother, her mom, working in the Hermitage, and my grandmother went there. And my mother stayed at home, she ordered pizza, beer and watched the film. I was not very pleasant it was, I poured into the toilet, she shouted on me, which cannot be touched by other things and began to ask 1000 rubles from my grandmother to order pizza and beer. I closed them, they fought in front of me. Hands all scratched. It was something, "the daughter of Panin and Yudintseva said.

Lawyer Yulia Nazar Nazarov held his own investigation. He suggested that the roller on which Alexey walks in female pantyhose, was removed quite recently. However, the actor did not answer this assumption and said that he did not hear it, because he looked into his tablet.

In the studio, the mother of Yulia Nadezhda Yudintseva appeared. She suggested that Alexey is not just a hooligan, but suffers from mental disorder.

A friend of Panina Nikita Dzhigurd could not stay indifferent to the misfortune of the buddy and came to support him for the program.

"Not surprised, Nazar, that you are involved in this, to these rollers to blame. Leshka, sobbing, said: "I don't want to live without a daughter, I have no need to live." Leshka is substituted, "Shawman said.

Andrei Malakhov hurried to reassure Jigurda, as the studio still attended Panin and Yudintseva. Nyusya immediately stated that she was not going to change his decision and would remain with his father.