What is happiness according to Nekrasov's poem. Are the people happy in the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia

What is happiness according to Nekrasov's poem. Are the people happy in the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia

In 1863, N. A. Nekrasov began work on one of his most significant works - the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia". Serfdom was abolished in 1861, and the life of the people changed dramatically. "The people are liberated, but are the people happy?" - this is the main question that occupies the poet throughout the entire work. The poem is the result of the author's thoughts about the fate of the country and the people. Its plot consists in the journey of seven peasants in search of a happy person whom they are looking for among all the estates of the then Russia.

There is no such thing among the peasants. Nekrasov shows us a number of rich images of ordinary men: Ermila Girin, Savely, Vavila, Yakim Nagogo. The author does not close his eyes to poverty, misery, lack of education, exhausting work, drunkenness of the peasants. But we clearly distinguish among the traits of their characters diligence, responsiveness, nobility, kindness, moral purity, honesty, decency, the ability to listen and understand another person, the ability to appreciate the beautiful; patience and rebellious spirit coexist in them. The author of the poem tries to show us that in slavery the people managed to save their living soul, their golden heart. But the common people's idea of ​​happiness does not go beyond simple concepts, it is that there is a fruitful year, so that everyone is healthy and well-fed. The soldier considers himself lucky because he was in twenty battles and survived. The old woman is happy in her own way: she gave birth to a turnip of up to a thousand in a small garden bed. Peasant happiness

Leaky with patches,

Humpbacked with calluses ...

Having decided that this is not enough for happiness, the pilgrims begin to look for the happy among other classes. Some of them think that this should be an official, others - a priest, a "fat-bellied merchant", a landowner, a tsar. But none of these people recognize themselves as happy. From the point of view of the priest, happiness is “peace, wealth, honor,” but it seems to him that he has none of this. According to the landowner, happiness is a well-fed, cheerful life, unlimited power over the peasants, but he also believes that he does not have this.

Bringing the reader close to the idea that there is no happiness in Russia, Nekrasov introduces the image of a happy person into the poem. Grisha Dobrosklonov cannot be happy in any way from the point of view of a priest or a landowner. From childhood, he decides that he will devote his life to the search for national happiness.

... about fifteen

Gregory already knew for sure

What will live for happiness

Wretched and dark


Grisha Dobrosklonov does not need wealth and personal well-being. And for him the share of the people, his happiness become the expression of his own happiness.

I don’t need any silver

No gold, but God forbid

So that my fellow countrymen

And to every peasant

Lived freely and cheerfully

In all holy Russia!

Gregory is not afraid of the upcoming trials, because he believes in the triumph of the cause, to which he devoted his whole life. He sees that the people are awakening to struggle.

The host rises


The strength in her will affect


This thought fills his soul with joy and confidence in victory. Grisha Dobrosklonov is the future leader of the peasantry, the spokesman for his anger and reason.

Our wanderers would be under their own roof,

If only they could know what happened to Grisha.

He heard immense strength in his chest,

His blessed sounds delighted the ear,

The radiant sounds of the noble anthem -

He sang the embodiment of national happiness! ..

In his poem, Nekrasov showed that the people are still far from happiness, but there are people for whom happiness is happiness for everyone, and they will always strive for it and achieve it.

The problem of happiness is indeed stated in the poem. But there, after all, they also expand it, asking about fun and about freedom. Yes, these are important parts of happiness.

It is difficult for all heroes in the poem. It is especially hard with the will. For example, a priest (he is abundant and respected), but in a distant village someone dies - you need to go there off-road. What will there be?

And a woman, even if she is happy for all her children, is constantly one thing - the second. One child needs food, another - new sandals. In general, there is no rest for a woman.

It is clear that the poet prompts that happiness is not in the usual peace and will, but in peace, that you are doing a right and good deed, for which you are even ready to give up your freedom. Don't be selfish ... Work for the good of the people, that very people's happiness.

Just what is it? Before the abolition of serfdom, everyone said that there was a problem in it. They called for the abolition of slavery. And this is what happened after the cancellation! Everyone is unhappy: both men and gentlemen.

Probably the misfortune of being forced. Now, if the men served their masters only because they love and respect them, want to help, and not because they do not have a passport. And gentlemen should take care of their subordinates sincerely and with love. Then there will be harmony! But this, probably, teachers and priests could only explain to everyone.

And the “happy” hero is a revolutionary, what will he achieve in the end? We went through history. And about the revolution, and about the civil war ... How many misfortunes there were! Where is that people's happiness? Again, that's not the point.

And still happy in the poem, in my opinion, are the walkers themselves. They, of course, do not think so. In general, they associate happiness with wealth. And the fire victims themselves and tramps from the villages with "telling" names. And then they had a goal! And there was also a magic birdcloth. No way of life - no cooking, no washing ... And they get to know different people, see different landscapes. And they made friends among themselves, although at first they were ready to fight! This is also happiness, although they have not yet realized it. But to return to their poor villages, they will tell everyone, they will remember this great adventure ... And they will understand how happy they were!

It would also be interesting for me to walk around Russia with friends, to conduct such an “opinion poll”. And not to worry about everyday life, but to seek the truth for the good of everyone. Class!

By the way, happiness is such a complex concept. Here we wrote an essay on it. And everyone still has their own happiness. And here we are talking about the whole people's happiness. It's very difficult to put everything together. There, for the peasant - one happiness (harvest), and for the priest - another (parish). And if the happiness of one and the other contradicts? The peasant has more freedom, and the master has more servants. And how do you put it all together?

The search for happiness, I believe, is also happiness. As preparation for the holiday, sometimes it is more pleasant than the holiday.

The problem of people's happiness in Nekrasov's poem Who lives well in Russia composition 10th grade

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, one of the most talented writers of the nineteenth century, began the poem in 1863 and wrote it until the end of his life, until 1877. The writer devoted his life to poems about the arbitrariness of the Russian people. Even in deep childhood, he was not indifferent to the theme of his father's cruel treatment of peasants. The poem was a continuation of the poem "Elegy", where the question was posed:

“The people are liberated,
But are the people happy? "

The poem was the result of Nekrasov's reflections on the topic of poverty, tyranny of peasants by landowners, drunkenness in Russia, and the inability of peasants to stand up for themselves. After the abolition of serfdom, much in the life of the peasants had to change, because, it would seem, this is freedom, but the peasants are so accustomed to their life that they do not even know the meaning of the word "freedom". And for them, little has changed in life: "Now, instead of the master, the volost will fight," the author writes.

The composition of the poem consists of separate chapters connected with the motives of the roads of the main characters. It also contains fairy-tale elements and songs. Seven pilgrims with names already telling us from the villages of Zaplatovo, Dyryaevo, Razutovo, Znobishino, Gorelovo, Neyelovo and Neurozhaiko - become truth-seekers, the world of a happy person. One says that the happiest is the priest, the other says that the boyar, the third, that the king.

To dispel their dispute, the pilgrims decide to conduct: a survey of the inhabitants. They offer vodka for free in exchange for a story about their happiness. There were many who wanted to. By this, the author also shows the problem of drunkenness in Russia. And this is not surprising, because it’s hard not to sleep from such a difficult life. However, they claim to be happy. The sexton said that drunkenness is happiness for him, for which he is simply kicked out. The next soldier approaches, he says that he is happy as he passed the service, but did not die. Then the grandmother is pleased with the harvest. The line continues to grow, but the pilgrims realize they have wasted their time.

Soon, researchers of human happiness go to Kochergina Matryona, she says that for her happiness is her children. With this, the writer draws the image of a Russian woman, describing her difficult fate. “It's not a matter of looking for a happy woman among women,” says Matryona.

Grisha can be considered a truly happy person. From his song, you can understand that he is really the happiest person. Grisha is the main character in the poem. He is honest, he loves the people and understands them. Grisha connects his happiness with the fate of the people, he is happy when others are happy. In the image of Dobrosklonov, the author sees the hope of the future of Russia. And yet there are happy people in Russia, it's a pity that the pilgrims never found out.

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In the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Who Lives Well in Russia?" seven wanderers-peasants are looking for a happy one in Russia. The poet wrote this poem for several decades, and never completed it. The wanderers did not meet a happy one and the poem was left with an open ending. But can any of the heroes of the work be called happy? What is needed for happiness, from the point of view of the heroes and the poet himself?

The poem shows the crisis state of the Russian world. First, there is poverty and hunger. Let us recall the names of the villages from which the wanderers came: Dyryavino, Zaplatovo, Neurozhayka ... Secondly, after the abolition of serfdom, “a great chain broke” and struck “with one end on the master, the other on the peasant”: no one knows how to arrange their life what value system to rely on.

That is why many of the heroes of the poem are unhappy - even those who deserve it. For example, Savely, who was a "bogatyr of the Holy Russian" strong, stubborn, served hard labor, watched how the pig killed his great-grandson Demushka, and for a long time prayed for his sin, etc. Lost in Russia and "the keys to women's happiness." Matryona Timofeevna, a peasant woman who was a kind, good wife, an excellent mother, was deprived of happiness because of all the worries placed on her shoulders around the house, around the house, because of her hungry life and lack of support.

But even those who feel happy have poor ideas about happiness. Wanderers in search of a happy person traveled all over Russia. Nekrasov uses the technique of "poetic polyphony", as if "giving the floor" to the Russian people themselves. As it turned out, for some, happiness lies in peace, wealth and honor, while for others it is the opportunity to pour vodka into their “happy” life. In the chapter "Happy" we see how people measure their happiness for the opportunity to "sip free wine", if it can be called such. Someone had a turnip of up to a thousand, someone sees happiness in the recognition of the owners: “I'm happy, God knows! The first boyar, Prince Peremetyev, had a beloved slave. " The happiness of a landowner is an idle life, feasts, hunting, power over people. The author writes: “Hey, muzhik happiness! Leaky with patches, hunchbacked with calluses ... "This primitive notion of happiness, about which every" happy "spoke, does not bring true happiness to any of them.

The owner of true happiness in the poem is Grisha Dobrosklonov. Despite life “poorer than the last seedy peasant” and hard daily work, he has a desire for spiritual development. He has a craving for beauty, for creativity, for dreams. Grisha is a poet, he composes songs about Russia, about the people, and is preparing to devote himself to the struggle for the happiness of the people. This is what sets him apart from the other characters in this poem. But the pilgrims never met Grisha and did not find a happy one.

"Who lives well in Russia?" Is an epic poem. In it, thanks to the image of the road and the travel plot, a panoramic picture of Russian life, a picture of national grief, discord, etc. appears. There can be no truly happy people if life as a whole is unreasonable, in a state of crisis. But on the whole, the poem is not tragic in nature, since, according to the author, healthy and strong beginnings are still preserved in Russian life, one must only give them the opportunity to mature and manifest.

Thus, N. Nekrasov believes that happiness lies in constant movement, development, creativity. This is what gives meaning to a person's life. That is why Grisha Dobrosklonov becomes happy in the poem.

Share of the people
Light and freedom
First of all!


The poem "Who lives well in Russia" was written by the great
Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. This work has
something unusual, but most importantly - it has a "strict truth"
and simplicity. “The whole poem from beginning to end is permeated with the atmosphere of spiritual
searches. The dispute of seven men, with which the poem begins, is not just
the beginning - this is the beginning of a whole system of disputes and reflections. "

the epic poem by Nekrasov, reasoning about happiness is described in the form
spore. The author is quite ironic about the essence of the discussions of the peasants,
since their horizons are very limited.

Each of them speaks of happiness.
in his own understanding. And these ideas about what happiness is
are very different from each other. This is due to the fact that every peasant
special views on various things, on no one unlike character and image
life. In my opinion, everyone is looking for happiness, no matter what century
they live and what social class they belong to. But does everyone find it?

Arguing on this topic, it is difficult not to refer to the work of Nekrasov
"Who lives well in Russia," namely to the wanderers' dispute, during which
they are trying to find out who is happier: a priest, a master, a soldier or a peasant.

Pop sees his happiness in peace, honor and wealth. But is it possible
happiness of one person in isolation from all others? I'm not sure if the minister
the church can be happy, even having achieved everything that he said, if
unhappy people.

Nekrasov wants to believe it. After all, he is organically linked
with ordinary Russian people. The author sincerely loves his people, and never
faith in his bright future does not leave him. That is why such optimism is imbued with
lines about the "broad path" to which "sooner or later" the talented will break through
Russian people.

About those who are alien to the people and do not see its moral
forces, he said:

"To a reasonable little head
How not to understand
And pigs walk on the ground -
They do not see the sky for centuries! .. "

The whole
the serf system was based on the monstrous hypocrisy and hypocrisy of the then
masters of life. The people saw their happiness in drinking. Only under the influence of alcohol
drinks, the peasants forget about all the troubles and torments that they experienced and which
still to be experienced.

And not only a "sad dream" of a better life
discovered in these people Nekrasov. He precisely noticed that they also have a “secret
malice ”, as well as the growing protest. All the images of the poem testified
that a rebellion is brewing in an impoverished village, which sooner or later will lead
to a revolutionary explosion. This theme is especially vividly expressed in that part of the poem,
whose hero is Savely, the Holy Russian hero, who rebelled against his

The image of Grisha Dobrosklonov is especially important. If the rest
heroes are only able to submit to fate, Grishka is not distinguished by humility.
Nekrasov believes that thanks to Dobrosklonov's fight against injustice
and the cruelty of life, our people still have hope for a happy future.

All poetry of Nekrasov is an expectation, a premonition of our modern
era. The author's unshakable faith in the mighty forces of the people was fully justified.

The poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" is a work about the people, their life, work and struggle. A poet of peasant democracy, a comrade-in-arms of Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky, Nekrasov could not pass by those who selflessly, sparing their strength and life, fought for the freedom of the people. The images of revolutionaries and reformers invariably attracted Nekrasov's attention. Nekrasov portrays Grigory Dobrosklonov as a fighter for the cause of the people. He is the son of a sexton who lived "poorer than the last seedy peasant", and a "unrequited laborer" who salted bread with tears. Hungry childhood and harsh youth brought Gregory closer to the people, determined his life path:

About fifteen
Gregory already knew for sure
Whom will he give his life to
And for whom he will die.

Grisha of Dobro-slopes resembles Dobrolyubov in many traits of his character, and even his surname. Like Dobrolyubov, he is a fighter for peasant interests, for all the offended and humiliated. He wants to be there, "where it is difficult to breathe, where grief is heard." He does not need wealth and cares about personal well-being are alien. Nekrasov's revolutionary is preparing to give his life so that every peasant can live "merrily, at ease in Russia."

Gregory is not alone in his dreams of a happy people's life. Hundreds of people like him have already taken the honest path. All of them
... fate was preparing
Glorious path, loud name
People's defender,
Consumption and Siberia.
But our hero is not afraid of the upcoming trials, because he firmly believes in the triumph of the cause, to which he devoted his whole life. He sees that the multimillion people themselves are awakening to the struggle.
The host rises
The strength in it will affect the Enduring!

This thought fills his soul with joy and confidence in victory. The poem shows what a powerful effect the words of Gregory have on the Wahlak peasants and on the seven pilgrims, with which they infect them with faith in the future, in happiness for all of Russia.
Grigory Dobrosklonov is the future leader of the peasantry, the spokesman for its class anger and reason. The path of Gregory is difficult, but also glorious, only strong souls enter it, on this path, according to Nekrasov, real happiness awaits a person, because the greatest happiness consists in the struggle for the freedom of the oppressed, in bringing people the light and joy of life. To the main question of his poem - who lives well in Russia? - the author answers: fighters for the happiness of the people. This is the meaning of the poem.

Our wanderers would be under their own roof,
If only they could know what is happening with Grisha.
He heard immense strength in his chest,
His blessed sounds delighted the ear.
The radiant sounds of the blessed hymn -
He sang the embodiment of national happiness!

Now let's look at the real biographical factor in Grisha's appearance. Perhaps you already know - Dobrolyubov was the prototype. Like him, Grisha - a fighter for all the humiliated and insulted, stood for peasant interests. He did not feel a craving for the satisfaction of prestigious needs (if anyone remembers the lectures on social studies), i.e. in the foreground, his concerns are not about personal well-being.
Now we know a thing or two about Dobrosklonov. Let's identify some of his personal qualities in order to find out the degree of Grisha's importance as a key figure. To do this, we just need to select from the above words that characterize it. Here they are: the ability to compassion, strong convictions, iron will, unpretentiousness, high efficiency, education, a great mind. Here you and I, imperceptibly for ourselves, approached the meaning of the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov.

Look: these qualities are enough to reflect the main idea of ​​the poem. Hence the conclusion is as prosaic as it is laconic: Grisha himself reflects one of the main ideas of the poem. Here is the idea: living in Russia is good only for such fighters for the happiness of the oppressed people. To explain why I will hardly succeed is a philosophical question and knowledge of psychology is required. Nevertheless, I will try to give an example: when you save someone's life, you get the feeling that you are strong and kind, a servant to the king, a father to soldiers, ... yes? And here you save a whole people ...

But these are only consequences, and with what began we still have to find out. Let's speculate, we know that from childhood Grisha lived among unhappy, helpless, despised people. What pushed him to such a height that forced him to sacrifice himself for the sake of the common people, because before a literate and educated, talented young man opened up, frankly, endless possibilities. By the way, this feeling, quality or sensation, call it what you want, nourished the work of Nekrasov, from his submission the main idea of ​​the poem was determined, from him originate patriotism, a sense of responsibility. This is the capacity for compassion. The quality that Nekrasov himself possessed and endowed him with the key figure of his poem. It is quite natural that this is followed by patriotism inherent in a person from the people, and a sense of responsibility before the people.

It is very important to determine the era in which the hero appeared. The era - the rise of the social movement, a multimillion people rise to fight. Take a look:
“... The host rises innumerable
the strength in her is indestructible ... "

The text directly proves that the happiness of the people is possible only as a result of a nationwide struggle against the oppressors. The main hope of the revolutionary democrats, to whom Nekrasov belonged, is the peasant revolution. And who is raising revolutions? - revolutionaries, fighters for the people. At Nekrasov it was Grisha Dobrosklonov. Hence follows the second idea of ​​the poem, or rather, it has already flowed out, we only need to isolate it from the general stream of reflections. The people, due to the direction of the AII reforms, remain unhappy and oppressed as before, but (!) The forces for protest are ripening. The reforms pushed him towards a better life. Have you noticed the words:

"…Enough! Completed with the past calculation,
Calculation finished by the master!
The Russian people are gathering strength
And he learns to be a citizen! ... "

The form of transmission was songs performed by Grisha. The words just reflected the feelings that the hero is endowed with. We can say that the songs were the crown of the poem because they reflect everything that I talked about. And in general, they inspire hope that the Motherland will not perish, despite the suffering and misfortunes that swept over it, and the all-encompassing revival of Russia, and, most importantly, changes in the consciousness of the common Russian people.