Essay on the topic: The path of searches of Grigory Melikhov in the novel Quiet Don, Sholokhov. Stages of Gregory's life

Essay on the topic: The path of searches of Grigory Melikhov in the novel Quiet Don, Sholokhov. Stages of Gregory's life

Quiet Don is a work that shows the life of the Don Cossacks in one of the most difficult historical periods in Russia. The realities of the first third of the twentieth century, which turned the whole usual way of life, like caterpillars, drove through the destinies of ordinary people. Through the life of Grigory Melekhov in the novel "Quiet Flows the Don", Sholokhov reveals the main idea of ​​the work, which is to depict the collision of a personality and historical events beyond his control, his wounded fate.

The struggle between duty and feelings

At the beginning of the work, the main character is shown as a hardworking guy with a hot temper, which he inherited from his ancestors. Cossack and even Turkish blood flowed in him. Eastern roots endowed Grishka with a bright appearance, capable of turning the head of more than one Don beauty, and Cossack stubbornness, in places bordering on stubbornness, ensured the firmness and steadfastness of his character.

On the one hand, he shows respect and love for his parents, on the other hand, he does not listen to their opinion. The first conflict between Gregory and his parents happens because of his love affair with his married neighbor Aksinya. To end the sinful relationship between Aksinya and Gregory, his parents decide to marry him. But their choice in the role of sweet and meek Natalia Korshunova did not solve the problem, but only exacerbated it. Despite the official marriage, love for his wife did not appear, and for Aksinya, who, tormented by jealousy, increasingly sought a meeting with him, only flared up.

The blackmail of his father with his house and property forced the hot and impulsive Gregory in his hearts to leave the farm, his wife, relatives and leave with Aksinya. Because of his deed, the proud and unyielding Cossack, whose family from time immemorial cultivated its own land and grew its own bread, had to go to the mercenaries, which made Gregory ashamed and disgusting. But now he had to answer both for Aksinya, who left her husband because of him, and for the child she carried.

War and betrayal of Aksinya

A new misfortune was not long in coming: the war began, and Gregory, who had sworn allegiance to the sovereign, was forced to leave both the old and the new family and go to the front. In his absence, Aksinya remained in the master's house. The death of her daughter and news from the front about the death of Gregory crippled the woman's strength, and she was forced to succumb to the onslaught of the centurion Listnitsky.

Coming from the front and learning about Aksinya's betrayal, Gregory returns to his family again. For a period of time, his wife, relatives and twins who soon appeared please him. But the time of troubles on the Don, associated with the Revolution, did not allow enjoying family happiness.

Ideological and personal doubts

In the novel "Quiet Flows the Don", the path of Grigory Melekhov is full of quests, doubts and contradictions, both politically and in love. He was constantly rushing about, not knowing where the truth was: “Everyone has their own truth, their own furrow. For a piece of bread, for a plot of land, for the right to life, people have always fought. We must fight with those who want to take away life, the right to it ... ”. He decided to lead the Cossack division and repair the supports for the advancing Reds. However, the further the Civil War continued, the more Gregory doubted the correctness of his choice, he understood more clearly that the Cossacks were waging a war with windmills. The interests of the Cossacks and their native land were of no interest to anyone.

The same model of behavior is typical in the personal life of the protagonist of the work. Over time, he forgives Aksinya, realizing that he cannot live without her love and takes with him to the front. Then he sends her home, where she is forced to return to her husband once again. Arriving on leave, he looks at Natalia with different eyes, appreciating her devotion and loyalty. He was drawn to his wife, and this closeness culminated in the conception of a third child.

But again the passion for Aksinya prevailed over him. His latest betrayal led to the death of his wife. Gregory drowns remorse and the impossibility of confronting feelings in the war, becoming cruel and merciless: “I was so smeared with someone else's blood that I already had no one left to reap. Little kids - and I almost don't regret this one, but I don't even have a thought about myself. The war took everything out of me. I myself have become terrible. Look into my soul, and there is blackness, as in an empty well ... ".

A stranger among his own

The loss of loved ones and the retreat sobered Gregory, he understands: you need to be able to preserve what he has left. He takes Aksinya with him to retreat, but because of typhoid he is forced to leave her.

He again begins to search for the truth and finds himself in the Red Army, taking command of the cavalry squadron. However, even participating in hostilities on the side of the Soviets will not wash away Gregory's past, tarnished by the white movement. He is in danger of being shot, about which his sister Dunya warned him. Taking Aksinya, he attempts to escape, during which his beloved woman is killed. Having fought for his land and on the side of the Cossacks and the Reds, he remained a stranger among his own.

The path of Grigory Melekhov's quest in the novel is the fate of an ordinary person who loved his land, but lost everything that he had and appreciated, protecting it for the life of the next generation, which in the finale is personified by his son Mishatka.

Product test

Throughout the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" Grigory Melekhov, like Shakespeare's Hamlet, is in search of the truth. Unlike his entourage, he is not ready to be a soulless killing machine, to kill his compatriots for someone else's interests. Gregory is looking for meaning and justice in the Civil War, in which he had to take part, and, unfortunately, does not find it.

The fate of Grigory Melekhov was largely predetermined by the revolutionary and military events of his time. Before joining the ranks of the white army, Melekhov could not look at death with a shudder - he was even depressed by the death of a duckling by his hand - but during the hostilities he had to kill. I remember the scene with the Austrian killed by him. He took the life of a person, but for what? Melekhov could not get an answer to this question. Grigory finds simple and obvious answers to the questions that puzzled him from the Bolsheviks.

“Here it is, our power-lover! Everyone is equal! ”He, like many of his other compatriots, is tempted by the simple and understandable ideology of the“ Reds. ”Grigory goes over to the side of the anti-monarchists, he is ready to fight for general equality and happiness, but even here he meets with cruelty and looting that revolts him. A detachment of unarmed prisoners is shot by the "Reds" despite Gregory's attempts to stop this action. When the Bolsheviks begin to commit violence in his native land, he becomes their fierce enemy. he cannot choose on whose side he is in this war, he cannot choose the lesser of two evils, he rushes about. He says about the whites Koshevoy and Listnitsky: “From the very beginning it was clear to them, but to me everything is still unclear. Both of them have their own straight roads, their ends, and since 1917 I have been walking on forked roads, swinging like a drunken man ... ”Such a neutral position for Grigory does not suit the military bipolar world. Melekhov seems to be dangerous for both the Bolsheviks and the“ whites ” . He tries to escape to the Kuban, but on the way they kill his beloved Aksinya. "And Grigory, dead with horror, realized that everything was over, that the worst thing that could happen in his life has already happened." The most precious thing is that the "Reds" kill his brother Petro, his beloved Aksinya, his mother and father, daughter Polyushka, legal wife Natalya die. All that remains is his son and sister Dunyasha. Grigory lost a lot in the senseless meat grinder of the revolution and civil war. A man like him, a man loyal to his heart, a seeker of truth deserves happiness. But is there a place in the new world for such a person?

Thus, the Don Hamlet is left by the author shabby and aged, experienced and endured suffering. By the example of Melekhov, Sholokhov shows us the cruelty and senselessness of the civil war, the war of brother against brother. You cannot just split the world into white and red, enemies and allies at once, the author argues, that life is multifaceted and complex and that such a separation is simply unacceptable.

At the very beginning of the novel, it becomes clear that Grigory loves Aksinya Astakhova, the married neighbor of the Melekhovs. The hero revolts against his family, which condemns him, a married man, for his relationship with Aksinya. He does not obey the will of his father and leaves his native farm together with Aksinya, not wanting to live a double life with his dislike wife Natalya, who then attempts suicide - cuts his neck with a scythe. Gregory and Aksinya become hired workers for the landowner Listnitsky.

In 1914 - the first battle of Gregory and the first person killed by him. Grigory is very upset. In the war, he receives not only the St. George Cross, but also experience. The events of this period make him think about the life structure of the world.

It would seem that revolutions are being made for people like Grigory Melekhov. He joined the Red Army, but he had no greater disappointment in his life than the reality of the Red camp, where violence, cruelty and lawlessness reign.

Gregory leaves the Red Army and becomes a member of the Cossack mutiny as a Cossack officer. But here too - cruelty and injustice.

He again finds himself with the Reds - in Budyonny's cavalry - and again experiences disappointment. In his vacillations from one political camp to another, Gregory seeks to find the truth that is closer to his soul and his people.

Ironically, he ends up in Fomin's gang. Gregory thinks that the bandits are free people. But even here he feels like a stranger. Melekhov leaves the gang to take Aksinya and run with her to the Kuban. But the death of Aksinya from an accidental bullet in the steppe deprives Grigory of his last hope for a peaceful life. It is at this moment that he sees in front of him a black sky and "a blindingly shining black disk of the sun." The writer depicts the sun - a symbol of life - in black, emphasizing the trouble of the world. Having nailed to the deserters, Melekhov lived with them for almost a year, but melancholy again drove him to his home.

In the finale of the novel, Natalya and her parents die, Aksinya dies. Only the son and the younger sister, who married the red one, remained. Gregory stands at the gate of his home and holds his son in his arms. The ending is left open: will his simple dream to live as his ancestors lived: “to plow the land, take care of it”?

Female images in the novel.

Women, whose lives the war bursts into, takes away their husbands, sons, destroys the house and hopes for personal happiness, take on their shoulders the unbearable burden of work in the field and at home, but do not bend, but courageously bear this burden. In the novel, two main types of Russian women are given: the mother, the keeper of the hearth (Ilyinichna and Natalya) and the beautiful sinner, frantically seeking her happiness (Aksinya and Daria). Two women - Aksinya and Natalya - accompany the main character, they selflessly love him, but in everything they are opposite.

Love is a necessary need for the existence of Aksinya. Aksinya's fury in love is highlighted by the description of her "shamelessly greedy, plump lips" and "vicious eyes." The heroine's background is terrible: at the age of 16 she was raped by a drunken father and married to Stepan Astakhov, a neighbor of the Melekhovs. Aksinya endured humiliation and beatings of her husband. She had no children or relatives. It is understandable that she wants to “love the bitter one in her whole life,” so she fiercely defends her love for Grishka, which has become the raison d'être of her existence. For her sake, Aksinya is ready for any test. Gradually, an almost maternal tenderness appears in her love for Gregory: with the birth of her daughter, her image becomes clearer. In separation from Grigory, she becomes attached to his son, and after the death of Ilyinichna, she takes care of all of Grigory's children as if they were her own. Her life was cut short by an accidental bullet from the steppe when she was happy. She died in the arms of Gregory.

Natalya is the embodiment of the idea of ​​a home, family, natural morality of a Russian woman. She is a selfless and affectionate mother, a pure, loyal and devoted woman. She takes a lot of suffering from her love for her husband. She does not want to put up with her husband's betrayal, does not want to be unloved - this makes her lay hands on herself. The hardest thing will be for Grigory to experience the fact that before his death she “forgave him everything”, that she “loved him and remembered him until the last minute”. Upon learning of Natalia's death, Grigory first felt a stabbing pain in his heart and ringing in his ears. He is tormented by remorse.

Sections: Literature

Lesson plan.

  1. The history of the Melekhov family. Already in the history of the family, the character of Gregory is laid.
  2. The portrait characterization of Gregory in comparison with his brother Peter (it was Grigory, not Peter, who was the successor of the “Turks” family - the Melekhovs.)
  3. Attitude to work (house, the Listnitskys' Yagodnoye estate, longing for the land, eight homecoming: an ever-increasing craving for home, thrift.
  4. The image of Gregory in the war as the embodiment of the author's concept of war (duty, compulsion, senseless cruelty, destruction). Gregory never fought with his Cossacks, Melekhov's participation in an internecine fratricidal war is never described.
  5. Typical and individual in the image of Gregory. (why does Melekhov return home without waiting for the amnesty?)
  6. Points of view of writers and critics on the image of Grigory Melekhov


In the criticism, disputes about the essence of the tragedy of Grigory Melekhov are still ongoing.

At first there was an opinion that this is the tragedy of a renegade.

He, they say, went against the people and therefore lost all human features, became a lone wolf, a beast.

Refutation: the renegade does not evoke sympathy, and they cried over the fate of Melekhov. And Melekhov did not become a beast, did not lose the ability to feel, suffer, did not lose the desire to live.

Others attributed Melekhov's tragedy to delusion.

Here it was true that Gregory, according to this theory, bore the features of the Russian national character, of the Russian peasantry. It was further said that he was half proprietor, half toiler. / Lenin's quote about the peasant (article about L. Tolstoy))

So Gregory hesitated, but in the end he got lost. Therefore, he must be condemned and pitied.

But! Gregory is confused not because he is the owner, but because in each of the belligerent parties does not find absolute moral truth, to which he aspires with the maximalism inherent in the Russian people.

1) From the first pages, Gregory is depicted in everyday creative peasant life:

  • Fishing
  • With a horse at the watering hole
  • In love,
  • Scenes of peasant labor

C: “His feet confidently trampled the ground”

Melekhov is merged with the world, is a part of it.

But in Gregory, the personal principle, Russian moral maximalism, with its desire to get to the bottom of the matter, not stopping halfway, is unusually vividly manifested, not to put up with any violations of the natural course of life.

2) He is sincere and honest in his thoughts and actions.(This is especially pronounced in relations with Natasha and Aksinya:

  • The last meeting of Gregory with Natalia (part VII, chapter 7)
  • Death of Natalia and related experiences (Part VII, Ch. 16-18)
  • Death of Aksinya (part VIII chapter 17)

3) Gregory is distinguished by an acute emotional reaction to everything that happens, him responsive on the impressions of life heart... It has developed feeling of pity, compassion, this can be judged by the following lines:

  • During the haymaking, Grigory accidentally cut ********* (part I Ch. 9)
  • Episode with Franya, part 2, chapter 11
  • Fuss with the murdered Austrian (part 3 of chapter 10)
  • Reaction to the news of the execution of Kotlyarov (part VI)

4) Staying always honest, morally independent and straightforward in character, Gregory showed himself as a person capable of an act.

  • Fight with Stepan Astakhov over Aksinya (part I, chapter 12)
  • Leaving with Aksinya to Yagodnoye (part 2, chapter 11-12)
  • Clash with the sergeant (part 3 of chapter 11)
  • Break with Podtyolkov (part 3, chapter 12)
  • Clash with General Fitzkhalaurav (Part VII, Chapter 10)
  • The decision, without waiting for an amnesty, to return to the farm (part VIII, chapter 18).

5) Captivates sincerity of his motives- He never lied to himself, in his doubts and throwing. We are convinced of this by his inner monologues (Part VI, Ch. 21, 28)

Gregory is the only character to whom given the right to monologues- “thoughts” that reveal his spiritual origin.

6) It is impossible to "obey dogmatic rules" forced Gregory to abandon the economy, land, go with Aksinya to the estate of the Listnitsky koshokh.

There, Sholokhov shows , social life has disrupted the course of natural life. There, for the first time, the hero got off the ground, from the origins.

“An easy, well-fed life,” he spoiled. He was lazy, put on weight, looked older than his years. "

7) But too strong in Gregory folk origin so as not to persist in his soul. As soon as Melekhov was on his land during the hunt, all the excitement disappeared, and an eternal, main feeling was trembled in his soul.

8) This abyss m / y by the desire of man, unfortunately and by the destructive tendencies of the era, expanded and deepened in the First World War. (faithful to duty - active in battles - rewards)

But! The more he delves into hostilities, the more he is pulled to the ground, to work. He dreams of the steppe. He has a heart with a beloved and distant woman. And conscience gnaws at his soul: “… It is difficult to kiss a child, to open to look into his eyes.”

9) The revolution returned Melekhov to the land, with his beloved, to his family, and children. And he wholeheartedly took the side of the new system ... But the same revolution his cruelty with the Cossacks, his injustice to the prisoners, and to Gregory himself pushed again him on the warpath.

Fatigue and anger lead the hero to cruelty - the murder of the sailors by Melekhov (it was after him that Grigory would wander the earth in "monstrous enlightenment", realizing that he had gone far from what he was born for and what he fought for.

“Life’s wrong move, and maybe I’m to blame for this,” he admitted.

10) Having stood up with all his characteristic energy for the interests of workers and therefore became one of the leaders of the Veshensky uprising, Gregory is convinced that it did not bring the expected results: the Cossacks suffer from the white movement as they suffered from the Reds before. (Peace did not come to the Don, but the same nobles returned, despising the ordinary Cossack, the Cossack-peasant.

11) But Gregory the feeling of national exclusivity is alien: Gregory has deep respect for an Englishman - a mechanic with labor mazols.

Melekhov prefaces his refusal to evacuate across the sea with a statement about Russia: “Whatever the mother, but she is a stranger's relatives!”

12) AND again salvation for Melekhov - a return to the earth, to Aksinya, and children ... Violence disgusts him. (he releases the relatives of the Red Cossacks from prison) drives the horse to save Ivan Alekseevich and Mishka Koshevoy.)

13) Moving on to the red in the last years of the civil war, Gregory became , according to Prokhor Zykov, “Cheerful and sleek ”. But it is also important that the roles Melekhova did not fight with his , and was on the Polish front.

In the 8th hour, the ideal of Gregory is outlined: “ He went home to eventually get to work, live with the children, with Aksinya ... "

But his dream was not destined to come true. Mikhail Koshevoy ( representative revolutionary violence) provoked Gregory to escape from the house, from the children, Aksinya .

15) He is forced to hide in the farms, to join Fomin's gang.

The lack of a way out (and his thirst for life prevented him from being shot) pushes him to an obvious wrong cause.

16) All that Gregory had left by the end of the novel is children, mother earth (Sholokhov emphasizes three times that the pain in Grigory's chest heals by lying on the "damp earth") and love for Aksinya. But even this little goes away with the death of the woman he loves.

“Black sky and dazzling black disc of the sun” (this characterizes the strength of Gregory's feelings and the degree of sensation or loss).

“Everything was taken from him, everything was destroyed by merciless death. Only children remained, but he himself was still convulsively clinging to the ground, as if in fact his broken life was of some value to him and to others. "

In this craving for life there is no personal salvation for Grigory Melekhov, but there is an affirmation of the ideal of life.

In the finale of the novel, when life is reborn, Grigory threw a rifle, revolver, cartridges into the water, wiped his hands “ Don crossed the blue March ice, walked briskly to the house. He stood at the gates of his home, holding his son in his arms ... "

Critics' Opinion on the Finale.

Critics have long and much argued about the future fate of Melekhov. Soviet literary scholars argued that Melekhov would merge into socialist life. Western critics say the venerable Cossack will be arrested the next day and then executed.

Sholokhov left an open ending for both paths. This is not of fundamental importance, since in the finale of the novel, it is asserted what constitutes the essence humanistic philosophy of the protagonist of the novel, humanity inXX century:under the cold sun ”a huge world shines, life continues, embodied in the symbolic picture of a child in his father's arms.(The image of a child as a symbol of eternal life was already present in many of Sholokhov's "Don Stories", and "The Fate of Man" also ends with it.


Grigory Melekhov's path to the ideal of true life - this is a tragic path gains, mistakes and losses, which was passed by the entire Russian people in the XX century.

"Grigory Melekhov is an integral person in a tragically torn time." (E. Tamarchenko)

  1. Portrait, character of Aksinya. (part 1 chap. 3,4,12)
    The origin and development of the love of Aksinya and Gregory. (part 1 chapter 3, part 2, chapter 10)
  2. Dunyasha Melekhov (part 1, ch. 3, 4, 9)
  3. Daria Melekhova. The dramatic nature of fate.
  4. Ilyinichna's maternal love.
  5. Natalia's tragedy.

Lesson topic : The way of searching for Grigory Melekhov.

(based on the novel "Quiet Don" by M. Sholokhov)

Lesson type - conference (lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge).

Technology: communicative (at the stage of lesson preparation - research).


Educational: consider the panorama of the life of the Don people in the tragic moments of history and note how historical events affected the lives of people on the example of the hero Grigory Melekhov.

Developing: develop the skills of independent work with text and additional literature and the ability to express their thoughts about what they read.

Educational : to foster love for the Motherland, native land and the historical heritage of their people.

Equipment: literary texts, portraits of the writer and the protagonist, a map of the Rostov region, the scheme "The path of searches of Grigory Melekhov", multimedia means.

Lesson steps :

    Organizational moment: Greetings, presentation of specialists (literary scholars, historians, geographers, creative group),


Teacher's word about travel;

Poem. "A Man Needs Little" by R. Rozhdestvensky.

    Main part:

A word about the writer;

H. Tatarsky - a collective settlement;

About the Melekhov family;

About the main character;

Military service;

During the First World War;

Into the revolution;

Civil War;

Participation in the Upper Don Uprising;

At the Reds;

In Fomin's gang;

Mental emptiness, returning home;

Teacher: Guys, today we are conducting an unusual lesson - a lesson - a journey. Do you like to travel? What happens to a person while traveling?

Answer : Meetings are interesting, unforgettable; recognition of something new, useful; testing feelings of joy, surprise, admiration.

We will make a virtual trip and will be guided by specialists. You guys will try yourself in a new role, in the role of historians, literary critics, geographers. We also have a creative group: Sergey Kabargin, Evgeniy Chebotarev, who prepared slides and videos. We have everything for the work of novice specialists.

The peculiarity of the journey is that it is a journey through a wonderful book and literary places. We will make it along the path of life and the fate of not only the main character, but also the entire Don Cossacks, of which we are descendants.

We have a secret question that we will have to answer at the end of the journey: what is hidden under this circle? Maybe someone already guessed? (Student answers) This question will be a riddle, which we will answer at the end of the lesson.

So guys, what is the most important thing in a trip?

Answer : Homecoming.

Teacher : Of course, the main thing is the way home.

We begin work: the word - to literary scholars.

Poem "A Man Needs Little" R. Rozhdestvensky .

A person needs little:

To search and find.

So that there are for a start

One friend and one enemy ...

A man needs little ...

So that the path leads along.

So that my mother lived in the world.

How much she needs - she lived ...

A person needs little:

After the thunder - silence

A blue patch of fog

One life. And one death ...

Small reward.

Low pedestal.

A man needs little.

If only someone was waiting at home.

Teacher : Guys, you have already understood that we will make the journey with the main character of the novel "Quiet Flows the Don" Grigory Melekhov, and this brilliant work was written by MASholokhov. And we hit the road from the home of Mikhail Alexandrovich, a wonderful Don Cossack, a famous writer and just a man in love with his land! And the more talented the writer is, the more truthful is his path.

Geographer: So, the Kruzhilin farm. (show on the map)

Historians: M.A. was born Sholokhov in 1905. in x. Kruzhilin village of Veshenskaya, Donetsk district (now it is Sholokhovsky district of Rostov region). His childhood was spent in st. Karginskaya: here he studied, here he began to write his first literary works. From here he volunteered for the Civil War.

Then, in peacetime, there was work in Moscow. In 1926. Mikhail Alexandrovich begins to work on the novel "Quiet Don", often coming to his native places: x. Kruzhilin, Art. Bazkovskaya, Veshenskaya. In Bazki, he sometimes spent the night talking with Kharlampy Ermakov, the prototype of Grigory Melekhov, our guide on today's journey.

How much in common in the fate of a real Cossack, Kharlampy Ermakov, and a literary hero, Grigory Melekhov. Even in origin: Ermakov's grandmother is Turkish, brought from Turkey by his grandfather - a participant in the war of 1877-1878. And that's why the grandson - Kharlampy was dark-skinned in the Oriental way, with a hunchback, the villagers called him "gypsy". This description in the novel also corresponds to our hero.

Teacher: The next stop of our journey is in a literary place.

Literary critics: The novel begins in the Tatarsky village. This is a purely literary farm, but it exists in the work among real farms and villages. Let's try to locate it. According to Sholokhov, x. Tatarsky - right next to the Don, on the bank of the "gate from the cattle's base leads to the north, to the Don." Don is located to the north only in relation to the right-bank farms. Hence, x. Tatarsky on the right bank. Inhabitants of old farmsteads have been arguing for a long time about which farm is described in the novel by M.A. Sholokhov. Some say that x. Tatarsky is x. Kalininsky, others argue that this is x. Bazkovsky. And yet x. Tatarsky is a collective settlement.

Teacher: The beginning of the book is very poetic.

Literary critics: “Melekhovsky Dvor is on the very edge of the farm. Vorotz from the cattle base leads north to the Don. A steep, eight-sagged descent between chalk boulders mossy in green, and here is the shore: a nacreous scattering of shells, a gray broken border of pebbles kissed by waves, and further - Don's stirrup boiling under the winds with blued ripples ”- these are the singing lines of the great novel. Melekhovsky kuren, which stood on the edge of the Tatarsky farm, turned out to be in the very center of the events of world and Russian history, since the waves of life widely diverge from it and from everywhere converge to it.

Literary critics : Among the waves of the raging sea of ​​folk life, the writer chose the Melekhov family. She is no better than others, but she is from the very depths, the true heir to what has been accumulated over the centuries, she contains human spiritual wealth. That is why it is good in the circle of the Melekhov family: it is simple, reliable, confident and interesting with them, although it is necessary to work from morning to night, and there are many surprises, and there are burning explosions. And at the same time, what a gratifying sense of security, a sense of home!

Literary critics: The protagonist of the novel spent his childhood and adolescence here. Here he grew up, matured, learned to grow bread, mow hay, became a good Cossack. Here I met my first love - married Aksinya. In this farm he started his own family, by the will of his father, Panteley Prokofievich, he married the kind and decent Natalya Korshunova. Already before the wedding, Grigory realized that his fate was Aksinya, and realized that Natalya was unloved. Therefore, having lived a little with his wife, he leaves with Aksinya to the Yagodnoye estate, which is not far from Kh. Tatarsky. Here they are hired as workers for the wealthy landowner Listnitsky.

Teacher: And help, please, historians-geographers.

Geographers : Yagodnoye Estate is also a fictitious literary name, but historians tell us that this fictitious name means x. Yasenovka.

Geographers: We travel further: the brightest and favorite place of the Cossacks -village Veshenskaya .

Historians: Art. Veshenskaya is rightfully considered one of the oldest and most beautiful Cossack villages, the shores of which are washed by the clear waters of Father Don. It was moved from the place of Chigonatskaya stanitsa, devastated under Peter 1, and renamed Veshenskaya. Here, before the service, Grigory Melekhov took an oath of allegiance to the Tsar and the Fatherland.

And before that, the old Cossack gives instructions (the commandments of the Cossack):« If you want to be alive, to get out of mortal combat whole - you need to observe human truth. Do not take someone else in the war - once. God forbid touching women, and to know such a prayer ”.

In these precepts of antiquity there are also humane words about the attitude towards women, and about the fact that the army should not engage in robbery and violence.

Literary critics : It was a matter of honor for the whole family to adequately send a serviceman to the army, so Pantelei Prokofievich, having swallowed his offense, comes to Yagodnoye to see Grigory and brings the right: two greatcoats, a saddle, wide trousers, and Grigory is very worried: “Christmas is coming, but he had nothing ready".

Historians-geographers : On the eve of the First World War, Gregory was drafted into the imperial army. “From the Chertkovo station (this is an old station named after the Military Ataman Mikhail Ivanovich Chertkov and is located on the border of the Rostov region and Ukraine), conscripts were carrying a train loaded with Cossacks, horses and fodder to Voronezh, and further to Western Ukraine, where his military service. And soon the outbreak of the First World War found the main character here.

(reading an episode of the novel)

Literary critics : In a small western Ukrainian town - Leshnev, Grigory was destined to participate in the first battle and for the first time kill a man, an Austrian soldier: “Along the iron lattice of the garden, swaying, unconscious, an Austrian ran without a rifle ... horror of the eye. The Austrian was slowly bending his knees, a gurgling wheeze humming in his throat. Blinking, Grigory waved his sword. A blow with a long pull tore the skull in two. The Austrian fell, bumping his hands, as if slipping; the halves of the skull banged dully on the stone of the pavement. The horse jumped, snoring, and carried Grigory into the middle of the street. "

This was the first combat attack in which Melekhov took part, the first battle and the first person he killed - an unnamed Austrian soldier.

Literary critics: For the first time, Gregory felt with all his soul the wild, terrible absurdity of the massacre, the need to kill people who did not bring him the slightest harm, like him, yesterday's farmers or workers. It was not easy for him to forget that August day ... Grigory Melekhov ... was hard grinding his inner pain, often on hikes and on vacation, in his sleep and in slumber he fancied an Austrian, the one he had cut down at the grate.

It was the "hard science of war", after which the hero matures and becomes a brave warrior, defender of the Fatherland.

Literary critics : The war continues. In one of the battles, the wounded Grigory saves the life of an officer-commander, for which he was presented with the award - the St. George Cross.


Here, in the war, he first heard about the injustice of the existing system. The idea of ​​overthrowing the tsarist government was heard more and more often. And although the Don Cossack Region lived autonomously, and the Cossacks were free people, Gregory had his first doubts. He also recalled the conversation with the machine gunner Garanzha, who spoke about hitherto unknown truths, exposing the true causes of the outbreak of war, caustically ridiculing the autocratic power.

Literary critic - geographer : After the second wound, Grigory is sent for treatment to the village of Kamenskaya. Now it is the modern city of Kamensk - Shakhtinsky. After the hospital - a short vacation home in Kh. Tatar. Here he is greeted with love and respect not only by his relatives and friends, but also by the Cossacks from the village. And thoughts about the new power of the Bolsheviks, about a new life scatter in Gregory's head. He returns to the front again. At the end of 1916, Grigory Melekhov was promoted to cornet for military distinction and was appointed a platoon officer.

Historians: But here comes the tragic year, for our hero and for the entire Don Cossacks, 1917. The October coup (previously referred to as the Great October Socialist Revolution) has come to pass.

Geographer: The city of Novocherkassk was the center of the Don Cossack Region, and in 1918 it became the center of attraction for all those who fled from the Bolshevik revolution. Here, on the Don, where the commander-in-chief was Alexei Maksimovich Kaledin, the surviving White Guard generals and officers arrive. They decide that it is necessary to protect the freedom-loving and independent Don from the new government of the Bolsheviks. And the Cossacks were divided in two. The civil fratricidal war began. With its flames, it engulfed the entire Region of the Don Army. Particularly fierce battles were near Kamensk, in the area of ​​the village. Gluboky, Chertkovo, Millerovo, near Rostov, Novocherkassk and, of course, on the Upper Don. (show on the map)

Historians : Returning from the war as a "knight of the cross", Gregory after the revolution takes the side of the Reds, participates in the overthrow of the Regional Government of General A.M. Kaledin. And only the innocent blood of the prisoners of the Chernetsov officers killed by Podtyolkov forced Grigory to withdraw from the active struggle for Soviet power on the Don. In the spring of 1919, the Upper Don Uprising broke out, Gregory reluctantly takes part in it, but gradually this struggle turns for him into a fierce struggle for the Motherland, for the Don. Mercilessly Grigory deals with the Red Army soldiers, avenges his murdered brother. The hero experiences a terrible shock after one of the attacks, where he hacked to death four sailors. In hysterics, he shouts: “Brothers, I have no forgiveness! Whom did he chop! " Gregory does not find an excuse for himself for his blind hatred of the red.

Literary critics: Why is the hero experiencing such a shock? Maybe because "whether you work with your own or with strangers - it is equally difficult if the work is not in conscience." And a fratricidal war - this is "work not in conscience." Gregory thought a lot about the injustice he faced at that time, about the senselessness and hopelessness of this armed struggle, into which he was involved.And what was maturing, what was gradually accumulating in his consciousness, in his soul, broke through into a decision: to voluntarily surrender to the Red Army and go into its ranks.He became a fighter in the 14th division, which was part of the cavalry army under the command of Budyonny. They raided Ukraine, fought in Crimea, liberated Simferopol and Sevastopol.

Literary critics : The last part of the novel is the fall of the twentieth year. Gregory, a demobilized red commander, arrived in Kh. Tatar. Here Grigory Melekhov was destined to drink the bitter cup of suffering (from the whole large Melekhov family only Dunyashka, his sister, and children, Polyushka and Mishatka, so affectionately calls them Grigory), a bitter cup of tragic delusions and mistakes.He fled from his native farm, joined Fomin's gang, prowled with her across the lands near the Don, fleeing from the detachments of the Red Cavalry. Here, on the Don, the hero realizes: he has fought, he is tired, death is not terrible, he is not afraid of anyone, but the thought is one: home. He understands that the most valuable thing is home, family, love. Gregory left the remnants of the defeated gang, secretly made his way into the village. Tatarsky to run with Aksinya, even to the ends of the world.

Teacher: Let's mentally follow the two fugitives.

Literary critics: At a halt, Aksinya asks Gregory:

Where are we going from here?

On Morozovskaya, - replies Grigory. - We'll get to Platov, and from there we'll go on foot.

Geographers : Morozovskaya is our railway station, and h. Platov still exists today, retaining its old name.

Literary critics: On the very first night, Grigory and Aksinya reached Sukhoi Log: eight miles from Tatarsky. We spent the day in the forest and when night fell, we were on our way again.

Two hours later, the paths descended from the hillock to Chir.(The geographer shows the Chir river).

Here the last tragedy broke out: the night travelers came across a food detachment outpost, tried to hide, but a stray bullet found Aksinya in the darkness. He buried her in the bright morning light. Gregory said goodbye to her, firmly believing that they would not part for long ... With his palms he carefully crushed the wet yellow clay on the grave mound and for a long time stood on his knees near the grave, bowing his head, swaying quietly. There was no need for him to rush now. Everything is over.

Teacher: The beginning and the end of the book echo .

Literary critics:

“Melekhovsky Dvor is on the very edge of the farm. Vorotz from the cattle base leads north to the Don. A steep, eight-seated descent between mossy chalk boulders in green, and here is the shore: a pearl scattering of shells, a gray broken border of pebbles aimed at waves and further - Don's stirrup boiling under the winds with blued ripples ”.

On this very descent to the Don, ten years later (and it seems to us - after a whole life) Gregory meets his son Mishatka. “Well, that little has come true that Grigory dreamed of during his sleepless nights. He stood at the gates of his home and held his son in his arms ...

This was all that remained in his life, which still made him intimate with the earth and with all this vast world shining under the cold sun. "

A man needs little.

If only someone was waiting at home.

Teacher : Guys, in addition to a geographic map, there is also a diagram in front of you. While reading the novel, we composed it in the previous lessons. And now let's take a close look at it and try to title it, determine the topic of our scheme and the topic of our lesson.

- The way of searching for Grigory Melekhov. (children answer).

In conclusion, I would like to say that all the feelings, all the experiences we experienced when we got acquainted with the novel are reflected in N. Skrebov's poem:

On the road from Bazki to Vyosheki

I heard a crane cry.

And the one who was taking me to the ferry said

An old man on a state farm gazette:

Crane shares sorrow

Feels a restless flight:

Do you hear, as if Natalya is about to die?

Calling children goodbye ... -

We don't say another word

And are there more words needed here,

If you suddenly remember again

This pain that has been alive since childhood

This restless grief

This life is a crumpled end ...

And you are silent, as Gregory was silent,

Remembering the sorrow of offended hearts.

And it rises - page after page -

The epic of that old war.

And the village seems quieted down

From the opposite side.

And the cries of the cranes are silent.

And crosses our ferry

Quiet Don, not quiet for a long time

Figuratively and literally.

Conclusion. We talked a lot about the hero, his path, doubts and suffering. What is he like? Grigory Melekhov is a Cossack, a man.

Guys, what does this question mean?

Before you are printed the character traits of our hero, and, consequently, of the writer himself - M.A. Sholokhov. Choose those that are typical for Grigory Melekhov.

A kind Cossack, desperate courage, truthfulness, delusion, cruelty, respect for elders, love for home, children, hard work.

Now we turn the circle over, and what do we see? -I AM

Simple as that. What will I beI AM ?

Students' answers ...

D.z. Write a mini-essay "Grigory Melekhov - a good Cossack."

In conclusion, I want to thank all the specialists who prepared our lesson. Excellent grades to all. And special thanks to the geographers who so accurately marked the historical places on the map. Look, guys, and how rich our region is in literary places. So this is only based on the novel by M.A. Sholokhov.

The journey is over. Good journey (travel) through life with the commandments of real Cossacks.

4. Conclusion:

Impression of the read novel;

Returning to the topic;

What character traits did the main character have?

Educational resources used:

    M.A. Sholokhov. "Quiet Don"

    V. Akimov. "On the Winds of Time", 1981

    Truth and lies about M.A. Sholokhov, Rostov-on-Don: LLC "Rostizdat", 2004

    Sholokhov in the modern world, ed. Leningrad University, 1977

    Internet resources: slides, videos - yandex.