Lyubov Assumption Biography. Husband, Children and Personal Life Love Assumption

Lyubov Assumption Biography. Husband, Children and Personal Life Love Assumption

Lyubov Uspenskaya - Soviet and Russian singer, known by the performance of songs in the genres of Russian chanson and the city romance and repeated victories on the Music Prize "Chanson Year". About the love of Uspenskaya can be removed the series or write a novel, so rich in the steep turns of the fate of her interesting life. Stormy novels and marriage, betrayal, adventure, happiness and suffering - everything was.

Childhood and youth

Lyubov Zalmanovna Asspenskaya, in the Maiden Sicker, was born in Kiev on February 24, 1954. Mother Elena Gull died, and the girl raised her grandmother. Love considered her his mother. And only in adolescence she told her truth.

Today, Lyubov Uspenskaya lives and works in Russia. It is still popular among connoisseurs of the city romance and Russian chanson, although restaurants have long changed to big concert halls. Records albums, shoots clips, participates in the show. She watches itself and looks great. Ilya Grigoriev, with whom the singer joined the TV viewers of the duet in the show "Two Stars", responds about it solely as a "real woman".

Personal life

For the first time, Lyubov Uspenskaya married in early youth, being a 17-year-old girl, with the consent of the Father. Music was the musician Viktor Shumlovich. However, in this marriage, the singer carries one of the most severe tests in life. She gives birth to twins, but children do not survive. One is born dead, the second dies after 2 weeks. Marriage breaks down.

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The second husband is Yuri Uspensky, also a musician. The last name from the second marriage love did not change. When life in Soviet reality seemed unbearable for her, it was with him an actress left to the United States. In America, the marriage collapsed. There, Lyubov Uspenskaya met Vladimir Frantsevich Fox, a long time. He became not only the third husband of the singer, but also its producer and the inspirer. In the late 80s, fruitful in creative terms of the Union collapsed.

Lyubov Uspenskaya was conquered by a businessman Alexander Plaksin. She with delight recalls his gesture: the same day after acquaintance, he presented a white convertible as a gift. Alexander Plaksin is the fourth husband. Together they have been over 30 years old. Lyubov Uspenskaya always left men first, but she admits that he would never have thrown Plaquin, because he gave her joy to become a mother. The daughter of Tatyana was born in marriage.

"Secret by Million" - Lyubov Assumption

In November 2016, Lyubov Uspenskaya became the guest of the TV show "Secret by Million" with. The singer became the first celebrity for all the issues of the program, which decided to tell the main secret of his personal life in exchange for a prize of a million rubles. Money singer sent to charity. For the winnings, the artist told how the abortion took an abortion at 16 years old.

Charitable shares for orphans arrange and daughter of love of Assumption. In addition to participating in the life of the wards, the girl travels a lot in the world, engaged in yoga, one time was fond of music, poetry and painting. Recently, she lived in Costa Rica.

Love for music of love instilled her father, who independently trained his favorite daughter to the piano, after which she entered the music school and continued her education there.

After graduating from a secondary school, Uspenskaya entered the Kiev Music School. Gliera and began to make a living, working as a singer in various Kiev restaurants. Thanks to the musical talent and openness, love quickly covered the lines in the art world. And once on the suggestion of friends, she moved to live and work in Yerevan, where the popularity was quickly gained, both among the local and state-owned public there.

However, soon Asspenskaya was persecuted by Soviet power - the reason for this was supposedly its Western style of singing. As a result, in 1978, she was forced to leave their homeland and look for a better life and the opportunity to engage in creativity in the West. At first, she moved to Italy, where he lived for about a year, and then moved to New York,.

In the US, Uspenskaya was ready for the fact that he would not have to make a living by not music, but Russian-speaking emigrants were heard about her, so the love immediately received a lot of interesting proposals and eventually began to perform on the stage of the Sadko restaurant.

In 1985, the prospeat recorded her debut plate "Favorite", which had a great success among the fans of the singer. After a while she began to cooperate with many Soviet musicians and singers, such as Willie Tokarev and Mikhail Shufutinsky.

Soon, Lyubov Uspenskaya became a real star among the Soviet US emigrants. In the nineties, she recorded several new albums, among which the records "Carousel" and "I disappear" were the most successful.

After the collapse of the USSR, the disks of the singer were gained popularity in all CIS countries, where she gladly went to tour. Over time, the Assumption and returned to his homeland at all and began to live in Moscow, where several other solo albums and collections released.

In 2012, Lyubov Uspenskaya in a duet with the former editor of the magazine "OM", and now performer Igor Grigoriev, took part in the project "First Channel" "Two Stars". The last noticeable work of chanson-diva was the duet with the singer Irina Dubtsova - the stars recorded the song "I love him too."

Personal life

Far times married. First married in 1972 for Viktor Sumilovich and bore two twins sons who died after birth. The second husband of the singer was Yuri Uspensky, the third - Vladimir Franz. Businessman Alexander Plaksin became the fourth legitimate spouse of Assumption, from which she gave birth to Tatiana's daughter in 1989.

Interesting Facts

In 1978, together with the second husband, Yuri Asspensky, she emigrated from the USSR and about a year lived in Italy

Gained popularity immediately after the release of its first album

Worked as a singer in New York in the Russian restaurant "Sadko", and lived on Brighton Beach

In the early 1990s, she collaborated with the poet Ilya Reznik, he performed 18 songs on his poems, among whom was hit "Convertible"

He recorded songs in a duet with Alexander Rosenbaum, Iraklie Pershaslav, Alexander Marshal, Igor Sarukhanov and others

Collaborates with composer Igor Azarov and the poetess regina foxes.

Does yoga

In February 1954, a daughter was born in the family of the head of the factory of household appliances and nurses and was Lyubov Uspenskaya, biography Which will later become the "history of Queen Chanson". More precisely, Lyubov Zalmanovna Sizker was born, but she will receive his today's surname in just a few years. A little known through what thrani she had to go. AND indiance and Prison Love Uspenskaya Does not hide. She openly admits what happened in these places and more than once. First, in the States for driving a drunk and try to hide from the police. Then two more times in Russia. The reasons for the last singer does not apply. Her songs are very popular on the entire space of the former union and are also known far abroad. And everything began with Kiev.

Mom love - Elena Seagull, died in childbirth, so until the five-year-old girl lived with a grandmother. After a father - Zalman Sizker, concluded a second marriage, his daughter began to live with him and his new wife. According to the singer himself, the family always wanted her to engage in music. So, his father taught her piano game and subsequently insisted on learning in a music school. In addition, in Kiev, love graduated from a music school. Gliera.

Since 16, Uspenskaya began to speak in public, at this time the first successes came to her. The singer, since childhood, was distinguished by inconsistency and the desire to act contrary to everyone. Already at 18, she married Viktor Shumlovich. I hardly understood that the singing can be earned, the young artist left with her husband in Kislovodsk - "Bread Place" with an abundance of expensive restaurants and rich holidaymakers, and then in Yerevan. Money began to raise as snow in Antarctica. With Viktor Namilovich, they waited for two twins, but the misfortune happened and one boy died in childbirth, and the other in a few days. The reason served as a medical error. It became a big blow for a young family and after a while they divorced.

Love has always been a freedom-loving person, and in the USSR, the desire to be free was punished sometimes too hard. When the singer filed documents for travel abroad, she was refused ... and then fired and forbidden to take her to work. Even in such a difficult situation, there was a way out. Assumption performed at the celebrations in a small town near Kiev, where he received even more than in Kiev restaurants.

Departure from the USSR

As chanson herself confessed in one of his interviews: "In the Union, I was considered a traitor to the Motherland. After leaving the citizenship, I was deprived of me, and before it was three years of persecution of the Committee of the State Security. Such as we just did not let go, but kept for exchanging. It seems: "We are refusal to you, and you are something else to us." So I probably exchanged for something. "

First, all emigrants were brought to Austria - an item for initial paperwork. The second one was Italy, where everyone solved, which way to go further. Love wanted to go to Canada and already began to make up documents. But friends dissuade her in favor of the United States, arguing that only there she could fully realize themselves as a singer. The design procedure was necessary to begin first, which means that I had to stay in Italy for a whole year.

In 1978, she finally moved to the States with her husband - Yuri Asspensky. The first album of the star was recorded there. In another interview, the singer told about the beginning of his career in a new country as follows: "I remember how now, we arrived, and in two days I performed in one of the restaurants." The repertoire included the entire Soviet stage, most often ordered, Pugachev and Leontiev.

Personal life of love of Assumption

Personal life Lyubov Assumption The same bright as scenic. Officially, she was married 4 times. With the first (Viktor), they are still in friendly relations. With the second, love met even before departure from the Union. At that time he had a wife and a child. However, he was not afraid to throw everything and follow the beloved woman. The stumbling block was jealousy. The husband could not accept the popularity of his wife, locked her at home, forbidden to go to work, threatened. After 8 years of permanent parting and reconciliation, the marriage collapsed finally.

Vladimir Lisitsin became not only the third husband, but also a stars producer. They were familiar from the times of performances in Kiev, but they were closely intertwined only in ten years. Vladimir at that time was engaged in the field of oil and gold mining industry, so she covered his beloved expensive gifts and attention.

After moving to Los Angeles, love met Alexander Plaksina, because of which divorced Lisicin. In 1989, Assumption and Plaksin concluded a marriage in which the only daughter of the singer - Tatiana was born. Their union is already lasting about thirty years and by numerous recognition of the artist, Alexander is the most important man of her life.


In the second half of the nineties, after 16 years of emigration, Lyubov Uspenskaya returned to his native country at the invitation of a record company with which video clips were removed on the "Cabriolet" songs and "Carousel".

Today, the singer settled in Moscow, often driving on tour and is a constant guest on the stage "Chanson of the Year". Most of her new songs have been created by a duet of regina foxes for a long time (words) and Igor Nazarov (music). The singer regularly produces albums that do not slow down their popularity.

Lyubov Uspenskaya has long acquired admirers of his talent, which adore her for the spiritual performance of songs. Artist and is now interesting to listeners, it is an active participant in radio and television programs, and also produces its new compositions.

In the biography of Uspenskaya there was a lot of interesting events that found a certain place and in her work.

Music classes in childhood

The future singer (her surname at birth - Sicker) was born in 1954 in Kiev. Her father, Zalman Sizker, a Jew by nationality, led the factory of household appliances. Mom, Elena Seagull, was not able to donate her daughter, as she died even during childbirth. Baby's upbringing was engaged in her grandmother. Soon, his father again created the family, where her younger brothers Efim and Yakov were born, and then Sister Stella. The relatives of the artist were associated with the music: Uncle performed as the Orchestra accompanist, and the cousin was ruled by the Jazz orchestra Eddie Rosner.

In the photo, Lyubov Uspenskaya in childhood with his father. Instagram uspenskayAlubov_official.

In ornament, a little Lyuba learned to music and played the piano. After graduating from school at the music school, she continued her education, becoming a student of the Music School named Glyaran. 17-year-old Uspenskaya demonstrated its vocal abilities on anniversaries and weddings, as well as sang in the restaurants of southern cities.

Professional way

In 1978, the novice singer emigrated to America, where he continued his musical career. It was there that she released her first albums, who recorded with the assistance of Willy Tokarev and Mikhail Shufutinsky. In the early 1990s, love returned to their homeland, where she had to conquer his compatriots.


She performed a lot and toured with concerts, and also recorded new songs whose texts wrote such songwrites as Ilya Reznik, Igor Azarov, Regina Lisizz, Mikhail Tanich. Such well-known compositions like "I disappear", "bitter chocolate", "to the only gentle", "just cafe", "Ryabinovaya Trootchka" and others, brought ample popularity.

The artist performed songs in a duet with many stars, which always supported her and helped succeed. For several years, she received the music premium "Chanson of the Year", which indicates the recognition of her vocal talent. The last album of the Star of Chanson called "I also love ...", who saw the light in 2016, did not go without the fans of her creativity.

Marriage and Education of the daughter

The love of love was a lot of joyful and happy events, but there were also losses, parting and bitterness of loss. She concluded his first marriage being a 18-year-old girl, and the first husband was then the musician Viktor Sumilovich. In 1973, they had twin boys, but shortly after the appearance of children died. Spouses did not want to keep marriage and decided to divorce. The singer once again married, and Yuri Uspensky was becoming her chosen. Together with her husband, she left his homeland. For some time the couple lived in Italy, and then left for New York. However, this Union collapsed quickly, and soon love met another beloved - Vladimir Franz. Having lived with him for several years, she also terminated relationships.

In the photo, Lyubov Uspenskaya with his daughter Tatiana Platsina.

In 1988, the singer again gained female happiness, becoming a businessman's wife Alexander Plaksina. A year later, they had a daughter Tatiana, thanks to which she gained the happiness of motherhood. The girl did not go in the footsteps of the Star Mom: She left for America, where he studied journalism and classical literature. In addition, she is professionally engaged in yoga, speaking as a teacher at school. Now Tatiana was fascinated by painting, she writes pictures that publish in their microblog. The girl shows his abilities and in another area: she took up designer work.

Singer with her husband Alexander Plaksin.

Artist's husband also spends most of the time in America, so Uspenskaya lives in his luxurious mansion with homemade pets and household assistants. It is not surprising that this circumstance provokes rumors that she divorced her husband. The singer does not comment on these speculations, but prefers to maintain harmonious relations with her husband at a distance. Love still pleases its fans with the appearance and a slim figure (its height is 165 cm, the weight is about 65 kg). It is helped to maintain the perfect body shape to her yoga and proper nutrition.

Lyubov Uspenskaya has long been conquered a wide public, speaking singer at all times. Her success always consisted of two components - lyrics and manners of execution that did not leave anyone indifferent.

The fans listen to her hits who have become the classics of Russian chanson:

  • "I disappear";
  • "Bitter chocolate";
  • "To the only gentle";
  • "Just cafe";
  • "Ryabinovaya brain."

The singer began his career as a restaurant performer, and then she managed to emigrate to the United States. At first, her performances were held in Russian restaurants, and soon Asspenskaya was able to record his first album. Songs immediately accounted for listeners, thanks to which the artist began to cooperate with many celebrities. A few years later, her work became known in Russia. Love recorded several more albums and more than once was marked by the music premium "Chanson Year". To this day, it continues to actively perform on stage, produce new compositions and take part in various telecasts and song contests.

In the personal life of this beautiful woman there were quite a few novels and love stories, however, only the birth of a daughter became the greatest gift of fate. Today the Queen of Chanson is already "for sixty", but it is not subject to time and still demonstrates excellent appearance and a slim figure.

Marriage and Education of the daughter

The first marriage of Assumption concluded when she was only 18 years old. Her chosen was then the musician Viktor Shumlovich, who helped her to start a career. A year later, his twin sons were born in the spouses, but the kids appeared as weak and soon died. This tragedy destroyed her family, and the singer decided to part with her husband.

In the photo, Lyubov Uspenskaya with first husband Viktor Namilovich

Five years later, change in her life: she married a second time, and then together with her husband Yuri Asspensky emigrated first to Italy, and then to America. Love at that time was young and cheerful, she loved to walk and spend a good time. Despite the fact that this union was also collapsed, the performer acquired a new sonior name Uspenskaya, replacing his maiden Sicker. She did not stay alone, having met Vladimir Franz on his way. Soon the new lover became her husband, but family life with him also lasted for a long time.

Alexander Plaksin

In 1988, love once again gathered under the crown. This time, her husband became a businessman Alexander Plaksin, who was able to conquer her generous gifts. The Queen of Chanson dreamed of becoming a mother for many years, but the doctors did not encourage her, reporting that, perhaps she could not have children. But a year later, a joyful event happened in their family - Tatyana's daughter was born, which became her meaning of life. When the girl graduated from school, she thought up to leave to America, where she was going to study journalism and classical literature. Uspenskaya understood that her daughter grew up, but separated from her was not easy for her.

The husband of artists lives in America by the nature of his work in America, and Sumpenskaya itself spends a lot of time in his luxurious mansion, where her favorite four-legged pets also live. A long lack of spouse always gave rise to a wave of rumors that she divorced him. But love itself does not respond to such conjectures, continuing to maintain relationships with the second half at a distance.

The appearance of Queen Chanson attracts a lot of attention to the general public. It can fully boast not only face without wrinkles, but also a slim figure. Many are surprised how at that age you can look so young and fresh, because of what rumors appear that the celebrity has repeatedly resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. However, the Uspenskaya itself refutes these speculations. According to the artist, youth and beauty can be saved without plastic operations, skillfully using various modern procedures.

Problems with daughter

Love, who discerned the joy of motherhood, considers himself a happy man. She loves her daughter and always wishes her good and happiness.
The girl grew a passionate and developed personality: she is interested in journalism, reads classical literature, is engaged in professionally yoga and designer work, and also writes pictures with which he often introduces their subscribers.

In the photo Lyubov Uspenskaya with his daughter Tatiana

In the fall of 2018, it became known that with Tatiana there was unpleasant events in Costa Rica, where she now lives. During a walk on a bike, she accidentally drove onto the branch, which was dropped on asphalt. Local doctors found that the girl broke the jaw, and also knocked out five front teeth. She made a dental surgery, after which she had a blood infection. The singer transported the daughter for treatment in Switzerland, but also a girl could not help there.

After that, Uspenskaya and daughter decided to ask for help from Moscow doctors. Medics were encouraging them, saying that the state of the girl was now normal, however, you need a lot of time to restore. In connection with these sad events, the singer decided to save daughter from problems and misfortunes not quite in the usual way: she agreed on her luxurious hair.


Love has long been dreaming that her husband and children appear in the personal life of his daughter. It does not matter what the status will be at the future son-in-law, most importantly, so that he loves her and the coast. The artist also wants to nurse with grandchildren and see how they grow. However, her daughter is in no hurry to change its status, as it is occupied by its creative ideas. One day, the singer threatened Tatiana to joke, which would leave her without inheritance, but this threat did not affect her.