What Russian surnames are actually gypsy. What do gypsy names mean: interpretation and history of the famous gypsy names

What Russian surnames are actually gypsy. What do gypsy names mean: interpretation and history of the famous gypsy names
What Russian surnames are actually gypsy. What do gypsy names mean: interpretation and history of the famous gypsy names

In Europe, the Gypsy language decomposes several dialect groups.

Baltic Group

This dialect group includes dialects of those gypsy ethnolinguistic groups, which at different times arrived at the places of modern settlement from Poland:

1. Northworthy Roma were resets in the former RSFSR, Northern Kazakhstan and the eastern part of Belorussia. The names of them are usually perceived from the Russian nameman (Alexander, Alexey). These gypsies are divided into local groups called the locality names, for example: Smolensk Roma, Pskov Roma. Local groups are divided into childbirth (Gypsy RBDO), whose names are formed from a personal name or nickname of ancestor with the help of the Belarusian on the origin of the suffix -One (for example, Alexander's personal name; Belarusian surnames such as Makajanok, Dance), as well as the Ukrainian and Polish suffix -Ak (for example, Voronekha) and the actual Gypsy suffix with the value of the session -igre (for example, Katoshkängire). Surnames in Gypsy mainly Polish (Tsibulsky, Kozlovsky) or Russian (Ivanov, Shishkov), models.

2. Belarusian-Lithuanian Gypsies are resets in the northwestern part of Belarus, throughout Lithuania and the eastern part of Latvia (in Latgale). This ethnolinguistic group is also
It is divided into a number of birth, the names of which are formed from names or nicknames of ancestors with the help of the Belarusian suffix -C. (for example, lesons, wristings). Surnames Belorussky
and Polish origin (Kasperevich, Ostrovsky); In Lithuania, the surnames are often decorated with Lithuanian suffixes (Caspiravichus, Astrauskas) or taken from Russian anthroponymy (Ivanov, Petrov).

3. Latvian Gypsies live in Latvia, in some cities of the northern part of Lithuania, individual families in Russia. This ethnolinguistic group studied weakly. Surnames are mostly Polish (Burkevich, Kozlovsky, Mithrov-sky), Latvian (Sunitis, UPPIT), German (Eberhardt, Klein) and - less often - Lithuanian (DJsos) and Russian (Ivanov) origin. There is even a Ukrainian surname Kravchenko.

German group.

This dialect group includes gypsy dialects, for a long time (from the middle of the XV century) living and living in the territory of the dissemination of German. The bulk of these Gypsies lives outside the countries of the former USSR: in Germany, Austria, as well as in France, Northern Italy, individual groups in Poland, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands.

Balkan group.

This dialect group includes Gypsy dialects, in contact with the languages \u200b\u200bof the Balkan Language Union for a long time. The bulk of these dialects lives in the Balkan Peninsula countries: in Bulgaria, in the south of Yugoslavia, in Greece.

1. Gypsies Ursari live only on the territory of Moldova. In the village of Ursari there are two kinds - Zakharišti and Hachsty. Families - Moldavian origin (Bogdan, Arapha, Artist, Kantnya).

2. Crimean Roma live in the northern regions of the Crimean Region, in the areas of the Kherson region adjacent to the Crimea, in the Odessa, Zaporizhia regions of Ukraine, in the Rostov and Volgograd regions, in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories of Russia, in Siberia, in the Far East, in Kiev, Moscow , Leningrad. Along with Muslim names, they have
Both Christian names, as well as the Gypsy names of unknown origin (mancie, Hohan, Cucuna, Lunch, Duultai, Monti, Lola, Ivory). Surnames are all Crimean-Tatar origin (Ibrahimov, Kamalov, Shekeers, Memeners, Jumassan, Jelakayev, Kazibyev). There is also the surname oglu, which arose from the Iprint of the Crimean Tatar word

Ukrainian dialect group.

This dialect group includes dialects of those gypsies, who lived for a long time in the dissemination of the Ukrainian language (from the XVI-XVII centuries).

1. Gypsies of the southern regions of Russia and the Left Bank of Ukraine live in Kursk, Lipetsk, Belogodskaya, Voronezh, Volgograd, Rostov regions of Russia.

2. Gypsies of the Right Bank of Ukraine preferably live in Kiev, Cherkasy, Kirovograd, Kherson and Nikolaev regions. Gypsy surnames belonging to this group, Ukrainian origin (Kopyllenko, Ivashchenko, Danchenko, Slichenko, Kondnko), less often perceived from the Russian language (Musatov, Bizis).

Nasha Group

This group of dialects is one of the most dispersed. The carriers of these dialects include Gypsies Elderari and Lovie, who lived until the middle of the XIX century on the Romanian-Hungarian language border in Austria-Hungary. Currently, Calderari lives in Russia, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, France, England, Sweden, Italy, Spain, USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina. Lovaries live in Russia, Poland, Hungary, France, Belgium, England, USA.
Calderari is divided into the so-called childbirth. The genus is called on behalf of or nicknames of his ancestor. Total about 20 births: Badoni, Bidona, Buzoni, Bamboleshti, Bu-Rikani, Bututloni, Washi, Greek, Grezoni, Dilinconi, Diconi, Dukoni, Damoni, Durkoni, Eneshti, Crossfony. The Lovar Dealer is represented by Chokeshi and Bundas (based on separation - occupation).

In addition to the names in communication, the carriers of this dialect are used by the appeals associated with age differences, for example, Naike - a respectful appeal to the senior man or the peer, Doyke - a respectful appeal to the older woman, Michae - affectionate appeal to the younger.

Gypsies the name or nickname and belonging to any kind of playing and playing a more important role than last name.

Linguists and genetics who studied the origin of the Gypsy found that the so-called "Protozgan" groups, periodic waves left India for several centuries, starting with the VI and ending the XV century. The first group of the ancestors of modern Gypsies in the amount of about a thousand people as a sign of appreciation from the North Indian Padishah was presented to the Persian Shah. According to the analysis of borrowed words in the languages \u200b\u200bof modern European gypsies, their "presented" ancestors spent in Persia about four hundred years and then left Central Asia, but not all. Most of these people settled in Byzantium, the other group went through Palestine to Egypt.

In Byzantium, Tsygans were quickly integrated into society and engaged in forging business and fortune. However, the rich empire was constantly in a state of war and then the migration of the population began.

One of the first written sources in which the Gypsies are referred to as the "Life of St. George Aphonsky", dated 1100 year. In the events of the middle of the XI century described in it, some "Atcingans" are mentioned, which is "untouchable" translated from the Greek.

Well, after the crash of Byzantium, Roma began to be massively moving to Europe. In search of a better life of their Tabor naochesed over all countries and where they settled at least for a while, gypsy villages arose. All this happened already in the XV century, when the European peasantry began to acquire last names.

The official nickname of Gypsies is obtained by baptism and most often it is recorded in their documents. But it happens not always. In some cases, the baptismal names differ from the official. Also in Gypsy there are both unofficial (secular) name. Sometimes it is also a nickname, and sometimes it is just a reduction from full prose (Dmitry - Mito). Also do, for example, in Russia: Alexander - Sasha, Valeria - Lera.

Groups of names

Almost all existing names of the Gypsy people can be divided into three large groups.

The first group includes those that have Indian or directly Roma origin. They are chosen by colasually or by value. These include Baro, Dzhanko, Manu, Rustam, Qino or Stafehan.

The second group consists of names that were borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200band very often they mean the concepts associated with wealth, joy, love: Lolo, Dragomir, Bakhtalo or Zuralo. For girls, nicknames are often used from this group, meaning the name of the colors: Yasmin, Lily, Rose.

Gypsy nicknames from the third group are the names that "came" in this people from other cultures . Their value depends on the locality where their carriers live. This is Khamalo, Zlatan, Johann, Pathar, Sashko, Michael, Miro, Sabrina, Jean, Arthur and many others.

Gypsy language in Europe

Gypsy in Europe has several dialects. In this regard, the name given to the child's child is given depending on the place of residence and, accordingly, the dialect of the parents. For example, the Gypsies who live in Belarus or in the north of Kazakhstan (Severorcian Roma), often have the usual Russian nicknames (Alexander, Dmitry, Alexey, etc.). In addition, this Gypsy group, like everyone else, is divided into childbirth and the nickname of the founder of this kind should be added to the name.

Gypsies living on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula can give their children both Christian and Muslim nickname. Some of them have no known origin (Ivory, Lola, Hohan, etc.), the rest are borrowed from the culture of Eastern European countries (Poland, Romania, Hungary). This, for example, Anell, Runž, Dana, Janos, Zemfira, Mats, Yana, Volyan or Margayka.

Last name and patronymic

Surnames and patronymic are always added to the Gypsy nickname. However, the system for which a person is given by middle name is varied in each community. Somewhere accepted to write it from the name of the Father, and somewhere from the mother. In some communities, patronymic is double. In everyday communication, it is extremely rare, because in the unofficial communion of gypsies enough name, surnames and specific appeals depending on the dialect.

In the life of the nicknames, which Gypsies give each other, play a much more important role than official. They can have a variety of origin and values \u200b\u200bcharacterizing a person or resembling an important event in his life, expressing his essence or fate.

How to call a child

If you want to name the child with a rare gypsy name, then you will be suitable such as Groofo, Danko, Horsich, Marco, Physo, Harman or Tsac, or Women - Viya,
Ging, Ladushka, Monica, Nunny, Schanita, Shorter or Kiza.

Among the most popular for men, the Gypsy should not be noted not to be noted common worldwide Marco (militant), Calo (Black), Googo (Handsome), Nick (victory of people), Tamash (twin) and the Ferke (free). Girls in the Gypsy family most often called Gita (Song), Zora (Zarya), Khamali (redhead), husky (nice) or chirikli (bird).

In any case, if you like any of them, boldly call them a child, because they are all beautiful and melodious.

Gypsies - the most scattered people, aware, despite this, their unity. For more than a thousand-year history, there were many ethnic groups, different among themselves in the language. They are adherents of different religious flows, while superstitions play a major role in their world. According to Gypsy names and surnames, you can find out in which region a particular gypsy family lives, but if you compare the names of the locals and the gypsies, the latter will be allocated. But why so - a separate story.

Where everything went from

Somewhere in the 10th century, the first group of locals engaged in nomadic cattle breeding, crafts, songs and dances came out of the limits of Punjab. They settled through the territory of Central Asia, and later, when military conflicts became part of the "normal" life of the Muslim East, some of these people moved into the limits of the Byzantine Empire.

Gypsies in Byzantium

I must say that they were not some kind of discriminated group. In the empire they were called "Ambamos", and they completely legally occupied some economic niches:

  • blacksmiths;
  • shorniki;
  • trainers (first they went with snakes, then with bears);
  • dippers (yes, it was a respected profession).

And it was from there Rum (as they called themselves) began to spread throughout Europe.

Scattering around the world

After the fall of the Empire, Migration Roma took a massive character. No one in Europe was waiting for them, so for survival they mastered another number of professions;

  • begging;
  • concoction;
  • small stealing.

Nevertheless, it is precisely during this period that ethnic groups are formed, which exist and so on. Gypsies, living in the territory of European countries, digeted partially someone else's language and religious views. The pressure on them was not reduced due to this; There were laws discriminating Gypsies, sometimes reached the fact that Roma was simply hung on the fact of national affiliation. This was the cause of their criminalization, which further increased discrimination.

To avoid negative consequences for yourself and relatives, part of the Gypsy came into the army. A particularly large number of army gypsies was in the troops who participated in the thirty-year war, and then in North. It was when part of the representatives of this people turned out to be in the Army of Peter I, the process of penetration of Roma to Russia begins.

Gypsies in Russia and their names

It is worth notifying to make a reservation: Roma's passport details may indicate one, and the real state of affairs is another. Sometimes there are two passports, in other cases - not one. The main thing here is how the gypsy himself calls himself and how kinds are called.

Gypsy surnames in Russia

Roma came to Russia with different ways, and currently there are several ethnic groups of this people. Their names often show, from which country they arrived in ancient times. Among these groups can be noted as follows:

In addition, there are a number of smaller groups that settled locally in some cities.

Officially, the surname may coincide with the documentary, and may not coincide. So, if there was a famous person among relatives, his last name becomes a kind of marker of the genus. Some take it officially, but it is not so important: all the same, other conifers will know a person under this surname.

Among Russian Roma, the Polish surnames were distributed at one time, and only over time they are crowded with Russians. Sometimes the soffix is \u200b\u200bput to the name of the ancestor. Thus, among the Roma group Roma, Kozlovsky, Tsybul, Shakhovsky, Shishkov, Ivanov, Marcinkevichi, Alexander and Voronellians. Belarusian and Lithuanian gypsies are closely adjacent to Russians, whose names are similar in their composition. What is interesting, some of the surnames has regional distribution - for example, shishkovs prevail in the Tver region.

Sirwa, living in the south of Russia and Ukraine, have Ukrainian surnames. These include Slichenko, Ivaschenko, Kopylenko, Danchenko, Erdenco, Panchenko. To date, few of the sirvov owns the Gypsy language: They were greatly influenced by Slavic customs. In the cities, this group gradually clings to Russian gypsies.

Vlahi belongs to a lot of birth, and their names are from Romanian and partly Ukrainian. So, a mushroom, Nangore, Kulbakur, Marienko, Vouchairs, Bicaledi, Ghezhenkuri, Petrashenko, are known. In this case, the passport surname may be any.

Lovari and part of Calderari has the names with the Hungarian root: Shandor, Ioshka, Lakatosh, but they do not coincide with the child names, which is associated with the peculiarities of the process of obtaining documents in Soviet times. Known such loving, like Bundashi, Ungri, Chokes; What is interesting, the Lovaries themselves know what kind they are even when they live in thousands of kilometers from each other.

Kalderara, or, as they themselves call themselves, Kotlyrah - a kind of luxury group of Roma. It was from them that the standard national costume of Tsygan, which we know it. Now these people live compactly throughout Russia, forming villages to collect scrap metal. Very hardworking and no less superstitious. Women can be identified by characteristic handquets, from which two braids hang on the temples.

There are about eighty birth of kotlyarov, most of the core Romanian names: Angelesti, Kantunar, Dicton, Gyrtsoni, Cumbrorshti, Durconi, Vicani, Ganesti. There are a number of Hungarian. Tomas, Mihai, Yanko, are common among the passport names; The famous last name - Demeter in Russia.

Names Gypsy

Gypsies are worn as their names and adopted by the surrounding peoples, adapting them under their own language. The last phenomenon is expressed in two ways:

  • the meaning of the name is rethought due to the phonetic similarity with some Gypsy word;
  • the diminutive form of the name becomes the main, and this is not at all embarrassing even a very respected owner of this name.

Folk etymology, one way or another, concerns all gypsy names. Male names reflect such qualities as luck, happiness, fun; Gypsy female names are beautiful and often have flower and precious topics. Names that meet these criteria are popular.

Below are distributed among the Gypsy people:

Among the "translation" names, many have territorial distribution. So, Mito, Bogdan, Sashko, Ivan, Lex in the course of Eastern European Gypsy, Miro, Roman, Juro, Danko, Drago, Angel - in the residents of the Balkans, and Petro, Dzhango, Angelo - in the inhabitants of Western Europe.

Gypsy women's names and their meanings will also be presenting in the table:

Gypsies, tightly integrated into society, have the same names as the people around.

Gypsy celebrities

Among the Gypsy people there is a traditionally low level of education, they are on average earlier than others marry - in words, stars from the sky are missing. But this does not cancel the fact that some of the representatives of this people are far from famous whole gypsy surnames. List of alphabetics - in the table:

Surname, (Name)ethnic Groupoccupation
Gatliff, Tonycaleaproducer
Devercalderariartists, Artists, Poets, Public Fatations, Pedagogues
Dulkevich, Alekseyrussian Roma.musician
Pearl, Mikhailrussian Roma.musician
Ioshka, playflovarianmusician
Kolpakov, AlexandersERVmusician
Lee, Ronaldcaldrairiwriter
Maksimov, Mateo.caldrairipastor
Panchenko, JanuschsERVhistorian
Ponomareva, Valentinarussian Roma.musician
Reyes, Hoakin (pseudonym - Hoakin Cortes)caleadancer Flamenco
Reinhardt, Dzhangosyntymusician
Slichenko, NikolaysERVmusician
Trolman, Johannsyntyboxer
Sharcosi, Patrinalovarianmusician
Erdenco, MikhailsERVmusician

As you can see, there is nothing special in the names. The main thing is the people who wear them. Thus, the surname of Sharcosi is worn as the Hungarian Roma and Jews - Nicolas Sarkozy, the former Prime Minister of France, the descendant of the latter. The names of German gypsies do not differ from those of the Germans. The "speaking" names were characterized by any Russian gypsies, which even before the revolution made them part of their scenic image.

The most invisible names are the Armenian Gypsies-Bosh, or, as they call themselves, scrap. This group is excellent from Rum; They dated Armenia before other Roma moved to Byzantium. To date, they almost entirely moved to Armenian language, and they always wore Armenian names and surnames. Moreover, unlike the Armenians, they do not take themselves the names of non-Armenian origin.

Interesting in some cases, the names of the Gypsy intelligentsia - among the Gypsies there are such people too. They try to preserve the language and culture of their people sometimes better than marginal groups. They identify themselves not with a specific ethnic group, but as Roma in general, therefore their names are often a cut of the whole Gypsy society, such an extensive and long-fashioned.

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