Episode linked. The meaning of the word episode

Episode linked. The meaning of the word episode

Quoted from: Prantsova G. Lessons of speech creation. Lesson four: Learning to analyze an episode of an epic work // Russian language and literature for schoolchildren. 2005. No. 6. S. 4-10.

    Determining the place of the episode in the composition of the work and its role in development

    Dividing the text into parts, allowing you to trace the sequence and

features of the development of the event presented in the episode.

involved? How do the heroes show up? What qualities of their character are revealed?

What is the main idea of ​​the episode?

    Analysis of the figurative and expressive means of the language used by the author for

images of the event, characteristics of characters, expressions of the main idea

    Formulation of the theme and problem of the work, which were developed in

    Determining the role of the episode in expressing the idea of ​​the entire work of art,

Episode Analysis Plan

Given (without questions to a specific work) according to: E. Romanicheva. Task cards for the development of students' written speech: ML. Bulgakov. "Heart of a Dog" // Literature, 2006, No. 8.

    Define a mini-plot (episode event). To do this, retell the content of what you read in two or three sentences, noting what happens in the episode, what the characters do, what actions they perform.

    Determine the place of the episode in the development of the plot (determine its place in the chain of events) and the composition of the work.

    Name the issue that comes up in the episode.

    Tell about the behavior of the characters and give their speech characteristics.

A reminder for working with an episode

Quoted from: Strelchenko V. How to teach episode analysis? // Literature, 2007. No. 5.

1. Episode- a fragment of a work, which is based on one event.

2.Reread the selected episode.

3. Answer the questions in sequence:

    What is it about? What happened?

    What characters are in this episode? Who are they?

    How does the episode start?

How does each character behave? Why? (Their actions and motives.)

    Your attitude to these characters and events.

    How does the episode end?

    The main idea of ​​the episode?

    Grouping characters according to the selected criterion.

    Work with extra-plot elements (portrait, interior, landscape, characters' speech, etc.).

    Find in the text important artistic details that, in your opinion,

must be reproduced when quoting. Explain their meaning, meaning, i.e.

artistic role.

    What contradictions (problems, questions) depicted in the work are reflected in

    Match the episode with the main problem of the work.

    Make a conclusion about the artistic significance of the episode in the work as a whole.


Episode Episode (- insert): Of the famous classical episodes that glorified the works that conclude them, the farewell of Hector and Andromache and the funeral of Patroclus in the Iliad, the story of the Trojan horse or the friendship of Nis and Euryalus in the Aeneid, meetings with Ugolino and Francesca da Rimini in The Divine Comedy, the gardens of Armida in Jerusalem Delivered.



1. Incident, event, case, once occurred. ott. One of the links of any phenomenon or process.

2. Insignificant, insignificant incident, event. II m.

1. An excerpt, a fragment of a work of art, with a certain independence, completeness.

2. Part of the movie, which is a plot-completed passage.

3. A phenomenon, a stage of a theatrical performance, not related to the development of the main action, of secondary importance.

Big modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language


(gr. epeisodion)
1) case, incident;
2) a part of a work of art that is relatively complete and represents a separate moment in the development of a theme.

New dictionary of foreign words



New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova


husband. , Greek an incident, an incident in itself extraneous, but by linkage connected with the main incident; introductory story. -dichny, -dichny, related to this.

Dictionary Dahl


[gr. epeisodion]

1. case, incident;

2. part of a work of art, which has a relative completeness and represents a separate moment in the development of the theme.

Dictionary of foreign expressions


insignificant, special case This only e. in his life. episode part of a literary work, which has a relative independence Plug-in e. in the play. episode case, incident Episodes from life. Interesting e.

Dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov


(Greek epeisodion, lit. - insert), ..
1) event, event...
2) Part of a work of art (epic, dramatic), a relatively independent unit of its action.

Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB


episode m.
1) a) Incident, case. b) One of the links of a smth. phenomena, process.
2) Insignificant, insignificant incident, event.
3) a) An excerpt, a fragment of a smth. a work of art, possessing a certain independence, completeness. b) Part of the film, which is a plot-completed passage. c) The phenomenon, the scene of a theatrical performance, not related to the development of the main action, which are of secondary importance.

Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova


episode, m. (Greek epeisodion, lit. incidental, extraneous).

1. In ancient Greek. drama - part of the action between the performances of the choir (lit. istor.).

2. case, event, incident. All sorts of episodes on Thursdays began to happen to us. Leonov. Society used the episode with Nekhlyudov as a convenient subject of conversation. L. Tolstoy. || Minor, unimportant case. Small episode. Passion for the theater is just an episode in his life.

3. A more or less finished part of a work of art that has relative independence. An interesting episode of the novel.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov


(Greek epeisodion - case, incident). The form of the course of mental disorders. Characterized by an acute onset, the reversal of the picture of a mental disorder occurs quickly, without visible precursors. The end of E. is also fast, usually accompanied by amnesia of the experienced. The flow is short. E. states arise without any connection with external causes. A typical example of E. - epileptic twilight disorders of consciousness and dysphoria.

Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms


- (from the Greek epeisodion - insert) - a relatively integral and independent part (fragment) of an epic, lyrical-epic or dramatic work, which depicts an event completed in time, a certain completed moment of action in the work.

Dictionary of literary terms


(Greek epeisodion, literally - insert),
1) a separate random incident, a small event.
2) An integral part of the plot of a work of art (novel, drama, comedy, etc.), which has a relatively independent meaning.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB


episode O Yes

Complete spelling dictionary of the Russian language


incident, event, occasion; something that once happened one of the links of a phenomenon or process an insignificant, insignificant incident, an event an excerpt, a fragment of a work of art, having a certain independence, completeness, a phenomenon, a scene of a theatrical performance, not related to the development of the main action, of secondary importance series of television series, radio program, podcast










Examples of 'episode' in a sentence

The dramatic novel is the opposite pole of the drama-episode, the play, which is limited to dramatizing the episode and, based on the episode, opens up a tiny perspective on some era, idea, general moral principle, life, world.

This is also adjoined by the fragment cited by us from Gottfried Strasbourg's long verse novel "Tristan", an excerpt retelling an important episode of the legend, which, unfortunately, is lost in Tom's version (another equally significant episode from Gottfried's novel is already known to the Russian reader (Episode with a love drink translated by O.

For example, about the first meeting with Gary - on the evening when his father actually kicked him out of the house ”(that is, Mathieu tells the angel the first episode of the novel,“ Evening ”, written in the past tense and in the third person); “The son tells his angel: / The episode with Gary sleeping on the armchair-bed in the mother’s room” (that is, he tells the episode from the “Funeral Meal”, also written in the past tense and in the third person).

He skillfully weaves into the narrative the correspondence between Dan and his mentor Qu Wu; he is aware of the ability to slow down the development of the plot with inserted episodes, which, escalating tension, prepare the climax of the story: here a skirmish arises between Jing Ke and the brave Xia Fu, offended by the fact that a foreigner is invited for the most important enterprise (by the way, this episode resembles the traditional fairy-tale dispute of heroes setting off in search of the missing princess); Jing Ke’s life at the Yang court deliberately lasts a long time (three years!), but the heir seems to be burning with the desire for revenge - instead, he gives the guest unprecedented gifts (a dish of gold, the liver of a magical horse, the hands of a skilled musician), etc.

Or my Knowledge can be unfolded as a huge, wall-wide map, and each episode of life on it is like a small dot, fad, and all thoughts, causes and effects are like rivers and roads, and you just need to poke your finger at this fad, and immediately you will remember everything, because it will increase, it will turn from a dot into a circle, and in this circle it will begin to happen, ever increasing and approaching, what has become the content of this very episode of life.

In his memory, picture after picture, episode after episode, page after page, visions of the past were resurrected.

Quotes with the word episode

Marriage is an unsuccessful attempt to turn an accidental episode into something permanent.

Albert Einstein

So, Mr. Charles Goddard comes to a certain Jack London ... He wrote the first few episodes on his ranch in Moon Valley. But he wrote faster than I did, and finished his fifteen episodes many weeks ahead of me. Don't let the word "episode" fool you. The first episode took three thousand feet of film. And for the next fourteen, two thousand feet each. There are about ninety scenes in each episode, for a total of about one thousand three hundred scenes. So, we worked in parallel, each on his own piece. When I wrote a chapter, I naturally could not take into account what was happening in the next or twelve chapters, because I did not know this. Neither did Mr. Goddard. Hence the inevitable consequences: it cannot be said that the narrative in the "Hearts of Three" is particularly consistent, although it is certainly not devoid of logic.

Hearts of Three (novel)

See the episode about the basement of the Solikamsk police in The First Tooth (1964), where it is paraphrased a little more artistically.

Vishera (Shalamov)

Copycat - It's already episode five. The main thing is that children give the opportunity to become better. Better than they were

Deadpool 2

This episode is a series of interviews with characters from the series. Questions and answers are largely an actor's improvisation.

MASH (TV series)

Best episode of your career? I have a lot of them, but I highlight one when I kicked a bully.

Eric Cantona

Erotic episode in the film. At the most intimate moment, she - to him: "Don't, dear: anyway, it'll all be cut out later."

Andrey Garoldovich Knyshev

My wyvern doesn't like you. I don't like you either. - Reference to Star Wars Episode 4 A New Hope

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos

We have a suspect. Let's prove he's guilty. How? That's what interrogation is for. It's simple: there are also trilogies, like in Star Wars. Episode one - beating. Maintains the shape, calms the nerves. Episode two - requisitions. The cops need money for the Christmas tree. The third episode - booze! It must be noted!

Taxi 2

Peter: This is crazy! Brian, did you see that episode of The Twilight Zone? Well, the one where the woman wakes up in the hospital, and the doctors are pigs?

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word episode

episode in the crossword dictionary


Dictionary of medical terms

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal


m. Greek an incident, an incident in itself extraneous, but by linkage connected with the main incident; introductory story. -dichny, -dichny, related to this.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


episode, m. (Greek epeisodion, lit. incidental, extraneous).

    In ancient Greek drama - part of the action between the performances of the choir (lit. istor.).

    case, event, occurrence. All sorts of episodes on Thursdays began to happen to us. Leonov. Society used the episode with Nekhlyudov as a convenient subject of conversation. L. Tolstoy.

    Minor, unimportant case. Small episode. Passion for the theater is just an episode in his life.

    A more or less finished part of a work of art that has relative independence. An interesting episode of the novel.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


    Case, incident. Episodes from life. interesting E.

    Minor, special case. It's just e. in his life

    Part of a literary work that has relative independence and completeness. Insert e. in the play.

    adj. episodic, -th, -th (to 3 digits).

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. Incident, event.

      One of the links of a phenomena, process.

  1. An insignificant, insignificant incident, event.

    1. An excerpt, a fragment of a a work of art, possessing a certain independence, completeness.

      Part of the movie, which is a story-completed passage.

      A phenomenon, a scene of a theatrical performance, not related to the development of the main action, having a secondary importance.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


EPISODE (Greek epeisodion, lit. - insert)

    case, incident.

    Part of a work of art (epic, dramatic), a relatively independent unit of its action.


(Greek epeisódion, literally ≈ insert),

    a single incident, a small event.

    An integral part of the plot of a work of art (novel, drama, comedy, etc.), which has a relatively independent meaning.




  1. A separate small event, incident.
  2. An integral part of the plot of a literary work or film, which has an independent narrative meaning. The episode is connected with the main theme of the essay, but is complete in itself and can be singled out as a separate story.
  3. A brief appearance in a movie, cartoon, some kind of fairy tale.
  4. A very large part of a movie or cartoon

Examples of the use of the word episode in the literature.

At the same time, under the Somersetshire name Avallon or Avallah, he takes part in episode with St.

very typical in this sense. episodes cites Green in one autobiographical essay.

Several times, Azariy seemed to lose consciousness or fall asleep - it is not clear that he had drunk hard: only unrelated episodes.

Everything episodes, allegorically representing the onset of human old age, are developed in great detail.

There are many others in this morality episodes, allegorically depicting the history of human life from the cradle to the grave.

The principles of commenting are traditional: first of all, realities, quotations and reminiscences, literary and political allusions, parodies, specific events, one way or another connected with episodes novel, textologically significant discrepancies.

The effect of fascination is achieved in them thanks to contrasts - the opposition of powerful replicas of the whole choir and transparent ensemble episodes, chordal and polyphonic presentation, even and odd sizes, changes of tonal and modal colors.

Lev Nikolaevich thought for a minute and then remembered another very interesting episode: - After a conversation about vegetarianism, which was talked about by the family, Mechnikov began to talk about the anthropophagous tribe living in Africa, in the Congo.

There are well-made battle episodes, there are folk scenes full of humor, there is a wonderfully idyllic picture of Lluellen being persecuted in the forest, inspired by the ballads of Robin Hood.

Here, in this first book of the novel, the writer's skill in reproducing colorful landscapes, colorful everyday paintings and genre scenes, impressive battle scenes is already fully manifested. episodes, and most importantly - her ability to sculpt living human characters.

Elijah the Prophet, because to everyone episode from the life of this saint, Brankovich adjusted the events of his own life and made notes about this on the back of the icon.

But in the part that concerns the description of the first war - let's leave Budennovsk aside, many others episodes that war are described, to put it mildly, inaccurately.

Thirdly, we wanted to pay attention to the wrong episodes even the history of Budyonnovsk, which is known to everyone, but for that one episode of this complex history, which is not known to anyone.

But at the moment when he received a ticket in the accounting department and accountable dollars for expenses, there was a small episode, to which Golubkov himself did not seem to pay special attention, but his corrosive memory fixed it with photographic accuracy.

Of course, you can go to episode and somewhat skeptical and suggest that the epic greatly embellished what happened.

- (Greek epeisodos introductory action). 1) a random event associated with the main action in a literary work or life. 2) in music: an insertion point, an insertion phrase. 3) in ancient Greek tragedy: those parts that were pronounced between ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Episode- (Greek έπεσόδιος insert): A separate small event, incident; An integral part of the plot of a literary work or film, which has an independent narrative meaning. The episode is related to the main theme of the essay, but ... ... Wikipedia

episode- Cm … Synonym dictionary

episode- a, m. episode m. , gr. epeisodion extraneous. 1. A separate incident, event, incident from life. MAC 2. One young man put on trial and dismissed without any evidence. was exiled to Siberia according to the reasoning of the Grand Duke. ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

EPISODE- EPISODE, episodes, husband. (Greek epeisodion, lit. incidental, extraneous). 1. In ancient Greek drama, part of the action between the performances of the choir (lit. ist.). 2. Case, event, incident. “All sorts of episodes on Thursdays began to happen with us.” ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

EPISODE- EPISODE, a, m. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

EPISODE- male, Greek an incident, an incident in itself extraneous, but by linkage connected with the main incident; introductory story. wild, wild, related to this Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

EPISODE- in geology sometimes syn. phase term. Geological dictionary: in 2 volumes. M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengolts et al. 1978 ... Geological Encyclopedia

episode- n., m., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? episodes for what? episode, (see) what? episode what? episode about what? about the episode pl. what? episodes of what? episodes for what? episodes, (see) what? episodes of what? episodes about what? about episodes 1.… … Dictionary of Dmitriev

episode- there was an episode of existence / creation, subject, fact; an episode of existence / creation, subject, fact ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names


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  • An episode from the history of Kharkov University,. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1873 edition (publishing house "Moscow, Universittskaya Typography") ...