Where does inspiration come from? How to find inspiration in books or stories.

Where does inspiration come from?  How to find inspiration in books or stories.
Where does inspiration come from? How to find inspiration in books or stories.

It is terrible to imagine how many world masterpieces of art could be lost if the creators did not turn to nature for help! And to this day, artists are ready to rush into unknown distances in order to get together with colleagues at the next plein air. Although not all artists are eager to change places to create the next masterpiece. For example, the great composer Edvard Grieg was tirelessly impressed by the native spaces of Norway until the end of his days, and this can be easily seen in most of his works.


A change of scenery, acquaintance with a new culture and traditions of people from other countries can serve as a good inspiration for people who do not know how to overcome creative stagnation. Perhaps, only to Paris with its architectural monuments mankind owes a coffin of life for those cultural values ​​that arose after the visit of certain persons there.

In love and loved ones

Love is such a powerful stimulus to creativity that it can not only return the lost inspiration, but also give it to someone who has never possessed it and has not suffered from it at all. And if the characters of our days, inspired by love, begin to scribble poetry with enthusiasm, from which any of the greatest will turn green, then what can we say, who have devoted their whole lives to this craft.

In art

Perhaps great works are great because they have the ability to exert such a strong influence on the human mind, pushing inspired individuals to further creation. For example, the creative heritage of William Shakespeare in absentia sought to get into so many works of various authors that it even resulted in a separate trend called "Shakespearianism".

However, the work of some figures was based on the works of little-known and not recognized by anyone. For example, John Lennon once created the "canvas" of his little son.

In random

If the search for inspiration turned out to be fruitless, you should try to take a closer look at your everyday environment. Things that can inspire sometimes seem so incredible that they do not always receive due attention. Salvador Dali confirmed this many years ago with the example of his Persistence of Memory, inspired to paint the canvas by looking at ordinary melted cheese.

If there is still no inspiration and is not expected, there is no need to attach importance to this. The well-known "Black Square" by Malevich, written, as one of the legends says, without any inspiration by the artist, who was angry at the fact that he did not have time to hand over the picture on time, will help overcome all the worries about this. Having covered over a hastily unfinished work, the artist gave the world a great picture and received recognition.

Inspiration- an integral element of creativity and desired, an incentive for any activity. This is special mental condition, during which there is an emotional upsurge (inspiration, zeal, delight, joy) and extraordinary activity of the cognitive sphere (thinking, attention, imagination, memory improve). Where to find inspiration and how to keep it?

An inspired person creates at some other, higher level of consciousness than the one in which he usually resides. It is as if the hidden potential of the brain is activated, all the forces of the body are activated and work harmoniously to solve the creative problem. Only in this state discoveries and inventions happen, creative and absolutely unique ideas are born, answers to difficult questions are found.

Nowadays, the inspired state is also called flowing, or simply flow, because when a person is inspired, he seems to be carried away by a stormy emotional-cognitive flow.

In the flow state, a person is isolated from the whole world around him, focuses on the task ahead of him, his motivation is high, and there is only one goal - to achieve success. This state is close to obsession, when something seems to “find” a person.

It is worth noting that sometimes inspiration is confused with motivation and diligence. The phrase "I have no inspiration" sometimes means "I have no motivation" or "I'm lazy." A motivated person works even without inspiration, although it, of course, always increases the desire to work. An inspired person works tirelessly, but so does someone who is simply not lazy.

From time immemorial, people have wanted to create something unique in order to become like the creator gods. The ancient Greeks called for the beautiful and capricious muses, patron goddesses of science, art and poetry, asking them to send inspiration.

And today, many people associate inspiration with the indulgence of the Muse and believe that it comes from above. You can't force inspiration to come, but if it comes, you can't let it go.

Another opinion: inspiration is the result of labor and effort. If you find its source, the Muse will always be there.

Work for inspiration– it is always a fascinating, exciting and productive work. Such work can hardly even be called labor, because inspiration facilitates and speeds up any work.

Many brilliant musicians, writers and artists worked when and where necessary, because inspiration does not come on schedule. They jumped out of bed at night and set to work, wanting to quickly write down on paper a seething stream of brilliant thoughts and ideas. A person inspired by inspiration creates without noticing time.

But inspiration is needed not only for geniuses and workers in creative professions. Everyone dreams of a special, sublime state, during which any business is argued. I want to be highly efficient and productive in any kind of activity. Inspiration is needed for work in the office, and at home, and when communicating and alone with yourself.

Life's difficulties, problems, crises - this is exactly where a creative approach is needed, but for some reason it is in difficult situations that a person tends to act in a standard, familiar way, "like everyone else", he believes that it is better to ask someone for advice and do "the right way" than to approach the problem creatively and create your own life.

Inspiration is needed for life, for writing a "picture" of one's own inner world and a personal, unique story.

It is one thing when people of genius and talented by nature create, and another thing is the creativity of people who comprehend the secrets of inspiration with their work. If talent is not given from birth, it can be developed, as well as creative thinking, and inspiration can be found if you know its sources.

Sources of inspiration can be like situational, randomly found and permanent from which you can draw fresh ideas for a long time. A randomly found source of inspiration can become permanent.

So the artist, having found his Muse in the person of his beloved, also finds a constant source of his inspiration.

To find inspiration by chance, you need to show activity, act, and this action should be directed outward: observe, notice and mark everything that happens around. You need to observe the outer world, not your inner one. It is there that you can find something inspiring and motivating.

That's why so often sources of inspiration become:

  • the beauty of nature and its calm silence;
  • works of fine art;
  • communication with a beloved man / woman (love has inspired people to be creative from time immemorial);
  • communication with a small child, not yet “squeezed” into the framework of social requirements;
  • communication with smart and experienced people who can give good advice or talk about their point of view;
  • traveling to new places (it is not necessary to travel far, and in your own city you can find something unknown);
  • doing something new, unusual, unusual;
  • self-development and self-education;
  • reading educational books;
  • listening to inspiring music;
  • watching motivational films;
  • viewing old photographs, notes, notes, and other forgotten materials that may contain something inspiring.

Anything can inspire: an aphorism of a thinker, creative advertising, an old photo, a song or news that you accidentally heard.

In all these cases it works the principle of "distraction": a person stops obsessing over what he is looking for and immediately finds it.

The same principle works when there is no way to remember something, and after a while, when there is no longer any hope, memories pop up by themselves. Therefore, so often, distracted from the search for a creative solution, it is possible to unexpectedly find it.

When a person stops obsessing over the problem of lack of inspiration, it can catch him behind any commonplace. For some reason, very often inspiration comes to people while taking a shower. Also, the Muse often visits people before going to bed and immediately after waking up. High and beautiful inspiration can come even while cleaning the apartment, cooking or in the store.

Some creative people, knowing that inspiration likes to come while doing something abstract, consciously do not start work immediately after getting acquainted with it. Once given a task, they do whatever they want, but do not engage in its implementation.

This paradox can be explained. Information is first processed by the human mind (it is thought over, analyzed, compared, etc.) and while a person is thinking, it “spins” in his head. As soon as distraction occurs, the information leaves and begins to be processed in a deeper, subconscious layer of the psyche, which, as you know, is a real storehouse of various knowledge and experience, and not only personal.

Turning to the theory of K.G. Jung, we can also recall the collective unconscious, common to all people and available to every person. From it, information also sometimes enters consciousness.

O " of magic The unconscious proverb “Morning is wiser than evening”: having fallen asleep with a question, you can wake up knowing the answer to it. The same magic can explain that the same brilliant idea can come to different people at the same time. For the same reason, inspiration can arise if you do not think about it.

As well as the fact that distraction from the activity in which it is needed helps to find inspiration, the opposite is also true! inspiration can be born in the process of activity! Inspiration and the whole creative process is an illogical thing. Someone needs to be distracted in order to be inspired by the activity, and someone needs to plunge headlong into it.

What can come from the depths of the unconscious and be instantly conscious while doing something abstract (the “Eureka!” effect) can be found through long reasoning and deductions. The main thing is not to give up and believe in yourself.

To attract the Muse, you need to work, study and immerse yourself in work, occupation or life task. Inspiration rarely visits the “sleeping” consciousness of a person who is not interested in anything and does not strive for anything.

Do not want to work, laziness, motivation at zero? Maybe you should just pull yourself together and ask to work for at least fifteen minutes? It may happen that these minutes turn into hours of fruitful work.

For such well-deserved and natural inspiration, suitable conditions:

  1. Lack of "background" thoughts. It is very difficult to dive into work when thoughts are somewhere far away, especially if they are focused on problems.
  2. Vivid emotions. Inspiration cannot do without emotions. An occupation that requires inspiration should interest, please, surprise, fascinate, inspire. That is why hobbies or favorite work are not difficult activities, during such activities inspiration visits more often.
  3. High level of motivation. Motivation is a psychophysiological process. It controls human behavior, sets its direction, determines the activity and sustainability of activities, organizes the satisfaction of needs in the best way. The value of motivation cannot be overestimated.
  4. Opportunity to discover and learn new things. The more the inventor learns about the wonderful technical inventions, the sooner he will have the idea of ​​his own unique model. It is good when during work there is access to any necessary information.
  5. Experiences and experiments. Inspiration is inextricably linked with the ability to think creatively, outside the box, it does not like clear patterns and boundaries. You need to think wider, bigger, bolder, not be afraid to try and experiment. At the same time, you need to understand that not all experiments will be successful, but each of them will be useful.

The most important condition for inspiration is occupation beloved deed. It is both activity and inexhaustible a source inspiration for this activity.

But even from the most beloved work, people also get tired. You need to give yourself the opportunity to relax and just enjoy life.

Inspiration is a special, wonderful state that cannot last continuously. It can be found before and during the creative process. The main thing is to keep creating and not stop in your creative search.

We all know this feeling of an all-consuming routine, described by the words “every day is like the previous one, like two drops of water”, which appears at the moment when we think about whether we are going along the right path in life. Self-doubt, as well as lack of motivation, are, alas, common phenomena in modern life, because of which you can feel like an empty bag. However, you can find inspiration - you can always find inspiration, both outside and inside, in yourself, which will allow you to breathe more freely and start living, making your dreams come true! In other words, if you urgently need a source of inspiration, or at least a way to make your days brighter, this article is for you.


Finding sources of inspiration

    Nature. Musicians, poets, artists and many other people have found inspiration in nature. Of course, for nature to serve as a source of inspiration for you, you do not need to be a musician, poet, artist, etc. at all. Believe me, even a simple walk in the park after work can do wonders. Plus, aside from the potential for inspiration, you'll just feel better about being outdoors in the pristine beauty of nature!

    historical figures. If you ever thought that you, an ordinary person, would never leave your mark on the pages of history, then know that hundreds of real examples prove the opposite. Someone's names are still well-known, only a few already remember someone - but this does not mean at all that their contribution to history was less!

    Literature and art. And although there are plenty of sources of inspiration in real life, literary and artistic works are no worse. Movies, books, songs, any other form of expressive art can inspire and inspire. In addition, today these sources of inspiration are perhaps the most accessible - after all, listening to a song is much easier than conquering Everest! Here are some examples:

    • The Shawshank Redemption. A story about long-term friendship between two prisoners, about hope, salvation and revenge.
    • Brothers Karamazov. Dostoevsky's masterpiece about love, death, family ties, evil and revenge.
    • Somewhere Over the Rainbow. A simple and beautiful song about the eternal hope that somewhere in this world something good awaits us all. Perhaps only the lazy did not cover this song, so there are many different versions.
    • Space basketball. A film about how basketball player Michael Jordan and the characters of the animated series "Looney Tunes" defeated aliens in a basketball match. By the way, quite an inspiring film.
  1. Old and familiar. Sometimes the source of inspiration is somewhere near us and is just waiting to be finally noticed by you. Try to pay attention to the familiar and familiar, to everything that you have done hundreds of times - but this time try to notice the details that have hitherto remained hidden. Any new detail can be the first link in a chain of amazing discoveries that will give you new vision and inspiration.

    • Example: you are walking in a park where you have been many times. However, this time you are not on the usual path, but on a new path. Perhaps this will allow you to discover that there is a huge anthill not far from the familiar path!
  2. motivational literature. Of course, it is worth remembering all those countless motivational books, articles and publications that conceal the secrets of how to find inspiration and, if not get a star from the sky, then at least achieve your own goals. There are many such books, such books are different - some are longer, some are shorter, some are more detailed, some are more abstract, some are better, some are worse, some are more reliable, some are not very, some are written by PhDs, some by self-proclaimed experts, some are truly life-changing, and some have no purpose other than to provide income to the author.

    • Of course, only you know what is right for you. However, if possible, consider all options. You don't want to buy a book with obvious advice for a fortune, do you? If you pay, then only for quality.

    Changing point of view

    1. Look for new sources of inspiration. Quite often, the lack of inspiration is simply boredom. If so, then dealing with it will be quite simple - you just need to get out of your comfort zone and do something new! It is quite possible that you will discover something completely new and interesting. Here are some tips for this:

      Travel. And what? A change of scenery sometimes helps to cope with melancholy. This is why you probably hear the advice to “go outside and unwind” so often. And, by the way, the advice is very practical - the new environment around makes the brain think in a new way. After all, you yourself know that constancy can be tiring - so add a touch of variety to it, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the change that has happened!

      • If you have enough money for a long vacation in another country or an extravagant trip - well, you're in luck! However, if the money is not enough, then do not be discouraged - it is not at all necessary to drag yourself to the other end of the globe in order to find inspiration. You can go to a neighboring city, which, by the way, is much cheaper, or even get out into nature for the weekend. You may be surprised later on how little you know about the places you live in.
    2. Laugh. You can count on the fingers of one hand life situations where laughter will not help. The situation when you are in the slips of inspiration is not one of them! Yes, laughter is unlikely to lead you to a brilliant conclusion, laughter is unlikely to allow you to immediately achieve all your goals, but it will help you relax, calm down and just live in the moment. In other words, laughter will make you open to new things - including those that can inspire you.

      Contact old friends. Meeting up with an old friend, former colleague, or teacher can be a surprisingly pleasurable experience, especially if you're sad at the moment because you don't have anyone to talk to. Accordingly, having met with old acquaintances, you will not only cheer yourself up, but also find inspiration in new ideas, new views on old ideas, etc. Judge for yourself - those with whom you would like to meet again, most likely, these are the people whose opinion you respect, whose opinion you listen to. Here are some ideas for this:

      • Call friends you've lost touch with due to moving or transferring to a different school.
      • Contact your old teachers and teachers, especially if you were friends with them. Advice from a mentor will inspire you.
      • Write to a distant relative you haven't seen in a hundred years.
      • Find out how your former bosses are doing - those with whom you had a normal relationship. Here - similar to advice from a mentor, only in terms of work.
    3. Spend time with new people. Yes, chatting with acquaintances can be a source of inspiration, but talking to a stranger can be just as inspiring. After all, what better way to bring a new perspective to life than a new person?! However, not every person you meet will have new thoughts and views. Someone, let's face it, will be the embodiment of pessimism at all. Perhaps you will meet such people, but do not be discouraged and continue to meet new people!

      • Look for more information on how to meet people - it will come in handy.
      • You can meet anywhere - the main thing is that people gather there. The best thing, of course, is when people gather somewhere whose interests are similar to yours - for example, book lovers are better off getting to know each other in libraries or bookstores.
    4. Strive for the dream. Even if it is almost improbable, almost fabulous and unreal - strive for it, and you will be rewarded! Remember the saying that “it is not the victory that is important, but the participation”? This is not the excuse of the losers, as it may seem, but deep wisdom. Believe me, just the thought that you were not afraid to take a step towards a dream that takes a million steps to achieve will inspire and inspire you for the remaining nine hundred and ninety-nine ... well, you understand. And even if life itself forces us to choose between “ideal and beautiful” and “real and achievable”, you, choosing the first at least once, will discover new, amazing, unexpected and delightful possibilities for yourself. It will be great, trust me! Here are some tips for this:

      • Record a song or album at home. Working in a studio may not be affordable for you, but finding a free recording studio is also possible.
      • Write a book, story or article. Yes, pushing all this into print through a large publishing house can be very difficult, but small publications will be much ... more liberal.
      • Make a film. There is every chance that you can make a film for a penny that will become a cult film, set new standards for the genre and enter the annals of world cinematography. However, it is much more likely that you will simply successfully perform at a local film festival.
      • Discover your talent for something. If you are good at something, then declare this world! Yes, not every talent can earn a living, but just making money is quite real!

    Appeal to the inner self

    1. Create something. By creating, you know yourself. By creating something from scratch, you can see your own reflection in the finished creation. It doesn't matter whether it's a beautiful painting or a solid table, every creator leaves a piece of himself in what he created with his own hands. It is creation as a process that allows you to look into yourself very deeply, finding there qualities that can become sources of inspiration. Here are some tips for this:

    2. Do good. Helping others, and especially those in need, is a great way to look at life in a new way. Repeat the good, and you will not only slowly solve problems that prevent you from achieving your goals, but also give others a lot of warmth, and also make the life of a person who is disadvantaged in some way much better.

      • The person you are doing a good deed for can be a total stranger (here volunteer work in hospices and nursing homes can be an example), or someone you know. Helping another who is going through a difficult life episode will not only help you find inspiration, but also strengthen your friendship with him.
    3. Meditate. The benefits of meditation for anyone seeking inspiration have long been emphasized by all meditators, though scholars have been slow to agree. However, while the tangible effects of meditation are debatable, the intangible effects are undeniable! Meditation calms, gives clarity of consciousness and thinking, it refreshes and gives new strength. Even 15-20 minutes of meditation a day can be very helpful.

      • If you want to know the potential effects of meditation, then just sit quietly on the floor or bed, keeping your back straight and your legs crossed. Set a timer for 15-30 minutes, close your eyes, start breathing deeply and not think about anything, or focus on a simple word, phrase or image until they lose their meaning. Yes, there are more advanced ways to meditate, but this one will do just fine.
      • Look for more information on how to meditate.
    4. Pray if you are a religious person. Prayer uttered in difficult times guides and comforts, gives strength to cope with the problem and not fall into despair. Of course, how effective prayer will be depends on the strength of your faith, but we emphasize that the prayer of a person strong in faith invariably inspires him, and the prayers of those who do not believe turn out to be just words that mean nothing and lead to nothing.


      • Don't get carried away with motivational books. Yes, they are useful, but it is not at all necessary to spend money on them to find inspiration!

Is there room for creativity in your work? Where can you draw the line between creativity and its absence in a particular profession? Inspiration and creativity are more dependent on the person himself. Think for yourself: there are painters whose dull copies of paintings are rarely and reluctantly bought on the embankment of a tourist town, and there are welders who, in their free time, create such amazing statues from scrap metal that they can be given to museums this very minute.

Every person needs inspiration. Success comes only to those people who are on a high spirits and eager to do their job perfectly. Inspiration is an impulse that comes from within. It is from him that the look becomes bright and interested, a sea of ​​​​ideas arises, working capacity soars to the skies and it seems that now any complexity is on the shoulder. Of course, it's good when such a state is normal for you. But what about those who have no inspiration and it seems that it is not foreseen?

The answer is so simple and short that it may seem absurd to you. In fact, inspiration is all around us. One has only to learn how to look at it in everyday things, as soon as you enter into a powerful creative flow that will help you reach the heights of life.

Exercises for inspiration

    Study other people's work in your direction, which turned out to be extremely successful. As a result, you will have some kind of white envy, and you will also want to create in order to prove to yourself and the rest of the world that you are capable of much! The feeling of rivalry is worth a lot, because it gives a sea of ​​\u200b\u200benergy and a surge of strength. And when you get acquainted with other people's achievements, then thoughts arise in your head about what you would have done differently here, tweaked a little here ... This is how wonderful ideas arise that you will need to implement. By the way, studying the work of others is a way of creating famous novelties of many people.

    If you have a portfolio of your own good work, review it regularly. When you remember how you created them, you have a desire to once again plunge into that happily state of creativity and joy.

    It is in your power to make work become a source of endless pleasure for you. An important role in this is given to the atmosphere - if you have perfect order on your desktop, there is a mug of fragrant coffee nearby, a photograph of your loved ones hangs on the wall, and there are beautiful flowers on the windowsill, then your creative abilities are initially higher than those of many people. Therefore, make sure that just being in your office is pleasant and comfortable.

    Listen to your favorite music. If you're a freelancer working from home, have nice compositions playing in the background all day long. The melody hides a strong creative energy that will regularly recharge and give you new strength, increase inspiration.

    Read classic fiction regularly. Constant reading of wonderful authors will allow you to not leave the creative flow, and the question of where inspiration is hiding will no longer bother you.

    If you have periods when there is no idea in your head, and there is no desire to work either, do something else - some creative thing that you really like. For example, draw, cook a dish according to a complex culinary recipe, put puzzles together, go for a walk. As for things like TV shows and video games, they relax the brain and reduce concentration, so you should not resort to them.

    Remind yourself of your dreams, goals, and plans as often as possible. Present your achievements. Imagine what your exhibition would look like, what a beautiful house you would buy with your money. As a result, your motivation will increase, and inspiration will come along with it.

    Do not be afraid to show the world your results and achievements, even if they are small, not related to your profession. For example, you went surfing, ride an elephant or climbed to the top of a mountain - post a photo on social networks to have a reason to be proud of your efforts.

    Travel as much as possible. Moreover, the trip can be budgetary or even free - a neighboring city, the nearest region, a village with your elderly relatives. Even such trips will allow you to change the situation, make new acquaintances, see new and interesting places. Each such trip changes you for the better, and you return home a changed person.

Is your profession creative? And in general, where is the line between the presence and absence of a creative component in any specialty?

I will stubbornly and persistently prove to you that it depends primarily on the worker himself. After all, there are painters, sadly churning out second-rate copies for sale on the embankment of a seaside town. And there are welders who sculpt such statues from scrap metal in their free time, which makes it clear - here he is, a real artist!

In the meantime, you are thinking whether to agree with me or not, I will tell you a story about one representative of the creative profession ... a conductor. Perhaps you have already heard about the beloved St. Petersburg trolleybus conductor Viktor Lukyanov. He treated his work with love and enthusiasm: he always went to work dressed like a ball, with famously twisted hussar mustaches, handing out sweets to children and decorating a trolley bus for the holidays. The result was not long in coming - the creative conductor was invited to work as a steward in an international travel company. Now Viktor Lukyanov adorns a double-decker tour bus with his chic mustache and radiant smile. And, of course, earns much more. Did my example convince you?

What am I actually getting at? Because everyone needs inspiration. Without enthusiasm and the desire to do your job at the highest level, it is impossible to succeed. And inspiration is that inner impulse from which eyes burn, indefatigable ability to work wakes up and a fountain of ideas splashes. And here we meet with the main question. Where to draw inspiration when there is none?

The answer is simple - everywhere. But this, of course, is poor guidance for someone who is looking at a blank sheet and does not know how to approach the project. Therefore, I will share with you exercises that help me find inspiration.

  • Look at other people's successful work in the same direction. When you get acquainted with the achievements of others, some kind of internal envy appears, or something. I want to prove to myself that you are no worse than others, that you can also give out something brilliant. The feeling of rivalry ignites, gives energy and strength. And, besides, the thought often appears: “This is a good idea, but I would do it a little differently ...” So many amazing new products arose. No, this is not plagiarism (read " Using someone else's ideas»).
  • In continuation of the previous point: review your own successful work. Remembering the success of his offspring, the creator is inspired, there is a desire to return to that state of joy and self-satisfaction.
  • Do your best to make your work enjoyable. To do this, you need to create a pleasant atmosphere - order in the workplace, tools that are convenient and pleasant to use, tea in a beautiful cup, indoor flowers, photographs of loved ones. Make it so that the very stay in the office / workshop is pleasant.
  • Listen to the music. If the conditions allow you to work to music, then let that be your rule. After all, the most powerful creative energy, part of the soul of the composer and performers, is invested in the songs. It's like a whirlwind of mana from which you can constantly recharge.
  • Read fiction (high-quality!) And this applies not only to workers of the word. Here is the same story as with music - constantly reading books, you are in a creative flow, and you no longer think where to find inspiration - it comes by itself.
  • In moments when your head is empty and there are absolutely no ideas or desire to work, occupy yourself with another creative process. The main thing is that you like it. It can be a manicure, and cooking, and folding puzzles, and drawing. It is important that the process be creative - for example, computer games or TV shows will not work, on the contrary, they relax the brain.
  • Speaking of cooking - it should be given special attention. Inspiration comes when you are passionate about cooking lasagna or spinning sushi. These must be interesting and complex dishes - scrambled eggs with sausages are not suitable for magical action.
  • Walk. Yes, do not just walk, but look out of the shell of your own skull. After all, we so often walk down the street, immersed in our thoughts, not seeing anything around ... But even the usual route can be new every time, if you look around, noticing interesting details. There are magpies fighting funny for prey, and two cats are freely lounging in the sun. The children drew a picture on the house with crayons, and the green foliage of the poplar blends perfectly with the azure sky. So beautiful that I want to supplement the surrounding space with something new and good! It remains only to take inspiration from the surrounding world - it is embedded in every atom.
  • Think more often about why you are doing this at all, dream of achievements. Mentally visit your exhibition, hold in your hands a government award for achievements in your field, walk around the house that you buy with the money you earn. The result is the best motivation for inspiration.
  • Speaking of results. Inspiration is hard to find when we do not give ourselves the opportunity to feel and realize the fruits of our efforts. Therefore, you need to plan your life in such a way as to feel joy and satisfaction from the path traveled as often as possible. And here you can include achievements that are not related to the profession. If you climbed to the top of a mountain or rode a camel for the first time, then take a picture, post it on social networks, hang it on the wall and let yourself be a little proud of yourself. These are your achievements, because even well-thought-out entertainment requires effort and planning. Try to build your work so that you perceive each milestone as a complete process. Feeling the pleasure of a successful completion, you feel how the work is moving, and this is inspiring. If the whole volume is perceived as something integral and inseparable, then you will simply be crushed by the thought of many years of hopeless hard work.
  • Travel. Where to find inspiration, if not on the road? And you don’t even need to look for the most interesting and beautiful places to visit - the process itself is important. Even going to the neighboring region, you will see a lot of new things, meet unusual people, and be able to test yourself in some unexpected situations. For me, for example, every journey turns into a whole heap of poems. You come back from a trip a new person, and a new person always has a couple of new ideas.

Practice shows that inspiration should not be found, but tuned in to its constant wave. Therefore, the listed exercises are recommended to be performed regularly and as often as possible, regardless of whether you need inspiration for work right now. Enter a state of constant mental tone, and then you won’t have to ask the mirror for a long and tedious time, “Where can I find inspiration, where did you lose it, your stupid head?” It will just always be there for you.