History of Russia XVII-XVIII centuries. Dictionary of terms and concepts A-D

History of Russia XVII-XVIII centuries. Dictionary of terms and concepts A-D

Abortion(Lat. aBORTUS.- miscarriage) - this is, in fact, any premature cessation of a woman's pregnancy under a period of up to 22 weeks. It can be natural, spontaneous and artificial, i.e. deliberately caused by a specialist.

Abstraction(Lat. abstrahere.- distract) - mental allocation of some signs of the subject, phenomena. Abstraction is the first step towards the formation of concepts. In the abstraction process, the information is selected and processing information to replace the direct empirical image to another, directly not given, but mental as an abstract object and called usually the same term "abstraction".

Autonomy(Greek. aUTONOMOMIA: Autos.- I. Self nomos.- Law) - one of the principles of bioethics, based on the unity of the doctic rights and the patient, involving a mutual dialogue, in which the right of choice and responsibility is not focused on the doctor, but is distributed between him and the doctor.

Autonomy personality- The moral law and the ability of each individual person to act on the basis of an independent choice.

Agony(Greek. agonia.- Fighting) - the final stage of the process of dying. This is the condition of the body preceding death.

Adaptation(Lat. adaptation.- Device) - the process of adapting self-organizing systems to changing conditions of the living environment. Bioethics applies to all biological systems, reflecting the appropriate response of a complex hierarchical self-organizing system for changing living conditions.

Axiology ethical(Greek. axios.- value, logos.- Word or teaching) - the philosophical doctrine of nature and the nature of values, which considers issues of moral and moral ideas. Its goal is to explore the highest sense-forming principles, such as breeding the necessary and common, true and false, good and evil, fair and unfair. This teaching received its origin and development at the end of the XIX - early XX centuries.

Axiom(Greek. aksioma.- SETTING) - Source position in the process of knowing the world or self-evident truth.

Obstetrics(Franz. accoucher.- The health worker who has knowledge, skill and having the right to independently assist pregnant and women in labor) - the most ancient section of medicine that studies issues of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum period. This is the provision of proper medical care for pregnant, girlfriend, parent.

Alcoholism- The disease caused by the systematic use of alcoholic beverages, resulting in a result of serious mental and physical disorders.

Altruism(Franz. altruisme,lat. alter.- Another) - the moral principle of selfless, voluntary service to other people, a conscious desire to selflessly help them. This feature of feelings, thoughts and actions devoid of selfishness, which prescribes a person to suppress their own egoism, sincerely serve "neighbor", to be always ready to sacrifice his interest in favor of the interests of other people or society as a whole.

Amoralism(Greek. a.- denial and lat. mores.- Nrasions) - a socio-historical phenomenon, expressed in the obvious neglect of individuals with generally accepted moral standards in behavior and activity. This is simultaneously a practical principle, justifying a nihilistic or even negative attitude towards creative and creative public affairs.

Anamnesis(Lat. anamnesis- Memories) - information for physicians about the living conditions of the patient, as well as the beginning and development of the disease.

Anomaly- deviation from the norm.

Antichipation- The ability of a person to foresee the future and mastering them. This is the purpose of the high-organized brain, the expression of which is the highest form of manifestation of anti-prison as scientific creativity. This concept is proposed by I. Kant for the explication of structural features of the internal feeling of things and items in time. In bioethics, this concept indicates a creative beginning in clinical practice. It is the ability to anticipate that provides the ability to make the correct diagnosis.

Anthropology(Greek. anthropos.- human, logos.- Teaching) - section of philosophy about the knowledge of a person. This is a philosophical tradition explaining all reality from human essence.

Anthropomorphism(from Greek. anthropos.- human, mORRHE- Form, view) is a worldview in which all the phenomena of wildlife are endowed with human properties. This is the likelihood of a person to all

mu on Earth, putting it with the properties of objects and phenomena of wildlife. But deanthropomorphization is the liberation of natural things from the properties inherent in man.

Anthropocentrism(Greek. anthropos.- Man, lat. centrum- Center) - Philosophical worldview, which is an inserting person to the center of the Universe, at the same time this is the principle that a person acts as a central link and the ultimate goal of the universe.

Apatheia (apatheia- Insensitivity) - in bioethics is considered when understanding the problems of protecting human rights to life and health conservation.

Archetype- initial mental structures, samples, fantasies contained in the collective unconscious. Received in myths, dreams, works of art. The concept was introduced by the Swiss psychologist K.G. Jung (1875-1961).

Asceticism(Greek. asketes.- Herbon or ascetic) - moral principle, prescribing self-denial, rejection of worldly goods and pleasures, suppressing sensory aspirations for the achievement of any social goals.

Asclepius- In the ancient Greek mythology, the god of healing, the same as in the ancient Roman mythology an ECCLAP.

Asthenia- physical, neuropsychic weakness, manifested in increased excitability, instability of mood, intolerance, etc.

Ataraxia(Greek. ataraxie.- non-vulnerable) - the category of antique ethics, which reflects the state of the complete serenity of people or their spiritual rest. In modern philosophical-ethical interpretations, the atraxia is understood as a preliminary step of privacy or a brokenness of a person from life.

Affect(Lat. affectus.- spiritual excitement, passion) - relatively short-term, but strongly and rapidly flowing emotional experience, such as fear, horror, despair, rage, etc.

Bentam I.(1748-1832) - English philosopher, scientist and lawyer. He is rightfully considered the deontology of ethical teachings "Deontology". In it, he considered the tasks of morality as a whole as means of achieving benefit, benefits, pleasure, good and happiness. Subsequently, it began to be considered as ethics of cruise, especially in medicine.

Thrift- moral quality, characterizing a caring attitude towards material and spiritual benefits, to property.

Immortality- term meaning faith in the endlessness of human existence and first of all the soul of man. This is a hypothetical quality of living beings, having the value of the highest value of being for a person.

Unconscious- A combination of congenital mental education, states, processes, operations and actions of a person unconscious, or the state of a person characterized by the absence of consciousness.

Biology(Greek. bios.- a life, logos.- Teaching) - Science on the laws of life, the totality of sciences about the wildlife and its development.

Bionics- Applied science, which studies the characteristics of the structure and vital activity of organisms in order to create and apply new technical mechanisms, devices, systems.

Biopolitics- The doctrine of a holistic system of scientific and theoretical developments and practical measures to ensure the conservation of life and its diversity on Earth. Studying and developing the use of biological approaches, methods and data in policies and political activities.

Biopsy(Greek. bios.- a life, opsis- Consideration) - an act of a lifetime taking of a small volume of fabric for microscopic examination for the purpose of diagnosis.

Biosphere(Greek. bios.- a life, sPHAIRA.- The ball) is a concept that means the sphere of life on Earth.

Biotaor BIOS (Greek. bios.- Life) - a holistic aggregate of all living on Earth.

Biomedical ethics- Applied part of bioethics associated with problems of biomedicine and moral principles of behavior in scientific and clinical cases of doctors and other medical workers in the updating health care system. Biomedical ethics now covers areas such as ethical problems of abortion, suicide, genetic engineering, organ transplants and many others who are directly related to the health conservation of people.

Biodiversity- A combination of all types and forms of living, interdependent, interconnected and necessary to each other, which causes the tough requirement of the careful attitude towards him and the care of a person about its conservation.

Biofil(Greek. bios.- life and phileo.- I love) - a man who loving all the living. The concept was introduced into the scientific turnover of E. Fromm.

Bioethics(Greek. bios.- life and ethos.- Behavioral custom) - the concept relating to complex discipline, which is at the junction of philosophy, science, biology, medicine. She became the key to the direction of modern moral philosophy. Bioethics - the doctrine of the savings of natural life on Earth. It is based on the moral right of a person to be recognized as a person. This term is proposed by the American scientist V.R. Potter in 1969

Good- Universal concept used to designate what is useful to people. It indicates the positive values \u200b\u200bof things, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Reverence in front of life- The principle of humanistic philosophy and ethics of saving the life and active activities of people proposed by a famous doctor, a philosopher-humanist, the laureate of the Nobel Prize of the world A. Schweizer. This is absolutely necessary and basic principle of bioethics.

Thanks- High feeling of respect and love for another person for their privacy. This is a good attitude of a person to another person (group of persons), who has enforced him as a kind of service, expressing in a special sense of readiness to respond with mutual benefit and in relevant practical actions.

Governing and identical to him- Conscious action that plays a positive role in interpersonal communication of people with each other and assessed by moral consciousness as good.

Prudence- The principle of human behavior, who orients him to achieve the most moral of the maximum good. This principle attracts special attention when searching for answers to the moral dilemmas of modern biomedicine, determining its status in medical science and the clinical practice of doctors.

Nobility- moral quality, characterizing the actions and actions of people from the point of view of sublime moral motives, which they are dictated.

Disease- Violation in the natural process of functioning of any body, expressed by physiological and structural changes that occur under the influence of certain emergency irritants of the external and internal habitat.

Pain- the psycho-physiological state of a person when he has a negative feeling under the influence of external or internal forces. Pain - the protective reaction of the body, it is playing

it is a positive role in damage to the lives of living beings in the body and the psyche.

Marriage- Voluntary Family Union of Men and Women, who defines their civil rights and obligations towards each other and their children.

Life- Standing the daily life of people. In the field of life, a person restores his strength, develops needs and ability. In everyday life, he is significantly more granted to himself and subjectively refers to him as his personal business.

Being- one of the key philosophical categories, with which something is understood to be considered in the world of things, objects and phenomena of nature as suit- the only true, existing in itself, i.e. Out and regardless of man and his consciousness. Introduced this concept in the speech turnover of the ancient philosopher Parmenid (515-450 BC).

Politeness- moral quality, evaluating behavior of people. It includes attentiveness, delicacy, tact.

Veresaev V.V.(This surname - Smidovich) (1867-1945) - a Russian doctor, thinker and writer, author of the famous book "Notes of the doctor." It is devoted to the philosophical understanding of the ideals and principles of medical ethics. This book contains a lot of ethical judgments about the possibility and conduct of medical research on animals and man.

Fidelity- The moral quality of a person pointing to the line of his social behavior, which is regarded as a moral principle in joint affairs.

Probability(or the opportunity) is a scientific category expressing the numerical measure of the objective possibility of the occurrence of a random event.

Mutual assistance- Relationship between people arising in the conditions of necessary support for each other.

Vitalism(Lat. vita.- Life) - the doctrine of the fundamental difference in living systems from non-living.

Vitamins(Lat. vita.- Life) - organic substances, indispensable nutrition factors necessary for normal life.

Attractions- An unconditional personality desire to change the created state or position in the random search process to meet the unconscious need.

Will- The ability of the personality to regulate activities and behavior in society. This is a free and conscious aspiration of a person to the goal; The spiritual ability of a person to additional efforts necessary to achieve a specific goal as a certain value. Voluntarism announces the will of the Higher Principle of Human Being.

Medical ethics- The type of professional ethics, which is based on a traditional idea of \u200b\u200ba particularly humane appointment of the medical person. One of the main requirements is to help all patients without distinction, regardless of public situation and wealth, even a wounded enemy.

World Health Organization(WHO) is a specialized United Nations agency, the largest international medical and pharmaceutical organization, which has proclaimed the meaning and purpose of their social activities to achieve all nations is the highest level of human health. Founded in 1946

Choice- The moral act of free activity of the individual, which precedes decision making and predetermines the content of future practical action. The choice is ensured by mind, love and will. The choice of a doctor who conjugates the choice and its patient is determined primarily by the ideas and principles laid down in bioethics.

Hedonism(Greek. hedone -pleasure, enjoyment) - philosophical and ethical teachings, according to which the highest moral value and the meaning of people's life is considered to achieve sensual pleasure and pleasure, which gives them an idea of \u200b\u200blife joy, happiness from communicating with other people. In traditional ethics, hedonism is most often transformed into eudemonism as a philosophical and ethical system about ways to achieve genuine happiness. Hedonists were in the antiquity of Aristipp from Keenecia and French philosophers-materialists of Gelving, Limetry.

Gene- This is the material carrier of the heredity of living organisms, the unit of hereditary information.

Genetics(Greek. genesis- The origin) is the science of heredity and the laws of the variability of the body.

Medical genetics- the leading industry of human genetics, which is devoted to the study of the role of hereditary factors in the vital activity and human pathology. It is closely connected with philosophical anthropology and all sections of modern clinical medicine.

Genetic Engineering- Applied direction in genetics, within which genetically modified organisms are created, the possibilities of gene therapy of certain human diseases are being implemented.

Genotherapy- the method of treating diseases associated with violations of genes; It consists in introducing proper genes to the body.

Hermenevics(Greek. hermeneutikos.- The art of interpretation of texts) is the direction of modern Western philosophy, which considers its main task to interpret and understand the content of texts.

Heroism- special form Human behavior, which in moral terms is a feat.

Hygiene- The section of preventive medicine, which studies the effect of the external environment on human health, its performance.

Hypothesis(Greek. hypothesis- The basis, assumption) is a scientific assumption or assumption that has been put forward to explain any phenomenon. Unlike the axioms, the hypothesis should have experienced confirmation for its universal recognition.

Hippocrates(460-377 BC) - the famous antique doctor and thinker. The reformer of ancient Greek medicine, revered as "Father of Medicine". The founder of an individual approach to the patient. It is rightfully considered the founder of a professional medical school, in which he connected medical goals and objectives with the principles of humane philosophy and medical ethics. With his name, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe high moral guide of the doctor and the morality of his professional behavior is the oath of hippocratic. Its main principle is "not harmful."

Pride- High moral feeling, which expresses human respect for himself, the expression of the identity of self-consciousness of the individual.

Epistemology(Greek. gnosis- Knowledge, logos.- Teaching) - Philosophical theory of knowledge. To indicate the theory of scientific knowledge in philosophy instead of the term epistemologymore often used epistemology.

Coarseness- Negative moral quality of a person who does not know the norms of etiquette and neglects the culture of behavior.

Humanism(Lat. humanism- Human) - a worldview or a system of views, giving a person to the importance of a particularly priority value in the form of manifestation of love for a person, as a person, respect for human dignity and care for the welfare of all people. This is human in man. This is a deep faith in its infinite creative and creative opportunities and its ability to self-improvement.

Humology- The humanistic direction in the sciences of a person, which is based on a new humanistic paradigm, ensuring the resolution of the contradiction between anthropocentrism and new ethical principles arising from the state of modern social development and technological progress. There is an expansion of the principle of humanity beyond the biodiversity Homo Sapiens.

Deduction(Lat. deduction- removal) - the conclusion leading from the common to the private, i.e. The removal of new ideas is purely logical.

Demagogy(Greek. demos.- people I. agogos.- presenter demagogos.- politician) - term used for the negative moral characteristics of the personality and the image of its actions; View of hypocrisy.

Deontology(Greek. deon.- due to I. logos.- Teaching) - section of ethics about public debt, personal responsibilities and behavior of a person as a person and a specialist. In medicine, it is considered as professional ethics of physicians - the doctrine of their debt in moral terms to patients, the manifestation of their professional duties and personal responsibility of all health workers.

Demiurge(Greek. demiurgos)- architect world or god-creator of the universe. Unlike Demiurge, the medieval God is primed in all respects.

Determinism(Lat. determinare.- Determine) - Philosophical teaching, proclaiming universal conditionality of all phenomena. This is the universal doctrine of the causal relationship and the interdependence of all phenomena and processes occurring in real world.

Dialectics(Greek. dialektike.- lead a conversation) This term has different semantic shades: 1) the art of conducting a philosophical dispute, controversy; 2) the doctrine of the universal method of reflexive thinking; 3) Logic form and method of resolution of objective contradictions.

Deviant(Franz. deviation.- Deviation) - deviating from the moral norms of behavior adopted in society.

Good- The ethical concept of the moral consciousness of the person, expressing the particularly positive moral importance of all phenomena of public life in their correlation with the vital ideal.

Confidence- The concept characterized by a good attitude towards the actions of another person and himself. Cheating trustworthy - grave moral misconduct.

Debt- The concept of ethics characterizing moral requirements for the personality. The concept of debt is associated with other ethical concepts that assess the moral activity of the personality and specialist: responsibility, self-consciousness, conscience, etc. The doctrine of the doctor is to fulfill them all the requirements associated with its work and the achievement of the main goal - success in the diagnosis and recovery of the patient.

Donor(Lat. donare.- Given) - the person, organs and tissues of which are transplanted in therapeutic purposes to another person.

Dignity- The concept of moral consciousness, expressing an assessment of the morality of the person.

friendship- The form of fraternal relations of people with each other in the field of personal connections.

Eugenics(Greek. eugenes.- Pornish) is "refining" human nature or improving the genetic qualities of human individuals and populations by special selection of marital couples with optimal hereditary qualities. In recent years, Evgenik has received new opportunities for development due to the rapid progress of molecular genetics, cloning and other biomedical research. In this regard, there was a need to take into account bioethical ideals and principles, carry out competent regulation and control of the development of this science based on the humane philosophy of preserving the human population.

One(Lat. unum- Integrity) - a philosophical concept, in which the integrity of the thing, phenomena, process as the beginning of the indivisibility of something. "One" in the medical sphere indicates the beginning as the only source of life for any organism in its multiple species manifestation.

A life- A special form of matter existence, characterized by integrity and ability to self-organization. Life of man

it is a central bioetic and professional medical problem.

Envy- hostile feeling towards the successes of other people. This is an indicator of painful selfish and vanity.

Healthin everyday life, it is considered as a natural condition of any living organism, which is characterized by its equilibrium with the environment and the lack of some painful symptoms. Health, as a rule, is a majority of people feeling both free and comfortable possession of their body, painless flowing of all internal processes and getting pleasure from any physical movement. Therefore, human health can be represented as freedom achieved at different levels of their lives. On physical - freedom from pain, well-being. On emotional - freedom from exposure to passions as a state of calm and serenity. On mental - freedom from its egoism, unity with the truth. As for the official definition of health, it has long been given WHO as "the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects."

Evil- The concept of ethics, according to its content the opposite concept of "good".

Knowledge- The content of human thinking about the object under study, the result of knowing the world, society and man. Acquired or disabled verbal, shaped, symbolic or operational information, arbitrarily reproducible and actively used by the person in their speech or actions.

"Gold rule of morality"- The most ancient principle of ethics of behavior, calling for not to do another person of what you do not want myself. In the biblical commandment it is said: "In everything, as you wish, so that others come with you, so do you and you with them." As a rule of everyday wisdom, it pays the danger of the origin of egoism, and as the principle of morality assumes that each person, regardless of other people, determines that it is moral for him.

Ideal(Greek. idea.- The idea) is the concept of moral consciousness, a sample of the highest moral perfection or the highest goal of human aspirations in its vital activity. According to Kant, the ideal is an unattainable primary, which can never become reality.

Idealism(Greek. idealisme.- Following the idea) - Philosophical teachings that approve the priority of consciousness. Subjective idealism (Kant, Berkeley, Fichte) is engaged in understanding the role of human consciousness. Idealism objective (Plato, Hegel) considers consciousness as something objective, independent of people. The idealists of different systems have gained a significant array of positive knowledge.

Idealization- The mental procedure associated with the creation of abstract (theoretical) objects, concepts, categories, laws, etc. This is a form of philosophical design of abstract schemes that do not actually exist.

Ideal- A combination of ideas, principles characterizing the subjective image of objective reality. Sometimes under the ideal understand the entire spiritual inner world of a person: thoughts and feelings, moral and mental plants, interests and values.

Idea(Greek. idea.- Idea, concept) - shape, essence, philosophical term, which systematically used Plato. The word "idea" literally means "see the meaning of things." From the standpoint of modern knowledge, the content of the idea has no one-time definition. In science, she came to replace the term "concept."

Treason- Violation of loyalty to a common cause or betrayal.

Immanent(Lat. immanens.- inherent inherent) - a philosophical concept denoting qualities that are also active inside the phenomenon or subject matter and their natural nature.

Individuality- The unique peculiarity of a particular personality and its creative activity.

Initiative(Lat. initiare.- Start) - amateur participation of the individual in various areas of social and cultural life and activity. This is a form of manifestation of the personal activity of a person mating with his work and courage. In moral terms, the initiative is characterized by the fact that a specialist, especially a scientist and medic, takes a great measure of responsibility than it requires simple compliance with generally accepted moral norms.

Intellectual- A person engaged in complex types of mental activity requiring deep abstraction.

INTENTION(Lat. intention- Intention, desire) - the doctrine on the target direction of consciousness for any subject, phenomenon.

Interest- The purposeful attitude of a person to something that is the object of its natural need. Interest

sitter from human life conditions. In ethics, the concept of interest is considered in the relationship with the concept of "debt".

Interpretation(Lat. interpretation- understanding, interpretation) is the concept of conformity between a logical act (conclusion), verbal expression and real material. Logical substantiation, methodological explanation of the semantic content of one thoughts, statements, text.

Intuition(Lat. intueri.- internally feeling, flair, guess) - philosophical direction in traditional ethics. It characterizes mystical, direct knowledge without experience and mind.

Informed consent- Rule of biomedical ethics, assuming that medical interventions and followers with the participation of a person as a subject permissible only after this person gives free consent, having received sufficient information about the goals, procedures and consequences of these interventions or research.

Irony(Greek. eironeia.- pretense) - the reception of ethically thin, hidden or even loose ridiculation, the heating, in which the search for truth is being found in a friendly attitude to the interlocutor or the subject of the dispute, scientific discussion.

Artificial insemination- Use of medicine of new technologies of conception of the human embryo. Among the methods of artificial fertilization today, artificial insemination of a sperm of a donor or a husband and the method of extracorporeal fertilization with the subsequent transfer of the embryo to the uterine cavity are distinguished.

Sincerity- moral quality, characterizing a person and his actions. It makes up the subjective side of the conviction at the right of their ideas and actions.

Redemption- Removing guilt for perfect misconduct by means of full recognition of their guilt and correct caused damage.

True(Greek. aleteia.- Uniscomed) - a value-theoretical concept denoting the ideal of knowledge and a way to achieve accurate knowledge about whom or anything.

Careerism(Ial. carriera.- Run) - negative moral quality, which characterizes a person as a seemingly achieving personal success, neglecting the interests of other people, society.

maxim Your Will could be at the same time the basis of universal legislation. " This is an unconditional moral personality behavior to be a man.

Cognitive(Lat. cognition- Knowledge, knowledge) - the philosophical concept of knowing the world and on the correspondence of the cognition of reality.

Cloning- The method of non-proper reproduction of organisms, in which the offspring is genetically identical to the parent. The target of therapeutic cloning is to obtain a genetically identical patient with embryonic stem cells, which are then supposed to use for the treatment of various severe diseases.

Moral Code- Arch of moral principles, norms and rules prescribed to people to universal consequences. This is the requirement of voluntary, but compulsory execution of them in society. It usually covers those moral norms, principles and rules that are practiced by an overwhelming majority of members of a particular society.

Confidentiality(Lat. confidentia.- Trust) - a rule that prohibits doctors without permission to disclose its information obtained by them as a result of the fulfillment of professional duties.

Conceptualism(Lat. conceptus.- Thought, concept) - one of the directions of philosophical thought associated with the understanding of general concepts, universal, and also believing that the general is found in thinking and is manifested in speech. In contemporary art, conceptualism is a major avant-garde movement, where the transition from a specific sensory perception to intellectual understanding.

Space(Greek. kosmos.- order, harmony in the universe) - In ancient Greek philosophy, the world was understood as something structurally organized by the whole. With the development of cosmonautics, this concept began to make mercy with the development of the universe.

Coevolution- The concept of modern philosophy of science, which considers that the joint or simultaneous evolution of biological and cultural factors in human vital activity occurs.

beauty- Philosophical concept revealing the main aesthetic value - the unity of truth and good (Hegel).

Culture of behavior- A combination of rules and forms of human behavior in accordance with the generally accepted morality and the standards of etiquette.

Cumulacivism(Lat. kumulatio.- accumulation, increase, summation) - the fundamental philosophical principle of epistemology, interpreting the process of scientific knowledge as a consistent accumulation of increasing new knowledge committed by theories.

Personality(Lat. persona.- Mask) - term denoting a holistic person in the unity of his individual abilities and the fulfillment of social and cultural functions.

Logos.(Greek. logos.- The word, concept, thought, mind) is the category of ancient Greek philosophy, which does not have clear content, but carrying meaning in all areas of knowledge in the form of a reasonable principle.

Cowardice- Negative moral quality, indicating the weakness of the will of the person.

Manners(Franz. . Maniere.- an image of action) - rules and techniques of etiquette, the way to properly keep yourself in society.

Materialism(Lat. materialis -real) - the philosophical direction of the thought in which the issue of matter is the main issue. All realities are treated as derivatives from matter. At the same time, materialism meets with difficulties: he does not manage to express the relative identity of consciousness, the creative abilities of a person. There are different types of materialism (instead of the term materialismphilosophers often use term realism).Along with dialectical materialism, pragmatic, functional and other varieties are distinguished.

Mentality, mentality (eng. mentAl- Mental, mental) - a steady mood of the inner world of people. This is a feature of consciousness associated with a mental warehouse of the nation and a separate personality. The mentality reflects unconscious views, beliefs, values, traditions, as well as models of behavior and activity of various ethnic and social groups, layers, society classes.

Metaphysics(Greek. meta Ta Physika.- The fact that after physics) is the philosophical doctrine of universal life, the limit grounds for the development of the world, the origins and principles of all things. Under this title, lectures and notes of Aristotle on the "First Philosophy" were combined. In general, this is a philosophical doctrine on ultraight beginnings and laws of being, synonym for terms "Philosophy", "Ontology".

Method(Greek. methodos -the path of research) is a set of different ways to know the world, including certain rules, techniques and principles for the study of nature, society and humans.

Methodology- Philosophical doctrine on the development and use of principles, funds and methods in various areas of knowledge.

Dream- One of the forms of moral consciousness, which is an emotionally sensual manifestation of the ideal in an individual consciousness, which acts as a desire and ability to see their excellent future.

Worldview- A holistic view of the phenomena and processes occurring in the world around the world. This is a complex of representations and concepts of a person about the development of the world at all and himself.

Monism(Greek. monos.- One, the only one) - the philosophical system of views, striving to reduce all the variety of peace, events, phenomena to a single primary - or matter, or spirit.

Morality(from lat. mores.- Morals) - the concept of ethics, serving to express the sphere of spiritual values. This is a special form of public consciousness and one of the ways to regulate the behavior of people in a specific historical society with the help of the rules and rules of the joint hostel. It arises from the need to establish interpersonal communication on the basis of humane values, guaranteeing the preservation of the human race and the dignity of each person belonging to it.

Think- One of the spheres of consciousness. This is all that is aware of people through ideas, concepts, judgments, conclusions.

Skills- Methods of action, which a specialist learned in the process of education and upbringing. This is an automated execution of an operation that does not require constant monitoring of consciousness.

Intention- Decision to make an action and achieve a positive result. This is a rational and volitional installation of a person as the desire to solve problems.

The science(Greek. epistema.- The sphere of knowledge) is the most complicated phenomenon in the sociocultural history of mankind: targeted activities, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of knowledge of the world, society and man. This is one of the spheres of public consciousness.

Natural philosophy,or in modern interpretation of the philosophy of nature, - an abstract-speculative concept of nature development in its unity and integrity, seeking to fill the data of natural sciences.

Science community- Interconnection and union of academic professionals.

Neokantianism- Philosophical for the second half of the XIX century. It was overcome by the individual provisions of Cant philosophy, based on the denial of ontology and recognizing philosophy as criticism of knowledge, limited by experience and including priori principles and norms.

Nihilism- This is a moral principle that characterizes the negative attitude of a person to the moral values \u200b\u200bof society.

Norm(Lat. norma.- Rule, sample) - morally legalized establishment, recognized by society the order of moral behavior.

Moral,like morality, is the main ethical concept. As an integral part of the individual retention of morality in the life and activity of a particular person, serves as an indicator and criterion of his spiritual culture. The most significant manifestation of morality in man is conscience. At the same time, the morality of a separate person does not always comply with the prescriptions of morality that dominates in society.

Morals- Customs having moral importance in society.

Education- The system of assimilation by the subject of the teachings of a certain system of elements of the objectified experience necessary for successful activities in the selected field of social practice recognized by the Company as a certain level of personality development and its preparation for targeted activities in this area.

Communication- The interaction of two and more people, consisting in the exchange of information between them. Usually communication is included in the practical interaction of people (joint labor, teaching, collective work).

Society- conjugation of objective relationships and relations, subjective interests of people in their creative activities.

Duty- a moral requirement, acting as a manifestation of debt.

Odarity- A combination of those deposits that make up a natural prerequisite for the development of abilities to certain activities, combined with a tendency to this activity.

Orthodox(Greek. orthodoxos -direct, correct) - steadily adhering to his belief or fixed by authoritative instances in philosophy, science, religion, politics.

A responsibility- ethical category characterizing the identity attitude to other people and society in general in terms of

implementation of moral requirements. This is a tendency of man to behave in accordance with the interests of other people. This category expresses the ability of the personality to manage their activities, to respond to all its actions and actions and make the right choice, to achieve a certain result, consciously and voluntarily perform moral requirements and competently carry out tasks facing it. Responsibility is associated with the burden of the world in the world, which must be implemented.

Evaluation- This is a statement of a particular value (significance). This is moral approval or condemnation of various phenomena and processes in the vital activity of people. In self-esteem, such moral feelings as conscience, pride, repentance, etc. play a particularly important role.

Paracels(1493-1541) - scientist, doctor and philosopher Middle Ages. His name in ethics is associated with the principle of medicine: "Do good."

Paternalism(Lat. pater- Father) - a concept pointing to the primacy of the authority of the father in the family. In the past, the dominant principle in the relationship between the doctor and patients.

Personalism(from lat. persona -the creature, personality) - the doctrine, recognizing the personality of the primary creative reality, and all the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the individual - the highest meaning of civilization.

Behavior- A combination of a person's actions committed in specific conditions. If the concept of activity is characterized by targeted and morally motivated actions, the behavior covers all actions of a person.

Utility- One of the forms of assessing a person's actions from the point of view of meeting any needs or interests of people.

Understanding sociology- The direction in the philosophy of sociology, special attention to the analysis of significant, semantic elements of the life of people, based on the ideas of the philosophy of life, hermeneutics, phenomenology, linguistic philosophy.

Concept- Thought fixing the general signs of objects and phenomena displayed in it, allowing you to distinguish these items and phenomena from adjacent to them. This is a product of thinking, reflecting common patterns, essential parties, signs of phenomena that are fixed in abstract and general definitions.

Need- the inner essential force of the body, which encourages it to implement qualitatively defined forms of active activity. This is a form of communication of all living organisms with the outside world. The highest needs of a person reflect his relationship with the socio-cultural communities of different levels, as well as the conditions for the existence and development of the social systems themselves. Relevant needs are organized and the course of cognitive processes.

Initiative- actions of individuals or groups that served as the beginning of the new movement, changes in the forms of social and cultural life.

Pragmatism(Greek. pragma.- The case, action, practice) is the course of American philosophical thought, in which the action, practice is used as the main principle of knowledge and practical value.

Practice(Greek. praktikos -active, active) - a key concept in dialectical-materialistic (Marxist) philosophy - active sensual-subject, converting material activity.

The crime- The concept of moral consciousness, evaluating the misconduct of people from the point of view of the measure, in which they violate the requirements of ethics and rights. Crimes usually include those misconducts, which are a special danger to humanity, are trapped by generally accepted ideas about humanism and justice and are performed on mercenary, immoral reasons.

Principle(Lat. principium -the basis initially) is the main or starting position in knowledge, behavior, activity of people. The concept of principle is similar to the concept of the inner conviction of a person. Following the principles makes a person principled, faithful idea in behavior.

Misconduct- in its content presents a certain violation of morality and morality requirements.

Contradiction- Dialectic principle in thinking, having the basis of real contradictions of things in the world. This is the relationship between two terms when one contradicts the other. In logic, there are contradictions that are two statements, of which one denies the other, which causes confusion in thoughts.

Psychic(Greek. psyche.- Soul) - a special property of highly organized living matter. This is a form of reflection by the subject of the properties and patterns of objective reality and understanding of its own life and activity that occurs, developing

and operating in various types of external and internal human activity.

Psychoanalysis- The philosophical and psychological concept and medical methodology of psychotherapy and psychology, putting into the center of attention all unconscious mental processes and motivation. Developed by Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist and philosopher Z. Freud (1856-1939).

Psychopathology- Anomalies of the individual characterized by the resistant disharmonicity of its mental warehouse behavior in everyday life and society. Mostly wears an innate character.

Equality in morality- The formal principle of morality, according to which all socio-cultural requirements should equally apply to all people, regardless of their social status and living conditions. In medicine - between doctors and patients.

Development- Quantitative and qualitative changes in psyche and organs of living beings, the improvement of mental and physical empowerment, the formation of new abilities and mental structures, which make it possible to use new methods for it.

Mind and reason- Two levels of mental activity. The mind is the ability of the mind to grab, understand the rational relationship in knowledge. The reason is the ability of the mind to a logical reflection.

Repentance- recognition of the person of their own guilt and the conviction of the mistakes made. It manifests itself either in vowel recognition to those who envoys their guilt and the willingness to carry punishment, or in a special sense of regretful of the actions committed or thoughts about them.

Rationalism(Lat. rationalis -reasonable) - the system of knowledge, based on razio(Mind) and feasibility, validity in contrast to the teachings based on revelation or feeling.

Realism(Lat. realis -real, valid) - as a rule, the same as materialism. However, medieval realism is not suitable for this principle, for it is a type of idealism: all the concepts, ideas exist by themselves, i.e. objectively.

Jealousy- Deep egoistic feeling towards successes, achievements, abilities, happiness of other people. This is not

prynibly hostile attitude to the popularity of anyone. The subject of jealousy feels personal impairment and humiliation due to the alleged unjust assessment of his qualities and advantages compared to his "rival" and does not hide his envy in relation to him and his affairs.

Relativism(Lat. relativus -relative) - a philosophical and methodological concept, according to which there is no absolutely true in the world - everything is relative. In the field of knowledge, sometimes leads to skepticism and agnosticism.

Reputation(Lat. reputation- Meditation) - created a common opinion about the advantages or disadvantages of anyone.

Reflection(Lat. reflexio.- appeal back) - self-observation, analysis and understanding of the foundations of the culture and its works, as well as the content of knowledge, feelings in the life and activities of man. This is the leading method of philosophy of knowledge. One of the leading forms of reflection is aimed at understanding the person of his own thoughts and actions.

Recipient- A person who is transplanted into therapeutic purposes of organs or tissues of another person.

Self-awareness- knowledge and assessment by the person of himself as a creature of a particularly thoughtful, i.e. Concept and creative. This is an integral side of consciousness, allowing a person to realize himself as a person and its role in the world of nature and society.

Sanction(Lat. sanction.- Decide) - confirmation of moral principles by approval or condemnation of actions and actions of people, primarily specialists.

Superconscious- mental activity, deterministic knowledge of the future; It arises in the process of interaction of the individual with the world of cultural property, with the accumulated experience of humanity. It is with super-conscription that the creative intuition is associated.

freedom- Activities not caused by external activities with reasons. This is the ability to initiate, change or terminate the subject of activity at any point of its flow, as well as the refusal of it. This concept has a special attitude towards the realization of freedom of thought, freedom of will, freedom of conscience and beliefs.

free will- The philosophical and ethical category, defining in the general sense, the ability of a specialist to independently make decisions and act at its discretion.

Sensationalism(Lat. sensus -feeling, feeling) - Philosophical teaching, which recognizes the only source of knowledge of the feelings on which all new knowledge is based.

Synergetic(Greek. synergeia.- cooperation, joint action) - interdisciplinary direction in modern science and philosophy. Its main task is to explore and comprehend the role and importance of the functioning of complex self-organizing systems. Synergetics is a modern general scientific theory of self-organization, focused on finding objective relationships and relations of the integrity of the world of nature and society. It acts as a philosophical component base of bioethics as science.

System(Greek. systema.- A whole, composed of parts) - a philosophical concept, which expresses the ratio and conjugation of all elements in natural bonds with each other and with the medium forming a certain integrity, unity.

Death- Natural end of the life of someone or anything. This cessation of the livelihood of a living organism and as a result of this, the death of a particular individual as a separate system. Opened modern medicine opportunities to push the death of people contribute to changing attitudes towards death.

Brain death- The condition of the body, characterized by irreversible and incompatible with the life of the brain damage.

Cleanly death- A special type of living organism, a terminal state, the border of being and non-existence of a living. This is the process of dying as a transition of one quality to another. From a biological point of view when clinical death Stores still enough elements of life. It lasts a few minutes and is replaced by a biological death, in which the restoration of life functions is impossible.

Humility- moral quality, characterizing the negative attitude of a person to itself and expressed in the accuracy of his personal dignity, in disbelief in their potential forces and in the derogation of their capabilities, in humility towards the external forces and circumstances.

Conscience- Socio-psychological category, which is directly related to ethics. This personality ability to exercise critical moral control over themselves and their behavior. This is an integral onset of universal morality.

Socrates(469-399 BC) - the famous ancient Greek philosopher, father of moral philosophy (ethics).

Somatic(Greek. soma.- body) - body.

Socialization- Qualitative and quantitative changes in the value system, socially significant moral beliefs and installations, value orientations, humane ideals, personality moral qualities necessary to achieve success in society and achieved in the process of their own activity of the individual.

Sophism(Greek. sophism- Consciously false minds) - ancient skill of eloquence. Specificity of philosophy (V-IV centuries. BC), which took place to the task of the skillful use of the most common concepts to substantiate their interests.

Skepticism(Greek. skepsis -doubt, uncertainty) - a philosophical school created in IV century. BC, in which abstained from judgment. His goal of skeptics was given to the denial of the dogmas of all schools, for them any knowledge is either completely true or completely mistaken.

Meaning of life- Method of perception human lifewhich gives the personality feeling of its significance in the world of nature and in the history of society.

Consciousness- Maximum wide philosophical category, expressing the ability to direct a person's attention to the subjects and phenomena of the outside world. Consciousness is a product for a long, not only biological, but also socio-cultural development. As a public phenomenon emerged and develops due to the emergence and development of the human community.

Consciousness- In the philosophical-ethical meaning of the word coincides with the concept of freedom of will, which is the ability to make a decision with the knowledge of the case and carry personal responsibility for this.

Solidarity(Lat. solidus.- Durable) is the unity of beliefs and actions, mutual assistance and support based on common interests.

Sympathy- One of the forms of manifestation of humanity. This is a humane attitude of a person to man. Especially characteristic of medicine.

Compassion- Sincere sympathy, pity for a person in relation to a suffering or sick person. It is aimed at the provision of assistance to the suffering person and the word, and the case.

Justice- Regulatory ethical concept that plays a large role in the public consciousness of people. It is both one of the key principles of moral and moral consciousness. Justice has a specific historical nature and itself depends on these conditions. In bioethics, the concept of justice occupies a key place. It expresses universality of moral norms in relations between people as a value consciousness that is emerging as a result of education.

Suffering- A ethical concept, which reflects the emotional state of a person generated by difficulties and life problems.

Fear- short-term emotion or sustainable feeling, generated by a person actually or imaginary danger.

Stress(eng. stress- pressure, voltage) - nonspecific human reactions in response to extremely strong extreme stimuli.

Substance(Lat. substantia.- Essence) - philosophical category, expressing the original properties of the subject, phenomena as integrity. She became the basis for understanding all the processes occurring in the world.

Substrate(Lat. substratum.- base, underlying) - the basis, base, carrier of all properties, connections, interactions and laws of reality.

Surrogacy- tooling the embryo of one woman in the uterus another.

Happiness- The concept of moral consciousness denoting such a state of a person who corresponds to its greatest internal satisfaction with the terms of its life, the completeness and meaningfulness of his life and activities, the implementation of all its requests and aspirations.

Mystery of medical- Human value and principle of medical ethics, preservation of information about the diagnosis and condition of the patient, non-disclosure without knowledge or without consent to the patient. This principle is based on the doctor's trust relationship and the patient.

Thanatology(Greek. thanatos.- Death I. logos.- Word, teaching) - philosophical category and section of medicine, studying signs, causes and mechanisms for the occurrence of death; The course of the dying process, as well as bioethical issues of medical intervention in

dying processes and facilitating the death suffering of the doomed patient (euthanasia).

Creation- This is the highest form of activity and creative activities of a person who creates new spiritual and material values, which have not existed in the world of nature and society.

Theology(Greek. theos.- God, logos.- Teaching, word about God) - a set of religious doctrines about the essence, existence and action of God. The system of dogma of Christian creed.

Theory(Greek. theoria.- Contemplation, research) is a logical form of reflection, summarizing the knowledge of an experimental study. Systematic complex of ideas or knowledge.

Tolerance- moral quality of personality, characterizing its particularly loyal attitude towards people, their needs, interests and beliefs.

Tolerance(Lat. tolerantia.- patience) - a philosophical-ethical category, expressing tolerance for other views, opinions, norms of behavior, communication and activity. The so-called tolerance philosophy proclaims the principle of equality between people. In bioethics, she implies benevolence and generosity. It acts as a principle of maintaining health in people, despite their social, national, sexual, age and other position in society.

Tradition (lat. tradition- Transmission) - Lifestyle transmitted from generation to generation. For tradition, it is characteristic of: careful attitude to the well-established customs that have previously developed ways of human behavior.

Transplantation(Lat. transplantation.- Power) - Method of treatment, when organs and tissues are transplanted: liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, intestines, bones, joints, limbs, brain cells, etc.

Demand- The simplest, but urgent element of moral relations in which the person and society are located among themselves.

Transcendental(Lat. transcendere- to go beyond some limits) - literally leaving the limits of sensory and mental knowledge of the world and building knowledge with a priori (forces) forms. In the philosophy I. Kant, a priori forms of knowledge of the world allow us to be aware of all experienced data. This is a philosophical reflection on a cognitive act, independent of the object of knowledge.

Transcendent- All other and external coordinated to any particular sphere or the world as a whole.

This is a theological concept. All transcendental inaccessible knowledge, it must be believed. Transcendental knowledge regardless of the empirical bodily individual and from the community of others.

Beliefs- Spiritual values \u200b\u200bconsciously adopted by a subject for personal decision making. This is a product of assimilation of a selected system or a set of elements of objectivated experience. In conviction, the value orientations characterizing the moral self-consciousness are included.

Respect- The most important requirement of morality, implying such an attitude towards people in which the dignity of the person as a socio-cultural phenomenon is practically recognized.

Skills- The quality of the identity of a compound or activity that allows it to be consciously and with the necessary level of quality of transformation in the world and society.

Universals(Lat. universalis- Universal related to the whole) - categories in which the most common characteristics of the object or subject are recorded, for example, "Man", "Society", "Consciousness", "Truth" and others.

Utilitarianism(Lat. utilitas.- benefit, benefit) - the philosophical-ethical system of views, based on the desire to achieve a certain benefit.

Phenomenon(Greek. phainomenon.- It is a philosophical phenomenon, the subject given in sensual contemplation as an unusual event.

Phenomenology- Philosophical teachings, seeks to clear the consciousness from certain installations, identify the original foundations for the knowledge of human existence and culture. The method of analyzing the "pure" consciousness. It was founded by the philosophical direction German philosopher E. Gusserl (1859-1938).

Philosophy(Greek. philosophia.- The doctrine of love and desire for wisdom) - a special form of understanding (critical) of all knowledge about peace, society and man as a targeted search for wisdom in human life and activities. Philosophy is a historical form of the theoretical systematic self-consciousness of humanity.

Huberty- Negative moral quality, evaluating the identity and its actions from the point of view of the hypocritical fulfillment of moral requirements. Hubbee usually hides distrust of people, suspicious, jealous attitude towards people.

Charisma(Greek. charisma.- The divine gift) is an exceptional identity of the individual with special qualities: holiness, all-in-law, infallibility.

Character(Greek. charakter.- A special feature) - a set of moral qualities of the personality, pointing to its mind and willpower. The moral character of a person or another manifests itself in his behavior and social acts.

Holism(Greek. hylos.- whole) - the philosophical doctrine on the essence of the phenomenon of integrity. The highest form of integrity is a person (personality), where there is a conjugation of objective and subjective, material and spiritual.

Hospice- A socio-medical institution providing palliative care and socio-psychological support is hopelessly sick and members of their families. But the hospice is not only a specialized institution where dying people receive real opportunities to meet death in favorable conditions and with dignity, but also the philosophy of attitude to life and death. This is a kind of "House of Mercy".

Integrity- Completion, Totality, Other and Own pattern of things. From the middle of the twentieth century This concept began to be used as the principle of bioethics, nominated by philosophers and scientists to indicate that it provides both physical, mental and mental identity identity, its self-identification, and therefore the whole should not be subject to manipulations and even more damage. And some medical interventions aimed at maintaining health, improving the state of a person are often associated with violation of integrity.

purpose- Key concept in concepts describing human behavior or any organic system. This is a predeterpable and desired result of a person. It is converted to all the means necessary for its achievement. In society, "nothing is done without a conscious intention, without the desired goal" (F. Engels).

Value- The philosophical and ethical concept in which the most clearly defined the grounds for human life and activity. This is the limit, unconditional foundation of creative-creative human life. Philosophical and ethical teachings studying and comprehensive valuables, now is axiology (Axio.- Value I. logos.- Word, teaching). This is a study

referring to the positive or negative value of objects, things, processes and phenomena for the productive life and human activity. Value can be material or spiritual. In the XXI century, the recognition and development of universal values \u200b\u200baimed at survival and further progress of world civilization takes great importance.

Human- Central philosophical category, indicating a special kind of part, the highest level of development of living organisms on Earth, and maybe in space. A person is a unique being that is most famous for itself in its empirical actuality and the most difficult in its essence by means of ordinary formal definition. Search for a response to the question "What is a person?" Performs the whole history of human culture, including bioethics.

Humanity- moral quality, expressing the principle of humanism in relation to the daily relationships of people and primarily medical and all social workers.

Honesty- This is a moral quality of personality, reflecting one of the most important ethical requirements for a person and his life. The opposite of honesty is deception, lies, hypocrisy.

Honor- The concept of moral consciousness and category of ethics, in many ways similar to the category of personality dignity and appeal to conscience. Like dignity, the concept of honor reveals the attitude of a person to itself as a moral personality. The concept of honor implies in relation to the personality of that measure of respect, which she deserved.

Suitless- moral quality of a person, characterizing his attitude towards other people and the whole living world. This is the main principle of bioethics.

Schveser Albert.(1875-1965) - an outstanding modern thinker, doctor, public figure, a theologian. He put forward the principle of "reverence (worship) before life", which was today the main principle of bioethics. According to the Switzerland, morality is not only the law of truly human life, but also the condition for the existence and development of all life on Earth.

Eudemonism(Greek. eudemonia.- Happiness, bliss) - a philosophical society, which is based on the idea that only happiness is the highest value, which is determining all the actions of a person, the purpose of his life. And happiness is complete satisfactory

the conditions of its existence achieved the realization of its human destination. Representatives of Eudemonimism were Socrates, Epicur, Spinosa, Leibniz, Bentam, Marx, etc.

Euthanasia(Greek. eU- Good I. thanatos.- Death) - the concept used in the context of biomedical ethics in relation to the field of medical and biological research. It is defined as a light and painless death of a person or the lack of action to prevent death. This term is introduced into the scientific turnover by F. Bacon (1561-1626), English scientists and philosopher.

Existentialism(Lat. ekxistentia.- existence) - the so-called philosophy of existence, the doctrine on the uniqueness of human existence as direct undecided integrity.

Experiment(Lat. experimentum- Sample, experience) - the method of scientific knowledge offering the active impact of a person in nature to clarify the objective properties, relationships and relationships.

Explication(Lat. explikation- Explanation, clarification of the word value, its deployment) - in detail, it is detailed to disclose the essence of the presentation, i.e. News from everyday consciousness to accurate scientific concepts.

Extracorporal fertilization- fertilization of a woman's egg cell, carried out outside her body, in a "tube".

Elimination(Lat. eliminare.- to endure behind the threshold, delete) - deletion, exclusion of something from the teaching or text.

Empiricism(Greek. empeiria.- Experience) - the key philosophical and gnoseological doctrine on the priority of the sensual perception of the world. According to him, all knowledge goes only from experience.

Epistemology(Greek. episteme -knowledge I. logos.- Teaching) - section of philosophy, theory of scientific knowledge. From gnoseology, it is distinguished by the study of the methods of knowledge used by science.

Ethics(Greek. ethos.- The place of shared stay and custom, as well as character, temper) - the philosophical doctrine of morality and morality as a system of norms and principles, values \u200b\u200band ideals, rules governing public behavior of people. This is a doctrine, reflecting the needs of people in finding a response to the question: how to live to live and act in the world of nature and people in their mind and in agreement with conscience, i.e. humanly. The philosophical meaning of ethical knowledge is manifested in the fact that they are based on the ideas and categorical apparatus of philosophy. Ethics now rightly refer to practical philosophy, i.e. teaching about building the right life of people

based on the general ideas about the meaning of peace, society and the place of man in them.

Ethics Humanistic- Philosophical teaching, which is particularly focused on man, his life, freedom of action and personal interests. It considers a person as a personality in its television integrity, so the foundations of the virtues of the person are laid in its worldview, and the vice - in indifference to their "I".

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Dictionary Terminos

by subject

"Computer science"



Amounted to: Miruda Tatyana Yurevna

top category teacher

Dictionary of professional terms is intended for teachers of a professional cycle, students and workshops of production training in accordance with the requirements of the FGOS

This dictionary contains the most common terms, which are used when working with computing equipment and necessary for continuous self-education and self-improvement in the field of information technology.

Paragraph - Structural text element. In the Word processor, an arbitrary sequence of symbols between the two symbols "Return of the corree", as well as between the beginning of the text and the "Return of the corre" and between the "Return of Corret" and the end of the text.

Network administrator - This is a specialist responsible for designing, installation, configuration, control, management and maintenance of networks (for example, local in the office or educational institution), systems, etc.

File address - Full file designation with a logical disk path, file and name path. For example: C: \\ Nort \\ exel \\ trf .bat.

Algorithm - This is the final sequence of unambiguous prescriptions, the execution of which allows using a finite number of steps to obtain a solution to the problem, uniquely defined by the source data.

Alphanumeric information - These are the symbols of the code table that can be entered into a PC with one press key (letters, numbers, service signs).

Animation - This is the revival of the image.

Hardware network resources - This is an additional equipment that can be connected to the network and divide between users. Hardware resources expand network capabilities.

Archivers - These are specialized programs that are intended for compression of files, i.e. To reduce their size.

File archivation - Operation on a computer that allows you to pack a group of files to one file-archive to save space on magnetic media.

Authentication - Checking the entered username and password of the user or other computer trying to access the resources of this computer.

Database - A set of data and objects associated with the overall task. Each database is a set of tables, requests, forms, reports that is stored in a file with arbitrary name and extension.mdb.

Byte - A combination of eight bits perceived by the computer as a whole. Byte is an eight-bit binary number, i.e. Eight-bit combination of zeros and units.

Bit - digit of the binary number system. The smallest unit of information known in nature. Bit value - 0 or 1.

Notebook The program, which is used to write any texts, or to create pages by writing a hypertext (HTML). Notepad is the default on the computer for each user of the Windows operating system.

Browser Program to view web pages. There are many different browsers: Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, Opera and others.

Buffer exchange - Z. it is temporary storage of information.

Web design - This is the design of web pages. It plays the same role for the site as printing design and layout for paper edition.

Webmaster - A specialist who is engaged in supporting and updating sites (commercial).

Vector . The vector image is when the image is represented as segments of straight, vectors. In the geometrical sense, the vector - directional segment, that is, a segment that the beginning is indicated (also called the point of the vector application) and the end.

Vector graphics The image consists of objects: geometric shapes made up of direct, arcs, circles and beam curves.

Video card (Video adapter) - manages the process of output information on the monitor screen.

Virus - Malicious program, which, as a rule, affects or disrupts the work of the computer and programs. The virus can get to the computer via the Internet, through electronic media (disks, disks). To avoid this, be careful, as well as periodically check the computer using antivirus programs that are able to detect and remove the virus from the computer.

Twisted para - One of the most common types of cable used for mounting various systems inside buildings.

The World Wide Web (Www) the most flexible and promising work tool in the global worldwide network. The user can display graphics, text, sounds, music and live video on the computer screen.

Headset - appearance, writing a font.

Flexible disk - Removable magnetic medium for constant information storage (as files).

Hypertext - The information presented in this form when certain words in the text are simultaneously links (pointers) to other information.

Global network - Combines computers or local networks, located very far from each other, in different cities, countries, on different continents.

Gradient - award transition from one shade or color to another shade or color.

Graphics tablet - A device for creating an image using graphic editors. You can also use it instead of a mouse.

Graphic user interface - Provides the ability to control the behavior of the computing system through visual controls - windows, lists, buttons, hyperlinks, etc. The first operating systems used the method of interaction through the command line.

Graphics editor Program on a computer that allows you to create and edit images on a computer screen: draw lines, paint the screen area, create inscriptions with various fonts, process images, etc. Some graphic editors provide the possibility of obtaining images of three-dimensional objects, their sections and reversals.

Disk Defragmenter - Optimization of the physical location of the files on the disk to speed up the computer.

Dialog window - The rectangular segment of the screen in which the user sets any parameters.

Dynamic site - A website that can fill with information by the company's employees using a special administrator interface software. As a rule, it is done with the use of the database.

Disk - Magnetic medium of information presented as files.

Drive - Electron-mechanical device for servicing the magnetic disk.

Document - object processing an application program.

Driver - A system program located between the application program and the peripheral device or memory and performing the service functions.

Inch - Unit of measurement of length.

HDD - non-removable magnetic media for constant storage of information.

Inquiries - These are specialized structures created to obtain certain information from the database .. With the help of requests, you can arrange data, make them filtering, combining, selection, or change.

Sound card - Additional fee for processing audio information and interfacing with external audio input / output devices (microphone, headphones, speakers).

Hierarchical structure - The structure of the data in which each generated element has one generating element.

Icon - Pictogram, small icon, symbolic image.

File name - The designation of the file that consists of its own name and expansion.

Indicator - Light bulb, reflecting certain parameters in the computer.

Internet protocol - Network protocol responsible for transmitting and routing messages between Internet nodes and defining data splitting data on packages.

Interface - Comfortable shell by which the user communicates with the computer.

Information system - A combination with one way or another way of structured data and a set of hardware-software to store data and manipulate them.

Uninterruptible power system (UPS) - A device that ensures uninterrupted operation of the computer when the voltage drops on the network.

Kehel - (Measured in paragraphs: 1 point \u003d 0.35 mm) is a conditional font size, the distance from the bottom of the lowercase letter, for example, to the top of the capital letter (y).

Keyboard - A device for entering alphanumeric information and control influences in the PC.

Code Table Symbols - Internal representation of characters in the car. Each character is represented by a decimal number (from 0 to 255), located in one pate.

Codes - Legend objects (digital or alphabet). Sometimes codes are called numbers.

Running title - Structural element of the document. Located in the upper or lower page and contains some information identifying this document (page number, section number, name, date, etc.).

Team - The name of the program (possibly with the parameters) started to execute.

Command file - Text file with extension.bat, whose strings contain successively executable commands.

A computer - A device for entering, processing and displaying all kinds of information.

Context menu - The menu that is revealed in Windows when you click right-click on any object and contains a group of commands to manage this object.

Copy - Creating an exact copy of the object while maintaining the source object in immunity.

Korel Dro. -CorelDRAW. One of the most popular vector graphic editors. Multifunctional. Used in many designer studios.

Corporate network - Local network covering a kind of enterprise, a company and unifying heterogeneous computing resources in a single environment.

Italics - Italic. Inclinment font. Example: " I am writing, I give you this letter, dear Maria Ivanovna, in the hope of ..."

Cursor - In text mode, a flashing strip (label) on the screen, emphasizing the position of the string in which the symbol will be displayed when you press the alphanumeric key. In graphic mode, the cursor has several modifications and can perform other functions.

Cache memory - A small block of high-speed memory where the newly used or frequently used data is stored, so that the processor does not need to remove this data from the main RAM. Cash memory is an integral element of any computer. It significantly improves the overall performance of the system, eliminating delays arising from the exchange of information between the processor and the RAM on the system bus.

Rule - Located in the top or left part of the document window. Designed to control and process document.

Linear drawing - An image created by a pencil on paper.

Logical disk - Part of the hard disk memory, identified by the Latin letter C:, D: etc.

Logical given - takes one of two values: "Truth" or "Lie".

The local network - Network limited to small distances and maximum number of nodes (computers) on the network.

Login - 1. Registration procedure on any site / server providing any services, such as postal service. 2. The procedure for identifying the user when entering the network to the site of any service, etc. 3. The username that it introduces to the entrance is permissible for the postal service where it is already registered.

Menu list of objects (operations, switches, etc.), which appears on the screen. Among these objects it is necessary to make a choice.

Modem - A device using the modulation of signals to transmit digital data through analog network. With the help of the modem, you can work on the Internet through the usual analog telephone network.

Monitor -Fig information display on the screen. Can work in text and graphic mode.

Mouse - manipulator, manual device To specify the screen coordinates and transfer the simplest commands.

Desktop publishing systems - These are programs that are intended to create layouts of printing publications: magazines, newspapers, booklets, books, etc.

Designing - Text can be scored by any of the four designs - ordinary font, bold, italic, underlined.

Notebook - Portable portable computer weighing less than 4 kilograms.

An object -1. However, from the basic concepts of object-oriented programming. 2. One of the components of the computer graphic image.

Window the rectangular segment of the screen, most often closed frame.

Window document - A window in which the document is placed is an application processing facility.

Window applications - The window in which the application is performed.

Online -Oneline. ON-LINE. The non-autonomic mode of operation is such a mode of operation when the computer has a network connection (for example, the Internet).

Operand - Element of expression (literal, variable, function, other expression).

RAM - A combination of special electronic cells, each of which can store a specific combination of zeros and units. The information is stored in RAM until the computer turns off, then it disappears.

Operating system - A program that organizes a user dialog with a computer manages the distribution and use of the machine resources, conducts the operation of all computer hardware elements.

Reports - Determine the forms of data submission that are displayed on requests or tables in the database. Data can be displayed on a monitor, printer or other output device in a convenient and visual form.

Offline -Offline. OFF-LINE. Offline operation mode - such a mode of operation when the computer is not connected to the network (for example, the Internet). However, with autonomous mode of operation, you can view on your computer previously specially saved from the Internet page and sites.

Memory - This is a device for storing information.

Fast start panel - Located the right button "Start", contains buttons to quickly launch basic programs.

Task bar - The element of the desktop on which the buttons are located to deploy the windows of the coiled, but not closed applications.

Toolbar - One of the elements of the graphical user interface, designed to perform the tool functions and the program management. Part of the toolbar means duplicates the horizontal menu features.

Folder (Catalog, Directory) - Received group of files on a flexible or hard magnetic disk.

Password -Password. Access code to obtain closed information (for example, to enter your mailbox).

Primary key - a set of table fields in a relational database, whose values \u200b\u200buniquely determine a specific record, i.e. Instance of the object.

Renamation - Operation of replacing the old file name to the new one.

Switch - Menu item, toolbar icon, field of dialog box. Determines whether some function will not be performed, there will be some mode.

Move - Move the object (file, block) to another place.

Personal Computer - This is a small complex of interrelated devices, each of which is entrusted with a specific function. This is the most common class of computers that can solve problems of various levels - from the compilation of accounting reports to engineering calculations. Designed for individual use.

Pixel - The minimum image element ("point") on the monitor screen created by the video adapter. It has a rectangle or square shape.

Pictogram - Graphic view on the Windows version of the software element, software group, windows, switch, shortcut, tool, etc. It is also called a icon, icon, symbol.

Plotter - Specialized widescreen printing device for the output of drawings, cards and other large-format images.

Repeater (Repeiter) - an autonomous power supply device that provides data transmission between network segments if the segment length is limited by the cable parameters.

Search system (search engine) - A system that allows you to search for websites containing the specified keywords. In order to collect information, each search engine has a special module (robot), which, moving from the reference to the link, collects and indexes the documents contained on the websites.

Field - 1. A structured element of recording a relational table, representing any given and type, length. In modern systems, the field is called column. 2. The Word document is a text element that contains special information.

Scroll bar -Scroll Bar. The horizontal and vertical stripes on the right and at the bottom of the document window appearing in case of uninvited within the content window. At the ends of each scroll bar, two scroll buttons with arrows are located, pressing on them or dragging the bar on the scroll bar, you can view the contents of the document.

Port -Noting on the motherboard to connect external computer devices.

Portal -Portal. A large site with a large number of information that combines a few topics that takes into account the interests of a wide audience, which provides a large number of visitors, fame, popularity. The portal not only absorbs a large number of some information, but also provides a visitor with a large number of references to similar resources, and also includes various interesting services (for example, search, directory, directory, place for communication (forum), possibly postage services , statistical services, etc. - depends on how large portal, its subject).

Permanent memory - serves to store data on the configuration of the computer, its settings, etc. This data is practically not changed or varied very rarely.

Mailbox -Mailbox. Mailbox in email systems. Create yourself an e-mailbox to send letters to other users Internet users on special sites providing such a service as a fee and free of charge.

Presentation - Install pictures (slides) on a specific topic. Stored in a special format file and can be shown to the audience on the monitor screen or on the big screen (using the projector).

Transceiver (Transceiver) - a device that connects a computer with a network and functions as a transmitter and receiver.

Printer -Printer. Device for outputting text and images from a computer to print.

Provider -Provider. Company, firm providing services to access the Internet.

Conductor - A program that allows you to perform operations with files and folders.

Program - A set of instructions compiled by a programmer and computer executable.

Program-shell (File Manager) - Designed for the convenience of working with folders and files.

Processor (microprocessor) - This is the "heart" of the computer, and the chipset is its "nervous system", which ensures the exchange of information between the processor and other parts of the computer.

Paragraph - unit of measurement of the font and elements of the dialing band. Reduction: "PT". Two measurement systems are now used: the DIDO system, where 1 point is 0.375 mm, and the Anglo-American system, where 1 point is 0.352 mm. In Europe and in Russia, the DIDO system is traditionally used, but in a computer set, the English-American system is mainly used. In many computer vertical programs, the item is determined for simplicity as 1/72 inches.

The path to the file - File designation with the chain of directories leading to the file and name. For example: \\ Nort \\ exe 1 \\ trf .bat.

Workspace - SAMIA most of window. It is designed to work with documents.

Work station - This is any working computer on a network that is not served. Requirements for workstations are determined by the range of the station tasks.

Radiator - This is a metal plate with a ribbed surface. Due to it, the heat exchange of the processor with the environment is significantly increasing.

Screen resolution Screen Resolution - the size of the monitor screen in width and height in pixels. The most popular are the permissions 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768. The higher the resolution has a computer, the more high-quality image it is capable of displaying on the screen.

Bigness - This is the number of bits that is perceived by the microprocessor as a single integer (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, a whole degree of number 2). The performance and maximum amount of internal memory, with which the machine can operate.

Raster . Raster image. The format of the graphical representation of the image in the form of a set of points.

Raster graphics - The image is formed by a variety of points (pixels), each of which has its own color.

Expansion - Expansion of the file name. The suffix file added to the name file, which complements the name itself, but most often indicates the format and type stored in the data file. The extension is separated from the file name itself. For example, Snow.jpg: where Snow is the file name, and * .jpg is a decrease, indicating that this is a graphic file, picture in JPEG format.

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{!LANG-735f17e9e7451aa388a2ea607051aec7!} {!LANG-2d582cc0d0379f102547036eae0e7ff9!}

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{!LANG-5002894031f992853229d70b08ca3f69!} {!LANG-dec1e5390587e951f12688c85312c3c9!}

{!LANG-4a1fc79a00fc036b5f5262899a48cdca!} {!LANG-3e46fee1e367bcb92d8b18e5239a03bb!}

{!LANG-ad40c6dccf2b0bf0985b80995d9ebb12!} {!LANG-846f204b3dde1e1b8f620fbdfeebf665!}

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{!LANG-b96d12b6344f7c678d23fb8460d128e9!} {!LANG-fce377895f5125ea6ace3281e0a99773!}

{!LANG-60e20a6f0936b9805a6969ce96096dcc!} {!LANG-b9999fb88a0a8969c198a72a638648ca!}{!LANG-e75e9433f817d369f8c4e13b3118fe92!}

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{!LANG-29a976d11f6816712ba118e89862f57c!} {!LANG-f5ff7551cc0915a1da321c2c3758ccde!}

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{!LANG-fbdafbfac07f76180bf1d1dc1e45c0c8!} {!LANG-aecf6a80048ace9c58c85c993c5953d4!}

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{!LANG-95eafd68230e79a25e6642816f25f5e8!} {!LANG-8123ffb43dbdadd390dbd38640e3bcc6!} {!LANG-f710e5402dadef905139932804d7f949!}

{!LANG-27052ec75e247a9f4a467bb72cf0f56d!} {!LANG-a2c934f59bf1c278ba62123ab67c0de1!}{!LANG-5a7f62491b2c5e3b4bc79860ec9c16d3!}

{!LANG-0f95ff72a397ecab52d00647d630a17b!} {!LANG-231aaab97e7b175295d6daf9237f2f99!}{!LANG-e8c6d78d294ea1593e370f89dbc9baeb!}

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{!LANG-f1643ea5dac18a744ea855e352d7e259!} {!LANG-fd75036ba2aaaf659800b5ece84041b4!}

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{!LANG-8c4d3f390838f6b77d595a42a55d6c1f!} {!LANG-7b0182ccecdfd7a2edd70ba86a5c1b45!}

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