Exclusive knife thrower show. Throwing knives, axes, spears is a deadly number! For the first time they impressed the audience and the jury at the "Minute of Glory" program with their skills

Exclusive knife thrower show.  Throwing knives, axes, spears is a deadly number!  For the first time impressed the audience and the jury for the program with their skill
Exclusive knife thrower show. Throwing knives, axes, spears is a deadly number! For the first time they impressed the audience and the jury at the "Minute of Glory" program with their skills

Knife Thrower History:
Igor, and this is the name of the main stuntman and artist from the knife thrower show, can be called an artist and entrepreneur with capital letter... It was he who came up with the idea to revive the long forgotten, extreme and very interesting genre like throwing knives. From a visual, professional, and commercial point of view, Igor's performance with his partner Tatyana turned out to be very effective and profitable. Let us remind you that Igor's number, as a knife thrower, is on this moment time, the only number of this kind in Russia, which has no analogues. The high-quality performance of stunts that border on mortal danger is simply amazing. But these are colossal years of constant daily training. The accuracy with which the artist throws knives, spears and axes simply causes shock and admiration among the public. Only complete trust, lack of fear, skill and accuracy of partners made it possible for Igor and Tatiana to revive the knife throwing show and provide an opportunity for the public with the help of the agency 123 SHOW, see this truly unique show.

Description of the knife thrower show:
The knife thrower show looks like this. First, Igor starts with "simple" tricks. At a distance of 5 meters from Igor, a wooden board measuring 2 by 1.5 meters is placed. In the center of the shield, without touching it, the charming partner of the thrower, Tatiana, stands up. Igor begins to throw knives at his partner, which bite into the wooden surface of the shield along the contour of the partner's body. Further more! Tatiana begins to change poses, and at the moment of changing the next pose, the knife thrower throws his sharp knife and he sticks into the place where a second ago was the partner's hand, leg, head! This is shocking! But even more shocking is the trick when the partner takes a small inflated ball in her teeth, turning her Beautiful face in profile, and the artist throws another blade in a swing, which, cutting into the surface of the wooden shield, explodes the ball and remains just a few centimeters from the partner's face. This is a sight !!! But, even this is not enough for Igor. He asks the assistant to pick up a sheet of paper in her full height and shield yourself from the knife thrower. The partner does this and the thrower, who does not see the girl, begins to blindly throw sharp spears, axes and knives at her. Imagine, he never touches the artist. The knives outline the girl's silhouette without damaging her body !!! This is something unforgettable and amazing! Well, if you yourself want to test your nerves for strength, and show how brave you are, then you can do this by becoming an independent target for a knife thrower. The brave spectator from the audience is placed in the center in front of the shield and the artist performs the simplest trick that we described at the very beginning of the show. But, as a rule, we do not have many such daredevils. Liked? Extreme? Fearfully? Then go ahead - invite the knife thrower show to your holiday.

The uniqueness of the knife thrower show:
The mere fact that Igor is the only one performer in Russia of the number of a knife thrower suggests that the number is unique. Knives, axes, spears are weapons that not everyone can master. Igor and Tatiana are unique people. They are playing with death! They perform tricks that are almost incompatible with life! Step to the right, step to the left, and ... that's what attracts the audience. If you really want to surprise your guests with an original, unique spectacle, we recommend that you order a knife thrower show.

Invite or order:
In our time, the age of advanced technologies and mobile phone- systems, it is difficult to surprise with anything. But people have always strived for something unusual, for something that causes an explosion of feelings and emotions. One of such unusual things is the long-forgotten genre. circus art- Knife thrower show, do any of us dare to repeat this? You can invite or order a knife thrower show for an office party, graduation, wedding, birthday, anniversary with the help of our 123 SHOW agency, which has long been cooperating with the performers of the knife thrower show Igor and Tatiana, being their official agent.

Order knife throwing and invite an extreme show to the celebration - by phone on the website.

For the first time they impressed the audience and the jury with their skills at the "Minute of Glory" program.

Knife thrower - is the winner in the nomination " Best program original genre"On VI All-Russian festival animation programs in the field of tourism and show business.

Due to the constant complication of stunts, the audience's attention is riveted to the stage. The drive, charisma and powerful energy of the Knife Thrower turn the performance into an amazing and extravagant show. This is an incredible level of extreme, which has no equal !!! Exclusive costumes.

Artists of the extreme genre with real knives, axes, spears perform real deadly tricks with a smile.


THE ONLY knife thrower in RUSSIA specializing in rare and unusual forms of artistic expression.

The show is incendiary, easy, fun! A specialist in unique traditional art, whose origins are LOST IN THE MIST OF TIMES ...
Theatrical show programs:"The Beast and the Beauty". An action-packed love story between the Beast and the Beauty. A drama unfolds before the eyes of the viewer. The beast is not able to move away from the girl, but he can only keep her by force ...
"Magic VIP fairy tale" and"Bye weapons"
This combination different ingredients with paper, knives, axes, spears and fire. This is an intriguing number that gives the audience an emotional boost and good mood.
The theatrical performance of a knife thrower is unique and original. V stylish suit, knife thrower performs serious deadly stunts. Due to the constant complication of stunts, the audience's attention is riveted to the stage. The duration of the program is from 12 to 30 minutes. ATTENTION: absolute safety!
You can order an extreme show performance and enjoy extreme knife throwing by phone on our official sata or in the order form.

The drive, charisma and powerful energy of the Knife Thrower turn the performance into an amazing and extravagant show - this is an incredible level of extreme that has no equal!

Participants of the largest cabaret in the world "Cabaret du Monde" France, Paris on Magic TV 2018. Got talent in Georgia. The knife throwing show and the crossbow duet hit the World Global Talent 2017. If you really want to surprise your guests with an exclusive show, we recommend you book the Knife Thrower show, which is sure to make a splash! Knife throwing is one of the oldest forms of entertainment. related to the so-called Impalement arts. The knife thrower exhibits a unique art with deadly stunts. His wonderful assistant - the girl - is the target. Sharp knives cut into the board next to it, creating the strongest atmosphere of risk and excitement. The drama, the intensity of the situation with each throw, when there is an opportunity to injure or even kill the girl standing near the board - this is what attracts the public's attention for a long time. Without the element of risk, this number would be just a demonstration of the accuracy of the thrower. And the assistant's candid, seductive outfits add to the sensation of sensual sexuality. The thrower's task is not just to throw knives at the board next to the girl's body. His goal is to show the best facets of his skill, his highest professionalism. This is why the knives stick into the board just a few centimeters from the assistant. Every knife throw is intrigue, a daring thrust that reflects the confidence of the thrower. Every day of training for 25 years makes this artist unique. Hardly anyone would dare to repeat this? A demonstration of skill that will take your breath away. Required great amount time to train deadly stunts, so that they can be easily performed on stage later. Only partners with extensive experience, trusting each other, perform tricks inches from death. Cabaret and burlesque artists combine exquisite chic, humor and merry chaos. This show is so unique that it is ordered for the most sophisticated, for the most exclusive, elite and sophisticated , ambitious and pretentious entertainment. Forget everything you knew about knife throwing, a new incarnation has arrived martial arts... Get ready to be fun and afraid. Stop time for you with our knife master. He throws them like no other. The art show format is very flexible. Artists can adapt to any type of event, making the performance as vivid and intriguing as possible for each specific venue and audience. The team has successfully worked in restaurants, clubs, theaters, circus, open areas. The team of artists works all over the WORLD! There are no restrictions for them! You can order a show anywhere in the world, and the artists will come to you. The Knife Throwing Show is a rare genre of circus art. Very few people seem to have a chance to see this performance. On professional level only 10 bands all over the world work in this genre. And in Russia - this is the only team that presents a show of this level! Igor Krychun and Tatyana Karmazina are participants in many TV projects on the ORT, Russia, NTV, STS, Moscow Doverie TV channels, including the Minute of Glory TV program. They are also winners in the category "Best Original Genre Program" at the VI All-Russian Festival of Animation Programs in the Field of Tourism and Show Business. Artists of the highest caliber will provide your event with entertainment.


The knife thrower show is an exclusive product in the event industry market. In Russia, this is the only duet working in this genre... In the whole world, no more than 10 teams perform with throwing knives at a girl - the goal.
Art related to Impalement arts is not taught at the university. This art is elitist!
It is one of the types performing arts, in which the assistant plays the role of a human target. The knife thrower demonstrates the accuracy of the throw as close as possible to the girl's body without causing any damage to her.
Most often, throwing art is found in circuses and attractions, as well as in cabaret, variety shows and burlesque shows. Moreover, this genre is the subject of themes for literature, art, photography and film.
Igor Krychun's performance will not leave anyone without emotions and adrenaline rush. Anyone, even the most sophisticated spectator, will find something new and delightful for himself. As for the children, they are always delighted with the performance of the knife thrower.

Special Conditions (Rider):

Two assistants are required to carry out the props to the site.