How 3 World War starts. Prophecies about the Third World War

How 3 World War starts. Prophecies about the Third World War
How 3 World War starts. Prophecies about the Third World War

Talking about the beginning of the third world war is increasingly sound, some even claim that it is already under hybrid form. And what does the prophets say to this? In Russia, the prophecies of Vangi know well, but in the world it is rarely quoted, probably due to the Russian film. We offer you predicting popular Western clairvoyant on this topic.

1. Predictions of 90-year-old Norwegians Gunhilds of Smelhus. (Gunhild Smelhus) From the town of Valdra in 1968, Pastor Emmanuel Tollefsen Minos (1925-2004) is one of Norway's most influential evangelical preachers. "The third war will become the biggest catastrophe in history, it will not be marked by political crises and will begin unexpectedly," said Smelhus. - The prosperity of Europe and the illusory sense of security will make people move away from religion: temples will empty and turn into entertainment sites. " Values \u200b\u200bwill also be changed: "People will live like a husband and wife, although not in marriage"; "Fathering before marriage and marital treason will be natural"; "The TV will be full of violence, so cruel that he will teach people to kill."

One of the signs of the approximation of the war, Brelhus called the immigration wave: "People from poor countries will arrive in Europe, they will also come to Scandinavia and Norway." The presence of migrants will lead to tensions and social unrest. "It will be a short and very cruel war, and it will end the atomic bomb." "The air will be so polluted that we will not be able to breathe. In America, Japan, Australia - in rich countries - water and soil will be destroyed." "And living in rich countries will run into poor countries, but they will also be cruel against us as we were against them," the Norwegian pastor records say.

2. The Balkans are very popular Serbian providers Mitar Tarabich (He died in 1899) - a peasant from the village of Silna. He said that he heard the voices in the head, who told him about the fate of his people and the world. In his prophecies, he also saw the "refugee columns in the Serbian borders."

"In this war, the scientists invent the most diverse and strange cannon kernels. Blooming, they instead of killing, will smash all living things - people, army, livestock. Under the action of this witchcraft, they will sleep instead of fighting, but then wake up again "."Us (Serbam. - Ed.) You do not have to fight in this war, others will fight over our heads, "said Tarabich. According to Providen, the final conflict will affect most of the globe:" Only one country on the edge of the world, surrounded by the seas and is as big as our Europe, It will live in peace and without problems. "What a country is, reader, guess yourself.

Interestingly, his descendant Jody Tarabich, who died in 2014, that the main battle will be held between Russia and Turkey. As a result, Constantinople will again become Orthodox, and "Russian people will liberate all Orthodox and Serbian lands."

3. Bavarian Prophet Mattias Shromeberger (Matthias Stormberger) (1753-?) Was a conventional shepherd. He, after the end of the second Great War, the "Third Universal Fire" comes. "The third war will become the end of many nations. Almost all countries will take part in it, millions of people ... They will die despite the fact that they are not soldiers. Weapons will be completely different ". "After the Great Last War, a large farm will be able to be bought in two or three gold coins," the post-war world of Stroneberger described.

4. Another German is clairvoyant, also from Bavaria, - Alois Irlmayer (1894-1959), the builder of fountains, "helped to seek missing in war. He saw the "pictures" of events from the future. "The world will blow up suddenly, but he will be preceded by a fertile year," he said. Two digits must be associated with the start date of the war - 8 and 9.

"East Armed Forces (Muslim troops. - Ed.) A wide front will move to Western Europe, the fighting of battles in Mongolia ... The People's Republic of China will conquer India. Beijing during these battles will apply its tank teriology weapon ... Five million people in India and neighboring countries will die. In the east, Iran and Turkey will fight. A revolution and civil war will occur in Russia. There will be many corpses on the streets, no one will be killed them. Russians will again fight in God and take the sign of the cross. How long it will last, I do not know. I see three ninth, the third brings the world. When everything is over, some people will die, and the rest will be afraid of God. "

5. In the US, the providers is very popular Albert Pike (1809-1891) - American soldier, poet and high-ranking Mason, founder of the "Satan Church". In a letter dated August 15, 1871, Juseppe Madzini Pike described the back of the world wars to Italian Mason and Revolutionar. He predicted the first and second world wars as an invention of illuminates. The third world war of Pike saw in the conflict between Israel and the Muslim world.

"This war must be kept in such a way that Islam and the state of Israel mutually annigulate each other." Although the existence of the Illuminati is considered by some as a conspiracy theory, Pike at the end of the XIX century: "We control Islam, and we will use it to destroy the West."

By soldering, the world after the Third World War will be the kingdom of Lucifer. "People, disappointed in Christianity, whose ideological spirit from this moment will be without a compass pointing the direction, will receive the net Lucifer's teaching," the Satanist wrote.

6. We will finish the review yet predictions of the Bulgarian Clairvoyant Vangu. The Russians believe it, because her prophecies were surprisingly accurate. As for the Third World War, in front of his own death on the question of the beginning of the war, she replied: "There was still no Syria." Hence the conclusion - it is impossible to give Syria to fall, that Russia does.

Regardless of whether the third war is going to break out or, according to some, it is already underway in the form of smaller conflicts, it will undoubtedly lead humanity to the death of civilization. Albert Einstein said on this matter the following: "I don't know which weapon will be used during the Third World War, but the fourth will happen on sticks and stones ..."

Many ask themselves the question when the third world war begins, is it really a real prospect, and not fiction fiction? To answer this question, you need to refer to the story.

The reasons that have led the world to two world wars, and the modern situation in the world

To understand whether the Third World War is possible, it is necessary to analyze the reasons that led to the beginning of the first two world wars.

  • The First World War was carried out for the spheres of influence in Europe and for the colonies that were not enough at all;
  • World War II became a continuation of the first and began as a consequence of Hitler's policies, which came to power, skillfully playing the thirst for revenge of the loser's German people, adding his theory about the exclusiveness of the Aryan race here.

The results of the war in all cases are the same:

  1. Hunger and destruction;
  2. Epidemics and antisanitary;
  3. Tens of millions of killed and crippled soldiers and civilians;
  4. Civil conflicts;
  5. Mrajusting and banditry.

As a result, post-war devastation discardes nations for decades ago in development.

The theory of "Pendula" in the light of recent events and crusades

Based on the theory of a pendulum, you can make disappointing forecasts about the Third World War. In the Middle Ages, the people from the countries of Africa (the so-called "Maurians") captured Spain, where many years made devastating raids on european countries. The pendulum was hardened, and the Maurians left Europe, and the Europeans arranged the field of useful resources from Africa, without worrying about the needs of a simple population.

If we turn to the story, we can see the analogy of the Crusaders with modern "peacemakers," who again seek in Africa, alleged in the name of high ideals, although the real goal is oil.

Does this mean that the Third World War is inevitable? Most likely no. The major world powers with nuclear potential are a kind of guarantor of the world on Earth. Only madness, knowing what is capable of nuclear weapons, can unleash the world conflict, which will lead to the disappearance of at least 90 percent of the world's population. Catastrophes at nuclear power plants were clearly demonstrated to the atom.

Since wars pursue humanity throughout the history of its existence, the military conflicts in the "hot spots" of the planet are inevitable. Their main goal was always the benefit that may be learned from this policy and corporation. But since after the third world war, there will be almost no people on Earth, the economy will be completely destroyed and the money will lose their value, "the strengths of this" will not allow this.

Predictions about the Third World War

The probability of war, according to modern predictors, is not at all insignificant. Every year the next "prophet" appears, which not only draws the scenario of the third world, but also calls the exact date of its start. The terrible visions are voiced in which the fire befs on the ground and the water turns into a poison. The start date of the terrible conflict is constantly transferred, so even the most superstitious citizens stopped believing these "prophecies."

Machinator predictions are so foggy that almost any conflict in the world can be associated with the beginning of the 3rd world war. With the exacerbation of the conflict in Baghdad, when the oil and American tanks were burned into battle, the number of fraudsters wishing to earn people on superstitions increased in geometric progression.

However, in all predictions, you can trace the same idea: humanity will have a choice, and it will depend on it, it is waiting for a complete extermination or a happy future.

Third World War, Prophecies of the Strongs of the Past and Modernity

The predictions of the famous monitants of the past and modern times about what New World War will differ from each other by dates and possible options for the development of further events. Online various quotes that can be interpreted by anything. Recent events in the Donbas and the aggravation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine provoked rumors that the Third World War begins, and fierce disputes are being conducted on the Internet about who will win it. Wang, Nostradamus and other similar "prunerators" were popular.

Wang warnings scare a large-scale world conflict on religious grounds that should grow into a massive civil war. Events in the East can be interpreted as the beginning of this conflict, although this region has never been distinguished by stability and there are constantly similar conflicts. Another Vanga pointed out that natural disasters along the world pokes, and the consequences of this war will make her children, that is, our generation. Despite the large number of coincidences in Vanga's predictions, you should not believe unconditionally in them.

Predictions of Matrona Moscow Regarding whether the Third World War will be unclear. Holy argued that the battle would not be, and the number of dead would be huge. Some interpret this prediction as a possible blow from space or the terrible world epidemic of an unknown disease. Russia in this prediction is predicted by salvation and revival.

The most foggy predictions of the future at Nostradamus. His verses, called mood, can be interpreted very widely. If you specify the goal, you can bind to them almost any world's event. IN lately Many scammers speculate on the predictions of the famous astrologer of the past, in the hope of making money on the lungry of the population.

Predictions of the foreneermen of modernity are more rainbow. For example, Pavel Globa argues that it is not worth afraid of a nuclear war. The main problem of the future will be the economic condition on the planet. As a result of the exhaustion of resource reserves, Europe and the United States will lose their position on the world stage, and Russia will enter the leading position, thanks to the rich raw material base in the country. The association with the CIS countries is predicted to create a stronger state.

Malakhat Nazarova, a predictor from Baku, also not frightened by terrible catastrophes, although it does not exclude that the Third World War can begin. According to her theory, the world is immersed in chaos at the end of each century. Although the war can begin, according to the forecasts, she will not lead to the extermination of humanity.

As we see, the prophecies are quite foggy and contradictory. Blindly believe they should not. It is better to listen to the opinion of famous politicians and military leaders.

Military and Politician Forecasts

The possible beginning of the world conflict is worried about not only ordinary planet citizens, but also strong this world. In 2014, the huge resonance caused the publication of the Political Analysis of Joachim Hagopian, who claimed that Russia and the United States were seriously prepared to join the open conflict. All major world states will be drawn into this war. On the side of the United States will rise the entire European Union, and Russia will support India and China.

The main reason for the global conflict analyst calls the rational of energy reserves. According to Hagopian, the US economy stands on the verge of bankruptcy, and to rise, it needs to capture new raw materials bases. According to the expert, this conflict will untie the third world war and will lead to the complete disappearance of some nations.

American officer, the former head of Nato Richard Shirreff described his point of view in the book "2017: War with Russia." According to his convictions, Russia will capture the Baltic countries, which are included in NATO, after which the US government will lightly enter the war with Russia. According to Shirreff, the US Army will suffer a crushing defeat, since from year to year government spending on the US Army decreases.

Knowing the real role of Russia on the world arena, its authority and peaceful policies, this development of events looks untrue.

Results of a possible military confrontation between the United States and Russia

In order to estimate the possible results of the global conflict between the United States and Russia, you need to try to approximately assess the combat potential of both sides. The British Colonel Jen Shields cites such data on the number of both armies:

  1. NATO soldier exceeds 3.5 million, which is more than 4 times higher than the number of the Army of Russia (according to the same data it is 800,000);
  2. NATO has about 7.5 thousand tanks, which is three times the number of tanks of the Russian army.

Despite such a significant superiority of human resources, it will not play a big role in a possible war. The main role in this conflict will be played by the latest technology, the use of which is capable of destroying tens of thousands of soldiers in seconds. Yen Shields believes that one should not fear that super powers will begin to apply nuclear weapons. Destruction in this case may be so huge that it will not be for war.

Forecast from Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Wolfovich believes that the United States will not rapidly enter the war until 100 percent is confident in victory. According to Zhirinovsky, America provoked the conflict of Ukraine and Russia in order to weaken the enemy and pull him into war with Western Europe. After it becomes clear who wins, the United States will achieve the loser and captures its territory.

The opinion of the LDPR leader tends to often come true. The Third World War according to his forecast will occur in the time interval from 2018 to 2025. Russia will win and immediately make a huge leap in development.

Overpolenity of the planet as a real reason for the start of the Third World War

It is suggested that by 2050 the population of the globe will exceed 9 billion, and it will take such a number of food as the earth is not able to give. All this will lead to the fact that people will start to fight each other for food, which will lead to terrible wars. These are not fantastic forecasts, and the calculations of a number of scientists. The only way out of the current situation is seen by the introduction of a family planning method.

Already, many countries have exhausted their natural resources and is forced to cut out forests, which will not be enough for a long time. A huge problem was the presence of huge landfills that are not recycled and spoiled by ecology. After the cutting of all forests on the planet, global warming will begin, which will force many people of the third world countries to make mass migrations to more suitable for the life of the Earth, occupied by other peoples.

All this will inevitably provoke a conflict between refugees from third-world countries and the population of civilized countries, which can end only with the complete destruction of one of the parties.

Despite the sinister predictions and exacerbations of conflicts on the world stage, it is unlikely to expect the beginning of the Third World War from this side. It is necessary to reconsider the consumer attitude towards nature, otherwise our grandchildren will get the future, approximately familiar to us from postpocalyptic films and games.

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I am fond of martial arts with weapons, historical fencing. I write about weapons and military equipment, because it is interesting to me and well familiar. I often find out a lot of new things and want to share these facts with people who are not indifferent to military topics.

Military actions, according to Prid-Tsev predictions, will begin at the end of summer or in the fall (September, October). Muslims will attack unexpectedly and come from the re-current.

Quote from Baikirha's book "Prophetic voices", 1849: "The month of May will be seriously preparing for war, but it will not reach the war. June will also invite to war, but it will not reach it either. July will be so serious and formidable that many will come with their wives and children. In August, in all corners of the earth will talk about the war. September and October will bring great bloodshed. In November, surprising ve-soup will occur. "

Alois Irlmayer: "A year, when the third Mi-Roy War breaks around, March will be such that the peasants will be able to cross Oats. The year before the war will be fertile, with an abundance of fruit and grain. The time of year I am able to draw only on the signs. On the mountain vertices is snow. Overcast, it is raining ahead of the snow. In the valley everything yellows. " (Fall?)

Norwegian fisherman Anton Johanson (1858-1929): "The Third World War will begin in the middle of July - on-Chalet August. In North Sweden Summer. There are no snow in the Norwegian mountains. A hurricane will be the beginning of the war in the spring or autumn year.

The prediction of Herman Kappelman from Shaudingen: "In a few years a terrible war will break. Pre-primers of the approaching war will be primrose on pastures and widespread concern. But this year nothing will start yet. But when a short zi-Ma passes, everything will bloom, and it will seem that it is calm around, then no one else will believe in the world. "

The "Forest Prophet" Mülchiazl (1750-1825): "One of the noticeable approaching war will be" building-auverable fever ". Build will be everywhere. And everything will not look like at home, including buildings, resembling honeycombs. When people are so carried away by their arrangement, as if they never gather to leave the earth, then the "great destruction of the world" will begin. "

Abbot Kurikye (1872): "Strong struggle will begin. The enemy literally rushes from the east. In the evening you will still speak "Peace!", "Peace!", And the next morning they are already bought from your threshold. In a year, when a powerful military confrontation begins, spring will be such an early and good, that in April the cows will be expelled on the meadow, the oats can not be hardened, and wheat can be ".

Vanga, the famous Bulgarian predictor, in the seventies of the 20th century, said: "When the field flower stops smears, when a person will lose the way to compare when the river water becomes dangerous ... then the general destructive war will break out." "War will be everywhere, between all nations ..."; "The truth about the end of the world should be sought in old books"; "What is on writing in the Bible will come true. The apocalypse is coming! Not you, but your children will then live! "; "Humanity is prepared, but many more cataclysms and stormy events. Changes and consciousness of people. Grave times are coming, people will divide them faith. The oldest teaching will come to the world. Ask me when it happens, is it soon? No, not soon. Syria still did not fall ... "

Perhaps the war between Christian and Islamic countries will begin in 2038, but the main hostilities with the use of nuclear weapons will occur in 2060.

After the cataclysms committed to the neutron star, a short-term passage in the battle of peoples, but after some time wars will begin again. Based on the information available in prophecies, the main activities will occur in the territory of West Europe. This slaughter will apply nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons. Alliance Mu-Sulman and African countries will capture Israel, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, part of Italy, France and Germany. Predicts about Russia's participation in this world slaughter is very small, but it will also be involved in the battle of this terrible war.

Michelle Nostradamus about times reminiscent of Ko-Nep Sveta, wrote that they will begin in a year, in which a passionate Friday will have to be on St. George's Day (April 23), a bright Sunday (Easter) - on St. Mark's Day (April 25), and a holiday Boda Christ is on St. John's Day (June 24). Such coincidences were raised repeatedly, in particular, in 1886 and 1943.

In Catholic Easter - tables, in which the days of the annual celebration of Easter and other religious celebrations, depending on the movement of the earth around the Sun, the position of the Moon (Easter communication with full-Liance), as well as in connection with the seven-day week (resurrection) The dates of the holidays are inconsistent and move from year to year. Due to the unequal rules of the calculation of Packers from different religions, the Days of Easter celebration do not correspond to each other and fall on the different dates. According to Catholic canons, the following coincidence of the data listed ligorous holidays and the Easter celebration will occur in 2038 (April 25). It is curious that Orthodox Christians, despite the differences in the methodology for calculating Easter, this event will also happen on April 25, 2038 - a rare coincidence.

Nostradamus has specific guidelines on the dates of military con flits, which will begin in the forties of the XXI century. In the 6th century, Katrer 54 Prophet gives an exact indication of the number from which some four-digit dates must be counted (per year from Liturgy 1607-M).

6-54 2045

At the dawn, with the second cries of the rooster, the people of Tunisia, Fez and Bohi, (in general), Arabs - captives King Morocco, in the year from Liturgy, 1607th.

In 1607, nothing like that did nothing-diminished in Morocco. Nostradamus indicates that this event occurs in such a year from liturgy, i.e. not from the Nativity of Christ. When adding existing numbers, we obtain (438 + 1607 \u003d 2045), i.e. 2045 year. .

Time period from 2040 to 2060 Nostradamus in Svolyan, especially many predictions. Perhaps at this time in the territory of France, Germany and Italy, another war will start.

Head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn.
God of Most High, what changes!
Then through the long century it will return its evil time.
Gallium and Italy, what excitement.

1-2. According to the Julian calendar, according to which the Nostradamus era was produced, on March ("The Head of Aries") falls at the end of February in the Gregorian calendar. The difference of dates between two calendars in the XVI century - 10 days. Taking into account this, OPRE-DELIM, the connection time of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of fish (February). The connection of these planets is quite a short phenomenon, and it occurred on February 18, 1941.

Changes - events of the Second World War.

3-4. Then, through the long century, his evil time will return - the next connection of Jupiter and Saturn (after a century) will occur on October 27, 2040.

The prediction of terrible events similar to the Way World War, which will occur in a hundred years in France and Italy.

Nostradamus in several sixes indicates three-valued numbers with which you can determine the year of the upcoming event. And all of them are devoted to the soro-house years of the XXI century. Perhaps in these dates intend - but the number 1 is passed.

On the great throne, large atrocities will resume in large quantities than ever. In six hundredth, the fifth on the greenery will be captured and return.

The soldiers will be in the fields to the cold, then everything will begin again.

In six hundred and fifth - adding this number to the date of the pen Catholic liturgy (1605 + 438 \u003d 2043), we get 2043. In subsequent sens, anal-practical decryption of dates is used.

XIX. 2043-2045, 2055 years.

Six hundred and fifth, six hundred and sixth and seventh will show us up to the year of the seventeenth instant rage, hatred and envy, hidden for a long time under the olive tree. What was dead will come back to life.

XIII. 2044-2048 year

The hired soldier in six hundred or ten will be struck by the bile placed in the egg, and will soon be deprived of the power of the general powerful lord. There is no such and equal to which is not in the world, and which everyone obeys.
Six hundred sixth or tenth - i.e. In 2044 or 2048.
It will be amazed by bile placed in the egg - military actions with the use of chemical weapons.

Xxvi. 2044-2048 year

Two brothers belong to the church order. One of them will raise the weapon for France. Another strike in a year six hundred sixth, is not broken by severe illness, with a weapon in his hands up to six hundred tenth, his life will not last longer.

XLII. 2048 year

The Great City, where the first person is
I absolutely call the city,
All alarmed and soldiers in the fields.
Will be very destroyed by fire and water
And finally, freed by the French,
It will happen, starting with six hundred to the tenth year.
Great city - Rome. The first person is Pope Rome.

In the centuries of Nostradamus there are many priests about wars, which have already taken place, and the upcoming world thermonuclear favory with terrible lasts. I will give only some quatrains of the Great Pro-rock, related to the events of the coming.

In the sky there will be noise of battle weapons.
In the same year, the enemies of the Lord
Write to blasphemously challenge the holy laws.
Orthodox devoted to death with lightning and war.

1. Military actions using aviation.
2. The beginning of religious wars between Christians and
Islamists who, according to Nostradamus, will extend
With small breaks until the end of the XXI century.
3-4. An attack of Islamists for one of the Christian countries. Numerous victims of war.

At sunrise they will see a big flame, noise and thunder stretch to the north. Inside the circle - death, hear shouts, they are waiting for death from the sword, fire and hunger.

Unleashing war with the use of thermonuclear weapons. Inside the circle - the epicenter of the explosion.
The noise and thunder stretches to the north - usually Nostrad-Mus in this way indicated the countries located north of France, or Russia.
The invasion of the aggressor after applying a bomb or rocket strike. Numerous victims of war and as a result - hunger.

At the 45th degree lights up the sky, the fire will come close to the large new city. Instantly gets the shower flame. When they want to experience Normans.
At the 45th degree - France is located on this latitude.
Large new city - the name is not identified - but. In most cases, the prophet applies this word-combination to Naples.
Instantly, the simplest flame is caught up - the use of nuclear weapons in France ("When the Normans test").

In a year, when Saturn and Mars both (will) are burned, the air is very drained, a long meteor. Hortified lights burned a large space, little rain, hot wind, war, invasion.

1. The connection of Saturn and Mars is quite frequent phenomenon. One of them will occur on July 28, 2064. Co-burning is the term used in astrology for the monitoring of a close connection of the planets within three degrees.
2, 4. Drought in the country or on the entire planet. Wars.
3. Hortified lights burned a large space
War is possible. The use of thermonuclear

On the Danube from the Rhine will be given a great camel (and) does not rush in it. Ron shudders and stronger from the Loire, and near the Alps rooster will destroy him.

1. occupation of countries whose territory is located
We are in the Basin of the Danube and part of Germany.
2. The Great Camel is a Muslim commander.
3. Invasion of Islamic troops in France with eight-ka. Perhaps on the part of the Alpine Mountains.
4. The death of the Islamic commander and the defeat of his Ar-Mia in the Alps. Rooster - commander, president of France.

France due to negligence attacked from five sides, Tunisia, Algeria plunged into the confusion of Persians, Leon (Tina, that for) Sicily, Barcelona will fall without having received the fleet, (promised) venetians.

1. Aggression of Muslim states against FRs. Attack into French territory, including air ("attacked from five sides") using aviation.
2. The attachment of Tunisia and Algeria to the Union of Islam states led by Iran.
3. Capture of Sicily Islands and the city of Barcelona at the Sea-Vero-East of Spain.
4. Violation of Italy earlier concluded
On providing military assistance, probably with Spain, and failure to support Sicilians.

Thames enhances Girondu and La Rochelle.
0. Trojan Blood! Mars at the arrows gate;
A staircase is pressed behind the river to the fortress.
Fire knives (produce) a large massacre in the break.

1. Gironda - the mouth of the rivers Garonna and Dordogne. La Pocher is a port city in southern France in the Biscay bay. The United Kingdom ("Thames") will help France's military assistance during the invasion of the Muslim Empire to Europe.

2. Arrow - Eiffel Tower - a symbol of Paris. War in France.
3-4. The seizure of one of the cities of France, which is raised by the river. Perhaps Paris. Fire knives - tracing shells or a new type of weapons.

Gallic kingdom, you will change very much. The empire moved to a foreign location. Submit to someone else's businesses and customs, Rouen and the tatcher cause you a lot of evil.
Occupation of France by Muslim troops. UT-RATA countries of independence, significant changes in laws and religion ("submit to other people's businesses and customs").
Transferred the capital and government to the territory of another state.
Rouen and the tatcher cause you a lot of evil - maybe the betrayal of the interests of France by these cities? Cooperation with invaders?

In Fua will enter the king in blue chalme
And less than one turnover of Saturn.
The king in Belaya Chalme in Byzantium, the winner extension.
Sun, Mars, Mercury near the urn.

Foa is the historical region in the south of France, in Pi-Renay.
One turnover of Saturn - the period of circulation of the planet around the Sun is 29.4 years (small cycle).
Blue Chalma - Sufi Persia. White Chalma - Sunni Turkey.

1-2. The invasion of Muslim troops to France and the occupation of its southern regions for almost 29 years.
3. Exile - winner. In Almana, for 1566, Nostradamus wrote: "The kingdoms will be flooded by the Byzantine blood. The exile reigns on the throne ... Javel is the movement of the kingdom as a decline of Mugometanism. After 960 years on the day before, in 72, non-cue great discord will begin between white and blue heads, or whiteness and heavenly color; And they will happen to them with the greatest events. "
4. Connection of the data of the planets and the Sun in the box of urn (January) will occur on January 1, 2073.

Bavarian fountain builder Alois Irlmayer, Ro-House from Freilasing (Bavaria), predicted: "Already in the beginning of a third world war, a chemical and tank-teric weapon will apply.

Soon after that, the first atomic rockets will be launched. While the Armed Forces of the East (Muslim troops. - approx. Auth.) Wide front will move to Western Europe, the battles in Mongolia ... The People's Republic of China will conquer India. The battle center will be a district around Delhi. Beijing during these battles will apply its tank teriology weapon. As a result, twenty-five million people in India and neighboring countries will die. Brand new, unknown to the epidemic, unknowns will flash. In the east, Iran and Turkey will fight. Balkans will also be occupied by their troops. (Chinese?) We will invade Canada. USA from 1907 will participate in just five wars. During the war, the Great Darkness will come, which will continue 72 hours ... in Europe, they are still unfamiliar diseases. In France, Lyu-dei, first of all, the young, will hit the blindness and sweat of the reason, the human bodies will start completely splintered. "

According to predictions of numerous prophets, at this time part Western Europe will be captured by Mu-Sulman and Chinese troops. The prophet does not specifically indicate in his visions, with whom the Russians will fight in this war. Perhaps Russia will take torture to prevent the occupation of European countries, but will be defeated.

Vision of Alisa Irlmayer: "Everything spoke about the world, everyone shouted" Shalom! " I see: "Great" falls, there is a bloody knife near him. Two men will kill a special rank. One of the killers is a low brunette, the second is blond, a little higher. They will be hired. After this murder will grow up a new Middle Eastern war. In the Mediterranean Sea will occur the battle of various military-naval forces - the situation will be tense. I see three numbers: two eights and nine (perhaps 2088- 2089 year. - Approx. Aut.), But I do not know what they mean, to what time they are attributed. War flashes at dawn and will come suddenly. Farmers sitting in a pub busy playing cards will see other people's soldiers looking into the doors and windows. The Black Army will come from the East, everything is pro-coming very quickly. I see Troika, but I do not know what it means maybe three days or three weeks. It is like a golden city. A year before the war will be very Uroyin, and the winter will be soft.

The combined troops are marched from the east to Belgrade, and then put forward to Italy. Then three AR-Mii with a speed of lightning, without any warning put forward in the direction of the Northern Danube to the Rhine River. The first will appear near the Bavarian Forest in the North On-Board along the Danube. The second army will take place from the east to the west over Saxony to the Rura's pool. The third will go from the northeast to the West and will pass over Berlin. Ros-Syyan is nowhere to delay, day and night they will uncontrollably strive for the goal, to the Rura's pool. The population in panic will run away to the West. Cars blocked roads and become an obstacle to tanks. I do not see Nick-kih bridges on the Danube north of Rachibon. The destroyed Frankfurt will not remind a big city. Pre-Lina Rhine will be devastated, mainly from the air.

I see the land, no matter the ball, and on it the air jackets of aircraft that fly up as a flock of white pigeons. Retribution will immediately come from "big water". At the same time, the "yellow smoke" will overtake Alaska and Kana-Du, but it will not go far ...

I see the earth again, no matter how the ball is flying on a white pigeon. A large number of pigeons from the sand pulled out, and then yellow dust fell. It will happen in a warm night when the Golden City will be destroyed. Airplanes will relieve yellow dust between the black and the northern seas. A strip of death will appear, from the sea to the sea, with a width of half of Bavaria. Where dust falls, everything will be dead - every tree, bush, grass, animals, will die and turn around. At home will remain-smiling. Yellow dust line will reach the city, spilled over the bay. It will be a long line, but I do not know what it is, and therefore I can not describe more precisely. Who will go through this line, he will die. Those who will be on one

Side, will not be able to go to another. Therefore, the attacking troops will break. They will be forced to go north. All that they will have with them will throw out. No one will come back there. Russian supply is prevented ...

Two troops will fight from the west to the southwest. The divisions will turn to the north and will refund the attack of the Third Ar-Mii. In the east there will be many tanks that are still going, but inside there will be some blackened corpses. There, the pilots dump small black boxes, which, almost the reach of the earth, explode. Then yellow or greenish smoke or powder is spread. Everything that will face this dust is dying, still a person is a belly or plant. This poison is so strong that people become black, and their bodies are lagging behind. For the course of the year, no one can enter this zone, otherwise he risks life. Because of this, the attack on the Rhine will be left-novel. No soldier of the three armies return home. In the infected zone, the grass will not grow up, but people can live.

Because of the natural catastrophe or something else, the Russians will be forced to return to the north. On the Rhine I see Crescents (Muslim troops. - approx. Aut.) Who wants to devour everything. They will fly to the north, where the third army went out to destroy everything. There will be a sign that everything died - people, animals, grass. They will come to all cut and hit everyone. None of the three armies return home. The last battle will play around Cologne.

I see a plane flying from the east, which something throws into the Great Water, and then there will be something south-visible. Water will rise as high as the tower, and will fall, everything will be flooded. One part of England will disappear when the pilot drops this thing into water. I do not know what it is ... (perhaps Muslim troops will be applied geotectonic weapons. - approx. Aut.) Earthquake will occur, and the southern part of England but not. Three cities will be destroyed: the first water, in the WTO-ROM, located above the sea level, will be visible only by the tower of the church, and the third will be completely destroyed. Everything will happen very quickly.

I see three lines - can be 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months - I don't know exactly, but it will not last long. The islands will drown, because the sea will be drawn up. I see big holes on the sea, which will be filled when the pain of the waves will be returned. A beautiful city, which is located near the sea, almost completely drowns into the sea, in dirt and sand. Other countries located by the sea will undergo a big danger, the sea will be turmoil, and waves with a height of the house will foam, as if something was cooked under the ground. The islands will disappear, and the climate will change. January will be so warm that although coma-ry will dance. Maybe it will be a transition to another climatic zone. Then no longer will be normal winters, such as we know now.

During the war, a dark will come, which will last 72 hours. During the day it will be dark, degrees will fall, there will be lightning and thunder, the earthquake will force the planet Der-toget. At this time, do not get out of the house, burn only candles. Who will inhale dust, he falls into convulsions and die. Distow the windows and do not open them. Water and products that will not be tightly closed, will become in-feminine, as well as that which will be stored in glassware. Everywhere death, provoked by dust, a lot of people die. After 72 hours, everything will end, but in recently: do not come out of the house, burn only candles and pray. That night will die more people than in the two world wars. Do not open windows for 72 hours. There will be so little water in the rivers that they can easily be restored. Cattle will die, grass will yellow and dry,

Human corpses will become black or yellow. Then the wind will send clouds to the east.

The city with the Iron Tower will be a victim of his Lu de Day. They will be burned, there will be a revolution, people are wild. The city will absorb fire due to its inhabitants, but not because of those who come from the east. Very clearly see that the city is completely destroyed. In Italy will also be restless. Aliens from the east will kill a lot of people. Dad will run away, many priests will be killed, there will be many churches many times.

A revolution and civil war will occur in Russia. There will be many corpses on the streets, no one will be killed them. Russians will again fight in God and take the sign of the cross. The leaders will commit suicide, thereby melting their bloody guilt. I see how the masses of red and yellow are mixed, a riot and terrible murders will arise. Then the Christmas song will sing and burn the candles near the icons. The prayer of Christians the monster of hell will die, many young people will believe in the intercession of the Bo-townsman.

After the victory, the emperor will be crowned dad. How long it will last, I do not know. I see three ninth, the third brings the world. When everything is over, some people will die, and the rest will be afraid of God. Laws that bring death to children will be abolished. Now the world will come. I see three glowing crowns, a thin elderly person will be our king. In the south, the "old crown" will also appear. Dad, who for a long time could not escape because of the water, will return and will complain because of his killed brothers.

After these events will come long and happy daidium time. Those who wait will be very happy. People must start a new life where they started their ancestors. "

In many cases, the vision of Alisian Irlmayer is largely coincided with the predictions of Nostradamus and other prophecies, so it can be assumed that they are not the fruit of the author's fantasy.

There is a mention of three world wars and Grijia Rasputin, he published his predictions in 1912. The image of the snakes can be interpreted as destroying-aunts. The prophecy of the elder: "People go to Kata-Stroof. The most impetuous will rule the wagon and in Russia, and in France, and in Italy, and in other places ... Chelovsky will be crushed by the act of madmen and Dyaev. Wisdom snack in the chain. The ignorant and authorities will dictate the laws of wise and even humbly. And then most of people will believe in the power of the people, but will light up in God ... Kara God will not be skiing, but terrible ... Three-year-old snakes will crawl along the roads, leaving them as ashes and smoke, they have one house - and they have a sword, and they have one The law is violence, but, dragging humanity through dust and blood, they themselves died, nut from the sword. "

The first two snakes have already passed through long-suffering Europe. This is the first and second world wars, the rest is another snake - the third and most terrible: "Nastu-Peit World Time, but the world will be written in blood. And when the two fire is extinct, the third fire will burn ashes (WHO, radioactive ash - the consequence of the explosions of atomic bombs. - approx. Aut.). Few people and few things will continue. But what will persist should be subjected to new cleansing before entering the land of the earth. "

Another prediction of Rasputin about the future war: "The world expects three" lightning ", which are consistently smeared the land of the sacred rivers (possibly - Iraq), palm garden (Egypt) and Lilies (France). From the West, a bloodthirsty prince will come from the West, which will enslave a person with wealth, and from the east, another prince will come, who will enslave a person with a poverty. "

The prophet and aggression of Muslim countries against Christians were predicted: "Magomet will move his house, having passed the road. And there will be wars like summer thunderstorms, Valya trees and ruining the villages.

And it will be until it reveals that the Word of God is one, even though it is said in different languages. And then-gda will be one, as one will be bread. "

After many years of occupation of Muslims of significant territories of Western Europe, the liberation war under the auspices of Germany and France will begin. Russia will take part in this war.

In centuries, Nostradamus describes in detail this period of time.

The German heart will be born from Trojan blood, which will be very powerful. Off the alien Arabic people, returning the church initial superiority.

1-2. From Trojan Blood will be born by the German Serny - the Great German ruler of French bang.
3. Exile of Muslim invaders from Germany, which previously seize part of the German territory.
4. Restoration of the Christian religion and the influence of the Church in the occupied territories.

On the herbaceous fields of Alein and Vneghe
At Mount Luberon, near Durene,
From the sides of both camps, the fight will be sharper.
In France, the intercourse will fade.

1-2. Alein, Vernega - settlements northeast of the salon. Luberon - Mountains north of the Duran River in Provence.
3. Decisive battle in the south-east of France Me-Waiting for Islamists and the French.
4. Meternrech (Mesopotamia) is modern Iraq. Obviously, in this case, the symbol of the Alliance of Muslim states. The final victory over Islamists on the territory of France ("Miscellennium").

The latter is won by a hostile man among Gallov, instantly extinguished (his) strength and land, when the envious enveloped, combat the arrow.

1. The Great French State Worker, a military leader, under the leadership of which the invaders will be expelled from the territory of France and are crushed.
2-3. The military actions of the French army on the ter territory of the aggressor.
4. The death of the opponent ("envious") is the ruler of one of the states. The battered arrow is synonymous with weapons.

The Great Razmi will come close to Byzantium, the barbaric union will be expelled.
Of the two laws (win) one, pagan weaken. Barbarian and Franc in a constant enmity.

1. The Great Razmi is an outstanding French floor making or prominent state leader.
2. Exile of Islamists ("Barbarian Union") from Ev-Rople.
3. Restoration of the influence of the Christian Church.
4. Barbarian and Franc in a constant enmity - confrontation and war between France and the Muslim world.

Big City Tara Gallam
Will be destroyed, all in Chalmi captives.
From the Great Portuguese (comes) Help by sea
On the first day of summer, dedicated to St. Urban.

1. Tare (Tarsus) is the Turkish city in the south-east of Malaya Asia.
2. The destruction by the French of the Turkish city and capture the prisoners.
3. Support for the Portuguese Navy in the War with Muslims.
4. On the first day of summer, dedicated to St. Urban - May 25 in the Julian calendar.

Twice rising and dropped twice, East, as well as the West weakened. His opponent after several battles is expelled from the sea, when it will be needed, will not come.

1-2. Prediction of the elevation and decline of the countries of the Bill and West. Probably Muslim and Christian states.
3-4. His opponent - i.e. Islam countries. The defeat of Muslim troops in several battles and defeat the sea fleet.

Next year, not far from Venus, two of the greatest Asia and Africa, from Rhine and Istra, how they will say, come. Screams, crying in Malta and the Ligurian shore.

1. Not far from Venus - probably anagram, which Nostradamus uses several times in his skates, i.e. Italian city of Verona, near Venice.
2. Two of the greatest Asia and Africa are the leaders of the Aliance Asian and African countries.
3. From the Rhine and Istra - the Union of Germany and Russia, the aggressor. Moscow Region River Istra Nostradamus is a symbol of Moscow and Russia.
4. Screams, crying in Malta and the Ligurian shore - military actions in Malta and in Italy, which, based on the information laid down in previous katsins, will be occupied by Islamists.

Similar to Griffon, the king of Europe will appear, accompanied by the people of the North, will lead a large army of red and white, and (they) will go against the king of Babylon.

1. Griffin - in ancient mythology a fantastic flying animal with a torso lion, orline wings
mi and head of eagle or lion.
The King of Europe is the leader of the Union of European countries.
2. Accompanied by people of the North - German or Scandinavian troops.
3. A large army of red and white - Armed Si-lies of Spaniards ("Red") and French ("White"). White color - the bourbon dynasty symbol.
4. And (they) will go against the king of Babylon - the war with the Alliance of Muslim states.

Descriptions of the events of the Third World War, who predict the prophets, are surprisingly similar to each other. And this can not be a random coincidence. Those who need to listen to these numerous warnings and take all measures so that all this does not happen. Although, according to the same prophesion, all this is useless. No one will take any measures to prevent the next bloody slaughter.

This article may seem frightening. But we all live at such a time that the beginning of a new world war is becoming a real prospect. The article will respond to the question of whether the date of the beginning of the third world war is predicted or not.

Modern War

In the representation of most people who grew by filmography on the reasons of the Great Patriotic War, the standard of combat looks like a clipping from the film. Correcting logically, we understand that exactly how ridiculously looked like a checker out of 1917 in the hands of the Soviet soldier of 1941, it will be strange to observe the picture of barbed wire, cutting at night by the partisans in our time.

Yes, and agree, having a weapon of mass lesion in the form of nuclear charges, bacteriological crops and climate management, paradoxically expect to repeat the classics in the form of a bayonet knife and dugouts.

Silent panic, improving the subscription users of the network and skillfully heated media, is felt in thousands of hourly received requests. People were so assumed in the inevitability of trouble, which almost do not ask questions - will she be? The clumsy formulation sounds much more relevant: when is the exact date of the third World War I have been scheduled?

And this is already frightened.

Battle for resources

The epoch, when the main contribution of the winner was forests, fields, rivers and defeated people, passed irretrievably. Today, the greatness of the country is not dictated by the population and not rich victory history, but by the possession of underground treasures: oil sources, natural gas deposits, coal plates, uranium deposits.

The date of the beginning of the Third World War is not silent. She just passed so long ago that the exact number was hardly preserved in the minds. The dream of engines of trading policy - the economy and struggle for the first place in the leader elite were headed by the head of the main life values.

Here it is notherent to remember the main method of trade relations, working everywhere and at all times. The most selective piece was never delivered by the trading and fighting for him - someone's third, standing aside and sympathetic observing behind the fight was always present.

Based on the events: how it can be

Many will intervene in, will get alone. It is no secret that the main threat to Russia is attributed to the United States account, but the events unfolding around the world's largest leaders say that the universal tension creates only the visibility of a real threat. The flow of pioneering information masterfully supports the highest bar on a mass hysterium scale, while the war unfolded by the mighty power (read - the United States) has begun long ago.

Events in Ukraine, Iraq and Syria are not talking about spontaneous, but carefully thoughtful actions, over which no hundred analysts worked on such a rich strategic experience, which neither in any of these countries simply do not. After all, we are not talking about random collisions that resemble the former fights "courtyard to the yard" - we are talking about war, tightening the masses. And here, all kind of peacekeeping missions with the introduction of friendly troops. Only heating a hostile attitude with friendly weapons.

The EU willingly perceive the information in the form in which it presented it to the European Union, apparently, there is no time nor the initiative. As a bull on a red rag and leaders of the European Union, will respond to the slightest movement of the United States towards hostilities against Russia.

This will give reason to speak for a long time to restraining the Chinese government. Stagnation of American troops in the Pacific region has long been poisoning the existence of patient Chinese, whose hand is already tired trembling over the nuclear button. Israel's reaction is also predictable - long-expected consonant nods by the United States will allow them to collapse on Tehran, but for a long time is Israel for a long time, a big question. It is hardly time to give rise to the last volleys of Iraq, like Libyan, Omansky, Yemen and (where and without them) - Egyptian bombs simply will easily reach the unlucky aggressor.

Does anyone else interesting the date of the beginning of the Third World War? Then we are discussing further.

Side view - how it will

It is useful to listen to what he thinks about events, scary to say - the coming, retired Colonel-General Anatoly Lopate, formerly the head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine. Looking ahead, we note that the remark of the former Minister of Defense about the location of the future field of the battle completely coincides with the opinion of the British Colonel Aviation of Jena Shields.

On the question of journalists, what is, in fact, the third world war and when it starts, Anatoly Shoven calmly explained that the war is in full swing and the country-aggressor is called in it - who would you think? - Of course, Russia. And even with respect to America, at least in the fact that it meets the sympathy of the Assad regime in Syria (!). At the same time, Colonel-General acknowledges that the United States is forced to reckon with the Russian Federation and it will remain unchanged, due to the enormous economic and military potential of the latter.

The start date of the Third World War, according to the specialist, thus refers to the distant past, but its development to the scale of epic battles is to the future, which still needs to live. Anatoly shovel shared even the mysterious digit - 50. In his opinion, it is through this number of years in wide spaces of space that the warring powers are faced.

Forecasts analysts

Joachim Khagopian, known since 2015 warned that the recruitment of "friends" by the US countries and Russia is not accidental. China and India will follow Russia in any case, and the EU countries have nothing to do anything as soon as you accept the policies of America. Korea Khagopian predicted military neutrality with respect to both powers, but a rather stormy internecine war with a probability of activating nuclear charges. It can be assumed that the day when a powerful weapon is powered by, and there is a date of the beginning of the third world war.

Alexander Richard Schiffer, an interesting person and head of NATO in the past, in his book: "2017: War with Russia", predicted the defeat of the United States due to the financial collapse, followed by the collapse of the American army.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as always, is unequivocal and says what the most delicately silent. He is confident that America will not begin any open actions until all countries involved in the military conflict will not spare among themselves in the collapse, and exhausted, do not form what will remain from weapons. Then the United States generously collect depressed losers and will be the only winner.

Sergey Glazyev, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, proposes to create a coalition, which is not fundamentally supporting military policy against Russia. The set of countries that are officially ready to speak out for the refusal of armed conflict, according to him, will be gained such that America is just forced to temper appetites.

As Vang believed

The date of the third World Warga Wang, the most famous Bulgarian provincial, predeter or could not or did not want. In order not to embarrass the minds with a specific, clairvoyant said only that the cause of the war sees religious distribution worldwide. Conducting a parallel with current events, it can be assumed that it is not predicted by Wange, the date of the beginning of the third world war falls on the period disguised under the offended religious feelings of terrorist acts of the ISIL grouping.

Operating accurate dates

How not to mention the American Horatio Wielegas, whose vision of the fiery spheres, affecting the Earth from Heaven, has become a sensation in 2015. Enhancing the actual materialistic tasks to the act of clairvoyance, Horatio hurried to announce that he was known for the date of the third World War - 13.05.2017. We note with sprinkling or great joy that there was no fiery balls on May 13 and did not have to observe anyone.

It remains to hope that people who expect great events in March 2017 were not very upset, when they lost confirmation by the words of Astrologer Vlad Ross. Recall that the date of the third World War I was also named this person - 03/26/2017, not found a response in reality.

Under the Third World War, the global military conflict is meant. Today Issues like "Will the Third World War be and when it starts" Not fantastic fiction, but quite real concerns of citizens. In addition, now, given all the growing stress on the world arena, such questions, more than ever, are relevant.

All prerequisites in the world lead to a new extensive war. It would seem, in our time, the words "Three World War" nobody will never pronounce, because the very concept of it is blissful with the elimination of the Evil Empire. And, it seems like, no one to keep continental struggle (as it was in World War II) or nuclear (it is assumed that this is how the third will be held).

Someone thinks and imagines the third world war: trenches, cracks in black, covered earth, "enemy" somewhere around the horizon ... These ideas are written off and formulated on the basis of many films and stories about the terrible and such distant war of our fathers and grandfathers. This is the Great Patriotic War. Or the Second World War. But the Third World War will not be like that.

Many are confident that the future war is already underway. Media, at least daily and tirelessly, with the annoying of the boring flies, we are talking about it. The so-called information battle. So who are warming and why? The story is repeated, bringing a new global conflict to the world for the right to possess the Earth. However, now this land, in addition to the population and territories, should have another important quality: resources.

Gas, coal, oil. This raw is the engine of all the economies of the world. The central actors in the future war, as experts believe, will be "sworn friends" - two powers that have all the possibilities for mutual destruction of both each other and the entire planet, using their reserves of nuclear weapons.

Where to wait for war

Do not think that the threat should be expected from Europe. She is engaged in deep self-analysis and elimination of "economic fleas". No danger of Europe for Russia does not represent. The true enemy will come from afar, he will come from behind the ocean. It is unlikely that someone is surprised by the assumption, because since the time of Fulton speech in 1946 the future enemy is clearly defined and his name for anyone in Russia is not a secret.

It would seem, well, what is America to us? What does Russia do wrong again? What benefit wants to extract the US and what will try to teach the "simple Russian man"? The answer is simple - resources and possibly ambitions as a powerful country that does not tolerate competition.

Also impossible to forget the "peacemaker" in the face of the EU. Now this peacekeeper resembles a provocateur who cheers under the USD. As if echoes from the countries of Europe, the repetition of the USA - sanctions, sanctions, and sanctions and ... Third World War were heard.

The worldwide integration of societies and economies led to the largest and inevitability of a new war that will cover the whole world. The ability to receive news practically "first-hand", in online or, thanks to satellite television, gave humanity a stunning privilege to learn everything much faster than a decade ago.

It is worth noting, however, that the flow of pouring information completely beat off the desire to critically evaluate and analyze the events and facts provided. Indeed, for most users, a string of democratic revolutions, government coups and local military shocks - simply, the disparate parts of world politics, which will eventually become history.

But is it? This is a question that will remain unanswered. Whether we believe in the Masons, the "world-class kuklovodov" yes "Almights of the All-Union Planet", we hope for sanity and prudence of rulers to use or not using nuclear weapons - all this does not affect the events occurring in the world.

It is quite possible, the Third World War is just conducted on the monitors of computers, televisions and in the headphones of radio lovers. But the fact that it is already begins, unleasising, as if on the spiral, the global conflict is a fact.

At the same time, the armed conflicts of a local nature at different points of the planet clearly tell us that the Third World War is around the corner, only the question remains when it starts. It is also worth understanding that this will not be simply a military conflict of a global scale, and, quite possibly, the real nuclear war, the result of which almost complete extinction of humanity can become.

In accordance with the theory of conspiracy, the Masons intend to reduce the number of people of the planet to 1 billion. According to members of the secret society, this number of inhabitants will be optimal for reasonable consumption and complete control of natural resources.

In any case, the use of biological weapons to reduce the population is too dangerous. We must not forget that substances are able to mutate and, quite possibly, the masons themselves will not be able to defend themselves from their own "seed evil", as they will not have vaccines.

Thus, it is the Nuclear Third World War that most considered by the experts the development of further events from the Masons with their desire to bring world order with total control.

Third World War: Predictions Clairvoyant

In the conditions of the world, frozen on the threshold of something global and frightening, people listen to everything that gives at least a little-faded picture of the coming. It seems that the war that covers the country is inevitable. It is only possible to see the confrontation between different civilizations, radical ideologies and the threat of terrorism.

Do not forget about natural cataclysms and catastrophes that happened due to humanity itself. They also provoked the struggle for the necessary resources - energy sources and clean water.

As today, and many years ago, wise men, scientists and lovers tried to decipher ancient records, predictions and prophecies of famous psychics and leaders to find answers to many people interested questions. The most important question to which I want to find a soothing answer is whether the third world war will be.

Hermit Kasyan. I predicted a tectonic catastrophe, after which people hungry crowds hung on the surviving territories, causing even greater destruction, carrying the final death for peoples.

According to Alois Ilmeyer At the very beginning of the Third World War, bacteriological and chemical weapons will be applied, atomic missiles will be launched. East will declare a war of Europe. Diseases, like from a horn of abundance, will begin to pour on people, producing terrible, unprecedented epidemic. Due to the movement of tectonic plates, many territories will become unsuitable for life and this will cause Muslims and Asian attacks. Also, the provider says that Syria will become the key or to the world, or to the beginning of world war.

Forest providez MülchiazlIn turn, noted that the main promotion of the upcoming war will be the "construction fever" - as if the bees in the ulle, the peoples will erect huge honeycombs, filling the planet. It was quite possible a prophet meant the concern of humanity with the material side of life more than spiritual.

The Great in his moods wrote that the war will begin in the 21st century and will last as much as 27 years. This bloody and destructive war will come from the east.

Sleeping said that the Global War would start with Syria, replete to Europe and go further. A large-scale battle between the Christian and Muslim world is coming.

Grigory Rasputin I broadcast about three snakes that brought great destruction. The two world wars were already, and therefore humanity is waiting for new tests.

The situation develops truly threatening. But, despite the fact that the whole world is now wondering: when there is a war, you must not forget that she, it is quite possible, has already begun. And the war began in our souls. Now the material benefits erected in the first place, and not a laughter of a child or a mother's smile.

I sincerely love, sympathize, helping has long been not relevant. But if we become more often thinking about our own souls and the general good, you may be able to avoid the bloody slaughter.