Douglas Adams "all the best, and thanks for the fish! Douglas Adams is all good, and thanks for the fish.

Douglas Adams "all the best, and thanks for the fish! Douglas Adams is all good, and thanks for the fish.

Ricka and Heidy for the provision of their sustainable phenomenon, Mozenov, Andy and all residents of Huntshhem-Court for the lease - for many unstable phenomena, and thank you Sonny thanks for stability in the face of all phenomena.

Dedicated to Jane

Far and far, in the western spiral spiral sleeves of the Galaxy long ago who have not seen the western spiral sleeves of the Galaxy long ago, a tiny, no one is an interesting yellow star.

Around it, at a distance of about ninety eight million miles, an insignificant green planet is drawn, the inhabitants of which are still very similar to their ancestors - it is enough to say that the e-watch is still considered to have a miracle of technology.

This planet has - or rather, there was one problem: the majority of people living on it only did that they suffered because they did not find happiness in the lives. Many solutions were born, but almost all of them were reduced to the redistribution of small green papers - which in itself is very strange, since someone who, and small green blocks of paper have not experienced any suffering, for happiness did not look for.

The decision was still not in any way, and the planet was full with embittered people, for most of which the feeling of misfortune was constant - and even the electronic watches did not clarify their lives.

Gradually spread and fastened the conviction that all misfortunes went with the way people descended from the trees to the ground. And someone even believed that the mistake was made even earlier - with trees, too, there was nothing to contact and there was no need to get out of the ocean.

And somehow on Thursday, after the rain, after almost two thousand years after one person was pinned with nails to the tree for calling at least sometimes, just for a variety, to treat each other in a good way, a kind of girl Sitting alone at the table of a small cafe in Rickmansworth, suddenly thoughtful, what was the whole snag and how the world is still able to make the abode of happiness and peace. This time the case is in a hat, everything will certainly work out - and no nails and bringing live people to trees and other subjects!

Here is the story of this girl.


That evening hemnelted early - the usual thing for this time of year. It was cold and windy - the usual thing is also.

He began to rain - again a completely ordinary thing.

Made a landing spacecraft - TAKA, it's already interesting.

Ship did not notice nobody, except for several phenomenally stupid four-legged, who did not know what to do with it and whether to do anything at all - it is possible to eat it, for example. Therefore, they acted as always in case of confusion, - that is, they drew away away and tried to hide each other, which, as always, did not bring them the slightest benefit.

The ship came down from the clouds - it seemed that simply slipped like a rope, by a thin beam of light.

They published it was barely noticeable in the mining and thunderstorm clouds, but near his gray, a rather small body with elegant knowledge looked breathlessly beautiful.

Of course, it is difficult to predict the growth and dimensions of the natives of other, unknown to you, but if you use the report of the last exclictic census or any other reliable directory of average data, you will come to the conclusion that six people can accommodate in such a ship. And you will be right.

True, I dare to assume that this conclusion you will be able to come without a reference book. As for the exclosity census, she, as we started with us, ate a bunch of money and did not inform anyone anything new - except for the fact that each resident of the Galaxy accounts for on average for two tenths and one domesticated hyena. Since this is clearly not true, the results of the census were from sin away sent to the garbage basket.

The ship slipped through the thickness of the rain to the ground, shrouded in a pretty rainbow cloud - then his overall lights were broken in the raw air. The quiet bugging of the engines was becoming louder and the Bassoveth, and at the height of fifteen centimeters above the level of soil and turned into a deaf grumbling.

Then grumbled smalcot, and silence reigned.

Luke folded back. A short ladder unfolded by itself.

Bright light He hung out of the hatch in the crude night, the shadows were buried inside.

In the circle of light, a leaning figure appeared. Looked around, shivered and set down the steps. Under the arm, it carried a huge plastic bag.

Hollowing on the ground, the alien turned around and waved the ship awkwardly. The rain flowed along his hair, a drip over the collar.

Thank you, - he shouted, - a large spa ...

The foolish roller thunder drowned the residue of the phrase. The algered glanced at the sky and, guided by the sudden temper, began to rummary in his huge package, at the bottom of which a hole was discovered.

On the side of the package was largely written for everyone who owns the Centabyrian alphabet: "Duty free. Megarket. Port of Brasta, Alpha Centauro. Be how twenty-second elephant with bloated economy capacity in space - Gav! "

Wait, "the alien shouted, splashing his hands.

The steps of the ladder, which was already curled and filled into the hatch, again turned around and let the aliens in the ship.

Douglas Adams. All the best, and thanks for the fish!

Ricka and Heidy for the provision of their sustainable phenomenon, Mozenov, Andy and all residents of Huntshhem-Court for the lease - for many unstable phenomena, and thank you Sonny - for stability in the face of all phenomena

Dedicated to Jane

Far and far, in the western spiral spiral sleeves of the Galaxy long ago who have not seen the western spiral sleeves of the Galaxy long ago, a tiny, no one is an interesting yellow star.

Around it, at a distance of about ninety eight million miles, an insignificant green planet is drawn, the inhabitants of which are still very similar to their ancestors - it is enough to say that the e-watch is still considered to have a miracle of technology.

This planet has - or rather, there was one problem: the majority of people living on it only did that they suffered because they did not find happiness in the lives. Many solutions were born, but almost all of them were reduced to the redistribution of small green papers - which in itself is very strange, since someone who, and small green blocks of paper have not experienced any suffering, for happiness did not look for.

The decision was still not in any way, and the planet was full with embittered people, for most of which the feeling of misfortune was constant - and even the electronic watches did not clarify their lives.

Gradually spread and fastened the conviction that all misfortunes went with the way people descended from the trees to the ground. And someone even believed that the mistake was made even earlier - with trees, too, there was nothing to contact and there was no need to get out of the ocean.

And somehow on Thursday, after the rain, after almost two thousand years after one person was pinned with nails to the tree for calling at least sometimes, just for a variety, to treat each other in a good way, a kind of girl Sitting alone at the table of a small cafe in Rickmansworth, suddenly thoughtful, what was the whole snag and how the world is still able to make the abode of happiness and peace. This time the case is in a hat, everything will certainly work out - and no nails and bringing live people to trees and other subjects!

Here is the story of this girl.

That evening hemnelted early - the usual thing for this time of year. It was cold and windy - the usual thing is also.

He began to rain - again a completely ordinary thing.

Made a landing spacecraft - TAKA, it's already interesting.

Ship did not notice nobody, except for several phenomenally stupid four-legged, who did not know what to do with it and whether to do anything at all - it is possible to eat it, for example. Therefore, they acted as always in case of confusion, - that is, they drew away away and tried to hide each other, which, as always, did not bring them the slightest benefit.

The ship came down from the clouds - it seemed that simply slipped like a rope, by a thin beam of light.

They published it was barely noticeable in the mining and thunderstorm clouds, but near his gray, a rather small body with elegant knowledge looked breathlessly beautiful.

Of course, it is difficult to predict the growth and dimensions of the natives of other, unknown to you, but if you use the report of the last exclictic census or any other reliable directory of average data, you will come to the conclusion that six people can accommodate in such a ship. And you will be right.

True, I dare to assume that this conclusion you will be able to come without a reference book. As for the exclosity census, she, as we started with us, ate a bunch of money and did not inform anyone anything new - except for the fact that each resident of the Galaxy accounts for on average for two tenths and one domesticated hyena. Since this is clearly not true, the results of the census were from sin away sent to the garbage basket.

The ship slipped through the thickness of the rain to the ground, shrouded in a pretty rainbow cloud - then his overall lights were broken in the raw air. The quiet bugging of the engines was becoming louder and the Bassoveth, and at the height of fifteen centimeters above the level of soil and turned into a deaf grumbling.

Then grumbled smalcot, and silence reigned.

Luke folded back. A short ladder unfolded by itself.

The bright light poured out of the hatch in the crude night, the shadows were buried inside.

In the circle of light, a leaning figure appeared. Looked around, shivered and set down the steps. Under the arm, it carried a huge plastic bag.

Hollowing on the ground, the alien turned around and waved the ship awkwardly. The rain flowed along his hair, a drip over the collar.

Thank you, - he shouted, - a large spa ...

The foolish roller thunder drowned the residue of the phrase. The algered glanced at the sky and, guided by the sudden temper, began to rummary in his huge package, at the bottom of which a hole was discovered.

On the side of the package was largely written for everyone who owns the Centabyrian alphabet: "Duty free. Megarket. Port of Brasta, Alpha Centauro. Be how twenty-second elephant with bloated economy capacity in space - Gav! "

Wait, "the alien shouted, splashing his hands.

The steps of the ladder, which was already curled and filled into the hatch, again turned around and let the aliens in the ship.

A few seconds later, the alien appeared again. In his hand, he had a crumpled towel, which he began to stuff in the package.

He waved his hand again, he pushed the package under his arm and rushed in search of shelter to the nearest trees, and the ship for his back had already begun to prepare for the takeoff.

Lightning flashed in the sky forced the alien on the moment to illudit and immediately continue the path - but now in the opposite of any tree planting side. He obviously hurried, although he climbed all the time, then pushed his head in the shoulders under the pressure of the rain, which moved to a pouring shower.

Under the legs of the alien chakala dirt. Behind the hills rocked Thunder. The newly stupidly wet wet face and, stumbling, moved on.

The light flashed again.

This time it was not lightning, but some kind of dull, scattered light spot. Having a little leaving over the horizon, it disappeared.

At the sight of the glowing spot, the alien rehearsed again, and then, accelerating the step, headed straight to the point on the horizon where it flashed.

The terrain made uneven, it went up cool. After a few hundred meters, the newcomer stumbled upon a kind of obstacle. He stopped, inspected the barrier, then he threw the package through it and began to climb himself.

His bare feet touched the earth on the side of the barrier, how to meet him from the rain, flashes the headlights through the water wall, flew out some vehicle. The alien reacted - the vehicle rushed directly to him. It was a low and twist, exactly small, gliding by whale waves. Smooth, gray, streamlined, it rushed with the devilish speed.

The alien mechanically closed his face with his hands, but it was just led by water, and the vehicle, rushing by, hid in the night.

In the moment of the emergence of the car, the sky cut the regular zipper, which made it possible to pull the smoke aliens for some fraction of a second to read the sticker on the vehicle bumper.

To the unequivocal and unlimited amazement of the aliens, she read: "My second car is also" Porsche ".

Rob Mackenna was a rubbish man, and he himself knew about it, because he repeatedly heard such a feedback about himself from the very different people Throughout his life. He had no reason to challenge their opinion - well, if not considered legal foundation The fact that he adored to challenge other people's opinions, especially the opinions of those whom he did not tolerate the Spirit, but to their number, according to the latest estimates, was all humanity.

Sighing heavily, he slowed down.

The road went to the mountain, and his truck was a bit of Danish thermostatic regulators to heating radiators.

Not that Rob McKenna is inclined to mitanthropy from nature (he personally hoped that it was not so). Just the rain won all the nerves. So he was crushed - the rain is forever to his nerves.

And now it was raining.

The rain of the particular variety that Rob McKenna hated especially, especially when she was sitting at the ram. This species had its own serial number. Rain N17.

Rob Mackenna was read somewhere that Eskimos had more than two hundred different words to designate snow, without which the speech of these people would probably become very monotonous. So, they distinguish the snow liquid and dense, lightweight and heavy, dirty snow, fragile snow, snow covering the whole earth, and snow covering only individual sites, and one that gets on the newly dismantled half of your clean, cozy needle (this Snow brings a neighbor on the soles of its snowshoes); Winter and snow snow and snow snow and snow, which were not an example of the current; Snow shiny and snow fluffy, snow lying on the hills, and the one lies in the valleys, the snow that falls in the morning, and the one that falls at night, the snow that begins to go every time you should get on fishing, and snow on which, despite all your educational efforts, left yellow tags your huskies.

If you are told that this novel - the worst part The cycle, heavily inferior to the first (and second) the novel of the cycle "Guide", do not believe it is not true. If you do not accept in any way romantic stories, And Adams's books read only for the sake of absurd humor (who at Adams, must admit, brought to a brilliant level) and incredible travel in space with unimaginable heroes, then you may not like it.

Spoiler (plot disclosure)

In the novel "All the best, and thanks for the fish" the main action takes place on Earth, although the land is just not to be. Arthur Dent for the first time on the entire course of the cycle truly becomes the main character, because earlier he generally understood what was happening around. And many iconic characters of previous parts are not at all.

In this novel, less absurd and surrealism

Spoiler (plot disclosure) (Click on it to see)

(although the classes of love on the wing of a flying "Boeing" is not absurd)

More traditional scientific fiction With a large share of humor and romance. And this is right, because in our universe there is not only absurd and irony, and since Douglas Adams swung in his cycle to "Life, the Universe and everything else", he could not get around the attention of such a phenomenon like love. Humor in all this story is not at all important, Adams is primarily not a humorist, but a philosopher, and his philosophy is still universal and paradoxical.

Very pleased with such characters, like a trucker, the God of Rain and the Crazy Scientist of the Healthcare, who built his home, a psychushos of a collar-overall. What is surprising, a health bear is the only character that everyone is considered abnormal. But try in his words to find at least some kind of illogy ...

Spoiler (plot disclosure) (Click on it to see)

And it is important not only what Adams writes about, but also how he does it:

"Ford The prefect slept among towels in his dirty, fetid, converted from the cabin's repair gateway and dreamly about favorite edges. In one of the dreams, he was given to New York.

In this dream, he walked late in the evening along the East Sayoid, along the river, which was finally ridden to such an extent that new forms of life were now spontaneously born in it. Not having time to be born, they turned out of the water and raised noise, demanding social security and electoral rights.

One of these creatures, just sailing past, waved Ford. Ford waved in response.

The creature was thrown into the land and climbed up the shore.

Hi, "it said," I just created me. I am a full neophyte in the universe. Do not help any advice?

Fu-you and you! - Ford spoke in a light confusion. - I think I can specify the location of the bars.

What about love and happiness? I feel a deep need for all this, "said the creature, swinging the tentacles. - Are there any ideas?

You can satisfy these needs at the Seventh Avenue, "said Ford."

And everything is in such a spirit.

Well, the final here is quite epic.

Douglas Adams. All the best, and thanks for the fish!

Ricka and Heidy for the provision of their sustainable phenomenon, Mozenov, Andy and all residents of Huntshhem-Court for the lease - for many unstable phenomena, and thank you Sonny - for stability in the face of all phenomena

Dedicated to Jane

Far and far, in the western spiral spiral sleeves of the Galaxy long ago who have not seen the western spiral sleeves of the Galaxy long ago, a tiny, no one is an interesting yellow star.

Around it, at a distance of about ninety eight million miles, an insignificant green planet is drawn, the inhabitants of which are still very similar to their ancestors - it is enough to say that the e-watch is still considered to have a miracle of technology.

This planet has - or rather, there was one problem: the majority of people living on it only did that they suffered because they did not find happiness in the lives. Many solutions were born, but almost all of them were reduced to the redistribution of small green papers - which in itself is very strange, since someone who, and small green blocks of paper have not experienced any suffering, for happiness did not look for.

The decision was still not in any way, and the planet was full with embittered people, for most of which the feeling of misfortune was constant - and even the electronic watches did not clarify their lives.

Gradually spread and fastened the conviction that all misfortunes went with the way people descended from the trees to the ground. And someone even believed that the mistake was made even earlier - with trees, too, there was nothing to contact and there was no need to get out of the ocean.

And somehow on Thursday, after the rain, after almost two thousand years after one person was pinned with nails to the tree for calling at least sometimes, just for a variety, to treat each other in a good way, a kind of girl Sitting alone at the table of a small cafe in Rickmansworth, suddenly thoughtful, what was the whole snag and how the world is still able to make the abode of happiness and peace. This time the case is in a hat, everything will certainly work out - and no nails and bringing live people to trees and other subjects!

Here is the story of this girl.

That evening hemnelted early - the usual thing for this time of year. It was cold and windy - the usual thing is also.

He began to rain - again a completely ordinary thing.

Made a landing spacecraft - TAKA, it's already interesting.

Ship did not notice nobody, except for several phenomenally stupid four-legged, who did not know what to do with it and whether to do anything at all - it is possible to eat it, for example. Therefore, they acted as always in case of confusion, - that is, they drew away away and tried to hide each other, which, as always, did not bring them the slightest benefit.

The ship came down from the clouds - it seemed that simply slipped like a rope, by a thin beam of light.

They published it was barely noticeable in the mining and thunderstorm clouds, but near his gray, a rather small body with elegant knowledge looked breathlessly beautiful.

Of course, it is difficult to predict the growth and dimensions of the natives of other, unknown to you, but if you use the report of the last exclictic census or any other reliable directory of average data, you will come to the conclusion that six people can accommodate in such a ship. And you will be right.

True, I dare to assume that this conclusion you will be able to come without a reference book. As for the exclosity census, she, as we started with us, ate a bunch of money and did not inform anyone anything new - except for the fact that each resident of the Galaxy accounts for on average for two tenths and one domesticated hyena. Since this is clearly not true, the results of the census were from sin away sent to the garbage basket.

The ship slipped through the thickness of the rain to the ground, shrouded in a pretty rainbow cloud - then his overall lights were broken in the raw air. The quiet bugging of the engines was becoming louder and the Bassoveth, and at the height of fifteen centimeters above the level of soil and turned into a deaf grumbling.

Then grumbled smalcot, and silence reigned.

Luke folded back. A short ladder unfolded by itself.

The bright light poured out of the hatch in the crude night, the shadows were buried inside.

In the circle of light, a leaning figure appeared. Looked around, shivered and set down the steps. Under the arm, it carried a huge plastic bag.

Hollowing on the ground, the alien turned around and waved the ship awkwardly. The rain flowed along his hair, a drip over the collar.

Thank you, - he shouted, - a large spa ...

The foolish roller thunder drowned the residue of the phrase. The algered glanced at the sky and, guided by the sudden temper, began to rummary in his huge package, at the bottom of which a hole was discovered.

On the side of the package was largely written for everyone who owns the Centabyrian alphabet: "Duty free. Megarket. Port of Brasta, Alpha Centauro. Be how twenty-second elephant with bloated economy capacity in space - Gav! "

Wait, "the alien shouted, splashing his hands.

The steps of the ladder, which was already curled and filled into the hatch, again turned around and let the aliens in the ship.

A few seconds later, the alien appeared again. In his hand, he had a crumpled towel, which he began to stuff in the package.

He waved his hand again, he pushed the package under his arm and rushed in search of shelter to the nearest trees, and the ship for his back had already begun to prepare for the takeoff.

Lightning flashed in the sky forced the alien on the moment to illudit and immediately continue the path - but now in the opposite of any tree planting side. He obviously hurried, although he climbed all the time, then pushed his head in the shoulders under the pressure of the rain, which moved to a pouring shower.

Under the legs of the alien chakala dirt. Behind the hills rocked Thunder. The newly stupidly wet wet face and, stumbling, moved on.

The light flashed again.

This time it was not lightning, but some kind of dull, scattered light spot. Having a little leaving over the horizon, it disappeared.

At the sight of the glowing spot, the alien rehearsed again, and then, accelerating the step, headed straight to the point on the horizon where it flashed.

Ricka and Heidy for the provision of their sustainable phenomenon, Mozenov, Andy and all residents of Huntshhem-Court for the lease - for many unstable phenomena, and thank you Sonny thanks for stability in the face of all phenomena.

Dedicated to Jane

Far and far, in the western spiral spiral sleeves of the Galaxy long ago who have not seen the western spiral sleeves of the Galaxy long ago, a tiny, no one is an interesting yellow star.

Around it, at a distance of about ninety eight million miles, an insignificant green planet is drawn, the inhabitants of which are still very similar to their ancestors - it is enough to say that the e-watch is still considered to have a miracle of technology.

This planet has - or rather, there was one problem: the majority of people living on it only did that they suffered because they did not find happiness in the lives. Many solutions were born, but almost all of them were reduced to the redistribution of small green papers - which in itself is very strange, since someone who, and small green blocks of paper have not experienced any suffering, for happiness did not look for.

The decision was still not in any way, and the planet was full with embittered people, for most of which the feeling of misfortune was constant - and even the electronic watches did not clarify their lives.

Gradually spread and fastened the conviction that all misfortunes went with the way people descended from the trees to the ground. And someone even believed that the mistake was made even earlier - with trees, too, there was nothing to contact and there was no need to get out of the ocean.

And somehow on Thursday, after the rain, after almost two thousand years after one person was pinned with nails to the tree for calling at least sometimes, just for a variety, to treat each other in a good way, a kind of girl Sitting alone at the table of a small cafe in Rickmansworth, suddenly thoughtful, what was the whole snag and how the world is still able to make the abode of happiness and peace. This time the case is in a hat, everything will certainly work out - and no nails and bringing live people to trees and other subjects!

Here is the story of this girl.

That evening hemnelted early - the usual thing for this time of year. It was cold and windy - the usual thing is also.

He began to rain - again a completely ordinary thing.

Made a landing spacecraft - TAKA, it's already interesting.

Ship did not notice nobody, except for several phenomenally stupid four-legged, who did not know what to do with it and whether to do anything at all - it is possible to eat it, for example. Therefore, they acted as always in case of confusion, - that is, they drew away away and tried to hide each other, which, as always, did not bring them the slightest benefit.

The ship came down from the clouds - it seemed that simply slipped like a rope, by a thin beam of light.

They published it was barely noticeable in the mining and thunderstorm clouds, but near his gray, a rather small body with elegant knowledge looked breathlessly beautiful.

Of course, it is difficult to predict the growth and dimensions of the natives of other, unknown to you, but if you use the report of the last exclictic census or any other reliable directory of average data, you will come to the conclusion that six people can accommodate in such a ship. And you will be right.

True, I dare to assume that this conclusion you will be able to come without a reference book. As for the exclosity census, she, as we started with us, ate a bunch of money and did not inform anyone anything new - except for the fact that each resident of the Galaxy accounts for on average for two tenths and one domesticated hyena. Since this is clearly not true, the results of the census were from sin away sent to the garbage basket.

The ship slipped through the thickness of the rain to the ground, shrouded in a pretty rainbow cloud - then his overall lights were broken in the raw air. The quiet bugging of the engines was becoming louder and the Bassoveth, and at the height of fifteen centimeters above the level of soil and turned into a deaf grumbling.

Then grumbled smalcot, and silence reigned.

Luke folded back. A short ladder unfolded by itself.

The bright light poured out of the hatch in the crude night, the shadows were buried inside.

In the circle of light, a leaning figure appeared. Looked around, shivered and set down the steps. Under the arm, it carried a huge plastic bag.

Hollowing on the ground, the alien turned around and waved the ship awkwardly. The rain flowed along his hair, a drip over the collar.

Thank you, - he shouted, - a large spa ...

The foolish roller thunder drowned the residue of the phrase. The algered glanced at the sky and, guided by the sudden temper, began to rummary in his huge package, at the bottom of which a hole was discovered.

On the side of the package was largely written for everyone who owns the Centabyrian alphabet: "Duty free. Megarket. Port of Brasta, Alpha Centauro. Be how twenty-second elephant with bloated economy capacity in space - Gav! "

Wait, "the alien shouted, splashing his hands.

The steps of the ladder, which was already curled and filled into the hatch, again turned around and let the aliens in the ship.

A few seconds later, the alien appeared again. In his hand, he had a crumpled towel, which he began to stuff in the package.

He waved his hand again, he pushed the package under his arm and rushed in search of shelter to the nearest trees, and the ship for his back had already begun to prepare for the takeoff.

Lightning flashed in the sky forced the alien on the moment to illudit and immediately continue the path - but now in the opposite of any tree planting side. He obviously hurried, although he climbed all the time, then pushed his head in the shoulders under the pressure of the rain, which moved to a pouring shower.

Under the legs of the alien chakala dirt. Behind the hills rocked Thunder. The newly stupidly wet wet face and, stumbling, moved on.

The light flashed again.

This time it was not lightning, but some kind of dull, scattered light spot. Having a little leaving over the horizon, it disappeared.

At the sight of the glowing spot, the alien rehearsed again, and then, accelerating the step, headed straight to the point on the horizon where it flashed.

The terrain made uneven, it went up cool. After a few hundred meters, the newcomer stumbled upon a kind of obstacle. He stopped, inspected the barrier, then he threw the package through it and began to climb himself.

His barely legs touched the earth on the side of the barrier, as towards it from the rain, shining the headlights through the water wall, flew some vehicle. The alien reacted - the vehicle rushed directly to him. It was a low and twist, exactly small, gliding by whale waves. Smooth, gray, streamlined, it rushed with the devilish speed.

The alien mechanically closed his face with his hands, but it was just led by water, and the vehicle, rushing by, hid in the night.

In the moment of the emergence of the car, the sky cut the regular zipper, which made it possible to pull the smoke aliens for some fraction of a second to read the sticker on the vehicle bumper.

To the unequivocal and limitless amazement of the aliel, she read: "My second car is also" Porsche ".

Rob Mackenna was a rubbish-man, and he himself knew about it, because he repeatedly heard such a feedback about himself from a variety of people throughout his life. He had no reason to challenge their opinion - well, if not considered the fact that he adored to challenge other people's opinions, especially the opinions of those whom he did not tolerate on the Spirit, but to their number, according to the latest calculations, all humanity belonged.