The expression THUG LIFE is what it is. Thug Life - what does it mean? Why was the movement

The expression THUG LIFE is what it is. Thug Life - what does it mean? Why was the movement
The expression THUG LIFE is what it is. Thug Life - what does it mean? Why was the movement

It occupies honors in the presentation of our youth. Although Western schools from them are not far away. And if our criminals have, "concepts", then their colleagues from Pindostan have their own analogue, the so-called "Code" (Codex / Rules). In general, this is not the essence, just today we are going to decipher an interesting expression, Thug Life.translation you will find a little lower.
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So, will continue what does thug life mean transfer?

Thug Life. - This is an abbreviation from the expression "The Hate U Give Little Infants Fruit Everyone" (letters. The hatred that you give small babies, fruits all). This Scronician was invented by a popular American Rapper 2PAC

Thug Life.- This is a set of concepts written by 2Pac. Rules intended in order to regulate the growth of violence in gangs and drug trafficking

Thug Life.- This is a gangster life, a gangster lifestyle, the life of a pumped / criminal

As a result, these codes became rules for gang members.
This Code, created by the heads of "Bloods and Crips" on a peaceful "arrow" called "Truc Picnic" in California in 1992 year.

Thug Life. There was a rap group formed by 2PAC, which consisted of it and 4 others: MoPreme, Macadoshis, Big Syke, and The Rated R.
After 2pac was imprisoned on rape charges, the band blossomed. Some of them were regrouped after the release of 2Pac from prison and cooperated with Death Row Records, it was the beginning of the rap group "Tha Outlawz".

Code "Thug Life":

1 . All new gang members should know: a) he is going to get rich. b) He will sit in prison. c) he will die.

2 . Gang leaders: You are responsible for legal / financial obligations to gang members; Your word must be decisive.

3 . Rats in gangs - rat exist in each gang. Rats are now like a disease; Sooner or later it will be inflated; They must be achieved.

4 . The leader and commander of the gang must choose a diplomat / laying, which should work to resolve disputes. In unity, our strength!

5 . The car's hijacking in its area is contrary to the Code.

6 . Sale of drugs to children - against the code.

7 . Children selling drugs - against the Code.

8 . No sale drug in schools.

9 . Since the rat nickname Barnes opened his mouth; Since then, the inference has been made by some members positively. We have no.

10 . Stukachi are removed from here.

11 . Boys in blue (i.e. creps) are not running; We stand on your own. Manage the area and make it safe for everyone.

12 . Do not sell drugs to pregnant sisters. This is a killing of a child; This is a genocide!

13 . Know your goal, and who is a real enemy.

14 . Civilians are not a target and should be spared.

15 . Harm for children will not be forbidden.

16 . An attack on someone's house, where, as you know, their family lives, it is necessary to make sure that it is necessary to make sure.

17 . Permanent cruelty and rape must stop.

18 . Our old people should not be subject to violence.

19 . Respect our sisters. Respect our brothers.

20 . Sisters in life must be respected if they respect themselves.

21 . Military disputes concerning business areas in the community should be processed professionally, and not in the area.

22 . No shooting in the evenings.

23 . Concerts and parties - neutral territories; No shooting!

24 . Know the code; This is for everyone.

25 . Be a real Bandyuk. Always adhere to the Code Thug Life..

26 . Always protect yourself.

Phrase born on the streets of Los Angeles. In the early 1990s, several politicians, including Bob Dul, characterized rap performers as Thugs.. In fact, it was perceived as an attack on the hip-hop community as a whole. Many, including the deceased Tupak Shakura, rejected criminal acts and crime. In the hip-hop community, it was clear that anyone who tries to climb and take a higher position in society would be marked as "Thug". Consequently, Thug Life has become a phrase, meaning "the life you need to lead to climb through everyday problems", something like through the "thorn to the stars", if you understand what I mean.

Today Thug Life. It is a large informal community, the successful participants of which are constantly in the spotlight. In several parts of the United States and all over the world, small boutiques are even worn by Thug Life's clothing brand, which was founded in Los Angeles in 1996, a year wide advertised shooting Tupak Shakura. It is believed that those who wears the phrase or thug life print on their clothes are members of the Thug Life movement.

Contrary to popular belief, the person who heads the "Thug Life" is not a criminal. Acronym, invented by the popular Great Rapper Tupac Shakurhas nothing to do with the fact that he is "gangsta" or something like that. Rather, it means all the socio-repressive things that we are taught at an early age, which negatively affects us (or in society as a whole) in adulthood.

When parents teach their children to hate a certain group of people, because they differ with something from them, which, in turn, "Fucks Everyone", and people who become victims of this hatred begin to stick to " Thug Life.».

Many people who are not familiar with the work of Tupak often mistakenly perceive this phrase as a person who is a "gangsta", a member of the criminal community, a criminal, etc. Not realizing that the deep meaning of this abbreviation is much deeper than it seems at first glance.

Tupak described " thug", as a person who lived in

To which he invited his friends - Big Syke, Macadoshis, Rated R, MoPreme Shakur, the latter was a tupacious cousin. The group released just one album - "Thug Life" in 1994, after which the group broke out for a while, due to the prison sentence over Tupac. Soon, after Tupak came out to the will, there was an idea of \u200b\u200breunion, Tupak even called Macadoshis, Rated R on Death Row Records, but they refused. Each of the participants tried to release along the solo album, and the best way to be Big Syke, which, with the participation of the Outlawz group, created a collection called "Thug Law", that is, the mixture, Thug Life and Outlawz.

It was not the beginning of the end, but the end was already close. Tupak Shakur decided to launch his own movement, which would unite black in the struggle for his rights. He came up with him a very ambiguous name - T.h.u.g. L.I.F.E. (If you read not as an abbreviation, then the "life of the pumped") is obtained). His person attracted her closer attention. In fact, the abbreviation has been decrypted as follows: The Hate You Give Little Infants Fucks Everybodyor literally "The hatred that you award children from childhood in the end fucks all". It was the game of words. However, the public was still perceived by the name of the literally "life of the thoroughbred". According to Tupac, the message was intended for those who looked at the problems not superficially, but understood their essence and causes. But all this turned out for rapper in that now many have considered him as a person who has concerned about the basics of society. The fact that abbreviation t.h.u.g. L.I.F.E. It was not perceived as an abbreviation, and we understood most Americans literally, there was no surprise. The opinion of rappers as the criminals have already been firmly rooted in the minds of people. Another scandal only complemented the picture. But the dark-skinned members of the hip-hop community believed at all in another: they believed in change and that someday and for their people would come

good days. They believed that it was not just music, but a call for fighting. Tupak Shakur was ready to direct his talent, voice and striving in the rode of struggle. Considering how Tupak was eager to start his musical climb, and his own distress, he was ready to head the young black and show that change is possible. And put an end to violence in the ghetto could only themselves. Because in fact it was not only the conflict of black and white. The blacks themselves robbed, killed and satisfied other black on drugs in the ghetto. Hope only for faith in God would not have enough. There were many other more complex problems that were black needed to solve themselves. Black marriages were often fragile, children grew without fathers. Also, most of the blacks did not want to get a decent education - there were no incentives, because even having received a good higher education, they came across the problem of employment. Unfortunately, this full of good intention plan Tupak to achieve radical changes, a plan that was so violently discussed in society, in fact, did not advance the black community as an inch forward. Tupac even discussed T.h.u.g. L.I.F.E. With his stepfather, to which he came to prison in 1992. Of course, the advertising of the black community was a great goal. But, to the disappointment of Tupak, he stepped on the same rakes that his ancestors were advancing throughout their struggle for equal rights with white. And call such a program t.h.u.g. L.I.F.E. Initially, there was a failure idea. Blacks had a rich experience of struggle for their rights, but white always the same sharply responded to any of their attempts to change the situation. In 1831, when Nat Törsner and his associates wanted to save their people from slavery, this attempt was called the uprising. When Frederick Douglas proclaimed himself liberated, he was called a fugitive.

When Rosa Parks refused to give his place on the bus, defending the honor and dignity of the Black Woman, it was called a public threat. When Malcolm Xex spoke the truth about violence applied to black, his words were distracted, paraphrassed and stated that he calls his people to violence. When Martin Luther King Jr. preached love and non-violence, he was called the communist and enemy of the state. The same traps were prepared for Tupac. And so the mistake was called a new way for his people T.h.u.g. L.I.F.E. The message was understood literally, but to expect another outcome and was not worth it. All events in the United States walked along the long-written scenario. And it doesn't matter what you say, no matter how you say, it doesn't even matter that T.h.u.g became this abbreviation. L.I.F.E. Any idea of \u200b\u200bchanges for the black people was perverted, was rehanced and declared a national threat. "This is not a robge of people - I did not fuck, I do not grab people. This is not what I do. Being a threshing for me - it means to defend your legitimate rights. And I will do it. I will call myself so, although I know, everyone will hate me and say that it is politically incorrect, "said Tupak to defend his movement. Tupak was now so respected man in the black community that he managed to collect the powerful leaders of the criminal world around him. Gangsters were agree with him. In 1992, an event occurred, called the Picnic Armistice. The leaders of the two most dangerous black criminal groups of the country - Bloods and Crips announced that henceforth will live, according to T.H.U.G code. L.I.F.E. The main purpose of the Code was to limit violence, which certainly generated trade and drug use. As in confirmation of its commitment to the Code, Tupak nubized a tattoo with an abbreviation T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. on the stomach. Vatani Taichimba, the former activist "Black Panther" and a childhood friend, was horrified: "I asked him why all this. We talked for a long time, and it became clear that Tupak made a tattoo to always remember his rules, never forget where he came out. In fact, he burst between two worlds. He said that or we would stay black, or sell ourselves and our ideas. He said that he would never sell. " As well as the name of the code T.h.u.g. L.I.F.E. It was possible to interpret in different ways and on the streets the code began to interpret as you like. It was a problem. It doesn't matter how all this explained Tupak. In the Black Ghetto, set up a code for reality. For example, in some ghetto did not sell drugs to a woman while she was pregnant, but sold before conception and after childbirth. It was assumed that the Code would be a manifesto of liberation that he would unite the community by setting the hard rules. In fact, he only organized crime even more. For example, now one who informed the police was waiting for only one punishment - death. Stukach was equated to the rat and thereby disgraced the entire gang. The black community has a few organize crime, but not to get rid of it. It was forbidden to rob and invade the machines of friends and neighbors. But did this relate to those who are not local or just passing by? There was no such ban. Sell \u200b\u200bdrugs to children, use children as merchants, selling drugs at school was now strictly prohibited.

But all these rules were meaningless, it was necessary to prohibit trafficking in drugs at all. Now, instead of obeying the police, which intimidated black, street gangsters, who did not recognize any laws, actually guided by the Code. From now on, ordinary citizens could not be considered as a goal for an attack on the streets, but the skirmishes between gangsters were the norm. Violence against children was forbidden, but among adult crime grew noticeably. No attacks at home where families live. But did the code forbade the code to attack at home or apartments where students live or, for example, lonely people? The more the code continued to spread into the masses, the more problems became on the streets. How could I call the correct logic of Tupaka? He wanted to bring peace to the streets, at the same time, not forbiving weapons. Immediately double standards for drugs that could be distributed and use, but not everyone and not everywhere. Each of the points T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E. Only emphasized his complete conceptual imperfection. T.h.u.g. L.I.F.E. There was the most real code of behavior for criminals and a destructive program for the entire black community. Tupak failed with this program. It was a big mistake. Failed just as Hugh Newton had failed with his program for "Black Panther". Panthers also offered self-defense as the main point of the program. Despite the whole criticism T.h.u.g. L.I.F.E. And the increase in crime, Tupak became popular among black, because he gave them hope. At the top of the popularity of this program, Tupac had thousands of like-minded people. But the pressure rendered on it was almost unbearable. He realized that attracted to himself much more attention to the authorities than it could be expected. It scarecrow him.

And Tupaka's music was so frank, lyric and so strongly stirred the public that he himself could not believe how epochal was his success. He wanted to make music, help black, so that the family was proud of them. But, without expecting, he actually turned into a revolution leader. And now he had to meet his new status. That was incredible. After his death, many even believed that not music, namely the code T.h.u.g. L.I.F.E. was the greatest achievement of Tupaka.

Code "Thug Life"

  1. The new fighter should know that he has three ways: a) he will grow rich B) he will go to prison c) He will die.
  2. Gang leaders, you are responsible for legal and financial affairs; You are obliged to answer for the words like no one else.
  3. The rat of one gang is a rat of all gangs. Rats are now similar to the disease; Sooner or later we die from them; And they should die.
  4. The leader of the gang and gang choose a diplomat. The diplomat must settle disputes. In unity strength!
  5. It is impossible to invite cars in their area - this is against the code.
  6. It is impossible to sell drugs to children - it's against the code.
  7. Children addicts in the area are against the Code.
  8. No sale of drugs in schools.
  9. Starting from the rat Nikki Barnes, the rats began to take. We will not have it.
  10. We do not have a place for traitors.
  11. We do everything beautifully. Manage the area and protect your neighborhoods.
  12. No sale pregnant sisters. This is the killing of the child; This is a genocide!
  13. You need to know your goal, who is a real enemy.
  14. Civilians are not a goal.
  15. Harbor to children will not be forgiven.
  16. When attacking someone's house, you need to check if there are no members of his family there.
  17. No meaningless atrocity and violence.
  18. It is impossible to insult the elders.
  19. Respect our sisters. Respect our brothers.
  20. Sisters (brothers) must be respect, if they respect themselves.
  21. Any military decisions due to business should be considered inside the gang professionally and not under pressure.
  22. No shooting at parties.
  23. Territories of concerts and parties - neutral territories; No shooting!
  24. Know the code; This is for everyone.
  25. Observe the Thug Life Code.
  26. Always try to protect yourself ...

Interesting Facts:
Initially, the group itself, including 2Pac, should have been signed on Ruthless Records.

Expressions in English from the beginning of nineties in Russia at the peak of popularity. Many saw T-shirts with the phrase Thug Life. What it is? The answer can be given only after a detailed study of rap culture, because it was from there that this expression went, which is primarily a jargon. If you know about what is behind these words, in more detail, we will be more honorable with this phrase.

How Thug Life translates

This expression is not at the peak of popularity now, because in fashion again Hansta Rap. With English Thug Life - the life of the gangster or "Zhutuha Bandyugan." For the first time this expression began to use in the United States at the beginning of the nineties. Then at the peak of popularity was that so called his group.

However, his translation was somewhat different. Initially, another meaning was invested in the expression Thug Life, what it is - we will describe in detail below. In fact, in this phrase, not 2, but 8 words. Literally, the translation will not lead, since it is not very decent. In meaning, this abbreviation decrypts as follows: the hatred that you invest in children is returned to you. Rapper chose more stringent words in his style.

Thug Life in rap culture

Tupak Shakur invests several meanings in Thug Life. What is it from the point of view of the history of rap? That is how he called his group, in which the cousin of the artist Mopreme Shakur and the references Big Syke, Macadoshis, Rated R. The first two years, the reinforcement of rappers worked on the first album, which saw the light in 1994.

Immediately after this event, Quintet collapsed, as Tupaka threatened the real prison sentence. Several times he tried to collect the team anew, but rappers refused. They tried to start the solo career, but they could not be called successful musicians.

History of motion creation

If you ask Americans: Thug Life is what it is, in most cases you will be told not about a little-known rap group, but the movement created by Shakur at the beginning of the nineties. The first thoughts on the need to create a social movement came to the head of Tupak back in 1992, he discussed this idea with stepfather, who was in prison at that time.

At the same time, he began to act and even managed to reconcile the leaders of the two warring groups of CRIPS and Bloods. They publicly announced that from now on will adhere to the Code created by the Rapper. Of course, the rules in each ghetto were adjusted to themselves, but in general, the change in the relationship of society to black and tolerance, which in the modern world does not surprise anyone, originated precisely thanks to Tupac.

Why was the movement

Thug Life was invented for no accident. The attitude of the white-skinned Americans to the ghetto at that time was biased. Blacks were considered people of the second variety, which could only rob, kill and distribute narcotic drugs. Receive the formation of children from disadvantaged areas was meaningless, as problems arose with employment. Marriages in the ghetto were very fragile, since because of the lifestyle, the fathers often after some time after the birth of offspring they went under arrest, and women did not wait for their liberation. Meanwhile, not everyone wanted to lead such a lifestyle, many tried to fight for their rights.

In 1831, the Americans called the uprising attempt by Nata Terner to defend their rights. Frederick Douglas, Parks Rose and Malcom Iques also understood the wrong - they were considered a public threat. Even fell under the wave of misunderstanding of society, he was announced by the communist and enemy of America. Such problems were also Tupac, although he created a movement with good intentions.

Philosophy Thug Life.

The first mistake of Rapper was called his movement Thug Life, the translation of it was perceived wrong, that is, literally - the life of the gangster. Although in fact he called for the termination of violence and raising children in accordance with the new rules. This gave a chance to future generations to achieve in the life of more than their parents. Modern equality is the fruits that were obtained by philosophy Tupac.

The idea was based on the way that even Black could achieve in the life of what he wanted. For this, it is enough to make efforts and strive for a better life. In order not to forget about the ghetto and the struggle for equality, Shakur made himself with the phrase Thug Life.


It is impossible to understand what Thug Life is, if you do not explore the detail code of this community. His main goal was to combine grouping and the exception of those who are ready to betray or act not within the existing rules. Most of the Code concerned drugs. Since its signing, strict rules began to operate blacks in the ghetto. In many women did not sell narcotic substances, in others, access to them was stopped for pregnancy. Children could not get such drugs, although they used to be sold even in schools.

The THUG LIFE code regulated not only life in the ghetto, but also the principles of the BDG, which inhabited these territories. Disputes between the groups of blacks began to solve not by force methods, but by diplomatic negotiations. To do this, each gang was chosen a special person stepping disputes.

Concerts of rap artists and parties, according to the new rules, became places where there is no place for violence. If earlier, mass events were accompanied by shooting and stabbing, then since 1992 they began to pass more peacefully. Senseless violence and aggression were excluded from the life of black. It was unquestioned, it was decided to respect the elders. Those who respect themselves did not become objects of ridicule and violence, on the contrary, they began to be equal. In general, thanks to the Codex and the movement of Thug Life, the attitude towards blacks in society gradually began to change.