What is the conflict of the poems of Gypsy. "Gypsies" as a romantic poem (type of hero, environment, conflict)

What is the conflict of the poems of Gypsy. "Gypsies" as a romantic poem (type of hero, environment, conflict)

The main conflict of the poems of "Roma" lies in the provision of ideas about the lives of the two worlds - the world of Goro-yes, civilization and the world of nomadic primarity, not burdened by complex survival conditions. Civilization gives a person a certain stability and an external diversity of life, but largely reduces the initial one of the human body with complex rules - not only written by law, but also with rituals, to go beyond which is also actually impossible. The life of Gypsies in the poem is uncomplicated and unprosted, the number of events in it per unit of time is significantly less. A simple nomadic life on the lap of nature with minimal costs for survival forces (around civilized neighbors, ready to pay for Gypsy exotic) makes minimal requirements for the responsibility of each member of the Community. The motive of the flight Aleko from the city and the parish to Gypsies Aleko runs from the city, because for his ardor hearts with powerful passions, the life in artificial restrictions, where everything is imbued with false and hypocrisy and where the essence of man is hidden, drapes by many conventions. He understands that with its sincerity is doomed to misunderstanding and persecution in the world, full of deception and luxury, which at all time was a synonymous empty emptiness. Speaking extremely co-Rotko, Aleko chooses content, despite the form. Volost Roma. In the civilized society of a man in a civilized society, the Volost Roma is ensured by the fact that they are in demand by Qi-vilized neighbors. Songs, dances and Gypsies earn themselves for food, so these parties are so good for them. Otherwise, they would have to seriously engage in cattle breeding and carefully take care of the fall of the same neighbors, which would require the creation of a military organization and a rigid discipline, which all nomadic peoples actually were expired. Pushkin, of course, spoke somewhat about in the other. He used to be exotic then in Russia Gypsy for that "so that you, to say the idea that it is impossible to look in the past in the past. Despite the seeming inflicitness and simplicity of morals, that life was also full of once-charm, and the desired will one caused drama for the other. Even more Pushkin criticized the modern civilian society. He understood well that people in it for imaginary external benefits give even freedom to pour their feelings and generally losing themselves, being forced to furnish their inappropriate rituals. This anticipation of the Go-Golevsky Licho, who has grown tightly with a person. He also understood that the luxury of the civilized world was not - the chain in which a person shares himself, and the Gypsy liberty is equally inevitably implying poverty. Gypsies are much more solid, because their illudive desires are not shown by the rules and laws, but are implemented immediately. The minus one can consider the low level of consciousness of such people, which does not allow to control their worship, as a result of which they are primitive and fraught with conflicts. That is, the case is in the absence of a conscious public discipline in Gypsy. In civilized peoples, such discipline is prevailing, but only outside - in the form of laws. I would be perfect to combine the inner discipline of feelings with external freedom.

The main conflict of the poems of "Roma" lies in the provision of ideas about the lives of the two worlds - the world of Goro-yes, civilization and the world of nomadic primarity, not burdened by complex survival conditions. Civilization gives a person a certain stability and an external diversity of life, but largely reduces the initial one of the human body with complex rules - not only written by law, but also with rituals, to go beyond which is also actually impossible. The life of Gypsies in the poem is uncomplicated and unprosted, the number of events in it per unit of time is significantly less. A simple nomadic life on the lap of nature with minimal costs for survival forces (around civilized neighbors, ready to pay for Gypsy exotic) makes minimal requirements for the responsibility of each member of the Community. The motive of the flight Aleko from the city and the parish to Gypsies Aleko runs from the city, because for his ardor hearts with powerful passions, the life in artificial restrictions, where everything is imbued with false and hypocrisy and where the essence of man is hidden, drapes by many conventions. He understands that with its sincerity is doomed to misunderstanding and persecution in the world, full of deception and luxury, which at all time was a synonymous empty emptiness. Speaking extremely co-Rotko, Aleko chooses content, despite the form. Volost Roma. In the civilized society of a man in a civilized society, the Volost Roma is ensured by the fact that they are in demand by Qi-vilized neighbors. Songs, dances and Gypsies earn themselves for food, so these parties are so good for them. Otherwise, they would have to seriously engage in cattle breeding and carefully take care of the fall of the same neighbors, which would require the creation of a military organization and a rigid discipline, which all nomadic peoples actually were expired. Pushkin, of course, spoke somewhat about in the other. He used to be exotic then in Russia Gypsy for that "so that you, to say the idea that it is impossible to look in the past in the past. Despite the seeming inflicitness and simplicity of morals, that life was also full of once-charm, and the desired will one caused drama for the other. Even more Pushkin criticized the modern civilian society. He understood well that people in it for imaginary external benefits give even freedom to pour their feelings and generally losing themselves, being forced to furnish their inappropriate rituals. This anticipation of the Go-Golevsky Licho, who has grown tightly with a person. He also understood that the luxury of the civilized world was not - the chain in which a person shares himself, and the Gypsy liberty is equally inevitably implying poverty. Gypsies are much more solid, because their illudive desires are not shown by the rules and laws, but are implemented immediately. The minus one can consider the low level of consciousness of such people, which does not allow to control their worship, as a result of which they are primitive and fraught with conflicts. That is, the case is in the absence of a conscious public discipline in Gypsy. In civilized peoples, such discipline is prevailing, but only outside - in the form of laws. I would be perfect to combine the inner discipline of feelings with external freedom.

I will begin my own work on the poem "Gypsy" and its analysis, perhaps, from the history of writing the poem "Roma" Pushkin. The author began his work in 1821. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of this essay was the Chisinau link, during which Pushkin had to be watched with the Gypsies and watch their lives. Their behavior and life was so struck by the author that Pushkin was impressed by Pushkin, from which this work appeared. The writer has completed its work in 1824.

Conflict Poem Gypsy

The conflict of the poems of "Gypsies" is built on the contradiction of the passions of the hero itself. Here we see how two different worlds intertwined: the world of urban people and the people of will and freedom. The feature of the conflict in the poem "Gypsy" is that Aleco is the main character, he was able to escape from the city's power, joined the gypsies, with whom he wanted to live a free life, but he really failed to become a person's person, so he heard his Verdict: "Leave us, proud man."

The motive of the flight Aleko from the city and the parish to the gypsies

What was the motive of the flight Aleko from the city and why did he decide to join the tsigans? Everything is very simple. The hero of the poem is a freedom-loving person, such a rebellion, the Buntar, who was tired of the framework, who wanted to become free. Aleko disappointed in the benefits of civilization, for him urban life began to turn into hell, and here also the crime of which the author does not tell us the perfect hero. Among the gypsies, he is good, he quickly fuses Gypsy, taking primitive life.

Volost Roma. Non-free man in a civilized society

Continuing the analysis of the work, we will dwell on a civilized society and a non-free person in it, as well as on the liberty of Gypsies, which depicted a writer in his work. So, the author criticizes the lives of people among civilization, where there are all the benefits, where there is everything in order to live freely, but, people here, as in a cage. Here, people lose themselves, live according to the written rules, shaved by law. But life is out of civilization, where there is no established laws, full of freedom of action, just by choosing freedom, you need to be ready for poor existence where you have to earn a living songs and dances.

The role of lyrical retreat of the moon

The topic of love is affected in Pushkin's poem "Gypsies", which means, nearby here and romanticism in the "Roma" poem.
Love in itself is a complex feeling, here it is impossible to order the heart to love or not, it is impossible and to predict the outcome of events. So Zemfira - the heroine of the poem "Gypsies", loved the other, without thinking about the treason, causing Aleco, the Hero of the "Roma" poem, and to convey the state of the Hero's soul, the author resorts a natural picture using the retreat of the moon. And here she "went into fog." Besides the moon, the author of not accidentally used, apparently, wanted to show how volatile a woman could be and ordering a woman to love one, it is impossible to stop the moon to stay on the spot.

Artistic role of the image of Mariula, the wife of the old Gypsy, in the conflict and composition of the poem

Mariula is the mother of Zemfira, who threw her husband with a child, for the sake of new love. And the author is no coincidence to us about Marioul, thereby showing that her daughter went to the same expensive, that's just their beloved in different ways. And if the free old gypsy released his wife, because he knows that love does not order, then Aleko, who lived among the rules, lived in a world where the framework exists, could not forgive and let go, so he went to such a step like murder .

Copyright in the poem

When you read the work of Pushkin "Gypsies", we see that the author does not choose one or another side, he does not establish Aleco or Roma, and simply sympathizes the old man and positively refers to the main hero, however, his act when the hero is solved for killing , I do not approve, so the words of the old man, he drove Aleko from the Tabor.

Pushkin worked on the poem from January 1824 to October, that is, he graduated from Mikhailovsky. Heroes and events are largely reminiscent of the Caucasian Captive. The same hero-European falling into the medium of an almost primitive tribe. And here the invasion of him in the life of this tribe will attract the death of the heroine. And here the passion of the hero is the source of the catastrophe. Aleko is shown with a very obscure past, but it is just known that he is all in power of passions:

But God! How to play passion

His obedient soul!

With what excitement boil

In his exhausted breast!

The poem is opposed to the world of passions and the perfect primitive way of life. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe primitive society was built more along the poetic myth of the golden age. The era of enlightenment, on the contrary, was understood as a vicious society of people. In an enlightened society, a person treats his passions, who pervert healthy instincts of primitive people. Pushkin offers solving the problem of passions - all salvation in mind, in wisdom, which in the poem is in the image of an old gypsy (limit the unrestrained passion with the clarity of the mind). So Pushkin showed the tragic position of a modern man who is impossible to live in the society of "educated debauchery" and it is impossible to escape from this society, since nowhere he can come across his unbridled passions. "Gypsies" is not only the last of the "southern" poems of Pushkin, but also the final, most mature. In the "Gypsies" Pushkin puts his hero in the ideal conditions: running from the oppression of slavery that makes all the cultural European society, it falls into an absolutely free environment. Pushkin creates a picture of perfectly free society in the poem, the features of which are far from coincide with the true features of the acquaintances of the nomadic Bessarabian Gypsies. No wonder the researchers emphasize the retreat of Pushkin in the "Gypsies" from the real ethnographic truth. However, the reproaches of Pushkin in violating the vital truth, and the protection of it from these reproces is equally incorrect. It is impossible to judge the poem of "Roma" from the standpoint of realism. Pushkin did not put the task in it to give a realistic, faithful picture of the life of the Gypsy tribe. His task was to put his hero in such an environment where he could quite sway his passionate thirst for freedom. Pushkin chose the Gypsy Tabor as Wednesday, closest to the ideal coming to him right. In the Gypsy Tabor Aleko enters the situation of complete freedom; He does not meet any obstacle to his worst and actions. After leaving the "Nillery of Slender Cities", "the despusting of the Shave of Enlightenment," Aleko meets the Zemfira in the steppe and falls in love with her. It leads him to the table, in his tent. The old man does not mind the rapprochement of Zemfira with Aleko and does not ask for nothing:

I am glad. Stay until the morning under the seven of our tent or travel with us and share how you want ...

Taking Aleko in his Tabor, the old Gypsy does not require anything from him and in relation to society:

I come for fishing any: Il Songs Songs and villages by a bear.

Aleco in Roma enjoys complete freedom. Even when he makes a double murder, and then the Gypsies are not encroaching on his freedom. They do not even be expelled from her tobore, but just go away from him. For testing the essence of passionate love Aleko, the freedom of his beloved woman contrasted to freedom of Pushkin. Romantic hero - Freedomy turned out to be an egoist and the rapist. Freedom was his "idol" until he was deprived of her. Having achieved freedom for himself, he is not able to recognize it for others if someone else's freedom violates his personal interests. The ideological line of the poem "Roma" is a deep exposition of the egoistic essence of the romantic hero. It is usually assumed that the exposure of the romantic hero in the "Gypsies" is carried out by Pushkin with higher positions, both moral and public and literary, that is, from the standpoint of realism and nationality. Does the freedom provide a man happiness? This most important question of Pushkin sets in the "Gypsies" - and allows him to negatively. Complete "freedom", the complete absence of obstacles to the exercise of its desires is possible only by the cost of suppressing someone else's freedom, violation of the free manifestation of the desires and the needs of another. Freedom and happiness Aleco face the freedom and happiness of Zemfira. Brutally punishing the violators of their happiness, Aleko does not return it to himself. He even seems to be seen from the poem, does not have pleasure from the revenge. Aleco is unhappy. Freedom itself does not provide happiness - That's what Pushkin wants to say in the "Gypsy" poem. Pushkinsky Roma Volyns, wild, that is, free from "Okov Enlightenment ", they are lazy, do not work. Pushkin draws them cowardly, timid. When the morning Roma learned that a foreign person who came to their table was killed the Zimfira and the young Roma, they almost at all react to this terrible crime: they only alarmed and the Orobel. Robility is a characteristic feature of Pushkin Gypsies. This characteristic of their Pushkin repeats once again the mouth of an old gypsy, directly opposing timid and good gypsies to the bold, proud and evil Aleco. Pushkinsky Gypsies have no laws, so they do not organize courts over Aleko. But if they are "wilds", they would naturally simply, without trial to deal with him. However, they not only do not kill Aleco, they do not touch him with a finger, they don't even blame him, they do not blame him ... and it is not at all for any high principled reasons, but simply because they are "timid and kind soul." They are alone alone violence that they are not even ignite Aleko from its environment, and just themselves go from him. Twice the repeated words of the old Gypsy - "Leave us, a proud person" and "leave us" - it is obviously not the requirement for Aleco to leave the Tabor, but the request is not followed by them when they leave him. "Gypsies" were ended in October 1824, and were printed for the first time in three years, in 1827.

"Gypsies" - the latter, as it is believed, the romantic poem Pushkin. The cycle of poems written during the South reference period, along with the poems of the "Rogue Brothers", "Caucasian Captive" and "Bakhchisarai Fountain", are also called the "butronically". But romantic is the poem "Roma", and even more so the "bayronic" poem is a question of discussion.

According to the official version of Pushkin, began writing this poem after he stayed a few days in the Tabor at Bessarabian Gypsy. It is difficult to say whether it is true or another half-length anecdote from his life. In any case, in most biographies it is stated casual, without details. It is still curious that, unlike the rest of the southern poems, "Gypsies" are not completed in the south, but already in Mikhailovsky. Unwitting loneliness and growth point associated with the vital crisis, unconditionally helped to make this poem wiser.

The plot, or rather the external side, at first glance, is as simple as, for example, in the "Caucasian prisoner". If this poem is not to be read, but simply retell the Fabul, it will seem another romantic work in a number of many similar things: the hero runs away from civilization to "children of nature", they can not accept it, and he himself cannot live in this society. But in the "Gypsies" is not so simple as it may seem at first glance.

Let us remember what major strokes Pushkin throws the inner portrait of the chief hero in the "Caucasian captive":

People and light he won

And knew the wrong life of the price,

In the hearts of friends, our betray

In the dreams of love - insane sleep.

In the "Gypsies" Pushkin no longer depicts Aleko with such dense and inaccurate paints. Moreover, the description of Aleko is not given separately in the poem, and he himself reveals through the dialogues and plot, so he is a completely lively character, not literary. As quoted in all school writings, he escaped "from the unilieces of stuffy cities", but this escape of the search result, reflection, and not poses, as in the same "Caucasian prisoner."

Special attention deserves Zemfira. Often it is positioned as a free dicark. As for her inner freedom, serious doubts arise. That's what she with such delight says:

But there are huge chambers,

There are multicolored carpets,

There games, noisy peirs,

Devils there are so rich.

It seems that, offered to her Aleco in these the most silent cities to escape, then she would immediately agreed, just to live in the wards among multicolored carpets. Aleko does not notice this, and it is lying and idealizes Zemfira. Even the smartest people are not insured against such a classic mistake (as they do not remember the Personal Drama of the poet associated with Natalia Goncharova). Trying to keep a romantic phantom, Aleko calls to the Beloved: "Do not change, my gentle friend!". Since he says so, it means that there is foundations. As if Pushkin and sorry to be frustrated in heroine, but the artistic and vitality truth takes their own. Is it worth saying that he himself will go along the path of Aleko, marrying Goncharova.

Why does Pushkin lead to an episode about Ovid's poem? It is known that, being in the south, Pushkin loved to compare herself with him. Ovid like Aleko, like Pushkin, is the son of civilization. They are relative to the general longing for the natural environment for them. Probably, this story is a turning point for Aleco, even after that he wanders two years old: Chimera about happiness allegedly lives in it, but the magazine is already inevitable.

Old husband, Grozny husband,

Draw me, burn me!

Here are the songs of the scene of Zemfira. Yes, and Aleko says: "I do not like wild songs." Apparently, never loved. Immediately after their rewritten, a very intriguing scene of the night Brad Aleko is followed. First, in a dream, he pronounces the name of Zemfira, but after a while begins to pronounce another name. Whose? It is difficult to say, but this name is obviously from the past life. Very multivalued and mysterious episode.