Family rites and customs. Family traditions

Family rites and customs. Family traditions
Family rites and customs. Family traditions

Each people have their own way of life, customs, their unique songs, dancing, fairy tales. Each country has favorite dishes, special traditions in the decoration of the table and cooking. There are a lot of appropriate, historically determined corresponding to national tastes, lifestyles, climatic conditions.

Millennies had this way of life and these habits, the collective experience of our ancestors was assembled in them.

Culinary recipes formed over the years as a result of centuries-old evolution, many of them are excellent samples of the right combination of products to taste, and from a physiological point of view - on the content of food substances.

The life of the people is under the influence of many factors - natural, historical, social, etc. to a certain extent affects him and cultural exchange with other peoples, but never other people are mechanically borrowed, but they acquire a local national flavor on new soil.

Since the time of medieval antiquity, our country cultivates rye, oats, wheat, barley, millet, for a long time our ancestors borrowed the skills of making flour, mastered the "secrets" of baking various products from the laughing dough. That is why pies, piers, pancakes, pies, cobbags, pancakes, pancakes, pies, pieces, pancakes, pancakes, and others have significant importance in the foods of our ancestors. Many of these products have long been traditional for holiday tables: Kursany - at weddings, pies, pancakes - on Maslenitsa, "Flashlights "From the test - in the spring holidays, etc.

No less typical of Russian traditional dishes from all kinds of cereals: various porridge, brunts, pancakes, oatmeal, casserole, pea-based dishes, as well as lentils.

In more northern edges of our country, dishes cooked from millet are of particular importance. This tradition has deep historical roots. Once in the eastern Slavs, who came to these lands in the VI century AD. And they live mainly in forest areas, millet was processed as the main agricultural culture.

Millet served as raw material for flour, cereals, beer cooking, kvass, cooking soups and sweet dishes. This folk tradition is still preserved. However, it should be borne in mind that the millet in its nutrition is inferior to other croups. Therefore, it should be prepared with milk, cottage cheese, liver, pumpkin and other products.

Not only grain crops cultivated our ancestors. Of the antiquity, through the centuries reached our days and became the main cultures of the ancient Rome in our garden, as kaptsta, a swamp and turnip. The most widely applied to Rus sauerkraut, which it was possible to maintain to a new harvest. Cabbage serves an indispensable snack, seasoning to boiled potatoes and other dishes.

Soup from various types of cabbage are the well-deserved pride of our national cuisine, although they were also prepared in ancient Rome, where a lot of cabbage was specially grown. Just many vegetable plants and recipes dishes "swinging" from ancient Rome through Byzantium on Russia after adopting Christianity in Russia. Greeks created Rus not only writing, but also passed a lot from their culture.

Nowadays, the cabbage is especially widely used in the cookery of the northern and central regions of Russia, in the Urals and in Siberia.

Rope in Russia until the end of the XVIII - early XIX centuries. I had such a value as potatoes today. The turnip was used everywhere and from the turnip prepared many dishes, stuffed, cooked, batted. The turnip was used as a filling for pies, Kvass was prepared from her. Gradually, from the beginning to the middle of the XIX century, it was extruded much more crop, but significantly less useful potatoes (practically, it is empty starch).

But the repka contains in its composition and very valuable biochemical compounds of sulfur, which is regularly eating with excellent immunostimulants. Now the repka has become the product on the Russian table is rare and piece - on sale on it and the price is not determined by the kilograms, but the piece.

After the transition to potatoes, Russian cuisine has significantly lost its high quality. Equally, as after the practical abandon from the Russian table, which is also an indispensable help for health, but retaining their beneficial properties not more than 12-18 hours after preparation, i.e. requiring cooking shortly before serving on the table. Because the modern shop "Khrena in the jars" nor such properties nor the proper taste is at all. So if the Russian table horseradish is now in Russia and serve to the family table, then only in great holidays.

For some reason, the trouser is not mentioned in ancient sources, probably because before the tribe was not distinguished from the turnip. These once widespread rootes in Russia currently occupy a relatively small proportion in vegetable. They did not stand the competition with potatoes and other cultures. However, peculiar taste and smell, the possibility of various culinary use, transportability, storage stability allow you to think that it is not necessary to refuse the turnips and trousers at present, as they give a very special taste to many dishes of Russian folk cuisine.

From vegetable crops that appeared in Russia later, it is impossible not to name potatoes. At the very beginning of the XIX century. Potatoes produced a real coup in the traditions of the Russian table, potato dishes won wide popularity. In the spread of potatoes and its popularization, great merit belongs to the famous cultural figure of the XVIII century. A.T. Bolotov, which not only developed the growing of potatoes, but also suggested the technology of preparing a number of dishes.

Products of animal origin have practically not changed. Estimation of the centuries Our great-grandparents consumed the meat of cattle ("shifstroy"), pigs, goats and sheep, as well as birds - chickens, geese, ducks.

Until the XII century Convention also used, but already in the XIII century. She almost came out of use, because The "extra" horses in the population began to take the Mongol-Tatars, which horses were more necessary. In the manuscripts of the XVI-XVII centuries. ("Domostroy", "Painting Tsaric Kushanyam") are referred to only separate delicious dishes from horseback (chores from horse lips, boiled horse heads). Later with the development of dairy cattle breeding, milk and products obtained from it are increasingly used.

Forest crafts were a big and essential addition to the farm of our ancestors. In the chronicles of the XI-XII centuries. It is said about hunting grounds - "fineness", in later manuscripts are mentioned, wild ducks, hares, geese and other game. Although there is no reason to believe that they did not eat them before and earlier from the most ancient times.

Forests occupy huge spaces in our country, especially in the north of the Urals and Siberia. The use of forest gifts is one of the characteristic features of Russian cuisine. Forest nuts played a large role in the nutrition. Walnut oil was one of the most common fats. The kernels of the nuts were pushing, they added a little boiling water, wrapped in the rag and put under the oppression. Oil gradually glass in a bowl. Walnut cakes were also used in food - added to porridge, ate with milk, with cottage cheese. Crushed nuts used to prepare various dishes and stuffs.

The forest was also a source of honey (Borthernsky). Various sweet dishes and drinks were prepared from honey. Currently, only in some places of Siberia (especially in Altai, local non-Russian peoples) are preserved ways to prepare these delicious drinks.

However, since the most ancient times, before the emergence of mass production of sugar, honey was the main sweetness of all nations, and on its basis in ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and ancient Rome prepared a wide variety of sweet drinks, dishes and desserts. Also not only the Russians, but also all the nations who have been in their disposal fish, the time of the eyelids erected and caviar.

The very first artificially cultivated fruit tree in Russia became cherry. Under Yuri, the Dolgoruk grew only cherries.

The nature of Russian folk cuisine was largely influenced by the geographical features of our country - the abundance of rivers, lakes, seas. It is the geographical location that explains the number of all kinds of fish species of dishes. In the diet, many river fish species were suggested, as well as lakes. Although much more different fish dishes were still in ancient Greece and, especially in ancient Rome, the creator of the foundations of the modern wealth of European cuisine. What cost only one culinary fantasy Lukulla! (Unfortunately, its numerous recipes for dishes are lost.)

In Russian cuisine for cooking, a large range of products was also used. However, not so much a variety of products determines the specificity of national Russian cuisine (the same products were also available to Europeans), how many ways to process them, cooking technology. In many ways, the peculiarities of folk dishes were determined by the peculiarities of the Russian oven.

There is reason to believe that the design of the traditional Russian furnace was not borrowed. She appeared in Eastern Europe as a local original type of hearth. This indicates that the peoples of Siberia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, the main types of furnaces were open foci, as well as an outer baking oven for bread baking or tandoor for baking cords. Finally, direct evidence of this gives archeology. When excavations of tripolian settlements in Ukraine (third millennium BC), not only the remains of the furnaces were found, but also the clay model of the furnace, which allowed to restore their appearance and device. These global furnaces can be considered a prototype of later furnaces, including a Russian oven.

But the design of Samovar was borrowed by Russians from Persians who, in turn, took her from Arabs. (However, Russian Matryoshki borrowed from the Japanese in 1893, in 1896 their mass release was already adjusted.)

But one should not try to artificially "clean" our table from once borrowed dishes that have long become familiar for us. These include, for example, pancakes (borrowed in the 9th century from the kitchen of Varyags together with compotes and triggers from dried fruits), cutlets, bokings, lanegets, steaks, escalls, mousses, jelly, mustard, mayonnaise (borrowed from European cuisine), kebabs and Kebab (borrowed from the Crimean Tatars), dumplings (borrowed in the XII century from Mongols), borsch (this is the national dish of ancient Rome, who came to Russia together with Orthodoxy from the Byzantine Greeks), Ketchup (invention of the chefs of the English military fleet) and others.

Many dishes that have now become traditional Russians were invented by French restaurant restaurants worked in the XIX century in Russia and creating the foundations of modern Russian cuisine (Lucien Olivier, Yar, etc.).

In the process of historical development, nutrition changed, new products appeared, the methods of processing were improved. Potatoes and tomatoes appeared in Russia relatively recently, many ocean fish were familiar, and without them it is already impossible to submit our table. Attempts to divide Russian cuisine to the old original and modern are very conditional. It all depends on the availability of affordable people's people. And who will now say that dishes with potatoes or tomatoes can not be national Russians?

Curiously culinary use of pineapples in the times of Catherine II and Prince Potemkin (this amateur of cabbage knockers, with whom he did not part and gnawing constantly). Pineapples then Licked and quasil in barrels, like cabbage. It was one of the favorite Potemkin snacks under vodka.

Our country is extensive, and each area has its own local dishes. In the north they love soup, and in the south - Borshi, in Siberia and in the Urals there is no festive table without Shang, and in Vologda - without Rybnikov, on Don they are preparing ear with tomatoes, etc. However, there are many common dishes for all regions of our country And many common techniques of their preparation.

Everything that was formed at the initial stage of the Russian culinary tradition remains unchanged to today. The main components of the traditional Russian table: black rye bread, which remains loved to this day, a variety of soups and cereals prepared almost every day, but not at all on the same recipes that many years ago (for which it is necessary for the Russian oven, and even the ability to control it), pies and other countless products from yeast dough, without which no fun, pancakes, as well as our traditional drinks - honey, kvass and vodka (although they are also borrowed; in particular, the bread kvass prepared and In ancient Rome).

In addition, with the arrival of the Byzantium of Orthodoxy in Russia, a table was formed.

The main advantage of Russian cuisine is the ability to choose and creatively modify, improve the best dishes of all the peoples with whom we had to communicate with Russian people on a long historical path. This is what made Russian cuisine the richest kitchen in the world. And now, none of the people have worthy dishes that would not have analogues in Russian cuisine, but in much better performance.

4. Traditions receiving guests

In the seventeenth century, everyone, respecting himself a citizen and, especially if he, besides, could not do without holding festive peters, because it was in their life line. Prepare for the festive feast began long before the solemn day - the whole house and the courtyard was especially thoroughly, and the whole house and the courtyard, everything should be perfect for the arrival of guests, everything should have glistened more than ever. From the chests removed the front tablecloths, dishes, towels that were so carefully stored for this day.

And the honorary place of the head of all this responsible process, as for the purchase and preparation of festive events, was watching the hostess of the house.

The host laid an equally important duty - the guest invitation to the Pier. Moreover, depending on the status of the guest, the owner either sent the servant with the invitation or drove himself. And the event itself logged in about this way: the hostess came out in the festive outfit and welcomed them, bowing to the belt, and the guests responded with her earthly bow, and followed by the kissing ceremony: the owner of the house offered to guests to honor the hostess kisses.

Guests in turn came to the hostess at home and kissed her, and at the same time on the canons of etiquette, they kept their hands behind her back, after again it was bowed and took the charm of vodka from her hands. When the hostess was heading for a special female table, it served as a signal for everyone to displeasure and proceed to the meal. Usually, the ceremonial table stood inpatient, in the "red corner", that is, under the icons, near the stationary shops, sitting on which, by the way, at that time, was considered more honorable than on the attached.

The trapes itself began from the fact that the owner of the house cut off and supplied every invited guest to a hunk of bread with salt, which symbolized the hospitality and the hospitality of this house, by the way, and today's earnest traditions take their origins from that time. In a sign of special respect or pleasant to someone from his guests, the master of the ceremony could put some kushan with a special plate, specially set with him next, and, with the help of his servant, send the guest of the guest especially, no matter how more emphasizing his attention licked to him.

Although the tradition to meet guests with bread and salt came to us since that time, but the order of feeding dishes in those days was noticeably different from the one who was used to us today: first ate pies, after dishes from meat, birds and fish, and only at the end of the meat taken for soups.

Procedure for feeding dishes

When all the mewards have already searched in their places, the owner cut bread into pieces and filled with salt to each guest separately. With this action once again emphasized the hospitality of his house and deep respect for all those present.

On these holidays, it was necessarily another one - before the owner was set by the so-called opicious dish and the host from him personally shifted in shallow packaging (flat dishes) and passed with servants to special guests as a sign of absolute attention to them. And when the servant passed this, a peculiar gastronomic message from his master, as a rule, said: "So that you, the gracious sovereign, to eat on health."

If we, as miraculously could be moved in time, and to be in the seventeenth century, and why not, it happened and the second miracle would be invited to such a celebration we would not be very surprised by the order of feeding dishes to the table. Here you judge yourself, now it is normal for us that first we eat a snack, after the soup, and after that, the second and dessert, and in those days, first served the pies, then dishes from meat, birds and fish ("roast"), and only then At the end of the lunch - soups ("ear"). Resuning after soups, a variety of sweet snacks on the dessert.

How drank in Russia

The traditions of drinking in Russia saved and reached us, their roots go to the old days, and in many houses today, as in the distant past, to abandon food and drinking means offend the owners. Also reached us and everywhere practiced the tradition of drinking vodka not in small sips, as adopted for example in European countries, and volley, immediately.

True, the attitude towards drunkenness has changed, if it means to get away today, it means to deviate the recent standards, then in those times of Boyarskaya Rus, when it was considered obligatory, and not a dressed guest should have been such at least to pretend. Although it was not necessary to get drunk quickly, and to keep up with all the participants in the feast and for this rapid intoxication was considered indecent.

Royal pies

Thanks to many of the old manuscripts to us, we are well aware of the festive and everyday table of the Tsar and Boyar. And this is due to the punctuality and the clarity of the fulfillment of their duties of the court employees.

The number of all sorts of dishes on the royal feasts and at the pirants of rich boyars came up to one hundred thousand, and in special cases it could also reach half thousand, and to the table under rummaged, one by one, and precious gold and silverware with the rest of the dishes held in their hands standing around the table servants.

Peasant pier

But the traditions were not so rich in the society of society, and were not only rich and noble members of society.

Representatives of almost all segments of the population were obliged to meet the female table about all significant events in life, be it a wedding, christening, named, meetings, faults, commemoration, folk and church holidays ...

And naturally, this tradition reached us almost no longer changed.

Russian hospitality

Everyone was always known about Russian hospitality.

As for the food, if guests come to the house of the Russian man and find the family at dinner, they will certainly be invited to the table and seated behind him, and the guest is unlikely to be able to abandon it.

Solemn lunches and feast in honor of the reception of foreign guests were arranged with a special lack of breadth and scope, they were called upon to demonstrate not only the material possibilities of royal hosts (submit to the opposed people's own people), but also the breadth and hospitality of the Russian soul.

5. Traditions of the Russian Orthodox Festive Feast

Orthodox festive feast for a long time keeps many traditions, customs and rites. The characteristic feature of the Orthodox holidays was that these were family holidays. All family members and relatives gathered at the table. The festing etiquette was very restrained and strict. At the table sat chinno, and the conversations tried to lead serious and kind. Razcule and drunkenness, especially on benchmarks, were considered a big sin. As St. Fyodor Ississky wrote, "the holiday is not in wine, but in updating the mind and spiritual purity. Filling the volatility, the nice to whom the holiday is dedicated. "

A mandatory element of the holiday is a prayer. It is believed that the food prepared with the prayer is always possible, and prayers before and after biting food and others facing God, the Blessed Trinity, the Most Holy Theotokos, an honest cross, will bring health, calm and joy.

For the Orthodox festive table, traditional dishes are characterized by the celebrated holiday. For many holidays, strictly defined ritual dishes were intended, and they often prepared them only once a year. They knew and waited in advance when on the table there will be stuffedy pig, goose or turkey, honey or poppy pie, lush and ruddy pancakes, painted eggs and cakes ...

Noted the Orthodox holidays with an abundant and rich table. And in the wealthy, and in poor families put all the best on the table what was in the house. Especially for the holidays were purchased in advance and were kept in domestic stores a variety of products.

For the festive table, fine dishes were preparing, adhering to the rules: "Eats a man at home, and he is taking a closer," and the hostess tried to shine with culinary abilities. The range of snacks and dishes, especially cold, was diverse and wide. Folk traditions often prescribed on what holiday how many of them should be. Most dishes and drinks immediately put on the table. It was considered obligatory to try all the dishes that were on the table.

Much attention was paid to the design of the festive table. It was covered with beautiful, as a rule, embroidered or a snow-white tablecloth and served with better dishes and devices, decorated with flowers, greenery branches, paper ribbons, garlands. The indispensable attribute of the festive table was candles that gave feasting special solemnity and symbolized the religious nature of the holiday.

Traditions and customs of the festive feast changed and updated over the centuries. Each generation sought to preserve the ancient pagan traditions, and Orthodox, and bring something to their own. And modern generations are no exception to this rule.

The Russian people are representatives of the East Slavic ethnos, the indigenous people of Russia (110 million people - 80% of the population of the Russian Federation), the most numerous ethnic group in Europe. The Russian diaspora has about 30 million people and it is concentrated in such states as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, in the countries of the former USSR, in the USA and EU countries. As a result of the sociological research, it was found that 75% of the Russian population of Russia - followers of Orthodoxy, and a significant part of the population does not count themselves to some particular religion. The national language of the Russian people is Russian.

Each country and his people have their meaning in the modern world, the concepts of folk culture and the history of the nation, their formation and development are very important. Each people and his culture are unique in their own way, the flavor and the uniqueness of each nationality should not be lost or dissolved in assimilation with other peoples, the younger generation should always remember who they are actually. For Russia, which is a multinational power and a house for 190 peoples, the issue of national culture is rather acute, due to the fact that over the past years its erasure is especially noticeable and against the background of cultures of other nationalities.

Culture and life of the Russian people

(Russian folk costume)

The first associations arising from the concept of "Russian man" is of course the latitude of the soul and the power of the Spirit. But the national culture is formed by people, it is these character traits that have a huge impact on its formation and development.

One of the distinctive features of the Russian people has always been simplicity, in former times, Slavic houses and property are very often exposed to plunder and complete destruction, hence the simplified attitude to life issues. And of course, these tests that have fallen to the share of the long-suffering Russian people, only hardened his character, they did more and taught with proudly raised head to leave any life situations.

Another feature prevailing in the nature of the Russian ethnic group can be called kindness. The concept of Russian hospitality is well known to the whole world, when "and feed, and go away, and sleep is hosted." A unique combination of such qualities such as cordiality, mercy, compassion, generosity, tolerance and again simplicity, very rarely found from other peoples of the world, all this is fully manifested in the very latitude of the Russian soul.

Diligence is another one of the main features of Russian, although many historians in the study of Russian nationalities are celebrated, both her love for work and huge potential and her laziness, as well as complete misinterpretability (remember Oblomov in Goncharov's novel). But all the same, the efficiency and endurance of Russian people is an indisputable fact, against which it is difficult to argue. And no matter how scientists did not want to understand the "mysterious Russian soul", it is unlikely that it is unique and multifaceted that it will remain a secret for everyone so unique and multifaceted for everyone.

Traditions and customs of the Russian people

(Russian Trapeza)

Folk traditions and customs are a unique bond, a kind of "bridge of time", connecting far from the present. Some of them leave their roots into the pagan past of the Russian people, even before the baptism of Russia, gradually, their sacral significance was lost and forgotten, but the highlights were preserved and are still observed. In the villages and towns, Russian traditions and customs honor and remember to a greater extent than in cities, which is associated with a more detached lifestyle of the city inhabitants.

A large number of rituals and traditions is associated with family life (this is the waldness, and wedding celebrations, and baptism of children). Conducting vintage rites and rituals guaranteed a successful and happy life in the future, the health of the descendants and the general well-being of the family.

(Pictured shot of a Russian family of early XX century)

Slavic families have long been distinguished by a large number of family members (up to 20 people), adult children, already married, remained living in their hometown, the head of the family was a father or an elder brother, they should all have been obeying and unquestioning to fulfill all their punishes. Usually wedding celebrations were carried out either in the fall, after harvesting, or in winter after the holiday of baptism (January 19). Then a very good time for the wedding began to be considered the first week after Easter, the so-called "red hill". The wedding rite was preceded by the rite of the walling, when the bride's parents came to his groom's parents, if the parents agreed to give her daughter to marry, then there were seeing seeing (acquaintance of future newlyweds), then there was a cerebral rite and hand (parents solved the questions of the priest and the date of wedding festivities ).

The rite of baptism in Russia was also interesting and unique, the child was to be baptized immediately after birth, for this they were chosen the godfather parents who will be in response to the life and well-being of the godfather. In the one-year-old kid, Sadili was on the wrong sheep Tuluup and hanged him, sorting the cross on the Temkin, with this meaning that the unclean forces would not be able to penetrate his head, and they would not have the authorities over him. Every Christmas Eve (January 6) a bit of a teenage sentence should bring to the godded parents of the Kutual (porridge from wheat with honey and poppy), and they in turn should give it sweets.

Traditional holidays of the Russian people

Russia is a truly unique state, where a par with a highly developed culture of modern world, the ancient traditions of their grandfathers and great-grandfather, who go deep into the ages and keeping the memory of not only Orthodox vows and canons, and also the most ancient pagan rites and sacraments. And to date, pagan holidays are noted, the people listen to the signs and century traditions, remember and tells old legends and legends to their children and grandchildren.

Major Folk Holidays:

  • Christmas Jan. 7
  • Sky January 6 - 9
  • Epiphany January 19
  • Maslenitsa from February 20 to 26
  • Forgiveness Sunday ( before the onset of the Great Post)
  • Palm Sunday ( sunday preceding Easter)
  • Easter ( the first Sunday after the full moon, coming no earlier than the day of the conditional spring equinox March 21)
  • Red hill ( first Sunday after Easter)
  • Trinity ( sunday a day of Pentecost - the 50th day after Easter)
  • Ivan Kupala July 7.
  • Peter Day and Fevronia July 8
  • Ilyin Day August 2
  • Honey savage August 14
  • Apple Spass August 19
  • The third (bread) saved August 29.
  • Cover day October 14

There is a belief that in the night of Ivan Kupala (from 6 to July 7) once a year, the flower of fern flourished in the forest, and the one who will find him will acquire inflexible wealth. In the evening, near the rivers and lakes, there are large bonfires, people dressed in festive old-Russian robes lead dance, sing ritual chants, jumping through the fire, and let go wreaths on the flow, hoping to find their soul mate.

Maslenitsa is a traditional holiday of the Russian people, noted during the week before the great post. Very long ago, the carnival was rather not a holiday, and the rite, when the memory of the past ancestors was honored, asked them pancakes, they asked them fertile year, and the burning of the straw stuffed in winter. Time passed, and the Russian people, thirsty of fun and positive emotions in the cold and dull time of year, turned a sad holiday into a more fun and dull celebration, which began to symbolize the joy of the early end of winter and the arrival of the long-awaited heat. The sense has changed, and the tradition of the pancakes remained, an exciting winter entertainment appeared: rolling from the slides on sleds and in horse races, the straw stuffed winter was burned, a relative went to pancakes to the mother-in-law, then to Zolovka, everywhere reigned the atmosphere of holiday and fun There were various theatrical and puppet ideas on the streets with parsley and other folklore characters. One of the very colorful and dangerous entertainment on Maslenitsa was to carry out fist fights, the male population participated in them, for which it was an honor to take part in a kind of "rolling case", checking them on courage, courage and dexterity.

Especially revered Christian holidays among the Russian people are considered Christmas and Easter.

Christmas is not only a bright feast of Orthodoxy, he also symbolizes the revival and returning to life, traditions and customs of this holiday, filled with kindness and humanity, the high moral ideals and the celebration of the Spirit over worldly concerns, and in the modern world re-open society and rethink them. Day Before Christmas (January 6), a Christmas tree is called, because the main dish of the festive table, which should consist of 12 dishes, is a special porridge "sochily", consisting of boiled steels with honey polished, sprinkled with poppies and nuts. You can sit at the table only after the first star in the sky, Christmas (January 7) is a family holiday, the code everyone gathered at one table, ate festive treats and gave each other gifts. 12 days after the holiday (until January 19) are called shinties, earlier at this time the girls in Russia held various sites with gadagans and rites to attract the grooms.

Light Easter has long been considered to be a great holiday in Russia, which was associated with people with the day of general equality, forgiveness and mercy. On the eve of Easter celebrations, usually Russian women bake cakes (festive saturated Easter bread) and Easter, clean and decorate their dwellings, young people and children paint eggs, which in an ancient legend symbolize the blood drops of Jesus Christ, crucified on the cross. On the day of Holy Easter, weigly dressed people, meeting, say "Christ Risen!", Answer "Verily Risen!", Then a triple kiss and the exchange of festive Easter eggs.

We often do not think that it turns us from a group of jointly living people into a real cell of society. And here, the last role is played with the usual qualities. In our article we will talk about what family traditions are, what are their meaning, and we also give examples of habits that are in families of different countries and make our own list.

Family traditions: what it is

To define what a family tradition is to determine first with what it means - "family." According to the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary - this is "a small group based on marriage or blood relationship, members of which are associated with the generality of life, mutual help, moral and legal liability." So, in a full-fledged cell of society, relatives not only live under one roof, but also love each other, care about every member, together spend time. If some occupation or action repeats repeatedly, transfers from one generation to another, then it becomes custom of this kind.

Family customs are not necessarily something ambitious and large-scale. Even modest weekly rituals, which are established in a particular union, can be considered a tradition. For example, cleaning on Saturdays, a joint breakfast on Sunday in the morning or viewing along with children of cartoons on Fridays.

Moreover, the habit of wishing each other good in the morning, kiss when meeting or farewell, the call that you have safely reached the destination, you can also attribute to the standards adopted in this cell of society.

Types of family traditions

A list of what can be attributed to family traditions may be infinite. However, they can be divided into general, which are inherent in many people in different variations, and completely unique, specific rituals.

The first group includes such actions as:

Joint celebration

In most homes in Russia for a birthday, New Year, Easter is going for a richly covered with a large circle of relatives and close friends to congratulate the birthday language or take out the outgoing year.

These days, it is customary to present gifts and memorable souvenirs, writing congratulations, sing songs and dance, pronounce toasts with the subsequent adoption of alcoholic beverages, which certainly does not benefit the nation.

Joint meeting of important events in life

Many people are taken daily or at least once a week to discuss in a narrow circle, as was the day, which events happened, share their thoughts on this occasion, give advice or simply from the soul to empathize. It also discusses plans for the weekend and the near future. Such close frank communication is very much allocated, allows all members of the surname to feel their importance and significance for the rest.

Joint travel

If circumstances are allowed, many spend a vacation all together, if possible, going to the sea or in another city. And there are those who prefer annual trips to give summer, where the rest in nature is combined with labor duties. Any such trip brings many positive to each participant, which strengthens the relations of households.

Photos for memory

Pleasant events want to capture on the photographs to return to a memorable day at any time. Fashionable now photo shoots can be a good tradition, especially in families where children are. After all, every age of the baby has its charms, and time flies so quickly that they do not have time to come to the senses. In addition, a long joint preparations usually go to such an event, and the child itself will take a child as an adventure.

Joint visiting various events

Cinema, theater, exhibitions, museums, festivals are all very interesting and informative. If everyone is tuned to the development of their personality, then the household will never be bored with each other. So joint visits to cultural or entertainment events are a very good and useful custom.

A list of what else has common family traditions, can be very long. After all, here you can attribute the smallest daily habits, and all religious rituals, national characteristics related, for example, with marriage or dedication to religion. Russia is the country of multinational, and every people have their own historical customs.

The specific customs can be attributed to those features that are only your cell inherent. For example, you love to breakfast there are exclusively oatmeal, or do not go to bed on Friday until dawn.

In addition, there are those actions that have developed by themselves, and there are specially introduced. In any case, this is exactly what is repeated in one house with some periodicity.

The role of family traditions: what does their observance mean

If you select the main positive theses, then they will probably sound like this:

  • Traditions give a feeling of stability, inviolable marriage for spouses.
  • Relieve respect for the elders.
  • Push the craving for work and order.
  • Split and unite relatives.
  • They allow you to feel like an integral part of something big, strong, what we call the Cell of society.

What are family traditions for children

It is especially important to comply with the ordered customs for kids, because it gives a feeling of stability, which means security. The guys love, when something repeats many times, it is useful for their psyche, makes a child calm and balanced. That is why doctors are so strongly recommended to observe the day of the day.

The following traditions will be especially useful for children:

Reading a fairy tale for the night and singing of lullaby kids

Evening reading not only develops the child's fantasy, but also sets it up on a calm way, the appropriate before bedtime, and the voice of the mother always calms down and lulls.

Joint Games

In the age of computers, televisions and an infinite number of entertainment, take a child very simple. However, the warmest memories of childhood will be those when the kid played along with his parents. It can be board games or outdoor activities in nature, the main thing is that everyone close to participate in the game.

Household duties

Well, when each member is even the smallest, there are some duties around the house. It does not have to be a fixed labor service. Classes can be changed and every time to offer a new task. Offer the child during one cleaning to wipe dust, and next time you work the vacuum cleaner. And with such a mistake, how to pour flowers, even kids cope with pleasure.

Family facilities

Kisses and arms

Psychologists argue that to feel happy you need at least eight hugs per day. And children need even more. So hug kids for any reason. And the kiss for the night will be the perfect conclusion of the day and for the child, and for parents.

Preparation for the New Year

For many adults among the most magical moments of childhood are New Year's holidays. You can create a fairy tale along with the child, together decorate the Christmas tree under the themed songs, make souvenirs as a gift to your own, writing letters to Santa Claus. After all, the baby knows what many adults have learned to do - believe in miracles.

All these and many other traditions will allow children to form the right attitude towards marriage, as one of the main elements of their lives. Already as adults, they will carry into their young cell of society that the foundations and principles who have learned from childhood.

Description of family traditions of different countries

Of course, in each society there are their own, historically established customs. We will describe in more detail about what is accepted in other states.

In Russia

Since ancient pores in Russia, traditions were honored and guarded, they were an important part of life as a simple population and nobles.

One of the main customs was a good knowledge of a kind, all his ancestors to the tenth knee. In the aristocratic medium in each name, the genealogical trees was necessarily drawn up, in which all the progenitors with names, patronymic, surnames and titles were listed. From the mouth, stories were transferred from the life of the progenitors, and in the invention of the camera - snapshots. Until now, many families carefully store ancient photo albums, gradually complementing them with modern cards.

Respect for the elder - one of the pilingifestations of Rus. In our country, unlike Western states, it is not customary to give parents to live their age in guest houses and nursing homes. Children until the last day care about their old men. And after their death, it is customary to commemorate the left relatives on the day of the death and birthday, care for their graves.

Another Russian feature testifying to respect for his family is the assignment of the child of the middle name. This is a tribute, first of all, Father. Also, it was often possible to meet the "family" name, that is, the frequently found in this family when the child is called in honor of one of the relatives.

Also widely distributed the transfer of relics by inheritance. And this is not necessarily a jewel behind the whole condition. It can be simple, but expensive heart things - interior items, cutlery. Often, the wedding outfit passed from Mother to her daughter.

Almost all of these traditions have been preserved in our society until now. But many, unfortunately, almost lost. For example, professional dynasties, when some craft was deeply studied, and its secrets were transmitted from generation to generation.

A good trend was the return to the roots and century traditions. The Russian House of Rodarlovia offers assistance in making a genealogical tree of a kind. They have more than five hundred genealogists working worldwide, which will certainly be detected by any archival documents where one or another name is mentioned. Also, experts do not simply make up a pedigree, but also traine in this difficult craft. A rich selection selection will not only make a tree for themselves from interest, but also acquire a pedigree book as an original and useful gift.

In Great Britain

This is the country that holy honors his customs, especially for the aristocratic dynasties. Traditions are respected in everything: from daily rituals morning oatmeal and evening tea drinking to the concept of how to raise children.

One of the features of the British is to upbringing in its children of strict control over their emotions. Save face for a true gentleman today is also important as a couple of centuries ago.

In Italy

Italy is a very patriarchal state. Almost 90% of all enterprises are related there, that is, they are transferred from the Father to the Son. In addition, the surname in this state is not limited to the narrow circle of the most relatives, all relatives are an important part of a large clan.

On holidays, all the surname is necessarily intended for a richly covered festive table, joking, laugh, share news.

In America

Despite the fact that Americans are mostly labor and are very focused on building a career, there are in many cells of society for three and more children. Interesting is the tradition of taking a baby with me everywhere, even at parties and sitting with friends. It is believed that such early integration into society will help the child in adulthood.

Historically, family traditions - an integral part of the life of any society in each state. They like cement when building at home, associate all relatives, allow them not to lose common interests. So observe the existing customs and start new, then in your house there will always be an atmosphere of love and friendship.

Consultation for parents

« Family holidays and rites»

In the history of the Russian people, first depicted only one Russia - the historically public, forgetting Russia, the family, perhaps, the only Russian people in the life. We must correctly and fully portray our life, presenting our life with all its changes. No strangers will understand so enthusiasm of our family life: they will not warm up his imagination, they will not break such memories.

From this, our native tunes are so sweet talk about the Russian soul, about homeland and ancestors; Our epics so generous memories of Mount Dedovsky; Our fairy tales are so pleased with our negotiating, the native language of Russian; From this, our games are so comforting the youth after work; From this on our weddings, a fervent Russian shower of generations is having fun; From this, a general world life is reflected in the superstitious beliefs of our people.

Babushkina pedagogy existed. The mother's maternal, an experienced eye sees her grandmother in insecure steps and babies his character, perceives him as a person. And carefully, gently introduces a young creature into the world. Grandma is always there, as a good spirit at home. She will forgive much and understand, she will most likely regret what offends. A child and grandmother is the usual combination so much for us all the norm that when we lost it in urban apartments, then the dimensions of the lost one did not immediately understand.

Peasant families are trying to bring the child from early years to work. Rustic kids know how to feed and make a cow, cut the sheep, to jump and plant a vegetable garden, throw the grass, wash, stroke the lingerie, to escape the hut.

Researchers noted that Russian peasant children only around the house were occupied in 85 types of work. Adults did not really need to help children, could do without it. However, they deliberately attracted the guys to work, well understanding his raising role.

Russian peasants loved the chorus to sing multi-voice songs, the song was part of their lives. Sing together - one family feel yourself. No lonely among singing. Neither holidays nor weddings nor the fault of the young men in the army were without tears.

There is a traditional association of family rites around the most important periods of human life - birth, marriage, death. From here there is a chain of the maternity, wedding, funeral ritual accompanying these rituals.

For example, in the family holiday "Name Day" was considered spiritual birth more than bodily and from this birthday remained inconspicuous, and the day of the angel or name was celebrated for all his life, to whom the condition allowed.

But now, unfortunately, many exciting, merry, colorful elements of old customs are undeservedly forgotten. Customs, despite their generally acceptedness, is not something unchanged. Indicatively in this sense, such a family and household rite as a wedding. Previously, the wedding was played as a whole performance. Currently, in that wedding rite, which is closer to the old, there are no composite parts. So, the matchmaking plays a conditional role, everyone is now solving young, there are no sorrowful rituals.

We live in a country that wears the proud name - Russia. Russia in a historical understanding is the life and life of the population, relations with other countries, this is a joint residence on one territory of many nations.

Over the hundreds of years, the peoples of Russia have developed common customs, traditions, common Russian culture. And at the same time, every nation, as an island in the ocean, lives by their traditions by national culture, lives that it distinguishes from other nations. The development of culture contributed to the formation of the national identity of the people, the feeling of unity. This is the power of the Russian people, this is what Russians make Russians. Family and household rites are predetermined by the cycle of human life. They are divided into maternity, wedding, recruit and funeral.

Maternity rite. Special ritual significance, the woman acquired during rites. For a newborn, this rite symbolized the beginning of the life path. During the rite, the newborn did the status of a human being, and the woman who gave birth was the status of a mother who allowed her to go to another social agitative group - adult women - women, which prescribed a new type of behavior to her. The maternity rites sought to protect the newborn from hostile mystical forces, and also assumed the well-being of a baby in life. The ritual ablution of the newborn was performed, the health of the baby was reworked by various sentences. Our ancestors sincerely believed that not only the child is a carrier of unclean strength, but his mother is dangerous for living, as it serves as a guide between the worlds. Through the body of a woman, the child comes into the earth's world. But with the child in the earthly world can penetrate and evil. These rituals were called "cleaning", that is, they were purified from dark power. There were two types of rites: church and folk. On the day of birth to the guinea comes a hangup. As soon as all procedures are completed after the yield of the mother's womb, the owner of the house invites a priest who sprinkles the holy water house, the child's room, reads the prayers of purification for the mother, child and, separately, for women who were present during childbirth. After reading the prayers, the mother and father of the child must give their own name (necessarily on the same day). Then the day is prescribed when the baby will be baptized. This is the role of the priest for a while ends. So the first stage of purification is completed. Only after that all residents of the house could breathe calmly and not worry for their future. Following the second stage of cleansing the baby and the mother. It is in the washing of mother and the child in the bath. Started always with a child. Before wash the body of the baby, the obstacle dysfastly watered the stones with water so that steam filled the entire steam room. They believed that the baby's born was solid as a stone and it was necessary to smash. Such a massage improved blood circulation, helped the joints to acquire flexibility, and the skin elasticity. When stretching, the obstacles took the right handle of the child and pulled it to the left leg and, on the contrary, the left handle to the right leg. The fact is that our ancestors believed that in the dark world everything is inverted, where the right - is left, where the top is the bottom. Consequently, the newborn, as who came from that world, will also be turned over. The hangup "turned" the child as it should be in earthly life. Born a woman, according to belief, was renounced born. For the rite of purification follows the church baptism rite. Unresolved child caused fear from people, he was forbidden to kiss, talk to him, put things on him (the child was always in diapers). In some villages, Russia even forbid the mother to call him by name. The baby was considered a powerful creature, he was not counted to the family in which he was born. Parents carefully chose the godfather for their child, as they were considered spiritual mentors. Most often, relatives became most often, as they will not give up the kiss, they will always take care of him, to educate, teach. The most interesting thing is that children from six years old and old people could become the criss (or cross), but preference was given to people of the same age with their parents. It was impossible to refuse the role of the godfather, it was considered a blood offender for parents. Before the sacrament, the child was in his hands at the obstacle, who passed his sovereign father. The godfather was preparing a font for a rite. Oddly enough, the water in the font was poured directly from the well, in no case were not racing it and did not add warm water. It was believed that, lowering the child in ice water (even in winter), give it a greater resistance to diseases. If during the baptism of the candle in the hands of relatives smoked and burned badly, it was believed that the child would often be sick or would die soon, if the flame was bright - his life will be long. After completing the rite, the priest passed the baby to the godded parents: if the boy, then the godfather, if the girl, then the crossed father, who carried the child to the house. After that, the baby was becoming a full member of the family. The day after baptism, relatives and friends came to the house of parents. Assisted the feast, the first toasts were always pronounced for the health of the child, his parents and the obstacles who took birth. Wedding rite. The wedding is a complex ritual, consisting of ritual actions and ritual poetry, expressing economic, religious and poetic views of the peasants. The wedding is divided into three stages: pre-wedding, wedding and honeycomb. The pre-wedding includes walling, loot, collusion, bachelorette party. To the wedding - the arrival of the wedding train to the house of the bride, the rite of groom to the bride, leaving the crown, wedding, wedding feast. At the wedding, the works of various folk genres sounded: Baby songs, sentences, etc. Among the ritual songs were highlighted the songs of magnificent and brown. Great songs glorify the wedding participants: the groom, the bride, parents, guests and friend. They include an image of appearance, clothing, wealth. They were idealized by the world and reflected the representation of the peasants about the aesthetic and moral appearance of a person, the dreams of a happy, rich life. The main principle of the image in these songs is the principle of exaggeration. In the best songs, peculiar portraits of the wedding participants are given. Matchmaking. In the villages of the junction of young people were engaged in Swaha. At first there was a rite of removing. Swachy came to the house of the future groom with the aim of taking away, whether his father wishes to arrange a wedding son. The head of the family was called Venuner. Swachy was entrusted to asked, the plans of this family had plans for the Son. Further Matitsa - the Middle Ceiling Beam Swhah was not allowed, the second half of the hollow was considered a family a half house. As soon as Swaha understood that a young guy want to marry, she agreed with his father about the day of the matchmaker and told about the bride. Welding the bride was usually driving in the evening, in the evening, in the evening, so as not to give the mystery of the future wedding to the highest forces that can interfere with the joint hearts. Father of the groom, the groom, his scam, half guns and Swat or Swash came to the house to the bride. From the side of the bride at the table gave birth to girlfriends and the nearest her relatives. They spoke with semi-skins and with jokes-booms, whether two families wish to create a young family. If the bride agrees to marry the groom, then the chalk is half a broom from the door to the stove, and if not, then from the stove to the door, as if the woven from the house. From here we went to expressions: "Frequently" - or decisled positively, "Verify" - or leave. The groom could also agree or not marry this girl. If he drank three cups of tea, then the wedding is to be. If he drank one cup and turned it on the saucer up the bottom, then the bride did not like. Watching has not yet been a final wedding decision. The future wedding celebration could cancel another pre-wedding custom. Women. The relatives of the bride went to the house to the bridegroom on looting. The bride was in Russia a profitable product. Therefore, I tried to give it to the wives of a rich fiancé to take a big laying (redemption for the bride). It was believed that if in the house of the groom a lot of cattle, then it is bad. After all, the young wife will have to take care of all his living in the house of her husband. A great value on the loaf was copper dishes. She was a sign of prosperity, so it was often held by the rich neighbors to "let dust in the eyes" by the parents of the bride. By the way, they had the right to abandon the wedding after the gray. Hands. On this day, the fathers of both families behind the common table were going to finally declare the day of the wedding and decide how to organize a wedding. Fathers drove through the entire table and hit each other by hand, considering the question to be solved. On the same day, the groom gave a masonry (redemption) for the bride, and it was uncomfortable to show the family of the groom. It should consist of her clothes for 2 years ahead and bedding. Washing. The bride dressed in mourning clothes. She could not talk, because due to her mouth, there were taught. The bride mourned its last girls. Now she could not leave the house alone, only with the accompanying who kept it under the animals, as weakened from the tears. There was even such a cruel custom - the bride should have been whipped himself in front of the groom, fall to the ground, shy and say goodbye to each corner of his native home. Hen-party. Usually, the bachelorette party was spent on the eve of the wedding. Girls-girlfriends of the bride and her relatives gathered at home at the culprit of the celebration. For the last time she was clever brazed, turning into her Kosnik - embroidered with pearls and beaded ribbon. Further, due to and crying, a girlfriend was for the last time we broke the maiden's braid, and the bride bride passes the younger sister or unmarried a girlfriend. On the bachelorette party in the whole house hung the man-made creations of the bride, which she managed to do in the greatness. These were pushers and napkins, embroidered bride, shirts and dresses, household mats. All that she learned to do for his life. In the evening, the bridegroom came, brought gifts, from which the bride had to refuse. All young people have fun noisy, only the bride with the fiance sat down the droops, waiting for the unknown of family life. Bath custom. Before the wedding, the bride was taken carefully to wash in the bath. Savarka read in the bath bride plots from treason. Her batted and several times peeled water. The last water after the bride was collected in clean handkerchiefs, collected in a small container so that at the wedding to fill the fiance in drinking. It was a conspiracy from treason and love. The rite of the wedding is one of the most ancient rites of the Oriental Slavs. He refers to the festive calendar. The wedding rite depended on the favorable periods in the folk calendar. Wedding rites were forbidden during posts (Christmas, Big, Petrovsky, Uspensky) and large Orthodox holidays, and even. In the period from 7 to 21 January. On Tuesday and Thursday were not crowned. Most often, the wedding was played in the fall, with the end of agricultural work, many sought to coincide with the date of the wedding to the cover of the day, because it was believed that the Pokrov was a patron saint of marriages; After baptism and to the passenger week, the wedding wedding is considered the wedding played against a red slide, after Easter, during a fomine of the week. Do not play a wedding in a leap year. After the death of relatives, you need to postpone the wedding for 1 year. Bridesmaid wedding dress should be white. This color symbolizes the transition of the bride from the youth to adulthood. An important attribute of the bride's wedding clothing for a long time is chambers. Brides on clothes pinched the pin, put the leaves of rowan in shoes, and the fruit in pockets. When the bride should be consecrated for Easter Salt. When the brides are wary, they must be cross. Before the wedding, engaged in rings. The groom is golden, the bride - silver, it meant the Union of the Moon and the Sun. Rings must be from one place and have no drawings. The ring can not wear on the glove. It is impossible to use the rings found, marvel to a widow ring, blame the otheic ring. The brides can be married to inheritance rings. Falling the rings at the time of the conclusion of marriage, talks about health problems, indicate a divorce, the death of one of the spouses. It is accepted that the ring buys newlyweds, preferably in one place and in one day. Wedding rings can not be given to think about girlfriends, sisters, otherwise the disputes will be in families. In the summer and in the spring, the pair was rarely married. It was mainly due to necessity, such as, for example, hide a breast pregnancy. It was extremely rarely marriage without the blessing of the parents, because they condemned the entire community. However, it is worth noting that parents sometimes consciously pushed children to such a secret wedding, because it saved them from excessive costs associated with the organization of the celebration.

Recruit rite. Recruit rites are rites that performed in the peasant environment regarding men designed to serve 25 years in the Russian army during the action of the Decree "On Recruit Meal. The so-called" dreakny people "in the history of Russia were in the history of Russia. Differential people. Regarding the number of recruits to Each rural community was made by the authorities from above. Which specifically send to soldiers, the communities decided on a general one, choosing among the persons who have already reached 20 years. All year left before calling, a candidate for recruits did not agree to work, and since the summer they freed themselves from everyone The work so that he walked more on conversations and summer playing. Recruits ("non-commodities") regretted, treated them as people, whose lives were already considered on Earth. Before sending to the medical examination to the province or county city in the family walked on two Candles (put off the name - go to the army), according to Karavah bread with baked cross in front of him (falls for the threshold - to the service), in a hidden cross, which could choose among other items Rooster in fortune telling on the shinty, on beans and cards, on the cries of the rooster on the day of departure to the call, etc. On the day of departure to the commission, the parents blessed the guy in the house, played the scenes in which the young man, allegedly returned from the Commission, freed from the call. In the morning on the day of medical examination, candidates for recruits werehed in a bath with soap from the ablution of the dead man so that the doctor would appreciate them as sick and weak.

After a medical examination, the remaining 3-7 days of recruitment walked every day with songs at farewell parties, where they, among other things, were due, as if dead. Sometimes recruits competed in the upper races. It was believed that the winner will return alive, and fallen from the horse will definitely die. In the morning, on the eve of the shipment, the recruit went to say goodbye to the dead in the cemetery, and the sunset rushed with the house, with the father's field and a meadow, with a bath, with the shore of a native river or lake. In the house on the eve of departure, the natives once again guess the Karavah bread on the threshold, whether to serve the recruitment in the Middle city or far from home. Recruit received a blessing from his father and mother, and if they called for a military year - then from the rural priest. Recruited came to me a reserve for several days and a handful of native land in a bag. Mother recruits were accompanied to the volost center. At home and at all important intersections, friends fell out of rifles in the air by idle charges. Alive after 25 years of service home rarely who returned from recruits.

After 1868, the recruit rites were transformed first in the rites of the wires into the army or the current front, now they are reduced to one farewell party and the general customs of the wires on the long road. Occasionally Conscripts take a leaf with apocryphs "Sleep of the Most Holy Virgin" or "Prayer of God", other military prayers, who are believed to be removed from death and a rough relationship to the recruitment of commanders and colleagues. Even less often to send them to the day of sending to the army Water on which such prayers are spoken by Savarka.

Funeral rite. Family rites - maternity, wedding and funeral - belong to the rites of the transition. Each of them is delivering one stage of human life from another, denoting the transition from one age period to another. The rites passed not only the long way of becoming, but rethinking and destruction of many elements previously significant in them, as a result of changes in the views of a person on the world. The funeral is considered ancient of family rites. The structure of the funeral-memorial ritual is simple and consists of several consecutive rites of complexes, namely: 1. Actions associated with the death condition of man and at the time of death, with the dressing of the dead man and the position of it in the coffin; 2. Highland from home, funeral in the church, burial; 3. Commemoration, which after the 40th day passed into memorial rites associated with calendar ritual.

Older people were preparing for death in advance. Women sewed their death clothes, in some areas it was accepted long before the death of making the coffins or stock up the coffins for the coffin. But for a deeply believer man, the main thing was considered to prepare themselves to this last life step spiritually, i.e. Have time to make the necessary cases to save the soul. The distribution of alms, deposits in the church and monasteries, were worshiped by challenges. Also pious affair was considered to forgive debts. Near the dying, the whole family was collected, it was brought to him (icons), and he blessed especially. Often the patient bore. Cobbing (Impression) is one of the seven sacraments of the Orthodox Church, which was accomplished over the sick. Under the delight, as well as when repentance, sins were released. After confession, the dying rushed with his family and relatives and gave punishes. For relatives and others it was very important to get from the dying forgiveness for the resentment, once perhaps caused to him. Performance of the dying unit was considered mandatory: "Anger cannot be angry with the rest of the remaining on earth." If a person died quickly and painlessly, believed that his soul would fall into paradise, and if he was hard and long before the death and for a long time - hence, sins are so great that he will not be Munya hell. Native, seeing how the dying dying, tried to help their soul to leave the body. To do this, they opened the door, a window, a chimney, broke a lip on the roof, raised the top insertion in the roof of the house. Everywhere put a cup with water so that the soul, flying, washed. The dying was supposed to put on the floor, underwing the straw. Die to the furnace was considered a big sin. When death fell, relatives began to carry out loud. It was assumed that the deceased sees everything and hears. The content of the exemption was arbitrary, everything depended on the eloquence of the placker. The struggle with this custom was carried out in Russia for many centuries. In 1551, the customs of mourning of the dead man was condemned by the decree of the outline cathedral. But at the beginning of the XVIII century. Peter I had to officially ban the funeral of the royal house once again. With the onset of death, everything was directed to the preparation of the deceased to the funeral. These actions largely mowed a religious and magical character. The dead had to wash. It has long been, as was customary, a man was washed with old men, a woman - old women, but by mid-XIX century. Obcomers were mainly engaged only women. In each village there were old women who were wrapped dead, getting something from the clothes of the deceased - a sundress, a shirt or handkerchief. At the same time they read prayers. All items used in the kneading were destroyed: the straw was burning or descended on water, or threw in ditch; The comb was thrown out or put together with the deceased in the coffin, the pot from under the water was broken, threw away at the first crossroads, soap or put in the coffin, or used it later only in magical healing purposes, water was poured into place where people usually did not go, Or on a fire, in which straw was burned. Prepare yourself clothes for the funeral was customary well known. The clothing cooked for burial was characterized by sewing, cutting, material, color. Long-term mortal clothing kept ancient cut and traditional forms that have already released from fashion. Deaders usually put in the coffin in the Savanov, stitched from the canvas. After the kneading and the "Corps" of the deceased put on the bench in the front angle, and lit the lamp before the icons and began to pray. In general, from the moment of death and to the most funeral (buried, as a rule, on the third day), the prayers were read by specially invited readers. For the whole time, the dead man lying under the icons, relatives came to him, including from other villages, as well as fellow villagers to say goodbye. Many people accomplide the rich in the church and in the cemetery. At the funeral of the poor, it was customary to go with offering - canvas, candles, wooden oil, rye or wheat flour, which were given to relatives of the deceased - on the pomin of the soul. Helped and money - to pay funeral expenses; Participated in the funeral and concrete actions: Some smoked the grave, the other washed the body, the third sequel was Svan. The poor and roasons were buried and remembered to the means of society. Thus, the death of a fellow villager became an event in the life of the whole ancient and concerned not only the closest, but also of all others. Susta, honey and oatmeal kissel were mandatory dishes on the memorial table. At the end of the lunch, everyone diverged home. This ended the rites of the burial ritual and began to be remembered. Pumping on the deceased relatives made 3, 9, 20, 40 days, anniversary and on holidays. After death, a cup with water and a pancake or a piece of bread. This bread was served in a day, and the water was poured out. So, it lasted 40 days.

The special complexity of ritual actions and solemnity was allocated to the 40th day after death - Four, when, by popular ideas, the soul attended the house for the last time. In many places, all the actions held on this day were called wire or shrinking of the soul. On the 40th day, a lot of people were invited and a rich table was welded. Be sure to visited the church, went to the grave of the deceased, and then dinner was arranged at home. Subsequently, the church declared a trinity Saturday, one of the parents, it became the main, most common intimidated Saturday. It was important to go to the graves of the dead, communicate with them, remember them. Respect for the dead testifies to respect for alive.