The most famous Egyptian mummies in the world. Mummy: the gloomy secrets of the Egyptian pharaohs (6 photos) as the ancient Egyptians did mummies

The most famous Egyptian mummies in the world. Mummy: the gloomy secrets of the Egyptian pharaohs (6 photos) as the ancient Egyptians did mummies
The most famous Egyptian mummies in the world. Mummy: the gloomy secrets of the Egyptian pharaohs (6 photos) as the ancient Egyptians did mummies

Egypt is a mysterious and beautiful country that manites and surprises, falls in love and frightened at the same time. About her constitute legends, filming the movies, write songs and poems. The mummy remain a majestic mystery to this day.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years

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We all know about the curse of Tutankhamon or Mummy Immechapa (which was a big scientist, architect and a doctor) thanks to cult films and publications in the media. But what is mummy? What is the difference in mummizing from embalming? What scares and impressive researchers of ancient burials? Why were the dead in Egypt subjected to this procedure? We will try to find all these questions.

Mummy is a human corpse treated with special means, compositions and oils using ancient techniques and methods, to preserve the optimal conditions to stop the development of decomposition at the corpse. The word "mummy" itself, according to scientists, denotes a special resin, a variety of bitumen, which, according to most researchers, was used to treat the body of the deceased.

Mummification has a number of distinctions from embalming. If in the first case the body of the deceased was treated with special drugs and dried, then in the second version the main task was to suspend the processes of tissue decomposition and leave the body as in the most approximate form to the one that a person had during life.

The study of such a phenomenon in world culture is engaged in many experts from different areas. Of particular value, this knowledge is carried for:

  • archaeologists;
  • historians;
  • doctors;
  • anthropologists;
  • chemists.

All of them explore the different sides of the same phenomenon (living conditions, social and political processes, chemical compositions of substances, DNA analysis of the dead, which processes underlie the cream cremation) trying to clarify the dark parties and fill the white spots in the question, like cremated and I buried in those times of the deceased.

How and why did it in ancient Egypt

Mummification in ancient Egypt has a religious aspect that is based on the faith that Pharaoh has a divine origin and its body must be preserved that the soul can be revived after death, find his body and learn it.

It all started with the legend of the goddess Iside and her beloved Osiris, who was killed by the network, and the parts of his body were scattered around the world. But God Anubis (according to legend), with the help of Isis, found them, folded together, treated with oils, wrapped a long cloth and breathed life into the deceased body.

It is faith in divineness, immortality, high social status and wealth gave the opportunity to mummify their bodies only rich classs in Egypt of that time. They belonged to them:

  • pharaohs and their relatives;
  • approximate pharaohs (guards, advisers and assistants);
  • priests.

As for ordinary people, for a long time there was an opinion that they are in principle there is no soul, therefore this procedure is not needed at all. However, over time, a simple population could also mummify his deceased relatives if they had enough money and opportunities on it.

Researchers of burials and sarcophags in ancient Egypt say that in addition to the mummies of the deceased in the burial, the bodies of girls and wives also find (which, according to some rites, could be buried alive), stocks of food and drink, money, decorations, weapons. It all only confirms the religious basis of mummifying, because the soul was given to what she needed for a comfortable stay in the other world.

In addition, in the burials also find mummies of animals. Especially often it is cats that were especially honored in those times, were considered inviolable and lived in temples and palaces.

Mummification: Stages and processes

Mummification as a physical phenomenon is a rather complicated and long process, the secrets of which were known only to a certain number of people in ancient Egypt. In order to correctly mummify the deceased person, we needed knowledge of the structure of the human body, chemistry, physics and climatic conditions of a certain territory, as well as the conditions necessary to bring the corpse to the right state.

There are two types of mummification:

  • natural (when the human body is dried, and not decomposed under the action of certain climatic factors);
  • artificial mummification (implies the use of special means to achieve the desired effect).

The first option took place when after death the corpse of a man buried in the sand. It was the sand that absorbed all moisture from the body of a person and did not give him the opportunity to decompose. And the constant high temperatures and wind dried the remains in a natural way.

As for the second option, it is necessary to more thoroughly understand in all processes and nuances in order to understand the meaning of how the whole process occurs. After death, the body of the deceased was taken to a special premises, where the whole rite took place, which lasted 70 days. This figure is connected with the interweaving of religion and astronomy in the consciousness of that time: it is such a number of days the star of Osiris is behind the horizon and is not visible in the sky.

The most complete and reliable description of the process of cremation of the deceased can be found in the works of Herodota. He tells about all stages and methods.

The first thing that was done with the body is a special device (most likely it was an ebonite stick - a prototype of a modern scalpel, made an incision in the groin zone in order to remove the insides). Everything except the heart was carried out of a person, because it was in him, according to the beliefs of the Egyptians, the soul lived. Cut parts of the body were washed with water and special compositions, oils and incense (most likely it was done in order to remove the unpleasant smell and destroy the harmful organisms that can begin the rotation process).

Each organ (lungs, stomach, liver, intestines) was purified, treated with certain oils and infused, and then immersed in vessels - cauldron, where these parts of the body were kept. The cover of each vessel was performed in the form of a certain deity, which was responsible for one or another.

As for the brain, it was mined a special method. With a long hook through a nostril or a special hole in the nose, penetrated the cranial box and the contents were removed in parts. Another option - with the help of the same hook, the brain was diluted with the same hook, and then the body turned over and through the nostrils poured it.

When the internal organs were extracted, the corpse was deceived by salt, oil compounds and soda and left for 40 days to dry. Soda and salt took moisture from the body, oils had a bactericidal effect, and some spices were used to remove the unpleasant odor.

After the allotted period passed, the remnants of the funds used were removed from the body, it was deceived by special compounds based on oils and bitumen resins. To give the dried remains, the form and volume, the cavity was laid in sawdust, sand, salt and sewn holes. To give mummy to similarity with a deceased person, she could wear a prepared mask or grimit, to imitate eyeballs and teeth.

The last stage was the wrapping of the body with bandages or long fabric strips. They were impregnated in the resin, which was instead of glue, incense and oils. In order for the spirit of man to successfully reincarnate, there was gold jewelry, coins, pieces of papyrus with a prayer for resurrection. Having finished all these stages, the finished mummy was transferred to relatives who put it in the sarcophagus (like a modern coffin), made in the form of a person who was placed in a generic tomb.

As you can see, the process of mummification in ancient Egypt was a very long and complex process, which occupied a lot of time and effort, demanded certain knowledge and skills. The most famous mummies who reached our days are the remains of the priests of Diista, Tutankhamon, Ramses II, Network I. All of them were carefully studied in order to understand all the nuances of life, social system.

No matter how much the mummies of ancient Egypt did not surround the mummies and terrible stories, they will attract the attention and attention of scientists, travelers and prey hunters.

When it comes to mums, many first remember the ancient Egypt, Pharaohs, the bodies of which are preserved until today, and the Hollywood blockbuster "Mummy". But in fact, Mummy is not only an ancient Egypt and Hollywood. In our review, little-known, and sometimes just incredible facts about mums.

1. What is mummy

Mummy is a human body or an animal body, which is protected from decomposition by removing internal organs, sodium treatment (sodium carbonate decahydrate) and resin, after which it was wrapped in bandages.

2. MUM means wax

The word "mummy" comes from the medieval Latin word "Mumia", borrowed from the medieval Arab "Mūmiya" and from the Persian "MUM" (wax), which meant the disinfected body, as well as a balming substance based on bitumen.

3. Variety of Mumiya

Archaeologists have discovered many animal mummies, including jackal, cats, baboons, horses, birds, gerbils, fish, snakes, crocodiles, hippofans and even lion.

4. Anubis

Some people wonder why so many mummies of Shakalov were found. The explanation for this is pretty simple - the mummification was Anubis, the Egyptian god with Shakala's head.

5. Art of Mummification

The ancient Egyptians began to make mummies about 3400 BC, but they needed almost eight hundred years to understand that if you remove the internal organs, the mummy would be maintained, and not rot. Over time, the mummification has become a very complex and long-term process that lasted up to seventy days.

6. Herodot - the first person described the mummification

The first person who wrote a lot about the process of mummification was a Greek historian Herodotus. It happened after he visited Egypt about 450 BC.

7. Tribe Chinchorro

Despite the fact that mummies are almost exclusively associated with Egypt, the South American tribe of Chinchorro was the first to begin to make mummies. According to the latest archaeological testimonies, the oldest mummies of Chinchorro are dated the seventh millennium BC, which is twice as older than the first Egyptian mummies.

8. X-ray shift mummy

The first modern scientific examinations of mummies began to hold in 1901, conducted by professors of the English language at the Government School of Medicine in Cairo. The first X-ray shot of the Mummy was made in 1903, when Professor Grafton Elliot Smith and Howard Carter used the only X-ray apparatus in Cairo at the time to explore the Mummy of Tutmos IV.

9. Classic

Not all mummies were wrapped in the same position. For example, the overwhelming majority of the pharaohs were located in the lying position with hands crossed on the chest. This position is most often shown in films and popular media.

10. Osiris

According to Egyptian mythology, the God of Osiris was the first mummy in history. However, his remains were not found.

11. Postal hospitality

It is for this reason that, after the mummy was all closed in the bandages, it was covered with a special cloth with the drawn image of Osiris. This was done so that the Egyptian God of the Underground World was good and hospitable for the dead.

12. Were money

Many people mistakenly believe that only Pharaohs mummified. In fact, Mumfied those who could afford it.

13. Everyone will take it with you

The ancient Egyptians believed that things were buried in the tomb with Mumia, help the dead man in life after death. Thus, all valuable for the deceased was buried with them. These were objects of art, artifacts, treasures and jewels.

14. Protection against thieves

Protection from thieves was also provided - the ancient Egyptian myths warned that the tomb and their content were imposed a curse that would hit everyone who will enter them. It was alleged that a number of archaeologists who discovered some of these burials were struck by total bad luck, and some even died in unusual circumstances.

Nevertheless, these curses could not prevent the plunder of the many graves and theft of precious jewelry and other expensive items that "accompanied" the mummies into the afterlife.

15. Dubious entertainment

In addition, in the Victorian era, unfolding the mummies was a popular occupation at parties. The hosts who spent a soul dinner bought a mummy, and guests could deploy her during the party.

16. An indispensable drug component

In Victorian times, mummies were considered an indispensable component in many drugs. Most famous doctors assured their patients that powder from mummies or mummies have amazing healing properties.

17. Ramses III was afraid of reptiles

Ramses III was afraid of reptiles. It was for this reason that his mummy was found with a dressed amulet who had to defend him from snakes in the afterlife.

18. Capacity of intelligence and emotions

The only body that the ancient Egyptians was left inside the mummy was a heart. At that time, the heart was considered the center of the center of intelligence and emotions - the qualities that were needed dead and in the afterlife.

19. Profitable business

Mummy were a very profitable business in ancient Egypt. In the process of preparing the mummy, many workers were used: from balsamizers and surgeons to priests and scribes.

Some people live after death. Swamps, deserts, eternal Merzlota presented by scientists surprises and sometimes retain the bodies unchanged by many centuries. We will tell about the most interesting finds that are striking not only appearance and age, but also tragic fate.

Lowlany Beauty 3800 Years

In the vicinity of the Tarim and Desert River, Takla Makan - in places where the Great Silk Road ran, - over the past quarter of a century, archaeologists have found more than 300 mummies of white people. Tarim mummies are distinguished by high rising, blond or red hair, blue eyes, which is atypically for the Chinese.

According to various versions of scientists, it could be both Europeans and our ancestors from South Siberia - representatives of Afanasyevskaya and Andronov cultures. The most ancient mummy is perfectly preserved and received the name Lowlany Beauty: This young woman in model growth (180 cm) with neat linseed braids lacked in the sands of 3,800 years.

It was found in the vicinity of Lowlan in 1980, a 50-year-old man of a two-meter growth and a three-month-old child with an ancient "bottle" from a cow horns and a sheep's nipper was buried nearby. Timir mummy Well preserved due to the arid climate of the desert and the presence of salts.

Princess of docking 2500 years

In 1993, Novosibirsk archaeologists, who studied the Kurgan Ak-Alaha on the dock plate, discovered the mummy of the girl about 25 years. The body lay on his side, legs bent. Well preserved clothes: a shirt made of Chinese silk, a woolen skirt, a fur coat and stockings-boots from felt.

The appearance of mummy indicated a peculiar fashion of those times: a wig from horse-haired, hands and shoulders are covered with numerous tattoos on the colors and shoulders. In particular, on the left shoulder, a fantastic deer with the beak of Griffin and the horns of Capricorn is a sacral altai symbol.

All signs indicated the burial belonging to the Scythian Pazyryk culture, common in Altai 2500 years ago. The local population requires a bury the girl, which the Altaians call Ak-Kadyn (White Mrs.), and journalists - the princess of docking.

They argue that the mummy guarded the "Zev Earth" - entrance to the underground kingdom, which is now when it is located in the National Museum of Anokhin, remains open, and it is for this reason natural disasters occur in the Altai in the last two decades. According to the latest research of Siberian scientists, Princess of Ukok died of breast cancer.

Person from Tolland over 2300 years

In 1950, residents of the Danish village of Topund mined a peat in a swamp and at the depth of 2.5 m found a corpse of a man with the trails of violent death. The corpse looked fresh, and the Danes immediately declared the police. However, the police have already been heard about the marsh people (the bodies of ancient people have repeatedly found on the peat bees of Northern Europe) and appealed to scientists.

Sooner, a person from Tolutund (as it was called later) delivered in a wooden box to the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen. The study revealed that this 40-year-old man was heightened 162 cm lived in the IV century BC. e. And died of choking. Not only his head survived, but also internal organs: liver, lungs, heart and brain.

Now the head of Mummy is exhibited in the city museum of Silkeborg with the body of the mannequin (own - not survived): On the face you can see the bristles and the smallest wrinkles. This is the most well-preserved person from the Iron Age: he looks like not died, but fell asleep. In total, more than 1000 ancient people were discovered in peat swamps of Europe.

Ice Virgo 500 years

In 1999, on the border of Argentina and Chile in the ice of the Volcano Lewlyillo at an altitude of 6706 m, the body of a teenage girl from the Inca tribe was found - she looked as if she had died a couple of weeks ago. Scientists have established that this girl is 13-15 years old, which was named Ice Maiden, was killed by a stupid strike on the head half a thousand years ago, becoming a victim of a religious rite.

Due to its low temperature, its body and hair are perfectly preserved on a par with clothes and cults of a cult - there were some bowls with food, gold and silver figurines, an unusual headdress from white feathers of an unknown bird. The bodies of two more victims of the Incas - Girls and Boy 6-7 years old were also discovered.

In the course of the study, scientists found out that children were preparing for a cult for a long time, refilling elite products (meat Lam and Mais), picholi cocaine and alcohol. According to historians, the Inca chose the most beautiful children for rituals. The Ice Virgin Medicas diagnosed the initial stage of tuberculosis. The mummies of the Children of the Inca are exhibited at the Museum of the Archeology of Highlands in the city of Salta in Argentina.

Petrified miner about 360 years

In 1719, the Swedish Rudokoves found the body of their colleague in the depths of the mine in the city of Falun. The young man looked like died recently, but none of the miners could identify it. At the end, a mass of zooak came to look at the deceased, and in the end the corpse was identified: an elderly woman with bitterness recognized her groom - Mats of Israelsson, who disappeared 42 years ago (!).

Outdoors, the corpse was firm as a stone - such properties gave him a vitrios who soaked the body and clothing of the rudop. Miners did not know what to do with Nakhodka: to consider it mineral and give it to the museum or buried as a person. As a result, the petrified miner was placed on the review, but over time began to deteriorate and decompose because of the evaporation of the vapor.

In 1749, Mats Israelsson was buried in the church, however, in the 1860s, during the repair of the Rudop, they again dug off and another 70 years have shown the public. Only in 1930, the petrified miner finally gained peace on the church cemetery in Falun. The fate of the failed bridegroom and his bride formed the basis of the story of Hoffmann "Falun Mines".

The conqueror of the Arctic 189 years

In 1845, the expedition under the command of the polar explorer John Franklin went on two courts to the northern coast of Canada to explore the North-West passage connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

All 129 people disappeared without a trace. During the search operations in 1850, three graves were discovered on the island of Beech. When the ice was finally opened and molded them (this happened only in 1981) - it turned out that the bodies were perfectly preserved due to the conditions of permafrost.

A snapshot of one of the departed - the British Kochgar John Torrington from Manchester - sheltered all publications in the early 1980s and inspired James Taylor to write the song The Frozen Man. Scientists found that the fireman died of pneumonia, burdened by lead poisoning.

Sleeping Beauty 96 years

In Palermo on Sicily, there is one of the most famous exhibitions of Mummiy - Catacombs of Capuchins. Here from 1599, the Italian elite was buried: clergy, aristocracy, politicians. They rest in the form of skeletons, mummies and harnessed bodies - only more than 8,000 deceased. The girl Rosalia Lombardo was buried the very latter.

She died of lung inflammation in 1920, without surviving seven days before his biennium. The father killed by Hormed asked the famous Balmoger Alfredo Salafius to preserve her body from Tlen. After almost a hundred years, the girl, as if sleeping beauty, lies with a slightly open eyes in the chapel of St. Rosalia. Scientists recognize that this is one of the best odds of embalming.

Ancient Egypt, probably the most famous civilization of the ancient world. The people who lived on the banks of the Nile for a thousand years before our era, had its own distinctive pantheon of the gods and a rich culture. In the philistine consciousness with ancient Egypt, the Mummy of Pharaohs, which attract interest in their mystery and belonging to the cult of death are most connected.

Mummification value

The ancient Egyptians believed that after the death, a person goes to the afterlife. Therefore, the bodies of the richest and influential inhabitants of the country after death were necessarily mummification. It was done with Pharaohs, Supreme Priests, Aristocrats. The processing process of the corpse was full of different subtleties, which were known only in ancient Egypt.

Superval inhabitants of the African country believed that the mummies of Pharaohs help their owners would be easily headed into the afterlife. In the mass consciousness there was a sustainable opinion that the rulers have divine origins, it made their connection with supernatural phenomena even closer. Mummy Pharaohs were buried in special tombs - pyramids. This architecture style was a unique Egyptian invention, which became unprecedented innovation in the ancient world. Neither in the Mediterranean, nor in the interfluve nothing like that did not build anything then. The most famous are the pyramids of Giza.

Mummification process

Mummification was considered a lot of chosen, but in fact it could be bought if a person wanted to secure a relaxed stay in the afterlife, and also if he had enough money for this. But there were also procedures available to the pharaohs and members of their family. For example, only their organs were placed in special vessels (canopas). For this, the body of the deceased was cut in a special way. The holes were filled with oil, which merged in a few days. The masters who were engaged in mummification were privileged members of society. They were known inaccessible to other science of embalming. For the centuries of the existence of the Egyptian civilization, these secrets did not become known to other peoples, for example, Sumerians.

The organs in the vessels were kept next to the mummy sarcophag. The secrets of Pharaohs buried along with their bodies. All personal belongings were placed in the tomb, which, on the religious conviction of the ancient Egyptians, in the future, also regularly served the owners in the other world. The same was with the authorities who had to return to the pharaohs when they would be on the other side of being.

Treatment of mummy

The processed body was dried, which could continue up to 40 days. The procedure allowed him to be preserved for many years. In order for the body does not lose its form from natural processes, it was filled with a special solution, which also contained sodium. Required substances of balsamizers mined on the banks of the Nile, which was the sacred river of the entire civilization.

The Mummy of Egypt Pharaohs was also treated with cosmetologists and hairdressers. At the last stage, the body was covered with special oil from wax, resin and other natural ingredients. Finally, the corpse was wrapped by bandages and was placed in the sarcophagus, where the mask was put on it. In total, the process of mummification occupied about 70 days and included the work of a dozen man. The secret craft trained the priests of the cult of disclosure it was impossible. Violators of the law waited for the death penalty.

Tsari Valley

Together with the mummy in the tomb he also buried all the property of the deceased: decorations, furniture, gold, as well as chariots, which were generally a symbol of belonging to the main social layer. Members of one family, as a rule, had their own tomb, which became a family crypt. Archaeologists find several mummies in such pyramids. There were sacred places where there were especially many pyramids. They were in the south of Egypt. This is the valley of the kings, as well as the valley of the king. Representatives of several dynasties that rule the ancient state found their peace here.

There was a city of hair. It is in his place that the famous valley of the kings is located. This is an extensive necropolis in which many Mums of Pharaohs were kept. The valley was discovered almost by chance by scientists with raas during their expedition in 1871. Since then, the work of archaeologists here did not stop for one day.


One of the most famous is the mummy he ruled Egypt in the XXVI century BC. e. His figure was known to antique historians, including Herodota. This fact suggests that this pharaoh was indeed great even compared to his predecessors and successors, because the names of many pharaohs were not preserved at all in any historical source.

Heops was a despot, having sternly carrying his filed for any emboss. He was merciless to his enemies. Such a character was familiar to whose power, as contemporaries believed, came from the gods, which gave the pharaohs of the map-blanche on any whims. At the same time, the people did not try to resist. Heops also became known for fought on the Sinai Peninsula against Bedouins.

The Pyramid of Cheops

But the greatest achievement of this pharaoh is precisely the pyramid, which was built for his own mummy. The rulers of Egypt were preparing for their death in advance. In the life of Pharaoh, the construction of his pyramid began, where he had to find eternal peace. Not an exception in this rule was Hopec.

However, his pyramid was struck by its sizes of all contemporaries and distant descendants. It was included in the list of 7 ancient wonders of the world and remains the only monument from this list that existed to the present day.

Cult complex in Giza

The lost mummy of the Egyptian Pharaoh was kept inside a huge maze of corridors inside the structure height of 137 meters. This figure broke only at the end of the XIX century, when the Eiffel Tower appeared in Paris. Heops chose his tomb himself. They became a plateau on the territory of the modern city of Giza. In his era, it was the northern region of the cemetery of ancient Memphis - the capital of Egypt.

Together with the pyramid, a large Sphinx monumental sculpture was created, which is known to the world no worse than the pyramid itself. HEOPS expected that over time, a whole range of ritual structures devoted to his dynasty will appear in this place.

Ramses II.

Another great pharaoh of Egypt was Ramses II. He ruled almost all his long life (1279-1213 BC. E.). His name entered the story due to a number of military campaigns against neighbors. The most famous conflict with hitts. Ramses built a lot in life. He founded several cities, most of which were named by his name.

It was a ruler who changed and transformed an ancient Egypt. Mummy Pharaohs often became objects of hunting of heads. It did not exception the tomb of Ramses II. Egypt's priests ensured that the royal necropolis remain intact. While ancient civilization still existed, the body of this ruler was reburied several times. At first, Mummy Pharaoh Ramses was placed in the crypt of his own father. It is not known exactly when he was plundered, but as a result, the priests found a new place for the body. They became a carefully hidden cache, who belonged to Pharaoh Herihore. There were also placed mummies from other tomb robbed robberies. These were the bodies of Tutamos III and Ramses III.

Fighting robbers graves

The cache was discovered only in the XIX century. At first he found Arab robbers graves. In those era, it was a profitable business, since in African sands there were still many treasures that were sold for a good price at European as a rule, robbers are interested in treasures and precious stones, and not the mummy of Egypt's pharaohs. Photos of ruined graves confirm this trend.

However, in the XIX century, Egypt's authorities created a special ministry, which tracked the illegal trade in antiquities. Soon the source of jewels was discovered. So in 1881, the untouched Mummy Ramses was in the hands of scientists. Since then, she has been kept in various museums. Studying it, researchers around the world still receive new information about the mummification. In 1975, the remains were subjected to a unique conservation procedure, which allowed to preserve the surviving artifact of the past.

Such a case is extreme good luck for the scientific community. As a rule, when they detect a new tomb, nothing remains in it, including mummies. The secrets of the pharaohs and their wealth over the centuries have attracted as adventurers and merchants.


Mummy Tutankhamon is most famous in popular culture. This pharaoh of rules at a young age from 1332 to 1323 BC. e. He died at the age of 20. During his lifetime, he did not stand out in the series of his predecessors and successors. His name became known due to the fact that his tomb was not touched by ancient marauders.

Modern scientific research of mummy allowed to study in detail the circumstances of the death of the young man. Prior to that, it was for the opinion that Tutankhamon was forcibly killed by his regent. However, this is not confirmed by the Mummy of Pharaoh Egypt. The pyramid in which she was kept was full of flasks with a medicine from malaria. A modern analysis of DNA did not rule out the version that the young man had a severe ailment, because of which he died prematurely.

When the team of archaeologists discovered the crypt in 1922, he was full of all kinds of unique artifacts. It was the tomb of Tutankhamon that allowed modern science to recreate the situation in which the Mummy of the Pharaohs of Egypt was buried. The photo of the tomb immediately penetrated into Western seal and became a sensation.

Curse of Pharaoh

Another hype around Tutankhamon's tombs began when Lord George Karnavon unexpectedly died, who financed the study of a distant find. The Englishman died in the Cairo hotel shortly after the ancient crypt was opened. The press immediately picked up this plot. Soon there were new dead associated with the archaeological expedition. In print, rumors were crawling about the fact that there is a curse that fell on the heads of those who penetrate the tomb.

The popular point of view was the idea that the source of evil was Mummy Pharaoh. The photos of the dead fell into widely replicable necrologists. Over time, there were refutations that developed the myth of the curse. Nevertheless, the legend has become a popular plot of Western culture. In the XX century, several artistic films dedicated to the curse were shot.

To a large extent, thanks to them, the topic of ancient Egypt has gained popularity among the widest public. Any news in which one mummy appears well-known. The tomb of Pharaohs, which would be whole and untouched and was not found since the days of the find of Tutankhamon.

The mummy is called the body of a living being specially treated with a chemical substance, which slows down the process of tissue decomposition. Mummy stored hundreds and even thousands of years, carrying the history of our ancestors, their customs and appearance. On the one hand, the mummy look terribly terrible, there are goosebumps on the skin run from one glance, on the other hand, they keep in themselves the most interesting story of the ancient world. We have compiled a list of the 13 most terrible and at the same time of the most interesting mummies, ever found in the world:

13. Mummy Mumi Guanajuato, Mexico

Photo 13. Mummy Guanajuato Museum - 59 Mums died in the exposition, who died in 1850-1950 []

Mummy Guanajuato Museum in Mexico is one of the strangest and terrible in the world, about 111 mums were collected here (59 of which were exhibited), died in the period from 1850 to 1950. Distorted expressions of persons on some mumers indicate that they were buried alive. Every year, the museum attend hundreds of thousands of tourists.

12. Mummy kid in the town of Qilakitsoq, Greenland

Photo 12. Mummy of the 6-month Boy in Greenland (Place Qilakitsoq) [Choffa]

Another example of live graves - the photo presents a 6-month boy found in Greenland. Nearby 3 more mummies of women were found, perhaps one of them is a boy's mother, together with which he was buried alive (in the Eskimo customs of that time). Mummy dated 1460 year. Thanks to the ice climate of Greenland, the clothing of that time has been well preserved. A total of 78 copies of clothes made from animal skins, such as seal and deer were found. On adults there were small tattoos, but the child's face is just horror!

11. Rosalia Lombardo, Italy

Photo 11. 2-year-old girl who died in 1920 from pneumonia [Maria Lo Sposo]

Little Rosalia was only 2 years old when she died from pneumonia in 1920 in Palermo (Sicily). A saddled father instructed the well-known alfred salfia to mummify the body of Rosalia Lombardo.

10. Mummy with painted face, Egypt

Photo 10. Mummy from Egypt is presented in the British Museum [Klafubra]

When we think about mums, the first thing that comes to mind is Egypt. Many films have been delivered with the participation of these preserved corpses, which are tied in bandages return to life, attacking civilians. The photo presents one of the typical representatives of the mummies (the exhibit is exhibited at the exhibition in the British Museum).

9. Christian Friedrich von Kalbutz, Germany

Photo 9. Knight Christian, Germany [B. Schroeren]

The photo shows the German Knight Christian, the halo of mystery surrounds this terrible view of the mummy.

8. Ramses II, Egypt

Photo 8. Mummy of Egyptian Pharaoh - Ramses of the Great [THUTMOSEII]

The mummy presented in the photo belongs to Pharaoh Ramsesu II (Ramses Great), who died in 1213 BC And is one of the most famous Egyptian pharaohs. It is believed that he was the ruler of Egypt during the time of Moses, and is represented in many artworks. One of the distinctive features of the mummy is the presence of red hair, symbolizing the connection with the God of Seth - the patron saint of the royal power.

7. Woman of the city of Skrydstrup, Denmark

Photo 7. Mummy girls 18-19 years old, Denmark [SVEN ROSBORN]

Mummy women 18-19 years old, Zahoronneng in Denmark in 1300 BC. By her clothes and jewelry, it can be assumed that it belonged to the family of the leader. The girl was buried in the coffin of oak, so her body and clothes are surprisingly well preserved.

6. Ginger, Egypt

Photo 6. Mummy of the Egyptian adult man [jack1956]

Mummy Ginger "Ginger" is the Egyptian mummy of an adult man who died more than 5,000 years ago and was a funeral in the sand in the desert (at that time the Egyptians had not yet begun to mummifing corpses).

5. Man Gallach, Ireland

Photo 5. Man Gallagh, buried in a swamp [Mark J Healey]

This strange kind of mummy, known as a gallium man (Gallagh), was discovered in a swamp in Ireland in 1821. The man was buried in a swamp in a raincoat with a fragment of the willow branch around the neck. Some researchers believe that it may be strangled.

4. Man Rendswywren, Germany

Photo 4. Fucking Randswires Bog [Bullenwächter]

Randswühren Marsh Man, like a galluhi man, was found in a swamp, this time in Germany in 1871. The man was 40-50 years old, believe that he was beaten to death, the body was found in the 19th century.

3. Network I - Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt

Photo 3. Networks I - Egyptian Pharaoh in the tomb. [Underwood and Underwood]

Network I rules in 1290-1279 g BC Mummy Pharaoh was buried in the Egyptian tomb. The Egyptians were experienced balsamers, so we can observe their work in our time.

2. Princess Dock, Altai

Photo 2. Mummy Princess Ukok [