Advertising business - where to start? How to open an advertising agency.

Advertising business - where to start? How to open an advertising agency.
Advertising business - where to start? How to open an advertising agency.

Small advertising agencies (2-3 people) engaged in intermediary services, it is rare to survive on the market among confident competitors (large advertising agencies). Therefore, for a more stable business, it is worth thinking about the introduction of its individual product. Namely: to develop a unique trademark, corporate identity, BTL, IVENT-Marketing.

How to open an advertising agency

Searches for the room

By and large, the appearance of the premises for the advertising agency does not matter much, as basically, the essence of the work will consist only in telephone conversations and some paper movements. But if you want to impress the partners (after all, sometimes they still come for confronteral negotiations), it is worth taking care of a decent office.

Office equipment

The most needed that you need to work for the advertising agency is a computer, scanner, printer, a copy machine. Special importance to share the technique for creative and technical designer. Their PCs should be equipped with professional software to perform quality work. Next, you should take care of multichannel telephone numbers, a local network and the Internet.

Search for colleagues

  1. Two sellers;
  2. Two designers;
  3. Specialist in creative concept (creeter);
  4. Professional in the field of media money;
  5. Director.

For unique and rare work, attract freelancers, as a regular creative one starts working on a stamp, losing the spirit of fantasy, and in the specifics of the advertising agency need fresh, brilliant ideas and templates are unacceptable. As for sales managers, they usually make them up from the salary and the percentage of attracting customers. The allowance will depend on the profitability and scale of orders.

Another type of advertising business device

If your business is aimed at creating a unique proprietary style of the advertising agency, then in this case it will be relevant to cooperate only with freelancers. And on a permanent job, only managers - Ekkanut director, art director, creative director who will deal with the embodiment and generation of ideas.

Promotion of services

Communication, links and once again connections! It will be profitable for you to hire an employee "with connections". In this case, it will provide an advertising agency for the flow of orders (up to 70%). Device the first year of work to develop a portfolio, reputation, focus on medium and small business. The means for their own promotion of the advertising agency can serve as specialized media directories. Such publications are often small firms to search for advertising.

Direct sales are good in the case when your company provides a unique service, in other cases, direct sales, as a rule, cause aggression.

Payback agency

Creative is the basic condition for the successful work of the advertising agency, that is, the development of extraordinary logos, banners, unique markets. This will bring 40% of success.

The price for your services will be driving from the client itself and from your acting abilities. After all, you, roughly speaking, sell air, and the price can be installed completely different. Everything envies you.

Small advertising agencies for their services ask about such a fee: creating a logo from 30,000 rubles, corporate identity - from 70,000 rubles, scenario - from 12,000 rubles. Placing an advertising market in a magazine - from 12,000 rubles, the original market - from 25,000 rubles, the markets of the shield - from 8,000 rubles. These are approximate prices that do not have the top plank.

In the first stages do not neglect small orders. Such transactions will strengthen your reputation and build relationships with enterprises. Try to establish connections with the directors of sales services, because it often happens that on the price list the discount is indicated 15%, and after personal positive contact with the sales director you can get a 25% discount.

Than the advertising budget will be more, the more profitable for the customer's office. Therefore, large advertising agencies receive big budgets and is small difficult to compete with them. The yield from small orders does not exceed 20-25%, the largest is about 40%.

And the last, for successful and profitable activities, it will be necessary to first work "Thank you" by a consuming by a consuming with a creative train, to consolidate a good reputation, get a clientele and only after that you can try to become a businessman and earn money on the advertising agency.

Advertising business is an interesting and profitable field of entrepreneurship. The article will deal with what is necessary to open an advertising agency from scratch, as well as consider the benefits of buying a finished business and franchise.

Open an advertising agency from scratch

First stage - preparatory.

First decide with the type of agency. You will:

  • Work one profile (for example, manufacture and placement of outdoor advertising)
  • Offer a full range of services (from advertising to help with promotion)
  • Perform a mediator between the client, manufacturers and distributors

After that, learn the competitors: their advantages and disadvantages, spectrum and the cost of services, advertising policies.

Then calculate how much money you need to open an advertising agency. For example, the opening price of an adversible agency in St. Petersburg will develop from:

  • Rental fees (50'000 ₽ per month)
  • Foundation for wages (200'000 ₽ per month)
  • Equipment and furniture (from 100'000 ₽)
  • Repair of premises (100'000 ₽)
  • Site creation (50'000 ₽)
  • Registration of a legal entity (from 1'000 ₽)
  • Consumables (from 10'000 ₽)

Total: 511'000 ₽.

Second phase - formal. Now it's a matter of searching for the premises and the design of the necessary securities.

It is better that the office of the advertising agency is located in the city center - so clients will be easier to find you. It is important at first glance to produce a good impression. Therefore, take care of the modern repairs and convenience of visitors - proximity to public transport, parking, expectation zone.

  • Registration as an IP or LLC
  • Confirmation of payment of state duty (800 rubles for IP, 6'500 rubles for LLC)

In addition, if you intend to work like ohth, you will have to pay 1/2 of the authorized capital (at least 10'000 rubles).

  • Computers
  • Plotter
  • Tablet for designer
  • Projector for presentations

Fourth stage - organizational. Employees are the face of the company. To their selection should be suitable with full responsibility. You will need:

  • Accountant
  • Lawyer
  • Marketer
  • Designer
  • Seller
  • Creative copywriter

Also, if you are not ready to do it yourself, it is necessary to hire the director, which will conclude contracts with customers and counterparties.

After passing the main stages get on site creation your company. Now every self-respecting organization has an official representation on the Internet - so potential customers will be easier to find you.

Advertising agency: Ready business and franchise

Purchase acting advertising agency will save you strength and money on business organization. You do not have to pass the above steps. Immediately after the conclusion of the transaction, you will become the owner of the finished company - with a room, equipment, staff, customer base, and ideally - with contracts and an excellent reputation.

But it is important to understand that the owners are rarely broken up with a business that consistently brings profit and does not require investments. When buying a working advertising agency, you need to be prepared for stubborn work and losses in the first months of work.

Opening advertising agency for franchise - The most convenient option for a beginner in business. The franchisor will provide you with comprehensive support: from equipment, training materials on the management of the company and development strategy to advertising support. And customers willingly go to the agency working under a well-known brand.

With the right organization, the advertising agency can become a profitable business. But it is difficult to achieve success in this area because of great competition. It is necessary not only to provide quality services, but also to work carefully on their reputation, offering exclusive products and develop a profitable tariff policy.

It often happens that a person becomes a kind of stone as in a good Russian fairy tale about Bogatira Ilyosh Muromets. But in modern performance, he does not offer us to go to different directions and something to lose. Now there is a question otherwise: where to go, in order to purchase?

Many people stood before this stone and made their choice. Or go to work on Uncle and try on the strap of Burlaka, or build your barge in the future, that others will drag.

And we all make a step in the direction you need, with dreams about the bright future. Suppose you decided to build your own barge. You already see how her snow-white boards shine, setting not only passengers, that is, customers, but also those of the most burlakov who will spark this wear on their shoulders and will drag it gratefully smiling.

Presented? And now forget. After your dreams dispel and you look around yourself, you will understand one truth: there are no barges, and there is no one to build it.

There are only you and your dreams, which, by the way, can become a reality. Provided that you are not afraid and begin to work without donating hands over your brainchild.

To begin with, you should choose where this barge sails? If you have good communication skills, you can easily rub the people in trust and you have full creative ideas, you should go to the ocean advertising. It is there that all this will come in handy.

It is there that you will feel like a fish in water and a captain on the ship. But where to start? After all, now where they do not spit, then you will go to the advertising agency. But on this occasion is not worth worrying after all, they are the same market players as you. They have the same problems and similar concerns.

Well, except that they have more experience, and they have already been given in the market. But this is a big deal, the main thing is to start, and then everything will go as planned. After all, small fish is enough for everyone, and whale will learn to catch with time.

For many, there will be a discovery that 98% of the companies in the market are baeis. That is, they, like you have nothing. They occupy their place between the customer and the owner's company. Simply put, they are banal intermediaries. But why the client does not go straight, you ask?

The whole secret is that a discount of 20-25% of the cost of the service was harvested for bars. It is for this difference that your barge will exist.

What do you need to start

To date, the fastest way to raise your advertising agency to your feet is to start selling big boards. Advertisers are called planes.

Standard size of a similar plane is 3 * 6 meters. It is them that you see when you eat to work or just strolle the street. It is these structures that all the cities of our beautiful country are stuck.

So that you do not doubt my words, I can give an example. Even in the village of Urban Type in the Kherson region, with a population of 12,000 people there are 4 planes.

Who are they needed there? Yes, everyone who wants to place their advertisement, from a small shop with clothes to a banal cheburchny. After all, the cost of this plane is 120 cu. per month and for medium businesses is not a big amount.

But you should not think that all planes are such a penny. In regional centers, their cost can reach 300 ya. And in the capital all 600.

It all depends on the city and the place where this plane is worth. The price of this plane assigns the owner itself and can regulate it freely.

But there is not a vowel rule, prices on the plane change once in a half of the year, if such a need arises and change immediately by all operators evenly. But this you will already understand over time when you yourself come across this situation.

You can step up the entire Internet in search of operators of this market, but much more reliable will ride around the city and look at these borders. Each of them will include contact information with the name of the owner's company.

Your task to collect this information and come to contact with the owners of the planes. And you should know the difference between Cheburashka and Prism. Does it say anything to you? Then do not regret the time and look at the terminology and type of planes.

Schedule meetings with each of them in their office. You must make a positive impression and try to snatch from them the best conditions. After all, it will be from this that will depend on how much a good price will offer your customers.

You can compose on the go about your far-reaching plans and that you already have a couple of thick customers, and they are interested in accommodating precisely on their planes. The main thing is to involve "in yourself", and then you can already get out of any situation.

You have already gathered the base of operators and are ready to go into battle. But it was not there, because most customers ask the development of a mockup under the board.

For you, this will not be a problem if you have a designer's skill and have experience in this matter. But I do not believe it, and that is why you will need a designer who will deal with the development of burgundy layouts.

This does not mean that you should take him to the staff, quite agreed with a freelancer about piece wage. The cost claimed by operators per layout on average from 100 cu Freelancer takes 60 cu. Here you and 40 cu. Earning on the layout.

But if you find a freelancer from remote regions of our Motherland, the cost of work will reach 30 USD. It turns out the farther, the cheaper. After all, people in those parts work are not spoiled and we are in hand.

And so you have operators, and there is a designer. It seems everything is ready to nail money. But here is not so smooth. Who are you, what would you go to you right away?

Now your main task is to attract as much customers as possible and it is the most difficult thing in this business.

Attracting customers

But I will tell you several ways to promote without investing.

Sarafan radio

Your task is to notify all your friends and acquaintances, and those turn on their friends. Simply put, everything should be told about you, but this does not mean that they should run around the city and "throat" in the eyes in the eyes.

No, very often an innocent conversation between two buddies may end with the recommendation of your agency. But you should not wait that the result will come instantly, it is a long and tedious process.

First you find the contact details of all furniture stores and salons in your city. This is a tedious and long lesson, but it needs to be done. You write their name, addresses, phone numbers and email. After that, you must think in detail what and how to offer them.

It is best to make a colorful presentation in Word and after conclusted it in PDF. He weighs less and looks more beautiful. Your presentation should be not very big and not dry, dilute it with bright images and a juicy back background.

You can put a couple of photos of successful planes with colorful advertising. Do not care what is not yours, who will be there? And remember that only one return reaction can enter 500 letters. So do not be very disappointed.

Board of announcements

Your task to select 70-80 free classifieds. Develop 4-5 variations of your advertising text and place at least once a week. Every week the text should be changed. Your ads should always be in the top, and fade before your eyes.

I repeat, it should be done weekly. For 3-4 months, after this period, it is possible to post every 2 weeks. If you work on this scrupulously and constantly, then the first cream you will receive in 3 months. It was then that calls for you. But it is just to stop how your incoming calls will decline until they do not die at all.

Performing these three points, you will not be hungry. And a couple of new customers will always come to you.

You should not forget that advertisers are universal than united beards, connect advertising and souvenir products to your business, creating and optimizing Internet sites. All this will bring you your income, the main thing to put it all on your feet.

And after the expiration of time, your company will already be recognized, and take as a serious player in the advertising market. After all, everything is not in good luck, but in desire and calculation. That is how nice to work with you, and not with your competitors.

I perfectly understood that in our age of informational overload, the future behind this business, because Ordinary advertising no longer works and learn positions. People perceive the information in which they see real benefits or benefit for themselves, the rest is just ignored. Therefore, I decided to organize an advertising business is not standard, but to use a completely new approach to advertising - "advertising without advertising", in which there are no competitors at all.

I decided to implement this idea in the form of the issue of the publication of narrow thematic advertising brochures, where all the necessary information was collected on a certain issue and filed in the form of articles, advice and interviews with advertisers offering services and products for this category of buyers.

I decided so decided! Immediately began to act! The first issue I decided to devote to the issue of buying real estate and solving all issues, with this related (design, repair, moving, insurance, interior, etc.), because There was experience in real estate in his (friend) city.

First, I agreed with the real estate agency so that they distributed it for free among their customers. Well, of course, using my experience, I added different marketing acceptors there in order to interest readers))) As a result, it turned out a very cool brochure. All satisfied: both realtors, and advertisers and, first of all, customers readers!

Now about expenses: Yes, I completely forgot to say that I did not invest my money at all! (If you do not take the little things: money on the phone, printing of commercial offers, and on passing to potential advertisers) Even IP did not make it first, who needed a contract, and payment on non-cash, I agreed with the director of this an en in order to spend through them, The rest paid for cash, under receipt of the passport.

I had to apply all my charm and the power of conviction, but still it turned out to be easier than I draw my imagination on the eve))))

So, about the release: printing of circulation (5,000 copies), payment of designer, layout, etc. - It's all with money received from advertisers. The release was published in 2 months, my net profit was more than 200,000 rubles.

Although I dragged, I wanted to release in 1 month, but advertisers got more (and this is more work on writing articles, layout design, coordination, etc.) But I understood all my mistakes. Analyzed the experience, calculated the perspective, and, inspired, I decided to publish such issues to different topics.

The next was already 15,000 copies. on the topic for tourists, because I live in the resort town. Given your mistakes in the past issue, and with experience it was easier. The second issue brought about 300,000 rubles net profit, but I had an assistant (therefore, the consumption of his s / n - more than 70,000 rubles was added! So he herself earned, and man helped to earn !!!).

It would be possible to just continue to release it, and be satisfied, but I did not stop at this stage. I went further: described in detail the whole process - from the idea to the distribution of the circulation. Developed a step-by-step technique, all materials worked: com. Suggestions, Excel-table calculations, schemes, competitive advantages over a regular magazine, texts of working out the objections of advertiser customers, etc., tried to take into account all before the smallest detail in order to turn the whole process into a full-fledged operating system.

Minds joined me, now a whole team of professionals, everyone in their business. Thus, a business has been formed, and we have prepared a business package for business replication that even newcomers can embody. Something like that…

Who was interested in such a business, with pleasure to learn and help to establish in your region. Write: [Email Protected]

I used to do not engaged in self-education at all, and at first training courses at the university read books only within the framework of the curriculum, but they were rather boring. Time went, and gradually it became interesting to read business magazines. At first it was financial journals. For example, Kommersant. But then the magazines "The Secret of the Company", "Company" appeared, and they raised the desire to certainly open their job. Thanks to the knowledge I received from articles in these magazines, on 4-5 years I have already shone with special knowledge before the audience, surprising my classmates and teachers. It is the magazines who became my first tools of self-education. Thanks to them, I finished the last courses almost "perfectly". And went, went ...

Then I found out about the famous books "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", "Cash Flow Quadrant". They made a strong impression on me. Later began to play on the computer in the legendary game "". Then I was interested in audiobooks on psychology and personal growth. I began to listen to the seminars of Vladimir Dobugan, the audiobook "Think and Rich", the books of John Maxwell "21 irrefutable law of leadership" and others.

By the way, I recommend listening to the seminars of great people in English with a synchronous translation into Russian. Here you can immediately "kill two hares": and the knowledge is good to get English tighten. This knowledge is helped by me and now in my advertising business.

After graduating from the university, he began to write a dissertation, and, having a certain amount of free time, began to study CorelDraw and Photoshop graphic programs. At that time I just liked to draw.

Probably, this is my passion and determined the choice of the sphere of activity. Then I began to look for work in the field of advertising and sent a resume in several companies. In one of them they were invited to the interview, and so I became an advertising manager. It was a large firm that sells roofing and facade materials.

My responsibilities included the development of optimal advertising solutions for the company and search for contractors for their implementation. At that time, the advertisement was Nova for me, and had to be mastered very quickly in it to become a truly competent specialist. I went to it six months. I learned what materials it is more profitable to use to solve certain objectives where and what to buy cheaper, in general, studied the market. Somewhere at this stage has already become an emergence in the future to open its advertising agency.

After some time, friends, familiar and relatives with requests to make them advertising began to contact me. They were my first customers who became my first customers. Then I realized that I could without separation from work Have an additional income from your small business activities. I continued to work and along the way led his job. But time went and orders on the side became more and more. And one day it became clear that my business revenues began to exceed the salary and award on the main work.

That is how my work gradually turned into your own business.